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Intelligence, Destiny and Education: The Ideological Roots of Intelligence Testing

by John White

The nature of intelligence and how it can be measured has occupied psychologists, educationalists, biologists and philosophers for hundreds of years. However, there has been little investigation into the rise of the traditional dominant educational ideology that intelligence and IQ have innate limits and are unchanging and unchangeable. This book traces the roots of this mind set back to early puritan communities on both sides of the Atlantic, drawing parallels between puritan dogma and the development of the traditional curricula and selection processes that are still firmly embedded in school practice today. Drawing on the work of Galton, Pearson, Burt, Goddard, Terman and others in his search for the truth about intelligence testing, John White looks at the personal histories and socialised religious backgrounds of these key psychologists and casts an entirely new light on schooling in Britain and the USA in modern times. This work also shows how we can transcend this heritage and base our educational system on values and practices more in tune with the twenty-first century.

Intelligence Émotionnel dans le École

by Juan Moisés de la Serna

Parler de l'Intelligence émotionnelle est de le faire maintenant, en termes de développement de la personne, un aspect qui a été en plein essor depuis des dizaines d'années et dont la portée a été utile non seulement dans le champ si vous n'avez pas également. De plus en plus, il y a plus d'études qui s'accumulent sur les avantages d'un bon développement de l'Intelligence Émotionnelle, recommandé pour être formé en elle-le plus tôt sera le mieux. Par conséquent, l'école est le droit de l'environnement pour les petits et même les adolescents à connaître et à développer l'Intelligence Émotionnelle.

Intelligence émotionnelle: Apprenez à tirer le meilleur parti de vos émotions

by Juan Moises de la Serna Sophie Martin

S’il y a un sujet dont on a beaucoup parlé ces dernières années dans le domaine de la psychologie, c’est l’intelligence émotionnelle (IE), d’abord comme un des développements de l’étude des émotions humaines et leurs implications dans la vie, et devant acquérir par la suite un rôle de premier ordre dans des champs aussi importants que l’éducation ou l’entreprise, en raison des bénéfices observés aussi bien sur l’efficacité que sur le plaisir de vivre chez les personnes qui travaillent leur IE. Dans cet ouvrage, nous aborderons les plus récentes investigations concernant l’IE, nous parlerons de sa définition et de ses conséquences, mais nous verrons surtout comment la mettre en pratique dans notre vie quotidienne afin d’en obtenir les plus grands bienfaits possible. En terminant ce livre, développer votre intelligence émotionnelle vous apparaîtra comme une démarche indispensable.

Intelligence in Ape and Man (Psychology Revivals)

by David Premack

What is language and what is the nature of the intelligence that can acquire it? This volume, originally published in 1976, describes 10 years of research devoted to these questions. The author describes his programmatic research of decomposing language into atomic constituents, designing and applying training programs for teaching these to chimpanzees, and for teaching chimps major human ontological categories, as well as for interrogative, declarative, and imperative sentence forms. The volume details the progress from teaching apes simple predicates such as same–different, to more complex predicates such as if–then, and the success of the program led to the following questions directly related to intelligence: What made the training program effective? What is the cognitive equipment of the species which enables it to learn language? What does this tell us about human intelligence? The answers were suggested in terms of conceptual structure, representational capacity, memory and the ability to handle second-order relations. The results of this experimentation, which resulted in synonymy in some animals, shed light not only on the nature of language, but the nature of intelligence as well. One of the earliest ape language and intelligence studies, today this classic can be read and enjoyed again in its historical context.

Intelligence in Context: The Cultural and Historical Foundations of Human Intelligence

by Robert J. Sternberg David D. Preiss

This book reflects on the various ways in which intelligence can manifest itself in the wide range of diverse contexts in which people live. Intelligence is often viewed as being tantamount to a score or set of scores on a decontextualized standardized intelligence test. But intelligence always acts within a sociocultural context. Indeed, early theorists defined intelligence in terms of adaptation to the environment in which one lives. The tradition of decontextualization is old, dating back to the very beginning of the 20th century with the development of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scales. This tradition is not only old, however, but obsolete. Because people live in different sociocultural as well as physical environments, intelligence can take somewhat different forms in different places and even at different times. The chapters in this edited volume show that intelligence viewed in the abstract is a somewhat vacuous concept - it needs to be contextualized in terms of people’s physical and sociocultural surroundings.

