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Jephthah’s Daughter, Sarah’s Son: The Death of Children in Late Antiquity (Christianity in Late Antiquity #8)
by Maria E. DoerflerLate antiquity was a perilous time for children, who were often the first victims of economic crisis, war, and disease. They had a one in three chance of dying before their first birthday, with as many as half dying before age ten. Christian writers accordingly sought to speak to the experience of bereavement and to provide cultural scripts for parents who had lost a child. These late ancient writers turned to characters like Eve and Sarah, Job and Jephthah as models for grieving and for confronting or submitting to the divine. Jephthah's Daughter, Sarah’s Son traces the stories these writers crafted and the ways in which they shaped the lived experience of familial bereavement in ancient Christianity. A compelling social history that conveys the emotional lives of people in the late ancient world, Jephthah's Daughter, Sarah's Son is a powerful portrait of mourning that extends beyond antiquity to the present day.
Jerk, California
by Jonathan FriesenTwitch, Jerk, Freak--Sam Carrier has been called them all. Because of his Tourette's syndrome, Sam is in near constant motion with tics and twitches and verbal outbursts. So, of course, high school is nothing but torment. Forget friends; forget even hoping that beautiful, perfect Naomi will look his way. And home isn't much better with his domineering stepfather reminding him that the only person who was more useless than Sam was his dead father, Jack. But then an unexpected turn of events unearths the truth about his father. And suddenly Sam doesn't know who he is, or even where he'll go next. What he does know is that the only girl in the world who can make him happy and nervous at the same time is everywhere he turns . . . and he'd give anything just to be still.<P><P> Winner of the Schneider Family Book Award
Jerks at Work: Toxic Coworkers and What to Do About Them
by Tessa WestA practical and hilarious guide to getting difficult people off your back, for anyone pulling their hair out over an irritating colleague who's not technically breaking any rulesFrom open floor plans and Zoom calls to Slack channels, the workplace has changed a lot over the years. But there&’s one thing that never changes: you&’ll always encounter jerks. Jerks at Work is the definitive guide to dealing with—and ultimately breaking free from—the overbearing bosses, irritating coworkers, and all-around difficult people who make work and life miserable. Social psychologist Tessa West has spent years leveraging science to help people solve interpersonal conflicts in the workplace. What she discovered is that most of our go-to tactics don&’t work because they fail to address the specific motivations that drive bad behavior. In this book, she takes you on a rollicking deep dive of the seven jerks you&’re most likely to encounter at the office, drawing on decades of original research to expose their inner workings and weak points—and ultimately deliver an effective game plan for stopping each type before they take you down with them. Jerks at Work is packed with everyday examples and clever strategies, such as how to: • Stop a Bulldozer from gaining influence by making sure they're not the first to speak up in meetings • Report a Kiss Up/Kick Downer to a manager who idolizes them without looking like the bad guy • Protect your high-achieving team from Free Riders without stifling collaboration • Use a Gaslighter&’s tactics to beat them at their own game For anyone who&’s said &“I can&’t stand that jerk!&” more times than they&’d like to admit, Jerks at Work is the ultimate playbook you wish you didn&’t need but will always turn to.
Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture and Self
by Professor David Bakhurst Dr Stuart G ShankerJerome Bruner is one of the grand figures of psychology. From his role as a founder of the cognitive revolution in the 1950s to his recent advocacy of cultural psychology, Bruner's influence has been dramatic and far-reaching. Such is the breadth of his vision that Bruner's work has inspired thinkers in many of the major areas of psychology and has had a powerful impact on adjacent disciplines. His writings on language acquisition, culture and education are of profound and enduring importance. Focusing on the dominant themes of language, culture and self, this volume provides a comprehensive exploration of Bruner's fertile ideas and a considered appraisal of his legacy. With a distinguished list of contributors including Jerome Bruner himself, the result is an outstanding volume of interest to students and scholars in psychology, philosophy, cognitive science, anthropology, linguistics, and education. Among the contributors are Judy Dunn, Howard Gardner, Clifford Geertz, Rom Harré, David Olson, Edward Reed, Talbot Taylor, Michael Tomasello, and John Shotter. The volume is framed by an editorial introduction that considers the distinctively philosophical dimensions of Bruner's thought, and a final chapter by Bruner himself in which he re-examines prominent themes in his work in light of issues raised by the contributors. The volume will be invaluable to students and researchers in the fields of psychology, cognitive science, education, and the philosophy of mind.
