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Jung: Bullet Guides
by Robert AndersonOpen this book and you will Understand analytical psychology Explore Jungian thought Grasp essential concepts Explore the psyche
Jung: A Complete Introduction: Teach Yourself
by Phil GossJung: A Complete Introduction is designed to give you everything you need to succeed, all in one place. It covers the key areas that students are expected to be confident in, outlining the basics in clear, jargon-free English and providing added-value features like summaries of key books, and even lists of questions you might be asked in your seminar or exam.The book uses a structure that mirrors the way Jung is taught on many university and counselling courses. Chapters include individuation and the archetypal power of the unconscious, Jung's early life, Jung's early career and key influences, Freud and Jung, the self and ego, the dark side, anima and animus, archetypes, typology, Jungian analysis, working with dreams, active imagination, developmental approaches, application of Jungian analysis to mental health needs, and Jung's legacy in culture, spirituality and therapy.Jung employs the 'Breakthrough Method' to help you advance quickly at any subject, whether you're studying for an exam or just for your own interest. The Breakthrough Method is designed to overcome typical problems you'll face as learn new concepts and skills.- Problem: "I find it difficult to remember what I've read."; Solution: this book includes end-of-chapter summaries and questions to test your understanding.- Problem: "Lots of introductory books turn out to cover totally different topics than my course."; Solution: this book is written by a university lecturer who understands what students are expected to know.
Jung contra Freud: The 1912 New York Lectures on the Theory of Psychoanalysis (Philemon Foundation Series #6)
by C. G. JungIn the autumn of 1912, C. G. Jung, then president of the International Psychoanalytic Association, set out his critique and reformulation of the theory of psychoanalysis in a series of lectures in New York, ideas that were to prove unacceptable to Freud, thus creating a schism in the Freudian school. Jung challenged Freud's understandings of sexuality, the origins of neuroses, dream interpretation, and the unconscious, and Jung also became the first to argue that every analyst should themselves be analyzed. Seen in the light of the subsequent reception and development of psychoanalysis, Jung's critiques appear to be strikingly prescient, while also laying the basis for his own school of analytical psychology. This volume of Jung's lectures includes an introduction by Sonu Shamdasani, Philemon Professor of Jung History at University College London, and editor of Jung's Red Book.
Jung, Dante, and the Making of the Red Book: Of Fire and Form (Research in Analytical Psychology and Jungian Studies)
by Tommaso PrivieroThis book explores the genesis of the Red Book (or Liber Novus), through the lens of Jung’s lifelong confrontation with Dante and, in doing so, provides the first-ever thorough comparative analysis of the intertextual and symbolical correspondences between Liber Novus and the Commedia. Starting from Jung’s multifaceted fascination with Dante and his pivotal role in the former’s visionary material at historical, hermeneutical, and psychological levels, the book challengingly envisions Liber Novus as Jung’s Divine Comedy. This work finds a new way of approaching Jung’s understanding of concepts such as "visionary works" and "visionary mind" and considers how this approach can enhance our vision of depth psychology. Through various thematics such as the metanoia and the symbolism of animals, as well as the transformative role of the feminine and the erotic and spiritual imagery of the soul, this work revolves around the Jung-Dante correlation. Offering an original perspective within the field of Jungian and Dante scholarship, this book will be of great interest to academics and postgraduate students studying in the areas of Jung, Dante, analytical psychology, depth psychology, hermeneutics and Western esoteric currents and practices. The book will also appeal to Jungian analysts and psychoanalysts more broadly.
Jung, Deleuze, and the Problematic Whole: Originality, Development and Progress (Philosophy and Psychoanalysis)
by Roderick MainThis book of expert essays explores the concept of the whole as it operates within the psychology of Jung, the philosophy of Deleuze, and selected areas of wider twentieth-century Western culture, which provided the context within which these two seminal thinkers worked. Addressing this topic from a variety of perspectives and disciplines and with an eye to contemporary social, political, and environmental crises, the contributors aim to clarify some of the epistemological and ethical issues surrounding attempts, such as those of Jung and Deleuze, to think in terms of the whole, whether the whole in question is a particular bounded system (such as an organism, person, society, or ecosystem) or, most broadly, reality as a whole. Jung, Deleuze, and the Problematic Whole will contribute to enhancing critical self-reflection among the many contemporary theorists and practitioners in whose work thinking in terms of the whole plays a significant role.
