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La Lucha for Cuba: Religion and Politics on the Streets of Miami
by Miguel A. De La TorreThis book examines the fiery interplay of religion and politics among Miami's Cuban exile community.
La Maladie D'Alzheimer II
by Juan Moises de la SernaComment traite-t-on la maladie ? Quelle est son évolution ? Comment la prévient-on ? Découvrez les dernières avancées en matière de prévention et de traitement de la maladie d'Alzheimer. L'une des questions les plus importantes que l'on se pose face à une maladie, quelle qu'elle soit, est de savoir comment l'affronter, c'est-à-dire si des remèdes existent et quels sont les traitements. À cet égard, des progrès ont lieu constamment dans le domaine de la recherche sur le traitement et la prévention de la maladie d'Alzheimer : c'est ce que nous présentons dans ce texte.
La Mythomanie
by Juan Moises de la Serna Serena CatallozziPréface Au cours de notre vie, nous rencontrons parfois des personnes qui nous racontent des choses qui plus tard s'avèrent être fausses. Cela pourrait sembler n'être qu'une anecdote, mais lorsque les mensonges sont récurrents, il se peut que nous fassions face à un mythomane, c'est-à-dire une personne qui ment de manière presque compulsive, aussi appelé menteur pathologique. Ce document a pour but de mettre en évidence ce qu’est la mythomanie, comment la différencier des autres cas montrant également des symptômes de mensonge et comment traiter le problème. Objectif: Le but de ce livre est de faire connaître la problématique de l'addiction au mensonge et ses conséquences tant pour le sujet qui en souffre que pour son entourage. Pour ce faire, nous analyserons le mensonge, comment il apparaît et comment le différencier de la pathologie. Nous ferons également des recommandations sur la manière de traiter le sujet. Le tout expliqué dans un langage clair et simple, sans termes techniques, en expliquant chaque concept, pour que ce document puisse être utilisé comme un vrai guide. Ce texte est destiné: - Aux professionnels de la santé qui se retrouvent face à une pathologie de ce type, par laquelle le sujet ne veut ni ne peut cesser de mentir. - A la famille et aux proches qui subissent les conséquences des mensonges constants du mythomane, pour qu'ils sachent comment affronter une telle situation. - A toute personne voulant comprendre comment le mensonge peut affecter le quotidien et que faire quand il se transforme en pathologie. Ensuite, nous détaillerons chacune des thématiques principales de ce livre: - L'origine du mensonge: Il existe différents types de mensonges, qui sont fonction de l'objectif ou de l'intention du sujet. Nous expliquerons comment les distinguer. - Le mensonge chez les enfants: Les enfants apprennent à mentir d
La Petite: A Memoir of Childhood
by Michèle HalberstadtIn La Petite, the renowned French writer and film producer Michèle Halberstadt vividly recounts the painful events that surrounded the death of her beloved grandfather when she was twelve years old. Michèle’s mother favored her older sister, her father was emotionally remote, her teachers dismissive, and her peers a foreign species. Her grandfather alone had given her an image of herself that she could embrace. After he died, there seemed to be nothing left for her. One day she decided that she’d had enough of life. The pills in the bathroom were within reach and the temptation of falling asleep forever was irresistible. La Petite is neither grim nor sentimental. Halberstadt, the recipient of both the Legion d’Honneur and the Ordre du Mérite, France’s two most prestigious awards, has perfectly captured the emotions of the little girl she once was. Everywoman will recognize something of herself in this moving story about adolescent grief, solitude, and awakening.
