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International Handbook of Love: Transcultural and Transdisciplinary Perspectives
by Elisabeth Vanderheiden Claude-Hélène MayerTh is handbook includes state-of-the-art research on love in classical, modern and postmodern perspectives. It expands on previous literature and explores topics around love from new cultural, intercultural and transcultural approaches and across disciplines. It provides insights into various love concepts, like romantic love, agape, and eros in their cultural embeddedness, and their changes and developments in specific cultural contexts. It also includes discussions on postmodern aspects with regard to love and love relationships, such as digitalisation, globalisation and the fourth industrial revolution. Th e handbook covers a vast range of topics in relation to love: aging, health, special needs, sexual preferences, spiritual practice, subcultures, family and other relationships, and so on. Th e chapters look at love not only in terms of the universal concept and in private, intimate relationships, but apply a broad concept of love which can also, for example, be referred to in postmodern workplaces. Th is volume is of interest to a wide readership, including researchers, practitioners and students of the social sciences, humanities and behavioural sciences.In the 1970s through the 90s, I was told that globalization was homogenizing cultures into a worldwide monoculture. Th is volume, as risky and profound as the many adventures of love across our multiplying cultures are, proves otherwise. Th e authors’ revolutionary and courageous work will challenge our sensibilities and expand the boundaries of what we understand what love is. But that’s what love does: It communicates what is; offers what can be; and pleads for what must be. I know you’ll enjoy this wonderful book as much as I do!Jeffrey Ady, Associate Professor (retired), Public Administration Program, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Founding Fellow, International Academy for Intercultural ResearchThe International Handbook of Love is far more than a traditional compendium. It is a breath-taking attempt to synthesize our anthropological and sociological knowledge on love. It illuminates topics as diverse as Chinese love, one-night stands, teen romance or love of leaders and many more. Th is is a definitive reference in the field of love studies.Eva Illouz, author of Th e End of Love: A sociology of Negative relationships. Oxford University Press.
International Handbook of Mathematical Learning Difficulties: From the Laboratory to the Classroom
by Pekka Räsänen Annemarie Fritz Vitor Geraldi HaaseThis comprehensive volume provides teachers, researchers and education professionals with cutting edge knowledge developed in the last decades by the educational, behavioural and neurosciences, integrating cognitive, developmental and socioeconomic approaches to deal with the problems children face in learning mathematics.The neurocognitive mechanisms and the cognitive processes underlying acquisition of arithmetic abilities and their significance for education have been the subject of intense research in the last few decades, but the most part of this research has been conducted in non-applied settings and there’s still a deep discrepancy between the level of scientific knowledge and its implementation into actual educational settings. Now it’s time to bring the results from the laboratory to the classroom. Apart from bringing the theoretical discussions to educational settings, the volume presents a wide range of methods for early detection of children with risks in mathematics learning and strategies to develop effective interventions based on innovative cognitive test instruments. It also provides insights to translate research knowledge into public policies in order to address socioeconomic issues. And it does so from an international perspective, dedicating a whole section to the cultural diversity of mathematics learning difficulties in different parts of the world. All of this makes the International Handbook of Mathematical Learning Difficulties an essential tool for those involved in the daily struggle to prepare the future generations to succeed in the global knowledge society.
International Handbook of Metacognition and Learning Technologies
by Vincent Aleven Roger AzevedoIntegrating all aspects of the fields of metacognition and learning technologies, this book describes features of the learning technologies and how they have been designed to study and support metacognitive processing and self-regulated learning.
