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Interactional Supervision

by Lawrence Shulman

Interactional supervision models explained, applying supervision during the phases of work, education and evaluation roles of the supervisor, and working with staff groups.

Interactions: Collaboration Skills for School Professionals (Eighth Edition)

by Marilyn Friend Lynne Cook

We intend for the book to be a useful tool for preservice educators and practitioners in improving their skills and deepening their understanding, whether they are engaged in formal instructional settings, study groups, or independent study.

Interactions: Collaboration Skills for School Professionals (4th Edition)

by Marilyn Friend Lynne Cook

Interactions, Fourth Edition, provides a cutting-edge look at how teams of school professionals-classroom teachers, special education teachers, and counselors-can effectively work together to provide a necessary range of services to students with special needs. This book addresses collaboration as a style, with accompanying knowledge and skills, which guides practices in many education efforts. As a result, future teachers learn how to collaborate with school professionals and families to help special education students who are more often being placed in general classroom settings.

Interactions: Collaboration Skills for School Professionals

by Marilyn Friend Lynne Cook

Targeted at services for students with special needs, this text provides collaboration techniques between educators fraternity - special educators, general educators and related services professionals - to work towards effective communication framework.

Interactions Between Short-Term and Long-Term Memory in the Verbal Domain

by Annabel Thorn Mike Page

The relationship between short-term and long-term memory systems is an issue of central concern to memory theorists. The association between temporary memory mechanisms and established knowledge bases is now regarded as critical to the development of theoretical and computational accounts of verbal short-term memory functioning. However, to date there is no single publication that provides dedicated and full coverage of current understanding of the association between short-term and long-term memory systems. Interactions between Short-Term and Long-Term Memory in the Verbal Domain is the first volume to comprehensively address this key issue. The book, focusing specifically on memory for verbal information, comprises chapters covering current theoretical approaches, together with the very latest experimental work, from leading researchers in the field. Chapters contributed to the book draw on both cognitive and neuropsychological research and reflect both conceptual and computational approaches to theorising. The contributing authors represent current research perspectives from both sides of the Atlantic. By addressing this important topic head-on, Interactions between Short-Term and Long-Term Memory in the Verbal Domain represents an invaluable resource for academics and students alike.

Interactive Art Therapy: No Talent Required Projects

by Linda L. Simmons

Work with your client-using an effective multi-sensory techniqueMost people are visual learners. Seeing our ideas in pictures gives them greater impact and more meaning. Interactive Art Therapy: "No Talent Required" Projects presents a cutting-edge therapeutic technique founded on sound clinical principles, providing another practical tool any therapist or counselor can effectively use without anyone having to be a da Vinci. The book clearly discusses the clinical rationale behind using standard drawings in therapy and demonstrates how the interactive nature of the approach helps clients to quickly and easily gain deeper insight.Interactive Art Therapy: "No Talent Required" Projects helps counselors and therapists empower the client to become an active participant in the therapeutic process, allowing the flexibility of the drawings to be adaptive to the client&’s cognitive and developmental abilities. The book examines ways for practitioners to discern whether Interactive Art Therapy is a suitable clinical intervention for the client, then explores the ways each drawing can be used to help clients move toward breakthroughs in their therapy. The text uses case examples to clearly illustrate techniques and reveal the ways that clients&’ drawings reflect their thought processes.Interactive Art Therapy: "No Talent Required" Projects discusses how to use simple, client-friendly drawings such as: "Cage of Fears" "Teeter-Totter of Decision-Making" "The Coping Arch" "Boundary Castle" "Well of Needs" "Weight of the World" "Swamp of Sympathy" "Brick Wall of Barriers" "The Pressure Box" "Pole Vault for Goals"Interactive Art Therapy: "No Talent Required" Projects provides a valuable tool for therapists, school psychologists, guidance counselors, psychiatrists, marriage and family counselors, drug and alcohol counselors, pastoral counselors, educators, and students.

