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Issues And Ethics In The Helping Professions
by Gerald Corey Patrick Callanan Marianne CoreyAimed at both undergraduate and graduate students in the helping professions, this textbook addresses various ethical, legal, and professional issues they will encounter in their future careers. Each chapter begins with a self-inventory, and open-ended cases and situations are presented throughout to stimulate thought and discussion. Topics include (for example) the management of boundaries; the incorporation of spiritual and religious values; and the fulfillment of record keeping responsibilities.
Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions
by Gerald Corey Marianne Schneider Corey Cindy CoreyReflecting the latest researching, thinking and trends in practice, Corey/Corey/Corey's ISSUES AND ETHICS IN THE HELPING PROFESSIONS, 11th Edition, teaches the process for thinking about and resolving the basic issues counselors with face throughout their career, making it ideal for students and professionals alike. The authors share their personal views as well as challenge students to develop their own position and guidelines within the broad limits of professional codes of ethics and divergent theoretical positions. Offering a wide range of perspectives, about 40 respected leaders in the counseling profession also share their positions through the new Voices From the Field feature.
Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions (10th Edition)
by Gerald Corey Marianne Schneider Corey Cindy CoreyUp-to-date and comprehensive, this practical best seller provides students with the basis for discovering their own guidelines for helping within the broad limits of professional codes of ethics and divergent theoretical positions. Respected authors Gerald Corey, Marianne Corey, and Cindy Corey raise what they consider to be central issues, present a range of diverse views on the issues, discuss their position, and provide opportunities for students to refine their thinking and develop an informed position. With new material in every chapter and an emphasis on critical thinking, Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions, 10th Edition, is useful for students as well as practicing professionals.
Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions (9th Edition)
by Gerald Corey Marianne Schneider Corey Cindy Corey Patrick CallananUp-to-date and comprehensive, *including the ACA 2014 Code of Ethics,* this practical best-selling text provides students with the basis for discovering their own guidelines for helping within the broad limits of professional codes of ethics and divergent theoretical positions. Respected authors Gerald Corey, Marianne Corey, Cindy Corey, and Patrick Callanan raise what they consider to be central issues, present a range of diverse views on the issues, discuss their position, and provide opportunities for students to refine their thinking and actively develop their own position. ISSUES AND ETHICS IN THE HELPING PROFESSIONS, 9th Edition, explores such questions as: What role do the therapist's personal values play in the counseling relationship? What ethical responsibilities and rights do clients and therapists have? What considerations are involved in adapting counseling practice to diverse client populations? With new material in every chapter and an emphasis on critical thinking, the ninth edition is useful for students as well as practicing professionals.
Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions (Ninth Edition)
by Gerald Corey Marianne Schneider Corey Patrick Callanan Cindy CoreyUp-to-date and comprehensive, this practical best-selling text helps readers learn how to deal with and apply ethical standards. It provides readers with the basis for discovering their own guidelines within the broad limits of professional codes of ethics and divergent theoretical positions. The authors raise what they consider to be central issues, present a range of diverse views on these issues, discuss their position, and present many opportunities for users to refine their own thinking and actively develop their own position. Readers explore such questions as: What role do the therapist's personal values play in the counseling relationship? What ethical responsibilities and rights do clients and therapists have? What considerations are involved in adapting counseling practice to diverse client populations?
Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions (with InfoTrac)
by Gerald Corey Marianne Schneider Corey Patrick CallananUp-to-date and challenging, this best-selling text is a practical manual that helps future and current professionals deal with ethical issues that they will confront at the various stages in their development. The authors provide readers with the basis for discovering their own guidelines within the broad limits of professional codes of ethics and divergent theoretical positions. They raise what they consider to be central issues, present a range of diverse views on these issues, discuss their position, and provide readers with many opportunities to refine their own thinking and to actively develop their own position. The authors explore such questions as: What role do the therapist's personal values play in the counseling relationship? What ethical responsibilities and rights do clients and therapists have? What considerations are involved in adapting counseling practice to diverse client populations?