International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions
by Ingrid SöderbackResources for rehabilitation specialists tend to follow a straight line: injury--disability--limitation--intervention. The International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions breaks with this tradition, organized by type of intervention (based on recommendations in the International Classification of Functioning) rather than disability, medical condition, or level of impairment. This innovative, user-friendly system identifies candidates for particular interventions in terms of the range of syndromes and illnesses they are applicable to, encouraging critical thinking, problem solving, and best practice. The book's wide spectrum of interventions coupled with its international perspective creates a unique source of evidence-based strategies for improving patients' adaptation, functioning, relearning, recovery, and the prevention of ill health. The Handbook: Describes interventions in such areas as environmental accessibility, ergonomics, pain management, sensory functional training, electric prostheses, music therapy, psychoeducation, and cognitive teaching. Features interventions suited to all areas of daily life: self maintenance, home, work, and leisure. Clarifies the occupational therapist's role in multidisciplinary care. Includes material on accident/illness prevention and health promotion strategies. Supplies reference lists of studies regarding the clinical efficacy of interventions. Demonstrates the use of a common technical language for the field. Occupational and physical therapists, rehabilitation nurses and technicians, physiatrists, and health psychologists will find the International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions a source of practice-enhancing tools and ideas. Its clarity of presentation makes it highly useful to readers in related fields (such as insurance case workers and ergonomic architects and engineers) as well.
International Handbook of Peace and Reconciliation
by Kathleen Malley-Morrison Gabriel Twose Andrea MercurioHow do ordinary people from different regions around the world define peace and reconciliation? What factors do they think are necessary for promoting reconciliation between countries? Do they believe that individuals have a right to protest against war and in favor of peace? Do they believe that apologies can improve the chances of reconciliation? What do they think are the best ways for achieving peace? Does reasoning regarding the achievability of world peace vary by region? International Handbook of Peace and Reconciliation, a companion volume to the International Handbook on War, Torture, and Terrorism, examines and analyzes how people around the world think about justice, governmental apologies, the right to protest, the peace process, the justifiability of armed conflict, the possibility of world peace, and reconciliation. To address these questions, researchers from the Group on International Perspectives on Governmental Aggression and Peace (GIPGAP) administered the Personal and Institutional Rights to Aggression and Peace Survey (PAIRTAPS) to volunteers from over 40 countries representing the major regions of the world. The volume is organized such that the responses to the survey are summarized and analyzed by both by country and by theme. Integrative chapters provide an up-to-date overview of historical and current events relevant to peace and reconciliation and a grounded theory analysis of definitions of peace and reconciliation and of the role of apology in reconciliation. In addition to describing the major themes emerging from the responses in each region, the volume reports on some exploratory analyses addressing the extent to which we found differences in patterns of responding based on characteristics such as gender, military experience, and involvement in anti-war protest activity. International Handbook on Peace and Reconciliation allows ordinary citizens from around the world to voice their views on peace and related issues, and examines the context of these views. Thus, it offers researchers in political science, peace psychology, social psychology, social justice, and anthropology a comprehensive resource for a changing global landscape.
International Handbook of Positive Aging
by Jennifer Stock Rachael E. DockingAs our global demographic shifts towards an increasingly aging population, we have an opportunity to transform how we experience and think about getting older and embrace the diversity and contribution that this population can bring to society. The International Handbook of Positive Aging showcases the latest research and theory into aging, examining the various challenges faced by older adults and the ways in which we can bring a much-needed positive focus towards dealing with these. The handbook brings together disparate research from medical, academic, economic and social community fields, with contributions from NHS partners, service users, universities across the United Kingdom and collaborations with international research leaders in the field of aging. Divided into sections, the first part of the book focuses on introducing the concept of positive aging before going on to cover the body over the life course, well-being and care delivery. All contributors recognise the fact that we are living longer, which is providing us with a tremendous opportunity to enjoy and flourish in healthy and fulfilling later lives, and this focus on the importance of patient empowerment is integral to the book. This is a valuable reference source for those working in developmental psychology, clinical psychology, mental health, health sciences, medicine, neuropsychological rehabilitation, sociology, anthropology, social policy and social work. It will help encourage researchers, professionals and policymakers to make the most of opportunities and innovations to promote a person’s sense of independence, dignity, well-being, good health and participation in society as they get older.
