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Introduction to Psychology (8th Edition)
by Rod Plotnik Haig KouyoumdjianLike reading a magazine-not studying from a text-Plotnik's Introduction to Psychology 8e will draw you in and show you how visual and exciting the study of psychology can be. Rod Plotnik's modular, visually-oriented approach to the fundamentals of psychology makes even the toughest concepts engaging and entertaining. Incorporating the latest research updates, the text breaks concepts down into small, easily digested chunks that give you and great flexibility how you approach and study the subject.
Introduction To Psychology 9th Ed
by James W. KalatJames Kalat's best-selling INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY does far more than cover major theories and studies; it encourages you to question the information and ask yourself, "How was this conclusion reached?" and "Does the evidence really support it?" In this student-praised text, Kalat challenges your preconceptions about psychology to help you become a more informed consumer of information not only during your college experience but also as you venture into your post-college life. With his humorous writing style and hands-on "Try It Yourself" exercises, Kalat puts you at ease and gets you involved with what you are studying so that you can succeed in your course.
Introduction to Psychology and Law
by Regina A. Schuller James R.P. OgloffDespite the notable Canadian presence in the field of psychology and law, there is currently no comprehensive Canadian textbook on the subject. While a few U.S. textbooks cover the field, they give little or no attention to Canadian law and research. In recognition of this problem, editors Regina Schuller and James Ogloff have put together an authoritative introduction to law and psychology for a Canadian audience. Within the fifteen chapters that comprise the book, leading Canadian scholars cover a wide range of topics spanning the applications of psychology - clinical, social, cognitive, developmental, experimental - in both criminal and civil areas of law. These include memory and eyewitness testimony, the jury, sentencing, competency to stand trial, criminal responsibility, and many others. The legal system in Canada serves as the backdrop for each of the chapters, which begin with an interesting case or anecdote that introduces the reader to some of the major issues facing psychologists and lawyers in this country.The book offers a compelling introduction to the field and a unique perspective to Canadian readers, especially students in psychology, criminology, and other disciplines in social science and law.
Introduction to Psychology I (4th Edition)
by R. H. Ettinger<p>The 4th edition of Introduction to Psychology I is the most current introductory textbook available. It continues to present contrasting theoretical perspectives, while maintaining a strong scientific orientation to the study of psychology. For instance, while the text emphasizes a strong scientific perspective, it also presents competing points of view on several of the most important topics, including animal language, behavioral disorders and their treatment, and issues in social psychology. Some of the most noticeable changes to the 4th edition include the following: <p> <li>The addition of a section on sport psychology <li>Updated statistics on drug use <li>New research on how sleep functions to maintain brain homeostasis <li>New research on the neurobiology of emotions and the role of stress in disease <li>Revised discussion of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, its pathology, and its treatment <li>Revised discussion of the pathology and treatment of schizophrenia <li>New research on stereotype threat and sex differences <li>Updated discussion of facial symmetry and physical attractiveness</li> <p> <p>These enhancements help ensure a textbook that will provide the most current introduction to the science of psychology and behavior.</p>
Introduction to Psychology Ninth Edition
by Rod Plotnik Haig KouyoumdjianLike reading a magazine--not a textbook--Plotnik's INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY, NINTH EDITION will draw you in and show you how exciting the study of psychology can be. Rod Plotnik's modular, visual approach to the fundamentals of psychology makes even the toughest concepts engaging and entertaining. As the pioneer of the "visual" or "magazine" style approach, each and every page of the text is individually planned, written, and formatted to effectively incorporate the use of Visual Cues, which help you to better remember information. Extensively updated, the text also utilizes "chunking," a method of breaking concepts down into small, easily digested sections that help you learn at your own pace.