Issues and Innovations in Prison Health Research: Methods, Issues and Innovations (Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology)
by Matthew Maycock Rosie Meek James WoodallThis book constitutes the first publication to utilise a range of social science methodologies to illuminate diverse and new aspects of health research in prison settings. Prison contexts often have profound implications for the health of the people who live and work within them. Despite these settings often housing people from extremely disadvantaged and deprived communities, many with multiple and complex health needs, health research is generally neglected within both criminology and medical sociology. Through the fourteen chapters of this book, a range of issues emerge that the authors of each contribution reflect upon. The ethical concerns that emerge as a consequence of undertaking prison health research are not ignored, indeed these lie at the heart of this book and resonate across all the chapters. Foregrounding these issues necessarily forms a significant focus of this introductory chapter. Alongside explicitly considering emerging ethical issues, our contributing authors also have considered diverse aspects of innovation in research methodologies within the context of prison health research. Many of the chapters are innovative through the methodologies that were used, often adapting and utilising research methods rarely used within prison settings. The book brings together chapters from students, scholars, practitioners and service users from a range of disciplines (including medical sociology, medical anthropology, criminology, psychology and public health).
Issues and Methods in Rorschach Research
by John E. ExnerAny research that involves the use of the Rorschach or focuses on the nature of the Rorschach must be framed in the context of the basic principles that mark any scientific investigation. However, most texts concerning research design or data analysis do not deal directly with many of the unusual issues that confront investigators who use the Rorschach in their research. The nature of the test and test procedures are somewhat different than for most psychological tests, and, often, these special characteristics become critical when research designs are formulated. Similarly, some of the data of the tests are quite different from the customary distributions yielded by other psychological tests. Thus special care must be exercised when considering the variety of tactics that might might be used in analyzing the test data. This text is unique in that it is specific to the Rorschach. Bringing together experts on Rorschach research, this volume presents in-depth treatments of every facet of methodology -- from design to analysis -- as well as more conceptual issues. It is designed to aid investigators in contending effectively with the many difficult challenges that are often encountered in Rorschach research. This work adds to the information already available to the accomplished researcher as well as provide some enlightenment for the Rorschach research novice. It dispels the notion that rote methodology or analyses can be applied routinely to studies involving the Rorschach. And it helps to improve the quality of investigations in which the test is included, and contribute in some way to the improvement of the overall research yield in the Rorschach community.
Issues in Aging: An Introduction To Gerontology (Mysearchlab Series 15% Off Ser.)
by Mark Novak<p>Issues in Aging combines social, psychological, biological, and philosophical perspectives to present a multifaceted picture of aging. Novak illustrates both the problems and the opportunities that accompany older age. This text helps students understand the tremendous variability in aging and introduces them to careers working with older adults. <p>This new edition reflects the continued changes in the way we age. The fourth edition has been updated to include emerging issues in aging. These include the prevalence of HIV/AIDs in later life, current research on mental potential in old age, the creation of age-friendly cities, and new options for end-of-life care. <p>Each chapter begins with a set of learning objectives to guide students in their reading, and concludes with a list of main points, questions for discussion or study, suggested readings, and relevant web sites to consult. Each chapter also includes up-to-date charts and graphs as well as key terms to help students understand the issues presented. Break out boxes reveal the human side of aging through the stories of individuals in real life and in the media.</p>
Issues in Child Health and Adolescent Health: Handbook of Psychology and Health, Volume 2 (Handbook of Psychology and Health Series)
by Andrew Baum Jerome E. SingerPublished in 1982, Issues in Child Health and Adolescent Health is a valuable contribution to the field of Psychology PP.
