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An Introduction to Social Psychology: Global Perspectives
by James Alcock Stan SadavaPsychology recognises no borders. The relationships between people and the groups they form are determined by similar principles no matter where in the world they come from. This book has been written to introduce students from all countries and backgrounds to the exciting field of social psychology. Recognising the limitations that come from studying the subject through the lens of any one culture, James Alcock and Stan Sadava have crafted a truly international social psychology book for the modern era. Based on classic and cutting-edge scholarship from across the world, An Introduction to Social Psychology encourages mastery of the basics as well as critical thinking. Incorporating relevant insights from social neuroscience, evolutionary theory and positive psychology, it offers: Chapters on crowd behaviour and applied social psychology Discussion of new means of social interaction, including social media Relevant insights from social neuroscience, evolutionary theory and positive psychology A companion website at study.sagepub.com/alcocksadava featuring extensive additional resources for students and instructors
An Introduction to Social Psychology: Global Perspectives
by James Alcock Stan SadavaPsychology recognises no borders. The relationships between people and the groups they form are determined by similar principles no matter where in the world they come from. This book has been written to introduce students from all countries and backgrounds to the exciting field of social psychology. Recognising the limitations that come from studying the subject through the lens of any one culture, James Alcock and Stan Sadava have crafted a truly international social psychology book for the modern era. Based on classic and cutting-edge scholarship from across the world, An Introduction to Social Psychology encourages mastery of the basics as well as critical thinking. Incorporating relevant insights from social neuroscience, evolutionary theory and positive psychology, it offers: Chapters on crowd behaviour and applied social psychology Discussion of new means of social interaction, including social media Relevant insights from social neuroscience, evolutionary theory and positive psychology A companion website at study.sagepub.com/alcocksadava featuring extensive additional resources for students and instructors
An Introduction to Social Psychology (Psychology Revivals)
by L. L. BernardOriginally published in 1927, An Introduction to Social Psychology represents an attempt at a more synthetic type of treatment of the field than had previously been given. The author felt that the time had arrived when “schools” of social psychology may properly be regarded as obsolete and the subject as a whole may be presented systematically. At the time social psychology was emerging as a separate discipline and overlapped a very large portion of social science, psychology and education. In this respect it was central to all psychological and social science disciplines. This volume treats the subject from the standpoint of the more objective factors which integrate the personality and its responses in a social environment. Today it can be read in its historical context.This book is a re-issue originally published in 1927. The language used and views portrayed are a reflection of its era and no offence is meant by the Publishers to any reader by this re-publication.
An Introduction to Social Psychology
by William McDougallA pioneering work in psychology, this enormously influential book served as a catalyst in the study of the foundations of social behavior. Ironically, its approach marked such a dramatic departure from contemporary trends that it stimulated little follow-up research at the time of its 1908 publication. In recent years, however, the author's ideas have been resurrected in sociobiological reasoning, making the republication of this systematic treatise particularly timely. McDougall's work grounds social behavior in biology, focusing on the individual and attributing most social behavior to instinct. This reasoning makes his work one of the first in modern psychology to take human motivation as its central concern. As one of the initial texts of social psychology, it assisted in laying the foundations of a new discipline, separating the field from its forerunners, sociology and general psychology. McDougall's emphasis on the instinctive basis of social phenomena also helped promote the individualistic approach typical of modern social psychology. Popular, long-lived, and ever-relevant, this landmark work is guaranteed a wide audience among teachers and students of psychology.
An Introduction to Social Psychology (Psychology Library Editions: Social Psychology)
by William McDougallOn its first publication in 1908 this pioneer book received immediate acclaim and was thought to have probably done more than any other single publication to stimulate study of the foundations of social behaviour. Professor McDougall was the most powerful advocate of an idealistic outlook on human life and activity, and his ideas continued to attract attention even when published in paperback form in 1960.
