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Showing 24,326 through 24,350 of 52,475 results

Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Evolutions in Design

by Hugh Burns James W. Parlett Carol Luckhardt Redfield

This is a collection of essays on issues related to the evolutionary design and the practical future of intelligent tutoring systems. Following in the tradition of Foundations of Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lessons Learned, this volume examines some of the visions and near-term issues that have been further explored and better defined since those groundbreaking books first appeared. Questions addressed in this volume include: *How can knowledge bases generate explanations? *Will case-based reasoning techniques be worth pursuing in the ITS framework? *Will high performance skills be successfully taught in an ITS design? *Are there dimensions of ITS design which the research laboratories are ignoring, and ignoring at the customer's peril? Of particular importance to those engaged in research and development, this book will be of value to all who wish to apprise themselves of the advances being made in the rapidly evolving field of intelligent tutoring systems.

Intelligenza Emozionale: Apprendi a trarre il massimo dalle tue Emozioni

by Benvegnu' Loredana Juan Moises de la Serna

In questo e-book si sono esposte in maniera semplice e chiara le principali teorie a sostegno dell’Intelligenza Emozionale , la sua definizione ed i benefici sociali apportati al praticarla,segnalando le possibili problematiche causate dal mancato sviluppo di quest’ultima grazie all’esposizione delle recenti investigazioni in merito, per poter permettere al lettore una visione globale ed aggiornata dell’argomento.


by Frank Häßler

Die Kenntnis der verschiedenen Ausprägungsarten von geistiger Behinderung und Minderbegabung ist entscheidend für Diagnose und Therapie. Früh beginnende Fördermaßnahmen sind notwendig, damit Kinder die Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten erlernen, die ihnen eine Teilhabe am sozialen Leben ermöglichen. Bei der Reihe "Manuale psychischer Störungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen" steht der Patient im Mittelpunkt. Die Bücher bieten Betroffenen Tipps und Tricks zur Bewältigung des Alltags, Therapeuten erhalten wissenschaftlich fundierte Informationen.

Intense Group Behavior and Brand Negativity: Comparing Rivalry in Politics, Religion, and Sport

by Cody T. Havard

In previous books, the author has investigated rivalry in the context of sport and non-sport settings. This book investigates how rivalry and group member behavior manifests in the setting of politics, religion, and sport, three settings of intense group member bias. Building on the author’s Hierarchy of Out-group Derogation (HOD) and Out-group Derogation Spectrum (ODS), it discusses the potential of common interests to drive out-group cooperation. The work ends with a call for future research to better understand how to decrease out-group derogation and negativity. Incorporating research from marketing, psychology, political science, and sociology, this book offers researchers in several fields a new understanding of how setting and group membership influences the ways people view and behave toward out-groups.

Intensifying Mathematics Interventions for Struggling Students (The Guilford Series on Intensive Instruction)

by Diane Pedrotty Bryant

This key resource for K–12 educators offers a systematic guide to delivering Tier 2 and 3 math interventions within a multi-tiered system of support. The volume explains critical math areas in which many students have difficulty--early numeracy, time and money measurement, number combinations, fractions, word-problem solving, algebra, and more. Leading experts describe relevant standards and show how to use data-based individualization to plan, monitor, and intensify instruction in each area. Beginning with bulleted guiding questions, chapters feature a wealth of evidence-based intervention strategies, lesson-planning ideas, and case examples. Reproducible instructional activities and planning forms can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.

Intensive Family Therapy: Theoretical and Practical Aspects

by Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy James L. Framo

A review of concepts in the study and treatment of families of schizophrenics / Gerald H. Zuk, David Rubenstein -- A theory of relationships: experience and transaction / Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy -- Intensive family therapy as process / Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy -- Rationale and techniques of intensive family therapy / James L. Framo -- Family psychotherapy with schizophrenia in the hospital and in private practice / Murray Bowen -- Family dynamics and the reversibility of delusional formation: a case study in family therapy / Nathan W. Ackerman, Paul F. Franklin -- Some indications and contraindications for exploratory family therapy / Lyman C. Wynne -- Countertransference in the family treatment of schizophrenia / Carl A. Whitaker, Richard E. Felder, John Warkentin -- Mystification, confusion, and conflict / Ronald D. Laing -- The identity struggle / Anthony F.C. Wallace, Raymond C. Fogelson -- Systematic research on family dynamics / James L. Framo -- The contributions of family treatment to the psychotherapy of schizophrenia / Harold F. Searles.