Issues in Childhood Social Development (Psychology Library Editions: Child Development #5)
by Harry McgurkOriginally published in 1978, contemporary theory and research into childhood social development had demonstrated the necessity to re-appraise the notion that socialization is merely a process of shaping the behaviour of the child to fit the mores of society. It was now evident that, from the beginnings of post-partum life, the human infant is an active participant in social encounters, modifying the behaviour of others as well as being influenced by them. Hence, social development must be construed as an interactive process, to which the young organism makes his own dynamic contribution. This book, comprising a collection of original essays by prominent investigators in the field, considers issues arising from this modified perspective. It examines the biological basis of social development, the role of child-caretaker interaction, the significance of sex differences, the influence of peer relations and the perceptual-cognitive factors which contribute to childhood social development and to the developing child’s understanding of society.
Issues in Peace and Conflict Studies: Selections From CQ Researcher
by Cq ResearcherDo nation-states have a "Responsibility to Protect"? Can countries heal after atrocities? Who should clean up after conflicts end? These questions—and many more—are at the heart of peace and conflict studies. This collection aims to promote in-depth discussion, facilitate further research and help readers formulate their own positions on crucial issues. It is intended to be a supplement for courses in peace and conflict studies that are offered in departments of psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science, and across all social science disciplines.About CQ Researcher ReadersIn the tradition of nonpartisanship and current analysis that is the hallmark of CQ Press, CQ Researcher readers investigate important and controversial policy issues. Offer your students the balanced reporting, complete overviews, and engaging writing that CQ Researcher has consistently provided for more than 80 years. Each article gives substantial background and analysis of a particular issue as well as useful pedagogical features to inspire critical thinking and to help students grasp and review key material:A pro/con box that examines two competing sides of a single questionA detailed chronology of key dates and eventsAn annotated bibliography that includes Web resourcesAn outlook section that addresses possible regulation and initiatives fromCapitol Hill and the White House over the next 5 to 10 yearsPhotos, charts, graphs, and maps
Issues in Person Perception (Psychology Revivals)
by Mark CookLife becomes difficult for the judges of others when they are presented with a number of facts about someone which all point in different directions, or which point in no direction at all. Originally published in 1984, this volume brings together research on four major issues involved in judging people: the relationship between person perception and personality; inference from multiple cues; methodology of measuring accuracy of perception; and selection for employment. These issues are not only of increasing importance in the study of psychology today, they are also of central relevance to social and business conduct. This edited collection will be a valuable resource for the student of either.
Issues in Psychobiology (Psychology Library Editions: Cognitive Science)
by Charles R. LeggAt the time of original publication psychobiology was one of the most rapidly developing areas of psychology. Its growth owed much to recent advances both in techniques for studying the physiological bases of behaviour and in major conceptual advances in the way people thought about the brain. First published in 1989, this textbook introduction to the field looks at the state of psychobiology in the light of these advances. The issues covered include: the factors that have shaped the current state of the field; the value of animal subjects in the study of psychological processes; the problems of studying the brain, including the theoretical assumptions underlying the most widely used methods; the current status of influential theories, like Stellar’s 2-center theory of motivation and Papez’s theory of emotion; the relationship between psychological theory and physiological data, such as recent accounts of the visual system; the problems presented by ‘emergent properties’ like consciousness.
Issues in School Violence Research
by Rusell Skiba Gale Morrison Michael Furlong Dewey Gene CornellExplore the most effective methods of studying school violence!School violence and safety research will move forward and make unique scientific contributions only if it develops a core literature that critically examines its measurements, methods, and data analysis techniques. Issues in School Violence Research is the first book to expose the limitations of previous research, to critically examine methodological and measurement practices, and to provide guidelines to enhance future school violence research. Early literature focused on school violence as a social problem, not as an integrated area of legitimate scientific research. It is time to move beyond the social problem era of school violence to begin critically assessing its common research practices.Until recently, there has been such a rush to gather information about school violence that the methods used have hardly been questioned. The editors of this book are some of the first to raise questions about how the field conducts its research, especially with regard to self-reports among students. Issues in School Violence Research addresses significant measurement and methodological issues in school violence research. The contributors have been conducting school research for more than 15 years. To enhance your understanding of the practices used-past and proposed-numerous tables are included.In Issues in School Violence Research, you&’ll find information about: school-level warning signs of safety problems weapon possession using office referral records in school violence research identification of bullies and victims data quality issues in student risk behavior surveys extreme response bias patterns for youth risk behavior surveys the structure of student perceptions of school safety and much more!Issues in School Violence Research is an important resource for anyone, from professors to policymakers. It is also appropriate as a textbook for research methodology courses. It is only through objective analysis that school violence research can develop new insights. This book presents topics that should stimulate new and better inquiry into the climate within which school violence occurs.
