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Showing 24,351 through 24,375 of 52,475 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Intentional Leadership: Becoming a Trustworthy Leader (Leadership: Research and Practice) 5218924 Aneil K. Mishra Karen E. Mishra 9781000647983 2023 Contains images
The Intentional Relationship: Occupational Therapy And Use Of Self 3814081 Renee R. Taylor 9780803669772 2020
Intentional Self-Development and Positive Ageing: How Individuals Select and Pursue Life Goals 5512991 Bernhard Leipold 9781351261784 2020 Contains images
Intentional Stance Towards Humanoid Robots: Lessons Learned from Studies in Human-Robot Interaction 6347359 Agnieszka Wykowska 9783031654831 2024 Contains images
Intentionality in Mulla Sadra (Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind #24) 3408704 Sümeyye Parıldar 9783030398842 2020
Intentions and Intentionality: Foundations of Social Cognition 185951 Bertram F. Malle Louis J. Moses Dare A. Baldwin Jerome S. Bruner 9780262133869 2001
Inter-act: Interpersonal Communication: Concepts, Skills, and Contexts 5664920 Kathleen S. Verderber Erina L. MacGeorge 9780199398010 2016
Inter-Act: Interpersonal Communication Concepts, Skills, and Contexts (Thirteenth Edition) 778271 Kathleen S. Verderber Rudolph F. Verderber 9780199836888 2013
Inter-generational Financial Giving and Inequality 1560935 Karen Rowlingson Ricky Joseph Louise Overton 9781349950478 2017 Contains images
Interactief: Creatieve therapie met groepen (Methodisch werken) 5937716 F. Beelen A.H.A. Oelers D. de Bie 9789031395002 2000 Contains images
Interactievaardigheden: Een Kindvolgende Benadering 3987050 Anneke Strik Jacqueline Schoemaker 9789036820998 2017 Contains images
Interacting Selves: Systemic Solutions for Personal and Professional Development in Counselling and Psychotherapy 5286137 Peter Stratton Arlene Vetere 9781317418696 2016 Contains images
Interacting Stories: Narratives, Family Beliefs and Therapy (The Systemic Thinking and Practice Series) 3441560 Rudi Dallos 9780429915055 1997 Contains images
Interaction and Identity 3476574 Harmut B. Mokros 9781351293501 1995 Contains images
Interaction and Nonlinear Effects in Structural Equation Modeling 5395808 Randall E. Schumacker George A. Marcoulides 9781351562621 1998 Contains images
Interaction Between Attention and Language Systems in Humans 1370492 Ramesh Kumar Mishra 9788132225928 2015 Contains images
Interaction, Communication and Development: Psychological development as a social process (Cultural Dynamics of Social Representation) 4927881 Charis Psaltis Anna Zapiti 9781136162657 2014 Contains images
Interaction Concepts of Personality (Psychology Library Editions: Personality) 3580799 Robert C. Carson 9780429655814 1969 Contains images
Interaction in Human Development (Crosscurrents in Contemporary Psychology Series) 5343354 Marc H. Bornstein Jerome S. Bruner 9781317786047 1989 Contains images
Interaction Ritual: Essays in Face-to-Face Behavior 3337079 Erving Goffman 9781351512077 2005
Interaction Ritual: Essays in Face-to-Face Behavior 5978417 Erving Goffman 9781351512077 1967
Interaction Ritual: Essays in Face to Face Behavior 73348 Erving Goffman 9780202307770 2005
Interactional Coaching: Choice-focused Learning at Work (Essential Coaching Skills and Knowledge) 4755326 Michael Harvey 9781136345500 2012 Contains images
Interactional Leadership and How to Coach It: The art of the choice-focused leader 4816125 Michael Harvey 9781317569237 2015 Contains images
Interactional Supervision 5719954 Lawrence Shulman 9780871015587 2020

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