An Introduction to Social Psychology
by Suhas ShetgovekarThis textbook will help students of psychology and related disciplines to understand the fundamentals of social psychology and its application in the Indian context An Introduction to Social Psychology offers a thorough understanding of all basic concepts and methods of social psychology in a lucid and interactive manner. It enables readers to grasp the idea of the self or the individual in the social context and understand the recent developments in the area of applied social psychology. The book is written for undergraduate and postgraduate students of social psychology, sociology, social works and other related disciplines. Every chapter begins with a well-defined set of learning objectives and includes review exercises and project-based activities. Readers would be introduced to the fundamentals and the emerging perspectives in the subject through numerous illustrations, exercises, activities, research data, case studies and links to further reading. Key Features The language used emphasises clarity and avoids technical jargons to aid ease of understanding Covers current perspective, trends and research in social psychology, with a special focus on the Indian context Text supported by tables, figures and boxed-examples to aid in understanding and retention of concepts learned Inclusion of chapter-wise review questions and multiple choice questions to test learner's progress and comprehension of the subject
An Introduction to Statistical Concepts: Third Edition
by Debbie L. Hahs-Vaughn Richard G. LomaxThis comprehensive, flexible text is used in both one- and two-semester courses to review introductory through intermediate statistics. Instructors select the topics that are most appropriate for their course. Its conceptual approach helps students more easily understand the concepts and interpret SPSS and research results. Key concepts are simply stated and occasionally reintroduced and related to one another for reinforcement. Numerous examples demonstrate their relevance. This edition features more explanation to increase understanding of the concepts. Only crucial equations are included.In addition to updating throughout, the new edition features: New co-author, Debbie L. Hahs-Vaughn, the 2007 recipient of the University of Central Florida's College of Education Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award. A new chapter on logistic regression models for today's more complex methodologies. More on computing confidence intervals and conducting power analyses using G*Power. Many more SPSS screenshots to assist with understanding how to navigate SPSS and annotated SPSS output to assist in the interpretation of results. Extended sections on how to write-up statistical results in APA format. New learning tools including chapter-opening vignettes, outlines, and a list of key concepts, many more examples, tables, and figures, boxes, and chapter summaries. More tables of assumptions and the effects of their violation including how to test them in SPSS. 33% new conceptual, computational, and all new interpretative problems. A website that features PowerPoint slides, answers to the even-numbered problems, and test items for instructors, and for students the chapter outlines, key concepts, and datasets that can be used in SPSS and other packages, and more. Each chapter begins with an outline, a list of key concepts, and a vignette related to those concepts. Realistic examples from education and the behavioral sciences illustrate those concepts. Each example examines the procedures and assumptions and provides instructions for how to run SPSS, including annotated output, and tips to develop an APA style write-up. Useful tables of assumptions and the effects of their violation are included, along with how to test assumptions in SPSS. 'Stop and Think' boxes provide helpful tips for better understanding the concepts. Each chapter includes computational, conceptual, and interpretive problems. The data sets used in the examples and problems are provided on the web. Answers to the odd-numbered problems are given in the book. The first five chapters review descriptive statistics including ways of representing data graphically, statistical measures, the normal distribution, and probability and sampling. The remainder of the text covers inferential statistics involving means, proportions, variances, and correlations, basic and advanced analysis of variance and regression models. Topics not dealt with in other texts such as robust methods, multiple comparison and nonparametric procedures, and advanced ANOVA and multiple and logistic regression models are also reviewed.Intended for one- or two-semester courses in statistics taught in education and/or the behavioral sciences at the graduate and/or advanced undergraduate level, knowledge of statistics is not a prerequisite. A rudimentary knowledge of algebra is required.
An Introduction to Statistical Concepts: Third Edition
by Debbie L. Hahs-Vaughn Richard G. LomaxThe new edition of An Introduction to Statistical Concepts, is designed to help students really understand statistical concepts, the situations in which they can be used, and how to apply them to data. Hahs-Vaughn and Lomax discuss the most popular, along with many of the lesser-known, procedures and models, whilst also exploring nonparametric procedures used when standard assumptions are violated. They provide in-depth coverage of testing assumptions and highlight several online tools for computing statistics (e.g., effect sizes and their confidence intervals and power). This comprehensive, flexible and accessible text includes a new chapter on mediation and moderation; expanded coverage of effect sizes; discussions of sensitivity, specificity, false positive, and false negative, along with using the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve. This book, noted for its crystal-clear explanations, and its inclusion of only the most crucial equations, is an invaluable resource for students undertaking a course in statistics in any number of social science and behavioral disciplines—from education, business, communication, exercise science, psychology, sociology and more.