Issues in Science and Theology: Do Emotions Shape the World?
by Dirk Evers Michael Fuller Anne Runehov Knut-Willy SætherThis volume examines emotions andemotional well-being from a rich variety of theological, philosophical andscientific and therapeutic perspectives. To experience emotion is a part ofbeing human; but what are emotions? How can theology, philosophy and thenatural sciences unpack the nature and content of emotions? This volume is based on contributions to the15th European Conference on Science and Theology held in Assisi, Italy. Itbrings together contributions from scholars of various academic backgrounds from around the world, whose individual insights are made all the richer bytheir juxtaposition with those from experts in other fields, leading to aunique exchange of ideas.
Issues in Teaching, Learning and Testing Speaking in a Second Language
by Mirosław Pawlak Ewa Waniek-KlimczakThe volume constitutes a state-of-the-art account of issues related to teaching, learning and testing speaking in a second language. It brings together contributions by Polish and international scholars which seek to create links between theory, research and classroom practice, report the findings of studies investigating the impact of linguistic, cognitive and affective factors on the development and use of speaking skills, and provide concrete pedagogic proposals for instruction and assessment in this area. As such, the book will be of interest not only to second language acquisition theorists and researchers, but also to foreign language teachers willing to enhance the quality of speaking instruction in their classrooms.
Issues in the Ecological Study of Learning
by Timothy D. Johnston Alexandra T. PietrewiczFirst published in 1985. This volume is based on a symposium, also titled Issues in the Ecological Study of Learning, that was held at the 1981 meeting of the Animal Behavior Society in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Issues of Gender and Sexual Orientation in Humanitarian Emergencies
by Larry W. RoederNatural and manmade disasters do not affect everyone equally, especially when resources are not equally accessible. Girls and women in particular face heightened risks of violence and abuse and many countries bar female-headed households from receiving aid. Across the globe, a wider understanding of gender issues is needed to craft effective policies and carry out equitable practices in disaster planning and response. The first full-length reference of its kind, Issues of Gender and Sexual Orientation in Humanitarian Emergencies brings together data pinpointing disparities with practical suggestions toward improving post-event adjustment for all. Arguing forcefully for an egalitarian lens in humanitarian aid, the book offers guidelines that governmental agencies and NGOs alike can implement at all levels of preventive and relief efforts to better assist victims and minimize further trauma. Salient areas covered include gender differences in the effects of disasters on children and adolescents, the heightened risk of domestic violence in disasters and challenges facing the LGBTI community in relocation. In addition, examples from a cyclone event in Australia relate the experiences of victims, organizations and aid workers to larger social issues. Included among the topics: Gender and the impact of disaster on youth. Personal network structure and gendered well-being in disaster and relocation. Sexual and gender minorities in humanitarian emergencies. Gender as hazard in disaster planning and response. The relationship of disaster and domestic violence. The impact of disasters on workers and services. Addressing a major threat to public and social health, Issues of Gender and Sexual Orientation in Humanitarian Emergencies is an essential sourcebook for researchers and professionals working with NGOs, disaster management, domestic violence, humanitarian relief and refugee health.
Ist unser Wille frei?: Eine interdisziplinäre Betrachtung aus der aktuellen Forschung (essentials)
by Hede HelfrichIm Alltag sind wir oft davon überzeugt, verschiedene Handlungsmöglichkeiten zu haben und uns „frei“ für eine der Möglichkeiten entscheiden zu können. Dagegen wird von Vertretern der Hirnforschung der freie Wille als Irrglaube deklariert. Unser Verhalten beruhe auf Gehirnfunktionen, die ihrerseits durch unsere genetische Ausstattung und unsere Umwelterfahrungen geprägt sind. In diesem essential wird argumentiert, dass ein freier Wille nicht gegen Naturgesetze verstößt und dass die Determiniertheit des menschlichen Handelns durch Anlage und Umwelt Spielräume für selbstbestimmtes Handeln lässt. Es wird gezeigt, dass es keinerlei empirischen Nachweis dafür gibt, dass der freie Wille nicht existiert.
