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Integrative Leadership: Maximale Wirkung durch holistische Führung

by Tibor Koromzay

Dieses praxisbezogene Fachbuch Integrative Leadership erklärt, wie durch eine umfassende und integrative Perspektive eine ganzheitliche Führung ermöglicht wird, die weit über das bloße Führen von untergebenen Mitarbeitenden hinausgeht. Dadurch kann die Wirkung von Leadership massiv erhöht werden. Sie erfahren, wie verschiedene Aspekte von Leadership integral aufeinander ausgerichtet und somit Reibungsverluste vermindert werden können. Denn wer kennt dies nicht: Organisationen werden durch die Spezialisierung von Funktionen zunehmend fragmentiert. Dabei geht die Gesamtschau verloren, und es entstehen unkoordinierte Kräfte, die in verschiedene Richtungen zielen. Der Autor zeigt auf, wie diese Fragmente zu einem wirkungsvollen Ganzen zusammengefügt werden können. Basierend auf sechs Dimensionen von Leadership erhalten Sie eine Hilfestellung, um durch die Bündelung dieser Dimensionen ein Vielfaches an Wirkung zu erzielen. Dies unterstützt Sie dabei, Organisationen zu inspirierenden Orten zu machen und nachhaltige und positive Veränderungen zu generieren. Zielgruppen: Führungskräfte, Organisationsentwickler*innen, Berater*innen, Coaches, und Wirtschafts- und Organisationspsycholog*innen. Der Autor: Tibor Koromzay ist freiberuflich als Organisationsberater und Coach tätig mit den Schwerpunkten Leadership, Zusammenarbeit, Veränderung und persönliches Wachstum. Er ist Psychologe, verfügt über langjährige Führungs- und Managementerfahrung in der Industrie und langjährige Übungspraxis in Meditation und Aikido.

Integrative Medicine for Vulnerable Populations: A Clinical Guide to Working with Chronic and Comorbid Medical Disease, Mental Illness, and Addiction

by Julia Hodgson Kevin Moore Trisha Acri Glenn Jordan Treisman

This first-of-its-kind title addresses the failures of an often fragmented healthcare system in managing vulnerable patients with multiple, chronic, co-morbid conditions -- patients who are frequently unresponsive to the methods and approaches used to treat other patients with conditions that are less complicated. The book emphasizes a holistic evaluation to patient care that looks at the whole patient, providing comprehensive formulations that describe the interacting problems that afflict the patient, including elements that are barriers to effective treatment of active medical problems and barriers to recovery. The book begins by defining integrated care, discussing the types of patients who benefit from this approach and some of the models of care, including financing, barriers to acceptance, and advocacy for patients. The second section discusses the structural elements of integrated care, including the building of a team approach, issues of leadership, and role definition, as well as the authors’ experiences in overcoming some of the problems. In the remaining sections, the book discusses major complicating features of the patients seen in integrative care settings, including a description of the kinds of problems, a model for formulation of patient cases, and successful approaches to treatment of these problems. Finally, some of the real-world applications where integrative care provides better outcomes is covered, including in terms of addictions, medically complex patients, and chronic pain patients. Integrative Medicine for Vulnerable Populations - A Clinical Guide to Working with Chronic and Comorbid Medical Disease, Mental Illness, and Addiction is a major contribution to the clinical literature and will be of great interest to health care professionals, administrators, policy stakeholders, and even interested patients and patient advocates.

Integrative Mental Health Care: A Therapist's Handbook

by James Lake

Making sense of complementary and alternative treatments in mental health care. In mental health care, as in medical care, more and more clinicians are turning to unconventional assessment and treatment approaches to evaluate and treat their patients in the most effective way possible. But how is a clinician to makes sense of the range of complementary and alternative treatments (CAM), and when is it appropriate and safe to use conventional therapies alongside them? In this practical resource, Dr. Lake, a pioneer in the field of integrative mental healthcare, teaches readers how to integrate conventional mental healthcare--drugs and psychotherapy--with complementary and alternative approaches, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids and other natural products, mind-body practices, light therapy, music, biofeedback, energy therapies, acupuncture, and others. This is a concise, evidence-based guide to the day-to-day management of common mental health problems using an integrative approach.

