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Intentional Leadership: Becoming a Trustworthy Leader (Leadership: Research and Practice)

by Aneil K. Mishra Karen E. Mishra

Intentional Leadership: Becoming a Trustworthy Leader clearly explains the ways leaders can build trust in three stages of their career: as an individual contributor, as a team member, and as a leader of an organization. Through profiling a trustworthy leader, Bob Lintz, and his career at General Motors, this text illustrates how leaders can be intentional in leading themselves, their teams, and their organizations by building the ROCC of Trust (be reliable, open and honest, competent, and compassionate). The authors also feature other authentic leaders to demonstrate how to build trust along your leadership journey. Some noteworthy differences from this book’s first edition include: Revised from the first edition with more than 80% new material to help leaders at all ages and all stages build trust and move from an individual contributor to an organizational leader. Each chapter is structured around the career of Bob Lintz, who successfully turned around a failing GM plant in the suburb of Cleveland. He now serves The Cleveland Clinic's Board of Trustees where he is applying the lessons learned from this turnaround. Each chapter also contains the experience and wisdom of other trustworthy leaders from a variety of backgrounds, ethnicities, and economic sectors: this will inspire other leaders to build trust intentionally and authentically. An accessible and informative tone, with a focus on research and anecdotes, to create a cohesive guidebook for leaders. Intentional Leadership is suitable for new as well as experienced leaders who want to learn more about how to build trust with employees and other stakeholders, and who want to be intentional in the way they lead others.

The Intentional Relationship: Occupational Therapy And Use Of Self

by Renee R. Taylor

This groundbreaking book addresses a critical aspect of the occupational therapy practice—the art and science of building effective therapeutic relationships with clients. A distinguished clinician, scientist, and educator, Renée Taylor, PhD, has defined a conceptual practice model, the Intentional Relationship Model, to identify how the client and the therapist each contribute to the unique interpersonal dynamic that becomes the therapeutic relationship. She emphasizes how therapists must act deliberately, thoughtfully, and with vigilant anticipation of the challenges and breakthroughs that have the potential to influence the course of the relationship.

Intentional Self-Development and Positive Ageing: How Individuals Select and Pursue Life Goals

by Bernhard Leipold

Are we in control of our own development in adulthood, or are we shaped by circumstances beyond our control? By adopting the concept of intentional self-development (ISD), this text outlines an action-theoretical approach to human development that emphasizes both an individual’s ability to shape their own development throughout the lifespan, and the extent to which this potential is limited. By examining general age-related changes and critical life events, Intentional Self-Development and Positive Ageing explores the adaptive cognitive-motivational processes that generate positive development in adulthood, including developmental tasks, cognitive changes, life-stage transitions, and biological and neural processes. Leipold goes on to discuss the concept of positive ageing, highlighting the flexibility of the term and evaluating it from multiple perspectives to demonstrate its subjectivity, as well as its importance. This text also discusses the importance of resilience in positive development, contributing to the search for conditions conducive to positive life conduct across the lifespan. This book will be essential reading for undergraduates and postgraduates studying lifespan development and gerontology, positive psychology, or health psychology, as well as researchers in those fields. It will also be of interest to developmental counsellors, clinicians, and other applied occupational groups who are seeking to understand the psychological basis of actions.

Intentional Stance Towards Humanoid Robots: Lessons Learned from Studies in Human-Robot Interaction

by Agnieszka Wykowska

With the reinassance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-empowered technologies, such as robots, we are all asking ourselves the question: What role will these new technologies play in our lives and in our society? On the one hand, we are excited about the new opportunities that AI and robots bring. On the other hand, there are understandable fears: What if the AI becomes too powerful? What if the robots become too human-like? This book is centered around a theoretical framework of the Intentional Stance, initially proposed by Daniel Dennett, and addresses the timely question: How do we, humans, approach robots? Do we see them as intentional agents that can potentially become our social companions? Or do we rather approach them as tools, man-made artifacts? What does it take for a robot to make an impression that it is an intentional/social agent? Is it its appearance? Its behaviour? Or, perhaps (and quite likely), the way it interacts with the human? These questions are addressed across various chapters of book, each of which is then complemented by an inspiring conversation with one of the prominent academics and scholars: Daniel Dennett (Philosophy) – the originator of the concept of the Intentional Stance; Hiroshi Ishiguro (Robotics) – the creator of androids, David Gunkel (Robot-Ethics), Bertram Malle (Cognitive Science), Antonio Sgorbissa (Culturally-competent Social Robotics), Bill Vorn (Robotic Art). The book discusses also some important ethical considerations to be made, and risks to be aware of. Do we actually want to create robots that are treated as intentional agents? What if the line between the human/robot categories becomes blurred? As intentional agents, should robots become also moral agents and legal persons in our societal and legal systems?