La Scienza del Pensiero Critico: Guida all’auto-formazione e Strumenti di Abilità Cognitiva
by David DuxbyTi piacerebbe essere in grado di pensare criticamente e lucidamente? Da molto tempo le tecniche di pensiero critico sono state usate dalle persone per prendere decisioni migliori in tutti gli aspetti della vita. Usare tecniche di pensiero critico ti aiuterà anche a gestire il tuo budget, a guadagnare denaro, a vivere bene, a mangiare in modo salutare, a prendere le migliori decisioni possibili, ad aumentare la tua energia, concentrazione, felicità generale, e molto di più! Sentiti più positivo e raggiungi un'elevata qualità di vita padroneggiando quest'abilità essenziale. Verrai introdotto ai segreti che i professionisti del pensiero critico usano per diventare più efficace che mai! Con decadi di strategie testate questo ebook ti mostrerà il modo più veloce ed efficace per usare il pensiero critico a tuo beneficio! Questa guida ti insegnerà tecniche comprovate senza far uso di strumenti supplementari costosi o di corsi. Cosa è incluso: - Prendere decisioni migliori - Avere relazioni più salubri - Guadagnare di più - Avere più energia - Mangiare in modo migliore - Ridurre ed eliminare l'ansia - Dormire meglio - Superare i problemi della vita, gli ostacoli con facilità - Cosa devi sapere e molto di più! Se vuoi essere più in salute o migliorare la concentrazione e sentirti meglio allora questa guida è per te. --> Vai in cima alla pagina, aggiungi il libro al carrello e compralo Liberatoria: L’autore e/o il detentore(i) del copyright non si assumono responsabilità, non promettono o garantiscono circa l’accuratezza, la completezza o l’adeguatezza dei contenuti di questo libro, ed espressamente declinano ogni responsabilità per errori e omissioni nel suo contenuto. Questo prodotto deve essere usato solo come riferimento. Sei invitato a consultare un professionista prima di prendere decisioni riguardanti gli argomenti trattati nel libro.
La Thérapie de l'Âme: Le journal de guérison de l'âme
by Charity OkaCe livre vous aidera à trouver l'équilibre dans votre vie. Ce livre propose une thérapie de l'âme, dont vous aurez besoin pour vous aider à trouver l'équilibre dans votre vie. C'est mon souhait d'aider les gens à trouver l'équilibre qui me pousse à écrire. Il existe des connaissances, des informations et des idées profondes pour nous aider à guérir les blessures infligées par la société. Je suis déterminée à faire comprendre aux gens comment ils peuvent atteindre leur but, réaliser leur destin et développer leur plein potentiel, en démystifiant la croyance selon laquelle le bonheur vient avec la richesse, en proposant des solutions utiles pour trouver le bonheur et faire évoluer le moi. Ce livre parlera directement à votre âme, et vous ne serez plus jamais le même après l'avoir lu. Il n'existe pas beaucoup de livres qui nourrissent l'âme. C'est le cas de ce livre, que vous adorerez lire !
Lab Manual for Psychological Research
by J. Cooper Cutting Dawn M. McBridePacked with checklists and how-to sections, Lab Manual for Psychological Research by Dawn M. McBride and J. Cooper Cutting includes a wealth of hands-on exercises focusing on research methods, research projects, APA style, and avoiding plagiarism. New to the Revised Third Edition are 13 exercises designed to help students develop some of the more difficult research skills. Bundle the lab manual with McBride’s The Process of Research in Psychology, Third Edition. Order using Bundle ISBN: 978-1-5063-2351-0.
Lab Manual for Psychological Research
by J. Cooper Cutting Dawn M. McBridePacked with checklists and how-to sections, Lab Manual for Psychological Research by Dawn M. McBride and J. Cooper Cutting includes a wealth of hands-on exercises focusing on research methods, research projects, APA style, and avoiding plagiarism. New to the Revised Third Edition are 13 exercises designed to help students develop some of the more difficult research skills. Bundle the lab manual with McBride’s The Process of Research in Psychology, Third Edition. Order using Bundle ISBN: 978-1-5063-2351-0.
Lab Manual for Psychological Research
by J. Cooper Cutting Dawn M. McBrideDawn M. McBride and J. Cooper Cutting’s Lab Manual for Psychological Research, Fourth Edition provides students with opportunities to practice and apply the knowledge and skills learned in their research methods course. Developed for use in a lab course or as take-home review, the manual contains four types of practice: exercises that connect to specific concepts; exercises for developing a research project; APA-style exercises that become progressively more complex; and instruction for how to avoid plagiarism. This comprehensive and practical manual can be used with Dawn M. McBride's best-selling The Process of Research in Psychology, Fourth Edition or as a supplement to other core texts.