An Integrative Paradigm for Mental Health Care: Ideas and Methods Shaping the Future

by James H. Lake

This crucial volume provides a concise overview of the conceptual foundations and clinical methods underlying the rapidly emerging subspecialty of integrative mental healthcare. It discusses methods for guiding practitioners to individualized integrative strategies that address unique symptoms and circumstances for each patient and includes practical clinical techniques for developing interventions addressed at wellness, prevention, and treatment. Included among the overview:Meeting the challenges of mental illness through integrative mental health care.Evolving paradigms and their impact on mental health careModels of consciousness: How they shape understandings of normal mental functioning and mental illnessFoundations of methodology in integrative mental health careTreatment planning in integrative mental health careThe future of mental health careA New Paradigm for Integrative Mental Healthcare is relevant and timely for the increasing numbers of patients seeking integrative and alternative care for depressed mood, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other mental health problems such as fatigue and chronic pain. “Patients are crying out for a more integrative approach, and this exemplary book provides the template for achieving such a vision.” -Jerome Sarris, MHSc, PhD, ND“For most conventionally trained clinicians the challenge is not “does CAM work?” but “how do I integrate CAM into my clinical practice?” Lake’s comprehensive approach answers this central question, enabling the clinician to plan truly integrative and effective care for the mind and body.”-Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH

Integrative Parenting: Strategies for Raising Children Affected by Attachment Trauma

by Cathy Schweitzer Debra Wesselmann Stefanie Armstrong

An accompanying parent's guide filled with effective techniques to help challenging children with traumatic pasts. Designed as a manual to complement the clinician's guide, this book is written for birth, foster, or adoptive parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents, or anyone who may be raising a child who has experienced attachment loss and trauma. Their severe behaviors can often leave caregivers feeling confused, frightened, hurt, and overwhelmed, as they struggle to make sense of a massive amount of information--and misinformation--that exists on attachment issues. This book provides understanding, validation, and solutions for these caregivers. In it, the authors explain their innovative model of "team" treatment that includes an EMDR therapist and a family therapist. Best used in conjunction with therapeutic help, it walks readers through an array of parenting strategies that will lead them to a deeper understanding of their traumatized child, and better enable them to calm their behavior and improve their attachment security so they can heal.

Integrative Pathways: Navigating Chronic Illness with a Mind-Body-Spirit Approach

by Angele McGrady Donald Moss

This expansive text offers a comprehensive mind/body/spirit framework for relieving individual patients of the debilitating effects of long-term disease while reducing the public burden of chronic illness. It introduces the patient-centered Pathways Model, featuring a robust scientific base for psychotherapy, complementary and alternative modalities, and a religious/spiritual element, in progressive levels of treatment from self-help to professional help. Chapters spotlight component skills of the model, including treatment planning, patient rapport, and choosing therapies for optimal well-being. The authors advocate for interventions ranging from lifestyle change to mindfulness, and biofeedback to pastoral counseling. In addition, in-depth case studies detail memorable patient journeys from diagnosis and referral to assessment, engagement in treatment and outcome. Among the topics covered: · Mind, body, and spirit in chronic illness.· The need for an integrative model to support comprehensive health-supportive change.· Chronic disease from a functional medicine perspective.· Mechanisms by which religious engagement and religion-based variables affect health.· Complementary and integrative medicine for the Pathways Model.· PLUS: Pathways approaches to chronic pain, caregiver stress, diabetes, mood disorders, PTSD, brain injury, heart disease, cancer, and more. Emphasizing patient individuality and clinician creativity, Integrative Pathways models a compassionate approach to lessening persistent suffering for use by health psychologists, physicians, counselors, health coaches, and other practitioners involved in complementary and integrative medicine, pain medicine, and rehabilitation. “The Pathway Model addresses what clinical researchers in the field have been calling for, a research-based approach to health and wellness that clearly explains important concepts and provides an optimal foundation from which to approach health interventions.”Patrick R. Steffen, PhD, BCB, Brigham Young University