Intentionality in Mulla Sadra (Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind #24)

by Sümeyye Parıldar

This volume translates Brentano’s intentionality into medieval psychological and ontological discussions through Sadrian theories of sense perception and mental existence. Applying a new methodology, it reframes various parts of Sadrian theory around the problem of intentionality, which results in a refreshed reading of the philosopher Mulla Sadra. The book starts out by defining intentionality problem and discussing the historiography of Brentano’s conceptualization. It examines immateriality, content and aboutness, and sense perception. In its conclusion, the book claims that intentionality in Mulla Sadra combines ontological and psychological realities and that as a result of Sadrian monism, the intentionality, intentional object, the agent, and the reality are different versions of same reality.

Intentions and Intentionality: Foundations of Social Cognition

by Bertram F. Malle Louis J. Moses Dare A. Baldwin Jerome S. Bruner

Social interaction requires social cognition--the ability to perceive, interpret, and explain the actions of others. This ability fundamentally relies on the concepts of intention and intentionality.

Inter-act: Interpersonal Communication: Concepts, Skills, and Contexts

by Kathleen S. Verderber Erina L. MacGeorge

Designed to help students explore interactions in both personal and professional domains, and develop the specific skills necessary to creating and maintaining healthy relationships, Inter-Act: Interpersonal Communication Concepts, Skills, and Contexts, Fourteenth Edition, retains the features that have made this book so successful: a theory driven and skills-based focus, an accessible tone and presentation, and a multitude of useful pedagogical tools. For this edition, new coauthor Erina MacGeorge has brought her in-depth knowledge of current theory to bear on each chapter, thoroughly updating the material so that it reflects the current state of knowledge in the discipline.

Inter-Act: Interpersonal Communication Concepts, Skills, and Contexts (Thirteenth Edition)

by Kathleen S. Verderber Rudolph F. Verderber

Designed to help students understand communication processes in relationships and develop specific skills needed to create and maintain healthy ones, Inter-Act: Interpersonal Communication Concepts, Skills, and Contexts, Thirteenth Edition, retains the features that have made this book so successful: a theory driven skills-based focus, an accessible tone and presentation, and a multitude of useful pedagogical tools. For this edition, Joseph Mazer of Clemson University (whose scholarship includes original research on social media) authored much of the new and unique social media content and Brant Burleson and Erina MacGeorge of Purdue helped to update the scholarship, while maintaining the skills-based approach that this text is known for. Lively and well-written, Inter-Act features numerous activities that enable students to relate their everyday experiences to their studies in communication. It also clearly illustrates how cultural, racial, and gender differences-as well as electronically mediated messages-alter what we should do to communicate effectively. With a strong focus on the importance of ethics, this leading text encourages students to develop their analytical abilities as they think critically about key concepts in interpersonal communication.

Inter-generational Financial Giving and Inequality

by Karen Rowlingson Ricky Joseph Louise Overton

This book makes a major contribution to our understanding of 21st Century families in Britain through an exploration of intergenerational relationships. Drawing on new and extensive quantitative and qualitative research, the authors explore the giving and receiving of financial gifts. Despite growing concern about intergenerational tension and even possible conflict, the book finds evidence of a significant degree of intergenerational solidarity both within families at the micro level and between generations more generally within society (at the macro level) in Britain. However, given substantial inequalities within different generations- as a result, in particular, of social class divisions- some families are able to support each other far more than others. This means that strong intergenerational solidarity may lead to the entrenchment of existing intragenerational inequalities. The book will be of interest to scholars and students researching Sociology, Social Policy, Family Sociology, Generations and Intergenerational Relationships.