Jung in the 21st Century Volume One: Evolution and Archetype
by John Ryan HauleThis first volume provides an original overview of Jung’s work, demonstrating that it is fully compatible with contemporary views in science. It draws on a wide range of scientific disciplines including, evolution, neurobiology, primatology, archaeology and anthropology. Divided into three parts, areas of discussion include: evolution, archetype and behaviour individuation, complexes and theory of therapy Jung’s psyche and its neural substrate the transcendent function history of consciousness. Jung in the 21st Century Volume One: Evolution and Archetype will be an invaluable resource for all those in the field of analytical psychology, including students of Jung, psychoanalysts and psychotherapists with an interest in the meeting of Jung and science.
Jung in the 21st Century Volume Two: Synchronicity and Science
by John Ryan HauleThis second volume explores Jung’s understanding of synchronicity and argues that it offers an important contribution to contemporary science. Whilst the scientific world has often ignored Jung’s theories as being too much like mysticism, Haule argues that what the human psyche knows beyond sensory perception is extremely valuable. Divided into two parts, areas of discussion include: shamanism and mastery border zones of exact science meditation, parapsychology and psychokinesis Jung in the 21st Century Volume Two: Synchronicity and Science will, like the first volume, be an invaluable resource for all those in the field of analytical psychology, including students of Jung, psychoanalysts and psychotherapists with an interest in the meeting of Jung and science.
Jung In A Week: Teach Yourself
by Ruth SnowdenLearn in a week, remember for a lifetime!In just one week, this accessible book will give you knowledge to last forever. End of chapter summaries and multiple choice questions are all designed to help you test your knowledge and gain confidence. So whether you are a student or you simply want to widen your knowledge, you will find this seven-day course a very memorable introduction.Sunday: Learn who Jung was and what he didMonday: Explore Jung's inner world and how this informed his ideasTuesday: Understand Jung's view of the psyche and its journeyWednesday: Consider Jung's views on dreams and symbolsThursday: Engage with Jung's understanding of personality and how we form relationshipsFriday: Find out what Jung thought about esoterica, the paranormal, religion and spirituality.Saturday: Look at how Jung's ideas have been developed over time and how they are relevant today.
Jung In A Week: Teach Yourself
by Ruth SnowdenLearn in a week, remember for a lifetime!In just one week, this accessible book will give you knowledge to last forever. End of chapter summaries and multiple choice questions are all designed to help you test your knowledge and gain confidence. So whether you are a student or you simply want to widen your knowledge, you will find this seven-day course a very memorable introduction.Sunday: Learn who Jung was and what he didMonday: Explore Jung's inner world and how this informed his ideasTuesday: Understand Jung's view of the psyche and its journeyWednesday: Consider Jung's views on dreams and symbolsThursday: Engage with Jung's understanding of personality and how we form relationshipsFriday: Find out what Jung thought about esoterica, the paranormal, religion and spirituality.Saturday: Look at how Jung's ideas have been developed over time and how they are relevant today.