The International Handbook of Positive Psychology: A Global Perspective on the Science of Positive Human Existence
by Edward C. Chang Christina Downey Hongfei Yang Ingo Zettler Mine Muyan-YılıkThis handbook discusses the latest findings from different fields of positive psychology from a global perspective by providing a coherent framework to get a better understanding of the development and practice of positive psychology. It starts with the parameters of positive psychology and a summary of the historical rise of positive psychology (both first wave and second wave of positive psychology) in the US, and its slow but steady growth on a global scale. This handbook highlights the major contributions of positive psychologists across 17 major regions of the world on theory, research, assessment and Practice. It discusses how positive psychology can progress human living in different countries and it shows the reasons why positive psychology has become an important source in research and education around the world.
International Handbook of Psychological Well-Being in Children and Adolescents
by Bonnie Kaul Nastasi Amanda P. BorjaThis handbook addresses universal developmental and cultural factors contributing to child and adolescent mental health and well-being across the globe. It examines sociocultural contexts of development and identifies children's and adolescents' perspectives as critical to understanding and promoting their psychological well-being. It details the Promoting Psychological Well-Being Globally project's methodology for data collection and analysis, provides cross-cultural analyses of its findings, and offers a practical model for clinicians and other professionals seeking to apply this knowledge to real-life settings. Featured topics include: Sexual health, gender roles, and psychological well-being in India. Psychological well-being as a new educational boundary in Italy. Mapping psychological well-being in Romania. Youth perspectives on contributing factors to psychological well-being in Sri Lanka. Culturally specific resilience and vulnerability in Tanzania. Longing for a balanced life - the voices of Chinese-American/immigrant youth in the United States. The International Handbook of Psychological Well-Being in Children and Adolescents: Bridging the Gaps Between Theory, Research, and Practice is an invaluable resources for researchers, clinicians, scientist-practitioners, and graduate students in child and school psychology, social work, public health, positive psycholo gy, educational policy and politics, and maternal and child health.
International Handbook of Psychology Learning and Teaching (Springer International Handbooks of Education)
by Joerg Zumbach Douglas A. Bernstein Susanne Narciss Giuseppina MarsicoThe International Handbook of Psychology Learning and Teaching is a reference work for psychology learning and teaching worldwide that takes a multi-faceted approach and includes national, international, and intercultural perspectives. Whether readers are interested in the basics of how and what to teach, in training psychology teachers, in taking steps to improve their own teaching, or in planning or implementing research on psychology learning and teaching, this handbook will provide an excellent place to start. Chapters address ideas, issues, and innovations in the teaching of all psychology courses, whether offered in psychology programs or as part of curricula in other disciplines. The book also presents reviews of relevant literature and best practices related to everything from the basics of course organization to the use of teaching technology. Three major sections consisting of several chapters each address “Teaching Psychology in Tertiary (Higher) Education”, “Psychology Learning and Teaching for All Audiences”, and “General Educational and Instructional Approaches to Psychology Learning and Teaching”.
International Handbook of Research on Multicultural Science Education (Springer International Handbooks of Education)
by Mary M. AtwaterThis handbook gathers in one volume the major research and scholarship related to multicultural science education that has developed since the field was named and established by Atwater in 1993. Culture is defined in this handbook as an integrated pattern of shared values, beliefs, languages, worldviews, behaviors, artifacts, knowledge, and social and political relationships of a group of people in a particular place or time that the people use to understand or make meaning of their world, each other, and other groups of people and to transmit these to succeeding generations. The research studies include both different kinds of qualitative and quantitative studies. The chapters in this volume reflect differing ideas about culture and its impact on science learning and teaching in different K-14 contexts and policy issues. Research findings about groups that are underrepresented in STEM in the United States, and in other countries related to language issues and indigenous knowledge are included in this volume.
International Handbook of Research on Teachers' Beliefs (Educational Psychology Handbook)
by Helenrose Fives Michele Gregoire GillTeacher beliefs play a fundamental role in the education landscape. Nevertheless, most educational researchers only allude to teacher beliefs as part of a study on other subjects. This book fills a necessary gap by identifying the importance of research on teacher beliefs and providing a comprehensive overview of the topic. It provides novices and experts alike a single volume with which to understand a complex research landscape. Including a review of the historical foundations of the field, this book identifies current research trends, and summarizes the current knowledge base regarding teachers’ specific beliefs about content, instruction, students, and learning. For its innumerable applications within the field, this handbook is a necessity for anyone interested in educational research.
