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Inuit Morality Play: The Emotional Education of a Three-Year-Old

by Jean L. Briggs

"Is your mother good?" "Are you good?" "Do you want to come live with me?" Inuit adults often playfully present small children with difficult, even dangerous, choices and then dramatize the consequences of the child's answers. They are enacting in larger-than-life form the plots that drive Inuit social life--testing, acting out problems, entertaining themselves, and, most of all, bringing up their children. In a riveting narrative, psychological anthropologist Jean L. Briggs takes us through six months of dramatic interactions in the life of Chubby Maata, a three-year-old girl growing up in a Baffin Island hunting camp. The book examines the issues that engaged the child--belonging, possession, love--and shows the process of her growing. Briggs questions the nature of "sharedness" in culture and assumptions about how culture is transmitted. She suggests that both cultural meanings and strong personal commitment to one's world can be (and perhaps must be) acquired not by straightforwardly learning attitudes, rules, and habits in a dependent mode but by experiencing oneself as an agent engaged in productive conflict in emotionally problematic situations. Briggs finds that dramatic play is an essential force in Inuit social life. It creates and supports values; engenders and manages attachments and conflicts; and teaches and maintains an alert, experimental, constantly testing approach to social relationships.

invariance and Variability in Speech Processes

by Joseph S. Perkell Dennis H. Klatt

First published in 1986. The important implications of speech variability for the future of speech related technology, in combination with the multifaceted debate about invariance among speech scientists, make this a most appropriate time to evaluate the state our knowledge in this area. On October 8-10, 1983 researchers from the fields of production, perception, acoustics, pathology, psychology, linguistics, language acquisition, synthesis and recognition met at a. symposium at M.I.T. on invariance and variability of speech processes. This volume is the Proceedings of the symposium. Each chapter of the book consists of a focus paper followed by some comments.

Invariances in Human Information Processing (Scientific Psychology Series #24)

by Thomas Lachmann Tina Weis

Invariances in Human Information Processing examines and identifies processing universals and how they are implemented in elementary judgemental processes. This edited collection offers evidence that these universals can be extracted and identified from observing law-like principles in perception, cognition, and action. Addressing memory operations, development, and conceptual learning, this book considers basic and complex meso- and makro-stages of information processing. Chapter authors provide theoretical accounts of cognitive processing that may offer tools for identification of functional components in brain activity in cognitive neuroscience

Invariant Measurement: Using Rasch Models in the Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences

by George Engelhard Jr.

This introductory text describes the principles of invariant measurement, how invariant measurement can be achieved with Rasch models, and how to use invariant measurement to solve measurement problems in the social, behavioral, and health sciences. Rasch models are used throughout but a comparison of Rasch models to other item response theory (IRT) models is also provided. Written with students in mind, the manuscript was class tested to help maximize accessibility. Chapters open with an introduction and close with a summary and discussion. Numerous examples and exercises demonstrate the main issues addressed in each chapter. Key terms are defined when first introduced and in an end-of-text glossary. All of the book’s analyses were conducted with the Facets program. The data sets used in the book, sample syntax files for running the Facets program, Excel files for creating item and person response functions, links to related websites, and other material are available at Highlights include: A strong philosophical and methodological approach to measurement in the human sciences Demonstrations of how measurement problems can be addressed using invariant measurement Practical illustrations of how to create and evaluate scales using invariant measurement A history of measurement based on test-score and scaling traditions Previously unpublished work in analyzing rating data, the detection and measurement of rater errors, and the evaluation of rater accuracy A review of estimation methods, model-data fit, indices used to evaluate the quality of rater-mediated assessments, rater error and bias, and rater accuracy. Intended as a supplementary text for graduate or advanced undergraduate courses on measurement or test theory, item response theory, scaling theory, psychometrics, advanced measurement techniques, research methods, or evaluation research taught in education, psychology, and the social and health sciences, the book also appeals to practitioners and researchers in these fields who develop or use scales and instruments. Only a basic mathematical level is required including a basic course in statistic.