Interactive Exercises for Cross-Cultural Psychology: Encounters With a Complex World

by David C Devonis

Interactive Exercises for Cross-Cultural Psychology provides material for interactive discussion of a range of topics in cross-cultural psychology, including regional and indigenous psychology; symbolic and expressive psychology; identity; social perception and cognition; interpersonal interaction; emotion, motivation, and health; development and family; government and law; economics and work; environmental psychology; animals and other species; and the psychology of recreation and sport. It will help students apply cultural psychology to social issues, and makes these issues relevant to students in health, forensic, organizational, sport and exercise, and other applied psychology fields. It offers suggestions for exposition, simulation, and confrontation of important cultural issues that matter to students, while allowing for maximum creativity in instructional design. Thoroughly and currently referenced, with connections to a wide range of accessible web-based and open-source materials, it is user-friendly across a spectrum of classroom and workshop applications, including online delivery.

Interactive Group Therapy: Integrating, Interpersonal, Action-Orientated and Psychodynamic Approaches

by Jay Earley

First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Interactive Group Work

by Jane E. Atieno Okech Deborah J. Rubel William B. Kline

A comprehensive and efficient guide for both novice and experienced group leaders, Interactive Group Work helps group leaders to create the conditions across group types and settings that enable group members to support one another. From group work principles to theories and procedures, this text focuses on group counseling and therapy and explores the shared foundations with psychoeducational and task groups. Through in-depth explanations and real-world examples, it illustrates how groups work and builds knowledge of how to create successful group environments—places where group members interact, grow, change, and achieve their goals. This book goes in depth on how to set the stage for group work and enhance the experience for leaders and clients. A supplemental Instructor’s Manual of test questions is available by request from ACA. Requests for digital versions from ACA can be found here. To purchase print copies, please visit the ACA website here Reproduction requests for material from books published by ACA should be directed to

Interactive Music Therapy in Child and Family Psychiatry: Clinical Practice, Research and Teaching

by Jo Holmes Amelia Oldfield

'What is truly distinctive about this book is that Oldfield introduces her doctoral research, in which she created the Music Therapy Diagnostic Assessment (MTDA) in comparison to one of the most internationally recognized standardized diagnostic tool.' - Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS). 'I believe that the book will be useful for music therapy students, and novice music therapist working in child and family psychiatry and related fields.' - Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 'In her indomitable, accessible and straightforward style, Amelia Oldfield continues to champion the use of music therapy with families in her most recent publication. The book is in many ways a step-by-step music therapy manual, informing us of music therapy methods and innovations and provoking new thoughtfulness for work within the child mental health setting.' - Journal of Family Therapy 'This book could be an invaluable resource for readers who are looking for evidence that music therapy can have a very positive effect on certain disorders and family dynamics. I could imagine it would bring great hope for those whose children find communication very difficult, or where families are struggling to relate emotionally. The book [also] has a lot of clinical research data, which would be extremely useful for students or clinicians needing to validate this kind of work.' - ACCord Magazine 'This practical book outlines and explains the rationale for using music therapy in child and family psychiatry. Amelia Oldfield reflects on current research methodology and describes characteristics of her own approach to therapy sessions, including how to start and end the session, how to motivate children and establish a positive musical dialogue with them, and how to include parents in the session. She also uses video analysis techniques to assess and advance the role of the therapist. Individual chapters focus on the results of the author's research investigations with specific groups such as mothers and young children, groups of adults with profound difficulties, children with autistic spectrum disorder or severe physical and mental difficulties, as well as children without clear diagnosis. Case studies and vignettes supplement these examples. The author also considers the whole process from the initial referral for therapy and using psychiatric music therapy for diagnostic assessment to how to end treatment. This book is accessible to music therapists, psychiatrists, nurses and occupational therapists working with children and families, as well as music therapy trainers, their students and academics interested in music therapy.' - British Society for Music Therapy 'Those who are specifically interested in music therapy as applied to children and families will find no better mentor than Oldfield.' - Mental Health Care Practice 'Well, this book was a pleasant surprise! I found it a remarkably uplifting read. Amelia Oldfield describes in detail how she has managed to interact through music with children (and adults) with a wide range of significant difficulties, intellectual, emotional and physical. Her music therapy is intended to help with diagnosis but she also involved parents and carers in her sessions in a way which helps them to come to terms with and deal more comfortably with their charges.' - This practical book outlines and explains the rationale for using music therapy in child and family psychiatry. Amelia Oldfield reflects on current research methodology and describes characteristics of her own approach to therapy sessions, including how to start and end the session, how to motivate children and establish a positive musical dialogue with them, and how to include parents in the session. She also uses video analysis techniques to assess and advance the role of the therapist. Individual chapters focus on the results of the author's research investigations with specific groups such as mothers and young children, groups of adults with profound difficulties, children with autistic spectrum disorder or severe phy...

