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Interpersonal Communication and Human Relationships

by Mark L. Knapp Anita L. Vangelisti John P. Caughlin

This title introduces students to interpersonal communication principles and theories through the use of commonplace experiences, such as relationships with roommates, friends and co-workers. The book aims to motivate students to critically think about their own relational communication; it also peaks student interest in social science research. <p><p>MySearchLab is a part of the Knapp/Vangelisti/Caughlin program. Research and writing tools, including access to academic journals, help students explore human communication in even greater depth.

Interpersonal Conflict

by Joyce L. Hocker William W. Wilmot

Interpersonal Conflict explains the key dynamics of personal conflicts that we all face. Written for courses such as Communication and Conflict, Interpersonal Conflict, Conflict Management, Conflict and Negotiation, and Conflict in Personal Relationships, this textbook examines the central principles of effective conflict management in a wide variety of contexts--whether at home or on the job. Its combination of up-to-date research and examples gives students a theoretical and practical foundation in conflict management. Instructors and students can now access their course content through the Connect digital learning platform by purchasing either standalone Connect access or a bundle of print and Connect access. McGraw-Hill Connect® is a subscription-based learning service accessible online through your personal computer or tablet. Choose this option if your instructor will require Connect to be used in the course. Your subscription to Connect includes the following: * SmartBook® - an adaptive digital version of the course textbook that personalizes your reading experience based on how well you are learning the content. * Access to your instructor's homework assignments, quizzes, syllabus, notes, reminders, and other important files for the course. * Progress dashboards that quickly show how you are performing on your assignments and tips for improvement. * The option to purchase (for a small fee) a print version of the book. This binder-ready, loose-leaf version includes free shipping. Complete system requirements to use Connect can be found here: http://www. mheducation. com/highered/platforms/connect/training-support-students. html

Interpersonal Conflict: An Existential Psychotherapeutic and Practical Model

by Karen Weixel Dixon

Interpersonal Conflict provides a psychotherapeutic and philosophical understanding of the nature of interpersonal conflict. Arguing that facilitating conflict resolution has little to do with objective logic or rationale, and everything to do with personal (and cultural) values and aspirations, Karen Weixel-Dixon uses the lens of existential psychotherapy to provide innovative skills for conflict management. The book offers a deeper understanding of those theories and practices surrounding currently held perspectives on conflict, and extends the repertoire of communication skills relevant to difficult interpersonal situations, offering theoretical and practical input into the possibilities of reaching a therapeutic result. Interpersonal Conflict will be an engaging and informative guide for professionals in psychotherapy, health, HR, legal and teaching professions working with conflict, as well as students taking courses involving conflict resolution.

Interpersonal Conflict

by William Wilmot Joyce Hocker

Interpersonal Conflict explains the key dynamics of personal conflicts that we all face. Written for courses such as Communication and Conflict, Interpersonal Conflict, Conflict Management, Conflict and Negotiation, and Conflict in Personal Relationships, this textbook examines the central principles of effective conflict management in a wide variety of contexts--whether at home or on the job. Its combination of up-to-date research and examples gives students a theoretical and practical foundation in conflict management.

Interpersonal Conflict

by William W. Wilmot Joyce L. Hocker

Textbook examines the central principles of effective conflict management in a wide variety of contexts--from romantic relationships to the workplace. Its combination of up-to-date research and examples gives students a theoretical as well as a practical foundation in conflict management.

Interpersonal Coordination: A Social Neuroscience Approach

by Nobuyuki Inui

This book explores the fascinating area of interpersonal coordination in force production tasks, outlining the author’s extensive research to date and presenting stimulating new perspectives. The purpose is to provide a detailed exposition of current understanding of the science behind interpersonal joint action. Readers will find clear explanation of concepts from social cognition and neuroscience that are key to an understanding of the field, including the social brain hypothesis, the mirror neuron system, and joint action, as well as other relevant background information. The author then proceeds to present an overview of recent original studies on interpersonal movement coordination performed at his laboratory in Japan. These studies provide insights into such issues as complementary and synchronous force production in joint action, bidirectional transfer between joint and solo actions, and motor control hierarchy in joint action involving bimanual force. They also set the direction for integration of knowledge of physical properties and social cognition. The book will be of interest for researchers and graduate students in all areas of the biomedical sciences.

