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International Handbook on the Demography of Sexuality

by Amanda K. Baumle

The International Handbook on the Demography of Sexuality is the first book to specifically address the study of sexuality from a demographic perspective. Demographic research has largely paid little attention to sexuality as a whole, or sexual orientation in particular, other than in studies examining the "consequences" of sex - sexually transmitted infections or fertility. Instead, the content of this handbook explores population sexuality in order to describe the prevalence of sexual behaviors, desires, and identities, as well as their connections with other demographic outcomes. The focus is on analyzing sexuality as a demographic topic in its own right, rather than solely as a variable in studies of sexually transmitted infection or other health-related topics. In this book, both researchers with traditional demographic backgrounds, as well as those with training in other disciplines, provide an overview of the state of current research on population sexuality. These chapters provide a foundation for the development of research in the burgeoning field of the demography of sexuality.

International Histories of Psychological Assessment (Educational and Psychological Testing in a Global Context)

by Sumaya Laher

To look forward, it is necessary to look back and learn. History is more than just facts about the past; it is a narrative told from a particular perspective. A proverb from Africa, 'Until lions have their own historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter,' captures this best. Most of the scholarship about psychological assessment comes from very specific nationalities and cultures, which does not truly reflect the diversity and breadth of histories pertaining to the field. Covering 50 countries, this collection gives voice to those that have previously been under represented and sometimes marginalized. This book not only describes important moments in psychological assessment from around the globe, but also equips readers with the tools to map the future of psychological assessment across nations. It advocates for a more globally inclusive science of assessment that holds promise for enhancing creativity and innovation in the field.

International Intervention in Ethnic Conflict

by Etain Tannam

The EU and the UN have become increasingly involved in conflict resolution, yet they are rarely compared systematically. This book focuses on the role of bureaucracies in the European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) when dealing with conflict. Tannam's comparative analysis of EU and UN policy-making procedures explores how and why they differ from each other, arguing that the UN Secretariat and the European Commission have autonomy under certain conditions and that reducing explanations of EU and UN policy outcomes to political will, or to the preferences of member states is inaccurate. This unique empirical study, enhanced by interviews with practitioners, will be a valuable resource for scholars of International Relations, Peace Studies and Comparative Politics.

International Law and New Wars

by Christine Chinkin Mary Kaldor

International Law and New Wars examines how international law fails to address the contemporary experience of what are known as 'new wars' - instances of armed conflict and violence in places such as Syria, Ukraine, Libya, Mali, the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan. International law, largely constructed in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, rests to a great extent on the outmoded concept of war drawn from European experience - inter-state clashes involving battles between regular and identifiable armed forces. The book shows how different approaches are associated with different interpretations of international law, and, in some cases, this has dangerously weakened the legal restraints on war established after 1945. It puts forward a practical case for what it defines as second generation human security and the implications this carries for international law.

International Organizational Behavior: Transcending Borders and Cultures

by Dean McFarlin Paul Sweeney

This book focuses on understanding and managing organizational behavior in an international context, considering the conceptual framework of culture and offering practical advice for navigating cultures in the workplace. Readers will gain new tools to interpret behavior, helping them to manage international challenges effectively. The authors outline the critical management and adaptation skills necessary to develop within a globalized organization, teaching the reader how to recruit, coordinate, and evaluate an international team. Updated "Culture Clash" and "Global Innovations" boxes provide important insights into identifying a core set of values to "customize" management techniques across cultures, focusing particularly on growing countries like India and China. The new edition features a more streamlined chapter structure, updated discussion questions, and new end-of-chapter cases with self-scoring quizzes for further development. International Organizational Behavior will prove a valuable resource for any student of organizational behavior, international management, and international business. A companion website provides additional support for instructors, featuring an instructor’s manual, test bank, and PowerPoint slides.

