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An Integrative Theory of Leadership (Social Psychology Ser.)
by Martin ChemersA definition of leadership that would be widely accepted by the majority of theorists and researchers might say that "leadership is a process of social influence in which one person is able to enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task." The major points of this definition are that leadership is a group activity, is based on social influence, and revolves around a common task. While this specification seems relatively simple, the reality of leadership is very complex. Intrapersonal factors (thoughts and emotions) interact with interpersonal processes (attraction, communication, and influence) to have effects on a dynamic external environment. Each of these aspects brings complexity to the leadership process. It is the purpose of this book to make that complexity a bit more manageable, increasing the ability to understand what effective leadership is. This volume offers a comprehensive analysis and integration of the empirical research literature and major theories of leadership. It employs a functional analysis stressing what leaders must do to be effective and specifies the processes related to each function. The chapters provide an extensive review of the major approaches to leadership. Each chapter is discussed with an eye to explaining the basic principles, the research evidence, and where appropriate, the relationship of the theory or research program to other theories. In addition, this volume offers the most comprehensive treatment of cultural and gender factors in leadership of any recent book. The question of male-female differences in leadership style and performance is carefully analyzed against the empirical findings. The ultimate goal of this review of the literature is to provide a basis for the presentation of an integrative model of leadership that brings together function and process and provides an armature for integrating what is known.
Integrative Therapies for Depression: Redefining Models for Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention
by James M. Greenblatt Kelly BroganSupported by the review of nearly 3000 scientific studies, the book describes the concepts of inflammation, genetics, hormonal imbalance, gastrointestinal conditions, environmental stress, and nutritional deficiencies and their possible link to the pathogenesis of mood disorders. It also examines findings on various nonpharmaceutical therapies used to treat mood disorders including vitamins, botanicals, and other natural products as well as exercise, stress reduction, bright light, mind-body practices, and spiritual approaches. Also covered are evidence-based approaches to integrative management of mood disorders in pregnant women, adolescents, and the elderly. Separating facts from fiction, the book provides practical information that clinicians can implement and share with their patients. The book fills a significant gap in the conventional model of therapeutics for mood disorders. It is a valuable resource for psychiatrists, psychologists, family therapists, and all other clinicians who devote their days to caring for those afflicted with depression.
Integrative Therapies for Depression: Redefining Models for Assessment, Treatment and Prevention
by James M. Greenblatt Kelly BroganIntegrative Therapies for Depression: Redefining Models for Assessment, Treatment and Prevention summarizes emerging theories and research findings on various nonpharmaceutical therapies to treat mood disorders.Supported by the review of nearly 3000 scientific studies, the book describes the concepts of inflammation, genetics, hormonal imbalance, g
Integrative Theraplay® Approach for Children on the Autism Spectrum: Practical Guidelines for Professionals (Theraplay® Books & Resources)
by A. Rand Coleman Rana HongCommunication and social skills are a key challenge for children on the autism spectrum, and a fundamental priority for care professionals to support their clients' progress. Using case studies and evidence-based advice, this book guides readers through an integrated Theraplay® approach to helping young people on the autism spectrum. The interventions emphasise interactivity and fun to help children build social and emotional skills through play. From using balloons to encourage eye contact to turn-taking play for fostering social awareness, each Theraplay® activity is tailored to support children on the autism spectrum and includes suggestions for further adaptations to suit each child's unique needs. Parents' and guardians' needs are also addressed in the context of Theraplay®, examining common sources of frustration and providing advice on effective treatment plans. Officially supported by the Theraplay® Institute, this handbook guides readers towards a thoughtful, focused application of Theraplay® to support children on the autism spectrum.
Integrative Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques (100 Key Points)
by Maria Gilbert Vanja OrlansIntegrative Therapy is a unifying approach that brings together physiological, affective, cognitive, contextual and behavioural systems, creating a multi-dimensional relational framework that can be created anew for each individual case. Integrative Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques provides a concise and accessible guide that allows professionals and students to look beyond specific approaches in order to draw upon ideas and techniques that will best help the client. Divided into helpful sections, areas of discussion include: the case for an integrative approach to therapy the centrality of relationship and dimensions of self development the process of integrative therapy techniques and strategies This book will be essential reading for all psychotherapists and counsellors, both in practice and training, who want to expand their perspectives and learn more about an integrative approach.
