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International Perspectives on the Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Offenders

by Douglas P. Boer Leam A. Craig Dr Reinhard Eher Michael H. Miner Friedemann Pfäfflin

International Perspectives on the Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Offenders: Theory, Practice and Research provides the first truly global perspective on the assessment and treatment of sex offenders. Presents a comprehensive overview of current theories and practices relating to the assessment and treatment of sex offenders throughout the world, including the US, Europe, and AustralasiaCovers all the major developments in the areas of risk assessment, treatment, and managementIncludes chapters written by internationally respected practitioners and researchers experienced in working with sexual offenders such as Bill Marshall, Ruth Mann, Karl Hanson and Jayson Ware

International Perspectives on the Contextualization of Science Education

by Ingrid Sánchez Tapia

This book explores how science learning can be more relevant and interesting for students and teachers by using a contextualized approach to science education. The contributors explore the contextualization of science education from multiple angles, such as teacher education, curriculum design, assessment and educational policy, and from multiple national perspectives. The aim of this exploration is to provide and inspire new practical approaches to bring science education closer to the lives of students to accelerate progress towards global scientific literacy. The book presents real life examples of how to make science relevant for children and adolescents of diverse ethnic and language backgrounds, socioeconomic status and nationalities, providing tools and guidance for teacher educators and researchers to improve the contextualization and cultural relevance of their practice. The book includes rigorous studies demonstrating that the contextualization of science learning environments is essential for student engagement in learning science and practitioners' reflections on how to apply this knowledge in the classroom and at national scale. This approach makes this book valuable for researchers and professors of science education and international education interested in designing teacher education courses that prepare future teachers to contextualize their teaching and in adding a critical dimension to their research agendas.

International Political Psychology

by Anna Cornelia Beyer

This book intends to harvest insights from the discipline of Psychology, in its broad understanding, for application to International Relations. Although Psychology offers an abundance of theories that are useful for this purpose, they have so far remained largely untapped. In chapters on conflict, hegemony, terrorism, mental health, global consciousness, and peace proposals, Byer provides a synthesis of these two complimentary disciplines. This innovative volume presents the first contribution to the new discipline of International Political Psychology.

International Politics and Inner Worlds

by Kurt Jacobsen

This book takes radical aim at the conventional conduct of international relations analysis. It reexamines the role of ideas, the usefulness of psychoanalysis, the rage for and at rational choice, the influence of the public on foreign policy, counterinsurgency evangelism, and development orthodoxies at the national and genetic levels. Drawing a bead on conceptual blind spots prevalent both inside and outside the academy, the book urges scholars to reflect on how inner worlds shape the actions of their subjects--and their own research analyses, as well.

International Psychology: Views from around the World

by Virginia Staudt Sexton John D. Hogan

While acknowledging their major debt to Europeans like Freud, Piaget, Erickson, Lewin, and Jung, American psychologists generally concentrated on developments in American psychology. And this tendency prevails in spite of the fact that innovations—in sport psychology and clinical neuropsychology, for example—have continued to come from abroad. International Psychology is a much-needed exposition of the state of psychology in forty-five countries, including the Soviet Union and the United States. Emphasizing the period from 1960 to the present, and surveying the training, research, and practice of psychologists on six continents, this volume introduces a widely dispersed network of occupational kinfolk, many of whom have scant knowledge of one another. The editors provide a panoramic view in the opening chapter, as well as an epilogue and name and subject indexes. The contributors, nearly all distinguished psychologists in their countries, represent Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, the German Democratic Republic, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, and Zimbabwe.

An International Psychology of Men: Theoretical Advances, Case Studies, and Clinical Innovations (The Routledge Series on Counseling and Psychotherapy with Boys and Men)

by Chris Blazina David S. Shen-Miller

This text is the first to provide a contextual understanding of the clinical issues that affect men and masculinity across a wide range of cultural and national settings. It demonstrates that gender can no longer be viewed as an isolated characteristic; in an era of increased globalization, mental health professionals need to take ethnic and cultural issues into account to provide adequate care for male patients. Numerous international perspectives are offered by the contributing authors, authorities from countries such as Australia, Argentina, Denmark, Canada, India, Ireland, and South Africa, on theoretical and clinical innovations for working with men. Their chapters also offer insight into the socio-cultural contexts for counseling men in and from their respective countries by exploring the ways in which "being a man" is socially defined, what unique challenges men face, and how these challenges can be negotiated within their specific cultural settings. Topics addressed will include boyhood notions of manhood, relationship concerns and power, fatherhood, and men’s body image across the life span. This text will ultimately enable mental health practitioners to have a better understanding of how to work more effectively with male clients.