It All Comes Down To This: The new novel from New York Times bestselling author Therese Anne Fowler
by Therese Anne Fowler'Entertaining, in the best sense of the word, and a true page-turner' Ann Napolitano'I read it in a single gulp' Karen Joy Fowler'A smart and lively novel' Jess Walter_________________________________________________'How differently the Geller sisters' lives would have turned out had C.J. Reynolds not been released from prison that February. . .'Marti Geller is going to die soon, and she's hoping to take her secrets with her.To do this, Marti has stipulated in her will that the family's summer home on Mount Desert Island, Maine, must be sold as soon as possible. This request comes as a shock to her three daughters, a trio of strong-minded women who are each hiding a secret of their own.For the eldest daughter, Beck, the Maine cottage is essential to her secret wish to write a novel, and selling is the last thing she wants to do. But recently divorced Claire is privately too preoccupied with an unrequited love to be concerned about the sale, while the youngest daughter, Sophie, would never admit to her sisters that she desperately needs the sale in order to survive.While the sisters argue over the fate of their late mother's property, enigmatic southerner C.J. Reynolds, with his own troubled past, is released from prison and begins to travel to Mount Desert Island.As this seemingly unconnected group all head for the coast of Maine, nothing is as it seems.And everything is about to change. . .The new novel from New York Times bestselling author Therese Anne Fowler follows three sisters in the aftermath of the death of their matriarch, whose last request might change everything... Perfect for fans of Celeste Ng, Mary Beth Keane and Jodi Picoult._________________________________________________Praise for It All Comes Down To This...'A big-hearted novel about middle-aged women reckoning with their own heavy secrets, and each other. This novel is entertaining, in the best sense of the word, and a true page-turner.' ANN NAPOLITANO 'A compulsively readable, thoroughly enjoyable tale of three sisters, their histories, their problems, and their unraveling secrets. Contemporary, but with a delightfully Austenish tone. I read it in a single gulp.' KAREN JOY FOWLER'A smart and lively novel, one that had me turning its faster and faster, wondering if this indelible family could really untangle the deep lies that reveal an even deeper truth.' JESS WALTER'Fowler writes like a contemporary Edith Wharton, peeling back layers of class and custom to reveal the mysteries of love, longing, and fate. A stunning tale.' WILEY CASH_________________________________________________Praise for A Good Neighbourhood...'A feast of a read: compelling, heart-breaking, and inevitable' JODI PICOULT'There's no doubting this novel's power' DAILY MAIL'Compelling, complicated, timely, and smart . . . hard to put down and hard to forget'LAURIE FRANKEL'This is a story that will stick with you for a long time'EMILY GIFFIN'A thought provoking and gripping novel - the kind that will have you savouring every page'CULTUREFLY'Fans of Celeste Ng's Little Fires Everywhere need to read Therese Anne Fowler's A Good Neighbourhood'POPSUGAR
It All Comes Down To This: The new novel from New York Times bestselling author Therese Anne Fowler
by Therese Anne Fowler'How differently the Geller sisters' lives would have turned out had C.J. Reynolds not been released from prison that February. . .'Marti Geller is going to die soon, and she's hoping to take her secrets with her.To do this, Marti has stipulated in her will that the family's summer home on Mount Desert Island, Maine, must be sold as soon as possible. This request comes as a shock to her three daughters, a trio of strong-minded women who are each hiding a secret of their own.For the eldest daughter, Beck, the Maine cottage is essential to her secret wish to write a novel, and selling is the last thing she wants to do. But recently divorced Claire is privately too preoccupied with an unrequited love to be concerned about the sale, while the youngest daughter, Sophie, would never admit to her sisters that she desperately needs the sale in order to survive.While the sisters argue over the fate of their late mother's property, enigmatic southerner C.J. Reynolds, with his own troubled past, is released from prison and begins to travel to Mount Desert Island.As this seemingly unconnected group all head for the coast of Maine, nothing is as it seems.And everything is about to change. . .The new novel from New York Times bestselling author Therese Anne Fowler follows three sisters in the aftermath of the death of their matriarch, whose last request might change everything... Perfect for fans of Celeste Ng, Mary Beth Keane and Jodi Picoult.(P) 2022 Macmillan Audio