Interactive Music Therapy - A Positive Approach: Music Therapy at a Child Development Centre

by Fatima Janjua Amelia Oldfield

In Interactive Music Therapy - A Positive Approach, Amelia Oldfield explains how her approach to music therapy sessions establishes a constructive musical dialogue with children that emphasises positive experiences - these establish trust and allow feelings to be expressed through music. Describing the general benefits of this approach, the author also details its application for specific clinical groups including children with autistic spectrum disorders, relationship difficulties or physical disabilities. Individual chapters focus specifically on child development issues and in child and brief case studies throughout the text illustrate points of particular importance. This practical book will be of use to other clinicians and teachers working with children with a variety of needs, including children on the autism spectrum and children with learning disabilities. It is also of use to music therapy trainers, their students and academics whose interests include music therapy.

Interactive Processes in Reading (Psychology Library Editions: Psychology of Reading #6)

by Alan M. Lesgold and Charles A. Perfetti

Originally published in 1981, this volume is the edited proceedings of a conference held at the Learning Research and Development Center of the University of Pittsburgh in September 1979. The 15 chapters share a number of common issues. These include the role of contextual influences on lexical access, specific models of lexical access and word pronunciation, speech and visual processes in reading, the role of knowledge in comprehension, and sources of skill difference and skill development.

The Interactive World of Severe Mental Illness: Case Studies of the U.S. Mental Health System (Explorations in Mental Health)

by Arthur Freeman Clive Hazell Diana J. Semmelhack Larry Ende Colleen L. Barron Garry L. Treft

In our society, medication is often seen as the treatment for severe mental illness, with psychotherapy a secondary treatment. However, quality social interaction may be as important for the recovery of those with severe mental illness as are treatments. This volume makes this point while describing the emotionally moving lives of eight individuals with severe mental illness as they exist in the U.S. mental health system. Offering social and psychological insight into their experiences, these stories demonstrate how patients can create meaningful lives in the face of great difficulties. Based on in-depth interviews with clients with severe mental illness, this volume explores which structures of interaction encourage growth for people with severe mental illness, and which trigger psychological damage. It considers the clients’ relationships with friends, family, peers, spouses, lovers, co-workers, mental health professionals, institutions, the community, and the society as a whole. It focuses specifically on how structures of social interaction can promote or harm psychological growth, and how interaction dynamics affect the psychological well-being of individuals with severe mental illness.

Interaktionsspiele bei Psychopathie: Antisoziale Manipulation erkennen und konstruktiv bewältigen (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Fritjof von Franqué Rainer Sachse

