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Jungian Film Studies: The essential guide (Jung: The Essential Guides)

by Helena Bassil-Morozow Luke Hockley

Jungian film studies is a fast-growing academic field, but Jungian and post-Jungian concepts are still new to many academics and film critics. Helena Bassil-Morozow and Luke Hockley present Jungian Film Studies: The Essential Guide, the first book to bring together all the different strands, issues and arguments in the discipline, and guide the reader through the various ways in which Jungian psychology can be applied to moving images. Bassil-Morozow and Hockley cover a range of Jungian concepts including the collective unconscious, archetypes, the individuation process, alchemy, and signs and symbols, showing how they can be used to discuss the core cinematic issues such as narrative structure, gender, identity, genre, authorship, and phenomenology. The authors argue that, as a place where the unconscious and conscious meet, cinema offers the potential for imagery that is psychologically potent, meaningful, and that plays a role in our personal psychological development. This much-needed book, which bridges the space between Jungian concepts and traditional film theory, will be essential reading for scholars and students of Analytical Psychology, psychoanalysis, Jungian film studies, media, film and cultural studies, psychosocial psychology and clinical psychology. It will also appeal to analytical psychologists, psychotherapists and readers with an interest in film analysis.

A Jungian Inquiry into the American Psyche: The Violence of Innocence

by Ipek S. Burnett

In A Jungian Inquiry into the American Psyche: The Violence of Innocence, Ipek Burnett’s penetrating cultural criticism enriched with psychoanalytical and Jungian insight offers a timely interrogation of national consciousness in the United States. Through evocative storytelling, Burnett unpacks the images and myths that run deep in the American psyche—from that of the New World, the city upon a hill, to the Manifest Destiny, the melting pot, and the pursuit of happiness. Against this backdrop, she investigates the vicious cycles of innocence and violence that have dominated American history and continue to reinforce systematic oppression in America, evident in racial and economic inequality, xenophobia, materialism, and more. Burnett’s thought-provoking analysis exposes the ways in which psychological defenses such as historical amnesia, projection, denial, and dissociation work on a collective level, helping America avoid a confrontation with these violent truths of its past and present circumstances, and its national character. With its seamless multidisciplinary approach and revealing insight, this book will be of great interest to psychologists, scholars, and students of Jungian and post-Jungian thought, depth psychology, and cultural and American studies. Eloquent and accessible, it will engage readers who strive to be self-reflective, well-informed global citizens. .

The Jungian Inspired Holocaust Writings of Etty Hillesum: To Write is to Act

by Barbara Morrill

Within this fascinating new book, Barbara Morrill analyses the journal writings of Etty Hillesum, a young Jewish woman in the 1940s, as she began analysis with a Jungian oriented practitioner in 1941.While Anne Frank is an inspirational figure, little is known about Etty Hillesum, also from Amsterdam, who kept a diary recounting her life and experiences during early World War II. This book is a compelling example of how we can use Etty Hillesum’s writings in the present to stand firm against the problems we’re currently facing globally. Being a Jungian oriented Integral psychologist and professor, the author examines what Hillesum recorded in her time, as well as employing Etty’s ideas to illuminate the chaos in our time. She explores Hillesum’s own process of individuation and realization, encouraging others to “develop yourselves!”This will be a unique volume of interest to Jungian analysts, analysts in training, as well as readers with an interest in the time period and concern about democracy and “our times.”

Jungian Literary Criticism: The Essential Guide (Jung: The Essential Guides)

by Susan Rowland

In Jungian Literary Criticism: the essential guide, Susan Rowland demonstrates how ideas such as archetypes, the anima and animus, the unconscious and synchronicity can be applied to the analysis of literature. Jung’s emphasis on creativity was central to his own work, and here Rowland illustrates how his concepts can be applied to novels, poetry, myth and epic, allowing a reader to see their personal, psychological and historical contribution. This multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach challenges the notion that Jungian ideas cannot be applied to literary studies, exploring Jungian themes in canonical texts by authors including Shakespeare, Jane Austen and W. B. Yeats as well as works by twenty-first century writers, such as in digital literary art. Rowland argues that Jung’s works encapsulate realities beyond narrow definitions of what a single academic discipline ought to do, and through using case studies alongside Jung’s work she demonstrates how both disciplines find a home in one another. Interweaving Jungian analysis with literature, Jungian Literary Criticism explores concepts from the shadow to contemporary issues of ecocriticism and climate change in relation to literary works, and emphasises the importance of a reciprocal relationship. Each chapter concludes with key definitions, themes and further reading, and the book encourages the reader to examine how worldviews change when disciplines combine. The accessible approach of Jungian Literary Criticism: the essential guide will appeal to academics and students of literary studies, Jungian and post-Jungian studies, literary theory, environmental humanities and ecocentrism. It will also be of interest to Jungian analysts and therapists in training and in practice.

Jungian Metaphor in Modernist Literature: Exploring Individuation, Alchemy and Symbolism (Research in Analytical Psychology and Jungian Studies)

by Roula-Maria Dib

Jungian Metaphor in Modernist Literature argues for the centrality of Carl Jung’s theory of individuation and alchemy in modernist poetics. Through analysis of the uses of a mythic method in modernist literary works, the book develops a related alchemical model which serves to expand understanding of modernist uses of language. The book is an innovative exploration of modernist literary creativity under a Jungian lens, spanning both the literary and scholarly Jungian field. The literary works of Hilda Doolittle, James Joyce and W.B Yeats are read in the light of Jung’s central theme of an ‘alchemical marriage’ with attempts at developing a related alchemical model, a Jungian poetics, which serves to expand a reader’s understanding of modernist uses of language. This provides a fresh new lens through which modernist literature is viewed and seeks to revaluate the role of Jung in the humanities, namely in the field of modernist literature, an area from which Jung has long been shunned. This book will be of great interest for academics, researchers and post-graduate students in the fields of literature, modernism, psychoanalysis, gender studies, Jungian psychology, depth psychology, literary theory, and cultural studies. .