Integrative Perinatal Counselling: The Becoming Model

by Mou Sultana

This book presents “the Becoming Model”, an integrative perinatal counselling model that provides a practical clinical framework to therapists working with those for whom the question of becoming a parent seems central. Becoming a parent changes your identity, household, worldviews, relationships, priorities and previous life goals. Based on the notion that one does not become a mother or a father overnight, rather that it is a process of “becoming”, this model provides a roadmap for therapists (psychoanalytic, behavioural, humanistic, integrative and others) looking to understand and explore their client’s experience of this transitional journey through talk-therapy. It defines the unique field of perinatal counselling, highlights major clinical considerations, presents clinical observations by drawing from real-life cases and provides the therapist with one-stop-information guides on each theme (ten) and sub-theme (40) by drawing from existing research i.e. evidence-based practice. Arguably one of the few counselling models specific to the perinatal period, this user-friendly guide, which is applicable to any modality, is designed to support psychotherapists, counsellors, nurses, midwives, and other mental health professionals working therapeutically with those who are going through the pre- or peri-natal period, or those who have experienced perinatal loss.

Integrative Play Therapy

by Charles E. Schaefer Athena A. Drewes Sue C. Bratton

An integrative approach to play therapy blending various therapeutic treatment models and techniquesReflecting the transition in the field of play therapy from a "one size fits all" approach to a more eclectic framework that integrates more than one perspective, Integrative Play Therapy explores methods for blending the best theories and treatment techniques to resolve the most common psychological disorders of childhood.Edited by internationally renowned leaders in the field, this book is the first of its kind to look at the use of a multi-theoretical framework as a foundation for practice.With discussion of integrative play treatment of children presenting a wide variety of problems and disorders-including aggression issues, the effects of trauma, ADHD, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, social skills deficits, medical issues such as HIV/AIDS, and more-the book provides guidance on: Play and group therapy approaches Child-directed play therapy with behavior management training for parents Therapist-led and child-led play therapies Cognitive-behavioral therapy with therapeutic storytelling and play therapy Family therapy and play therapy Bibliotherapy within play therapyAn essential resource for all mental health professionals looking to incorporate play therapy into treatment, Integrative Play Therapy reveals unique flexibility in integrating theory and techniques, allowing practitioners to offer their clients the best treatment for specific presenting problems.

Integrative Play Therapy with Individuals, Families and Groups

by Shlomo Ariel

Integrative Play Therapy with Individuals, Families and Groups is a complete theory-to-practice introduction to a comprehensive integrative model of play therapy, developed by Shlomo Ariel. It synthesizes numerous concepts, methods and techniques found in the various branches of play theory and research under a unified conceptual and linguistic roof of information-processing, cybernetics and semiotics. The author's tenet is that any case, whatever the presenting difficulties, can be treated by such an integrative, multi-systemic approach. This book abounds with vivid observations and case descriptions, followed by discussions in a fictional inter-disciplinary seminar. Every chapter is followed by a brief summary, homework assignments and a classified list of relevant publications. Integrative Play Therapy with Individuals, Families and Groups will generate immense interest throughout the play therapy community. It can serve as a textbook for budding play therapists and as a reference book for more experienced practitioners.

Integrative Processes and Socialization: Early To Middle Childhood

by James E. Johnson Thomas D. Yawkey

This book provides insight into the complex nature of socialization and development by exploring the interrelations among such topics as play, diet, social cognition, self-concept, friendship, family, and school. This book also examines the contributions and impact of intrapersonal and interpersonal integration on a child's psychological development from early to middle childhood levels.