Interactief: Creatieve therapie met groepen (Methodisch werken)

by F. Beelen A.H.A. Oelers D. de Bie

De interactieve methode die in dit boek wordt beschreven is ontstaan vanuit het werken in de praktijk van creatieve therapie met groepen. De interactieve methode als benaming is een samenvoeging van de woorden 'interactie' en 'actief'. Cliënten in creatieve therapie zijn actief, werken met elkaar en zijn daardoor in interactie met het materiaal en met anderen. Het begrip interactie staat in deze methode centraal. De kracht van de onderlinge hulp is een belangrijk middel bij het oplossen van problemen. De groepsleden kunnen elkaars positieve en negatieve voorbeeld zijn, geven elkaar inzicht en worden door elkaar geconfronteerd met hun eigen gedrag. Het boek bestaat uit twee delen. In het eerste deel wordt de interactieve methode uiteen gezet. Het tweede deel bevat een aantal opdrachten die toegepast kunnen worden volgens de interactieve methode. Praktijkvoorbeelden verhelderen de tekst. Het boek is bedoeld voor mensen die als creatief therapeut werkzaam zijn in de therapeutische en agogische sector. De beschreven methode is bruikbaar voor open en gesloten groepen, heterogene en homogene groepen. Het kan toegepast worden bij volwassenen en kinderen, zowel in langdurende als kortdurende behandelingen en in verschillende settings. In deze tweede druk is de beschrijving van de methode verder verbeterd en meer onderbouwd. Ook zijn meer praktijkvoorbeelden toegevoegd.

Interactievaardigheden: Een Kindvolgende Benadering

by Anneke Strik Jacqueline Schoemaker

Dit boek nodigt je uit beter te kijken naar kinderen en van daaruit aan de slag te gaan met de zes interactievaardigheden. Deze interactievaardigheden worden diepgaand uitgewerkt en vertaald naar de verschillende leeftijdsgroepen: baby, peuter, kleuter en schoolkind. De kracht van het boek schuilt in de combinatie van theorie, praktijkvoorbeelden, video's, concrete aanwijzingen en een scala aan verwerkingsopdrachten waarmee je je eigen vaardigheden kunt oefenen om beter aan te sluiten op het kind of de groep. Interactievaardigheden is een levendig en inspirerend boek voor pedagogische opleidingen en trainingen op niveau 3 , 4 en 5. Het boek is zeer goed bruikbaar voor de kinderopvang en aangrenzende werkvelden, zoals de gastouderopvang en het basisonderwijs.In deze herziene uitgave is de informatie over kleuters en schoolkinderen uitgebreid, zijn nieuwe inzichten uit onderzoek en eigen ervaring toegevoegd, en is het beeldmateriaal versterkt.Interactievaardigheden bestaat ook als e-book. Hier vind je alle tekst online met directe doorklikmogelijkheden naar internetsites, filmmateriaal en daaraan gekoppelde opdrachten. Het e-book is te downloaden zodat je de tekst ook offline beschikbaar hebt, waar en wanneer je maar wilt.De auteurs Anneke Strik en Jacqueline Schoemaker hebben jarenlange ervaring als docent in de opleiding PW3/4 en als trainer en (beeld)coach. Daarnaast ontwikkelden zij diverse trainingen.

Interacting Selves: Systemic Solutions for Personal and Professional Development in Counselling and Psychotherapy

by Peter Stratton Arlene Vetere

The counselling and psychotherapy professions have experienced a rapid growth and expansion throughout Europe, and internationally. State regulation of these professional practices has required personal development hours for those in training, continuing professional development for all qualified practitioners as well as supervision of their practice. Interacting Selves provides concepts and principles of personal and professional development (PPD) in training and supervision as part of an approach to lifelong learning for all those involved in psychotherapeutic work. Leading European trainers and practitioners draw on their shared background in systemic therapy to articulate a strong theoretical base for PPD. The volume functions not simply as a coherent description of the philosophy and rationale underlying PPD but also as a practice workbook whose chapters contain an array of elegantly crafted exercises, portable across the broad range of disciplines that give life to the social care and mental health fields at the same time as meeting the PPD needs of counsellors and psychotherapists of different theoretical persuasions. The approaches work through constant attention to PPD as an interpersonal process where thoughts, ideas and emotions need to be nurtured. PPD can involve working at the extremes, and the book provides a secure basis for confronting abuse and violence head on. Each chapter shows how personal and professional development promotes a focus on emotional competence, positive emotion, resilience and ethical practice. Interacting Selves introduces and develops the concepts and principles of personal and professional development (PPD) in training and supervision as part of an approach to lifelong learning for all psychotherapists undergoing or providing PPD. This pioneering book will appeal to psychotherapy trainees, trainers, practitioners and supervisors in the mental health field and social care professionals.