An International Perspective: An International Perspective (Policy, Politics, Health and Medicine Series)

by Vicente Navarro Daniel M. Berman

While the health effects of many aspects of life, from diet to marital status, have been extensively explored, little study has been made of the health effects of work. Covering such topics as on-the-job dangers, the role of unions in worker protection, and occupational health in both developed and developing countries, this collection of articles conclusively demonstrates the negative impact that neglect of citizens' working lives has on pubic health. With more Americans dying each year from job-related causes than were killed in a decade of combat in Vietnam, "Health and Work Under Capitalism" is a long-overdue and unusually significant book.

An International Perspective on Disasters and Children's Mental Health: An International Perspective (Integrating Psychiatry and Primary Care)

by Christina W. Hoven Lawrence V. Amsel Sam Tyano

This book provides a broad international perspective on the psychological trauma faced by children and adolescents exposed to major disasters, and on the local public health response to their needs. An outstanding quality of the book is that it draws upon the experience of local researchers, clinicians, and public mental health practitioners who dedicated themselves to these children in the wake of overwhelming events. The chapters address exemplary responses to a wide variety of trauma types, including severe weather, war, industrial catastrophes, earthquakes, and terrorism. Because disasters do not recognize geographic, economic, or political boundaries, the chapters have been selected to reflect the diverse global community’s attempt to respond to vulnerable children in the most challenging times. The book, thus, examines a diverse range of healthcare systems, cultural settings, mental health infrastructure, government policies, and the economic factors that have played an important role in responses to traumatic events. The ultimate goal of this book is to stimulate future international collaborations and interventions that will promote children’s mental health in the face of disaster.

International Perspectives in Values-Based Mental Health Practice: Case Studies and Commentaries

by Drozdstoy Stoyanov Bill Fulford Giovanni Stanghellini Werdie Van Staden Michael Th Wong

This open access book offers essential information on values-based practice (VBP): the clinical skills involved, teamwork and person-centered care, links between values and evidence, and the importance of partnerships in shared decision-making. Different cultures have different values; for example, partnership in decision-making looks very different, from the highly individualized perspective of European and North American cultures to the collective and family-oriented perspectives common in South East Asia. In turn, African cultures offer yet another perspective, one that falls between these two extremes (called batho pele).The book will benefit everyone concerned with the practical challenges of delivering mental health services. Accordingly, all contributions are developed on the basis of case vignettes, and cover a range of situations in which values underlie tensions or uncertainties regarding how to proceed in clinical practice. Examples include the patient’s autonomy and best interest, the physician’s commitment to establishing high standards of clinical governance, clinical versus community best interest, institutional versus clinical interests, patients insisting on medically unsound but legal treatments etc. Thus far, VBP publications have mainly dealt with clinical scenarios involving individual values (of clinicians and patients). Our objective with this book is to develop a model of VBP that is culturally much broader in scope. As such, it offers a vital resource for mental health stakeholders in an increasingly inter-connected world. It also offers opportunities for cross-learning in values-based practice between cultures with very different clinical care traditions.

International Perspectives on Competence in the Workplace

by Christine R. Velde

As the world's economy develops into a more dynamic, fast-moving, and unpredictable entity, it is crucial that the workers who create wealth have the ability to assess and respond to new and unforeseen challenges. In other words, the future will require a more competent workforce. What, though, does this mean in practice? In this, the fully revised second edition of Christine Velde's book, a variety of researchers from around the world provide a truly international perspective on the issue. They help to redefine the term competence. Rather than responding to challenges using a pre-existing set of skills, they see competence as having the ability to assess new situations, and then adapt one's response accordingly, particularly in collaboration with others. Providing the reader with insightful perspectives about competence in different situations and contexts, the book's sections explore the concept of competence in industry and vocational education, in schools and colleges, in small businesses and companies, and in universities. The interpretation, experience and teaching of competence in the workplace is boiled down to five essential components that in themselves represent an argument for a more holistic conception of competence. Velde herself concludes the book by synthesizing and reflecting on the contents. This book provides the reader with insightful perspectives on competence, and the characteristics of learning environments in different workplace contexts. Drawing on phenomenographic insights allows it to present a more enlightened view of competence, at the same time as opening up an international dialogue about the meaning and interpretation of competence in the workplace. Useful not only to educators and researchers, this volume will also assist leaders and managers in a variety of contexts to develop more meaningful workplaces.

