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Involving Senior Citizens in Group Music Therapy

by Joseph Pinson

This practical guide to running music therapy groups with senior citizens provides effective strategies that encourage therapists to be creative and engaging, and involve participants fully in the music-making process.Ideal for those working with older people in assisted living or nursing care homes, the book covers initial assessment, setting measurable goals, and evaluating progress; discusses current music therapy techniques; and offers an improved plan of intervention. The author explains how to choose or create music that is accessible to this age group, designing strategies that utilize cognitive, motor, social-emotional, and music skills to the fullest. The book provides useful original music and shows readers how to compose their own songs that relate to the experiences of the group they are working with, emphasizing shared common interests and enjoyment in the moment.

The Inward Eye: Psychoanalysts Reflect on Their Lives and Work (Psychoanalytic Therapy Ser.)

by Laurie W. Raymond Susan Rosbrow-Reich

A central, although unappreciated, dimension of psychoanalysis is the complex oral tradition through which analysts verbally reconstruct their lives and careers. The Inward Eye captures a significant portion of this tradition. In a series of interviews initially conceived as an aspect of their psychoanalytic education, Laurie Raymond and Susan Rosbrow-Reich skillfully elicit the fascinating personal stories of 16 senior analysts. The interviewees, who represent diverse theoretical traditions and cultural backgrounds, share a willingness to reflect candidly on their preanalytic years, their formative influences, their entry into psychoanalysis, and their relationships with mentors and colleagues. Out of this skillfully guided journey into the personal past emerges a vital human context for understanding the theoretical preferences and clinical styles of analysts as diverse as Arthur Valenstein, Joseph and Anne-Marie Sandler, Jacob Arlow, Andre Green, Leo Stone, Leo and Anita Rangell, Edward Weinshel, Merton M. Gill, Albert Solnit, W. Clifford M. Scott, James McLaughlin, Rebecca Solomon, Joyce McDougall, M. Robert Gardner, and Janine Chasseguet-Smirgel. Raymond and Rosbrow-Reich succeed in capturing the essential humanity of all their interview subjects, in showing how their subjects' lives outside the consulting room have shaped, and in turn been shaped by, the analytic identities they assume behind the couch. An engrossing read, wonderfully revelatory of its creative subjects, The Inward Eye is also an invaluable contribution to psychoanalytic history.

The Inward Gaze: Masculinity and Subjectivity in Modern Culture (Routledge Revivals)

by Peter Middleton

First published in 1992, The Inward Gaze looks at men’s fantasies and self-images from a wide range of texts (notably boy’s superhero comics, modernist literary classics, and a Freudian case-study) to discuss the theories of subjectivity, masculinity, and emotion.The author explores the split between the experience-based claims of the men’s movement and the discourse theories of postmodernism. Does this division reveal a continuing refusal of masculine self-awareness? Why does postmodernist theory investigate desire and ignore emotion?This is a ground-breaking and controversial book which seeks to reformulate the way we think about men’s subjectivity. Its interdisciplinary approach weaves together material from many different sources and will be of vital interest to students of literature, cultural studies, gender studies, and psychoanalysis.

The Inward Outlook: Conscious Choice as a Daily Practice

by Laura Basha

Every day, we take in data from the world around us and store that data in our intellect. Then, without conscious awareness, we listen to that data—a process we call &“thinking&”—and use what it tells us to inform our decisions. But living our lives this way means always living in the past, and it limits us more than we think.In The Inward Outlook, psychologist Laura Basha shares how to discern this habitual way of thinking from the innate wisdom and common sense that we all have available to us at all times. Once we can see this distinction between personal thinking from the past and in-the-moment, impersonal, diffuse thinking, we are awakened to the conscious choice point, which allows us to make choices with awareness and to release judgment of ourselves and of others. We then consciously create ourselves to be the best version of ourselves we can be: our authentic, powerfully creative, compassionate selves. A powerful guide to accessing one&’s own innate health, well-being, and wisdom, The Inward Outlook is an accessible exploration of a principle-based paradigm that educates people in the role thought plays in creating their experience of reality—and a road map to cultivating inspired focus, accomplishment, and peace of mind in one&’s life.