The International Handbook of Stepfamilies
by Jan PryorWritten by contributors from around the world, The International Handbook of Stepfamilies: Policy and Practice in Legal, Research, and Clinical Environments is a collection of research, legal, and clinical recommendations that fills a growing need for complex, re-formed families. Using the information in this book, which includes contemporary research and its implications, you will be able to consider stepfamilies in an international context. Understand the issues that clinicians face when they work with stepfamilies, both before and after formation, and gain more knowledge about this topic as the rates of family reformation increase.
International Handbook of Suicide Prevention
by Jacki Gordon Rory C. O'Connor Stephen PlattThe International Handbook of Suicide Prevention showcases the latest cutting-edge research from the world's leading authorities, and highlights policy and practice implications for the prevention of suicide. Brings together the world's leading authorities on suicidal behaviour, renowned for their suicide prevention research, policy and practiceAddresses the key questions of why people attempt suicide, the best interventions, treatments and care for those at risk, and the key international challenges in trying to prevent suicideDescribes up-to-date, theoretically-derived and evidence-based research and practice from across the globe, which will have implications across countries, cultures and the lifespan
The International Handbook of Suicide Prevention
by Rory C. O’Connor Jane PirkisThe International Handbook of Suicide Prevention, 2nd Edition, presents a series of readings that consider the individual and societal factors that lead to suicide, it addresses ways these factors may be mitigated, and presents the most up-to-date evidence for effective suicide prevention approaches. An updated reference that shows why effective suicide prevention can only be achieved by understanding the many reasons why people choose to end their lives Gathers together contributions from more than 100 of the world’s leading authorities on suicidal behavior—many of them new to this edition Considers suicide from epidemiological, psychological, clinical, sociological, and neurobiological perspectives, providing a holistic understanding of the subject Describes the most up-to-date, evidence-based research and practice from across the globe, and explores its implications across countries, cultures, and the lifespan
International Handbook of Survey Methodology (European Association of Methodology Series)
by Don A. Dillman Joop J. Hox Edith D. de LeeuwTaking into account both traditional and emerging modes, this comprehensive new Handbook covers all major methodological and statistical issues in designing and analyzing surveys. With contributions from the world's leading survey methodologists and statisticians, this invaluable new resource provides guidance on collecting survey data and creating meaningful results. Featuring examples from a variety of countries, the book reviews such things as how to deal with sample designs, write survey questions, and collect data on the Internet. A thorough review of the procedures associated with multiple modes of collecting sample survey information and applying that combination of methods that fit the situation best is included. The International Handbook of Survey Methodology opens with the foundations of survey design, ranging from sources of error, to ethical issues. This is followed by a section on design that reviews sampling challenges and tips on writing and testing questions for multiple methods. Part three focuses on data collection, from face-to-face interviews, to Internet and interactive voice response, to special challenges involved in mixing these modes within one survey. Analyzing data from both simple and complex surveys is then explored, as well as procedures for adjusting data. The book concludes with a discussion of maintaining quality. Intended for advanced students and researchers in the behavioral, social, and health sciences, this "must have" resource will appeal to those interested in conducting or using survey data from anywhere in the world, especially those interested in comparing results across countries. The book also serves as a state-of-the-art text for graduate level courses and seminars on survey methodology. A companion website contains additional readings and examples.