International Perspectives on Family Violence and Abuse: A Cognitive Ecological Approach

by Kathleen Malley-Morrison

In this book, in which definitions and examples of abuse from men and women from every continent and a very diverse set of backgrounds are considered. The volume provides information on the extent to which family violence is a recognized problem in each country, research findings available on different forms of family violence, and information on governmental responses to family violence. Finally, the value of an international human rights approach to abuse and violence in families is considered. The book presents an unparalleled international coverage, addressing all forms of family violence in Australia and at least two countries from every other continent. Each chapter begins by describing the cultural context in which family violence and abuse take place. These sections emphasize the role of women and children in the country. Providing a multitude of voices, each chapter includes fascinating and often dramatic definitions and examples of abuse from ordinary citizens of the country. The concluding chapter elaborates on the appropriateness of a human rights approach in addressing family violence cross-nationally and cross-culturally; and provides an excellent integration of much of the material from the previous chapters. The book is intended for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in psychology and sociology, as well as pre-professionals and professionals in medicine, law, and social services. It has strong relevance and value to individuals training in counseling (counselor education) and clinical psychology. Because of its readable style and extensive use of quotations from citizens of the countries studied for the book, it may also appeal to a much broader audience, including a lay audience.

International Perspectives on Gender-Based Violence (Advances in Preventing and Treating Violence and Aggression)

by Madhumita Pandey

This book examines the multifaceted nature of gender-based violence (GBV) and the many forms it can take. It explores the area of GBV and its implications on human rights, law, and policy. The book highlights the significance of current international debates around preventing GBV and provides context for understanding GBV as a complex structural phenomenon deeply rooted in gender inequality. It addresses GBV as one of the most notable human rights violations within all societies and provides multiple global perspectives on GBV to address the common challenges and barriers to combating this issue.Key areas of coverage include:Sexual violence.Domestic violence.Intimate partner violence.Media Misogyny.Online trolling.Discrimination.Sex trafficking and modern slavery.Preventative Measures and role of men.International Perspectives on Gender-Based Violence is an essential resource for researchers, clinicians/therapists, and upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in developmental psychology, family policy, forensic psychology, human rights, public health, criminology/criminal justice, and clinical social work as well as all interrelated disciplines.

International Perspectives on Group Work: Leadership, Practice, Research, and Teaching

by Ana Puig Bogusia Skudrzyk Julieta Monteiro-Leitner A. Michael Hutchins

The counselling profession in the United States is calling for increased international collaboration, engagement, and understanding of the global issues which impact the way in which counsellors conduct their professional practice, teaching, and research. This book captures the experiences of group workers the world over, inviting them to describe how they facilitate group work to restore wellness, promote healing, and create opportunities for reducing isolation and alienation by tapping into the wisdom of multicultural or indigenous practices. The group work profession underscores the importance of training and service delivery that is rooted in humanistic narratives, with a focus on understanding cross-cultural dynamics. Included in this collection are examples of the rich, creative, and diverse world of group work applications, all of which contribute to a greater knowledge, awareness, and understanding of the many ways in which the power of group membership and leadership can be harnessed for positive change. Group work teachers, practitioners, and counsellor educators will enjoy learning about these creative and important efforts, and take away ideas to implement in their own group work. This book was originally published as two special issues of The Journal for Specialists in Group Work.