Interacting Stories: Narratives, Family Beliefs and Therapy (The Systemic Thinking and Practice Series)

by Rudi Dallos

This book, offering reader the opportunity to reflect on ideas in the field of systemic and family therapy, examines the cross-fertilization of ideas that can result from an integration of systemic theory, personal construct theory, and the influential work on the analysis of narratives.

Interaction and Identity

by Harmut B. Mokros

Scholarly interest in issues of self-identity has exploded across disciplines within the humanities and social sciences in recent years. Common to these concerns are the assumptions that self-identity is not an a priori, not given or fixed, but created in the process of communication. This also assumes that social institutions and values are produced and reproduced by individuals in interaction. To capture the essential characteristics of a person requires analysis of how the social and psychological intersect in moments of communication.Interaction and Identity contributes, theoretically and empirically, to contemporary scholarly interest in issues of identity. Chapters and contributors to this stand alone volume include: "Part/Whole Discovery: Stages of Inquiry" by Thomas Scheff; "Communication" by Gregory Bateson; "Internal Muzak: An Examination of Intrapersonal Relationships" by Linda Lederman; "The Constitution of Identity as Gendered in Psychoanalytic Therapy: Ideology and Interaction" by Margaret Carr; and "The (Reconstruction and Negotiation of Cultural Identities in the Age of Globalization" by Getinet Belay.The multiple disciplines of social research with contemporary interest in identity are ably reflected in Interaction and Identity. The authors are drawn from eight disciplines: anthropology, communication, information science, linguistics, philosophy, psychoanalysis, psychology, and sociology. This book will be invaluable to scholars in all these areas—above all in communication research as such.

Interaction and Nonlinear Effects in Structural Equation Modeling

by Randall E. Schumacker George A. Marcoulides

This volume provides a comprehensive presentation of the various procedures currently available for testing interaction and nonlinear effects in structural equation modeling. By focusing on various software applications, the reader should quickly be able to incorporate one of the procedures into testing interaction or nonlinear effects in their own model. Although every attempt is made to keep mathematical details to a minimum, it is assumed that the reader has mastered the equivalent of a graduate-level multivariate statistics course which includes adequate coverage of structural equation modeling. This book will be of interest to researchers and practitioners in education and the social sciences.

Interaction Between Attention and Language Systems in Humans

by Ramesh Kumar Mishra

This original volume examines the interface between attentional and linguistic processes in humans from the perspectives of psycholinguistics and cognitive science. It systematically explores how autonomy and automaticity are reflected during language processing in a variety of situations. A true, mechanistic explanation of how humans process language would require a complete understanding of the interface language has with important cognitive systems like attention, memory, as well as with vision. Interdisciplinary work in this area has so far not been able to generate a substantial theoretical position on this issue. This volume therefore looks at different language processing domains, such as speaking, listening, reading, as well as discourse and text processing, to evaluate the role attention plays in such performances; and also at how often linguistic inputs affect attentional processing. In this sense, it proposes that the attention--language interface is bidirectional. It also considers applied issues like language disorders, bilingualism and illiteracy, where the attention--language interface seems especially relevant as a theoretical apparatus for research investigations. Therefore, this volume brings closer theoretical explanations from the language sciences and cognitive sciences. It argues that language processing is multi-modal in its very essence and many conceptual structures in language evolve out of a complex interplay among participating cognitive systems such as attention and memory, supported by vision and audition.

Interaction, Communication and Development: Psychological development as a social process (Cultural Dynamics of Social Representation)

by Charis Psaltis Anna Zapiti

For decades there has been considerable interest in the ways that interactions between children can provide a beneficial context for the study of cognitive and social development. In this book Psaltis and Zapiti use both theoretical and empirical research to build on the perspectives of Piaget, Vygotsky, Moscovici, and others including the legacy of Gerard Duveen, to offer a state of the art account of research on the themes of social interaction and cognitive development. Interaction Communication and Development discusses the significance of social identities for social interaction and cognitive development. The empirical set of studies presented and discussed focus on patterns of communication between children as they work together to solve problems. Communications are examined in detail with a focus on: Socio-cognitive conflict, conversational moves and conversation types The way the different forms of the interactions relate to different sources of asymmetry in the classroom The way social representations and social identities of gender are negotiated in the interaction This book provides an important account of how children develop through different kinds of social interactions. It will have considerable appeal for researchers in the fields of developmental psychology, socio-cultural psychology, social representations theory and education who wish to gain a deeper understanding of development and its relation to socio-cultural processes.