Introduction to Statistical Mediation Analysis (Multivariate Applications Ser.)
by David MacKinnonThis volume introduces the statistical, methodological, and conceptual aspects of mediation analysis. Applications from health, social, and developmental psychology, sociology, communication, exercise science, and epidemiology are emphasized throughout. Single-mediator, multilevel, and longitudinal models are reviewed. The author's goal is to help the reader apply mediation analysis to their own data and understand its limitations. Each chapter features an overview, numerous worked examples, a summary, and exercises (with answers to the odd numbered questions). The accompanying CD contains outputs described in the book from SAS, SPSS, LISREL, EQS, MPLUS, and CALIS, and a program to simulate the model. The notation used is consistent with existing literature on mediation in psychology. The book opens with a review of the types of research questions the mediation model addresses. Part II describes the estimation of mediation effects including assumptions, statistical tests, and the construction of confidence limits. Advanced models including mediation in path analysis, longitudinal models, multilevel data, categorical variables, and mediation in the context of moderation are then described. The book closes with a discussion of the limits of mediation analysis, additional approaches to identifying mediating variables, and future directions. Introduction to Statistical Mediation Analysis is intended for researchers and advanced students in health, social, clinical, and developmental psychology as well as communication, public health, nursing, epidemiology, and sociology. Some exposure to a graduate level research methods or statistics course is assumed. The overview of mediation analysis and the guidelines for conducting a mediation analysis will be appreciated by all readers.
An Introduction to Statistics: An Active Learning Approach
by Kieth A. Carlson Jennifer R. WinquistAn Introduction to Statistics: An Active Learning Approach, Second Edition by Kieth A. Carlson and Jennifer R. Winquist takes a unique, active approach to teaching and learning introductory statistics that allows students to discover and correct their misunderstandings as chapters progress rather than at their conclusion. Empirically-developed, self-correcting activities reinforce and expand on fundamental concepts, targeting and holding students’ attention. Based on contemporary memory research, this learner-centered approach leads to better long-term retention through active engagement while generating explanations. Along with carefully placed reading questions, this edition includes learning objectives, realistic research scenarios, practice problems, self-test questions, problem sets, and practice tests to help students become more confident in their ability to perform statistics.
An Introduction to Statistics: An Active Learning Approach
by Kieth A. Carlson Jennifer R. WinquistAn Introduction to Statistics: An Active Learning Approach, Second Edition by Kieth A. Carlson and Jennifer R. Winquist takes a unique, active approach to teaching and learning introductory statistics that allows students to discover and correct their misunderstandings as chapters progress rather than at their conclusion. Empirically-developed, self-correcting activities reinforce and expand on fundamental concepts, targeting and holding students’ attention. Based on contemporary memory research, this learner-centered approach leads to better long-term retention through active engagement while generating explanations. Along with carefully placed reading questions, this edition includes learning objectives, realistic research scenarios, practice problems, self-test questions, problem sets, and practice tests to help students become more confident in their ability to perform statistics.
An Introduction to Statistics: An Active Learning Approach
by Jennifer R. Winquist Kieth Alton CarlsonThis updated and reorganized Third Edition of this textbook takes a workbook-style approach that encourages an active approach to learning statistics. Carefully placed reading questions throughout each chapter allow students to apply their knowledge right away, while in-depth activities based on current behavioral science scenarios, each with problem sets and quiz questions, give students the opportunity to assess their understanding of concepts while reading detailed explanations of more complex statistical concepts. Additional practice problems further solidify student learning. Most activities are self-correcting, so if a concept is misunderstood, this misunderstanding is corrected early in the learning process. After working through each chapter, students are far more likely to understand the material than when they only read the material.
An Introduction to Statistics: An Active Learning Approach
by Jennifer R. Winquist Kieth Alton CarlsonThis updated and reorganized Third Edition of this textbook takes a workbook-style approach that encourages an active approach to learning statistics. Carefully placed reading questions throughout each chapter allow students to apply their knowledge right away, while in-depth activities based on current behavioral science scenarios, each with problem sets and quiz questions, give students the opportunity to assess their understanding of concepts while reading detailed explanations of more complex statistical concepts. Additional practice problems further solidify student learning. Most activities are self-correcting, so if a concept is misunderstood, this misunderstanding is corrected early in the learning process. After working through each chapter, students are far more likely to understand the material than when they only read the material.