IQ and Psychometric Tests: Assess Your Personality Aptitude and Intelligence (Testing Series)

by Philip Carter

IQ and psychometric tests are increasingly used in recruitment and selection procedures by those companies who want to ensure they employ workers of the highest calibre.With hundreds of questions on verbal, numerical and spatial ability, memory, creativity and personality, IQ and Psychometric Tests will help you to weigh up your strengths and weaknesses and improve your score. It also includes two full length IQ tests.Vital preparation for anyone facing these tests as part of a recruitment procedure, IQ and Psychometric Tests will also appeal to anyone who enjoys stretching their mind and exercising their brain.

The IQ Answer

by Dr Frank Lawlis

In the bestselling The ADD Answer, Dr. Frank Lawlis provided thousands with valuable information about treatments for ADD and ADHD. Now he shares his expert advice on how to unleash the power of the mind. Through his groundbreaking thirteen-step method, Dr.Lawlis offers clear, easy-to-follow strategies for overcoming thinking patterns that hamper success. Many case studies of his former patients illustrate how these simple techniques can change lives. The result of years of clinical research, his program is a mind, body, and soul approach that includes breathing exercises and nutritional advice. The IQ Answer is a fascinating and user-friendly guide to fulfilling one's potential. With millions of new cases of ADD and other learning disabilities diagnosed every year, parents are searching for solutions to help them break through their children's performance plateaus. And any adult who has ever been frustrated by a stubborn mental block will learn the steps to scale it and tackle any project creatively. Written in response to the overwhelming need that Dr. Lawlis sees every day in his practice and in his role as Dr. Phil's primary contributing psychologist, The IQ Answer will be a powerful tool for all those who want to be as successful as they can be.

Iranian Cinema with Psychoanalysis: The Interpreter of Desires (The LACK Book Series)

by null Farshid Kazemi

Combining Lacanian psychoanalytic theory, Iranian Shi'ite thought, and Islamicate sexualities, Iranian Cinema with Psychoanalysis: The Interpreter of Desires provides a groundbreaking analysis of the logic of desire and sexuality in key films of contemporary Iranian cinema, arguing that there is a profound, albeit surprising, correlation between post-revolutionary Iranian cinema and psychoanalysis that has remained unthought.Looking through the prism of psychoanalysis, Farshid Kazemi argues that censorship on the representation and expression of sexual desire in Iranian films has, contrary to the desired effect, produced a cinema of desire. This book is the first to provide an analysis of the unconscious structure of desire and sexuality operative in post-revolutionary Iranian cinema, demonstrating that psychoanalytic literature is uniquely positioned to shed light on this aspect of film. Kazemi uncovers the hidden libidinal economy of Iranian cinema by exposing the fact that despite the State censor’s desire to suppress desire, it has inadvertently inscribed desire in its formal structure. The book offers a compelling and innovative examination of Iranian cinema through a psychoanalytic lens, contributing significantly to the field of film studies.Iranian Cinema with Psychoanalysis will be of great interest to academics and scholars of film studies, psychoanalytic studies, Lacanian theory, film theory, Iranian cinema, global cinema, Iranian studies, and Middle Eastern studies.

Iranians in London: Voices of Exile (Studies in the Psychosocial)

by Mahnaz Sekechi

This book explores the psychosocial significance of loss and exclusion in the lives of many Iranian immigrants living in London since the Iranian revolution of 1979. It addresses the experiences of middle-class Iranians who left Iran in both ‘voluntary’ contexts (immigration) and in ‘enforced’ contexts (exile). The author elucidates the experiences of ‘ordinary’ middle-class Iranians who chose to leave Iran given the socio-politico-cultural context of the changes wrought by the Islamic Republic in Iranian society. Mahnaz Sekechi argues that losses of country, liberty and security in Iran combined with varying degrees of social exclusion and downward mobility in London have led to an encapsulated sadness for many, despite their capacity for creative living. The book also demonstrates the value of psychosocial analysis in understanding dislocations in general and their effects on wellbeing.