Jung, Irigaray, Individuation: Philosophy, Analytical Psychology, and the Question of the Feminine
by Frances GrayHow do philosophy and analytical psychology contribute to the mal-figuring of the feminine and women? Does Luce Irigaray's work represent the possibility of individuation for women, an escape from masculine projection and an affirming re-figuring of women? And what would individuation for women entail? This work postulates a novel and unique relationship between Carl Jung and Luce Irigaray. Its central argument, that an ontologically different feminine identity situated in women's embodiment, women's genealogy and a women's divine is possible, develops and re-figures Jung's notion of individuation in terms of an Irigarayan woman-centred politics. Individuation is re-thought as a politically charged issue centred around sex-gendered difference focussed on a critique of Jung's conception of the feminine. The book outlines Plato's conception of the feminine as disorder and argues that this conception is found in Jung's notion of the anima feminine. It then argues that Luce Irigaray's work challenges the notion of the feminine as disorder. Her mimetic adoption of this figuring of the feminine is a direct assault on what can be understood as a culturally dominant Western understanding. Luce Irigaray argues for a feminine divine which will model an ideal feminine just as the masculine divine models a masculine ideal. In making her claims, Luce Irigaray, the book argues, is expanding and elaborating Jung's idea of individuation. Jung, Irigaray, Individuation brings together philosophy, analytical psychology and psychoanalysis in suggesting that Luce Irigaray's conception of the feminine is a critical re-visioning of the open-ended possibilities for human being expressed in Jung's idea of individuation. This fresh insight will intrigue academics and analysts alike in its exploration of the different traditions from which Carl Jung and Luce Irigaray speak.
Jung: From analytical psychology and dreams to the collective unconscious and more (TY Philosophy)
by Ruth SnowdenCARL JUNG MADE EASYJung - the Key Ideas is designed to quickly familiarize you with the revolutionary thinking of Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology. Explaining Jung's complex ideas in simple terms, and backing it up with references to his own texts, you will learn all the essential concepts, from the collective unconscious to archetypes in dreams. You will learn about Jung's upbringing and the development of his thinking. Discover his early work and influences and how they came to shape his ideological and spiritual development. The intricacies of Jung's complex systems of thought are discussed in a straightforward and jargon-free way with particular focus on his lifelong fascination with the spiritual, the numinous, the inner world and the self-realization of the unconscious. Jung's exploration of mythology, dreams, visions and fantasies, as well as his studies into the journey of the psyche, are all explained, making often complex theories easy to get to grips with and the book also looks at his legacy and how his work and ideas have shaped psychology with many therapists still trained in the Jungian method.
The Jung-Kirsch Letters: The Correspondence of C.G. Jung and James Kirsch
by Ann Conrad LammersThis book charts Carl Gustav Jung’s 33-year (1928-61) correspondence with James Kirsch, adding depth and complexity to the previously published record of the early Jungian movement. Kirsch was a German-Jewish psychiatrist, a first-generation follower of Jung, who founded Jungian communities in Berlin, Tel Aviv, London, and Los Angeles. Their letters tell of heroic survival, brilliant creativity, and the building of generative institutions, but these themes are darkened by personal and collective shadows. The Nazi era looms over the first half of the book, shaping the story in ways that were fateful not only for Kirsch and his career but also for Jung and his. Kirsch trained with Jung and acted as a tutor in Jewish psychology and culture to him. In 1934, fearing that anti-Semitism had seized his teacher, Kirsch challenged Jung to explain some of his publications for the Nazi-dominated Medical Society for Psychotherapy. Jung’s answer convinced Kirsch of his sincerity, and from then on Kirsch defended him fiercely against any allegation of anti-Semitism. We also witness Kirsch’s lifelong struggle with states of archetypal possession: his identification with the interior God-image on the one hand, and with unconscious feminine aspects of his psyche on the other. These complexes were expressed, for Kirsch, in physical symptoms and emotional dilemmas, and they led him into clinical boundary violations which were costly to his analysands, his family and himself. The text of these historical documents is translated with great attention to style and accuracy, and generous editorial scaffolding gives glimpses into the writers’ world. Four appendices are included: two essays by Kirsch, a series of letters between Hilde Kirsch and Jung, and a brief, incisive essay on the Medical Society for Psychotherapy. This revised edition includes primary material that was unavailable when the book was first published, as well as updated footnotes and minor corrections to the translated letters.