Introduction to Psychology (Tenth Edition)
by James W. KalatJames Kalat's best-selling INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY does far more than cover major theories and studies; it encourages you to question the information and ask yourself, "How was this conclusion reached?" and "Does the evidence really support it?" In this student-praised text, Kalat challenges your preconceptions about psychology to help you become a more informed consumer of information not only during your college experience but also as you venture into your post-college life. With his humorous writing style and hands-on "Try It Yourself" exercises, Kalat puts you at ease and gets you involved with what you are studying so that you can succeed in your course.
Introduction To Psychology V2 (Open University Course Dse202 Ser.)
by Ilona RothFirst published in 1990. This is Volume 2 of the Open University’s Introduction to Psychology. Following on from Volume 1, Part 5 looks at Cognitive Processes, Social Dimension, Application to Problems and Review.
Introduction to Psychology Version 2.1
by Charles StangorIntroduction to Psychology Version 2.1 was collated to help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level.
Introduction to Psychology Version 4.0
by Charles Stangor Sue FrantzIntroduction to Psychology is a concise and conceptual introduction to the fascinating subject of psychology. This new version welcomes a co-author, Sue Frantz, who has worked with a diversity of students over the years. As a result, Sue contributes many fresh, classroom-based insights to enliven the text and bring it fully up to date. The core premises of this book remain constant, however. Featuring a central theme of action—predicting our actions and those around us—the narrative grabs students’ attention and does not let go. A strong underlying secondary theme of empiricism unifies the narrative under the umbrella of psychology as a science. Its standard, fourteen-chapter organization makes this textbook an ideal choice for either a typical semester- or quarter-long course.
Introduction to Psychometric Theory
by George A. Marcoulides Tenko RaykovThis new text provides a state-of the-art introduction to educational and psychological testing and measurement theory that reflects many intellectual developments of the past two decades. The book introduces psychometric theory using a latent variable modeling (LVM) framework and emphasizes interval estimation throughout, so as to better prepare readers for studying more advanced topics later in their careers. Featuring numerous examples, it presents an applied approach to conducting testing and measurement in the behavioral, social, and educational sciences. Readers will find numerous tips on how to use test theory in today's actual testing situations. To reflect the growing use of statistical software in psychometrics, the authors introduce the use of Mplus after the first few chapters. IBM SPSS, SAS, and R are also featured in several chapters. Software codes and associated outputs are reviewed throughout to enhance comprehension. Essentially all of the data used in the book are available on the website. In addition instructors will find helpful PowerPoint lecture slides and questions and problems for each chapter. The authors rely on LVM when discussing fundamental concepts such as exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, test theory, generalizability theory, reliability and validity, interval estimation, nonlinear factor analysis, generalized linear modeling, and item response theory. The varied applications make this book a valuable tool for those in the behavioral, social, educational, and biomedical disciplines, as well as in business, economics, and marketing. A brief introduction to R is also provided. Intended as a text for advanced undergraduate and/or graduate courses in psychometrics, testing and measurement, measurement theory, psychological testing, and/or educational and/or psychological measurement taught in departments of psychology, education, human development, epidemiology, business, and marketing, it will also appeal to researchers in these disciplines. Prerequisites include an introduction to statistics with exposure to regression analysis and ANOVA. Familiarity with SPSS, SAS, STATA, or R is also beneficial. As a whole, the book provides an invaluable introduction to measurement and test theory to those with limited or no familiarity with the mathematical and statistical procedures involved in measurement and testing.
