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Showing 24,776 through 24,800 of 52,523 results

Interviewing Children and Adolescents: Skills and Strategies for Effective DSM-5 Diagnosis (Second Edition)

by James Morrison Kathryn Flegel

This instructive clinical resource has given thousands of clinicians and students essential skills for evaluating infants through adolescents with any type of mental health issue. Principles for conducting age-appropriate clinical interviews with children of varying ages and their parents--including the use of toys, drawing, dolls, and other forms of play--are illustrated with annotated sample transcripts. The book provides crucial information for accurately diagnosing a wide range of mental and behavioral disorders. User-friendly features include concise explanations of diagnostic criteria, coding notes, interview pointers for specific disorders, vivid vignettes, and a sample written report.

Interviewing Clients across Cultures

by Lisa Fontes Sandra Graham-Bermann

Packed with practical pointers and examples, this indispensable, straight-talking guide helps professionals conduct productive interviews while building strong working relationships with culturally and linguistically diverse clients. Chapters cover verbal and nonverbal ways to build rapport and convey respect; how to overcome language barriers, including effective use of interpreters; culturally competent interviews with children and adolescents; and key issues in working with immigrants and refugees. Strategies for avoiding common cross-cultural misunderstandings and producing fair, accurate reports are presented. Every chapter concludes with thought-provoking discussion questions and resources for further reading.

Interviewing For Assessment: A Practical Guide for School Psychologists and School Counselors

by Michael Hass

An indispensable guide for school psychologists and school counselors on assessment interviewing Assessment Interviewing is a collaborative, strengths-based approach to the subject that helps professionals develop the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively gather the information they need in order to assess children's social, emotional, and academic functioning. Practical and easy to read, it provides step-by-step guidelines for structuring interviews for different purposes, communicating respect and understanding, and strategies for gathering information from children of different ages, cultures, and social standings. Chapter contains case studies and examples that illustrate how to clarify and classify problems, understand strengths and resources, appreciate the role of culture in interviews and respond to risk of suicide. The book concludes with a chapter on how to communicate the key information gathered into a comprehensive assessment or intervention plan. Addresses the unique interviewing needs of school-based professionals Features numerous practice exercises Provides strategies and guidelines for integrating the information gathered from interviews into a comprehensive assessment or intervention plan Includes interview protocols and end-of-chapter checklists This book is an ideal resource for school-based practitioners and graduate courses in assessment, counseling, and seminars attached to fieldwork.

Interviewing for Language Proficiency

by Steven J. Ross

This book analyses oral proficiency interviews, a mainstay of second language speaking proficiency assessment for several decades. Adopting a mixed-method perspective involving micro-analytic approaches, discourse analysis and quantitative methods such as multi-level modeling and event history analysis, the author focuses on interaction and discourse processes common in language assessment interviews. This innovative book will appeal to students and scholars of language assessment, conversation and discourse analysts, as well as practitioners and providers of oral proficiency assessment.

Interviewing for Qualitative Inquiry: A Relational Approach

by Ruthellen Josselson

Engagingly written, this book builds the reader's skills for conducting in-depth interviews designed to address a particular research question. With an emphasis on the dynamics of the research relationship, Ruthellen Josselson artfully demonstrates the steps of a successful interview. Each step is illustrated with excerpts from interviews on diverse topics. The book describes how to structure interviews effectively, develop questions that elicit meaningful narratives, cultivate skills for empathic listening and responding, avoid common pitfalls, and deal with problems that develop in an interview.Pedagogical features include:*Practice exercises adapted from Josselson's popular workshops.*Annotated examples of "good" and "bad" interviews.*A chapter on interviewing dos and don'ts.*Appendices with interview aids, sample follow-up questions, and a sample consent form.

Interviewing for Solutions (Fourth Edition)

by Peter De Jong Insoo Kim Berg

Written in a clear, informative, and informal style, INTERVIEWING FOR SOLUTIONS features a unique solutions-oriented approach to basic interviewing in the helping professions. Peter DeJong and Insoo Kim Berg's proven approach views clients as competent, helps them to visualize the changes they want, and builds on what they are already doing that works. Throughout the book, the authors present models for solution-focused work, illustrated by examples and supported by research.