The International Handbook of Teacher Ethos: Strengthening Teachers, Supporting Learners
by Fritz Oser Karin Heinrichs Johannes Bauer Terence LovatThis volume is the first handbook that brings together cutting-edge international research on teacher ethos from a broad array of disciplines. The main focus will be on research that illustrates current conceptualizations of ethos and its importance for acting effectively and responsibly in and out of the classroom. Research will encompass updated empirical and philosophical work that points to the difference in learning when teaching is practised as a moral activity instead of a merely functional one. Authors are among the world’s foremost researchers whose work crosses over from moral education into psychology, neuroscience, sociology, philosophy, pedagogy, and curriculum, drawing on these various fields of research. Today, more than ever, we understand that teachers, like other professionals, need more than subject-matter expertise for acting responsibly and doing their best in their daily duties. Doing so requires possessing a guiding system of professional ethics, moral positioning, goals, norms, and values – in other words: a professional ethos. While the handbook concentrates on Western domains in the current era, the work will extend to other cultures and times as well. With this comprehensive range of perspectives, the book will be attractive and useful for researchers on teachers and teaching as well as for teacher educators, curriculum designers, educational officials, and, last-but-not-least, anyone who is interested in what makes a good teacher. This volume is also a tribute to Fritz Oser, a leading scholar in research on ethos, who sadly passed-away during the compilation of this handbook.
International Handbook of the Learning Sciences
by Frank Fischer Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver Susan R. Goldman Peter ReimannThe International Handbook of the Learning Sciences is a comprehensive collection of international perspectives on this interdisciplinary field. In more than 50 chapters, leading experts synthesize past, current, and emerging theoretical and empirical directions for learning sciences research. The three sections of the handbook capture, respectively: foundational contributions from multiple disciplines and the ways in which the learning sciences has fashioned these into its own brand of use-oriented theory, design, and evidence; learning sciences approaches to designing, researching, and evaluating learning broadly construed; and the methodological diversity of learning sciences research, assessment, and analytic approaches. This pioneering collection is the definitive volume of international learning sciences scholarship and an essential text for scholars in this area.
International Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning (Routledge International Handbooks)
by Linden J. Ball Valerie A. ThompsonThe Routledge International Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning is an authoritative reference work providing a balanced overview of current scholarship spanning the full breadth of the rapidly developing and expanding field of thinking and reasoning. It contains 35 chapters written by leading international researchers, covering foundational issues as well as state-of-the-art developments in thinking and reasoning research. <P><P>Topics covered range across all sub-areas of thinking and reasoning, including deduction, induction, abduction, judgment, decision making, argumentation, problem solving, expertise, creativity and rationality. The contributors engage with cutting-edge debates such as the status of dual-process theories of thinking, the role of unconscious, intuitive, emotional and metacognitive processes in thinking, and the importance of probabilistic conceptualisations of thinking and reasoning. Authors also examine the importance of neuroscientific findings in informing theoretical developments, and explore the situated nature of thinking and reasoning across a range of real-world contexts such as mathematics, medicine and science. <P><P>The Handbook provides a clear sense of the way in which contemporary ideas are challenging traditional viewpoints as "new paradigm of the psychology of reasoning" emerges. This paradigm-shifting research is paving the way toward a richer and more inclusive understanding of thinking and reasoning, where important new questions drive a forward-looking research agenda. It is essential reading for both established researchers in the field of thinking and reasoning as well as advanced students wishing to learn more about both the historical foundations and latest developments in this rapidly growing field.
International Handbook of Victimology
by Shlomo Giora Shoham Paul Knepper Martin KettIn the nearly four decades since the First International Symposium on Victimology convened in Jerusalem in 1973, some concepts and themes have continued to hold a prominent place in the literature, while new ones have also emerged. Exploring enduring topics such as conceptions of victimhood, secondary and hidden victimization, and social services f
International Handbook of War, Torture, and Terrorism
by Kathleen Malley-Morrison Denise Hines Sherri MccarthyInternational Handbook of Reconciliation and Negotiation follows up on the research gathered from the PAIRTAPS (Perspectives on Govermental Aggression and Peace) survey that was administered in over 40 countries worldwide. Where the International Handbook of Government Aggression and Peace focuses on governmental acts of aggression and violence, this book highlights the many actions taken worldwide to secure the rights of individuals to peace and protest, as examined from a theoretical standpoint. The book has both a theory base as well as empirical findings that should appeal to researchers across several disciplines including peace psychology, political science, and sociology.