International Perspectives On Human Development

by Anna Laura Comunian Uwe Peter Gielen

This volume is intended to be read by psychologists, cultural and psychological anthropologists, and graduate students interested in international and cross-cultural contributions to the study of the human life cycle. The book should be of interest to both teachers and researchers. The idea of developing such a broadly conceived book arose in connection with the Regional Conference of the International Council of Psychologists held in Padua University, Italy between July 21-23, 1997. The theme of the conference was Cross-cultural Perspectives on Human Development. This highly successful venture brought together 105 participants from 28 countries who for three days discussed their cross-cultural research in an atmosphere of warmth and enthusiasm. The conference had been organized by a Scientific Committee consisting of Anna Laura Comunian, Uwe P. Gielen, George De Vos, and Gustav Jahoda. They took care of countless organizational details and made memorable the stay of the conference participants at the "Bo," one of Europe's oldest universities. The university has two of Europe's largest psychology departments and provided an ideal setting for both formal and informal scientific exchange.

International Perspectives on Intimate Partner Violence: Challenges and Opportunities (AFTA SpringerBriefs in Family Therapy)

by Sandra M. Stith Chelsea M. Spencer

This book examines international perspectives on intimate partner violence (IPV). It highlights the current state of IPV prevention and intervention efforts across countries, including Colombia, Iran, Russia, China, India, Turkey, Nigeria, the United Kingdom, Finland, and the United States. The book examines the countries of origin in context (e.g., population, area, religion, ethnic diversity) and includes current rates of IPV in each country. In addition, it addresses growth areas and challenges regarding IPV prevention and intervention, including legal issues as well as cultural and social contexts and their relation to IPV – and the clinical interventions used – within each country. The book discusses challenges and opportunities for growth and seeks to gain a more robust and systemic perspective on the global phenomenon of IPV. It examines how larger social, cultural, and global factors affect the lives of the individuals whom family therapists serve and advocate for as well as provide guidance for culturally appropriate clinical and prevention practices. Key areas of coverage include: · International perspectives on intimate partner violence. · Intervention and resources available for victims of intimate partner violence. · Policies and laws relating to intimate partner violence. International Perspectives on Intimate Partner Violence is an essential resource for clinicians, therapists, and practitioners as well as researchers, professors, and graduate students in family studies, clinical psychology, and public health, as well as all interrelated disciplines.

International Perspectives on Motivation

by Ema Ushioda

Bringing together motivation-related practical concerns and debates from diverse international contexts and educational settings where English is learned, this book shows how locally produced insights and issues can have wider global significance, resonating with the experiences and concerns of English teachers and learners across the world.

International Perspectives On Psychological Science, II: The State of the Art

by Paul Eelen Gery d'Ydewalle Paul Bertelson

The essays appearing in these two volumes are based on Keynote (Vol. 1) and State-of-the-Art (Vol. 2) Lectures delivered at the XXVth International Congress of Psychology, in Brussels, July 1992. The Brussels Congress was the latest in a series of conferences which are organized at regular intervals under the auspices of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS), the main international organization in the field of Scientific Psychology. The first of those meetings took place in Paris in 1889. An important function of the International Congresses is to promote communication between different specializations in Psychology. Speakers were therefore asked to present lectures and discussions in their own fields of study, in a way that would be accessible to fellow psychologists active in other fields. State-of-the-Art lecturers were specifically asked to prepare a tutorial review on a topic which, in the view of the Program Committee, had recently given rise to particularly important developments. These contributions are included in Volume Two. Keynote lecturers were left free to address whatever subject they felt was of greatest interest. The chapters in Volume 1 are preceded by the Presidential Address by Mark R. Rosenzweig.

International Perspectives on Psychology in the Schools (School Psychology Series)

by Philip A. Saigh Thomas Oakland

To promote a broader understanding of the increasingly important role of school psychology in educational systems throughout the world, the editors of this volume collected the works of leading international educators and authorities. Using research from 24 countries, the book provides current information on educational systems and training facilities, psychology services, educational contributions to society, and directions for shaping children's futures through education.