Jung on Active Imagination
by Joan Chodorow C. G. JungAll the creative art psychotherapies (art, dance, music, drama, poetry) can trace their roots to C. G. Jung's early work on active imagination. Joan Chodorow here offers a collection of Jung's writings on active imagination, gathered together for the first time. Jung developed this concept between the years 1913 and 1916, following his break with Freud. During this time, he was disoriented and experienced intense inner turmoil --he suffered from lethargy and fears, and his moods threatened to overwhelm him. Jung searched for a method to heal himself from within, and finally decided to engage with the impulses and images of his unconscious. It was through the rediscovery of the symbolic play of his childhood that Jung was able to reconnect with his creative spirit. In a 1925 seminar and again in his memoirs, he tells the remarkable story of his experiments during this time that led to his self-healing. Jung learned to develop an ongoing relationship with his lively creative spirit through the power of imagination and fantasies. He termed this therapeutic method "active imagination." This method is based on the natural healing function of the imagination, and its many expressions. Chodorow clearly presents the texts, and sets them in the proper context. She also interweaves her discussion of Jung's writings and ideas with contributions from Jungian authors and artists.
Jung on Alchemy
by C. G. JungIlluminating selections from Jung&’s writings on alchemy and the transformation of the human spiritThe ancient practice of alchemy, which thrived in Europe until the seventeenth century, dealt with the phenomenon of transformation—not only of ore into gold but also of the self into Other. Through their work in the material realm, alchemists discovered personal rebirth as well as a linking between outer and inner dimensions.C. G. Jung first turned to alchemy for personal illumination in coping with trauma brought on by his break with Freud. Alchemical symbolism eventually suggested to Jung that there was a process in the unconscious, one that had a goal beyond discharging tension and hiding pain. In this book, Nathan Schwartz-Salant brings together key selections of Jung&’s writings on the subject. These writings expose us to Jung&’s fascinating reflections on the symbols of alchemy—such as the three-headed Mercurial dragon, hermaphrodites, and lions devouring the sun—and brings us closer to the spirit of his approach to the unconscious, closer than his purely scientific concepts often allow.
Jung on Art: The Autonomy of the Creative Drive
by Tjeu van den BerkIn this book, Tjeu van den Berk examines C. G. Jung's personal perspective on art and how his work intensely engages with this theme. It analyses Jung’s profound reflections on artistic considerations such as how we experience art, the specific qualities in the perception of beauty, the nature of the creative process and the aesthetic attitude. Jung on Art considers Jung's feelings about art simply being 'art' rather than reducing it to a moral, political, religious or psychological product. It also discusses Jung’s notion that the artist is only a breeding ground for a piece of art, and once complete, the piece has an independent existence. Topics covered include: symbolism the difference between art and aesthetics Jung's ideas about himself as an artist the psychology of art Jung's perspective on modern art and surrealism. This book will be of great interest to all Jungian scholars, as well as those interested in the meeting of Jung and art.
Jung on Astrology (Jung On)
by C. G. JungJung on Astrology brings together C. G. Jung’s thoughts on astrology in a single volume for the first time, significantly adding to our understanding of Jung’s work. Jung’s Collected Works, seminars, and letters contain numerous discussions of this ancient divinatory system, and Jung himself used astrological horoscopes as a diagnostic tool in his analytic practice. Understood in terms of his own psychology as a symbolic representation of the archetypes of the collective unconscious, Jung found in astrology a wealth of spiritual and psychological meaning and suggested it represents the "sum of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity." The selections and editorial introductions by Safron Rossi and Keiron Le Grice address topics that were of critical importance to Jung—such as the archetypal symbolism in astrology, the precession of the equinoxes and astrological ages, astrology as a form of synchronicity and acausal correspondence, the qualitative nature of time, and the experience of astrological fate—allowing readers to assess astrology’s place within the larger corpus of Jung’s work and its value as a source of symbolic meaning for our time. The book will be of great interest to analytical psychologists, Jungian psychotherapists and academics and students of depth psychology, Jungian and post-Jungian studies, as well as to astrologers and therapists of other orientations, especially transpersonal.