Intelligence in the Flesh

by Guy Claxton

If you think that intelligence emanates from the mind and that reasoning necessitates the suppression of emotion, you'd better think again--or rather not "think" at all. In his provocative new book, Guy Claxton draws on the latest findings in neuroscience and psychology to reveal how our bodies--long dismissed as mere conveyances--actually constitute the core of our intelligent life. From the endocrinal means by which our organs communicate to the instantaneous decision-making prompted by external phenomena, our bodies are able to perform intelligent computations that we either overlook or wrongly attribute to our brains. Embodied intelligence is one of the most exciting areas in contemporary philosophy and neuropsychology, and Claxton shows how the privilege given to cerebral thinking has taken a toll on modern society, resulting in too much screen time, the diminishment of skilled craftsmanship, and an overvaluing of white-collar over blue-collar labor. Discussing techniques that will help us reconnect with our bodies, Claxton shows how an appreciation of the body's intelligence will enrich all our lives.

Intelligence Information Thinking

by Edward De Bono

Edward de Bono has been called 'the father of thinking about thinking'. He is the originator of the concept - and formal tools - of Lateral Thinking. He is regarded by many as the leading authority in the field of creative thinking, innovation and the direct teaching of thinking as a skill.

Intelligence, Instruction, and Assessment: Theory Into Practice (Educational Psychology Series)

by Robert J. Sternberg Wendy M. Williams

Intelligence, Instruction, and Assessment shows how modern theories of intelligence can be directly applied by educators to the teaching of subject matter, regardless of the age of the students or the content being taught. It is intended primarily for teachers at all levels--elementary, secondary, tertiary--who want to apply in their classrooms what we know about intelligence. The focus is not on modifying students' intelligence, per se, but on increasing their disciplinary knowledge and understanding. Hence, this book will help teachers learn how they can teach more effectively what they are already teaching. The assumption is that what teachers care most about is how they can improve upon what they are already doing, and how they can learn what they need to do in order to be more effective in their work. The contributors are well known for their work on intelligence and education. Each chapter includes an accessible explanation of the author's theory of intelligence, and discusses the implications of that theory both for instruction and for assessment. The book is international in scope, reflecting both American and European perspectives. Anyone interested in knowing how modern theories of intelligence can be applied to education will want to read this book--particularly teachers and other education specialists, as well as developmental psychologists, cognitive psychologists, and philosophers with an interest in applying psychological theory to classroom practice. It will serve well as a text for courses on educational psychology, intelligence, cognition and instruction, and foundations of teaching.

Intelligence Measurement and School Performance in Latin America: A Report of the Study of Latin American Intelligence Project

by Carmen Flores-Mendoza Rubén Ardila Ricardo Rosas María Emilia Lucio Miguel Gallegos Norma Reátegui Colareta

This book presents the results of the most complete and updated assessment of cognitive resources of students in Latin America: the Study of Latin American Intelligence (SLATINT). During four years, top researchers of the region used a standardized set of cognitive measures to assess 4,000 students aged between 14 and 15 years from six countries: Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Peru. The data collected and now analyzed in this volume is a first step to understand the human cognitive capital of the region, a crucial resource for any country today. Intelligence research has shown that the cognitive skills of a population are strongly associated with the school performance of its students and the development of a nation. This makes Intelligence Measurement and School Performance in Latin America a valuable tool both for Latin American researchers and authorities engaged in the improvement of each country’s human resources and for psychologists, educators and other social scientists dedicated to the study of the impact of intelligence in the development of nations.

Intelligence, Race, and Genetics: Conversations with Arthur R. Jensen

by Frank Miele

Conversations with controversial psychologist Arthur R. Jensen on the nature of intelligence, racial differences in intelligence, and the genetic basis for differences in intelligence

Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century

by Howard Gardner

Gardner (cognition and education, Harvard U.) broadens his theory of multiple intelligences first posited in 1983 to include intelligences of the existential and naturalist types and multiple forms of creativity. The McArthur genius award recipient advises on applications of his theory, responds to critics, and provides global contacts on MI theory.

Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century

by Howard Gardner

Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner has been acclaimed as the most influential educational theorist since John Dewey. His ideas about intelligence and creativity - explicated in such bestselling books as Frames of Mind and Multiple Intelligences (over 200,000 copies in print combined) - have revolutionized our thinking. In his groundbreaking 1983 book Frames of Mind, Howard Gardner first introduced the theory of multiple intelligences, which posits that intelligence is more than a single property of the human mind. That theory has become widely accepted as one of the seminal ideas of the twentieth century and continues to attract attention all over the world. Now in Intelligence Reframed, Gardner provides a much-needed report on the theory, its evolution and revisions. He offers practical guidance on the educational uses of the theory and responds to the critiques leveled against him. He also introduces two new intelligences (existential intelligence and naturalist intelligence) and argues that the concept of intelligence should be broadened, but not so absurdly that it includes every human virtue and value. Ultimately, argues Gardner, possessing a basic set of seven or eight intelligences is not only a unique trademark of the human species, but also perhaps even a working definition of the species. Gardner also offers provocative ideas about creativity, leadership, and moral excellence, and speculates about the relationship between multiple intelligences and the world of work in the future.

Intelligence Tests for Children (Collected Works of C.W. Valentine)

by C.W. Valentine

Originally published in 1945, this title was intended mainly for use by teachers wishing to test children from ages 2-8 in order to establish their intelligence. Based on feedback to the author, this revised edition also includes tests for children up to the age of 15. The tests were used to give a teacher some idea of how much could be expected of each child, so that the class, when practicable, could be divided into groups of varying abilities, which could proceed at paces suited to their respective capacities. It was felt that if ‘inborn intellectual deficiencies’ could be identified at an early age the children could have ‘special treatment’, or in certain cases be placed in a ‘special school’, rather than be potentially written off as ‘lazy’. Today this can be read and enjoyed in its historical context.

Intelligence - Theories and Applications

by Rainer M. Holm-Hadulla Joachim Funke Michael Wink

Intelligence allows people to understand events and to shape their surrounding environment. This book delves deeper into the theories and applications of intelligence, showing it is a multifaceted concept —defined and explained differently by prestigious experts of various disciplines in their own research. The book provides interdisciplinary connections of intelligence as it relates to a variety of clearly outlined subject areas, and should lead to a deep understanding of the phenomenon as it pertains to practical applications in different domains. Contributors in this volume present results from evolutionary biology, mathematics, artificial intelligence, medicine, psychology, cultural studies, economy, political sciences and philosophy. Individual scientific models are integrated in an interdisciplinary concept of wisdom. This volume will help enhance the common understanding of intelligence for fellow researchers and scientists alike.

The Intelligence Trap: Why Smart People Make Dumb Mistakes

by David Robson

An eye-opening examination of the stupid things smart people do—and how to cultivate skills to protect ourselves from error. Smart people are not only just as prone to making mistakes as everyone else, they may be even more susceptible to them. This is the "intelligence trap," the subject of David Robson’s fascinating and provocative book. The Intelligence Trap explores cutting-edge ideas in our understanding of intelligence and expertise, including "strategic ignorance," "meta-forgetfulness," and "functional stupidity." Robson reveals the surprising ways that even the brightest minds and most talented organizations can go wrong—from some of Thomas Edison’s worst ideas to failures at NASA, Nokia, and the FBI. And he offers practical advice to avoid mistakes based on the timeless lessons of Benjamin Franklin, Richard Feynman, and Daniel Kahneman.

The Intelligence Trap: Revolutionise your Thinking and Make Wiser Decisions

by David Robson

How was a brilliant physics professor tricked into carrying 2kg of cocaine across the Argentinian border? Why do doctors misdiagnose 10 to 15% of their patients? Why do Nobel Prize winners spread fake news?We assume that smarter people are less prone to error. But greater education and expertise can often amplify our mistakes while rendering us blind to our biases. This is the 'intelligence trap'. Drawing on the latest behavioural science and historical examples from Socrates to Benjamin Franklin, David Robson demonstrates how to apply our intelligence more wisely; identify bias and enhance our 'rationality quotient'; read and regulate our emotions; fine-tune our intuition; navigate ambiguity and uncertainty; and think more flexibly about seemingly intractable problems.The twenty-first century presents us with complex problems that demand a wiser way of thinking. Whether you are a NASA scientist or a school student, The Intelligence Trap offers a new cognitive toolkit to realise your full potential.