Interpersonal Coordination and Performance in Social Systems

by Pedro Passos Keith Davids Jia Yi Chow

Interpersonal coordination is an important feature of all social systems. From everyday activities to playing sport and participating in the performing arts, human behaviour is constrained by the need to continually interact with others. This book examines how interpersonal coordination tendencies in social systems emerge, across a range of contexts and at different scales, with the aim of helping practitioners to understand collective behaviours and create learning environments to improve performance. Showcasing the latest research from scientists and academics, this collection of studies examines how and why interpersonal coordination is crucial for success in sport and the performing arts. It explains the complex science of interpersonal coordination in relation to a variety of activities including competitive team sports, outdoor sports, racket sports, and martial arts, as well as dance. Divided into four sections, this book offers insight into: the nature, history and key concepts of interpersonal coordination factors that influence interpersonal coordination within social systems interpersonal coordination in competitive and cooperative performance contexts methods, tools and devices for improving performance through interpersonal coordination. This book will provide fascinating insights for students, researchers and educators interested in movement science, performance analysis, sport science and psychology, as well as for those working in the performing arts.

Interpersonal Development (The\international Library Of Psychology Ser.)

by Rita Zukauskiene

This volume brings together for the first time the papers which have shaped and defined the field of interpersonal development. It celebrates the maturation of the subject by bringing together the best work by scholars who have been instrumental in furthering the field. The twenty-seven essays describe developmental changes in interactions within specific close relationships, covering parent-child relationships, friendships and peer relationships, romantic and spousal relationships, and sibling relationships. They also detail characteristics of specific relationships and interconnections among these key features, as well as tying close relationships to individual outcomes. The essays are accompanied by an introduction which offers a brief history of the field, a review of relationship definitions and a detailed preview of the articles.

Interpersonal Divide: The Search For Community In A Technological Age

by Michael Bugeja

Electronic communication now keeps us connected, wired, and cabled to the entire world. Why, then, do we often feel displaced and increasingly isolated in the global village? Interpersonal Divide: The Search for Community in a Technological Age seeks to answer the question: have media and technology created a social gap, eroding our sense of community? Author Michael Bugeja tackles this question by taking a broad and interdisciplinary approach, incorporating a number of different viewpoints, including global, ethical, philosophical, corporate, pop cultural, and sociological perspectives. Bugeja analyzes the "interpersonal divide"--the void that develops between people when we spend too much time in virtual rather than in real communities--and makes a case for face-to-face communication in a technological world. He traces media history to show how other generations have coped with similar problems during periods of great technological change, recommending ways to "repatriate to the village." <p><p> Interpersonal Divide, a ground-breaking book, documents how long-standing media theories--including ones by Marshall McLuhan--may no longer hold in the wake of new media and intrusive technology. Bugeja investigates the impact and motives of media ecosystems that have polluted the Internet and other digital devices with marketing ploys, delivering to consumers a global mall rather than a global village. Interpersonal Divide informs readers how to use media and technology wisely so that they enhance rather than replace community.

Interpersonal Emotion Dynamics in Close Relationships (Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction)

by Ashley K. Randall Dominik Schoebi

Emotions play a powerful role in close relationships. Significant progress has been made in understanding the temporal features of emotions associated with the development and maintenance of close relationships across the lifespan. This advancement has revealed further questions: which theories help conceptualize interpersonal emotion dynamics? What are the ways researchers can assess and model these dynamics? How do interpersonal emotion dynamics manifest in different close relationships? And do these emotion dynamics contribute to the maintenance or dissolution of relationships? Interpersonal Emotion Dynamics in Close Relationships addresses these and other questions by bringing together state-of-the-art perspectives from scholars widely recognized for their contributions to the study of emotions in relationships. Each chapter defines interpersonal emotion dynamics, reviews methodological or empirical work, and offers important directions for future research. This volume will be a valuable resource for students, researchers, and practitioners interested in understanding the role of emotions in relationships.