Invariant Measurement: Using Rasch Models in the Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences

by null George Engelhard, Jr. null Jue Wang

This is the second edition of an introductory text that describes the principles of invariant measurement; how invariant measurement can be achieved using Rasch measurement theory; and how to use invariant measurement to solve a variety of measurement problems in the social, behavioral, and health sciences. Rasch models are used throughout the text, but brief comparisons of Rasch models to other item response theory (IRT) models are also provided.Written with students in mind, this new edition was class-tested to help maximize accessibility. Chapters open with an introduction and close with a discussion and summary. All chapters have been updated from the first edition, and a new chapter on explanatory Rasch models has been added. Features include numerous examples and exercises to demonstrate the main issues addressed in each chapter. Key terms are defined when first introduced and included in a helpful end-of-text glossary.This book also benefits from online materials which include the data sets used in the book, sample syntax files for running the Facets program, Excel files for creating item and person response functions, and links to related websites.This book will act as a supplementary text for graduate or advanced undergraduate courses on measurement or test theory, IRT, scaling theory, psychometrics, advanced measurement techniques, research methods, or evaluation research taught in education, psychology, and other social and health sciences. It will also appeal to practitioners and researchers in these fields who develop or use scales and instruments. Only a basic mathematical level is required, including a basic course in statistics, ensuring it is an accessible resource for students and researchers alike.

Invariant Measurement with Raters and Rating Scales: Rasch Models for Rater-Mediated Assessments

by George Engelhard Jr. Stefanie Wind

The purpose of this book is to present methods for developing, evaluating and maintaining rater-mediated assessment systems. Rater-mediated assessments involve ratings that are assigned by raters to persons responding to constructed-response items (e.g., written essays and teacher portfolios) and other types of performance assessments. This book addresses the following topics: (1) introduction to the principles of invariant measurement, (2) application of the principles of invariant measurement to rater-mediated assessments, (3) description of the lens model for rater judgments, (4) integration of principles of invariant measurement with the lens model of cognitive processes of raters, (5) illustration of substantive and psychometric issues related to rater-mediated assessments in terms of validity, reliability, and fairness, and (6) discussion of theoretical and practical issues related to rater-mediated assessment systems. Invariant measurement is fast becoming the dominant paradigm for assessment systems around the world, and this book provides an invaluable resource for graduate students, measurement practitioners, substantive theorists in the human sciences, and other individuals interested in invariant measurement when judgments are obtained with rating scales.

The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic (Princeton Legacy Library #454)

by Hadley Cantril

On Halloween night 1938, Orson Welles broadcast a radio adaptation of the H. G. Wells fantasy, The War of the Worlds. What listeners heard sounded so realistic that at least a million were frightened by word that "strange creatures" from Mars had landed in central New Jersey and were "unleashing a deadly assault." Several thousand were so terrified they ran into the streets, drove away in their cars, or called the police for information about how to escape. Why did so many panic when the circumstances reported were so improbable? That is just the question Hadley Cantril, then a young social psychologist, set out to answer.Originally published in 1940, The Invasion from Mars remains a classic. The broadcast provided a unique real-life opportunity to explore why the relatively new medium of radio could have such an effect. Using a mix of research methods, Cantril shows that the impact of the broadcast had less to do with what went out over the air than with the "standards of judgment" people did or did not use in evaluating what they were hearing. This book is of continuing value to those interested in communications and mass behavior.

Invasive Objects: Minds Under Siege (Relational Perspectives Book Series)

