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International Clinical Sociology (Clinical Sociology: Research and Practice)
by Jan Marie FritzClinical sociology is a multidisciplinary field that seeks to improve life situations for individuals and groups. This book showcases the art and science of clinical sociology from around the world. It is the first book to present basic clinical sociology diagrams and models in addition to detailed histories of clinical sociology in the United States, Quebec, France, and Japan. A range of interventions are discussed in light of a region’s economic, social, political, and disciplinary history. The book presents illustrative case studies from leaders in the field, and it serves the need of graduate-level courses from around the world.
International Conference of Psychology: International Conference on Indigenous Treatment and Contemporary Psychology (Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research #737)
by Fonny Hutagalung Moordiningsih Moordiningsih Uichol Kim Oyaziwo Aluede Akira TsudaThis is an open access book.This conference aims to facilitate discussion on the state-of-the-art approaches and treatments indigenous carried out in various regions in Indonesia, Southeast Asia and various parts of the world to be understood and linked with the latest developments in contemporary psychology. Various local wisdoms that are still maintained and ongoing and have a positive impact on human behaviour deserve to be studied in the development of psychological knowledge.Indigenous psychology seeks to understand humans based on the context in which humans live, grow and develop, and understand patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Cultural values and local wisdom in humans’ lives become the contexts that influence humans in thinking, feeling, and behaving.International Conference on Indigenous Treatment and Contemporary Psychology (ICITCP) 2022 aims to develop knowledge on various indigenous treatments carried out in various parts of the world and to build connection with the latest developments of science in contemporary psychology.
International Conference of the Learning Sciences: Facing the Challenges of Complex Real-world Settings
by Barry J. Fishman Samuel F. O'Connor-DivelbissThe field of the learning sciences is concerned with educational research from the dual perspectives of human cognition and computing technologies, and the application of this research in three integrated areas: *Design: Design of learning and teaching environments, tools, or media, including innovative curricula, multimedia, artificial intelligence, telecommunications technologies, visualization, modeling, and design theories and activity structures for supporting learning and teaching. *Cognition: Models of the structures and processes of learning and teaching by which knowledge, skills, and understanding are developed, including the psychological foundations of the field, learning in content areas, professional learning, and the study of learning enabled by tools or social structures. *Social Context: The social, organizational, and cultural dynamics of learning and teaching across the range of formal and informal settings, including schools, museums, homes, families, and professional settings. Investigations in the learning sciences approach these issues from an interdisciplinary stance combining the traditional disciplines of computer science, cognitive science, and education. This book documents the proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2000), which brought together experts from academia, industry, and education to discuss the application of theoretical and empirical knowledge from learning sciences research to practice in K-12 or higher education, corporate training, and learning in the home or other informal settings.
International Counseling: Case Studies Handbook
by Roy Moodley Marguerite Lengyell Rosa Wu Uwe P. GielenIn this book, designed to increase mental health professionals’ global literacy, authors from 33 countries demonstrate multicultural skills and competencies through case studies that illustrate approaches to counseling and psychotherapy in their countries. Following an introductory section on the use of case studies, chapters focus on a cross section of countries in Africa; Australia and Asia; Central, North, and South America; Europe; and the Middle East. Each case describes the client and his or her presenting concerns and includes a culture-sensitive assessment and treatment plan, an analysis and critical reflection of the case, and questions for discussion. The final chapter of the text presents a comparative analysis of the cases. *Requests for digital versions from the ACA can be found on wiley.com. *To request print copies, please visit the ACA website here. *Reproduction requests for material from books published by ACA should be directed to permissions@counseling.org.
International Dictionary of Music Therapy
by Kevin KirklandThe therapeutic uses of music can vary greatly from one part of a country to the next, from one therapist to the next and across national and continental lines. This groundbreaking work is the first to bring together the expertise of an international array of contributors into one resource. The International Dictionary of Music Therapy offers models, methods and interventions that range from regional to international, including several terms that have never been published before. Essential for both the seasoned and novice music therapists and those working closely with the field, it offers a comprehensive guide to key terms, explained from multiple perspectives and with reference to clinical literature. Each entry contains detailed definitions for the reader, to develop practice, to generate discussion, and to establish more of a global common music therapy language. Covering more than 450 carefully selected terms, this comprehensive reference tool is a foundational text for defining and exploring the therapeutic value of music. The ultimate companion to understanding the science and art of music therapy on an international level, the International Dictionary of Music Therapy is ideal for music therapists, theorists, educators, researchers, and students.