Jerome Bruner
by Keiichi TakayaJerome S. Bruner (1915- ) is one of the best known and most influential psychologists of the twentieth century. He has made significant contributions to cognitive psychology and educational theory. This book presents a brief introduction to Jerome Bruner's educational ideas and details their influences on our educational discourse and practice. It examines Bruner's ideas in the context of some key educational issues in the United States since the early twentieth century. Jerome Bruner: Developing a Sense of the Possible will be an inspiration, and vital call to action, to readers looking to better understand today's instructional and curriculum theories. It will help readers gain invaluable insight into the ways teaching and schools can be improved in the future.
Jerome S. Bruner beyond 100
by Giuseppina MarsicoThis book celebrates the 100th birthday of Jerome S. Bruner, one of the most relevant scholars in contemporary psychology. It shows how Bruner's oeuvre and contributions to psychology, education and law are still applicable today and full of unexplored possibilities. The volume brings together contributions from Bruner's students and colleagues, all of whom use his legacy to explore the future of psychology in in Bruner's spirit of interpretation. Rather than being a mere celebration, the volume shows a "genuine interest for the emergence of the novelty" and examines the potentialities of Bruner's work in cultural psychology, discussing such concepts as ambivalence, intersubjectivity, purpose, possibilities, and wonderment. Combining international and interdisciplinary perspectives, this volume tells the tale of Jerome Bruner's academic life and beyond.
Jesus and Personality Theory: Exploring the Five-Factor Model
by James R. BeckIn recent years researchers in human personality have come to a rarely achieved near unanimous conclusion: human personality is structured around a very few major traits, probably five in number. These factors, sometimes called the Big Five and represented by the acronym OCEAN, are Openness to experience -- Conscientiousness -- Extroversion -- Agreeableness --Neuroticism. How does this Five-Factor Model fit with a Christian understanding of human nature? How does it compare or contrast with the way Jesus lived, taught and counseled? James Beck looks at prominent themes in the teaching and ministry of Jesus and how they relate to the five personality factors. Here is a study of the Christian implications of the new model--a study that will offer fresh insights for students, pastors and therapists alike.
Jesus In Our Wombs: Embodying Modernity in a Mexican Convent (Ethnographic Studies In Subjectivity Ser. #5)
by Rebecca J. LesterThis book takes us behind the walls of a Roman Catholic convent in central Mexico to explore the lives, training, and experiences of a group of postulants - young women in the first stage of religious training as nuns. This book considers how these aspiring nuns learn to experience God by cultivating an altered experience of their female bodies.
Jesus, The Model: The Plumb Line for Christian Living
by Joy DawsonUltimate fulfillment in life comes by choosing to live by the life principles Jesus modeled for us as the Son of Man. This book reveals those principles and demonstrates that if followed by believers, our lives can be an unending adventure of experiencing the supernatural intervention of the Creator of the universe in all our mundane, daily circumstances. Jesus&’ earthly life stands unique in human history as the pattern for all Christians. Most of us have many mentors in our lives, but they can never take the place of the one and only role model.
Jesus, the Greatest Therapist Who Ever Lived
by Mark W. BakerThe healer of body, soul—and mind: “Gives us fresh insight into deep psychological truths by emphasizing Jesus as the ultimate teacher.” —Laurie Beth Jones, author of Jesus, CEOOver one hundred years of modern psychology and we still haven’t improved on the principles and lessons taught by the greatest doctor of the human soul—Jesus. In this accessible and eye-opening book, international bestselling author Dr. Mark Baker offers a refreshing and practical understanding of how the teachings of Jesus are not only compatible with the science of psychology, but still speak to our problems and struggles today. Filled with biblical quotations and real-life stories and divided into two major sections, “Understanding People” and “Knowing Yourself,” this easy-to-use guide reveals how the gospel continues to have the power to lighten the darkest corners of the human spirit.