International Reflections on the Netherlands Didactics of Mathematics: Visions on and Experiences with Realistic Mathematics Education (ICME-13 Monographs)

by Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen

This open access book, inspired by the ICME 13 Thematic Afternoon on “European Didactic Traditions”, takes readers on a journey with mathematics education researchers, developers and educators in eighteen countries, who reflect on their experiences with Realistic Mathematics Education (RME), the domain-specific instruction theory for mathematics education developed in the Netherlands since the late 1960s. Authors from outside the Netherlands discuss what aspects of RME appeal to them, their criticisms of RME and their past and current RME-based projects. It is clear that a particular approach to mathematics education cannot simply be transplanted to another country. As such, in eighteen chapters the authors describe how they have adapted RME to their individual circumstances and view on mathematics education, and tell their personal stories about how RME has influenced their thinking on mathematics education.

International Responses to Traumatic Stress: Humanitarian, Human Rights, Justice, Peace, and Development Contributions, Collaborative Actions, and Future Initiatives

by Yael Danieli Rodley S. Rodley Lars Weisaeth

"International Responses to Traumatic Stress" asks pertinent questions as the United Nations observes its 50th Anniversary. It focuses on the effects of traumatic stress which accompany personal and collective disasters. In an overcrowded world, recent catastrophes, natural as well as man-made, have left a wake of tormented people, ranging from political prisoners to humiliated UN peace-keepers.

International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2012

by Gerard P. Hodgkinson J. Kevin Ford

Continuing the series' tradition of providing scholarly reviews and updates of theory and research, this twenty-seventh volume surveys developments in established areas, such as stress and well-being, consumer behavior, and employee trust, as well as newer topics such as methodological issues in the development and evaluation of multiple regression models, and an examination of the psychological impact of the physical office environment. For advanced students, academics and researchers, as well as professionals, this is the most authoritative and current guide to new developments and established knowledge in the field.

International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2012 (International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology #27)

by Gerard P. Hodgkinson J. Kevin Ford

Continuing the series' tradition of providing scholarly reviews and updates of theory and research, this twenty-seventh volume surveys developments in established areas, such as stress and well-being, consumer behavior, and employee trust, as well as newer topics such as methodological issues in the development and evaluation of multiple regression models, and an examination of the psychological impact of the physical office environment. For advanced students, academics and researchers, as well as professionals, this is the most authoritative and current guide to new developments and established knowledge in the field.

International Review of Sign Linguistics: Volume 1

by William H. Edmondson Ronnie B. Wilbur

The International Review of Sign Linguistics -- which replaces the International Journal of Sign Linguistics -- is planned as an annual series publishing the most up-to-date scholarly work in all aspects of sign language linguistics. There is no other comparable publication. The international community of sign linguists needs an authoritative outlet for its research findings. IRSL provides this forum for sign linguists, and for those mainstream linguists increasingly interested in sign languages, by filling the void in linguistic analysis of sign language -- as opposed to other concerns, such as deaf education, teaching sign languages, training interpreters, etc. -- and by pulling together in one place linguistic dialogue on sign language structure. It provides a scholarly focus for all linguists who need to remain current with developments in sign linguistics. For the growing international community, IRSL provides a focus for developments within the field and for advancement of the field in scattered research communities. This review contains seven articles covering a wide range of linguistic areas, signed languages, and theoretical perspectives. Papers deal with the lexicon, morphology, phonology, syntax, pragmatics, prosody, metalinguistic issues, and socio-historical change. Five signed languages are represented including American, German, Australian, French, and Israeli.