by Paul Williams

The "Director" controls Ms. B’s life. He flatters her, beguiles her, derides her. His instructions pervade each aspect of her life, including her analytic sessions, during which he suggests promiscuous and dangerous things for Ms. B to say and do, when he suspects that her isolated state is being changed by the therapy. The "Director" is a diabolical foreign body installed in the mind who purports to protect but who keeps Ms. B feeling profoundly ill and alone. The story of Ms. B’s analysis is one of many vivid illustrations presented in this collection of papers by Paul Williams, who shares his lifetime of experience working with severely disturbed patients. As the title suggests, the unifying thread of these papers is the investigation of serious mental disturbance, often characterized by the presence of intrusive and invasive thoughts and fantasies that originate in a traumatic past but which can colonize and destroy the rational mind. The diverse papers are grouped into two related sections. Part one is comprised of papers with a clinical orientation, including a summary of the analysis of Ms. B as well as a speculative paper on the psychosis and recovery of John Nash. In part two, applied psychoanalytic thinking is integrated with Williams’ other professional passion, anthropology, in a paper that exemplifies generative thought through art, poetry, and tribal masks. Other papers in this section include a short essay that takes Freud-bashers to task, a reappraisal of the Rat Man, and a lively discussion of André Green’s "central phobic position" in borderline thinking. Whether engaging in the coconstructed therapeutic relationship or the implications for "madness in society" at large, Williams’ diverse influences – psychoanalytic and otherwise – repeatedly come to the fore in an intellectually stimulating and clinically enriching way. It goes without saying that work with patients whose thinking is psychotic is a challenge, as these papers clearly demonstrate, but Williams reminds us that it is a challenge that psychoanalysis can not only engage but also treat with enduring and impressive therapeutic results.

Inventing Adolescence: The Political Psychology of Everyday Schooling

by Joseph Adelson

There is a widespread and deep awareness that all is not well with American public education nor with the students, educators, and administrators who are charged with making citizens literate. Joseph Adelson's work has gained considerable prominence in this ongoing reevaluation. Writing with force, verve, and the tools of advanced study, Adelson's book provides what might be the most comprehensive look at American education since the work of Diane Ravitch. The materials include revised and updated versions of essays that caused a real stir when they first appeared in the pages of Commentary, Daedalus, The American Scholar, and The Public Interest, among other places.The work goes against the grain of rhetoric but quite with the grain of the best in social science: That the erosion of trust in the American young has been far less severe than in the American old, that the degree of pathology, alienation, and rebelliousness in the American adolescent population is far from alarming. On the whole, each and every serious research study shows the vast majority of teenagers to be competent, purposeful, at ease with themselves, and closely bonded to their families and their values. This is, however, no pollyannish version of American education, but a tough-minded critique of educators and administrators who prefer ideological generalities to empirical truths, and whose vested interests are not in the requirements of learning, but ultimately in its subversion. The invention of adolescence was a search for a problem child more nearly detected in problematic adults.

Inventing Arguments: Brief 4th Edition

by John Mauk John Metz

Organized around common rhetorical situations that occur all around us, INVENTING ARGUMENTS shows you that argument is a living process rather than a form to be modeled. Through the text's prominent focus on invention, you will learn to recognize the rhetorical elements of any argumentative situation and apply the tools of argument effectively in your own writing. The basic layers of argument are introduced in early chapters, with material arranged into increasingly sophisticated topics beginning with the most obvious or explicit layers (claims) and moving to more implied or "hidden" layers (assumptions, values, beliefs, ideology). By the time you finish Part 1, you will have a thorough understanding of argument, which you can then apply not just to the invention projects but also to your writing for other college courses and beyond.

Inventing Arguments (Second Edition)

by John Mauk John Metz

The text's prominent focus on invention teaches students to recognize the rhetorical elements of any argumentative situation and apply the tools of argument effectively in their own writing.

Inventing God: Psychology of Belief and the Rise of Secular Spirituality (Philosophy and Psychoanalysis)

by Jon Mills

In this controversial book, philosopher and psychoanalyst Jon Mills argues that God does not exist; and more provocatively, that God cannot exist as anything but an idea. Put concisely, God is a psychological creation signifying ultimate ideality. Mills argues that the idea or conception of God is the manifestation of humanity’s denial and response to natural deprivation; a self-relation to an internalized idealized object, the idealization of imagined value. After demonstrating the lack of any empirical evidence and the logical impossibility of God, Mills explains the psychological motivations underlying humanity’s need to invent a supreme being. In a highly nuanced analysis of unconscious processes informing the psychology of belief and institutionalized social ideology, he concludes that belief in God is the failure to accept our impending death and mourn natural absence for the delusion of divine presence. As an alternative to theistic faith, he offers a secular spirituality that emphasizes the quality of lived experience, the primacy of feeling and value inquiry, ethical self-consciousness, aesthetic and ecological sensibility, and authentic relationality toward self, other, and world as the pursuit of a beautiful soul in search of the numinous. Inventing God will be of interest to academics, scholars, lay audiences and students of religious studies, the humanities, philosophy, and psychoanalysis, among other disciplines. It will also appeal to psychotherapists, psychoanalysts and mental health professionals focusing on the integration of humanities and psychoanalysis.