An Introduction to Psychometrics and Psychological Assessment: Using, Interpreting and Developing Tests
by Colin CooperAn Introduction to Psychometrics and Psychological Assessment is the successor to Cooper’s prize-winning book Psychological Testing: Theory and Practice. This expanded and updated volume shows how psychological questionnaires and tests can be chosen, administered, scored, interpreted and developed. In providing students, researchers, test users, test developers and practitioners in the social sciences, education and health with an evaluative guide to choosing, using, interpreting and developing tests, it provides readers a thorough grasp of the principles (and limitations) of testing, together with the necessary methodological detail. This book has three distinctive features. First, it stresses the basic logic of psychological assessment without getting bogged down with mathematics; the spreadsheet simulations and utilities which are integrated into the text allow users to explore how numbers behave, rather than reading equations. Readers will "learn by doing". Second, it covers both the theory behind psychological assessment and the practicalities of locating, designing and using tests and interpreting their scores. Finally, it is evaluative. Rather than just describing concepts such as test reliability or adaptive testing, it stresses the underlying principles, merits and drawbacks of each approach to assessment, and methods of developing and evaluating questionnaires and tests. Unusually for an introductory text, it includes coverage of several cutting-edge techniques, and this new edition expands the discussion on measurement invariance, methods of detecting/quantifying bias and hierarchical factor models, and features added sections on: - Best practices for translation of tests into other languages and problems of cultural bias - Automatic item generation - The advantages, drawbacks and practicalities of internet-based testing - Generalizability theory - Network analysis - Dangerous assumptions made when scoring tests - The accuracy of tests used for assessing individuals - The two-way relationship between psychometrics and psychological theory. Aimed at non-mathematicians, this friendly and engaging text will help you to understand the fundamental principles of psychometrics that underpin the measurement of any human characteristic using any psychological test. Written by a leading figure in the field and accompanied by additional resources, including a set of spreadsheets which use simulated data and other techniques to illustrate important issues, this is an essential introduction for all students of psychology and related disciplines. It assumes very little statistical background and is written for students studying psychological assessment or psychometrics, and for researchers and practitioners who use questionnaires and tests to measure personality, cognitive abilities, educational attainment, mood or motivation.
Introduction to Psychopathology
by Alessandra LemmaI was most impressed by the author's thoroughness in writing this book. She seems to leave no stone uncovered. . . [this is] a work which should become a necessity for all counsellors, counselling psychologists, psychiatric nurses and psychotherapists. . . This is a book to which I will make reference time and time again, and one which will occupy a prominent place in my library' - Counselling, The Journal of the British Association for Counselling `An invaluable handbook for students of psychotherapy and a good reference for established therapists. . . I recommend that all therapists have a copy of this book on their shelf' - Psychology, Health & Medicine Assessment and referral skills are essential for counsellors and psychotherapists. Practitioners need to have an understanding of the clinical manifestations of severe emotional distress. They must, for example, be able to recognize when clients are a suicide risk or when they are suffering from a psychotic episode. This lively textbook provides a clear overview of the issues involved in our understanding of psychopathology and offers guidelines on appropriate interventions. Alessandra Lemma explores a range of key topics, covering how psychiatric diagnoses and classifications are arrived at, and the issues that can arise when working in conjunction with other mental health practitioners, such as psychiatrists. She addresses the needs of practitioners in relation to some of the more common forms of mental distress - depression, anxiety and eating problems - as well as some of the more controversial diagnoses, such as schizophrenia and `borderline personality disorder'. The book concludes with a discussion of alternatives to mainstream approaches, including those which seek to deconstruct the concept of psychopathology. Introduction to Psychopathology offers a framework for assessing clients which incorporates a broad range of models and approaches, and which takes into account psychological, social and biological factors. It will be an invaluable resource for students of counselling, counselling psychology, psychotherapy and clinical psychology.
Introduction to Psychopathology
by Alessandra LemmaAssessment and referral skills are essential for counselors and psychotherapists. However, these skills are dependent on the practitioner's understanding of the clinical manifestations of severe emotional distress: They must, for example, be able to recognize when clients are suffering from a psychotic episode. Introduction to Psychopathology provides a clear overview of the issues involved in our understanding of psychopathology and offers guidelines on appropriate interventions. Author Alessandra Lemma presents important topics, including how to arrive at psychiatric diagnoses and classifications, and explores issues that arise when working with clients in conjunction with other mental health practitioners. She addresses the needs of practitioners working with some of the more common forms of mental distress, including depression and anxiety, and clarifies those forms that might be less well-known, such as borderline personality disorder. A discussion of alternatives to mainstream approaches, including deconstructionist approaches, concludes the volume. Essential for students of counseling, psychotherapy, counseling psychology, and clinical psychology, Introduction to Psychopathology offers a framework for assessing clients that incorporates a broad range of models and approaches and takes into account psychological, social, and biological factors.