Interpersonal Neurobiology and Clinical Practice (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology #0)

by Daniel J. Siegel Allan N. Schore Louis Cozolino

An edited collection from some of the most influential writers in mental health. Books in the Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology have collectively sold close to 1 million copies and contributed to a revolution in cutting-edge mental health care. An interpersonal neurobiology of human development enables us to understand that the structure and function of the mind and brain are shaped by experiences, especially those involving emotional relationships. Here, the three series editors have enlisted some of the most widely read IPNB authors to reflect on the impact of IPNB on their clinical practice and offer words of wisdom to the hundreds of thousands of IPNB-informed clinicians around the world. Topics include: Dan Hill on dysregulation and impaired states of consciousness; Deb Dana on the polyvagal perspective; Bonnie Badenoch on therapeutic presence; Kathy Steele on motivational systems in complex trauma.

The Interpersonal Neurobiology of Group Psychotherapy and Group Process (The New International Library of Group Analysis)

by Susan P. Gantt Bonnie Badenoch

Might it be possible that neuroscience, in particular interpersonal neurobiology, can illuminate the unique ways that group processes collaborate with and enhance the brain's natural developmental and repairing processes? This book brings together the work of twelve contemporary group therapists and practitioners who are exploring this possibility through applying the principles of interpersonal neurobiology (IPNB) to a variety of approaches to group therapy and experiential learning groups. IPNB's focus on how human beings shape one another's brains throughout the life span makes it a natural fit for those of us who are involved in bringing people together so that, through their interactions, they may better understand and transform their own deeper mind and relational patterns. Group is a unique context that can trigger, amplify, contain, and provide resonance for a broad range of human experiences, creating robust conditions for changing the brain.

The Interpersonal Neurobiology of Play: Brain-Building Interventions for Emotional Well-Being (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)

by Theresa A. Kestly

Nurturing brain development in children through play. The mental health field has seen a significant shift in the past decade toward including a neuroscience perspective when designing clinical interventions. However, for many play therapists it has been challenging to apply this information in the context of play therapy. Here, Theresa Kestly teaches therapists how to understand the neurobiology of play experiences so the undeniable benefits of play therapy can be exploited to their fullest. At last, clinical readers have a book that takes seriously the importance of play and brings a scientific eye to this most important aspect of life. Drawing on concepts of interpersonal neurobiology, the benefits of play interventions to achieve attunement, neural integration, healthy attachment, and the development of resilience and well-being become clear. The book is organized into three parts. The first part lays a conceptual foundation for considering play in relation to the neurobiology of the developing brain and mind. The next part explores specific topics about play including the therapeutic playroom, the collaborative relationship between therapist and clients, storytelling, and mindfulness. The last part of the book asks questions about the state of play in our families, clinics, and schools. How did we get to a place where play has been so devalued, and what can we do about it? Now that we know how important play is across the lifespan from a scientific standpoint, what can we do to fully integrate it into our lives? After reading this book, clinicians, teachers, and even parents will understand why play helps children (and adults) heal from painful experiences, while developing self-regulation and empathy. The clinical examples in the book show just how powerful the mind is in its natural push toward wholeness and integration.

Interpersonal Perception, Second Edition: The Foundation of Social Relationships

by David A. Kenny

People make judgments about others all the time, often without realizing they are doing so. How are interpersonal impressions formed? How accurate are our perceptions of other people's traits--and our own? In this major revision of his landmark work, David A. Kenny provides a reader-friendly examination of these and other critical questions, identifying key components that shape impressions and their accuracy. Topics include how to estimate perceiver, target, and relationship effects; the extent to which different perceivers see a target in the same way; the impact of group membership and stereotypes; and whether others see us as we see ourselves. Implications for interpersonal relationships and social behavior are highlighted. New to This Edition *Virtually a new book; incorporates 25 years of theoretical, empirical, and methodological advances. *New and greatly expanded topics, including first impressions, individual differences in accuracy, implicit measures, and narcissism. *Grounded in a reformulated conceptual model. *More accessible--uses nontechnical language, humor, popular culture, and simplified figures to elucidate complex ideas. *End-of-chapter "Practical Suggestions" apply the science to real-world social situations.