The Intelligence Trap: Revolutionise your Thinking and Make Wiser Decisions

by David Robson

An eye-opening examination of the stupid things smart people do-and how to cultivate skills to protect ourselves from error.'As a rule, I have found that the greater brain a man has, and the better he is educated, the easier it has been to mystify him,' Houdini to Arthur Conan DoyleSmart people are not only just as prone to making mistakes as everyone else-they may be even more susceptible to them. This is the "intelligence trap," the subject of David Robson's fascinating and provocative debut. Packed with cutting-edge research, historical case studies, entertaining stories, and practical advice, The Intelligence Trap explores the flaws in our understanding of intelligence and expertise, and reveals the ways that even the brightest minds and talented organizations can backfire - from some of Thomas Edison's worst ideas to failures at NASA, Nokia, and the FBI. With a knack for explaining complex ideas and featuring timeless lessons from Socrates to Benjamin Franklin to Richard Feynman and the latest behavioral science, Robson shows how to build a cognitive toolkit to avoid mistakes and protect ourselves from misinformation and fake news.(P)2019 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

The Intelligent Clinician's Guide to the DSM-5®

by Joel Paris

The Intelligent Clinician's Guide to the DSM-5 explores all revisions to the latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual, and shows clinicians how they can best apply the strong points and shortcomings of psychiatry's most contentious resource. Written by a celebrated professor ofpsychiatry, this reader-friendly book uses evidence-based critiques and new research to point out where DSM-5 is right, where it is wrong, and where the jury's still out. Along the way, The Intelligent Clinician's Guide to the DSM-5 sifts through the many public controversies and clinical debatessurrounding the drafting of the manual and shows how they inform a modern understanding of psychiatric illness, diagnosis and treatment. This book is necessary reading for all mental health professionals as they grapple with the first major revision of the DSM to appear in over 30 years.

The Intelligent Clinician's Guide to the DSM-5

by Joel Paris

The Intelligent Clinician's Guide to the DSM-5 is the second edition of the widely-read book first published in 2013. This second edition is thoroughly revised, and has several new chapters describing the response to the publication of the new manual, as well as suggestions on its use in clinical practice. <P><P> The Intelligent Clinician's Guide to the DSM-5, Second Edition reviews the history of diagnosis in psychiatry, emphasizing the limitations for classification of our current lack of knowledge of the causes of most mental disorders. It emphasizes that, in the absence of biomarkers, current categories can only be considered provisional. It takes a critical look at schema for spectra and dimensionalisation of diagnosis, examines the borders between normality and psychopathology, and discusses the problem of clinical utility. The book has chapters on all the major diagnoses in psychiatry, in which the main problems of diagnosis are addressed, and in which all changes in DSM-5 are described.

Intelligent Computing Theories and Application

by De-Shuang Huang Vitoantonio Bevilacqua Prashan Premaratne Phalguni Gupta

The International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC) was formed to provide an annual forum dedicated to the emerging and challenging topics in artificial intel- gence, machine learning, pattern recognition, image processing, bioinformatics, and computational biology. It aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry to share ideas, problems, and solutions related to the m- tifaceted aspects of intelligent computing. ICIC 2010, held in Changsha, China, August 18-21, 2010, constituted the 6th - ternational Conference on Intelligent Computing. It built upon the success of ICIC 2009, ICIC 2008, ICIC 2007, ICIC 2006, and ICIC 2005, that were held in Ulsan, Korea, Shanghai, Qingdao, Kunming and Hefei, China, respectively. This year, the conference concentrated mainly on the theories and methodologies as well as the emerging applications of intelligent computing. Its aim was to unify the picture of contemporary intelligent computing techniques as an integral concept that highlights the trends in advanced computational intelligence and bridges theoretical research with applications. Therefore, the theme for this conference was "Advanced Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications. " Papers focusing on this theme were solicited, addressing theories, methodologies, and applications in science and technology.

Intelligent Computing Theories and Application

by De-Shuang Huang Kang-Hyun Jo Juan Carlos Figueroa-García

The International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC) was formed to provide an annual forum dedicated to the emerging and challenging topics in artificial intel- gence, machine learning, pattern recognition, image processing, bioinformatics, and computational biology. It aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry to share ideas, problems, and solutions related to the m- tifaceted aspects of intelligent computing. ICIC 2010, held in Changsha, China, August 18-21, 2010, constituted the 6th - ternational Conference on Intelligent Computing. It built upon the success of ICIC 2009, ICIC 2008, ICIC 2007, ICIC 2006, and ICIC 2005, that were held in Ulsan, Korea, Shanghai, Qingdao, Kunming and Hefei, China, respectively. This year, the conference concentrated mainly on the theories and methodologies as well as the emerging applications of intelligent computing. Its aim was to unify the picture of contemporary intelligent computing techniques as an integral concept that highlights the trends in advanced computational intelligence and bridges theoretical research with applications. Therefore, the theme for this conference was "Advanced Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications. " Papers focusing on this theme were solicited, addressing theories, methodologies, and applications in science and technology.

