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Intellectual Disability and Psychotherapy: The Theories, Practice and Influence of Valerie Sinason
by Alan CorbettIntellectual Disability and Psychotherapy: The Theories, Practice and Influence of Valerie Sinason charts the transformative impact of the noted psychotherapist’s work with children and adults with intellectual disabilities upon both a generation of clinicians and the treatment and services delivered by them. Examining how contemporary Disability Therapists have discovered, used and adapted such pioneering concepts as the Handicapped Smile and Secondary Handicap as a Defence Against Trauma in their clinical work, the book includes contributions from renowned practitioners and clinicians from around the world. It shines a light on how Sinason’s work opened doors for working with people who were previously thought of as unreachable. Intellectual Disability and Psychotherapy will be an essential resource to anyone working with children or adults with disabilities, as well as psychotherapists interested in exploring Valerie Sinason’s work.
Intellectual Disability and Stigma
by Shirli Werner Katrina SciorThis book examines how intellectual disability is affected by stigma and how this stigma has developed. Around two per cent of the world's population have an intellectual disability but their low visibility in many places bears witness to their continuing exclusion from society. This prejudice has an impact on the family of those with an intellectual disability as well as the individual themselves and affects the well-being and life chances of all those involved. This book provides a framework for tackling intellectual disability stigma in institutional processes, media representations and other, less overt, settings. It also highlights the anti-stigma interventions which are already in place and the central role that self-advocacy must play.
Intellectual Disability in a Post-Neoliberal World
by Jennifer Clegg Richard Lansdall-WelfareThis book suggests and promotes new paradigms for intellectual disability. Challenging the predominant neoliberal agenda, it combines extensive clinical experience, conceptual analysis, and recent research. The authors explore the way that promotion of autonomy and choice overlooks the fundamentally relational needs of people with intellectual disabilities by examining four significant, repeating themes. What neoliberal policies are and how they suffocate innovation; the recurring scandals that characterise ID services in all cultures; the counter-intuitive belief that behavioural interventions can somehow address emotional distress; and fundamental tensions in the relationship between parents and services. Each chapter proposes alternative and hopeful ways to address the 40% of people with intellectual disabilities whose distress generates challenges for parents and staff. Written primarily for intellectual disability researchers, professionals, service managers, and policy-makers, this book constitutes a useful reading also for scholars in psychology, psychiatry and nursing, as well as specialist historians, geographers, sociologists, and social anthropologists engaged with intellectual disabilities.
Intellectual Disability Psychiatry
by Diana Andrea Barron Angela Hassiotis Ian HallIntellectual Disability Psychiatry is a comprehensive and accessible guide to the management of mental health problems in people with intellectual disabilities. A clear and user-friendly handbook, it will help busy healthcare professionals develop their understanding of the mental health problems of service users with intellectual disabilities. Most importantly, it will help them make an accurate diagnostic assessment and develop and implement an holistic, person-centred, evidence-based management plan.Topics covered include the classification of mental disorders in intellectual disability, the clinical assessment of specific disorders, psychological, psychopharmacological and social interventions, and the practical, legal, and social aspects of supporting service users with intellectual disability who have mental health problems.
Intellectual Disability, Trauma and Psychotherapy
by Tamsin CottisPeople with intellectual disabilities have emotional and mental health needs just like anyone else. Until recently however there has been little research of effective psychological treatment or direct, accessible psychotherapy provision for this client group. Intellectual Disability, Trauma and Psychotherapy focuses on the delivery of psychotherapy services for those with intellectual disabilities. Leading professionals in this specialist field are brought together to describe the history, theory and practice of their work in twelve focused chapters that draw on the work of psychotherapists including Bion, Winnicott, Sinason and Alvarez. Topics covered include: therapeutic responses to cultural and religious diversity support for parents with intellectual disabilities developing healthy and secure attachments within the family dealing with intense feelings of shame helping clients to cope with traumatic sexual experiences. Drawing on over a decade of pioneering practitioner experience at Respond – a government-funded psychotherapy service for people with learning disabilities based in central London – this book explores the practical issues in providing therapy to this client group, whether individually, in families, in groups, or by the use of telephone counselling. It closes with a chapter exploring the way forward for those who wish to develop services of this kind.