Integrative Therapy: A Practitioner's Guide
by Ms Gaie Houston Dr Maja O'Brien`The book is comprehensive, and extensively researched and referenced. ....[The] last chapter contains some excellent training resources for trainers of counsellors/psychotherapists. I would therefore endorse it as a useful textbook, especially as there is an excellent in-depth example of an assessment form, and guidance on how this can be used for trainees. These were useful revision points to me as an experienced counsellor' - The Independent Practitioner `The book would be useful to practitioners who want to start thinking 'outside the box' of a particular orientation. It is also aimed at students and trainers - the last 40 pages in particular are full of practical training exercises. Overall, I would recommend it as a well-reasoned argument for therapy to be rooted in an integrative base' - Therapy Today `Throughout the book it is assumed that we can learn from each other and that we need to, whatever orientation we were trained in, in the service of the client. I find this pragmatic approach open and refreshing in a period when some of us have polarised around the 'what works best' debate. Both authors are experienced practitioners and trainers and their commitment to integrative counselling and psychotherapy shines through' - AUCC Journal Integration rather than a single theory has become accepted and widely recommended as a way forward in psychotherapy and counselling. Integrative Therapy, Second Edition, a timely and innovative guide for practitioners, is based on the view that training and practice methods should be evaluated for their usefulness to the client instead of their adherence to a particular model. Drawing from research on therapy process and outcome, and on human development respectively, the authors highlight striking similarities between the change processes involved in these two areas of study. The findings provide a basis for an adaptable framework for integrative practice. The authors pinpoint what is common as well as what is different in various approaches, using case illustrations to make comparisons throughout between the three major models: psychodynamic, humanistic-existential and cognitive-behavioural. What emerges is the central importance of the therapeutic relationship in the process of change - 'how to be with clients' as opposed to 'what to do'. Fully revised and updated, this Second Edition includes new material on neuroscience and practitioner-oriented research methodology showing how the processes of doing research and doing therapy have many things in common. The book aims to cultivate a spirit of willingness amongst therapists trained in one model to learn from colleagues trained in others. It also features exercises to support its use on courses and will thus be invaluable to trainees of counselling, psychotherapy and counselling psychology. Maja O'Brien is a chartered counselling psychologist and psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer based in Oxford and a Principal Lecturer on the Doctorate in Psychotherapy by Professional Studies run jointly by the Metanoia Institute and Middlesex University. Gaie Houston is a writer, UKCP-registered psychotherapist and senior lecturer at The Gestalt Centre, London.
Integrative Tools für die Team- und Organisationsdiagnose
by Sabine Pelzmann Bettina StrümpfKernstück des Buches sind konkrete Tools, die zur Team- und Organisationsdiagnose eingesetzt werden können. Vorgestellt werden dabei die Prinzipien des Integrativen Ansatzes (Hilarion G. Petzold) sowie ausgewählte Aspekte der Organisationsdiagnose. Das Buch richtet sich an Supervisor/innen, Coaches, Organisationsberater/innen, Unternehmensberater/innen und Personalentwickler/innen.
Integrität als Führungskompetenz: Bedeutung und neue Impulse für integres Verhalten (essentials)
by Teresa KellerIn diesem essential zeigt Teresa Keller, wie integres Verhalten entwickelt und dauerhaft aufrechterhalten werden kann. Die Autorin verdeutlicht die Bedeutung sowie Wirkung von Integrität und erläutert Faktoren wie Achtsamkeit, Haltung, Anstand und emotionale Intelligenz, die maßgeblich an Integrität beteiligt sind. Vor allem aber macht sie die Relevanz von Integrität als Führungskompetenz klar – zu oft wird Integrität als nachrangiges Führungs- und Unternehmensziel behandelt.
Integrity and Change: Mental Health in the Market Place
by Eileen SmithIntegrity and Change: Mental Health in the Market Place examines how workers in the caring professions might preserve their integrity and ability to reflect and act purposefully in the face of such rapid and extensive change.
The Integrity Model of Existential Psychotherapy in Working with the 'Difficult Patient'
by Nedra Lander Danielle NahonDealing with the therapeutic impasse is one of the most challenging tasks faced by therapists. The Integrity Model of Existential Psychotherapy in Working with the 'Difficult Patient' describes how the Integrity model of psychotherapy provides an original solution to dealing with difficult issues such as resistance, acting out, counter-transference, guilt, value clashes and cultural diversity. The Integrity model is based on an existential approach to living and views psychological difficulties as stemming from a lack of fidelity to one's values. In this book, the authors explore how this approach to psychotherapy can enhance other therapeutic models or stand on its own to offer a valuable alternative perspective on the causes of mental illness. Case material is provided to illustrate the value of the Integrity model in relation to a range of clinical issues, including: Borderline Personality Disorders Antisocial Personality Post-Traumatic Stress Schizophrenia Workplace Stress Addictions. This book provides a provocative and insightful presentation of the subject of impasses, as well as dealing with associated issues including the role of values in psychotherapy, community, spirituality, and therapist responsibility. It will be of great interest to counsellors and psychotherapists.