International Dictionary of Psychotherapy
by Giorgio Nardone Alessandro SalviniThe International Dictionary of Psychotherapy is a systematized compendium of the numerous psychotherapies that have evolved over the past 30 years. With contributions from over 350 experts in the field, it highlights the diverse schools of psychotherapy, tracing their histories and traditions, while underlining their specific strengths in dealing with human behaviours, feelings and perceptions in the contemporary world. The book traces eight principal paradigms: psychodynamic, behavioural, existential-humanistic, body-expression, systemic-relational, cognitive, interactional-strategic and eclectic. It presents to the expert and non-expert reader an array of models that grew from a specific paradigm, sharing the same fundamental epistemology and therapeutic strategies. This is accomplished through a reader-friendly approach that presents clear definitions of the key constructs of each paradigm, and transversal concepts that are common to the diverse practices of psychotherapy. The International Dictionary of Psychotherapy provides a clear picture of the numerous types of psychotherapeutic treatments and their applications, while offering a close examination of the efficacy and evaluative methods developed as a result of numerous debates and research carried out within the psychotherapeutic community. It represents an essential resource for psychotherapeutic and psychoanalytic practitioners and students, regardless of background or creed.
International Economics: A Heterodox Approach
by Hendrik Van BergNow in its third edition, this textbook covers all of the standard topics taught in undergraduate International Economics courses. However, the book is unique in that it presents the key orthodox neoclassical models of international trade and investment, whilst supplementing them with a variety of heterodox approaches. This pluralist approach is intended to give economics students a more realistic understanding of the international economy than standard textbooks can provide.
International Economics: A Heterodox Approach
by Hendrik Van BergNow in its third edition, Hendrik Van den Berg’s International Economics: A Heterodox Approach covers all of the standard topics taught in undergraduate international economics courses. Written in a friendly and approachable style, this new edition is unique in that it presents the key orthodox neoclassical models of international trade and investment, while supplementing them with a variety of heterodox approaches. This pluralist approach is intended to give economics students a more realistic understanding of the international economy than standard textbooks can provide. Changes to the new edition include: updates throughout to reflect recent world events, including coverage of trade negotiations and the Greek crisis; expanded discussion of pluralist approaches with more coverage of alternative schools of thought; discussions of the growing financialization of global economic activity; additional real-world examples; increased coverage of environmental issues; transnational corporations and their behavior in the international economy; the difference between international investment and international finance; and monetary history; a consolidated and updated chapter on international banking. This book also maintains a broad perspective that links economic activity to the social and natural spheres of human activity, with emphasis on the distributional and environmental effects of international trade, investment, finance, and migration. Chapter summaries, key terms and concepts, problems and questions, and a glossary are included in the book. A Student Study Guide and an Instructor’s Manual are available online.
International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives
by Rukmalie Jayakody Arland Thornton William AxinnMany dimensions of family life have changed. Age at marriage has risen, arranged marriages and extended families have declined, intergenerational relationships have been altered, and contraceptive usage has become widespread. Until now, most explanations have focused on structural influences that emphasize changes in social and economic circumstanc
International Family Therapy: A Guide for Multilateral Systemic Practice in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
by Laurie L CharlésInternational Family Therapy brings the international plane and its emphasis on the global community of states to systemic family therapy. Informed by a coherent, multilateral perspective, each chapter covers a specific topic, including: discussions on the basis of state sovereignty and the role of international human rights law; the concept of human security and psychosocial risk to vulnerable populations; and the international economics and trade of public mental health initiatives for families across the globe. Written in an accessible style and peppered with vignettes and descriptive case examples, the text encourages the reader to better understand and implement family systems approaches from the perspective of the international system, with a focus on cultural considerations and best practice throughout. Combining key theoretical tenets of family therapy and essential knowledge of international relations relevant to global mental health, International Family Therapy is an essential guide for family therapy practitioners interested in working internationally.
International Financial Integration
by Anthony M. EndresDrawing on prominent contributions by economists to the debate on international monetary reform, this book provides an historical perspective on the plans, schemes and ideas on the international financial system.
The International Handbook of Addiction Behaviour (Routledge Library Editions: Addictions #1)
by Ilana Belle GlassInternational in its scope and multidisciplinary in its approach, The International Handbook of Addiction Behaviour, originally published in 1991, set a new agenda in the addictions field. This volume brings together the full variety of scientific approaches to addiction behaviour. It broke new ground by highlighting the links between clinical work, training and research and proposes a way forward towards integrated treatment interventions. This title is a definitive teaching text and will still be a valuable resource for students in the addiction field.
International Handbook of Anger
by Gerhard Stemmler Charles Spielberger Michael PotegalBook covers a broader range of topics than other books in this area. Notably, extensive coverage of the neurobiology of anger in context of psychology and sociology is unique. Book provides broad, integrative coverage while avoiding unnecessary duplication. Contributors have read each others' chapters and there is extensive cross-referencing from chapter to chapter. Book contains a guide to content and organization of chapters and topics, along with interpolated commentary at the end of each section.