Integrative psychische Gesundheitsversorgung: Grundlagen, Theorie und klinische Anwendungen

by James H. Lake

Dieser wichtige Band bietet einen prägnanten Überblick über die konzeptionellen Grundlagen und klinischen Methoden, die der schnell entstehenden Subspezialität der integrativen psychischen Gesundheitspflege zugrunde liegen. Es werden Methoden erörtert, die Praktiker zu individualisierten integrativen Strategien anleiten, die sich mit den einzigartigen Symptomen und Umständen jedes einzelnen Patienten befassen, und es enthält praktische klinische Techniken zur Entwicklung von Interventionen, die auf Wohlbefinden, Prävention und Behandlung ausgerichtet sind.In der Übersicht enthalten:· Bewältigung der Herausforderungen psychischer Erkrankungen durch integrative psychiatrische Versorgung.· Sich verändernde Paradigmen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die psychische Gesundheitsversorgung· Modelle des Bewusstseins: Wie sie das Verständnis von normaler psychischer Funktion und psychischer Krankheit prägen· Methodische Grundlagen der integrativen psychiatrischen Versorgung· Behandlungsplanung in der integrativen psychiatrischen Versorgung· Die Zukunft der psychischen GesundheitspflegeA New Paradigm for Integrative Mental Healthcare (Ein neues Paradigma für die integrative psychische Gesundheitspflege) ist für die wachsende Zahl von Patienten, die eine integrative und alternative Behandlung für depressive Verstimmungen, Angstzustände, ADHS, bipolare Störungen, Schizophrenie und andere psychische Gesundheitsprobleme wie Müdigkeit und chronische Schmerzen suchen, relevant und zeitgemäß."Die Patienten schreien nach einem integrativen Ansatz, und dieses beispielhafte Buch liefertdie Vorlage für die Verwirklichung einer solchen Vision." -Jerome Sarris, MHSc, PhD, ND"Für die meisten konventionell ausgebildeten Kliniker besteht die Herausforderung nicht in der Frage "Funktioniert die Alternativmedizin?", sondern "Wie integriere ich die Alternativmedizin in meine klinische Praxis?" Lakes umfassender Ansatz beantwortet diese zentrale Frage und befähigt den Kliniker, eine wirklich integrative und effektive Pflege für Geist und Körper zu planen." -Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH

Integrative Psychology: A STUDY OF UNIT RESPONSE (International Library Of Psychology Ser.)

by Marston, William M & King, C Daly & Marston, Elizabeth H

First Published in 1999. This text is the author's attempt to orgnaise the field of psychology for students. This volume make a critical examination of various psychological and semi-pstchological attempts to classify fundamental human activities; and thereafter attempts to postulate elementary behaviour units which may serve psychology precisely as the atom and electron have served in chemistry.

Integrative Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Autism Spectrum Conditions: Working with Hearts of Glass

by David Moat

People on the autism spectrum often present with symptoms indicating poor self-awareness or hyper-awareness, low self-esteem, depression and difficulty connecting with others. Treatment which relies on medical and behavioural views of autism risks ignoring emotional factors. This book demonstrates that counselling and emotional support is not only possible for people on the autism spectrum, but essential. David Moat describes the impact of autism on emotional perception and regulation, and looks at how various therapeutic principles can helpfully be applied to address these issues. He identifies strategies for dealing with common emotional difficulties, including anxiety, anger and depression, as well as techniques for aiding relaxation. Specific approaches to use as part of holistic care are described, including play therapy, the use of imagery and story-making, hypnotherapy, intensive interaction, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and positive psychology. This is essential reading for all those working therapeutically with people on the autism spectrum, including counsellors, therapists and psychologists, as well as parents.