Interviewing in Action in a Multicultural World, Fifth Edition

by Bianca Cody Murphy Carolyn Dillon

This is a text for both graduate and undergraduate students preparing to work in a variety of fields: social work, counseling, psychology, human services, criminal justice, psychiatric nursing, school counselors, and a variety of other helping professions. The book provides students with the clinical wisdom and hands-on practice to fully develop their clinical interviewing skills.

Interviewing of Suspects with Mental Health Conditions and Disorders in England and Wales: A Paradigm Shift (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice)

by Laura Farrugia

Interviewing of Suspects with Mental Health Conditions and Disorders in England and Wales explores cutting-edge research that focuses specifically on these adults (including their cognitive needs and psychological vulnerabilities), the impact on the investigative interview, and existing legislation, guidance and practice. The book opens with a historical overview of the move from interrogation to investigative interviewing, including the impact of well-known miscarriages of justice and the inquiry that led to the development of current best practice interviewing. Further chapters focus on the concept of vulnerability within current theoretical frameworks, with a particular emphasis on mental health conditions and disorders, including how they are constructed, understood, and identified within legislation and by those working at the forefront of the criminal justice system. The book also examines current safeguards available to the suspect with mental health conditions and disorders, such as the Appropriate Adult; contemporary research explores their involvement with vulnerable suspects and whether it is sufficient, as well as how the Appropriate Adult understands and experiences their role. Final chapters scrutinise current best practice investigative interviewing of suspects with mental health conditions and disorders, and a paradigm shift towards an emerging evidence-based interview model that considers the vulnerabilities associated with suspects with mental health conditions and disorders in the investigative interview. Examining current psychological theory, contemporary research and existing legislation and guidance including authorised professional practice, this book will be of interest to those working within the criminal justice system, as well as policing and forensic psychology students. In particular, it is essential reading for all serving and trainee police officers, those delivering investigative interviewing training, and interviewing personnel, such as Appropriate Adults.

Interviewing: Principles and Practices

by Charles J. Stewart William B. Cash

Interviewing: Principles and Practices, the most widely used text for the interviewing course, continues to reflect the growing sophistication with which interviewing is being approached, incorporating the ever-expanding body of research in all types of interview settings, recent communication theory, and the importance of equal opportunity laws on interviewing practices. <p><p> It provides the most thorough treatment of the basics of interviewing, including the complex interpersonal communication process, types and uses of questions, and the structuring of interviews from opening to closing. <p><p> The Connect course for this offering includes SmartBook, an adaptive reading and study experience which guides students to master, recall, and apply key concepts while providing automatically-graded assessments.

Interviewing Vulnerable Suspects: Safeguarding the Process (Routledge Series on Practical and Evidence-Based Policing)

by Jane Tudor-Owen, Celine van Golde, Ray Bull, and David Gee

This book is an in-depth, evidence-based guide to interviewing suspects with specific vulnerabilities. It provides an overview of current research, practices, and legal considerations for interviewing vulnerable suspects, incorporating guidelines regarding the identification of vulnerabilities, engaging with third parties in the interview, and training and supervision. It then goes on to cover specific vulnerabilities typically encountered in suspect populations, providing clear summaries of current research, case studies, and practical guidance for conducting interviews with these populations to facilitate best practice in interviewing. Expertise is drawn from both law enforcement practice and academic research to ensure an evidence-based approach that is relevant for contemporary practice. Interviewing Vulnerable Suspects offers the international policing audience a practical guide to interviewing vulnerable suspects for both uniform police and detectives. It is relevant for statutory bodies involved in investigations of misconduct; legal practitioners and forensic psychologists; practitioners in counselling, social work, and psychology; and students in policing, criminology, and forensic psychology programs.