The Interpersonal Perspective in Psychoanalysis, 1960s-1990s: Rethinking Transference and Countertransference (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series)

by Donnel B. Stern Irwin Hirsch

North American psychoanalysis has long been deeply influenced and substantially changed by clinical and theoretical perspectives first introduced by interpersonal psychoanalysis. Yet even today, despite its origin in the 1930s, many otherwise well-read psychoanalysts and psychotherapists are not well informed about the field. The Interpersonal Perspective in Psychoanalysis, 1960s–1990s provides a superb starting point for those who are not as familiar with interpersonal psychoanalysis as they might be. For those who already know the literature, the book will be useful in placing a selection of classic interpersonal articles and their writers in key historical context.? During the time span covered in this book, interpersonal psychoanalysis was most concerned with revising the understanding of the analytic relationship—transference and countertransference-and how to work with it.? Most of the works collected here center on this theme. The interpersonal perspective introduced the view that the analyst is always and unavoidably a particular, "real" person, and that transference and countertransference need to be reconceptualized to take the analyst’s individual humanity into account. The relationship needs to be grasped as one taking place between two very particular people. Many of the papers are by writers well known in the broader psychoanalytic world, such as Bromberg, Greenberg, Levenson, and Mitchell. But also included are those by writers who, while not as widely recognized beyond the interpersonal literature, have been highly influential among interpersonalists, including Barnett, Schecter, Singer, and Wolstein.?? Donnel B. Stern and Irwin Hirsch, prominent interpersonalists themselves, present each piece with a prologue that contextualizes the author and their work in the interpersonal literature. An introductory essay also reviews the history of interpersonal psychoanalysis, explaining why interpersonal thinking remains a coherent clinical and theoretical perspective in contemporary psychoanalysis. The Interpersonal Perspective in Psychoanalysis, 1960s–1990s will appeal greatly to psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists wanting to know more about interpersonal theory and practice than can be learned from current sources.

Interpersonal Process in Cognitive Therapy

by Jeremy Safran Zindel Segal

<p>Cognitive therapy, with its clear-cut measurable techniques, has been a welcome innovation in recent years. However, the very specificity that lends itself so well to research and training has minimized the role of the therapeutic relationship, making it difficult for therapists to respond flexibly to different clinical situations. What is needed is an approach that focuses on the underlying mechanisms of therapeutic change, not just on interventions. <p>In this practical and original book, two highly respected clinician-researchers integrate findings from cognitive psychology, infant developmental research, emotion theory, and relational therapy to show how change takes place in the interpersonal context of the therapeutic relationship and involves experiencing the self in new ways, not just altering behavior or cognitions. Making use of extensive clinical transcripts accompanied by moment-to-moment analyses of the change process, the authors illustrate the subtle interaction of cognitive and interpersonal factors. They show how therapy unfolds at three different levels—in fluctuations in the patient's world, in the therapeutic relationship, and in the therapist's inner experience—and provide clear guidelines for when to focus on a particular level. The result is a superb integration of cognitive and interpersonal approaches that will have a major impact on theory and practice.</p>

Interpersonal Process in Therapy: An Integrative Model (5th edition)

by Edward Teyber

This resource for student therapists explains how to use the therapeutic relationship to help clients change. Using a wealth of real life examples including clinical vignettes and therapist-client dialogues, it demonstrates how the interpersonal process approach works. Sample topics include establishing a working alliance with the client, responding to painful feelings, developing a treatment focus, and terminating the therapeutic relationship. Teyber teaches at California State U. , San Bernardino. Annotation ©2005 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

Interpersonal Process in Therapy: An Integrative Model (Seventh Edition)

by Edward Teyber Faith Holmes Teyber

Interpersonal Process in Therapy: An Integrative Model, 7th edition, is a clinical training text for those who are seeing clients: graduate student therapists in practicum, internship and other applied practice courses. It is also suitable for advanced students in upper division and pre-practicum courses that provide an in-depth, applied introduction to counseling and therapy.