La Inteligencia de Sanación: El Espíritu en Psicoterapia
by Alan MulhernLa inteligencia de curación natural es uno de los grandes misterios de la psique. Es intrínsicamente difícil de alcanzar y, sin embargo, se encuentra en el núcleo de todos los intentos para curar las heridas emocionales. La psicoterapia y el asesoramiento, cuando se hacen en profundidad, van más allá de la interpretación y trabajan directamente con esta poderosa fuerza. Este libro va destinado a ayudar a las personas que sufren este tipo de heridas emocionales con el fin de iluminarlos por el camino de la curación, así como de aportar una vision profunda y métodos eficaces para el practicante.
A Inteligência Emocional Aprenda a Tirar O Máximo Proveito
by Juan Moises de la Serna Fabiana Rodrigues Castelo BrancoSe algo foi dito nos últimos anos no campo da Psicologia tem sido no que diz respeito à Inteligência Emocional, a princípio como um desenvolvimento da área de estudo das emoções humanas e suas implicações na vida, para então adquirir um papel predominante em áreas tão importantes como a educação ou a empresa, e tudo isso graças aos benefícios observados, que ela causa tanto no desempenho como na satisfação com a vida por quem cultiva a Inteligência Emocional. Este ebook trata de oferecer uma aproximação para as últimas pesquisas no campo da Inteligência Emocional, aproximando-se tanto a sua definição e consequências, mas sobretudo, como isso pode ser aplicado na vida cotidiana para obter os maiores benefícios possíveis. Um caminho necessário, o de cultivar a Inteligência Emocional, que será vista como imprescindível quando você finalizar a leitura deste ebook.
Inteligencia intuitiva
by Malcolm GladwellEn este libro revolucionario, el periodista estadounidense Malcolm Gladwell nos explica cómo pensamos sin pensar, de dónde proceden las decisiones que parece que tomamos en dos segundos, pero que no son tan simples como aparentan. ¿Por qué algunas personas son brillantes a la hora de decidir y otras son torpes una y otra vez? ¿Por qué algunos siguen su instinto y triunfan, mientras que otros acaban siempre dando un paso en falso? ¿Cuál es el funcionamiento real del cerebro en el trabajo, en clase, en la cocina o en la cama? ¿Y por qué las mejores decisiones suelen ser las más difíciles de explicar? Gladwell nos presenta a un psicólogo que ha aprendido a predecir si un matrimonio puede durar con sólo observar a sus miembros unos minutos; a un entrenador de tenis que sabe cuándo un jugador cometerá doble falta antes incluso de que la raqueta toque la bola; a un experto en antigüedades que reconoce una falsificación de un solo vistazo. Este libro revela que quienes son buenos tomando decisiones no son aquellos que procesan más información o que dedican más tiempo a deliberar, sino aquellos que han perfeccionado el arte de hilar fino, de extraer los pocos factores que realmente importan a partir de una cantidad desmesurada de variables. Por medio de la neurología y la psicología, y exhibiendo todo el esplendor del que este autor es capaz, Inteligencia intuitiva cambia nuestra forma de tomar decisiones y revoluciona nuestra manera de pensar.
Inteligencia intuitiva: ¿Por qué sabemos la verdad en dos segundos?