Interaction Concepts of Personality (Psychology Library Editions: Personality)

by Robert C. Carson

"Personality" is an intimidatingly complex area of human behaviour, where empirically valid generalizations are not easily established or formulated, and where investigators at the time of publication were themselves a long way from the development of a commonly shared language and conceptual system. Originally published in 1969, Dr Carson’s book provided, for the first time, an empirically grounded, systematic framework to analyse, describe, and to some extent explain the transactions that occur between people from a standpoint of a personologist. The author starts from a Sullivanian base, which views "personality" as a largely interpersonal phenomenon. He then reformulates Sullivanian conceptions into a more complete framework, one more firmly tied to observable events or empirically testable hypotheses. This work represents a unique effort to integrate, from available empirical findings and conceptual formulations within psychology and the social sciences, a comprehensive account of socially significant personal conduct. It brings together, within an integrating framework, diverse trends from modern behaviour theory, personality, social psychology, and behaviour disorder.

Interaction in Human Development (Crosscurrents in Contemporary Psychology Series)

by Marc H. Bornstein Jerome S. Bruner

Interaction in Human Development unites theoretical essays and empirical accounts bearing directly on the nature of interactions as a principal factor and organizing feature in human mental and social development. The papers discuss all areas of interaction including genetic, environmental, life-span, interpersonal, and cultural. Ideal as a text for students and as a reference for professionals in personality, developmental, educational, and environmental psychology, psychotherapy, behavioral medicine, and language.

Interaction Ritual: Essays in Face-to-Face Behavior

by Erving Goffman

"Not then, men and their moments. Rather, moment and their men," writes Erving Goffman in the introduction to his groundbreaking 1967 Interaction Ritual, a study of face-to-face interaction in natural settings, that class of events which occurs during co-presence and by virtue of co-presence. The ultimate behavioral materials are the glances, gestures, positionings, and verbal statements that people continuously feed into situations, whether intended or not.A sociology of occasions is here advocated. Social organization is the central theme, but what is organized is the co-mingling of persons and the temporary interactional enterprises that can arise therefrom. A normatively stabilized structure is at issue, a "social gathering," but this is a shifting entity, necessarily evanescent, created by arrivals and killed by departures. The major section of the book is the essay "Where the Action Is," drawing on Goffman's last major ethnographic project observation of Nevada casinos.Tom Burns says of Goffman's work "The eleven books form a singularly compact body of writing. All his published work was devoted to topics and themes which were closely connected, and the methodology, angles of approach and of course style of writing remained characteristically his own throughout. Interaction Ritual in particular is an interesting account of daily social interaction viewed with a new perspective for the logic of our behavior in such ordinary circumstances as entering a crowded elevator or bus." In his new introduction, Joel Best considers Goffman's work in toto and places Interaction Ritual in that total context as one of Goffman's pivotal works: "His subject matter was unique. In sharp contrast to the natural tendency of many scholars to tackle big, important topics, Goffman was a minimalist, working on a small scale, and concentrating on the most mundane, ordinary social contacts, on everyday life.'"

Interaction Ritual: Essays in Face-to-Face Behavior

by Erving Goffman

"Not then, men and their moments. Rather, moment and their men," writes Erving Goffman in the introduction to his groundbreaking 1967 Interaction Ritual, a study of face-to-face interaction in natural settings, that class of events which occurs during co-presence and by virtue of co-presence. The ultimate behavioral materials are the glances, gestures, positionings, and verbal statements that people continuously feed into situations, whether intended or not.A sociology of occasions is here advocated. Social organization is the central theme, but what is organized is the co-mingling of persons and the temporary interactional enterprises that can arise therefrom. A normatively stabilized structure is at issue, a "social gathering," but this is a shifting entity, necessarily evanescent, created by arrivals and killed by departures. The major section of the book is the essay "Where the Action Is," drawing on Goffman's last major ethnographic project observation of Nevada casinos.Tom Burns says of Goffman's work "The eleven books form a singularly compact body of writing. All his published work was devoted to topics and themes which were closely connected, and the methodology, angles of approach and of course style of writing remained characteristically his own throughout. Interaction Ritual in particular is an interesting account of daily social interaction viewed with a new perspective for the logic of our behavior in such ordinary circumstances as entering a crowded elevator or bus." In his new introduction, Joel Best considers Goffman's work in toto and places Interaction Ritual in that total context as one of Goffman's pivotal works: "His subject matter was unique. In sharp contrast to the natural tendency of many scholars to tackle big, important topics, Goffman was a minimalist, working on a small scale, and concentrating on the most mundane, ordinary social contacts, on everyday life.'"