The International Handbook of Art Therapy in Palliative and Bereavement Care (Routledge International Handbooks)
by Michèle J.M. Wood Becky Jacobson Hannah CridfordThe International Handbook of Art Therapy in Palliative and Bereavement Care offers a multicultural and international perspective on how art therapy can be of help to individuals, groups, families, communities, and nations facing death and dying as well as grief and loss. Over 50 art therapists from around the world write about the transforming power of art therapy in the lives of those facing terminal illness, dementia, loss, and grief. They offer practical descriptions and techniques for working with adults and children to guide professionals, including those new to using art therapy and creative approaches in end-of-life care services. This international handbook is essential reading for arts therapists, social workers, medical personnel, faith leaders, and psychologists interested in a collaborative and accessible approach to working with patients and families affected by loss.
International Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders
by Peter Sturmey Johnny L. MatsonBased on a solid historical foundation of autism theory and research, this inclusive handbook integrates coverage of the broader scholarly literature with a trenchant analysis of the state of the field in nosology, etiology, assessment, and treatment.
International Handbook of Chinese Families
by Chan Kwok-BunFamilies are the cornerstone of Chinese society, whether in mainland China, in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, Malaysia, or in the Chinese diaspora the world over. Handbook of the Chinese Family provides an overview of economics, politics, race, ethnicity, and culture within and external to the Chinese family as a social institution. While simultaneously evaluating its own methodological tools, this book will set current knowledge in the context of what has been previously studied as well as future research directions. It will examine inter-family relationships and politics as well as childrearing, education, and family economics to provide a rounded and in-depth view.
International Handbook of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Series #19)
by Ulrike Cress Alyssa Friend Wise Carolyn Rosé Jun OshimaCSCL has in the past 15 years (and often in conjunction with Springer) grown into a thriving and active community. Yet, lacking is a comprehensive CSCL handbook that displays the range of research being done in this area. This handbook will provide an overview of the diverse aspects of the field, allowing newcomers to develop a sense of the entirety of CSCL research and for existing community members to become more deeply aware of work outside their direct area. The handbook will also serve as a ready reference for foundational concepts, methods, and approaches in the field. The chapters are written in such a way that each of them can be used in a stand-alone fashion while also serving as introductory readings in relevant study courses or in teacher education. While some CSCL-relevant topics are addressed in the International Handbook of the Learning Sciences and the International Handbook of Collaborative Learning, these books do not aim to present an integrated and comprehensive view of CSCL. The International Handbook of Computer- Supported Collaborative Learning covers all relevant topics in CSCL, particularly recent developments in the field, such as the rise of computational approaches and learning analytics.
The International Handbook of Consultation in Educational Settings (Consultation, Supervision, and Professional Learning in School Psychology Series)
by Chryse Hatzichristou Sylvia RosenfieldThe rapid changes in the composition of school-age youth around the world have catalyzed a growing concern about how to address children’s mental health and education. Grounded in this increasingly global perspective, The International Handbook of Consultation in Educational Settings is designed to provide a multicultural/transnational approach to consultation theory, research, training, and practice in educational settings. With chapters written by geographically diverse and prominent scholars across the field of school psychology, this handbook captures the range of ways in which consultation services are trained, implemented, and researched internationally. Written for practitioners, researchers, faculty members, and graduate students in the fields of school psychology, school counseling, special education, and educational psychology, this volume is the first of its kind to provide a comprehensive look at consultation in learning environments across the world. The International Handbook of Consultation in Educational Settings offers various perspectives on models, implementation, training, and research on school consultation. After an introduction to the volume by the editors, contributors to Part II examine school-based consultation around the world to explore how consultation services are implemented in different countries. Part III addresses cross-cultural issues in consultation, particularly at a systems level. Part IV presents themes related to processes and issues in the implementation of consultation by focusing on approaches in various countries. The chapters in Part V focus on consultation training, offering insights into the development of students and professionals into effective consultants in cross-cultural and systemic contexts. Part VI describes how practitioners can contribute to the body of research on consultation through careful planning and implementation of their work. Finally, the editors summarize key concepts and findings in a concluding chapter.
International Handbook of Criminology
by Shlomo Giora Shoham Paul Knepper Martin KettThe second handbook in the Shoham trilogy, which includes the esteemed International Handbook of Penology and Criminal Justice and the upcoming International Handbook of Victimology, this volume is a comprehensive treatment of criminology theory. This text contains contributions from 25 of the top international scholars in the field across a wide range of disciplines. Topics include social deviance, research methods, biological and physiological explanations, personality types, and family socialization processes. The book also explores ecological and economic factors, differential association and situational crime prevention, cultural conflicts and immigration, as well as stigmas, group delinquency and juvenile delinquency.