by Malcolm Gladwell¿Por qué algunas personas son brillantes tomando decisiones y otras son torpes una y otra vez? ¿Por qué algunos siguen su instinto y triunfan, mientras que otros acaban siempre dando un paso en falso? En este libro revolucionario, el periodista estadounidense Malcolm Gladwell nos explica cómo pensamos sin pensar, de dónde proceden las decisiones que parece que tomamos en dos segundos, pero que no son tan simples como aparentan. ¿Por qué algunas personas son brillantes tomando decisiones y otras son torpes una y otra vez? ¿Por qué algunos siguen su instinto y triunfan, mientras que otros acaban siempre dando un paso en falso? ¿Cuál es el funcionamiento real del cerebro en el trabajo, en clase, en la cocina o en la cama? ¿Y por qué las mejores decisiones suelen ser las más difíciles de explicar? Gladwell nos presenta a un psicólogo que ha aprendido a predecir si un matrimonio puede durar con sólo observarles unos minutos; a un entrenador de tenis que sabe cuándo un jugador hará doble falta antes incluso de que la raqueta toque la bola; a un experto en antigüedades que reconoce una falsificación de un solo vistazo. Este libro revela que quienes son buenos tomando decisiones no son aquellos que procesan más información o que dedican más tiempo a deliberar, sino aquellos que han perfeccionado el arte de hilar fino, de extraer los pocos factores que realmente importan a partir de una cantidad desmesurada de variables. Por medio de la neurología y la psicología, y exhibiendo todo el esplendor del que este autor es capaz, Inteligencia intuitiva cambia nuestra forma de ver las decisiones que tomamos. Nunca más volverás a pensar en pensar de la misma manera. Reseñas:«Un mago en los libros de autoayuda. Con más de 10 millones de ejemplares vendidos, Malcolm Gladwell es uno de los principales escritores motivacionales, gurú del éxito y analista de "estrategias para triunfar". La clave del éxito, Inteligencia intuitiva, Lo que vio el perro y Fuera de serie son libros que ejecutivos y líderes de todo tipo devoran en los aeropuertos.»La Gaceta de los negocios «¿Debería comprar este libro? Es probable que ya intuya la respuesta.»Independent on Sunday «Si Gladwell tiene razón, comprarán este libro. Y eso confirmará su tesis.»Stephen Bayley, The Guardian «Confíe en mi intuición: si compra este libro quedará encantado.»The New York Times «Convincente y diabólicamente inteligente.»Evening Standard «Brillante. Las implicaciones para los negocios, por no hablar del amor, son inmensas.»The Observer «Fantástico. Este maravilloso libro debería ser de lectura obligada.»The New Statesman «Sencillamente este libro podría cambiar tu vida.»Esquire
Inteligenza Emozionale nella Scuola
by Juan Moisés de la SernaSiamo di fronte ad un eccellente libro il cui materiale è chiaro e completamente didattico, indicando non solo gli specialisti nel campo della psicologia, ma anche educatori e psicologi dell'educazione, personale cruciale per il corretto sviluppo dei comportamenti nei giovani, negli adolescenti in particolare nel campo scolastico, e anche nella loro naturale evoluzione.
The Intellective Space: Thinking beyond Cognition
by Laurent DubreuilThe Intellective Space explores the nature and limits of thought. It celebrates the poetic virtues of language and the creative imperfections of our animal minds while pleading for a renewal of the humanities that is grounded in a study of the sciences.
The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man: An Essay on Speculative Thought in the Ancient Near East
by Henri Frankfort H. A. Frankfort John A. Wilson Thorkild Jacobsen William A. IrwinThe people in ancient times the phenomenal world was teeming with life; the thunderclap, the sudden shadow, the unknown and eerie clearing in the wood, all were living things. This unabridged edition traces the fascinating history of thought from the pre-scientific, personal concept of a "humanized" world to the achievement of detached intellectual reasoning. The authors describe and analyze the spiritual life of three ancient civilizations: the Egyptians, whose thinking was profoundly influenced by the daily rebirth of the sun and the annual rebirth of the Nile; the Mesopotamians, who believed the stars, moon, and stones were all citizens of a cosmic state; and the Hebrews, who transcended prevailing mythopoeic thought with their cosmogony of the will of God. In the concluding chapter the Frankforts show that the Greeks, with their intellectual courage, were the first culture to discover a realm of speculative thought in which myth was overcome.
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Roadmap for Families and Professionals
by Briana S. Nelson Goff Nicole Piland SpringerIntellectual and Developmental Disabilities provides a unique contribution not currently available in the professional literature by addressing the experiences and perspectives of families living with or raising a child with a disability. Designed for family therapists, social workers, and other helping professionals, it provides empirically-based, practical information for working with families experiencing intellectual and developmental disabilities of a loved one. This book also provides important information for navigating the various professional systems of care with which these families interface: health care providers, early childhood intervention teams, educational systems, the legal system, and financial planners.
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Dynamic Systems Approach (Contemporary Clinical Neuroscience)
by Maria Gabriela ValdovinosThis new reference provides a comprehensive overview of intellectual and developmental disabilities, incorporating multiple perspectives and disciplines (including developmental neuroscience, genetics, psychiatry, and psychology) with a multifaceted approach, offering readers appreciation for the richness of the population and field. It provides readers with an understanding of the developmental, biological, and behavioral aspects of developmental disabilities with the aim of understanding their causes, the differences between disabilities, and familiarity with the prognosis and developmental outcomes for children diagnosed with various developmental disabilities.