International Handbook of Work and Health Psychology
by James C. Quick Cary L. Cooper Marc J. SchabracqNow in its third edition, this authoritative handbook offers a comprehensive and up-to-date survey of work and health psychology. Updated edition of a highly successful handbook Focuses on the applied aspects of work and health psychology New chapters cover emerging themes in this rapidly growing field Prestigious team of editors and contributors
International Handbook of Workplace Trauma Support
by Cary L. Cooper Rick Hughes Andrew KinderThe International Handbook of Workplace Trauma Support provides a comprehensive overview of contemporary standards and best practices in trauma support that draws from the latest research findings and experience of international experts in the field.Reviews the major contemporary post-trauma intervention models in both theory and practiceIncludes Trauma Risk Management (TRiM), Support Post Trauma (SPoT), Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Mindfulness and Psychological First Aid (PFA)Incorporates multi-cultural perspectives by reporting on the pervasive violence in South Africa, constant threats in Israel and emerging developments in ChinaIncludes social, psychosocial, psychological, and organizational dimensions to offer a detailed mapping of trauma supportProvides latest thinking for supporting those in the military context
International Handbook on Child Rights and School Psychology
by Bonnie Kaul Nastasi Stuart N. Hart Shereen C. NaserThis handbook examines the meanings, implications, and transformative potential of a child-rights approach for school psychology. It focuses on the school community, in which psychology is committed to promoting well-being, learning, and development of all children. The handbook begins with an overview of the 1989 United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and explores main themes such as, survival, protection, development, participation, and nondiscrimination. Chapters provide guidance in promoting and protecting child rights when dealing with critical issues relevant to the school community, including well-being, freedom from violence, and access to high quality education. In addition, chapters analyze and offer recommendations for child rights applications within the roles and responsibilities of school psychologists. The handbook concludes with future directions for achieving a child-rights approach for school psychology. Topics featured in this handbook include:The current status of child rights in the international community.Accountability for child rights by school psychology.Collaborative home, school, and community practices aimed at promoting family support.Protecting child rights within the realm of competitive sports.CRC and school-based intervention programming.Promoting child rights through school leadership.Applying child rights-respecting research to the study of psychological well-being. The International Handbook on Child Rights and School Psychology is a must-have resource for researchers, scientist-practitioners, clinicians, and graduate students in child and school psychology, educational policy and politics, social work, public health, and other school-based or child-serving mental health disciplines.
International Handbook on the Demography of Sexuality
by Amanda K. BaumleThe International Handbook on the Demography of Sexuality is the first book to specifically address the study of sexuality from a demographic perspective. Demographic research has largely paid little attention to sexuality as a whole, or sexual orientation in particular, other than in studies examining the "consequences" of sex - sexually transmitted infections or fertility. Instead, the content of this handbook explores population sexuality in order to describe the prevalence of sexual behaviors, desires, and identities, as well as their connections with other demographic outcomes. The focus is on analyzing sexuality as a demographic topic in its own right, rather than solely as a variable in studies of sexually transmitted infection or other health-related topics. In this book, both researchers with traditional demographic backgrounds, as well as those with training in other disciplines, provide an overview of the state of current research on population sexuality. These chapters provide a foundation for the development of research in the burgeoning field of the demography of sexuality.
International Histories of Psychological Assessment (Educational and Psychological Testing in a Global Context)
by Sumaya LaherTo look forward, it is necessary to look back and learn. History is more than just facts about the past; it is a narrative told from a particular perspective. A proverb from Africa, 'Until lions have their own historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter,' captures this best. Most of the scholarship about psychological assessment comes from very specific nationalities and cultures, which does not truly reflect the diversity and breadth of histories pertaining to the field. Covering 50 countries, this collection gives voice to those that have previously been under represented and sometimes marginalized. This book not only describes important moments in psychological assessment from around the globe, but also equips readers with the tools to map the future of psychological assessment across nations. It advocates for a more globally inclusive science of assessment that holds promise for enhancing creativity and innovation in the field.