International Security and Peacebuilding: Africa, the Middle East, and Europe

by Abu Bakarr Bah

The end of the Cold War was to usher in an era of peace based on flourishing democracies and free market economies worldwide. Instead, new wars, including the war on terrorism, have threatened international, regional, and individual security and sparked a major refugee crisis. This volume of essays on international humanitarian interventions focuses on what interests are promoted through these interventions and how efforts to build liberal democracies are carried out in failing states. Focusing on Africa, the Middle East, and Europe, an international group of contributors shows that best practices of protection and international state-building have not been applied uniformly. Together the essays provide a theoretical and empirical critique of global liberal governance and, as they note challenges to regional and international cooperation, they reveal that global liberal governance may threaten fragile governments and endanger human security at all levels.

International Student Connectedness and Identity

by Ly Thi Tran Catherine Gomes

This book focuses on the interrelationship between international student connectedness and identity from transnational and transdisciplinary perspectives. It addresses the core issues surrounding international students' physical and virtual connectedness to people, places and communities as well as the conditions that shape their transnational connectedness and identity formation. Further, it analyses the nature, diversity and complexity of international student connectedness and identity development across different national, social and cultural boundaries.

Internationalising the University: A Spiritual Approach (Spirituality, Religion, and Education)

by Kalyani Unkule

This book takes a critical look at the internationalisation of higher education and argues for the importance of grounding education in spiritual perspectives. Using spiritual traditions to review the practices, programmes, and philosophies of learning that internationalise universities, the author proposes a paradigm for internationalisation that respects other ways of knowing. This focus seeks to decolonize knowledge and promote intercultural understanding, as well as help students achieve holistic personal development while studying abroad.

Internationalizing the Curriculum in Organizational Psychology

by Richard L. Griffith Lori Foster Thompson Brigitte K. Armon

This book assembles state-of-the-art thinking on the internationalization of the curriculum of training centers in I/O and Work Psychology. The experts contributing chapters share their thoughts on the knowledge and skills that students must master in the 21st century, as well as their research on how we can develop students to be globally perceptive, culturally competent working professionals. Chapters cover a full range of topics such as: the scope of subject matter and content, learning objectives and outcomes, global competencies, co-curricular activities, experiential learning and the tacit curriculum, while curriculum development must stem from the philosophy of each institution, these philosophies may diverge in focus (e. g. science versus practice) and outcomes (e. g. jobs versus mastery). Therefore, the goal of the book is not to prescribe a particular curriculum, but rather to provide insight on possible curriculum elements that may be customized for use by training institutions.

Internationalizing the History of Psychology

by Adrian C. Brock

While the United States was dominant in the development of psychology for much of the twentieth century, other countries have experienced significant growth in this area since the end of World War II. The percentage of those in the discipline who live and work in the United States has been growing smaller, and it is now impossible to completely understand the field if developments in psychology outside of the United States are ignored.Internationalizing the History of Psychology brings together luminaries in the field from around the world to address the internationalizing of psychology, each raising core issuesconcerning what an international perspective can contributeto the history of psychology and to our understanding of psychology as a whole. For too long, much of what we havetaken to be the history of psychology has actually been thehistory of American psychology. This volume, ideal for student use and for those in the field, illuminates how what we have been missing may change our views of the nature of psychology and its history.Contributors: Ruben Ardila, Geoffrey Blowers, Adrian C. Brock, Kurt Danziger, Aydan Gulerce, John D. Hogan, Naomi Lee, Johann Louw, Fathali M. Moghaddam, Anand C. Paranjpe, Irmingard Staeuble, Cecilia Taiana, and Thomas P. Vaccaro.

Internationalizing the Psychology Curriculum in the United States

by Mark M. Leach Wade E. Pickren Frederick Leong Anthony J. Marsella

The psychology community recognizes that cultivating an international worldview is crucial not only to professionals and researchers, but more importantly, for professors and students of psychology as well. It is critically necessary for psychologists to learn from their colleagues who are working in different cultural contexts in order to develop the type of knowledge and psychological understanding of human behavior that will be maximally useful to practitioners and researchers alike. This volume, Internationalizing the Psychology Curriculum in the United States, provides information and resources to help psychology faculty educate and train future generations of psychologists within a much more international mindset and global perspective. Recognizing that cultural context are central to a true and accurate psychology, the authors describes how cultural, economic, political, and social factors in different countries frame individual experience and affect the science and practice of psychology. Each of the chapters will provide a content-specific overview of how the curriculum in psychology with regards to social, development, clinical, counseling psychology, etc will need to be modified in order to present a much more global view of psychology.