An Introduction to Stress and Health
by Hymie Anisman"This is a highly entertaining book about a very serious topic. Beautifully written, funny and organized in a way that students and the general public will understand complex notions about stress." - Sonia Lupien, Director of the Centre for Studies on Human Stress, University of Montreal "Perfect for my stress and cognition module, accessible and informative, great level of detail." - James Byron-Daniel, University of the West of England, Bristol An Introduction to Stress and Health is the first textbook to fuse the psychosocial with newer behavioural neuroscience perspectives. It provides a broad perspective of the multiple biological processes influenced by stressful events, the conditions that allow for either exacerbation or diminution of these stressor effects, and the pathological conditions that can emerge as a result of stressful events. Anisman systematically reviews the key research over the past 30 years and presents his insights in a lively, interesting pedagogical fashion to allow you to fully appreciate the diversity of the field of stress and its impact on our health. Key features include: A consideration of the value of numerous therapeutic strategies to diminish distress and stress-related pathologies. An exploration of many new conceptual perspectives relevant to stress processes and pathology. Information is presented in an easy-to-read manner with lots of pointers to the key concepts to remember. An Introduction to Stress and Health is an indispensable text for upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate students taking courses in health psychology, stress, health and illness.
An Introduction to Stress and Health
by Hymie Anisman Kimberly MathesonWith a new chapter dedicated to psychosocial and environmental stressors such as racism, climate change, discrimination, collective trauma, and settler colonialism, this fully updated second edition of An Introduction to Stress and Health explains how chronic and acute stress can precipitate changes in the body that exacerbate and contribute to conditions including heart disease, diabetes, and depression. This is the first textbook to blend psychosocial and behavioural neuroscience perspectives, giving you a broad understanding of the immunological, neurochemical, hormonal and growth factor processes that can be influenced by stress. Anisman and Matheson further invite you to consider how different interventions and therapeutic strategies might be used to deal with stress and its consequences on the body. Its lively writing, fascinating case studies and signposts to further reading make this an indispensable guide for postgraduate students taking courses in health psychology, and stress, health, and illness. Hymie Anisman is Professor of Neuroscience at Carleton University. Kimberly Matheson is Research Chair in Culture and Gender Mental Health and Professor of Neuroscience at The Royal Ottawa’s Institute of Mental Health Research and Carleton University.
An Introduction to Stress and Health
by Hymie Anisman Kimberly MathesonWith a new chapter dedicated to psychosocial and environmental stressors such as racism, climate change, discrimination, collective trauma, and settler colonialism, this fully updated second edition of An Introduction to Stress and Health explains how chronic and acute stress can precipitate changes in the body that exacerbate and contribute to conditions including heart disease, diabetes, and depression. This is the first textbook to blend psychosocial and behavioural neuroscience perspectives, giving you a broad understanding of the immunological, neurochemical, hormonal and growth factor processes that can be influenced by stress. Anisman and Matheson further invite you to consider how different interventions and therapeutic strategies might be used to deal with stress and its consequences on the body. Its lively writing, fascinating case studies and signposts to further reading make this an indispensable guide for postgraduate students taking courses in health psychology, and stress, health, and illness. Hymie Anisman is Professor of Neuroscience at Carleton University. Kimberly Matheson is Research Chair in Culture and Gender Mental Health and Professor of Neuroscience at The Royal Ottawa’s Institute of Mental Health Research and Carleton University.
An Introduction to Systems Psychodynamics: Consultancy Research and Training
by Mannie Sher David LawlorThis book provides an introduction to systems psychodynamic theory and its application to organisational consultancy, research and training, outlining systems dynamics methods and their historical and theoretical developments. Systems Psychodynamics is an emerging field of social science, the boundaries of which are continually being refined and re-defined. The ‘systems’ designation refers to open systems concepts that provide the framing perspective for understanding the structural aspects of organisational systems. These include its design, division of labour, levels of authority, and reporting relationships; the nature of work tasks, processes, and activities; its mission and primary task; and the nature and patterning of the organisation’s task and sentient boundaries and the transactions across them. This book presents a critical appraisal of the systems psychodynamics paradigm and its application to present-day social and organisational difficulties, showing how a holistic approach to organisational and social problems can offer a fresh perspective on difficult issues. Bringing together the theory and practice of systems psychodynamics for the first time, this book provides an examination of the systems psychodynamics paradigm in action. This book gives an accessible and thorough guide to understanding and using systems psychodynamic ideas for analysts, managers, policy makers, consultants and researchers in a wide range of professional and clinical settings.