Jung on Christianity (Encountering Jung)
by C. G. JungC. G. Jung, son of a Swiss Reformed pastor, used his Christian background throughout his career to illuminate the psychological roots of all religions. Jung believed religion was a profound, psychological response to the unknown--both the inner self and the outer worlds--and he understood Christianity to be a profound meditation on the meaning of the life of Jesus of Nazareth within the context of Hebrew spirituality and the Biblical worldview. Murray Stein's introduction relates Jung's personal relationship with Christianity to his psychological views on religion in general, his hermeneutic of religious thought, and his therapeutic attitude toward Christianity. This volume includes extensive selections from Psychological Approach to the Dogma of the Trinity," "Christ as a Symbol of the Self," from Aion, "Answer to Job," letters to Father Vincent White from Letters, and many more.
Jung on Death and Immortality (Encountering Jung #3)
by C. G. Jung"As a doctor, I make every effort to strengthen the belief in immortality, especially with older patients when such questions come threateningly close. For, seen in correct psychological perspective, death is not an end but a goal, and life's inclination towards death begins as soon as the meridian is past."--C.G. Jung, commentary on The Secret of the Golden Flower ? Here collected for the first time are Jung's views on death and immortality, his writings often coinciding with the death of the most significant people in his life. The book shows many of the major themes running throughout the writings, including the relativity of space and time surrounding death, the link between transference and death, and the archetypes shared among the world's religions at the depths of the Self. The book includes selections from "On Resurrection," "The Soul and Death," "Concerning Rebirth," "Psychological Commentary on The Tibetan Book of the Dead" from the Collected Works, "Letter to Pastor Pfafflin" from Letters, and "On Life after Death."
Jung on Evil (Jung On Ser.)
by C. G. JungIlluminating selections from Jung&’s writings on the nature of evilWell-known for his articulation of the &“shadow side&” of human individuality and culture, C. G. Jung wrote a great deal about the question of evil throughout his life and in scattered places in his work. In this book, Murray Stein brings together key selections of Jung&’s writings on the subject. In Jung&’s early work on the unconscious, he considered the role of evil in the mental processes of the severely disturbed. Later, he viewed the question of moral choice within the framework of his ideas about archetypes and discussions about moral choices, conscience, and the continual ethical reflection that is necessary for all of us. The material here includes letters to Freud and Father Victor White and writings ranging from his Answer to Job to his travel piece on North Africa.
Jung on Ignatius of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises: Lectures Delivered at ETH Zurich, Volume 7: 1939–1940 (Philemon Foundation Series #27)
by C. G. JungJung’s lectures on the psychology of Jesuit spiritual practice—unabridged in English for the first timeBetween 1933 and 1941, C. G. Jung delivered a series of public lectures at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. Intended for a general audience, these lectures addressed a broad range of topics, from yoga and meditation to dream analysis and the psychology of alchemy. Here for the first time are Jung’s complete lectures on Ignatius of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises, delivered in the winter of 1939–1940.These illuminating lectures are the culmination of Jung’s investigation into traditional forms of meditation and their parallels to his psychotherapeutic method of active imagination. Jung presents Loyola’s exercises as the prime example of a Christian practice comparable to yoga and Eastern meditation, and gives a psychological interpretation of the visions depicted in the saint’s autobiographical writings. Offering a unique opportunity to encounter the brilliant psychologist as he shares his ideas with the general public, the lectures reflect Jung’s increasingly positive engagement with Roman Catholicism, a development that would lead to his fruitful collaborations after the war with eminent Catholic theologians such as Victor White, Bruno de Jésus-Marie, and Hugo Rahner.Featuring an authoritative introduction by Martin Liebscher along with explanations of Jungian concepts and psychological terminology, this splendid book provides an invaluable window on the evolution of Jung’s thought and a vital key to understanding his later work.