Integrative Psychotherapy: Toward A Comprehensive Christian Approach (Christian Association For Psychological Studies Partnership)

by Mark R. McMinn Clark D. Campbell

Mark McMinn and Clark Campbell present an integrative model of psychotherapy that is grounded in Christian biblical and theological teaching and in a critical and constructive engagement with contemporary psychology. Now in paperback, this foundational work integrates behavioral, cognitive, and interpersonal models of therapy within a Christian theological framework. Not only do the authors integrate Christian faith and spirituality with the latest thinking in behavioral science at a theoretical level, they also integrate the theoretical and academic with the pastoral and clinical, offering a practical guide for the practitioner.

Integrative Psychotherapy: A Mindfulness- and Compassion-Oriented Approach (Advancing Theory in Therapy)

by Gregor Žvelc Maša Žvelc

Integrative psychotherapy is a groundbreaking book where the authors present mindfulness- and compassion-oriented integrative psychotherapy (MCIP) as an integration of relational psychotherapy with the practice and research of mindfulness and compassion. The book elucidates an approach which is holistic and based on evidence-based processes of change related to the main dimensions of human experience. In this approach, mindfulness and compassion are viewed as meta-processes of change that are used within an attuned therapeutic relationship to create a powerful therapeutic model that provides transformation and growth. The authors offer an exciting perspective on intersubjective physiology and the mutual connection between the client’s and therapist’s autonomic nervous systems. Comprised of creatively applied research, the book will have an international appeal amongst psychotherapists/counsellors from different psychotherapy traditions and also students with advanced/postgraduate levels of experience.

Integrative Psychotherapy in Action

by Richard G. Erskine

What is integrative psychotherapy? How effective is the integrative approach to therapy? And what are its limitations? Answering these and other significant questions, this insightful volume provides the working clinician with a practical guide to using an integrative approach to psychotherapy. Erskine and Moursund, both experienced psychotherapists, begin their discussion with a masterful theoretical overview which integrates diverse concepts from various therapy techniques such as psychoanalysis, client-centred therapy, and Gestalt therapy. The authors then use transcripts of actual therapeutic sessions (with explanatory comments interjected) to provide the reader with a broader understanding of both theory and its application in therapy - and to capture some of the elusive essence of the ongoing therapy interview. Unique in its attention to detail, as well as to the therapist's own decision-making process, advanced students and therapists alike will find this volume an invaluable resource.

Integrative Psychotherapy in Theory and Practice: A Relational, Systemic and Ecological Approach

by Peter Hawkins Judy Ryde

Bringing together relational, systemic and ecological approaches, this pioneering book outlines a valuable integrative psychotherapeutic method and presents the core steps for implementing it into practice.The book provides a robust examination of the historical roots and theoretical underpinnings of the approach, alongside insights from contemporary neuroscience. The authors also offer a clear framework for carrying out integrative work, weaving together relational, systemic and ecological threads. Case studies highlight the practical applications of the method, and chapters on practice, ethics, supervision, and training provide a springboard for psychotherapy and counselling professionals and students to take forward the lessons offered and implement them in practice.

Integrative Social Work Practice with Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Other Forcibly Displaced Persons (Essential Clinical Social Work Series)

by Nancy J. Murakami Mashura Akilova

This textbook provides theoretical and clinical knowledge needed by social workers and other practitioners involved in humanitarian emergency response. Social workers are well positioned to serve coordinating and leadership roles in this interdisciplinary field due to their holistic training. This book weaves together micro, mezzo, and macro levels of practice into integrated social work practice. Its historical account of humanitarian emergencies, coverage of social work frameworks and principles, and review of existing best practices at the clinical, community, and policy levels ground the reader in a field of social work that requires consideration of historical frameworks alongside innovative responses to the complexity of humanitarian emergencies.The contributors incorporate best practices as well as address gaps in awareness, knowledge, and skills that they have observed and studied worldwide. Some of the topics explored include:Social Work with Displaced Children, Women, LGBTQI+, Asylum SeekersReturn and Reintegration of Displaced Populations and Reconstruction in Post-conflict SocietiesCulture, Trauma, and Loss: Integrative Social Work Practice with Refugees and Asylum SeekersClinical Social Work Practice with Forcibly Displaced Persons Grounded in Human Rights and Social Justice PrinciplesIntegrative Social Work Practice with Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Other Forcibly Displaced Persons is adoptable as a primary text for MSW and doctoral elective courses on global social work or international social work practice with persecuted and forcibly displaced people. This textbook is targeted to clinical social work or policy courses as well, and can be supplemental reading for required courses for migration and forced displacement majors. It is also useful for social workers or interdisciplinary practitioners working around the globe with displaced populations.