Intensive Family Therapy: Theoretical And Practical Aspects

by Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy James L. Framo

The chapters of this volume were written for the purpose of surveying the field of intensive family therapy. The book is not a compilation of previously published articles; all of the chapters are original contributions written at the request of the editors. The structure of the volume was determined by the editors' experience with family therapy and their continuous exchange with other workers in the field through symposia, personal discussions, and, in most cases, direct observation of their work.

Intensive One-Session Treatment of Specific Phobias

by Lars-Göran Öst Thompson E. Davis III Thomas H. Ollendick

Whether it's dogs, spiders, blood, heights or some other fear, specific phobias are one of the most prevalent mental health problems, affecting as many as one in eight people. In recent years, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has emerged as particularly effective in treating young people and adults with specific phobias. And of these methods, one-session treatment stands out as a long-lasting, cost-effective intervention of choice. Intensive One-Session Treatment of Specific Phobias not only provides a summary of the evidence base, it also serves as a practical reference and training guide. This concise volume examines the phenomenology, epidemiology, and etiology of phobias, laying the groundwork for subsequent discussion of assessment strategies, empirically sound one-session treatment methods, and special topics. In addition, expert contributors address challenges common to exposure therapy, offer age-appropriate guidelines for treating young clients, and describe innovative computer-assisted techniques. Organized to be read individually or in sequence, chapters delve into key areas, including: Evidence-based assessment and treatment of specific phobias in children, adolescents, and adults.One-session treatment theory and practice with children, adolescents, and adults.Handling difficult cases of specific phobias in youth.Interventions for specific phobias in special populations.Training and assessing therapists in one-session treatment.Ethical issues in considering exposure. Intensive One-Session Treatment of Specific Phobias is an essential resource for researchers, clinicians, and graduate students in child, school, clinical, and counseling psychology; social work; and general and special education.

Intensive Parenting

by Ph.D. Deborah L. Davis Mara Tesler Stein

Parenthood transforms you. Even before this crisis, you may have experienced a wide range of feelings triggered by pregnancy, birth, and welcoming a new baby. The NICU experience challenges your emotional coping, your developing parental identity, your relationship skills, and your ability to adjust. Intensive Parenting explores the emotions of parenting in the neonatal intensive care unit, from in-hospital through issues and concerns after the child is home. Deboral L. Davis and Mara Tesler Stein describe and affirm the wide range of experiences and emotional reactions that occur in the NICU and offer strategies for parents coping with their baby's condition and hospitalization. Deborah L. Davis, PhD, is a developmental psychologist and writer who is the author of several books that support grieving parents including Empty Cradle, Broken Heart: Surviving the Death of Your Baby and Loving and Letting Go. Mara Tesler Stein, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist. She consults to healthcare providers and hospitals, guiding their efforts to improve the level of psychological support and care to families in Labor and Delivery and in the NICU. She specializes in the emotional aspects of coping with crisis around pregnancy and parenting.

Intensive psychodynamische Kurzzeittherapie nach Davanloo (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Gerda Gottwik Ingrid Orbes

Die Intensive Psychodynamische Kurzzeittherapie nach Prof. Habib Davanloo (IS-TDP) basiert auf 40 Jahren empirischer Forschung und ist eine umfassende, revolutionäre Therapiemethode für alle neurotischen Störungen und Persönlichkeitsstörungen. In diesem bisher einzigen deutschsprachigen Werk zu IS-TDP wird das Konzept ausführlich erläutert. Neben einer Einführung in die Theorie bietet es viele Beispiele, die die besondere technische Intervention der IS-TDP aufzeigen. Behandelt wird ferner die Anwendung der Therapie bei verschiedenen Störungsbildern.

Intensive Psychotherapy for Persistent Dissociative Processes: The Fear of Feeling Real (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)