Interaction Ritual: Essays in Face to Face Behavior

by Erving Goffman

"Not then, men and their moments. Rather, moments and their men," writes Erving Goffman in the introduction to his groundbreaking 1967 Interaction Ritual, a study of face-to-face interaction in natural settings, that class of events which occurs during co-presence and by virtue of co-presence. The ultimate behavioral materials are the glances, gestures, positionings, and verbal statements that people continuously feed into situations, whether intended or not.

Interactional Coaching: Choice-focused Learning at Work (Essential Coaching Skills and Knowledge)

by Michael Harvey

Interactional Coaching is a powerful, one-to-one learning approach, used successfully for over fifteen years, that enables executives to make the choices that work for them. Drawing on existential philosophy, psychotherapy and business theory, interactional coaching uses innovative techniques to help clients identify their best possible choices and effectively put them into practice. Featuring numerous case studies, which integrate theoretical principles with practical tools, Interactional Coaching illustrates: coaching for vision and other time-related issues coaching in the personal dimension coaching interactional strategy and skills coaching conflicts and dilemmas coaching creativity and communication coaching leadership and managerial expertise. Interactional Coaching is essential reading for anyone interested in a new, comprehensive approach to helping coachees develop the self-knowledge and interpersonal skills necessary for achievement in today's workplace.

Interactional Leadership and How to Coach It: The art of the choice-focused leader

by Michael Harvey

All leaders make choices, but not all leaders are choice-focused. In Interactional Leadership and How to Coach It: The art of the choice-focused leader Michael Harvey presents an important new theory of leadership which demonstrates how to coach successful choice-making. This clear, wide-ranging book integrates business and psychology, exploring the art of choice-focused leadership through neuroscience, cognitive psychology, existential philosophy and leadership studies. Interactional leadership helps leaders to make informed decisions throughout the "achievement cycle" of strategy, resourcing and delivery, and emphasises the importance of psychological balance. The book features chapter-long case studies which provide unique insights into the leader’s inner world and clearly illustrate how the tightrope of leadership can be mastered. Harvey draws important lessons about decision-making from corporate leaders, politicians and even Shakespeare’s tragic heroes, and addresses the leader’s ethical responsibility for major issues facing us now and in the future. The interactional model also focuses on coaching the multiple roles of leadership, such as global leader, team leader, innovator, entrepreneur and chair of the board. Accessible and practical, Interactional Leadership and How to Coach It is an ideal guide for coaches, leaders, students, trainers of coaches and anyone involved in leadership development and recruitment.

Interactional Supervision

by Lawrence Shulman

Clinical supervision is fraught with difficulties, and those who transition from frontline worker to supervisor often receive little training or support, particularly when it comes to the interpersonal skills needed for implementing complex human relations tasks. Left to their own devices, clinical supervisors must navigate myriad challenges like these real-world examples: <p><p>A supervisor decided that the evaluation process would be a good time to level with a long-term staff member about his inadequate performance. She reviewed the staff member s personnel record and discovered that previous supervisors had given the employee consistently positive and obviously false evaluations. She dreaded the approaching conference, expecting the worker to be angry. <p><p>A supervisor was asked by her administrator to back her up when staff were notified of budget cuts that would result in pay cuts and heavier caseloads. At a team meeting, one worker, who appeared to be speaking for the rest, said to the supervisor, You are going to be with us on this one, aren't you? <p><p>A recently promoted Black supervisor heard that many members of the largely White staff thought he had obtained the promotion because of the agency s affirmative action program. Nothing was said directly; however, he could sense tension in the staff group. He felt angry, hurt, and bitter at the racist element in his reception and increasingly isolated at the agency. <p><p>Drawing on decades of his own experience and the experiences of those he has trained, Lawrence Shulman provides clear, simple models of supervision using a conversational tone and practical advice in this must-have resource. <p><p>Every phase of supervision is discussed in detail, with a focus on communication, making demands for work, facing taboo subjects, and transitioning into and out of roles and relationships. Strategies for group work and meetings include everyday challenges; trauma, such as client deaths; violence against frontline workers; and cutbacks. Supervisors will learn how to apply Shulman s parallel process framework in their interactions with frontline workers to model ideal interactions between workers and their clients. <p><p>In this fourth edition, evidence-based practices and interventions are updated to include the latest ethical and legal aspects of supervision and also feminist; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning; and trauma-informed practice.

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