Integrative Solutions: Treating Common Problems In Couples Therapy

by Gerald R. Weeks Larry Hoff Martha with Turner Bonnie Bellamy Howard

First published in 1996. This books presents a problem-solving model of marriage and couples therapy called the Intersystem Model, which assesses and treats couples' problems from individual, interactional, and intergenerational perspectives. The authors address problems of commitment, intimacy, anger, and conflict, and the complexities relating to the treatment of depression: addictions and extramarital sexuality, marital adjustments to aging, and problems of inhibited sexual desire. They suggest techniques therapists can use to resolve problems that may occur in couples therapy and ways couple can move toward a higher level of functioning and personal growth.

Integrative Spirituality: Religious Pluralism, Individuation, and Awakening

by Patrick J. Mahaffey

In Integrative Spirituality, Patrick J. Mahaffey elucidates spirituality as a developmental process that is enhanced by integrating the teachings and practices of multiple religious traditions, Jungian depth psychology, and contemplative yoga. In the postmodern world of religious pluralism, Mahaffey compellingly argues that each of us must fashion a unique path to wholeness which integrates aspects of life and of the self that have become disconnected and disowned. Integrative Spirituality uniquely conjoins four components: exemplary religious pluralists from three traditions, individuation, the forms of contemplative Hindu yoga that have been successfully transmitted to the West, and a presentation of two models for integrating psychological growth and spiritual awakening. The book presents pioneering practitioners in each field who exemplify how we may fashion our own approach to integrating both spiritual awakening and psychological development and delineates an array of spiritual practices that integrate the somatic, psychological, interpersonal, and spiritual aspects of life. Ultimately, Mahaffey contends that integrative spirituality is a mode of being that fully embraces the divinity inherent in each of us and in the world. Integrative Spirituality will be essential reading for academics and students of Jungian and post-Jungian studies, transpersonal and Jungian psychology, and religious studies and contemplative education. It will also be of interest to analytical and depth psychologists in practice and in training, and to anyone seeking a greater understanding of spirituality, psychological growth, religious traditions, individuation, and contemplative yoga.

Integrative Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences

by Renee R. Ha James C. Ha

Designed to engage students and lower their "fear factor", Integrative Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences is a concise, user-friendly text that prepares students to use statistics in the real world. Providing depth and breadth of statistical tests, the text focuses on choosing the appropriate statistical analysis, and shows how to interpret the output and present the results.

Integrative STEM and STEAM Education for Real-Life Learning (Advancing Responsible Adolescent Development)

by David J. Shernoff

This book illustrates that real-life learning in which students conduct scientific investigations and make new innovations to solve real-world problems is an integral part of STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) education. It provides examples of student and teacher work from projects of the Rutgers University Center of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Education. The book examines how new K to 12 education standards and innovative teacher professional development programs – which emphasize transdisciplinary approaches to STEM and STEAM – lead to the emergence of real-life education in schools. In addition, the book references related research to identify key advances in STEM and STEAM education. Special topics include the uses of makerspaces, educational video games, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning to fuel project-based, real-life learning. Key areas of coverage include: the role of new K-12 standards in science, design thinking, computer science, and climate change in stimulating integrative STEM/STEAM education; obstacles and supports for teaching integrative STEM programs; modes of collaboration in STEM, STEAM, and maker-based education; and the importance of teacher professional development to promote transdisciplinary learning. Integrative STEM and STEAM Education for Real-Life Learning is an essential resource for researchers, professors, college students, as well as educational leaders and policy makers with interests in the STEM and STEAM disciplines, psychology, teaching and teacher education, library science, and multimedia. “A must-read for anyone committed to the future of education. This book is not only thought-provoking; it is a guide to action, offering a compelling approach that empowers youth and educators alike.” Dr. Margaret Honey, President and CEO, Scratch Foundation “David J. Shernoff, a leading expert in the field, explores how integrative approaches in STEM and STEAM are not just about preparing students for the future, but engaging them in solving real-world problems today…this book demonstrates how education can empower students to become active, innovative contributors to society.” Cassie Quigley, author of Educator’s Guide to STEAM Education