Intelligent Drug Prescribing in Psychiatry: Supporting the Patient-Prescriber Partnership

by Peter Tyrer

This new book, drawing on the author’s distinguished career in front-line psychiatric practice, describes how to bring patient and prescriber together in an active partnership whereby there is better understanding of the positive and negative elements of drug prescription. At present there is a gap between expectations, with doctors not always able to admit their ignorance of some aspects of drug action, and patients kept unaware of these uncertainties. Balanced decision-making with joint involvement is needed to separate those drugs that are needed regularly to maintain health, those that are only needed when required and those that are mere fashion accessories. Greater care is needed over the explanation of the first prescription, the expected duration of treatment and the plans for eventual withdrawal. The consequence of a better partnership will be less over-prescribing, a reduction of polypharmacy and a lessened need for deprescribing, the planned systematic reduction of drug treatment that has got completely out of control.Concentrating on routine prescribing for psychiatric and mental health disorders rather than unusual conditions and illustrated with real-life anecdotes and case histories, this is essential reading for trainee and practising psychiatrics, general practitioners and pharmacists.

The Intelligent Ear: On the Nature of Sound Perception

by Reinier Plomp

Plomp's Aspects of Tone Sensation--published 25 years ago--dealt with the psychophysics of simple and complex tones. Since that time, auditory perception as a field of study has undergone a radical metamorphosis. Technical and methodological innovations, as well as a considerable increase in attention to the various aspects of auditory experience, have changed the picture profoundly. This book is an attempt to account for this development by giving a comprehensive survey of the present state of the art as a whole. Perceptual aspects of hearing, particularly of understanding speech as the main auditory input signal, are thoroughly reviewed.

Intelligent Fault Diagnosis and Accommodation Control (Automation and Control Engineering)

by Sunan Huang Kok Kiong Tan Poi Voon Er Tong Heng Lee

Control systems include many components, such as transducers, sensors, actuators and mechanical parts. These components are required to be operated under some specific conditions. However, due to prolonged operations or harsh operating environment, the properties of these devices may degrade to an unacceptable level, causing more regular fault occurrences. It is therefore necessary to diagnose faults and provide the fault-accommodation control which compensates for the fault of the component by substituting a configuration of redundant elements so that the system continues to operate satisfactorily. In this book, we present a result of several years of work in the area of fault diagnosis and fault-accommodation control. It aims at information estimate methods when faults occur. The book uses the model built from the plant or process, to detect and isolate failures, in contrast to traditional hardware or statistical technologies dealing with failures. It presents model-based learning and design technologies for fault detection, isolation and identification as well as fault-tolerant control. These models are also used to analyse the fault detectability and isolability conditions and discuss the stability of the closed-loop system. It is intended to report new technologies in the area of fault diagnosis, covering fault analysis and control strategies of design for various applications. The book addresses four main schemes: modelling of actuator or sensor faults; fault detection and isolation; fault identification, and fault reconfiguration (accommodation) control. It also covers application issues in the monitoring control of actuators, providing several interesting case studies for more application-oriented readers.

Intelligent Kindness: Rehabilitating the Welfare State

by Penelope Campling John Ballatt Chris Maloney

Intelligent Kindness examines and rehabilitates the concept of the 'welfare state'. Despite, or perhaps because of, relentless prescriptive regulatory and structural reforms, scandals continue. Staff are increasingly alienated. Drawing upon narratives and case studies, this book examines what is at stake from perspectives including ethology, psychoanalysis, group relations, and social psychology. The front line of health and social care can be bleak, despite the many rewards of the work, often leaving staff demoralised and exhausted. Their continued well-being, while delivering compassionate and effective care, depends on the cultivation of a culture of kinship, mutuality and collaborative relationships. The authors provide practical, achievable advice that will support and sustain healthy organisational culture and effective, humane practice. Grounded in lived experiences and observations, Intelligent Kindness is a powerful argument for the welfare state and a valuable approach to service reform.

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