by Richard A. Chefetz

Winner of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation's (ISSTD) Pierre Janet Writing Award, 2015. What really happens in dissociation. Dissociative processes have long burdened trauma survivors with the dilemma of longing to feel "real" at the same time as they desperately want to avoid the pain that comes with that healing--a dilemma that often presents particularly acute difficulties for healing professionals. Recent clinical and neurobiological research sheds some light into the dark corners of a mind undergoing persistent dissociation, but its integration into the practice of talking therapy has never, until now, been fully realized. Intensive Psychotherapy for Persistent Dissociative Processes brings readers into the consultation room, and into the minds of both patient and therapist, like no other work on the treatment of trauma and dissociation. Richard A. Chefetz marries neuroscientific sophistication with a wealth of extended case histories, following patients over several years and offering several verbatim session transcripts. His unpacking of the emotionally impactful experience of psychodynamic talking therapy is masterfully written, clearly accessible, and singularly thorough. From neurobiological foundations he builds a working understanding of dissociation and its clinical manifestations. Drawing on theories of self-states and their involvement in dissociative experiences, he demonstrates how to identify persistent dissociation and its related psychodynamic processes, including repetition compulsion and enactment. He then guides readers through the beginning stages of a treatment, with particular attention to the psychodynamics of emotion in both patient and therapist. The second half of the book immerses readers in emotionally challenging clinical processes, offering insight into the neurobiology of fear and depersonalization, as well as case examples detailing struggles with histories of incest, sexual addiction, severe negativity, negative therapeutic reactions, enactment, and object-coercive doubting. The narrative style of Chefetz's casework is nearly novelistic, bringing to life the clinical setting and the struggles in both patient and therapist. The only mystery in this clinical exposition, as it explores several cases over a number of years, is what will happen next. In the depth of his examples and in continual, self-reflexive analysis of flaws in past treatments, Chefetz is both a generous guide and an expert storyteller. Intensive Psychotherapy for Persistent Dissociative Processes is unique in its ability to place readers in the consultation room of psychodynamic therapy. With an evidence-focused approach based in neurobiology and a bold clinical scope, it will be indispensible to new and experienced therapists alike as they grapple with the most intractable clinical obstacles.

Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: Theory and Technique

by Patricia C. Della Selva

Traditionally, psychoanalytic treatment has been a lengthy endeavour, requiring a long-term commitment from patient and analyst, as well as vast financial resources. More recently, short-term approaches to psychoanalytic treatment have proliferated. One of the most well-known and thoroughly studied is the groundbreaking method of Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy, developed by Dr. Habib Davanloo. Having trained directly with Dr. Davenloo, the author has written a clear, concise outline of the method that has come to be regarded as a classic in the field. The book is organised in a systematic fashion, analogous to the process of therapy itself, from initial contact through to termination and follow-up. Detailed clinical examples are presented throughout the text to illustrate how theory is translated into techniques of unparalleled power and effectiveness.

Intensive Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy: An Integrated Model

by Marco Sambin Francesco Scotta

Intensive Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy: An Integrated Model (ITAP) introduces a new approach of psychotherapy. Based on psychodynamic foundations, the ITAP integrates the most recent trends in short-term dynamic psychotherapy and Transactional Analysis. This book develops an innovative, clear and complete clinical model of ITAP, and introduces the reader, step-by-step, to the theoretical basis underlying the technique of this intervention. The authors introduce the therapeutic procedure by bringing together the theory with brief clinical examples, thereby demonstrating the attitude of the intense therapist as well as which theoretical pathways to take to progress with the patient. In addition to the modulation of the technique based on the level of the patient’s suffering, there is also a systematic examination of which cases should be treated with ITAP, and in what way. Intensive Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy is a therapy which can be easily used by all therapists, and this book will be of great interest to Transactional Analysis therapists and other therapists interested in Transactional Analysis and short-term dynamic psychotherapy.

Intention: How to tap into the most underrated power in the universe

by Andrew Wallas

Intention is the seed of all change and it is the creative power that fulfils our dreams. An intention contains the DNA of manifestation and it is therefore the key to creating the life you want. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, and so the only way to shift reality is to start with what is inside us.According to research, 92% of new year resolutions fail by the end of the year. The only way to reverse this trend is to go deeper.This powerful book guides you through a process of practical self-enquiry that gets to the true heart of your intentions for this life. You will weed out the obstacles in the way of your wishes, such as limiting self-beliefs and the stories you currently tell about yourself. You will plant the seeds of intention with a sense of true clarity and infinite possibility, and then water them with your daily actions and care. And then all that needs to be done is to trust in the outcome and allow your intentions to grow.Intention is for anyone who wishes to align their life with their innermost wishes and tap into the most underrated power in the universe.