Integrative Systemic Therapy: Metaframeworks for Problem Solving with Individuals, Couples, and Families

by William M. Pinsof Douglas C. Breunlin William P. Russell Jay L. Lebow Cheryl Rampage Anthony L. Chambers

This book offers a set of templates that enable therapists to navigate the course of therapy, as well as a treasure trove of case examples to illustrate how therapists can use the IST perspective to treat a wide variety of challenging problems. Many psychotherapists today work in agencies where they see individuals, couples, and families from a variety of backgrounds who present with a broad range of problems. Integrative Systemic Therapy (IST) is a framework for these professionals, whether they are training in the basics of therapy or are well-established in their careers. <p><p>IST provides early-career therapists with a framework that guides their work and facilitates lifelong learning. It provides established therapists the opportunity to think outside the box of their established practice, using tools that facilitate more comprehensive care. IST encourages a focused and efficient approach to problem-solving. It offers the means to continually assess the full complement of factors--psychological, biological, interactional, and cultural--that impact clients and their concerns. IST's blueprint for decision-making in therapy encourages practitioners to draw upon the valuable strategies of various theoretical models and empirically supported treatments.

Integrative Systemic Therapy in Practice: A Clinician’s Handbook (The Family Institute Series)

by William Russell Douglas C. Breunlin Bahareh Sahebi

This essential handbook provides clinicians with the tools to introduce Integrative Systemic Therapy (IST) into their practice working with individuals, couples, and families. Describing the "how to" and "how to decide what to do" aspects of IST, this book outlines a practical, problem-solving approach that considers client strengths and and cultural contexts in the process of integrating interventions from various therapy models and empirically supported treatments. Chapters demonstrate how problem-solving tasks can be accomplished using the IST blueprint for therapy and include scenarios that will challenge the reader to think through the specific steps for IST, encouraging them to consider the therapeutic alliance and the use of self in therapy. For supervisors, trainers, and clinicians familiar with IST, this book will enrich and deepen their understanding of it. The book is also relevant for clinicians and supervisors of all types of therapy who seek to become more integrative and systemic in their work.

Integrative Team Treatment for Attachment Trauma in Children: Family Therapy and EMDR

by Stefanie Armstrong Debra Wesselmann Cathy Schweitzer

A practical guide to treating children suffering from early attachment trauma. Loss of a parent, separations, abuse, neglect, or a history of a difficult foster or orphanage experience can lead to profound emotional dysregulation and mistrust in children. Working with these children--many of whom have experienced multiple traumas and losses--can feel overwhelming. Clinicians must navigate complex case management decisions and referrals, address the needs of parents and schools, not to mention ameliorate the traumatic memories and severe behaviors that present in the kids. But by working as a collaborative team, EMDR and family therapists can, together, strengthen the parent-child attachment bond and help to mend the early experiences that drive the child's behavior. This book, and its accompanying Parent Manual, are intended to serve as clear and practical treatment guides, presenting the philosophy and step-by-step protocols behind the Integrative Team Treatment approach, so both the family system issues and the child's traumatic past are effectively addressed. You need not be a center specializing in attachment trauma to implement this team model, nor must members of the team practice at the same location. With at least one fully-trained EMDR practitioners as part of the two-person team, any clinician can pair with another to implement this treatment approach, and heal children suffering from attachment trauma.

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