Lab Manual for Psychological Research
by J. Cooper Cutting Dawn M. McBrideDawn M. McBride and J. Cooper Cutting’s Lab Manual for Psychological Research, Fourth Edition provides students with opportunities to practice and apply the knowledge and skills learned in their research methods course. Developed for use in a lab course or as take-home review, the manual contains four types of practice: exercises that connect to specific concepts; exercises for developing a research project; APA-style exercises that become progressively more complex; and instruction for how to avoid plagiarism. This comprehensive and practical manual can be used with Dawn M. McBride's best-selling The Process of Research in Psychology, Fourth Edition or as a supplement to other core texts.
Lab Manual for Psychological Research
by J. Cooper Cutting Dawn M. McBrideThe Lab Manual for Psychological Research, Fifth Edition, by Dawn M. McBride and J. Cooper Cutting provides students with opportunities to practice and apply the knowledge and skills learned in their research methods course. Developed for use in a lab course or as take-home review, the manual contains four types of practice: exercises that connect to specific concepts, exercises for developing a research project, APA style exercises that become progressively more complex, and instruction for how to avoid plagiarism. The new edition provides fully revised exercises for the 7th edition of the APA style guide along with other new and revised exercises. The book now follows the progression of steps in the research process to better to better match student projects. This comprehensive and practical manual can be used with Dawn M. McBride′s best-selling The Process of Research in Psychology, Fifth Edition, or as a supplement to other core texts.
Lab Manual for Psychological Research
by J. Cooper Cutting Dawn M. McBrideThe Lab Manual for Psychological Research, Fifth Edition, by Dawn M. McBride and J. Cooper Cutting provides students with opportunities to practice and apply the knowledge and skills learned in their research methods course. Developed for use in a lab course or as take-home review, the manual contains four types of practice: exercises that connect to specific concepts, exercises for developing a research project, APA style exercises that become progressively more complex, and instruction for how to avoid plagiarism. The new edition provides fully revised exercises for the 7th edition of the APA style guide along with other new and revised exercises. The book now follows the progression of steps in the research process to better to better match student projects. This comprehensive and practical manual can be used with Dawn M. McBride′s best-selling The Process of Research in Psychology, Fifth Edition, or as a supplement to other core texts.
Lab Manual for Psychological Research and Statistical Analysis
by J. Cooper Cutting Dawn M. McBrideLab Manual for Psychological Research and Statistical Analysis serves as an additional resource for students and instructors in a research methods, statistics, or combined course where classroom and/or laboratory exercises are conducted. Packed with exercises, checklists, and how-to sections, this robust lab manual gives students hands-on guidance and practice for conducting and analyzing their own psychological research. Dawn M. McBride and J. Cooper Cutting provide students with additional opportunities for practice in a course with challenging material that requires practice and repetition for deeper understanding.
Lab Manual for Psychological Research and Statistical Analysis
by J. Cooper Cutting Dawn M. McBrideLab Manual for Psychological Research and Statistical Analysis serves as an additional resource for students and instructors in a research methods, statistics, or combined course where classroom and/or laboratory exercises are conducted. Packed with exercises, checklists, and how-to sections, this robust lab manual gives students hands-on guidance and practice for conducting and analyzing their own psychological research. Dawn M. McBride and J. Cooper Cutting provide students with additional opportunities for practice in a course with challenging material that requires practice and repetition for deeper understanding.
Lab Manual for Statistical Analysis
by J. Cooper Cutting Dawn M. McBridePacked with exercises, checklists, and how-to sections, this robust lab manual gives students hands-on guidance and practice for analyzing their own psychological research. The lab manual’s four sections include activities that correspond directly with the chapters of Dawn M. McBride’s The Process of Statistical Analysis in Psychology; activities related to data analysis projects (including data sets) that students can manipulate and analyze; activities designed to help students choose the correct test for different types of data; and exercises designed to help students write up results from analyses in APA style.
Lab Manual for Statistical Analysis
by J. Cooper Cutting Dawn M. McBridePacked with exercises, checklists, and how-to sections, this robust lab manual gives students hands-on guidance and practice for analyzing their own psychological research. The lab manual’s four sections include activities that correspond directly with the chapters of Dawn M. McBride’s The Process of Statistical Analysis in Psychology; activities related to data analysis projects (including data sets) that students can manipulate and analyze; activities designed to help students choose the correct test for different types of data; and exercises designed to help students write up results from analyses in APA style.