by Haggai Ram

Israel and Iran invariably are portrayed as sworn enemies, engaged in an unending conflict with potentially apocalyptic implications. Iranophobiaoffers an innovative and provocative new reading of this conflict. Concerned foremost with how Israelis perceive Iran, the author steps back from all-too-common geopolitical analyses to show that this conflict is as much a product of shared cultural trajectories and entangled histories as it is one of strategic concerns and political differences. Haggai Ram, an Israeli scholar, explores prevalent Israeli assumptions about Iran to look at how these assumptions have, in turn, reflected and shaped Jewish Israeli identity. Drawing on diverse political, cultural, and academic sources, he concludes that anti-Iran phobias in the Israeli public sphere are largely projections of perceived domestic threats to the prevailing Israeli ethnocratic order. At the same time, he examines these phobias in relation to the Jewish state's use of violence in the Palestinian territories and Lebanon in the post-9/11 world. In the end, Ram demonstrates that the conflict between Israel and Iran may not be as essential and polarized as common knowledge assumes. Israeli anti-Iran phobias are derived equally from domestic anxieties about the Jewish state's ethnic and religious identities and from exaggerated and displaced strategic concerns in the era of the "war on terrorism. "

Irgendwann muss doch mal Ruhe sein!: Institutionelles Ringen um Aufarbeitung von sexualisierter Gewalt und Machtmissbrauch an einem Institut für analytische Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie (Sexuelle Gewalt in Kindheit und Jugend: Forschung als Beitrag zur Aufarbeitung)

by Gerhard Hackenschmied Peter Caspari Helga Dill Cornelia Caspari

Das Buch liefert – erstmals im deutschsprachigen Raum – einen umfassenden wissenschaftlichen Beitrag zur Aufarbeitung sexualisierter Gewalt in einem Psychotherapieinstitut. Die qualitative Fallstudie nimmt jahrzehntelangen Machtmissbrauch und sexualisierte Gewalt durch den Leiter eines analytischen Kinder- und Jugendinstituts in den Blick. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die in diesem System verstrickten Psychotherapeut*innen zentralen Vorstellungen und Konzepten ihrer Profession nicht gerecht werden: Schweigen, Verleugnung, Rationalisierung, Abwehr von Verantwortung und Ignoranz gegenüber Betroffenen verhindern über lange Zeit die Aufdeckung der Taten und nachhaltige Formen der Aufarbeitung. Das Institutsleben wird von einer dialektischen Spannung zwischen der Notwendigkeit der Bearbeitung und dem Wunsch nach ungestörtem Funktionieren geprägt. Diese Dynamik erweist sich zugleich als Analogie zu Problembewältigungsmustern psychotherapeutischer Patient*innen. Der Fall verweist auf grundsätzliche Probleme im Bereich der Psychotherapie, die vor allem mit einem strukturellen Machtungleichgewicht und ausgeprägten Abhängigkeitsverhältnissen sowohl im Kontext der Ausbildung als auch im Behandlungssetting zu tun haben. Aus den Erkenntnissen dieser empirischen Untersuchung werden professions- und organisationsethische Überlegungen abgeleitet und – darauf basierend – konkrete Empfehlungen zur Prävention von sexualisierter Gewalt in Psychotherapieinstituten formuliert.

The Irrational Bundle

by Dan Ariely

Dan Ariely's three New York Times bestselling books on his groundbreaking behavioral economics research, Predictably Irrational, The Upside of Irrationality, and The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty, are now available for the first time in a single volume,

The Irrational Bundle

by Dr Dan Ariely

Dan Ariely's three New York Times bestselling books on his groundbreaking behavioral economics research, Predictably Irrational, The Upside of Irrationality, and The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty, are now available for the first time in a single volume.

Irrationally Yours: On Missing Socks, Pickup Lines, and Other Existential Puzzles

by Dr Dan Ariely William Haefeli

New York Times bestselling author Dan Ariely teams up with legendary New Yorker cartoonist William Haefeli to present an expanded, illustrated anthology of his immensely popular Wall Street Journal advice column, "Ask Ariely."Social scientist Dan Ariely revolutionized the way we think about ourselves, our minds, and our actions in his books Predictably Irrational, The Upside of Irrationality, and The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty. Ariely applies this scientific analysis of the human condition in his "Ask Ariely" Q&A column in the Wall Street Journal, in which he responds to readers who write in with personal conundrums, ranging from the serious to the curious. What can you do to stay calm when you're playing the volatile stock market? What's the best way to get someone to stop smoking? How can you maximize the return on your investment at an all-you-can-eat buffet? Is it possible to put a price on the human soul? Can you ever rationally justify spending thousands of dollars on a Rolex?With their trademark insight and wit, Ariely and Haefeli help us reflect on how we can reason our way through external and internal challenges. Readers will laugh, learn, and, most important, gain a new perspective on how to deal with the inevitable problems that plague daily life.