The Intellectual and Developmental Disability Treatment Planner, with DSM 5 Updates (PracticePlanners)
by Arthur E. Jongsma Jr. David J. Berghuis Kellye H. SlaggertThis timesaving resource features: Treatment plan components for 28 behaviorally based presenting problems Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventions—plus space to record your own treatment plan options A step-by-step guide to writing treatment plans that meet the requirements of most insurance companies and third-party payors The Intellectual and Developmental Disability Treatment Planner provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payers, and state and federal review agencies. Saves you hours of time-consuming paperwork, yet offers the freedom to develop customized treatment plans for the severely and persistently mentally ill Organized around 28 main presenting problems, from family conflicts to paranoia, parenting, health issues, and more Over 1,000 clear statements describe the behavioral manifestations of each relational problem, and includes long-term goals, short-term objectives, and clinically tested treatment options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem or DSM-5™ diagnosis Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payers and accrediting agencies (including TJC and NCQA)
Intellectual Development and Mathematics Learning
by Chongde LinThis book introduces the outcomes of author’s 40 years of research, especially the theory of “the Triangular Pyramid Structure of Thinking” that he independently proposed, and the application of his development theory in the field of mathematics education. The book firstly explains the substantial character of intelligence, the development law of intelligence, and the relationship between intelligence development and creativity cultivation. Secondly, it discusses the structure of mathematical thinking of children and adolescents from 0 to 18 years old, and the methods of developing students’ thinking ability and the quality of intelligence through arithmetic learning. In the end, this book also demonstrates the characteristics of the development of mathematical thinking ability of children at age 0-6, elementary school students, and secondary school students, and the related latest research in this field. Based on the theory of “the Triangular Pyramid Structure of Thinking”, a number of examples are given to illustrate how the theory of intelligence development can be used in mathematics teaching to promote the development of students’ thinking abilities and to improve the quality of teaching.This book covers various areas including psychology, mathematics, and education. It has a great reference value for scholars in the field of psychology to study the theory of intelligence and the structure of thinking, providing guidance for parents and mathematics teachers to promote children’s quality of intelligence and mathematical thinking abilities, and to enhance their mathematics learning effects. In addition, it provides examples for psychological research to serve specific subject teaching in elementary and secondary schools.
Intellectual Disabilities: A Systemic Approach (The Systemic Thinking and Practice Series)
by Sandra Baum Henrik LynggaardThe application of systemic ideas and principles in working with people with intellectual disabilities, their families and their service systems, has grown over the last decade in the UK. This book, for the first time, brings together the writings of a group of practitioners who have been using this approach in their clinical practice. It is hoped it will inspire others to try out different ways of working with people with intellectual disabilities and their wider systems, so that they can have the choice of a wide range of therapeutic approaches. It is also hoped that systemic practitioners who are unfamiliar with this client group might give consideration to extend their practice to also work with people with intellectual disabilities.
Intellectual Disabilities and Autism: Ethics and Practice (The International Library of Bioethics #108)
by Andria Bianchi Janet A. VogtThis book meaningfully reflects upon difficult, timely, and debated ethics questions relating to people with intellectual disabilities (IDs) and autistic people. The book challenges now dated perceptions and introduces innovative ideas by leading scholars regarding some of the most complex, controversial, and relevant ethical dilemmas involving these neurodiverse populations. People with IDs and/or those on the autism spectrum continue to experience various forms of oppression and unjust treatment across the globe, despite the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The collection explores questions such as: Can people with IDs make informed decisions about their medical treatment, living circumstances, and overall life? What are the ethical implications of selective termination of pregnancy based on a gene linked to a condition conferring intellectual impairment? How can we ensure that people with IDs and autistic people are meaningfully included in research? Can people with IDs successfully parent? How can we support the capabilities of neurodiverse populations such that they enjoy the rights afforded by the CRPD? Each contributor critically examines how we can move forward to create a world that understands and respects the rights of every person with ID and/or autism. An indispensable read for bioethicists, ethics students, social justice scholars, and others interested in and working with people with IDs and autistic people.
Intellectual Disability: Definition, Classification, and Systems of Supports (Eleventh Edition)
by The AAIDD Ad Hoc Committee on Terminology ClassificationThis Manual contains the most current and authoritative information and knowledge on intellectual disability, including best practice guidelines on diagnosing and classifying intellectual disability and developing a system of supports for people living with an intellectual disability.
Intellectual Disability: An Inability to Cope with an Intellectually Demanding World
by Simon WhitakerThe current construct of intellectual disability is based on the assumption that both IQ and adaptive behaviour can be measured accurately. Intellectual Disability explains how and why this is not fit for purpose and that it is actually neither necessary nor reasonable to have a single construct of intellectual disability.