International Handbook of Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology
by Barbara P. Uzzell Marcel O. Pontón Alfredo ArdilaThe role of culture is significant when measuring cognitive abilities during neuropsychological assessments. However, cultural diversity is a frequently overlooked moderating variable. The International Handbook of Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology emphasizes major distinctions among cultural groups in North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, an
International Handbook of Elder Abuse and Mistreatment
by Mala Kapur ShankardassThis first-of-its-kind work on elder abuse and mistreatment provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the subject. Covering almost all regions of the world, it highlights different dimensions of elder abuse and mistreatment in terms of their prevalence, incidence, prevention, treatment, management and response from governments and civil society, academic and research communities, and society in general. Written by international specialists from various disciplinary and presenting the latest findings and data, the handbook includes sections on the Americas; the Caribbean; Europe; Central, West and South Asia; East Asia and Asia-Pacific; and Africa. The chapters offer clarity on the concept and forms of elder abuse and neglect, discuss research methodology, and provide policy options, legislative solutions and programmatic responses to give relief to older people as victims of abuse and neglect as well as to deal with the perpetrators. This book is intended for a wide range of students and researchers interested in aging, from sociology, to social work, community medicine, public health, clinical psychology, and human rights/law.
International Handbook of Emotions in Education (Educational Psychology Handbook)
by Reinhard Pekrun Lisa Linnenbrink-GarciaFor more than a decade, there has been growing interest and research on the pivotal role of emotions in educational settings. This ground-breaking handbook is the first to highlight this emerging field of research and to describe in detail the ways in which emotions affect learning and instruction in the classroom as well as students’ and teachers’ development and well-being. Informed by research from a number of related fields, the handbook includes four sections. Section I focuses on fundamental principles of emotion, including the interplay among emotion, cognition, and motivation, the regulation of emotion, and emotional intelligence. Section II examines emotions and emotion regulation in classroom settings, addressing specific emotions (enjoyment, interest, curiosity, pride, anxiety, confusion, shame, and boredom) as well as social-emotional learning programs. Section III highlights research on emotions in academic content domains (mathematics, science, and reading/writing), contextual factors (classroom, family, and culture), and teacher emotions. The final section examines the various methodological approaches to studying emotions in educational settings. With work from leading international experts across disciplines, this book synthesizes the latest research on emotions in education.
International Handbook of Evidence-Based Coaching: Theory, Research and Practice
by Jonathan Passmore Heidi Möller Wolfgang Scholl Felix Müller Siegfried GreifThis handbook comprehensively covers the fundamental key concepts in coaching research and evidence-based practice and shows how coaching can be applied to multiple contexts. It provides coaching scholars, researchers and practitioners with detailed review of the key concepts, research and new insights into coaching research and practice. This key reference work includes over 70 contributions from more than 110 leading researchers and practitioners in the field across countries, and deftly combines theory with case studies and applications from psychology, sociology, business administration, organizational studies, education, and communication studies. This handbook, edited by the top scholars in the field, is meant for an academic as well as a professional readership, and is an invaluable resource for coaches, clients, coaching institutes and associations, and students of coaching.
International Handbook of Language Acquisition (Routledge International Handbooks)
by Jessica S. Horst Janne von Koss TorkildsenHow do children acquire language? How does real life language acquisition differ from results found in controlled environments? And how is modern life challenging established theories? Going far beyond laboratory experiments, the International Handbook of Language Acquisition examines a wide range of topics surrounding language development to shed light on how children acquire language in the real world. The foremost experts in the field cover a variety of issues, from the underlying cognitive processes and role of language input to development of key language dimensions as well as both typical and atypical language development. Horst and Torkildsen balance a theoretical foundation with data acquired from applied settings to offer a truly comprehensive reference book with an international outlook. The International Handbook of Language Acquisition is essential reading for graduate students and researchers in language acquisition across developmental psychology, developmental neuropsychology, linguistics, early childhood education, and communication disorders.
International Handbook of Leadership for Learning
by John Macbeath Tony TownsendThe International Handbook of Leadership for Learning brings together chapters by distinguished authors from thirty-one countries in nine different regions of the world. The handbook contains nine sections that provide regional overviews; a consideration of theoretical and contextual aspects; system and policy approaches that promote leadership for learning with a focus on educating school leaders for learning and the role of the leader in supporting learning. It also considers the challenge of educating current leaders for this new perspective, and how leaders themselves can develop leadership for learning in others and in their organisations, especially in diverse contexts and situations. The final chapter considers what we now know about leadership for learning and looks at ways this might be further improved in the future. The book provides the reader with an understanding of the rich contextual nature of learning in schools and the role of school leaders and leadership development in promoting this. It concludes that the preposition 'for' between the two readily known and understood terms of 'leadership' and 'learning' changes everything as it foregrounds learning and complexifies, rather than simplifies, what that word may mean. Whereas common terms such as 'instructional leadership' reduce learning to 'outcomes', leadership for learning embraces a much wider, developmental view of learning.