The Irreducible Needs of Children: What Every Child Must Have to Grow, Learn, and Flourish

by Stanley I. Greenspan T. Berry Brazelton

What do you get when you cross an esteemed child psychiatrist with a noted pediatrician, both at the apex of their abilities? A darned important book, that's what. --"Library Journal" (starred review)

IRRELATIONSHIP: How we use Dysfunctional Relationships to Hide from Intimacy

by Grant H Brenner Daniel Berry Mark B. Borg

An important and transformative guide that addresses the protective, yet dysfunctional dynamic where couples avoid genuine connection with an unsatisfying pattern of false intimacy. Drawing on their extensive clinical experience, the authors look at "song and dance" behavioral routines repeatedly performed by couples in irrelationships and delve into the most difficult emotions and actions to help readers achieve personal breakthroughs.Written for anyone who wants to understand unhealthy patterns and how to change them, Irrelationships will help readers develop interpersonal skills, creating a new opportunity to heal and restore loving relationships.Mark B. Borg, Jr., PhD, is a community psychologist and psychoanalyst, and a supervisor of psychotherapy at the William Alanson White Institute.Grant H. Brenner, MD, is a board-certified psychiatrist in private practice, specializing in treating mood and anxiety disorders and the complex problems that may arise in adulthood from childhood trauma and loss. Daniel Berry, RN, MHA, has practiced as a Registered Nurse in New York City since 1987 and has worked for almost two decades in community-based programs.

Irrepressible Truth

by Adrian Johnston

This book offers readers a uniquely detailed engagement with the ideas of legendary French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. The Freudian Thing is one of Lacan's most important texts, wherein he explains the significance and stakes of his "return to Freud" as a passionate defence of Freud's disturbing, epoch-making discovery of the unconscious, against misrepresentations and criticisms of it. However, Lacan is characteristically cryptic in The Freudian Thing. The combination of his writing style and vast range of references renders much of his thinking inaccessible to all but a narrow circle of scholarly specialists. Johnston's Irrepressible Truth opens up the universe of Lacanian psychoanalysis to much wider audiences by furnishing a sentence-by-sentence interpretive unpacking of this pivotal 1955 essay. In so doing, Johnston reveals the precision, rigor, and soundness of Lacan's teachings.

Irresistible: The Rise Of Addictive Technology And The Business Of Keeping Us Hooked

by Adam Alter

Welcome to the age of behavioral addiction—an age in which half of the American population is addicted to at least one behavior. We obsess over our emails, Instagram likes, and Facebook feeds; we binge on TV episodes and YouTube videos; we work longer hours each year; and we spend an average of three hours each day using our smartphones. Half of us would rather suffer a broken bone than a broken phone, and Millennial kids spend so much time in front of screens that they struggle to interact with real, live humans. In this revolutionary book, Adam Alter, a professor of psychology and marketing at NYU, tracks the rise of behavioral addiction, and explains why so many of today's products are irresistible. Though these miraculous products melt the miles that separate people across the globe, their extraordinary and sometimes damaging magnetism is no accident. The companies that design these products tweak them over time until they become almost impossible to resist. By reverse engineering behavioral addiction, Alter explains how we can harness addictive products for the good—to improve how we communicate with each other, spend and save our money, and set boundaries between work and play—and how we can mitigate their most damaging effects on our well-being, and the health and happiness of our children.Adam Alter's previous book, Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces that Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave is available in paperback from Penguin.

The Irresistible Introvert: Harness the Power of Quiet Charisma in a Loud World

by Michaela Chung

Learn the tools to shed your mask of extroversion, develop your own magnetism, and reveal the true you.One third to one half of Americans are introverts in a culture that celebrates-even enforces-an ideal of extroversion and a cult of personality. Political leaders are charismatic, celebrities bask in the spotlight, and authority figures are assertive. It is no surprise that a "quiet revolution” has begun to emerge among the "invisible” half of the population, asserting that they are just as powerful in their own unique ways.The Irresistible Introvert embodies the spirit of this revival and breaks down the myth that charisma is reserved for extroverts only. This mini manifesto shows introverts how to master the art of quiet magnetism in a noisy world-no gregariousness required! Within these pages, you’ll discover how to shed the mask of extroversion and reveal a more compelling (and authentic) you. You’ll also learn how to: Master the inner game of intrigue Manage your energy for optimal engagement Create an emotional ecosystem for charisma Establish introverted intimacy Cultivate communication skills for quiet typesAs a "professional” charismatic introvert, author Michaela Chung demonstrates that you no longer have to forcefully push yourself outward into the world against your nature, but can rather magnetize people inward toward the true you. In the process, you’ll learn to embrace your "innie life” and discover potential you never knew you had.