Interpersonal Psychoanalysis and the Enigma of Consciousness (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series)

by Edgar A. Levenson

Edgar A. Levenson is a key figure in the development of interpersonal psychoanalysis whose ideas remain influential. Interpersonal Psychoanalysis and the Enigma of Consciousness builds on his previously published work in his key areas of expertise such as interpersonal psychoanalysis, transference and countertransference, and the philosophy of psychoanalysis, and sets his ideas into contemporary context. Combining a selection of Levenson’s own writings with extensive discussion and analysis of his work by Stern and Slomowitz, it provides an invaluable guide to how his most recent, mature ideas may be understood and applied by contemporary psychoanalysts in their own practice. This book explores how the rational algorithm of psychoanalytic engagement and the mysterious flows of consciousness interact; this has traditionally been thought of as dialectical, an unresolvable duality in psychoanalytic practice. Analysts move back and forth between the two perspectives, rather like a gestalt leap, finding themselves listening either to the "interpersonal" or to the "intrapsychic" in what feels like a self-state leap. But the interpersonal is not in dialectical opposition to the intrapsychic; rather a manifestation of it, a subset. The chapters pick up from the themes explored in The Purloined Self, shifting the emphasis from the interpersonal field to the exploration of the enigma of the flow of consciousness that underlies the therapeutic process. This is not the Freudian Unconscious nor the consciousness of awareness, but the mysterious Jamesian matrix of being. Any effort at influence provokes resistance and refusal by the patient. Permitted a "working space," the patient ultimately cures herself. How that happens is a mystery wrapped up in the greater mystery of unconscious process, which in turn is wrapped into the greatest philosophical and neurological enigma of all—the nature of consciousness. Interpersonal Psychoanalysis and the Enigma of Consciousness will be highly engaging and readable; Levenson’s witty essayist style and original perspective will make it greatly appealing and accessible to undergraduate and postgraduate students of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy, as well as practitioners in these fields.

Interpersonal Psychotherapy 2E: A Clinician's Guide

by Michael Robertson Scott Stuart

'This book provides a very useful and thought-provoking account of a developing form of interpersonal psychotherapy and gives a clear guide for practising clinicians."Psychological MedicineFirst published in 2003, this groundbreaking text firmly established itself as a touchstone for all therapists using interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT). Key featu

Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Adolescents: A Clinician’s Guide

by Robert McAlpine Anthony Hillin

Interpersonal psychotherapy for adolescents (IPT-A) is a comprehensive guide for clinicians. It will enable readers to add IPT-A to their clinical repertoire or to deepen their existing practice of IPT-A, using a time-limited, evidence-based intervention that is engaging for young people. The guide outlines the structure, skills, and techniques of IPT-A, utilising real-life encounters in the therapy room that reflect the diverse nature of adolescents and young adults who present for therapy. It provides the reader with a bird's-eye view of how IPT-A works. It expands the range of IPT-A clinical tools, techniques, and models to assist the reader to work effectively with a wide range of clients. The book provides a new protocol for the psychological assessment of young people, acknowledging the importance of culture and spirituality alongside the biological, psychological, and social dimensions that have previously comprised assessment. The importance of the clinician forming a transitory attachment relationship with the client is emphasised throughout. The target audience for this book is mental health clinicians, including psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, mental health nurses, occupational therapists, general practitioners with a mental health focus, and students from these professions.

Interpersonal Regulation of Learning and Motivation: Methodological Advances (New Perspectives on Learning and Instruction)

by Simone Volet Marja Vauras

Interpersonal Regulation of Learning and Motivation is the first book in the field to focus on major methodological advances in research on interpersonal regulation of learning and motivation. Interest in developing ways of capturing the dynamics of interpersonal regulation in real-life learning interactions is growing rapidly. Understanding these dynamics is particularly timely given the increased use of collaborative learning activities in schools and university settings, as well as through face-to-face and computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments. While groups and collections of individuals in social interaction are expected to bring their own motivations and goals to the learning situations, it is also assumed that these are further shaped through interaction, as the group activity evolves. Research methodology publications in the field of learning, regulation and motivation are still dominated by a focus on the individual. The study of collaborative learning at both conceptual and methodological level has not incorporated the significance of social regulatory processes of learning and motivation. This is a new development in the field and one covered by this book. The book contains numerous illustrations of innovative: Methodological approaches to study and interpret the dynamics of interpersonal regulation Data sources and data representations to capture scaffolded instruction Theory-based analytic methods to investigate interactions in real-life collaborative learning Coding systems and social software tools for gathering and analysing interactive data. Interpersonal Regulation of Learning and Motivation brings together the work of scholars who have been studying interpersonal regulation of learning and motivation at the boundaries of the individual and the social, and who have made original methodological contributions to the study of interactive learning environments. In combination, their work provides a range of distinctive and original conceptual and methodological contributions to this under-examined and vital field of research, making this an essential read for any researcher or student interested in collaborative learning and motivation.