Jeugdige delinquenten: Praktijk en achtergrond
by Merel Van Dorp Semra Aytemur Nienke SwartDit boek laat zien welke vooroordelen over criminele jongeren kloppen en met welke we beter kunnen afrekenen. Het maakt duidelijk hoe factoren als etniciteit, vrienden, opvoeding en woonplek de ontwikkeling van crimineel gedrag beïnvloeden. Het boek is geschreven voor studenten, beleidsmakers, juristen en professionals in de jeugdzorg.Jeugdige delinquenten beschrijft jeugdcriminaliteit aan de hand van interviews met hulpverleners, wetenschappers, juristen en jongeren. Ook geeft het uitleg over onderzoek, theorieën, programma’s en methoden, en wisselt dat af met verhalen uit de advocatuur. Zo biedt het een brede blik op de complexiteit van delinquentie vanuit pedagogisch, psychologisch, sociaalwetenschappelijk en juridisch oogpunt. Jeugdige delinquenten geeft handvatten om de achtergronden van jongeren met een criminele carrière te begrijpen. Deze kunnen worden ingezet om jeugdcriminaliteit tegen te gaan. Het boek is te gebruiken als lesstof en te lezen als vakliteratuur of als populairwetenschappelijke literatuur voor lezers die geïnteresseerd zijn in, of betrokken zijn bij, delinquente jeugd.Merel van Dorp is journalist en sociaalwetenschapper, gespecialiseerd in risicojeugd en jeugdhulp. Strafrechtadvocate Semra Aytemur en voormalig strafrechtadvocate Nienke Swart (nu werkzaam als officier van justitie) beschrijven de jongeren die zij verdedigen in de rechtbank.
The Jew of Culture: Freud, Moses, And Modernity
by Philip RieffRieff’s long career, "Jew of culture" would serve as foil, counter type, corrective, and adversary to the "therapeutics" who represented both Rieff’s analysands and his antagonists. The purpose of this collection of Rieff’s writings, undertaken at his suggestion, is to trace the evolution of the "Jew of culture" over the course of his work. In doing so we gain particular insight into his distinctive theory of society and the self; we also come to better understand the theorist.
Jewish Exiles’ Psychological Interpretations of Nazism
by Avihu ZakaiThis book examines works of four German-Jewish scholars who, in their places of exile, sought to probe the pathology of the Nazi mind: Wilhelm Reich’s The Mass Psychology of Fascism (1933), Erich Fromm’s Escape from Freedom (1941), Siegfried Kracauer’s From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of the German Film (1947), and Erich Neumann’s Depth Psychology and a New Ethic (1949). While scholars have examined these authors’ individual legacies, no comparative analysis of their shared concerns has yet been undertaken, nor have the content and form of their psychological inquiries into Nazism been seriously and systematically analyzed. Yet, the sense of urgency in their works calls for attention. They all took up their pens to counter Nazi barbarism, believing, like the English jurist and judge Sir William Blackstone, who wrote in 1753 - scribere est agere ("to write is to act").
Jewish Insights on Death and Mourning
by Jack RiemerThis collection of Jewish reflections on issues of death and dying make this an indispensable resource for coping with some of life's most difficult moments.
Jewish Lives and Jewish Education in the UK: School, Family and Society
by Alex Pomson Helena MillerThe book explores the evolving relationships between parents and children, the significance of the Jewish school in their lives, how young people think about religious practices, and their lives in the UK. It addresses issues related to families and schooling and pays special attention to the transitions to secondary school and then to life opportunities in the following years. It also uncovers the effect of these transitions on the family, and of the family on those transitions. The book views these phenomena through the prism of a ten-year period from when research participants were eleven years old until they were twenty-one, drawing on a range of theoretical frameworks to help make sense of what was observed. The data help clarify how Jewish schools function as both public and community-based institutions, and what they do and do not contribute to the lives of young people. The research reported includes large scale survey data sets as well as repeated in-depth interviewswith parents and their children. The findings have multiple implications for practitioners, policy makers and researchers as they seek ways to understand and engage with families and schools. This book also appeals to researchers who are interested in the development of religious and cultural identity in the context of minority groups within multicultural societies.