Internet Addiction: A Critical Psychology of Users (Concepts for Critical Psychology)

by Emaline Friedman

This essential book questions the psychological construct of Internet Addiction by contextualizing it within the digital technological era. It proposes a critical psychology that investigates user subjectivity as a function of capitalism and imperialism, arguing against punitive models of digital excesses and critiquing the political economy of the Internet affecting all users. Friedman explores the limitations of individual-centered remediations exemplified in the psychology of internet addiction. Furthermore, Friedman outlines the self-creative actions of social media users, and the data processing that exploits them to urge psychologists to politicize rather than pathologize the effects of excessive net use. The book develops a notion of capitalist imperialism of the social web and studies this using the radical methods of philosopher Gilles Deleuze and psychoanalyst Félix Guattari. By synthesizing perspectives on digital life from sociology, economics, digital media theory, and technology studies for psychologists, this book will be of interest to academics and students in these areas, as well as psychologists and counselors interested in addressing Internet Addiction as a collective, societal ill.

Internet Addiction

by Christian Montag Martin Reuter

This book combines a scholarly introduction with state-of-the-art research in the characterization of Internet addiction. It is intended for a broad audience including scientists, students and practitioners. The first part of the book contains an introduction to Internet addiction and their pathogenesis. The second part of the book is dedicated to an in-depth review of neuroscientific findings which cover studies using a variety of biological techniques including brain imaging and molecular genetics. The last part of the book will focus on therapeutic interventions for Internet addiction.

Internet Addiction

by Martin Reuter Christian Montag

The second edition of this successful book provides further and in-depth insight into theoretical models dealing with Internet addiction, as well as includes new therapeutical approaches. The editors also broach the emerging topic of smartphone addiction. This book combines a scholarly introduction with state-of-the-art research in the characterization of Internet addiction. It is intended for a broad audience including scientists, students and practitioners. The first part of the book contains an introduction to Internet addiction and their pathogenesis. The second part of the book is dedicated to an in-depth review of neuroscientific findings which cover studies using a variety of biological techniques including brain imaging and molecular genetics. The third part of the book focuses on therapeutic interventions for Internet addiction. The fourth part of the present book is an extension to the first edition and deals with a new emerging potential disorder related to Internet addiction - smartphone addiction. Moreover, in this second edition of the book new content has been added. Among others, the reader will find an overview of theoretical models dealing with Internet addiction, results from twin studies in the context of Internet addiction and additional insights into therapeutic approaches to Internet addiction.

Internet Addiction

by Kimberly S. Young Cristiano Nabuco de Abreu

Internet Addiction: A Handbook and Guide to Evaluation and Treatment "This book provides cutting-edge coverage by expanding the field to include specific problems such as online gaming, cybersex addiction, and gambling addiction. Its extensive attention to dealing with adolescents is essential, given the rapid rise in media and technology use by both Net Generation young adults and iGeneration teenagers. I am thrilled to have this invaluable, comprehensive, well-written resource for my own work and recommend it to people who need to understand this unique form of addiction. " -Dr. Larry Rosen, Past Chair and Professor of Psychology at California State University, Dominguez Hills, author of Rewired: Understanding the iGeneration and the Way They Learn and Me, MySpace, and I: Parenting the Net Generation "Our clients come to us when online pornography, video gaming, social networking, gambling, and surfing create untenable disruptions in their lives. If we do not understand what we are seeing and how to address it, we will not be able to provide the help they need. This book provides the practical information clinicians can use to assess and treat this growing problem. " -Hilarie Cash, PhD, coauthor of Video Games and Your Kids: How Parents Stay in Control, and cofounder of reSTART: Internet Addiction Recovery Program "Internet Addiction: A Handbook and Guide to Evaluation and Treatment provides an integrated and current overview of the different types of Internet addiction-gaming addiction, gambling addiction, and cybersex addiction. The authors deserve ample praise in providing such a comprehensive and informative guide for Internet addiction. " -Ran Tao, MD, Professor and Director, and Xiuqin Huang, MD, Associate Professor, Treatment Center for Internet Addiction, General Hospital of Beijing Military Region, China The first empirically informed reference for defining, assessing, diagnosing, and treating problematic Internet use Comprehensive and timely, Internet Addiction explores: Validated assessment tools to differentiate normal from compulsive patterns of computer and online usage The most addictive or problematic online activities Epidemiology and subtypes of Internet addiction such as online pornography, Internet gambling, and online gaming Current theories on the risk factors associated with the development of an addictive disorder related to Internet usage Evidence-based treatment strategies for helping clients of various ages, taking into account main presenting problems and individual situations and circumstances International in scope and empirically based, the cultural and global impact of this subject is discussed, introducing practitioners to the latest clinical implications, assessment methods, and treatment approaches in working with clients suffering from this emerging addictive disorder.