Jung on Mythology (Encountering Jung #2)
by C. G. JungAt least three major questions can be asked of myth: what is its subject matter? what is its origin? and what is its function? Theories of myth may differ on the answers they give to any of these questions, but more basically they may also differ on which of the questions they ask. C. G. Jung's theory is one of the few that purports to answer fully all three questions. This volume collects and organizes the key passages on myth by Jung himself and by some of the most prominent Jungian writers after him: Erich Neumann, Marie-Louise von Franz, and James Hillman. The book synthesizes the discovery of myth as a way of thinking, where it becomes a therapeutic tool providing an entrance to the unconscious. In the first selections, Jung begins to differentiate his theory from Freud's by asserting that there are fantasies and dreams of an "impersonal" nature that cannot be reduced to experiences in a person's past. Jung then asserts that the similarities among myths are the result of the projection of the collective rather than the personal unconscious onto the external world. Finally, he comes to the conclusion that myth originates and functions to satisfy the psychological need for contact with the unconscious--not merely to announce the existence of the unconscious, but to let us experience it.
Jung on Synchronicity and the Paranormal (Encountering Jung #1)
by C. G. JungC. G. Jung had a lifelong interest in the paranormal that culminated in his influential theory of synchronicity. Combining extracts taken from the Collected Works; letters; the autobiographical Memories, Dreams, Reflections; and transcripts of seminars, Jung on Synchronicity and the Paranormal sets out clearly his seminal contribution to our understanding of this controversial area. In his introduction, Roderick Main discusses Jung's encounters with and observations of the paranormal, the influences that contributed to his theory of synchronicity, and the central ideas of the theory itself. The selections include Jung's writings on mediumistic trance phenomena, spirits and hauntings, anomalous events in the development and practice of analytical psychology, and the divinatory techniques of astrology and the I Ching. The book also features Jung's most lucid account of his theory in the form of his short essay "On Synchronicity," and a number of Jung's less-known writings on parapsychology, his astrological experiment, and the relationship between mind and body. Jung on Synchronicity and the Paranormal addresses subjects that were fundamental to Jung's personal and professional development. Probing deeply into the theory of synchronicity, Roderick Main clarifies issues that have long been a source of confusion to Jung's readers.
Jung on the East (Jung On Ser.)
by C.G. JungJung's interest in the East was deep-rooted and life-long, and the traditional teachings of China and India played an important role in his personal and intellectual development, as well as in the formations of the ideas and practices that are central to Jungian psychology.Jung on the East brings together key selections from his work on Buddhism, yoga and Taoism, and on such classic texts as the I Ching and The Tibetan Book of the Dead. It also includes accounts on his own journey to India.The clear and perceptive introduction sets the context for Jung's encounter with the East, and provides an excellent framework that will enable the reader to get the most out of Jung's writings in this area. The book will be of interest to everyone seeking to further their understanding both of Jung, and of Eastern thought and spirituality.
Jung on War, Politics and Nazi Germany: Exploring the Theory of Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
by Nicholas LewinThis book presents a historical examination of C.G. Jung's politics and considers the insights he provides for those seeking to understand the causes of War. It looks at how Jung applies his theories to Nazi Germany and the rise of the theories of the collective unconscious and the archetypes.
Jung, Psychology, Postmodernity
by Raya JonesJung, Psychology, Postmodernity explores points of confluence and, more often, contradictions between Jungian and postmodern ideas. Throughout the book Raya Jones examines how personal meaning emerges in human activity. Jung addressed this in terms of symbol formation, with particular attention to dreams, myths, art and other fantasy productions. Postmodern psychologists tend to address issues of meaning in terms of peoples self-understanding and identity construction, with a focus on self-positioning in actual conversation or on autobiographical narratives. Jones draws a line of critical comparison between postmodern psychology and Jung’s descriptions of the symbolic dimension, myth, and the structure of the psyche. The book culminates with an evaluation of Jung’s psychic energy concept, for which there is no direct counterpart in postmodern psychology. Jung, Psychology, Postmodernity is an original critique of two key moments in the history of psychology. It will be welcomed by Jungians, as well as psychotherapists, and students of psychology.