Intellectual Empathy: Critical Thinking For Social Justice
by Maureen LinkerIntellectual Empathy provides a step-by-step method for facilitating discussions of socially divisive issues. Maureen Linker, a philosophy professor at the University of Michigan–Dearborn, developed Intellectual Empathy after more than a decade of teaching critical thinking in metropolitan Detroit, one of the most racially and economically divided urban areas, at the crossroads of one of the Midwest’s largest Muslim communities. The skills acquired through Intellectual Empathy have proven to be significant for students who pursue careers in education, social work, law, business, and medicine. Now, Linker shows educators, activists, business managers, community leaders—anyone working toward fruitful dialogues about social differences—how potentially transformative conversations break down and how they can be repaired. Starting from Socrates’s injunction know thyself, Linker explains why interrogating our own beliefs is essential. In contrast to traditional approaches in logic that devalue emotion, Linker acknowledges the affective aspects of reasoning and how emotion is embedded in our understanding of self and other. Using examples from classroom dialogues, online comment forums, news media, and diversity training workshops, readers learn to recognize logical fallacies and critically, yet empathically, assess their own social biases, as well as the structural inequalities that perpetuate social injustice and divide us from each other.
Intellectual Growth In Young Children: With an Appendix on Children's "Why" Questions by Nathan Isaacs
by Isaacs, SusanRoutledge is now re-issuing this prestigious series of 204 volumes originally published between 1910 and 1965. The titles include works by key figures such asC.G. Jung, Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Otto Rank, James Hillman, Erich Fromm, Karen Horney and Susan Isaacs. Each volume is available on its own, as part of a themed mini-set, or as part of a specially-priced 204-volume set. A brochure listing each title in the "International Library of Psychology" series is available upon request.
Intellectual Journeys in Ecological Psychology: Interviews and Reflections from Pioneers in the Field (Resources for Ecological Psychology Series)
by Agnes Szokolszky Catherine Read Zsolt PalatinusIntellectual Journeys in Ecological Psychology: Interviews and Reflections from Pioneers in the Field presents 12 in-depth interviews with prominent scientists associated with Ecological Psychology, rooted in James Gibson’s radical approach to perception. Featuring a mix of interviews conducted around the turn of the millennium with leading figures of Ecological Psychology, the book reveals discussions not previously found in publications and authentic personal perspectives about the early days of Ecological Psychology, a significant paradigm of post-cognitivist psychology. The interviews are supplemented by current reflections that bridge the past to the present. Each interview chapter also contains a brief biography of the interviewee and a list of their top ten most significant publications. An introductory chapter by Harry Heft provides an overview of Gibson’s theory and the post-Gibsonian theoretical landscape. A further chapter by the editors highlights lineages and patterns in the scientific careers and work of the interviewees. An epilogue by William Warren concludes the volume, addressing the current state and directions of Ecological Psychology. In the Appendix photographs taken by Sverker Runeson in the 1960s and 1970s show scenes and actors from scientific event in Ecological Psychology. This book will be beneficial to all researchers and students in the international community of Ecological Psychology. It will also serve as a starting point for those who wish to learn more about the movement and origins of Ecological Psychology.
The Intellectual Lives of Children
by Susan EngelA look inside the minds of young children shows how we can better nurture their abilities to think and grow.Adults easily recognize children’s imagination at work as they play. Yet most of us know little about what really goes on inside their heads as they encounter the problems and complexities of the world around them. In The Intellectual Lives of Children, Susan Engel brings together an extraordinary body of research to explain how toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary-aged children think. By understanding the science behind how children observe their world, explain new phenomena, and solve problems, parents and teachers will be better equipped to guide the next generation to become perceptive and insightful thinkers.The activities that engross kids can seem frivolous, but they can teach us a great deal about cognitive development. A young girl’s bug collection reveals important lessons about how children ask questions and organize information. Watching a young boy scoop mud can illuminate the process of invention. When a child ponders the mystery of death, we witness how children build ideas. But adults shouldn’t just stand around watching. When parents are creative, it can rub off on their children. Engel shows how parents and teachers can stimulate children’s curiosity by presenting them with mysteries to solve.Unfortunately, in our homes and schools, we too often train children to behave rather than nurture their rich and active minds. This focus is misguided, since it is with their first inquiries and inventions—and the adult world’s response to them—that children lay the foundation for a lifetime of learning and good thinking. Engel offers readers a scientifically based approach that will encourage children’s intellectual growth and set them on the path of inquiry, invention, and ideas.