Inventing Ourselves: The Secret Life of the Teenage Brain

by Sarah-Jayne Blakemore

A tour through the groundbreaking science behind the enigmatic, but crucial, brain developments of adolescence and how those translate into teenage behaviorThe brain creates every feeling, emotion, and desire we experience, and stores every one of our memories. And yet, until very recently, scientists believed our brains were fully developed from childhood on. Now, thanks to imaging technology that enables us to look inside the living human brain at all ages, we know that this isn't so. Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, one of the world's leading researchers into adolescent neurology, explains precisely what is going on in the complex and fascinating brains of teenagers--namely that the brain goes on developing and changing right through adolescence--with profound implications for the adults these young people will become.Drawing from cutting-edge research, including her own, Blakemore shows:How an adolescent brain differs from those of children and adultsWhy problem-free kids can turn into challenging teensWhat drives the excessive risk-taking and all-consuming relationships common among teenagersAnd why many mental illnesses--depression, addiction, schizophrenia--present during these formative yearsBlakemore's discoveries have transformed our understanding of the teenage mind, with consequences for law, education policy and practice, and, most of all, parents.

Inventing the Ties That Bind: Imagined Relationships in Moral and Political Life

by Francesca Polletta

From deciding to hold the door for the person behind you, to resolving for whom you will cast your vote, every day we find ourselves charged with making moral decisions. What steers our choices? And how do we weigh competing priorities and moral convictions? In Inventing the Ties That Bind, Francesca Polletta shows that we do not solve these dilemmas, whether personal or political, based on self-interest alone. Instead, relationships serve as a kind of moral compass. People consider the nature of their ties to one another to know what their obligations are, and in situations that are unfamiliar, they sometimes figure out the right thing to do by imagining themselves in relationships they do not actually have. Polletta takes up a wide range of cases, from debt settlement agencies to the southern civil rights movement, revealing that our relationships and how we imagine them are at the heart of our moral lives—guiding us as we choose whom to help and how we define what it means to treat someone as our equal. In a time of growing polarization, understanding how we make sense of our ties to one another is more urgent than ever.

Invention And The Unconscious (International Library Of Psychology Ser.)

by Joseph-Marie Montmasson

This is Volume X in a series of twenty-one in a collection on Cognitive Psychology. Originally published in 1931, in this book, M. Montmasson is concerned to demonstrate a fact of the first importance, easily overlooked. The fact is this, that human inventions in the widest sense of the word, are products of the unconscious.

Invention in the Real: Papers of the Freudian School of Melbourne (Papers of the Freudian School of Melbourne)

by Linda Clifton

The Papers of the Freudian School of Melbourne, Volume 24 give testament to that quasi - suicidal risk taken by analysts and members of the school, in applying, not a technique, but the Freudian method to their clinical practice, to their seminars, to their writing and to the functioning of the School itself. In pursuing a practice that seeks to avoid the inertia spoken of by Lacan, the contributors to this volume take the risk of encountering the impasses of the clinic today and the incompleteness of Lacanian theory with invention. Being marked by the residue of the psychoanalytic clinic they continue to work their transference to that clinic and to the texts of Freud and Lacan. Included in this volume is a paper by Oscar Zentner, founder of the School as well as translations of papers and extracts from books by analysts from overseas.