Irreverence: A Strategy for Therapists' Survival (The Systemic Thinking and Practice Series)

by Gianfranco Cecchin Gerry Lane Wendel A. Ray Bradford P. Keeney David Campbell Ros Draper

Irreverence: A Strategy for Therapists' Survival marks the end result of a collaboration between three creative and highly respected therapists and writers in the family therapy field. It continues the tradition of the Milan group and later systemic thinkers by examining the way a therapist's own thinking can block the process of therapy and lead to feeling stuck. The authors define and demonstrate the use of a concept in the therapeutic field - irreverence - which allows therapists to free themselves from the limitations of their own theoretical schools of thought and the familiar hypotheses they apply to their client families. They illustrate their ideas with some very challenging family therapy cases and include an interesting consultation with the staff caring for a hospitalised patient. The book also extends the notion of irreverence beyond therapy to the fields of training and research where its application is both fresh and profound.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

by Takeshi Kamiya Shin Fukudo

This edited book brings together 5 general themes of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), presenting the latest information on the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment and a number of current topics. IBS is a functional bowel disorder associated with chromic abdominal pain and altered bowel habits without identifiable organic etiology, however, to date there is no known, agreed-upon disease mechanism. This book offers insights into the various factors potentially contributing to the symptoms, and provides data on the various globally recognized strategies, including novel pharmacological treatment agents. It also discusses geographical differences and region-specific factors such as medical systems, life styles, dietary habits, gut microbiota, social stress, and genetics. The book promotes further exploration of the disease by offering a comprehensive bibliography for each chapter. It is a valuable and thought-provoking resource for clinicians, researchers, residents and PIs who are interested in the latest basic and clinical research on IBS.

Irritable Hearts: A PTSD Love Story

by Mac McClelland

An award-winning journalist explores the pain of bearing witness: “A valuable portrait of what it is like to live with PTSD . . . striking candor.” —The New York Times Book ReviewBack in California after reporting on Haiti’s devastating 2010 earthquake, Mac McClelland can’t stop reliving vivid scenes of horror. She’s plagued by waking terrors, violent fantasies, and crippling emotional breakdowns. She can’t sleep or stop crying.It becomes clear that she’s suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Her bewilderment about this sudden loss of control is magnified by the intensity of her feelings for Nico—a French soldier she met in Port-au-Prince and with whom she connected instantly and deeply.In this book, the foreign correspondent tackles perhaps her most harrowing assignment to date: investigating the damage in her own mind. She probes the depths of her illness, explores our culture’s history with PTSD, delves into the latest research, and spends time with veterans and their families. She learns that while we associate PTSD with wartime, it is more often caused by other types of trauma, and can even be contagious. Irritable Hearts is a searing, personal medical mystery that unfolds at a breakneck pace. But it is also a love story, as McClelland fights desperately to repair her heart so she can give it to the kind, patient, and compassionate man with whom she wants to share a life. Ultimately, it is a remarkable exploration of vulnerability and resilience.“Unforgettable.” —Roxane Gay, New York Times–bestselling author of Hunger“[A] deft, emotionally engaged memoir . . . As much as the love story at the heart of the book is a great romance, it’s also a very funny one. McClelland is not the sort of person who needs to idealize either herself or the man who became her husband. It’s a grown-up relationship story. And as a bonus, Irritable Hearts has a section on trauma and triggers that adds useful context to many of our present debates about discourse on the Internet.” —The Washington Post“McClelland pulls back a dark, heavy curtain on the costs paid by those who travel to the far corners of the planet to gather difficult news on difficult subjects . . . Writing like this takes courage, perhaps as much—or even more—than reporting from a war-ravaged land.” —San Francisco Chronicle