Intellectual Teamwork: Social and Technological Foundations of Cooperative Work
by Jolene Galegher Robert E. Kraut Carmen EgidoThis book seeks to establish an interdisciplinary, applied social scientific model for researchers and students that advocates a cooperative effort between machines and people. After showing that basic research on social processes offers much needed guidance for those creating technology and designing tools for group work, its papers demonstrate the mutual relevance of social science and information system design, and encourage better integration of these disciplines. This comprehensive collection closely examines the variety of electronic tools being deployed to solve traditional problems in communication and coordination. Unfortunately, research shows that these tools have not been as successful as their designers had envisioned, partially because they were not always produced with the needs and goals of their human users in mind. The editors' goal is to entice more social scientists to orient their research around questions of practical interest to information system designers and to convince designers to search for the knowledge about social and organizational behavior that would make their tools more useful.
Intellectuals and Society
by Thomas SowellHow intellectuals as a class affect modern societies by shaping the climate of opinion in which official policies develop--on issues ranging from economics to law to war and peace
by Linda Wasmer AndrewsWhat is intelligence? Is it solving a difficult math problem, knowing how to build a skateboard, or having good social skills? Depending on your point of view and the culture you live in, any one of these answers may be correct. Intelligence takes a closer look at what it means to be smart. Find out how scientists test intelligence and how new ideas are being used in the classroom. You can even learn how to make the most of your brainpower with a few simple tips. Life Balance navigates the challenges of everyday life. Featuring real-life situations and helpful resources, each book gives readers the tools they need to make positive changes and smart decisions. Filled with facts, advice, and solutions, Life Balance is about finding the way to a healthy and happy life.
Intelligence: A Very Short Introduction
by Ian J. DearyFor people with little or no knowledge of the science of human intelligence, this volume takes readers to a stage where they are able to make judgments for themselves about the key questions of human mental ability. Each chapter addresses a central scientific issue but does so in a way that is lively and completely accessible. Issues discussed include whether there are several different types of intelligence, whether intelligence differences are caused by genes or the environment, the biological basis of intelligence levels, and whether intelligence declines as we grow older.
Intelligence: A New Look
by Hans EysenckThe concept and measurement of intelligence present a curious paradox. On the one hand, scientists, fluent in the complex statistics of intelligence-testing theories, devote their lives to exploration of cognitive abilities. On the other hand, the media, and inexpert, cross-disciplinary scientists decry the effort as socially divisive and useless in practice. In the past decade, our understanding of testing has radically changed. Better selected samples have extended evidence on the role of heredity and environment in intelligence. There is new evidence on biology and behavior. Advances in molecular genetics have enabled us to discover DMA markers which can identify and isolate a gene for simple genetic traits, paving the way for the study of multiple gene traits, such as intelligence.Hans Eysenck believes these recent developments approximate a general paradigm which could form thebasis for future research. He explores the many special abilities verbal, numerical, visuo-spatial memory that contribute to our cognitive behavior. He examines pathbreaking work on "multiple" intelligence, and the notion of "social" or "practical" intelligence and considers whether these new ideas have any scientific meaning. Eysenck also includes a study of creativity and intuition as well as the production of works of art and science identifying special factors that interact with general intelligence to produce predictable effects in the actual world.The work that Hans Eysenck has put together over the last fifty years in research into individual differences constitutes most of what anyone means by the structure and biological basis of personality and intelligence. A giant in the field of psychology, Eysenck almost single-handedly restructured and reordered his profession. Intelligence is Eysenck's final book and the third in a series of his works from Transaction.