The Lab Rat Chronicles
by Kelly LambertWhat does the lowly laboratory rat have to teach about being human? To behavioural neuroscientist Kelly Lambert, a whole lot. Her 25-year career conducting experiments that involve rats has led her to a somewhat surprising conclusion: through their adaptive life strategies, these unassuming and sometimes even reviled little rodents demonstrate the central secrets of how humans can lead successful lives. Generous with fascinating findings and quirky observations and informed by the passion of a researcher at the top of her game, Lambert sheds light on rats - and humans.
Labeling: Pedagogy and Politics
by Paul Kihn Glenn M. HudakA diverse group of contributors, from the fields of education, psychology, philosophy and cultural studies, explore the social phenomenon of labeling. The authors question the nature of labeling, its contexts and processes, looking in particular at its prescriptive and confining effects. The assumption that labels are neutral and applied neutrally is rejected as the political nature of labeling is revealed.Topics discussed by the contributors include:*the politics of labeling*whiteness as a label for western cultural politics*labeling in institutions*popular culture and labeling*school communities and classrooms and the politics of labeling*labeling and race*sexual labelings*the impact of categorization on our children*labeling in the special education system*immigrants and limited English proficiency groups. Contributors include: Michael Apple, Peter McLaren, Cameron McCarthy and Maxine Greene.
Labeling the Mentally Retarded: Clinical and Social System Perspectives on Mental Retardation
by Jane R. MercerThis eight-year study of an American city traces the answer to the question "Who is retarded?" by analyzing the labeling process in a large number of community agencies. Data for the study are drawn from a representative sample of 7,000 persons under fifty years of age who were tested ans screened for "symptoms" of mental retardation. The author finds that that schools label more persons as mentally retarded than any other agency and share their labels more widely with others in the community. Relying on IQ test scores for diagnosis, schools place many persons with scores above 70 and with no physical disabilities in the role of retardate. The author contends that both the statistical model of "normal" and the unicultural viewpoint of educators and clinicians work to the disadvantage of the poor and the ethnic minorities. Given the opportunity, many persons demonstrate by their ability to cope with the problems in other areas of life that they are not comprehensively incompetent. The author makes serval policy recommendations. First, she suggests lowering the IQ score cutoff point used by schools in determining who shall be labeled as retarded. Second, she recommends that the clinicians use the two-dimensional definition of retardation proposed by the American Association of Mental Deficiency, subnormality in both intellectual performance and adaptive behavior. Third, she concludes that pluralistic assessment procedures must be employed to take into account cultural biases in IQ tests designed to measure cognitive skills. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press's mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1973.
Labor Disorders in Neoliberal Italy
by Noelle J. MoléPsychological harassment at work, or "mobbing," has become a significant public policy issue in Italy and elsewhere in Europe. Mobbing has given rise to specialized counseling clinics, a new field of professional expertise, and new labor laws. For Noelle J. Molé, mobbing is a manifestation of Italy's rapid transition from a highly protectionist to a market-oriented labor regime and a neoliberal state. She analyzes the classification of mobbing as a work-related illness, the deployment of preventive public health programs, the relation of mobbing to gendered work practices, and workers' use of the concept of mobbing to make legal and medical claims, with implications for state policy, labor contracts, and political movements. For many Italian workers, mobbing embodies the social and psychological effects of an economy and a state in transition.
Labor-environmental Coalitions: Lessons from a Louisiana Petrochemical Region (Work, Health and Environment Series)
by Thomas Estabrook Charles Levenstein John WoodingIn 1984, the oil, chemical and atomic workers began a 5-year campaign to win back the jobs of its members locked out by the BASF Corp. in Geismar, Louisiana. The multiscale campaign involved coalitions with local environmentalists as well as international solidarity from environmental and religious organizations. The local coalition which helped break the lockout was maintained and expanded in the 1990s. This alliance is one of numerous labor-community coalitions to emerge increasingly over the past 20 years.""Labor-Environmental Coalitions: Lessons from a Louisiana Petrochemical Region"" traces the development of the Louisiana Labor-Neighbor Project from 1985 to the present, within the context of a long history of divisions between labor and community in the U.S. The Project continued after the lockout, thriving during 1990s, expanding from one community to four counties to include 20 local member organizations, and broadening its agenda from the original jobs crisis and pollution problems to address a wide range of worker, environmental health, and economic justice issues."" Labor-Environmental Coalitions"" explores the dynamics of the Louisiana coalition to offer lessons for other coalition efforts. The book seeks to understand coalitions as a necessary strategy to counteract the dominant forces of capitalist development. The author contends that the Labor-Neighbor Project, like labor-community coalitions generally, created a unique blend of politics shaped by the geographic nature industry's politics; by the relative openness of government; and by the class experience of labor and community members.The Louisiana Project demonstrates that for labor-community coalitions to thrive they must broaden their agenda, strengthen their leadership and coalition-building skills, and develop access to multiscale resources. The author argues that for labor-community coalitions to have longer term political impact, they should adopt an explicitly progressive approach by building a broader class and cultural leadership, and by demanding state and corporate accountability on economic, public health, and environmental justice issues.