An Introduction to Psychotherapeutic Playback Theater: Hall of Mirrors on Stage (The New International Library of Group Analysis)
by Ronen Kowalsky Nir Raz Shoshi KeisariAn Introduction to Psychotherapeutic Playback Theater is a comprehensive book presenting Psychotherapeutic Playback Theater as a unique form of group psychotherapy. This pioneering book is the first of its kind, examining this new approach, the theory behind it, and the numerous considerations and diverse possibilities involved in using the technique to promote a significant reflective process among participants. Informed by years of Psychotherapeutic Playback Theater practice and research, the authors detail a collective-creative method that allows for the creation of a therapeutic experience centered on feelings of belonging, acceptance, visibility and liberation. It is presented to the reader as a path toward their development and growth as a conductor working in this newly evolving field of group therapy. The book will be of great interest to dramatherapy students, trainees and professionals, and group therapists who wish to reflect upon their practice through the mirror of Psychotherapeutic Playback Theater as well as facilitators and actors working with Playback Theater or other improvised genres.
Introduction to Psychotherapy: An Outline of Psychodynamic Principles and Practice, Fourth Edition
by Anthony Bateman Dennis Brown Jonathan PedderThis fourth edition of Introduction to Psychotherapy builds on the success of the previous three editions and remains an essential purchase for trainee psychotherapists, psychiatrists and other professionals. It has been revised and extended to capture some of the current themes, controversies and issues relevant to psychotherapy as it is practised today. Bateman has added new chapters on attachment theory and personality disorder and has developed further the research sections on selection and outcome. His new chapter on further therapies covers a variety of therapeutic movements and establishes links between these and classical psychoanalytical therapies. Introduction to Psychotherapy is a classic text that has been successfully updated to provide a relevant and essential introduction for anyone interested in psychotherapy.
Introduction to Psychotherapy: Its History and Modern Schools (Psychology Revivals)
by J. A. HadfieldFirst published in 1967, the original blurb reads: This book is intended to give the intelligent lay reader a comprehensive view of the subject of psychotherapy, the treatment of nervous disorders by mental means. These disorders are of increasing importance on account of their wide-spread nature and of the misery they produce. It describes the development of psychotherapy as employed by the most primitive peoples and races, through animal magnetism and hypnotism to the more modern analytical schools of Freud, Jung and Adler. It sets out in particular to give the positive contributions of these various systems, although this does not preclude criticism of their weaknesses and more dubious theories. Dr Hadfield has had the widest experience, having treated psychoneurotic disorders for over fifty years, including the war neuroses in the two world wars, both in the Navy and in the Army; and, as Lecturer in the University of London in the subject for over forty years, he has had the opportunity to systematize the knowledge thus obtained. As a result of this experience he has come to conclusions as to the nature, causes and treatment of such disorders differing somewhat from those of the established Schools, and it is these findings which are given in the latter part of the book under the title, ‘Direct Reductive Analysis’. The book will be useful to all those – teachers and parsons as well as medicals – who have to deal with human beings and their aberrations, and to them it is addressed.
Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods
by Robert Bogdan Steven J. Taylor Marjorie DevaultAn informative real-world guide to studying the "why" of human behavior Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods is a practical, comprehensive guide to the collection and presentation of qualitative data. Unique in the market, this book describes the entire research process -- from design through writing -- illustrated by examples of real, complete qualitative work that clearly demonstrates how methods are used in actual practice. This updated third edition includes all new case studies, with additional coverage of mixed methods, non-sociological settings, funding, and a sample interview guide. The studies profiled are accompanied by observation field notes, and the text includes additional readings for both students and instructors. More than just theory, this guide is designed to give you a real-world practitioner's view of how qualitative research is handled every step of the way. Many different disciplines rely on qualitative research as a method of inquiry, to gain an in-depth understanding of human behavior and the governing forces behind it. Qualitative research asks "why" and "how," and the data is frequently complex and difficult to measure. This book shows you how to effectively handle qualitative work, regardless of where it's being applied. Understand the strengths and limitations of qualitative data Learn how experts work around common methodological issues Compare actual field notes to the qualitative studies they generated Examine the full range of qualitative methods throughout the research process Whether you're studying sociology, psychology, marketing, or any number of other fields, especially in the social and behavioral sciences, human behavior is the central concern of your work. So what drives human behavior? That's what qualitative research helps to explain. Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods gives you the foundation you need to begin seeking answers.
An Introduction to Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy (Professional Skills for Counsellors Series)
by John McleodIntroducing the basic principles of research theory and practice, this book is the ideal starter text for any counselling trainee or practitioner learning about the research process for the first time. Structured around common training topics, the book: - Explains why you need to do research at all: what it is, why it's important and its historical and philosophical context - Guides you through the confusing mass of research literature - Covers the ins and outs of actually doing research: practical and ethical issues - Helps you get the most out of research - how to evaluate the outcomes and use research to investigate the process of therapy. Written in a language familiar to first-year trainees and using a range of features to enhance learning, this accessible introduction will equip both trainees and qualified therapists with the essential nuts and bolts to understand research. John McLeod is Emeritus Professor of Counselling at the University of Abertay Dundee and adjunct Professor at the University of Oslo, Norway.
An Introduction to Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy
by John McLeodIntroducing the basic principles of research theory and practice, this book is the ideal starter text for any counselling trainee or practitioner learning about the research process for the first time. Structured around common training topics, the book: - Explains why you need to do research at all: what it is, why it's important and its historical and philosophical context - Guides you through the confusing mass of research literature - Covers the ins and outs of actually doing research: practical and ethical issues - Helps you get the most out of research - how to evaluate the outcomes and use research to investigate the process of therapy. Written in a language familiar to first-year trainees and using a range of features to enhance learning, this accessible introduction will equip both trainees and qualified therapists with the essential nuts and bolts to understand research. John McLeod is Emeritus Professor of Counselling at the University of Abertay Dundee and adjunct Professor at the University of Oslo, Norway.
Introduction to Research Methods: A Hands-on Approach
by Bora PajoThe Second Edition of Introduction to Research Methods: A Hands-On Approach by Bora Pajo continues to make research easy to understand and easy to construct. Covering both quantitative and qualitative methods, this new edition lays out the differences between research approaches so readers can better understand when and how to use each research design. Through clear, simple, and even humorous prose, this text offers students a straightforward introduction to a new world of social science research. Rather than making research seem intimidating, Introduction to Research Methods shows students that research is an ongoing conversation concerning topics that matter in their lives, a conversation that′s easy to understand and easy to join. The new edition features updated chapters on qualitative designs and qualitative data analysis, a new chapter on big data and digital methods, and updated citation and report styles for APA Style 7th Edition. This title is accompanied by a complete teaching and learning package in SAGE Vantage, an intuitive learning platform that integrates quality SAGE textbook content with assignable multimedia activities and auto-graded assessments to drive student engagement and ensure accountability. Unparalleled in its ease of use and built for dynamic teaching and learning, Vantage offers customizable LMS integration and best-in-class support.