The Invention of Heterosexual Culture

by Louis-Georges Tin

Heterosexuality is celebrated--in film and television, in pop songs and opera, in literature and on greeting cards--and at the same time taken for granted. It is the cultural and sexual norm by default. And yet, as Louis-Georges Tin shows in The Invention of Heterosexual Culture, in premodern Europe heterosexuality was perceived as an alternative culture. The practice of heterosexuality may have been standard, but the symbolic primacy of the heterosexual couple was not. Tin maps the emergence of heterosexual culture in Western Europe and the significant resistance to it from feudal lords, church fathers, and the medical profession. Tin writes that before the phenomenon of "courtly love" in the early twelfth century, the man-woman pairing had not been deemed a subject worthy of more than passing interest. As heterosexuality became a recurrent theme in art and literature, the nobility came to view it as a disruption of the feudal chivalric ethos of virility and male bonding. If feudal lords objected to the "hetero" in heterosexuality and what they saw as the associated dangers of weakness and effeminacy, the church took issue with the "sexuality," which threatened the Christian ethos of renunciation and divine love. Finally, the medical profession cast heterosexuality as pathology, warning of an epidemic of "lovesickness. " Noting that the discourse of heterosexuality does not belong to heterosexuals alone, Tin offers a groundbreaking history that reasserts the cultural identity of heterosexuality.

The Invention of Heterosexuality

by Jonathan Ned Katz

Heterosexuality, assumed to denote a universal sexual and cultural norm, has been largely exempt from critical scrutiny. In this boldly original work, Jonathan Ned Katz challenges the common notion that the distinction between heterosexuality and homosexuality has been a timeless one. Building on the history of medical terminology, he reveals that as late as 1923, the term "heterosexuality" referred to a "morbid sexual passion," and that its current usage emerged to legitimate men and women having sex for pleasure. Drawing on the works of Sigmund Freud, James Baldwin, Betty Friedan, and Michel Foucault, The Invention of Heterosexuality considers the effects of heterosexuality's recently forged primacy on both scientific literature and popular culture. "Lively and provocative."--Carol Tavris, New York Times Book Review. "A valuable primer ... misses no significant twists in sexual politics."--Gary Indiana, Village Voice Literary Supplement. "One of the most important--if not outright subversive--works to emerge from gay and lesbian studies in years."--Mark Thompson, The Advocate.

The Invention of Madness: State, Society, and the Insane in Modern China (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute)

by Emily Baum

Throughout most of history, in China the insane were kept within the home and treated by healers who claimed no specialized knowledge of their condition. In the first decade of the twentieth century, however, psychiatric ideas and institutions began to influence longstanding beliefs about the proper treatment for the mentally ill. In The Invention of Madness, Emily Baum traces a genealogy of insanity from the turn of the century to the onset of war with Japan in 1937, revealing the complex and convoluted ways in which “madness” was transformed in the Chinese imagination into “mental illness.” ? Focusing on typically marginalized historical actors, including municipal functionaries and the urban poor, The Invention of Madness shifts our attention from the elite desire for modern medical care to the ways in which psychiatric discourses were implemented and redeployed in the midst of everyday life. New meanings and practices of madness, Baum argues, were not just imposed on the Beijing public but continuously invented by a range of people in ways that reflected their own needs and interests. Exhaustively researched and theoretically informed, The Invention of Madness is an innovative contribution to medical history, urban studies, and the social history of twentieth-century China.

The Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages

by Geraldine Heng

In The Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages, Geraldine Heng questions the common assumption that race and racisms only began in the modern era. Examining Europe’s encounters with Jews, Muslims, Africans, Native Americans, Mongols, and the Romani (“Gypsies”) from the twelfth through fifteenth centuries, she shows how racial thinking, racial law, racial practices, and racial phenomena existed in medieval Europe before a recognizable vocabulary of race emerged in the West. Analyzing sources in a variety of media, including stories, maps, statuary, illustrations, architectural features, history, saints’ lives, religious commentary, laws, political and social institutions, and literature, she argues that religion – so much in play again today – enabled the positing of fundamental differences among humans that created strategic essentialisms to mark off human groups and populations for racialized treatment. Her groundbreaking study also shows how race figured in the emergence of homo europaeus and the identity of Western Europe in this time.