Introduction to the Counseling Profession
by David Capuzzi Douglas R. GrossDesigned for students who are taking a preliminary course in the counseling field, Introduction to the Counseling Profession, 7th Edition, provides a comprehensive overview of the history and foundational concepts of counseling, offering the most current and relevant breadth of coverage available from experts in their respective fields. This edition includes topics rarely discussed in introductory texts, such as self-care and self-growth and the use of technology in counseling, as well as a new chapter on crisis counseling. Chapters also reflect updates to the 2016 Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) standards, and a chapter on each CACREP specialization is included. Students will gain insight into the myriad issues that surround not only the process of counseling and its many populations but also the personal dynamics that have an impact on this process. Furthermore, a collection of supplemental resources is available online to benefit both instructors and students. Instructors will find PowerPoint slides and test banks to aid in conducting their courses, and students can access chapter summaries, exercises, and other tools to supplement their review of the material in the text.
Introduction to the Counseling Profession
by Douglas R. Gross David CapuzziIntroduction to the Counseling Profession is a comprehensive overview of the history and foundational concepts of counseling, offering the most current and relevant breadth of coverage available. Students will gain insight into the myriad issues that surround not only the process of counseling and its many populations but also the personal dynamics that have an impact on this process. The contributed-author format provides state-of-the-art information from experts in their respective fields while maintaining a consistent structure and message. This edition has been brought in line with the 2009 Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) standards and includes chapters on each of the CACREP specializations. Topics rarely treated in other introductory texts are addressed, such as research and writing in counseling, technology and counseling, and self-care and growth. This edition includes new pedagogical features such as sidebars and more case studies to expand on key topics, as well as new chapters on: Cross-Cultural Counseling Self-Care and Self-Growth Individual Counseling Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Addictions Counseling Student Affairs and College Counseling A collection of supplemental resources are available online to benefit both instructors and students. Instructors will find PowerPoint slides and test banks to aid in conducting their courses, and students can access chapter summaries, exercises, and other tools to supplement their review of the material in the text. These materials can be accessed at http://www.routledgementalhealth.com/cw/Capuzzi
An Introduction to the History of Psychology
by B. R. HergenhahnThis textbook traces the history of psychology from the ancient Greeks to the present, with chapters discussing the major schools of thought, important developments, and the contributions of particular theorists. Among those discussed are Aristotle, empiricism and positivism, rationalism, romanticism and existentialism, the rise of experimental psychology, the rise of mental testing, functionalism, behaviorism, Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis, humanistic psychology, psychobiology, and cognitive psychology. Hergenhahn taught at Hamline University. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
An Introduction to the History of Psychology
by B. R. Hergenhahn Tracy HenleyDreams puzzled early man, Greek philosophers spun elaborate theories to explain human memory and perception, Descartes postulated that the brain was filled with "animal spirits," and psychology was officially deemed a "science" in the 19th century. In this Seventh Edition of AN INTRODUCTION TO THE HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY, authors Hergenhahn and Henley demonstrate that most of the concerns of contemporary psychologists are manifestations of themes that have been part of psychology for hundreds--or even thousands--of years. The book's numerous photographs and pedagogical devices, along with its biographical material on key figures in psychology, engage readers and facilitate their understanding of each chapter. Available with InfoTrac Student Collections http://gocengage. com/infotrac.
An Introduction To the Logic of Psychological Measurement
by Joel MichellThis book declines to take for granted the widespread assumption that existing psychometric procedures provide scientific measurement. The currently fashionable concepts of measurement within psychology -- operationalism and representationalism -- are critically examined, and the classical view, that measurement is the assessment of quantity, is defended. Within this framework, it is shown how conjoint measurement can be used to test the hypothesis that variables are quantitative. This theme is developed in detail using familiar psychological examples, such as Thurstone's law of comparative judgment, multidimensional scaling, and Coombs' theory of unfolding.