Interviews mit Experten: Eine praxisorientierte Einführung (Qualitative Sozialforschung)

by Alexander Bogner Beate Littig Wolfgang Menz

Die eminente Bedeutung von ExpertInneninterviews für die Forschungspraxis ist unumstritten. Sie gehören in vielen sozialwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen zur alltäglichen Forschungspraxis; sei es als eigenständige Erhebungsmethode, sei es als exploratives oder ergänzendes Instrument im Kontext quantitativer oder qualitativer Forschungsdesigns. Auf der anderen Seite sind ExpertInneninterviews trotz (oder wegen?) ihrer Praxisrelevanz methodisch wenig reflektiert. Dieses Defizit will der vorliegende Band beheben und eine übersichtliche, fundierte und an forschungspraktischen Problemen orientierte Einführung in Theorie und Praxis der ExpertInneninterviews bieten. Neben der Diskussion des methodologischen Hintergrunds und zentraler wissenssoziologischer Basisannahmen (ExpertInnenbegriff, Wissensformen) steht dabei insbesondere die Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Auswertung von ExpertInneninterviews im Mittelpunkt.

Interviews With Brief Therapy Experts

by Michael F. Hoyt

First published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.


by Eric D. Lippmann

Intervision ist eine spezielle Form des Gruppencoachings, bei der sich Gruppen ohne externe Fachperson treffen, um ihre berufliche Arbeit zu reflektieren - ein Setting, das sich seit Jahren bewährt. Der Autor, Psychologe und erfahrener Organisationsberater, liefert die Grundlagen für den Einstieg in die Praxis der Intervision. Er beschreibt ein einfach nachvollziehbares 6-stufiges Grundmodell und die dazugehörigen Methoden. Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen begleiten die professionelle Einführung und Gestaltung der Intervision in Unternehmen.

Intervision: Grundlagen und Perspektiven (essentials)

by Erich Schäfer Wolfgang Kühl

Wolfgang Kühl und Erich Schäfer vermitteln in diesem essential Kenntnisse über die wissenschaftlichen und methodischen Grundlagen der Intervision. Sie geben Hinweise für die Implementation eines Reflexionssystems, in dem der Intervision eine zentrale Funktion zukommt, und geben Anregungen für die Gestaltung der Passung von individuums-, team- und organisationsbezogenen Reflexions- und Transformationsprozessen, insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der New Work.​

Intervision für die schreibpädagogische Praxis: Ein Schreibgruppenkonzept für die Kollegiale Beratung

by Susanne Femers-Koch

Intervision gilt als Form selbstorganisierten Lernens in einem Setting Kollegialer Beratung, die für das Ziel der Professionalisierung das berufliche Handeln in Selbst- und Fremdreflexion in den Blick nimmt. In vielen (sozial-)pädagogischen und psychotherapeutischen Kontexten hat sich diese Form der Kollegialen Beratung als Selbstverständlichkeit und institutionalisierte Form der beruflichen Qualifizierung etabliert. Anliegen des vorliegenden Buches war es, Relevanz und Gestaltung von Intervision für die schreibpädagogische Praxis zu explorieren.

Interwoven Lives: Adolescent Mothers and Their Children (Research Monographs in Adolescence Series)

by Thomas L. Whitman John G. Borkowski Deborah A. Keogh Keri Weed

Despite a growing body of scholarship on the phenomenon of adolescent parenting, minimal attention has been given to investigating systematic changes in adolescent mothers' and their children's psychological functioning over time. This book reports on a longitudinal study conducted to examine the social and psychological consequences of teen parenting for both mothers and their children. Qualitative and quantitative analyses are used to explain why some mothers and children fare better than others, showing that the lives and developmental trajectories of adolescent mothers and children are inextricably interwoven and closely linked to the social contexts within which they live. The book closes with social policy implications of the research including recommendations for intervention programs and policies to help adolescent parents and their children achieve developmental success and find happiness.