Intelligence: The Psychometric View
by Paul KlinePaul Kline's latest book provides a readable modern account of the psychometric view of intelligence. It explains factor analysis and the construction of intelligence tests, and shows how the resulting factors provide a picture of human abilities. Written to be clear and concise it none the less provides a rigorous account of the psychometric view of intelligence.
Intelligence: Reconceptualization and Measurement
by Helga A. H. RoweAs reform in all sectors of education continues, it is becoming increasingly important that we develop a rich understanding of what "intelligence" is, and how it can be improved. Reflecting current views on the manifestation, development, and assessment of human intelligence, this volume addresses a rich diversity of theoretical, methodological, and applied issues -- a number of which have not been raised previously. The contributors to this collection -- highly regarded experts from various countries -- propose perspectives for future research, their intent being not so much to predict the future, but to help shape it.
Intelligence: All That Matters (All That Matters)
by Stuart RitchieThere is a strange disconnect between the scientific consensus and the public mind on intelligence testing. Just mention IQ testing in polite company, and you'll sternly be informed that IQ tests don't measure anything "real", and only reflect how good you are at doing IQ tests; that they ignore important traits like "emotional intelligence" and "multiple intelligences"; and that those who are interested in IQ testing must be elitists, or maybe something more sinister.Yet the scientific evidence is clear: IQ tests are extraordinarily useful. IQ scores are related to a huge variety of important life outcomes like educational success, income, and even life expectancy, and biological studies have shown they are genetically influenced and linked to measures of the brain. Studies of intelligence and IQ are regularly published in the world's top scientific journals.This book will offer an entertaining introduction to the state of the art in intelligence and IQ, and will show how we have arrived at what we know from a century's research. It will engage head-on with many of the criticisms of IQ testing by describing the latest high-quality scientific research, but will not be a simple point-by-point rebuttal: it will make a positive case for IQ research, focusing on the potential benefits for society that a better understanding of intelligence can bring.
Intelligence and Abilities
by Colin CooperResearch into abilities is one of the great success stories of psychology. Ability tests are widely used and there is continued interest in the origins of abilites (enes or environment?) and their links to social phenomena such as crime and welfare dependecy. Intelligence and Abilities explains what is known about the processes associated with mental abilities and the relationship of abilities to behaviour. It also provides a clear and up-to-date guide to the main areas of research.
Intelligence and Cultural Environment (Psychology Revivals)
by Philip E. VernonOriginally published in 1969, Intelligence and Cultural Environment looks at the concept of intelligence and the factors influencing the mental development of children, including health and nutrition, as well as child-rearing practices. It goes on to discuss the application of intelligence tests in non-Western countries and includes both British and cross-cultural studies to illustrate this. Inevitably a product of the time in which it was written, this book nonetheless makes a valuable contribution to intelligence theory as we know it today.
Intelligence and How to Get It: Why Schools and Cultures Count
by Richard E. Nisbett"[Nisbett] weighs in forcefully and articulately . . . [using] a thoroughly appealing style to engage . . . throughout."--Publishers Weekly Who are smarter, Asians or Westerners? Are there genetic explanations for group differences in test scores? From the damning research of The Bell Curve to the more recent controversy surrounding geneticist James Watson's statements, one factor has been consistently left out of the equation: culture. In the tradition of Stephen Jay Gould's The Mismeasure of Man, world-class social psychologist Richard E. Nisbett takes on the idea of intelligence as biologically determined and impervious to culture with vast implications for the role of education as it relates to social and economic development. Intelligence and How to Get It asserts that intellect is not primarily genetic but is principally determined by societal influences.