Intention: How to tap into the most underrated power in the universe

by Andrew Wallas Business Alchemy Limited

Intention is the seed of all change and it is the creative power that fulfils our dreams. An intention contains the DNA of manifestation and it is therefore the key to creating the life you want. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, and so the only way to shift reality is to start with what is inside us.According to research, 92% of new year resolutions fail by the end of the year. The only way to reverse this trend is to go deeper.This powerful book guides you through a process of practical self-enquiry that gets to the true heart of your intentions for this life. You will weed out the obstacles in the way of your wishes, such as limiting self-beliefs and the stories you currently tell about yourself. You will plant the seeds of intention with a sense of true clarity and infinite possibility, and then water them with your daily actions and care. And then all that needs to be done is to trust in the outcome and allow your intentions to grow.Intention is for anyone who wishes to align their life with their innermost wishes and tap into the most underrated power in the universe.PRAISE FOR Intention:"It is a joy to find a life-changing book that is so clearly and beautifully written. Andrew Wallas distils decades of clinical practice with wisdom and a deceptively light touch. The overall message is strong. We are each responsible for our own path to happiness, and Intention is the inspiring guidebook that can help us to find it." - Georgia Coleridge, author of The Chakra Project PRAISE FOR ANDREW WALLAS:"Intention is a superpower which when used correctly aligns us to our purpose and helps fulfil our heart's work. Andrew Wallas elegantly and generously shows us how. His approach is simple, yet it is not easy - but boy is it worth it." Emma Cannon, fertility and women's health expert, acupuncturist and author of Fertile "Andrew holds the space for you to reconnect with your inner wisdom. His skill is that he is intuitive but practical." - Financial Times, How To Spend It"Fast-tracked healing" - Vogue "Andrew Wallas has a gift for transforming stuck energy and releasing you from negative patterns" - Tatler"With easy charm and 30 years' experience as a psychotherapist, Andrew Wallas helps clients remove the obstacles standing in their way"- Vanity Fair "He has an uncanny ability to sense emotional blocks and asks penetrating questions that unearth destructive patterns of behaviour" - The Daily Mail"Amazingly honest. Incredibly insightful. For any blocks you need to uncover to be able to create the life you want - visit the Wizard" - Tanya, business woman"I have met many "spiritual" healers, guides and psychics over the years. However, none of them have managed to explain to me in terms that I understand how I can effectively blend the real or human world with this spiritual calling that I feel. I believe that I have found in you my guru / teacher that can really help me navigate this exciting journey" - Gavin, businessman

Intention: How to tap into the most underrated power in the universe

by Andrew Wallas Business Alchemy Limited

Intention is the seed of all change and it is the creative power that fulfils our dreams. An intention contains the DNA of manifestation and it is therefore the key to creating the life you want. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, and so the only way to shift reality is to start with what is inside us.According to research, 92% of new year resolutions fail by the end of the year. The only way to reverse this trend is to go deeper.This powerful book guides you through a process of practical self-enquiry that gets to the true heart of your intentions for this life. You will weed out the obstacles in the way of your wishes, such as limiting self-beliefs and the stories you currently tell about yourself. You will plant the seeds of intention with a sense of true clarity and infinite possibility, and then water them with your daily actions and care. And then all that needs to be done is to trust in the outcome and allow your intentions to grow.Intention is for anyone who wishes to align their life with their innermost wishes and tap into the most underrated power in the universe.PRAISE FOR Intention:"It is a joy to find a life-changing book that is so clearly and beautifully written. Andrew Wallas distils decades of clinical practice with wisdom and a deceptively light touch. The overall message is strong. We are each responsible for our own path to happiness, and Intention is the inspiring guidebook that can help us to find it." - Georgia Coleridge, author of The Chakra Project PRAISE FOR ANDREW WALLAS:"Intention is a superpower which when used correctly aligns us to our purpose and helps fulfil our heart's work. Andrew Wallas elegantly and generously shows us how. His approach is simple, yet it is not easy - but boy is it worth it." Emma Cannon, fertility and women's health expert, acupuncturist and author of Fertile "Andrew holds the space for you to reconnect with your inner wisdom. His skill is that he is intuitive but practical." - Financial Times, How To Spend It"Fast-tracked healing" - Vogue "Andrew Wallas has a gift for transforming stuck energy and releasing you from negative patterns" - Tatler"With easy charm and 30 years' experience as a psychotherapist, Andrew Wallas helps clients remove the obstacles standing in their way"- Vanity Fair "He has an uncanny ability to sense emotional blocks and asks penetrating questions that unearth destructive patterns of behaviour" - The Daily Mail"Amazingly honest. Incredibly insightful. For any blocks you need to uncover to be able to create the life you want - visit the Wizard" - Tanya, business woman"I have met many "spiritual" healers, guides and psychics over the years. However, none of them have managed to explain to me in terms that I understand how I can effectively blend the real or human world with this spiritual calling that I feel. I believe that I have found in you my guru / teacher that can really help me navigate this exciting journey" - Gavin, businessman