The Irritable Male Syndrome: Understanding and Managing the 4 Key Causes of Depression and Aggression

by Jed Diamond

From the bestselling author of Male Menopause comes another life-transforming book for men—and the women who love them—on overcoming the mood and behavior changes caused by fluctuating male hormones. Jed Diamond presents the most up-to-date research from around the globe to reveal why so many normally loving husbands, fathers, and sons suddenly become irritable, angry, and withdrawn. He identifies the four common triggers of Irritable Male Syndrome (IMS)—fluctuating testosterone levels, biochemical imbalances, loss of masculine identity, and stress—and then shows how best to treat this condition that, research shows, affects up to 30 percent of males, especially those in adolescence and midlife.Just as PMS is now acknowledged to be a problem in women, IMS is gaining recognition as an affliction among men. By revolutionizing the detection, understanding, and treatment of this condition, The Irritable Male Syndrome is bringing relief and happiness back to the lives of millions.

Irving Howe: A Life of Passionate Dissent

by Gerald Sorin

A New York Times “Books for Summer Reading” selectionWinner of the 2003 National Jewish Book Award for HistoryBy the time he died in 1993 at the age of 73, Irving Howe was one of the twentieth century’s most important public thinkers. Deeply passionate, committed to social reform and secular Jewishness, ardently devoted to fiction and poetry, in love with baseball, music, and ballet, Howe wrote with such eloquence and lived with such conviction that his extraordinary work is now part of the canon of American social thought.In the first comprehensive biography of Howe’s life, historian Gerald Sorin brings us close to this man who rose from Jewish immigrant poverty in the 1930s to become one of the most provocative intellectuals of our time. Known most widely for his award-winning book World of Our Fathers, a rich portrayal of the East European Jewish experience in New York, Howe also won acclaim for his prodigious output of illuminating essays on American culture and as an indefatigable promoter of democratic socialism as can be seen in the pages of Dissent, the journal he edited for nearly forty years.Deeply devoted to the ideal of democratic radicalism and true equality, Howe was constantly engaged in a struggle for decency and basic fairness in the face of social injustice. In the century of Auschwitz, the Gulag, and global inter-ethnic mass murder, it was difficult to sustain political certainties and take pride in one's humanity. To have lived a life of conviction and engagement in that era was a notable achievement. Irving Howe lived such a life and Gerald Sorin has done a masterful job of guiding us through it in all its passion and complexity.

Is Bill Cosby Right?: Or has the Black Middle Class Lost its Mind?

by Michael Eric Dyson

Cosby's stance against poor African American people was brought to the attention of the public during a speech he made at the 50th anniversary comemoration of Brown V. Board of Education, the Supreme Court Decision which desegregated the education system. In that speech, and many speechs since then, Cosby has accused poor African Americans of being uneducated; he blames the parents for not ensuring the education of their children and sees the pop culture of young Black people as an indication of their lack of education. Dyson provides facts, contraditions, and his own opinions in response to Cosby's standpoint, using quotes from the 2004 speech as a springboard.

Is Bill Cosby Right?: Or Has the Black Middle Class Lost Its Mind?

by Michael Eric Dyson

Michael Eric Dyson took America by storm with this provocative expose of the class and generational divide that is tearing black America apart. Nothing exposed the class and generational divide in black America more starkly than Bill Cosby’s now-infamous assault on the black poor when he received an NAACP award in the spring of 2004. The comedian-cum-social critic lamented the lack of parenting, poor academic performance, sexual promiscuity, and criminal behavior among what he called the "knuckleheads” of the African-American community. Even more surprising than his comments, however, was the fact that his audience laughed and applauded. Best-selling writer, preacher, and scholar Michael Eric Dyson uses the Cosby brouhaha as a window on a growing cultural divide within the African-American community. According to Dyson, the "Afristocracy”--lawyers, physicians, intellectuals, bankers, civil rights leaders, entertainers, and other professionals--looks with disdain upon the black poor who make up the "Ghettocracy”--single mothers on welfare, the married, single, and working poor, the incarcerated, and a battalion of impoverished children. Dyson explains why the black middle class has joined mainstream America to blame the poor for their troubles, rather than tackling the systemic injustices that shape their lives. He exposes the flawed logic of Cosby’s diatribe and offers a principled defense of the wrongly maligned black citizens at the bottom of the social totem pole. Displaying the critical prowess that has made him the nation’s preeminent spokesman for the hip-hop generation, Dyson challenges us all--black and white--to confront the social problems that the civil rights movement failed to solve.

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