The Invention of Tomorrow: A Natural History of Foresight

by Thomas Suddendorf Jonathan Redshaw Adam Bulley

A spellbinding exploration of the human capacity to imagine the future Our ability to think about the future is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal. In The Invention of Tomorrow, cognitive scientists Thomas Suddendorf, Jonathan Redshaw, and Adam Bulley argue that its emergence transformed humans from unremarkable primates to creatures that hold the destiny of the planet in their hands. Drawing on their own cutting-edge research, the authors break down the science of foresight, showing us where it comes from, how it works, and how it made our world. Journeying through biology, psychology, history, and culture, they show that thinking ahead is at the heart of human nature—even if we often get it terribly wrong. Incisive and expansive, The Invention of Tomorrow offers a fresh perspective on the human tale that shows how our species clawed its way to control the future.

Inventology: How We Dream Up Things That Change the World

by Pagan Kennedy

Find out where great ideas come from in this &“delightful account of how inventors do what they do&” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review). A father cleans up after his toddler and imagines a cup that won&’t spill. An engineer watches people using walkie-talkies and has an idea. A doctor figures out how to deliver patients to the operating room before they die. By studying inventions like these—the sippy cup, the cell phone, and an ingenious hospital bed —we can learn how people imagine their way around &“impossible&” problems to discover groundbreaking answers. Pagan Kennedy reports on how these enduring methods can be adapted to the twenty-first century, as millions of us deploy tools like crowdfunding, big data, and 3-D printing to find hidden opportunities. Inventology uses the stories of inventors and surprising research to reveal the steps that produce innovation. Recent advances in technology and communication have placed us at the cusp of a golden age; it&’s now more possible than ever before to transform ideas into actuality. Inventology is a must-read for designers, artists, makers—and anyone else who is curious about creativity. By identifying the steps of the invention process, Kennedy reveals the imaginative tools required to solve our most challenging problems. &“There&’s ample interest here even for readers who aren&’t actively inventing anything.&” —The Boston Globe

Invertebrate Justice: Extending The Boundaries of Non-Speciesist Green Criminology (Palgrave Studies in Green Criminology)

by Russil Durrant

Invertebrates are the neglected majority of the animal world. Even though they make up over 95% of animal life, they rarely feature in discussions of speciesism, animal ethics or species justice. This book aims to extend the work of non-speciesist criminologists to argue for the idea of ‘invertebrate justice’. Utilizing green criminologist Rob White’s (2013) eco-justice perspective, the book demonstrates how our interactions with invertebrate species (insects, crustaceans, molluscs and so forth) cause a significant amount of harm to those animals themselves (species justice), the ecosystems in which they are embedded (ecological justice), and ultimately to humans (environmental justice). Across three sections, it provides an overview of the ways in which humans and invertebrates interact across a diverse range of contexts and reviews the literature on both invertebrate biodiversity and invertebrate sentience; builds a theoretical framework that can help us understand what invertebrate justice might mean; and tackles the difficult question of how best we can promote invertebrate justice in the future. It appeals to academics, environmental scientists, activists and policymakers.

Investigación en Psicología

by Connor Whiteley

¿Cómo se investiga la psicología? ¿Qué sesgos afectan a la investigación? ¿Qué es la investigación cualitativa? Estas son sólo algunas de las preguntas interesantes e importantes que exploraremos en este libro mientras exploramos cómo se investiga la psicología. Así que, únanse a mí mientras exploramos juntos el fascinante mundo de la investigación psicológica en este libro con un tono de conversación intrigante que claramente desglosa y evalúa críticamente los conceptos y teorías para que todos puedan disfrutar de las maravillas de la psicología.... ¡y no tengan un dolor de cabeza al final!

Investigating Classroom Talk

by A. Edwards D. P. Westgate

In this fully revised and extended edition, Tony Edwards and David Westgate continue to examine methods of investigation for use in classrooms and ways in which researchers and teachers may advance their knowledge of classroom talk. They have taken the opportunity to add material on oracy and the importance of spoken language in the curriculum.; All research evidence and bibliographic material has been revised and updated. This book should continue to be an important text for a new generation of students and researchers in language and linguistics, social science and education studies.

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