The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts To Change Your Life And The World

by Lynne Mctaggart

Drawing on the findings of leading scientists from around the world, The Intention Experiment demonstrates that thought is a thing that affects other things. McTaggart takes you on a gripping, mind-blowing journey to the furthest reaches of consciousness.As she narrates the exciting developments in the science of intention, she also profiles the colorful scientists and renowned pioneers who study the effects of focused group intention on scientifically quantifiable targets -- animal, plant, and human. McTaggart offers a practical program to get in touch with your own thoughts, to increase the activity and strength of your intentions, and to begin achieving real change in your life. We're connected to everyone and everything -- and that discovery demands that we pay better attention to our thoughts, intentions, and actions.

The Intentional Brain: Motion, Emotion, and the Development of Modern Neuropsychiatry

by Michael R. Trimble

A magnificent examination of the clinical interface between the mind and the brain.Neuropsychiatry has a distinguished history, yet its ideals and principles fell out of fashion in the early twentieth century as neurology and psychiatry diverged into separate disciplines. Later, neuropsychiatry reemerged as the two disciplines moved closer again, accelerated by advances in neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, and drugs that alter the functioning of the central nervous system. But as neuropsychiatrist Michael R. Trimble explains in The Intentional Brain, the new neuropsychiatry has its own identity and is more than simply a borderland between two disparate clinical disciplines.Looking at neuropsychiatry in the context of major cultural and artistic achievements, Trimble explores changing views of the human brain and its relation to behavior and cognition over 2,500 years of Western civilization. Beginning with the early Greek physicians and moving through the Middle Ages, the Enlightenment, the romantic era, the World Wars, and up to the present day, he explores understandings about the brain’s integral role in determining movement, motivation, and mood. Persuasively arguing that storytelling forms the backbone of human culture and individuality, Trimble describes the dawn and development of artistic creativity and traces the conflicts between differing philosophical views of our world and our position in it.A sweeping history of the branch of medicine concerned with both psychic and organic aspects of mental disorder, the book reveals what scientists have learned about movement and emotion by studying people with such diseases as epilepsy, syphilis, hysteria, psychosis, movement disorders, and melancholia. The Intentional Brain is a marvelous and interdisciplinary look at the clinical interface between the mind and the brain.

The Intentional Brain: Motion, Emotion, And The Development Of Modern Neuropsychiatry

by Michael R. Trimble

“A tour de force: an assessment of the ‘culture’ of mind–brain relations beginning with the ancients and ending in the present.” —Edward Shorter, PhD, National Book Award finalist and author of A History of PsychiatryNeuropsychiatry has a distinguished history, yet its ideals and principles fell out of fashion in the early twentieth century as neurology and psychiatry diverged into separate disciplines. Later, neuropsychiatry reemerged as the two disciplines moved closer again, accelerated by advances in neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, and drugs that alter the functioning of the central nervous system. But as neuropsychiatrist Michael R. Trimble explains in The Intentional Brain, the new neuropsychiatry has its own identity and is more than simply a borderland between two disparate clinical disciplines.Looking at neuropsychiatry in the context of major cultural and artistic achievements, Trimble explores changing views of the human brain and its relation to behavior and cognition over 2,500 years of Western civilization. Beginning with the early Greek physicians and moving through the Middle Ages, Enlightenment, Romantic era, World Wars, and present day, he explores understandings about the brain’s integral role in determining movement, motivation, and mood. Persuasively arguing that storytelling forms the backbone of human culture and individuality, Trimble describes the dawn and development of artistic creativity and traces the conflicts between differing philosophical views of our world and our position in it.A sweeping history of the branch of medicine concerned with both psychic and organic aspects of mental disorder, the book reveals what scientists have learned about movement and emotion by studying people with such diseases as epilepsy, syphilis, hysteria, psychosis, movement disorders, and melancholia. The Intentional Brain is a marvelous and interdisciplinary look at the clinical interface between the mind and the brain.