Jewish Relational Care A-Z: We Are Our Other's Keeper
by Jack H BloomA collection of caregiving tools combining the values of Jewish tradition and self-relations-useful for practitioners of ANY faith!Self-relations, a powerful framework for doing respectful and humane caregiving for oneself and for others is here brought into relationship with Jewish thought. Jewish Relational Care A-Z: We Are Our Other&’s Keeper is an extensive resource for caregiving tools and approaches. Using Jewish tradition and Self-Relations as take-off points, experts from many fields provide insightful perspectives and effective strategies for caregiving.In the language of self-relations each of us is not referred to as a Self. Instead, each of us is more accurately described as a relationship between "selves"-relationship is the basic psychological and religious unit! Jewish Relational Care A-Z: We Are Our Other&’s Keeper sensitively centers on relationships and the healing process, using the understanding that to spark healing in others, a loving, respectful relationship must first be present between every aspect of our "selves." Thirty-six categories of caregiving are comprehensively presented, allowing its use as a helpful resource for any clergy considering any of the included topics. Each author&’s personal reflections, and personal experiences using care tools clearly illustrate how love-respect relationships within oneself can transcend into effective care for others.Jewish Relational Care A-Z: We Are Our Other&’s Keeper provides helpful tools and explores: the use of language as a relational care tool time management for optimum performance for oneself and for others compassion fatigue, the need for self-care, and nurturing your own spiritual and psychological development purposeful visiting as a sacred task silence as an important part of spiritual care the profound difference made in lives through relational listening music as sacred power-a communion between humans and the Divine chanting as an intimate expression of the soul creative ritual in relational healing spontaneous prayer, and its place in relational care relational care with other faiths inside and outside of the community care for those going through divorce care when a pregnancy is unwelcome relational care for sexual orientation and gender identity issues successful caring for those who don&’t care about you dealing with traumatic loss care for those who have sinned sexually fragile relationships care with the healthy aging relational care and retired clergy care for those traumatized by sexual abuse care for the cognitively impaired, mentally ill, and developmentally disabled care for the final moments of life care for the sick and dying care within the grieving processJewish Relational Care A-Z: We Are Our Other&’s Keeper is practical, insightful reading for clergy and caregivers of all denominations, educators, students, and lay people who care about clergy and their work.
Jewish Spain: A Mediterranean Memory
by Tabea Alexa LinhardWhat is meant by "Jewish Spain"? The term itself encompasses a series of historical contradictions. No single part of Spain has ever been entirely Jewish. Yet discourses about Jews informed debates on Spanish identity formation long after their 1492 expulsion. The Mediterranean world witnessed a renewed interest in Spanish-speaking Jews in the twentieth century, and it has grappled with shifting attitudes on what it meant to be Jewish and Spanish throughout the century. At the heart of this book are explorations of the contradictions that appear in different forms of cultural memory: literary texts, memoirs, oral histories, biographies, films, and heritage tourism packages. Tabea Alexa Linhard identifies depictions of the difficulties Jews faced in Spain and Northern Morocco in years past as integral to the survival strategies of Spanish Jews, who used them to make sense of the confusing and harrowing circumstances of the Spanish Civil War, the Francoist repression, and World War Two. Jewish Spain takes its place among other works on Muslims, Christians, and Jews by providing a comprehensive analysis of Jewish culture and presence in twentieth-century Spain, reminding us that it is impossible to understand and articulate what Spain was, is, and will be without taking into account both "Muslim Spain" and "Jewish Spain."
Jewish Women in Therapy: Seen But Not Heard
by Ellen Cole Rachel J SiegelHere is the first volume ever to focus on the issues of Jewish women in the context of counseling and psychotherapy. Through poignant reflection and observation, the authors convey the richness and variety of Jewish women’s experiences and the Jewishness and femaleness of the concerns, issues, values, and attitudes that Jewish women--both clients and therapists--bring into the therapy room.Jewish Women in Therapy is a landmark book in many ways. It calls attention to the historical and political realities of the Jewish heritage and acknowledges the oppression of both Jews and women that therapists have typically ignored. And although Jewish women have participated in the therapeutic process, as clients, scholars, and therapists, seldom have they chosen to write about it.Never before have the writings of so many distinguished leaders in the field, including Melanie Kaye/Kantrowitz, Evelyn Torton Beck, and Susannah Heschel, been compiled. They examine the damaging stereotypes of Jewish women--the Jewish American Princess and the Jewish Mother--that flourish today. Chapters also address the conflicts that many women feel about being Jewish and being female, celebrate the contributions of Jewish women to feminism and to therapy, examine the deliberate omission of women from the political process and the religious ritual, and convey the complexities of the oppression that are still blatantly directed at both Jews and females.
Jizo Bodhisattva
by Jan Chozen BaysJizo Bodhisattva is an important saint of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition, and is most prominent in Japanese Zen Buddhism. This book helps readers understand how this Buddhist saint of travellers, children and the dead can help people confront suffering. Accompanied with beautiful black and white photographs and illustrations, Bays writes for those who are grieving, those who have lost loved ones, or anyone with an interest in Buddhism or Zen.