The Interwoven Sources of Dreams

by Umberto Barcaro

The subject of this book is the study of dreaming from a specific point of view, one that provides useful and enlightening results: the analysis of the complex patterns of links among the memory sources of dreams. The significance of these patterns is logical and emotional at the same time. This approach is interdisciplinary: it directly involves the fields of psychology, psychotherapy, linguistics, computer science, mathematics (graph theory), history of psychology, literature, and motion pictures. However, no specific advanced expertise in any of these fields is required for understanding the various contents. The book is divided into three parts. Part 1 is dedicated to theories and methodologies regarding dream functions and dream interpretations: these theories and methodologies are considered in the perspective of their implications for the study of links among dream sources. Some meaningful examples of dreams, or metaphors or dreams, that can be found in poetry or motion pictures, are also considered.

Intimacies: A New World of Relational Life

by Alan Frank Patricia Ticineto Clough Steven Seidman

In the last decade or so, there has been a shift in the popular and academic discussion of our personal lives. Relationships – and not necessarily marriage – have gravitated to the center of our relational lives. Many of us feel entitled to seek intimacy, an emotionally depthful social bonding, rather than simply security or companionship from our relationships. Unlike in a marriage-centred culture, intimacy is today pursued in varied relationships, from familial to friends and to romances. And intimacies are being forged in multiple venues, from face-to-face to virtual, cyber contexts. A new scholarship has addressed this changing terrain of personal life – there is today a vast literature on cohabitation, parenthood without marriage, sex and love outside marriage, queer families, cyber intimacies and friendships. However, much theorizing and research has focussed either on the interior, subjective or sociocultural aspects of intimacies, not their interaction. This volume aims to break new ground: Intimacies explores the psychological terrain of intimacy in depthful ways without abandoning its sociohistorical context and the centrality of power dynamics. Drawing on a rich archive that includes the social sciences, feminism, queer studies, and psychoanalysis, the contributors examine: changing cultures of intimacy fluid and solid attachments and intimacies from hook ups, to sibling bonds, to erotic love a politics of intimacy that may involve state enforced hierarchies, class, misrecognition, social exclusion and violence embodied experiences of intimacy and dynamics of endings and loss a pluralization of intimacies that challenge established ethical hierarchies This volume aims to define the cutting edge of this emerging field of scholarship and politics. It challenges existing paradigms that assume rigid hierarchical approaches to relational life. Intimacies will be of interest for psychoanalysts and for students or scholars in sexualities, gender studies, family studies, feminism studies, queer studies, social class, cultural studies, and philosophy.

Intimacies: Love and Sex Across Cultures

by William R. Jankowiak

A groundbreaking study of the ways in which we separate the search for sexual fulfillment from the impulse of love.

Intimacy: Clinical, Cultural, Digital and Developmental Perspectives (Margaret S. Mahler Ser.)

by Salman Akhtar Gurmeet Kanwal

Intimacy: Clinical, Cultural, Digital and Developmental Perspectives applies a contemporary, psychoanalytic lens to the many facets of intimacy between people, from romantic and sexual relationships, to friendliness, as well as the ways intimacy is mediated by new digital technologies. Identifying commonalities and differences between a range of approaches, including Classical Freudian, attachment theory, and interpersonal theory, the book includes case studies that highlight how intimacy is framed in a variety of relationships. It examines the line between privacy and intimacy, as well as how intimacy changes at different stages of one’s lifespan. From the friends we have to the pets we own, or the faith we follow, a cross-cultural perspective ensures that intimacy is conceived of as a broad, essential element underlying all human relationships. The intimacy between analyst and analysand is also examined. This far-reaching book will interest both practicing and training psychoanalysts and psychotherapists, as well as those in related disciplines.

Intimacy and Alienation: Memory, Trauma and Personal Being

by Russell Meares

Intimacy and Alienation puts forward the author's unique paradigm for psychotherapy and counselling based on the assumption that each patient has suffered a disruption of the `self', and that the goal of the therapist is to identify and work with that disruption. Using many clinical illustrations, and drawing on self psychology, attachment therapy and theories of trauma, Russell Meares looks at the nature of self and how it develops, before going on to explore the form and feeling of experience when self is disrupted in a traumatic way, and focusing on ways towards the restoration of the self. Written in an accessible style from the author's singular perspective, Intimacy and Alienation will appeal to professionals in the fields of psychotherapy, counselling, social work and psychiatry, as well as to students and the lay reader.