Labor/management Relations Among Government Employees (Public Sector Contemporary Issues)
by Harry KershenIncludes articles which offer a mix of theoretical analysis, case history and empirical research, interspersed with good, practical advice from those who have sat long hours at the bargaining table.
Laboratory Psychology: A Beginner's Guide (Cognitive Psychology Ser.)
by Nunn JuliaExperimental design is important enough to merit a book on its own, without statistics, that instead links methodology to a discussion of how psychologists can advance and reject theories about human behaviour. The objective of this book is to fulfil this role. The first four chapters lay the foundations of design in experimental psychology. The first chapter justifies the prominent role given to methodology within the discipline, whilst chapters two and three describe between-subject and within-subject designs. Chapter four compares and contrasts the traditional experimental approach with that of the quasi-experimental, or correlational approach, concluding that the consequences of not recognizing the value of the latter approach can be far-reaching. The following three chapters discuss practical issues involved in running experiments. The first of these offers a comprehensive guide to the student researcher who wants to construct a good questionnaire, including a discussion of reliability and validity issues. The next chapter considers the basic tools of psychological research, whilst both discussing the theoretical problem of how a sample from a population is chosen and offering useful hints on the practical issue of finding adequate populations from which to select participants. The next chapter considers ethical practice within psychological research, written in large part so that psychology students will be better able to anticipate ethical problems in their studies before they occur. The final two chapters consider reporting and reading psychological papers. Chapter eight details what should and should not be included in a laboratory report. The contributors use their collective experience of marking numerous lab reports to highlight common errors and provide solutions. Finally, chapter nine describes the various elements of a journal article, including tips on how to get the best out of your journal reading.
Labster Virtual Lab Experiments: Basic Genetics
by Sarah Stauffer Aaron Gardner Wilko Duprez Dewi Ayu Ungu Philip WismerThis textbook helps you to prepare for both your next exams and practical courses by combining theory with virtual lab simulations. With the “Labster Virtual Lab Experiments” book series you have the unique opportunity to apply your newly acquired knowledge in an interactive learning game that simulates common laboratory experiments. Try out different techniques and work with machines that you otherwise wouldn’t have access to.In this volume on “Basic Genetics” you will learn how to work in a laboratory with genetic background and the fundamental theoretical concepts of the following topics:Mendelian InheritancePolymerase Chain ReactionAnimal GeneticsGene ExpressionGene RegulationIn each chapter, you will be introduced to the basic knowledge as well as one virtual lab simulation with a true-to-life challenge. Following a theory section, you will be able to play the corresponding simulation. Each simulation includes quiz questions to reinforce your understanding of the covered topics. 3D animations will show you molecular processes not otherwise visible to the human eye. If you have purchased a printed copy of this book, you get free access to five simulations for the duration of six months. If you’re using the e-book version, you can sign up and buy access to the simulations at www.labster.com/springer.If you like this book, try out other topics in this series, including “Basic Biology”, “Basic Biochemistry”, and “Genetics of Human Diseases”.
Labyrinth of Desire: Women, Passion, and Romantic Obsession
by Rosemary SullivanDrawing upon a broad array of examples, from Jane Eyre to the legend of Frida Kahlo, the author examines women's expectations of love and romance. She argues that women are culturally programmed for romantic obsession, creating the love object rather than seeing him as the human being he is. She finds that romantic obsession is a means by which women discover themselves.