Intentional Conceptual Change

by Gale M. Sinatra Paul R. Pintrich

This volume brings together a distinguished, international list of scholars to explore the role of the learner's intention in knowledge change. Traditional views of knowledge reconstruction placed the impetus for thought change outside the learner's control. The teacher, instructional methods, materials, and activities were identified as the seat of change. Recent perspectives on learning, however, suggest that the learner can play an active, indeed, intentional role in the process of knowledge restructuring. This volume explores this new, innovative view of conceptual change learning using original contributions drawn from renowned scholars in a variety of disciplines. The volume is intended for scholars or advanced students studying knowledge acquisition and change, including educational psychology, developmental psychology, science education, cognitive science, learning science, instructional psychology, and instructional and curriculum studies.

Intentional Forgetting: Interdisciplinary Approaches

by Jonathan M. Golding Colin M. MacLeod

Research on intentional forgetting has been conducted in various forms and under various names for at least 30 years, but until now no effort has been made to present these different perspectives in one place. Comprising both review chapters and new empirical studies, this book brings together the many research paradigms investigating intentional forgetting, thereby highlighting the commonalities that link these seemingly disparate areas of research. It serves as a "case study" of one phenomenon in memory--the intention to forget or to modify memory. Why is research on intentional forgetting important? It helps to increase the understanding of how memory functions, especially with regard to its updating. In William James' "booming, buzzing confusion," we frequently are unable to adequately process all of the information that we experience; on-line forgetting of some information is necessary. Moreover, we must often replace existing information with new information, as when someone we know relocates and acquires a new address and telephone number. Investigating this updating ability has been the main thrust of research on intentional forgetting, specifically those studies on the directed forgetting phenomenon. Cognitive experiments on directed forgetting have shown that we are able to deal more effectively with large amounts of information by following instructions to treat some of the information as "to be forgotten." In this way, interference is reduced and we are able to devote all of our resources to the remaining to-be-remembered information. The mechanisms that lead to this reduction continue to promote new experiments, but over a quarter century of research maintains that the directed forgetting effect is robust.

Intentional Group Counseling: Best Practices for a Multicultural World

by Mary Bradford Ivey Allen Ivey Paul Pedersen Farah Ibrahim

The text presents students with the latest research in applied psychology and group counseling, and also breaks down the complex art of leadership into individual skills using the Microskills approach. Embracing an experiential learning framework, students are guided through the practical application of learned Microskills in real-world group settings to further develop their competencies within dynamic environments.

Intentional Intervention in Counseling and Therapy: Goals and process in client engagement

by Peter Geiger

Intentional Intervention in Counseling and Therapy answers three questions: what heals in counseling and therapy and how? What actions in clinical decision making ensure an optimal outcome for the client? And why are some clinicians more successful than others, apparently remaining so over time? Incorporating citations across multiple disciplines, referencing authorities in both CBT and psychodynamic models, and interwoven with composite case material and session transcripts, this book unmasks the dialectic between goals and process in clinical work.

Intentional Interviewing and Counseling: Facilitating Client Development in a Multicultural Society, 8th Edition

by Allen E. Ivey Mary Bradford Ivey Carlos P. Zalaquett

Master interviewing skills with INTENTIONAL INTERVIEWING AND COUNSELING: FACILITATING CLIENT DEVELOPMENT IN A MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY, 8th Edition. This book gives you the tools to adapt your skills to address both individual and multicultural uniqueness, conduct interviews using five different theoretical approaches, and begin developing a personalized style and theory of interviewing and counseling that matches your own aptitudes and affinities. Case studies, sample interviews, and a "Portfolio of Competencies" are just a few of the many tools that will help you master the material and become a better listener. Available with InfoTrac Student Collections http://gocengage. com/infotrac.

Intentional Interviewing And Counseling: Facilitating Client Development In A Multicultural Society

by Mary Bradford Ivey Carlos P. Zalaquett Allen E. Ivey

Master interviewing skills with INTENTIONAL INTERVIEWING AND COUNSELING: FACILITATING CLIENT DEVELOPMENT IN A MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY, 9th Edition. This textbook gives you the tools to adapt your skills to address both individual and multicultural uniqueness, conduct interviews using five different theoretical approaches, and begin developing a personalized style and theory of interviewing and counseling that matches your own aptitudes and affinities. Moreover, this is the only text in the field that will show you how to understand and use neuroscience in counseling practice. Case studies, sample interviews, and a "Portfolio of Competencies" are just a few of the many tools that will help you master the material and become a better listener.

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