Intimacy and Other Plays

by Thomas Bradshaw

"Bradshaw has proved in play after play that he has a confident vision of the theater that is his own. The politically incorrect plots jump merrily from one outrage to another, never pausing to explain motivation or linger on subtext. His dramas ask: What would happen if every dark urge, lingering resentment and unedited ugly insult that popped into your head came spilling out of your mouth? . . . No playwright applies as ruthlessly Hitchcock's definition of drama as 'life with the boring parts taken out.'"-The New York TimesInterracial couple Jerry and Pat borrow tools from their recently widowed, white evangelical neighbor James, and they even share the same Latino contractor, the mysterious Fred. Everything's suburban bliss until James, after discovering his neighbors' daughter Janet is a budding porn star, shuns the family. But what James doesn't know is that his aspiring-filmmaker son Matthew has other ideas...An outrageous and revealing comedy about race, sex, and familiarity, Intimacy, the newest work by playwright Thomas Bradshaw, premiered Off-Broadway with The New Group in winter 2014. This collection from the fiercely provocative and funny playwright also includes Dawn, Fulfillment, Southern Promises, Job, Strom Thurmond Is Not a Racist, Lecture on the Blues and Purity.Thomas Bradshaw's other plays include The Bereaved, declared a New York Times Critic's Pick and one of the Best Plays of 2009 by Time Out New York; Mary; and Burning. He was hailed as the Best Provocative Playwright of 2007 by the Village Voice.

Intimacy and Separateness in Psychoanalysis

by Warren S. Poland

Clinical psychoanalysis serves as our best laboratory for exploring the riddle of what it is to be a person, and how a person is at once singularly unique while always a piece of the interpersonal fabric of humanity. In Intimacy and Separateness in Psychoanalysis, Warren Poland casts a freshly erudite eye on this paradox, resisting individual or intersubjective bias and avoiding the parochial allegiances common in our age of pluralism. Poland combines vivid reports from clinical analyses, literary readings, and his own life – all unfolding original observations on a person as both a part of and apart from human commonality. His consideration of how one person’s witnessing facilitates another’s self-definition, a concept extended here in his study of outsiderness as part of human nature, has been marked a keynote contribution. Clinical illustrations of moments that matter but are usually omitted from public presentation are set alongside examples of reading powerful fiction to show how analyst and author both incite fresh openness in a person’s mind. Poland goes farther, exposing the personal power of union and separateness in its keenest form, facing the ultimate separation of one’s own actual death. Only with separateness can true intimacy grow, and only within the fabric of others can true individuality exist. This evocative book, ranging from the lightness of whimsy to the dread of dying, allows every reader to taste of and learn from Poland’s thinking. Psychoanalyst or patient, writer or reader, each one living one’s own life – all can find new understandings in this work.

The Intimacy Dance: A Guide to Long-Term Success in Gay and Lesbian Relationships

by Betty Berzon

Guide to same-sex relationships.

The Intimacy Factor

by Lawrence S. Freundlich Pia Mellody

In her first book in over 10 years, Pia Mellody--author of the groundbreaking bestsellers Facing Codependence and Facing Love Addiction--shares her profound wisdom on what it takes to sustain true intimacy and trusting love in our most vital relationships. Drawing on more than 20 years' experience as a counsellor at the renowned Meadows Treatment Centre in Arizona, Mellody now shares what she has learned about why intimate relationships falter--and what makes them work. Using the most up-to-date research and real-life examples, including her own compelling personal journey, Mellody provides readers with profoundly insightful and practical ground rules for relationships that achieve and maintain joyous intimacy. This invaluable resource helps diagnose the causes of faulty relationships--many of them rooted in childhood--and provides tools for readers to heal themselves, enabling them to establish and maintain healthy relationships.

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