Im vorliegenden Buch wird beschrieben, wie manipulatives Handeln von Personen mit Psychopathie erkannt und bewältigt werden kann. Die psychopathische Persönlichkeitsstörung (engl.: Psychopathy) ist definiert durch eine Kombination aus interaktionellen, affektiven, antisozialen und sich im Lebensstil ausdrückenden Besonderheiten, zu denen Egozentrizität, manipulierendes Verhalten, ein Mangel an Mitgefühl, Schuld und Reue, pathologisches Lügen, Verantwortungslosigkeit sowie die kontinuierliche Verletzung sozialer Normen und Erwartungen zählen. Fachleute haben vor allem Schwierigkeiten, mit den interpersonellen Merkmalen dieser Störung umzugehen. Dieses Buch bietet hierfür konkrete Unterstützung. Geschrieben für … Psychotherapeuten, Coaches, Diagnostiker, Psychiater, forensische Psychologen und alle, die beruflich mit Psychopathen zu tun haben. Die Autoren: Prof. Dr. Rainer Sachse ist Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Begründer der „Klärungsorientierten Psychotherapie“ und Leiter des Instituts für Psychologische Psychotherapie (IPP) in Bochum. Fritjof von Franqué ist sexualforensischer Psychotherapeut und leitender Psychologe am Institut für Sexualforschung und Forensische Psychiatrie des Universitätsklinikums Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE).

Interaktive Großgruppen: Change-Prozesse in Organisationen gestalten

by Carmen Windisch Volker List Karin Dittrich-Brauner Eberhard Dittmann

Organisationen und ihre Mitarbeiter verändern sich fortlaufend und lernen dazu, um konkurrenzfähig zu bleiben. Zu diesem Zweck setzen Unternehmen immer häufiger Großgruppenverfahren ein, denn diese haben klassischen Workshopmethoden einiges voraus: Sie erzeugen Bewegung, initiieren Kontakte und Diskussionen, fördern die Identifikation und garantieren die Nachhaltigkeit von Veränderungen in Organisationen - kurz: sie binden auf aktive und effektive Weise viele Menschen in einen gemeinsamen Entwicklungsprozess ein. Die Arbeit mit großen Gruppen ist gleichzeitig zielführend und unterhaltsam. Alles drin: Zum einen "klassische Verfahren" wie Zukunftskonferenz, Open Space, Appreciative Inquiry, RTSC, World Café, sowie deren Entwicklung, Einsatzgebiete, Ablauf und Nutzen. Zum anderen Weiterentwicklungen und Trends, neue Anforderungen, integrative Ansätze, Einbindung neuer Technologien u.v.m., sowie Tipps zur Dramaturgie in Großgruppen. Direkt loslegen: Mit konkreten Tipps, Checklisten, Experteninterviews, Fallbeispielen und Erfahrungsberichten aus bekannten Unternehmen, Hinweisen zu speziellen Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Großgruppenverfahren und, damit nichts schiefgeht, Vorbereitungs-Tipps zu Räumlichkeiten, Ton, Visualisierung, Dokumentation und Zeitplanung. Die zweite Auflage wurde aktualisiert und um aktuelle Themen (u.a. Social Media, Großgruppen in Veränderungsprojekten) ergänzt.

Interaktive Infografiken

by Michael Burmester Ralph Tille Wibke Weber

In einer Welt der Multimedialität gewinnt ein Visualisierungstyp zunehmend an Bedeutung: die interaktive Infografik. Sie wird im Journalismus ebenso eingesetzt wie in der Unternehmenskommunikation. Dieses Buch führt auf Grundlage aktueller Forschungserkenntnisse in Theorie, Design und Rezeption von interaktiven Infografiken ein: Wie werden sie wahrgenommen? Welche Vorteile bieten sie für das Verstehen und Behalten von Inhalten? Gibt es Gestaltungs- und Erzählmuster? Welche Methoden wenden Infografiker an? Mit Beispielen und Tipps von Experten.

The Interbrain: Embodied Connections Versus Common Knowledge

by Digby Tantam

Digby Tantam presents his ground-breaking theory of the interbrain, the idea that human beings are endlessly connected by a continuous interplay of non-verbal communication of which we are unaware. Considering social smiles and the way emotions can spread from one person to another, he explores the research that shows how our brains are linked and draws out the implications of the interbrain for our understanding of empathy, social communication, psychology and group behaviour. Exploring this often overlooked aspect of our human nature, Tantam demonstrates how the interbrain has huge significance for psychology, psychiatry and sociology and can transform our understanding of war, morality, terrorism, psychopathy and much more.