Intelligence and Human Abilities: Structure, Origins and Applications
by Colin CooperChoice Recommended Read Psychological research into human intelligence and abilities presents us with a number of difficult questions: Are human abilities explained by a single core intelligence or by multiple intelligences? How should abilities be assessed? With tests unlike the problems which people normally have to solve, or with practical problems closer to those encountered in life, school and work? Do ability tests predict how a person will behave? If so, can they predict whether a person will succeed at school and at work? Intelligence and Human Abilities critically evaluates research evidence from the past 100 years to consider these and other issues. It shows that, despite the apparent contradictions in this research, the evidence in fact supports one coherent model, a fact which has clear implications for researchers, educators and test-users. This clear and engaging text provides an up-to-date evaluation of what the empirical evidence tells us about the number, nature and origins of human abilities. It will be essential reading for students and practitioners of psychology and education, and also for users of ability tests such as applied psychologists and personnel managers.
Intelligence and Intelligence Testing
by John Hattie Richard B FletcherHave you ever wondered what IQ is and how it is measured? Why is there such a premium placed on high IQ? What do we mean by intelligence? What does your IQ score mean? There can be no denying the enduring appeal of IQ over the last century. It is probably one of the most misunderstood yet highly researched psychological constructs ever. Such has been the controversy surrounding this topic that it is difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. Intelligence and Intelligence Testing is a text that aims to address that. This book examines the controversial psychological construct that is IQ, discussing and reviewing the history and current status of the research on intelligence and providing an overview of its development, measurement and use. From Galton, Spearman and Binet to the relatively recent controversy caused by the research of Herrnstein and Murray, this important book makes a major claim about the importance today of ‘problem solving on demand’ as one of the key components of today’s notions of intelligence. Chapters include coverage of: Intelligence and schooling; Cultural differences in views of intelligence; The history of IQ testing and its emergence into public consciousness; IQ as predictor of educational and occupational outcomes; Psychometrics and measurement of intelligence; The future of intelligence research. Written by Richard B. Fletcher and John Hattie, the author of the highly-regarded Visible Learning, this textbook will be invaluable for all undergraduate and Masters level students studying the theory of intelligence and the impact of testing on educational. Detailed and annotated further reading lists and a glossary of terms are also included.
Intelligence and Personality: Bridging the Gap in Theory and Measurement
by Janet M. Collis Samuel MessickThis volume brings together leading researchers in a major new effort to bridge the historical gap between the domains of ability and personality. The result is a remarkable collection of chapters analyzing critical issues at the interface--style, structure, process, and context. Contributors address: * intelligence and its relation to temperament and character-hierarchical models of cognition and personality; judgmental data in personality research; and structural issues in ability and personality; * intelligence and conation-goal theories; the role of conation in the learning environment; motivation and arousal; * intelligence and style-stylistic preferences; the role of disposition; cognitive style and its measurement; test taking style; and * intelligence and personality in context-regularities of functioning; contextual effects in cultural variation; control and consistency; the concept of "successful intelligence."
Intelligence and Technology: The Impact of Tools on the Nature and Development of Human Abilities (Educational Psychology Ser.)
by Robert J. Sternberg David D. PreissIn this volume, Robert J. Sternberg and David D. Preiss bring together different perspectives on understanding the impact of various technologies on human abilities, competencies, and expertise. The inclusive range of historical, comparative, sociocultural, cognitive, educational, industrial/organizational, and human factors approaches will stimula
Intelligence, Creativity, and Wisdom: Exploring their Connections and Distinctions
by Robert J. Sternberg James C. Kaufman Sareh KaramiThis edited collection examines the interrelationships between the psychological concepts of intelligence, creativity, and wisdom, while also presenting a systematic attempt to combine them within the overarching concept of meta-intelligence. Building on Robert J. Sternberg’s previous work, this authoritative volume brings together leading researchers in the field of intelligence, creativity, and wisdom to show the latest advances in this line of research through a selection of 18 chapters. Using a wide range or approaches, including psychological, cognitive, educational, and philosophical perspectives, internationally renowned scholars offer insights into the benefits of re-thinking our understanding of intelligence, creativity, and wisdom, and how they may helpfully be more integrated.This wide-ranging collection will appeal in particular to students and scholars of cognitive, differential, social, developmental, and educational psychology, as well as creativity studies, education, philosophy, and related disciplines.