Internet Addiction in Adolescents: The PROTECT Program for Evidence-Based Prevention and Treatment

by Katajun Lindenberg Sophie Kindt Carolin Szász-Janocha

This book presents a new, evidence-based cognitive behavioral intervention for the prevention and treatment of Internet addiction in adolescents. It provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of research regarding phenomenology, diagnostics, epidemiology, etiology, and treatment and prevention of Internet addiction as a new behavioral addiction. The book is divided into two sections. The first part of the book explores various bio-psycho-social factors that contribute to the development and maintenance of symptoms in young individuals. Chapters in the second part of the book discuss the PROTECT intervention to reduce Internet addiction in adolescents. PROTECT aims to modify risk factors and maintenance factors, specifically, boredom and motivational problems, procrastination and performance anxiety, social anxiety and maladaptive emotion regulation. The PROTECT intervention is a low-intensity approach which uses comprehensive case examples in order to increase cognitive dissonance and treatment motivation. In addition, PROTECT contains cognitive behavioral intervention techniques such as psychoeducation, behavior activation, cognitive restructuring, problem solving and emotion regulation. Topics featured in this book include:Adolescence and development-specific features of Internet addiction.An overview of modifiable risk factors and maintenance factors of Internet addiction.Environmental factors that affect the development of Internet addiction.Online and offline video gaming addiction. Social network addiction.Strategies that work in prevention and treatment. Internet Addiction in Adolescents is a must-have resource for researchers, professors, clinicians and related professionals as well as graduate students in clinical child, school, and developmental psychology, educational policy and politics, and social work as well as related disciplines.

Internet Addiction in Psychotherapy

by Daria J. Kuss Mark D. Griffiths

Current knowledge about effective internet addiction treatment is limited. This book explores how 20 international internet addiction therapy experts experience the presenting problem of internet addiction in psychotherapy.

The Internet and CBT: A Clinical Guide

by Gerhard Andersson

Comprehensive and practical, The Internet and CBT: A Clinical Guide describes how cognitive behavioural therapy can be delivered via the Internet, email, open access programmes, online communities and via smartphone. Detailing how these alternative methods of CBT support can be integrated within a busy practice, it is invaluable for all CBT clinici

Internet and Emotions (Routledge Studies in Science, Technology and Society #22)

by Tova Benski and Eran Fisher

Nothing seems more far removed from the visceral, bodily experience of emotions than the cold, rational technology of the Internet. But as this collection shows, the internet and emotions intersect in interesting and surprising ways. Internet and Emotions is the fruit of an interdisciplinary collaboration of scholars from the sociology of emotions and communication and media studies. It features theoretical and empirical chapters from international researchers who investigate a wide range of issues concerning the sociology of emotions in the context of new media. The book fills a substantial gap in the social research of digital technology, and examines whether the internet invokes emotional states differently from other media and unmediated situations, how emotions are mobilized and internalized into online practices, and how the social definitions of emotions are changing with the emergence of the internet. It explores a wide range of behaviors and emotions from love to mourning, anger, resentment and sadness. What happens to our emotional life in a mediated, disembodied environment, without the bodily element of physical co-presence to set off emotional exchanges? Are there qualitatively new kinds of emotional exchanges taking place on the internet? These are only some of the questions explored in the chapters of this book, with quite surprising answers.

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