Interconnected: Embracing Life in Our Global Society

by Ogyen Trinley Karmapa

Plucked from a humble nomad family to become the leader of one of Tibet’s oldest Buddhist lineages, the young Seventeenth Karmapa draws on timeless values to create an urgent ethic for today’s global community. We have always been, and will always be, interconnected—through family, community, and shared humanity. As our planet changes and our world grows smaller, it is vital we not only recognize our connections to one another and to the earth but also begin actively working together as interdependent individuals to create a truly global society. The Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, is uniquely positioned to guide us in this process. Drawing on years of intensive Buddhist training and a passionate commitment to social issues, he teaches how we can move from a merely intellectual understanding to a fully lived experience of connection. By first seeing, then feeling, and finally living these connections, we can become more effective agents of social and ethical change. The Karmapa shows us how gaining emotional awareness of our connectedness can fundamentally reshape the human race. He then guides us to action, showing step by step how we can change the way we use the earth’s resources and can continue to better our society. In clear language, the Karmapa draws connections between such seemingly far-flung issues as consumer culture, loneliness, animal protection, and self-reliance. In the process, he helps us move beyond theory to practical and positive social and ethical change.


by Andrea Dworkin

Andrea Dworkin, once called "Feminism’s Malcolm X,” has been worshipped, reviled, criticized, and analyzed-but never ignored. The power of her writing, the passion of her ideals, and the ferocity of her intellect have spurred the arguments and activism of two generations of feminists. Now the book that she’s best known for-in which she provoked the argument that ultimately split apart the feminist movement-is being reissued for the young women and men of the twenty-first century. Intercourse enraged as many readers as it inspired when it was first published in 1987. <P><P> In it, Dworkin argues that in a male supremacist society, sex between men and women constitutes a central part of women’s subordination to men. (This argument was quickly-and falsely-simplified to "all sex is rape” in the public arena, adding fire to Dworkin’s already radical persona. ) In her introduction to this twentieth-anniversary edition of Intercourse, Ariel Levy, the author of Female Chauvinist Pigs, discusses the circumstances of Dworkin’s untimely death in the spring of 2005, and the enormous impact of her life and work. Dworkin’s argument, she points out, is the stickiest question of feminism: Can a woman fight the power when he shares her bed?

Intercultural Arts Therapies Research: Issues and methodologies (International Research in the Arts Therapies)

by Ditty Dokter Margaret Hills De Zárate

Intercultural Arts Therapies Research: Issues and methodologies is the first overarching study on intercultural practice and research models in the arts therapies. It provides a new departure from traditional arts therapies education and research in that it focuses on research studies only. Written by international experts in the field, the book offers a selection of diverse research undertaken within four arts therapies modalities: art, dance, drama and music. Drawing on methodologies such as ethnography, phenomenology and case study research, chapters focus on cultural identity, the transposition of cultural practices to a different context, and the implications of different languages for arts therapies and disability culture. With reference to primary research, it aims to help practitioners and students to develop further research, by making the mechanics of the research process explicit and transparent. Intercultural Arts Therapies Research will appeal to arts therapists, psychological therapy practitioners, postgraduate students and other health and social care professionals. It will also be of interest to students, artists, teachers, social workers and those working for international aid agencies.

Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal Communication Across Cultures

by Myron W. Lustig Jolene Koester

Intercultural Competence provides students with the tools to succeed in today's intercultural world. Blending both the practical and theoretical, this text offers students the requisite knowledge, the appropriate motivations, and the relevant skills to function competently with culturally-different others. The text provides a discussion of important ethical and social issues relating to intercultural communication and encourages students to apply vivid examples that will prepare them to interact better in intercultural relationships. Learning Goals Upon completing this book, readers will be able to: Appreciate the impact of cultural patterns on intercultural communication Use both practical and theoretical ideas to understand intercultural communication competence Understand some of the central contexts - in health, education, business, and tourism - in which intercultural communication occurs Discuss cultural identity and the role of cultural biases.

Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal Communication Across Cultures (5th edition)

by Myron W. Lustig Jolene Koester

"In this second half of the first decade of the twenty-first century, the world is vastly different from what it was a generation ago, or a decade ago, or even a few years ago. Technological innovations in communication, transportation, and various information tools have helped to create the greatest mixing of cultures that the world has ever seen. More than ever before, competence in intercultural communication is required for you to function well in your private and public lives; there is a very strong imperative for you to learn to communicate with people whose cultural heritage makes them very different from you. Our goal in this book is to give you the knowledge, motivation, and skills to accomplish that objective. ... The material we include in this book is guided as well by our strong belief that a textbook on intercultural communication needs to provide a healthy blend of the practical and the theoretical, of the concrete and the abstract."

Intercultural Competence for College and University Students: A Global Guide for Employability and Social Change

by Caprice Lantz-Deaton Irina Golubeva

This practical guide is a must read for students interested in developing the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and values that foster positive relationships with people from diverse cultures both within and outside of the workplace. It contains real-life examples from students drawn from the authors’ work across different countries. In an age of growing diversity and increasing global mobility, living and working with people from different cultural backgrounds is becoming the norm. To address this complex topic, the authors invite students to consider key questions such as: How do our cultural backgrounds influence our behavior towards others? What is intercultural competence and how can it help students to get along in work and life? How can institutions help students to develop intercultural competence? What does it have to do with topics like prejudice, discrimination, and racism? How can intercultural competence facilitate social change and help students to succeed in their careers?Written for students in any country and studying in any discipline, this book includes practical activities designed to help students to develop intercultural competence throughout their time at college or university. It is useful for students as an autonomous learning source, or as a resource for taught courses.Drawing on a comprehensive and rigorous knowledge of the field, the authors have written a thought-provoking analysis and a practical guide to understanding and enacting Intercultural Competence. I learnt from and admire their ambitious vision of the significance of intercultural competence for society and for the lives and careers of their readers.— Michael Byram, author of Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence, Durham University, UK This is a wonderfully readable book, which carefully and clearly explains the concept of intercultural competence, exploring its implications for addressing many of the most crucial issues facing the world today. Based on impeccable scholarship, and containing a wealth of practical activities, this book is highly recommended for students and interested laypeople alike.— Martyn Barrett, University of Surrey, UKAn exceptionally user-friendly and theory-informed guidebook that would not only benefit university students but anyone with an interest in intercultural communication. The book is second to none in terms of clarity of presentation and coverage of concepts, models and practical ideas relevant to intercultural competence for the contemporary society. —Anwei Feng, University of Nottingham Ningbo, ChinaAn essential handbook and excellent addition to conventional textbooks. Nuanced and down-to-earth explanations about intercultural communication which are accessible to everyone. Insightful explanations for educators and students alike. Easy to use self-study guide with thought-provoking exercises. This book has been long needed and has come at just the right time. --Ivett Guntersdorfer, Founder and Director of the Intercultural Communication Certificate Program, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany

Intercultural Competence--Interpersonal Communication across Cultures

by Myron W. Lustig Jolene Koester

In all of your personal and professional endeavors, you must learn to communicate with people whose cultural heritage makes them vastly different from you.

Intercultural Couples: Exploring Diversity in Intimate Relationships

by Terri A. Karis Kyle D. Killian

While cross-cultural relations were once assumed to be inherently problematic, in recent years these couples have increased in both numbers and social acceptance, and there is now a growing awareness of how little we really know about them. Addressing this gap in our knowledge, this book presents 12 chapters focusing on cross-cultural couple formations (i.e., a partner from the U.S. and another from abroad). Highlighting both the struggles and successes of couples, this book challenges the principle of homogamy, helping the reader gain a deeper understanding and respect for intercultural couples. The chapters tackle a broad range of topics and issues, including systemic considerations of the phenomenon of cross-cultural couples, bilingual couples, interfaith relationships, struggles in such couple formations, different methods of approaching solutions, and the use of the internet to meet partners from diverse backgrounds.

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