Jo Frost's Confident Toddler Care: The Ultimate Guide to The Toddler Years
by Jo FrostThe No. 1 bestseller and must-have guide to confident baby and toddler care from the UK's most trusted nanny.Jo Frost shares her wealth of knowledge and years of experience to help you raise your toddler with confidence and give him or her the best start in life. Packed with practical advice, reassurance and simple yet effective techniques to help you deal with all the challenges that raising a toddler involves, Jo will give you the confidence and the know-how to raise a happy and contented toddler. She addresses common battlegrounds, such as mealtimes, dressing, sleeping and potty training, and takes you step-by-step through her tried-and-tested techniques to deal with them simply, patiently and effectively. Jo also offers guidance on how to plan your toddler's day hour by hour to ensure he or she is getting the right balance of stimulation and relaxation, offers support and guidance for working and single parents, and shows again and again that far from being an exhausting challenge, the toddler years are the most fun, entertaining and unique years to be cherished and enjoyed.
Job and Work Analysis: Methods, Research, and Applications for Human Resource Management
by Michael T Brannick Edward L. Levine Frederick P MorgesonThoroughly updated and revised, this Second Edition is the only book currently on the market to present the most important and commonly used methods in human resource management in such detail. The authors clearly outline how organizations can create programs to improve hiring and training, make jobs safer, provide a satisfying work environment, and help employees to work smarter. Throughout, they provide practical tips on how to conduct a job analysis, often offering anecdotes from their own experiences.
Job and Work Analysis: Methods, Research, and Applications for Human Resource Management
by Edward L. Levine Frederick P. Morgeson Michael T. BrannickJob and Work Analysis: Methods, Research, and Applications for Human Resource Management provides students and professionals alike with an in-depth exploration of job analysis. Job analysis encompasses a wide range of crucial topics that help us understand what people do at work and why. This one-of-a-kind text expertly unpacks the best job analysis methods and then illustrates how to apply these methods to solve some of the most common workplace problems. Readers will learn the best practices for helping people work smarter, improving hiring and training, making jobs safer, and providing a satisfying work environment. The new Third Edition includes new references, the latest research findings, and expanded discussions of competency models, teams, and O*NET.
Job and Work Analysis: Methods, Research, and Applications for Human Resource Management
by Edward L. Levine Frederick P. Morgeson Michael T. BrannickJob and Work Analysis: Methods, Research, and Applications for Human Resource Management provides students and professionals alike with an in-depth exploration of job analysis. Job analysis encompasses a wide range of crucial topics that help us understand what people do at work and why. This one-of-a-kind text expertly unpacks the best job analysis methods and then illustrates how to apply these methods to solve some of the most common workplace problems. Readers will learn the best practices for helping people work smarter, improving hiring and training, making jobs safer, and providing a satisfying work environment. The new Third Edition includes new references, the latest research findings, and expanded discussions of competency models, teams, and O*NET.
Job Feedback: Giving, Seeking, and Using Feedback for Performance Improvement (Applied Psychology Ser.)
by Manuel LondonThis book discusses how people evaluate themselves, relate to others who give them feedback, and process information about others. It examines how feedback is given and received in teams and cross-cultural organizations, and explores the impact that feedback has on changing technologies.
Job Loss, Identity, and Mental Health
by Dawn R. NorrisOur jobs are often a big part of our identities, and when we are fired, we can feel confused, hurt, and powerless--at sea in terms of who we are. Drawing on extensive, real-life interviews, Job Loss, Identity, and Mental Health shines a light on the experiences of unemployed, middle-class professional men and women, showing how job loss can affect both identity and mental health. Sociologist Dawn R. Norris uses in-depth interviews to offer insight into the experience of losing a job--what it means for daily life, how the unemployed feel about it, and the process they go through as they try to deal with job loss and their new identities as unemployed people. Norris highlights several specific challenges to identity that can occur. For instance, the way other people interact with the unemployed either helps them feel sure about who they are, or leads them to question their identities. Another identity threat happens when the unemployed no longer feel they are the same person they used to be. Norris also examines the importance of the subjective meaning people give to statuses, along with the strong influence of society's expectations. For example, men in Norris's study often used the stereotype of the "male breadwinner" to define who they were. Job Loss, Identity, and Mental Health describes various strategies to cope with identity loss, including "shifting" away from a work-related identity and instead emphasizing a nonwork identity (such as "a parent"), or conversely "sustaining" a work-related identity even though he or she is actually unemployed. Finally, Norris explores the social factors--often out of the control of unemployed people--that make these strategies possible or impossible. A compelling portrait of a little-studied aspect of the Great Recession, Job Loss, Identity, and Mental Health is filled with insight into the identity crises that unemployment can trigger, as well as strategies to help the unemployed maintain their mental strength.