It all depends on how you see: It all starts in the look
by Ana Cristina Rodrigues Gomes Danilo Henrique GomesIn "It all depends on how you see", the author brings a different way of seeing the world and the problems of everyday life. Based on theology and phenomenology, a famous line of philosophical thought, the reader can reprogram his mind to enjoy life in an uncomplicated way. Find in this book related topics: - Phenomenology (line of thought of philosophy) - To the power of optimism and pessimism - Cognitivism (line of thought of psychology) - To the power of conviction - The subjectivity - The right way to see the world And much more! The old thoughts and theories of scientists such as William James, Edmund Husserl, Jean-Paul Sartre, and others are analysed in a well-explained and somehow funny way, and the way in which they are applied in everyday life is set forth in the pages of this work. Your gaze commands your way of living life and it can be modified, so immerse yourself in this book and change your way of seeing the world.
It All Makes Sense Now: Embrace Your ADHD Brain to Live a Creative and Colorful Life
by Meredith CarderFrom the personal and coaching experience of an ADHDer, actionable tools and techniques to understand your ADHD brain and unlock life's possibilities.Do you often feel that your emotions are intense and difficult to regulate? Does boredom get to you seemingly more than most? Do you struggle with your perception of time?You're not alone. As cultural and medical awareness around ADHD shifts, millions of adults who are diagnosed with ADHD are unclear on the many ways ADHD symptoms present and how it affects the experience of their everyday life.Meredith Carder, an ADHD coach and ADHDer herself, shares real-life stories from her coaching practice and own lived experience along with actionable exercises and strategies to help you: Harness the power of self-compassion and self-awareness to embrace your unique brainBuild your own toolkit of daily habits to prevent boredom and burnoutRate your level of focus and plan your energy accordinglyLearn to appreciate your ADHD brain and empower yourself to live a life rich with interestBy learning more about the way your mind works, you too can rewrite your inner dialogue and fully realize the life you want to live.
It Begins with You: The 9 Hard Truths About Love That Will Change Your Life
by Jillian TureckiTHE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES AND USA TODAY BESTSELLERThe beloved relationship coach, teacher, and host of the top relationship podcast Jillian on Love reveals nine core truths about love and self-acceptance and provides powerful self-healing techniques and strategies to help us repair our relationship with ourselves and start building the rewarding relationships we deserve.Jillian Turecki’s holistic, compassionate, yet no-nonsense approach to love has attracted a devoted following of millions. In her highly anticipated debut book, she makes clear that if you want a meaningful relationship filled with connection, security, and intimacy, you have to look within. The common denominator in all your relationships is you.Drawing from decades of experience helping clients heal themselves and their relationships, It Begins with You introduces the 9 core truths we must accept in order to change our lives:Truth 1: It begins with you.Truth 2: The mind is a battlefield.Truth 3: Lust is not the same thing as love.Truth 4: You have to love yourself.Truth 5: You must speak up and tell the truth. Truth 6: You need to be your best self (even after the honeymoon). Truth 7: You cannot convince someone to love you. Truth 8: No one is coming to save you.Truth 9: You must make peace with your parents.Blending therapeutic strategies, somatic techniques, client case studies, practical tools, tips, and guiding questions, It Begins with You gives us a roadmap to finally start doing the work needed to love ourselves and find the love we deserve. It's never too late to choose yourself.