International Perspectives on Psychotherapy

by Stefan G. Hofmann

This clear-sighted resource critically examines the status of clinical psychology practice across the diverse regions of the world. Dispatches from North and Latin America, Eastern and Central Europe, China, South Korea, Australia, Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere illustrate in depth the universality of mental distress and disorders, and the intersection of local knowledge and established standards in providing effective care. Pathology and its treatment are viewed in light of cultural values, belief systems, ethics, and norms, reflecting the evolution of clinical practice toward personalized care and culturally sensitive intervention. This important information serves a number of immediate and long-term goals, including developing culture-specific diagnoses and treatments, improving professional competencies, and the ongoing exchange of ideas within a global field to benefit all patients worldwide. Coverage compares key areas such as: #65533; Concepts of mental pathology and health. #65533; The sociopolitical aspects of psychology, rooted in the history of the country/region. #65533; Popularly used approaches to intervention. #65533; Types of services and providers. #65533; The state of training and credentialing. #65533; Relationships between clinical psychology and indigenous healing traditions. The audience for Clinical Psychology across the World includes advanced undergraduate and graduate students and trainees/interns in clinical psychology, as well as developers of training programs. It can also serve as a valuable supplementary text for seminars or lectures on clinical psychology.

International Perspectives on Science Education for the Gifted: Key issues and challenges (Routledge Research in Achievement and Gifted Education)

by Keith S Taber Manabu Sumida

In the spirit of encouraging international dialogue between researchers and practitioners, often working within isolated traditions, this book discusses perspectives on science education for the gifted informed by up-to-date research findings from a number of related fields. The book reviews philosophy, culture and programmes in science education for the gifted in diverse national contexts, and includes scholarly reviews of significant perspectives and up-to-date research methods and findings. The book is written in a straightforward style for students studying international perspective modules on undergraduate, but especially masters and doctoral degrees in Science Education and Gifted Education. Gifted education has come to be regarded as a key national programme in many countries, and gifted education in science disciplines is now of major importance to economic and technological development. Despite these national initiatives and developments, there are very few discussions on gifted education in science from international perspectives. This will be a valued addition to the scholarship in this emergent field.

International Perspectives on Sport for Sustainable Development

by Claude Sobry Kazem Hozhabri

This book brings together examples and cases from across the world to discuss how sport has and can further contribute to the UN 2030 Sustainable Development agenda. It discusses the major steps that international bodies have taken so far and can further take in the progressive integration of sport for sustainable development. Contributors from 21 countries take up at least one of the 17 UNO Sport for Development and Peace goals, and present and analyse examples of national, regional or local policies using sport as a lever for sustainable development. From traditional games to major competitions, from gender equality to social development and developing governmental transparency, the chapters showcase diverse experiences and demonstrate that sport is today much more than just physical activity. This book is based on the network of the International Research Network in Sport Tourism (IRNIST) with the collaboration of Sport 4 Impact. It is the first step of a collaboration between universities and the world of associations working in partnership with organizations such as the UN or the European Union. The book is an important resource not just for students and researchers of sport science but for policy makers, bureaucrats and sport administrators.

International Perspectives on State and Family Support for the Elderly

by Robert Morris *Deceased* Scott Bass Jill Norton

Within the context of long-range planning, this book examines the changing responsibilities of the state and family toward elders in different societies around the world. International Perspectives on State and Family Support for the Elderly presents a fresh range of lucid analyses of family caregiving policy from Canada, the United States, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Austria, Denmark, Israel, and the People’s Republic of China. Different institutional structures, levels of economic development, and cultural values, among other factors, impact policy development in various countries. With the information examined in this book, readers can gain an understanding of elder care in other societies, which can help them in developing policies for their own countries.Authors of International Perspectives on State and Family Support for the Elderly address questions such as: Who is responsible for caring for the aged? What are the policy issues that determine how such care is handled in various countries? Are the underlying principles upon which policy is based changing? Who pays for the care of the aged? What is the balance of the roles of government, family, and community? Along with these questions, authors discuss: the importance of family care the well-being, payment, and rights of informal caregivers providing services for informal caregivers shifting the burden of care from formal organizations to families the effects of governmental frameworks on caregiving the impact of the political agenda on caregiving caregiving and the welfare stateInternational Perspectives on State and Family Support for the Elderly contains information for all professionals interested or involved in developing policy for the elderly. Demographers, sociologists, social workers, health care and public health professionals, gerontologists, and advanced students in these fields will find this book a helpful guide in their studies.