Interpersonal Relations and Education (Routledge Library Editions: Psychology of Education)

by David H. Hargreaves

Originally published in 1972, this title provides an analysis of social interactions in educational contexts and opens up the field of the social psychology of education as an area in its own right at the very heart of the process of education. From a ‘symbolic interactionist’ perspective, the author develops a framework for the study of relations between teachers and pupils, discussing the basic ways of analysing social interaction, including the concepts of perception and role. He examines the distinctive perspectives of teachers and pupils on their relationships, bringing together into a coherent framework the insights of such writers as John Holt and Carl Rogers, and within this context he explores the notion of ‘voluntary schooling’. The book also deals with other important aspects of education such as discipline, classroom group dynamics and the relations between headteachers and their staff. The theories put forward by the author are firmly grounded in the daily experience of teachers and pupils in the classroom at the time. The book was expected to be of value to experienced teachers and student teachers alike, as well as to teachers of the social sciences in general.

Interpersonal Relationships: Professional Communication Skills for Nurses

by Kathleen Underman Boggs Elizabeth C. Arnold

Acclaimed for its strong theoretical framework and consistent organization, Arnold and Boggs' Interpersonal Relationships: Professional Communication Skills for Nurses, 6th Edition, remains the definitive resource in developing effective communication with clients, families, and colleagues in order to achieve treatment goals in health care. This two-time AJN Book of the Year award-winner is thoroughly updated and includes current references describing how to modify communications strategies for various populations and situations including children, the elderly, end of life, health teaching, stress, crisis, and colleagues. Two new chapters address issues in contemporary health care related to promoting health safety and supporting continuity of care. Not only does this book present proven communications strategies and principles in nursing, psychology, and related theoretical frameworks, but also it challenges you to apply these strategies and principles to numerous exercises and practical nursing case studies. Written in terms of the nurse-client relationship, the cutting-edge communications strategies presented are key for nursing students and professional nurses. Covers all mandated topics for nursing professionals, from beginning students to staff development in a variety of settings, including professional collaboration, health team communication, patient-centered care, safety, and hand-off communication. Discusses nursing, behavioral, developmental, family, and communication theories, providing an essential foundation and a theoretical perspective of effective communication. Offers basic concepts first, followed by applications with emphasis on assessment, providing a sound framework as you prepare for nurse-client interactions. Experiential exercises offer the opportunity to practice, observe and critically evaluate your professional communication skills in a safe learning environment. Critical Thinking Exercises promote critical thinking processes essential for effective communication in nursing practice. Includes case examples throughout, creating empathy for clients' perspectives and needs. Offers Ethical Dilemma and Developing an Evidence-Based Practice boxes in each chapter. Describes how best to use the electronic health record for clear communication with current information on classification systems, standards of documentation, and telehealth technologies used in nursing. Acknowledges humor, gender, and touch as important means of communication in interpersonal relationships. Increases awareness of the issues involved in communicating with individuals of various stages of life, clients with special needs, and colleagues in all areas of health care. Provides learning objectives, chapter overviews, and a detailed glossary -- all designed to focus your learning and help you organize key content. A timely NEW Communicating for a Safe Environment chapter provides practice guidelines in line with The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals on improved communication among caregivers. NEW Communicating for Continuity of Care chapter defines COC and describes current challenges, and addresses its relational, informational, and management dimensions. Enhanced discussion on spirituality and end-of-life needs focuses on trust, empathy, and the nurse-client relationship -- all central components of holistic nursing identified by The Joint Commission as priorities for patient care.

Interpersonal Relationships (Routledge Modular Psychology)

by Diana Dwyer

Interpersonal Relationships considers friendship and more intimate relationships including theories of why we need them, how they are formed, what we get out of them and the stages through which they go. Social and cultural variations are discussed as well as the effects of relationships on our well-being and happiness.The book is tailor-made for the student new to higher-level study. With its helpful textbook features provided to assist in examination and learning techniques, it should interest all introductory psychology and sociology students, as well as those training for the caring services, such as nurses.

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