Introduction to the New Statistics: Estimation, Open Science, and Beyond
by Geoff Cumming Robert Calin-JagemanThis is the first introductory statistics text to use an estimation approach from the start to help readers understand effect sizes, confidence intervals (CIs), and meta-analysis (‘the new statistics’). It is also the first text to explain the new and exciting Open Science practices, which encourage replication and enhance the trustworthiness of research. In addition, the book explains NHST fully so students can understand published research. Numerous real research examples are used throughout. The book uses today’s most effective learning strategies and promotes critical thinking, comprehension, and retention, to deepen users’ understanding of statistics and modern research methods. The free ESCI (Exploratory Software for Confidence Intervals) software makes concepts visually vivid, and provides calculation and graphing facilities. The book can be used with or without ESCI. Other highlights include: - Coverage of both estimation and NHST approaches, and how to easily translate between the two. - Some exercises use ESCI to analyze data and create graphs including CIs, for best understanding of estimation methods. -Videos of the authors describing key concepts and demonstrating use of ESCI provide an engaging learning tool for traditional or flipped classrooms. -In-chapter exercises and quizzes with related commentary allow students to learn by doing, and to monitor their progress. -End-of-chapter exercises and commentary, many using real data, give practice for using the new statistics to analyze data, as well as for applying research judgment in realistic contexts. -Don’t fool yourself tips help students avoid common errors. -Red Flags highlight the meaning of "significance" and what p values actually mean. -Chapter outlines, defined key terms, sidebars of key points, and summarized take-home messages provide a study tool at exam time. -http://www.routledge.com/cw/cumming offers for students: ESCI downloads; data sets; key term flashcards; tips for using SPSS for analyzing data; and videos. For instructors it offers: tips for teaching the new statistics and Open Science; additional homework exercises; assessment items; answer keys for homework and assessment items; and downloadable text images; and PowerPoint lecture slides. Intended for introduction to statistics, data analysis, or quantitative methods courses in psychology, education, and other social and health sciences, researchers interested in understanding the new statistics will also appreciate this book. No familiarity with introductory statistics is assumed.
Introduction to the New Statistics: Estimation, Open Science, and Beyond
by Geoff Cumming Robert Calin-JagemanThis fully revised and updated second edition is an essential introduction to inferential statistics. It is the first introductory statistics text to use an estimation approach from the start and also to explain the new and exciting Open Science practices, which encourage replication and enhance the trustworthiness of research. The estimation approach, with meta-analysis (“the new statistics”), is exactly what’s needed for Open Science.Key features of this new edition include: Even greater prominence for Open Science throughout the book. Students easily understand basic Open Science practices and are guided to use them in their own work. There is discussion of the latest developments now being widely adopted across science and medicine. Integration of new open-source esci (Estimation Statistics with Confidence Intervals) software, running in jamovi. This is ideal for the book and extends seamlessly to what’s required for more advanced courses, and also by researchers. See www.thenewstatistics.com/itns/esci/jesci/. Colorful interactive simulations, including the famous dances, to help make key statistical ideas intuitive. These are now freely available through any browser. See www.esci.thenewstatistics.com/. Coverage of both estimation and null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) approaches, with full guidance on how to translate between the two. Effective learning strategies and pedagogical features to promote critical thinking, comprehension and retention Designed for introduction to statistics, data analysis, or quantitative methods courses in psychology, education, and other social and health sciences, researchers interested in understanding Open Science and the new statistics will also appreciate this book. No familiarity with introductory statistics is assumed.A comprehensive website offers data sets, key term flashcards, learning guides, and videos describing key concepts and demonstrating the use of esci. For instructors, there are guides for teaching the new statistics and Open Science, assessment exercises, question banks, downloadable slides, and more. Altogether, the website provides engaging learning resources for traditional or flipped classrooms. See www.routledge.com/cw/cumming.
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology
by Daniel A. Weiskopf Fred AdamsPsychology aims to give us a scientific account of how the mind works. But what does it mean to have a science of the mental, and what sort of picture of the mind emerges from our best psychological theories? This book addresses these philosophical puzzles in a way that is accessible to readers with little or no background in psychology or neuroscience. Using clear and detailed case studies and drawing on up-to-date empirical research, it examines perception and action, the link between attention and consciousness, the modularity of mind, how we understand other minds, and the influence of language on thought, as well as the relationship between mind, brain, body, and world. The result is an integrated and comprehensive overview of much of the architecture of the mind, which will be valuable for both students and specialists in philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science.