International Perspectives on Teacher Well-Being and Diversity: Portals into Innovative Classroom Practice (Understanding Teaching-Learning Practice)

by Timothy R. N. Murphy Patricia Mannix-McNamara

This book explores teacher well-being in light of the increasingly ethnically diverse profiles of schools and classrooms, focusing on socially and linguistically diverse teaching contexts. It draws attention to the socio-economic disadvantages that can often be characteristic of ethnically diverse classrooms, prior to examining and reviewing the interconnections between teacher well-being and the implementation of pedagogical processes in the classroom teaching and learning context. Teachers and academics alike report on and address the well-being-related needs of practising teachers. This book contributes to the emerging field of literature on teacher well-being and offers international perspectives on lessons learnt in socially diverse and multilingual teaching contexts. Accordingly, it offers a valuable resource for teacher educators, researchers, pre-service and in-service teachers, and policymakers.

International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with GIS in Secondary Schools

by Joseph J. Kerski Andrew J. Milson Ali Demirci

This, the first publication to collate a broad international perspective on the pedagogical value of GIS technology in classrooms, offers an unprecedented range of expert views on the subject. Geographic Information Systems (GISs) are now ubiquitous and relatively inexpensive. They have revolutionized the way people explore and understand the world around them. The capability they confer allows us to capture, manage, analyze, and display geographic data in ways that were undreamt of a generation ago. GIS has enabled users to make decisions and solve problems as diverse as designing bus routes, locating new businesses, responding to emergencies, and researching climate change. GIS is also having a major impact in the classroom. Students and teachers around the world are using this significant emerging technology in the secondary school classroom to study social and scientific concepts and processes, to broaden their technical skills, and to engage in problem solving and decision making about local and global issues. International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with GIS in Secondary Schools brings together authors from 34 countries who profile the current status of GIS in secondary school teaching and learning in their country. Each chapter includes a summary of the country's educational context, a case study illustrating how GIS is used in secondary schooling, and an assessment of the opportunities and challenges in teaching and learning with GIS now and in the future. The book demonstrates that GIS is not only a technological tool to be used in the classroom, but also a catalyst for motivation, encouragement, and cooperation in understanding and solving global problems. The most up to date and extensive survey of GIS in the secondary education landscape, covering both principles and practice. Professor David Maguire, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Birmingham City University, UK International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning With GIS in Secondary Schools is a highly relevant, critically important, reflective contribution to the literature, providing strong arguments supporting the inclusion for spatial studies for all in secondary school education. Karl Donert, President, EUROGEO This is an invaluable and inspirational examination of innovation in geospatial technologies in secondary schools around the world. Each chapter contains practical models for how to integrate powerful tools for spatial analysis into a range of subjects. It will be useful to classroom teachers and administrators seeking pathways to implementation and teacher educators considering how to prepare the next generation to use geospatial technologies. Sarah Witham Bednarz, Department of Geography, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA

International Perspectives on Teaching English to Young Learners

by Sarah Rich

This volume comprises 11 research-led accounts from Teaching English to Young Learner (TEYL) educators working in a range of diverse settings worldwide. The innovative practical and theoretical perspectives offer some important insights into effective TEYL pedagogy for the 21st century.

International Perspectives on the Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Offenders

by Douglas P. Boer Leam A. Craig Dr Reinhard Eher Michael H. Miner Friedemann Pfäfflin

International Perspectives on the Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Offenders: Theory, Practice and Research provides the first truly global perspective on the assessment and treatment of sex offenders. Presents a comprehensive overview of current theories and practices relating to the assessment and treatment of sex offenders throughout the world, including the US, Europe, and AustralasiaCovers all the major developments in the areas of risk assessment, treatment, and managementIncludes chapters written by internationally respected practitioners and researchers experienced in working with sexual offenders such as Bill Marshall, Ruth Mann, Karl Hanson and Jayson Ware

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