Introduction to Research Methods: A Hands-on Approach
by Bora PajoThe Second Edition of Introduction to Research Methods: A Hands-On Approach by Bora Pajo continues to make research easy to understand and easy to construct. Covering both quantitative and qualitative methods, this new edition lays out the differences between research approaches so readers can better understand when and how to use each research design. Through clear, simple, and even humorous prose, this text offers students a straightforward introduction to a new world of social science research. Rather than making research seem intimidating, Introduction to Research Methods shows students that research is an ongoing conversation concerning topics that matter in their lives, a conversation that′s easy to understand and easy to join. The new edition features updated chapters on qualitative designs and qualitative data analysis, a new chapter on big data and digital methods, and updated citation and report styles for APA Style 7th Edition. This title is accompanied by a complete teaching and learning package in SAGE Vantage, an intuitive learning platform that integrates quality SAGE textbook content with assignable multimedia activities and auto-graded assessments to drive student engagement and ensure accountability. Unparalleled in its ease of use and built for dynamic teaching and learning, Vantage offers customizable LMS integration and best-in-class support.
Introduction to Safety Science: People, Organisations, and Systems (Transportation Human Factors)
by David Peter O'HareThe book is designed as an accessible and readable introduction to a rapidly expanding area that is in demand worldwide. A variety of professionals from different backgrounds are being tasked with managing health and safety risks in a wide variety of settings. Many lack current and up-to-date knowledge of the key developments that have taken place in Safety Science in recent decades, as well as a sense of how these developments fit in with previous approaches. This book takes readers on a ‘journey’ across three broad developments in safety science. It covers topics that focus on the individual including human error, risk and the role of cognition in human performance. It then shifts to research in safety science that uses organizations as the basic unit of analysis, questions about organizational decision making and the characteristics that dispose towards or against organizational failure and it introduces perspectives based on systems science that address issues that arise out of complexity and interdependence. Those who will purchase this book are students taking courses in human factors, ergonomics, applied psychology, occupational health and safety management. Professionals working in safety management in any field from agriculture, construction, shipping, aviation, power generation, oil exploration, manufacturing to healthcare will find this book useful, as well as general readers interested in why systems fail.
Introduction to School Counseling: Theory, Research, and Practice
by Jered B. Kolbert Laura M. Crothers Tammy L. HughesThis book is a comprehensive introduction to the profession for school counselors in training, providing special focus on the topics most relevant to the school counselor’s role, and offers specific strategies for practical application and implementation. In addition to the thorough coverage of the fourth edition of the ASCA National Model, readers will find thoughtful discussions of the effects of trends and legislation, including the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), multitiered systems of support (MTSS), and school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports (SWPBIS). The text also provides readers with understanding of how school counselors assume a counseling orientation within the specific context of an educational setting. Each chapter is application-oriented, with an equal emphasis both on research and on using data to design and improve school counselors’ functioning in school systems. Complementing this book is the companion website, which includes PowerPoints, templates and handouts, annotated website links and video links for students, and a test bank and discussion questions for instructors. This book is essential reading for all school counselors in training as it provides a comprehensive look at the profession and explores topics that are most relevant to the role of school counselor.
Introduction to Social Cognition: The Essential Questions and Ideas
by Gordon B. MoskowitzWhy are first impressions so powerful? How do we &“know&” what others are like when we cannot read their minds? How can scientists measure biases that people do not want to admit--or do not know they have? This engaging text delves into social cognition by exploring major questions in the field through an everyday lens. Students are introduced to core concepts and processes pertaining to how people come to know themselves and understand the behavior of others. Classic and contemporary findings and experimental methods are explained. The text connects the research to pressing contemporary problems--the roots of political polarization, why even rational people fall prey to misinformation, and the best ways to reduce prejudice. Boxed definitions of key terms are included throughout.
Introduction to Social Dreaming: Transforming Thinking
by W. Gordon LawrenceThis book explains social dreaming by situating it in the context of thinking, culture, and knowledge and distinguishes how it differs from conventional, therapeutic dreaming, making the case for how it can be used in systems, like business organizations, educational institutions, and hospitals.