Jungian Music Psychotherapy: When Psyche Sings

by Joel Kroeker

Music is everywhere in our lives and all analysts are witness to musical symbols arising from their patient's psyche. However, there is a common resistance to working directly with musical content. Combining a wide range of clinical vignettes with analytic theory, Kroeker takes an in-depth look at the psychoanalytic process through the lens of musical expression and puts forward an approach to working with musical symbols within analysis, which he calls Archetypal Music Psychotherapy (AMP). Kroeker argues that we have lost our connection to the simple, vital immediacy that musical expression offers. By distilling music into its basic archetypal elements, he illustrates how to rediscover our place in this confrontation with deep psyche and highlights the role of the enigmatic, musical psyche for guiding us through our life. Innovative and interdisciplinary, Kroeker’s model for working analytically with musical symbols enables readers to harness the impact of meaningful sound, allowing them to view these experiences through the clarifying lens of depth psychology and the wider work of contemporary psychoanalytic theory. Jungian Music Psychotherapy is a groundbreaking introduction to the ideas of Archetypal Music Psychotherapy that interweaves theory with clinical examples. It is essential reading for Jungian analysts, psychotherapists, psychoanalysts, music therapists, academics and students of Jungian and post-Jungian studies, music studies, consciousness studies, and those interested in the creative arts.

A Jungian Perspective on the Therapist-Patient Relationship in Film: Cinema As Our Therapist

by Ruth Netzer

Within this book, Ruth Netzer explores the archetypal components of therapist-patient relations in cinema from the perspective of Jungian archetypal symbolism, and within the context of myth and ritual.Film is a medium that is attracted to the extremes of this specific relationship, depicting the collapse of the accepted boundaries of therapyp; though on the other hand, cinema also loves the fantasy of therapy as intimacy. Through the medium of film, and employing examples from over 45 well-known films, the author analyzes the successes and failures of therapists within film, and reviews the concepts of transference and counter-transference and their therapeutic and redemptive powers, in contrast to their potential for destruction and exploitation within the context of a patient-therapist relationship.This book will be a fascinating read for Jungian analysts, psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists with an interest in the link between cinema and therapy, as well as filmmakers and students and teachers of film studies.

Jungian Perspectives on Indeterminate States: Betwixt and Between Borders

by Elizabeth Brodersen and Pilar Amezaga

In Jungian Perspectives on Indeterminate States: Betwixt and Between Borders, Elizabeth Brodersen and Pilar Amezaga bring together leading international contributors to analyse and interpret the psychological impact of contemporary border crossing - both literally and figuratively. Each chapter assesses key themes such as migration, culture, gender and identity formation, through a Jungian lens. All the contributors sensitively explore how creative forms can help mitigate the trauma experienced when one is forced to leave safety and enter unknown territory, and examines the specific role of indeterminacy, liminality and symbols as transformers at the border between culture, race and gender. The book asks whether we are able to hold these indeterminate states as creative liminal manifestations pointing to new forms, integrate the shadow ‘other’ as potential, and allow sufficient cross-border migration and fertilization as permissible. It makes clear that societal conflict represents a struggle for recognition and identity and elucidates the negative experiences of authoritarian structures attached to disrespect and misrecognitions. This interdisciplinary collection will offer key insight for Jungian analysts in practice and in training, psychotherapists, anthropologists, political and cultural theorists, and postgraduate researchers in psychosocial studies. It will also be of great interest to readers interested in migration, sexuality, gender, race and ethnicity studies.

Jungian Perspectives on Rebirth and Renewal: Phoenix rising

by Elizabeth Brodersen Michael Glock

Jungian Perspectives on Rebirth and Renewal brings together an international selection of contributors on the themes of rebirth and renewal. With their emphasis on evolutionary ancestral memories, creation myths and dreams, the chapters in this collection explore the indigenous and primordial bases of these concepts. Presented in eight parts, the book elucidates the importance of indirect, associative, mythological thinking within Jungian psychology and the efficacy of working with images as symbols to access unconscious creative processes. Part I begins with a comparative study of the significance of the phoenix as symbol, including its image as Jung’s family crest. Part II focuses on Native American indigenous beliefs about the transformative power of nature. Part III examines synchronistic symbols as liminal place/space, where the relationship between the psyche and place enables a co-evolution of the psyche of the land. Part IV presents Jung’s travels in India and the spiritual influence of Indian indigenous beliefs had on his work. Part V expands on the rebirth of the feminine as a dynamic, independent force. Part VI analyses ancestral memories evoked by the phoenix image, exploring archetypal narratives of infancy. Part VII focuses on eco-psychological, synchronistic carriers of death, rebirth and renewal through mythic characterisations. Finally, part VIII explores the mythopoetic, visionary dimensions of rebirth and renewal that give literary expression to indigenous people/primordial psyche re-navigated through popular literature. The chapters both mirror and synchronise a rebirth of Jungian and non-Jungian academic interest in indigenous peoples, creation myths, oral traditions and narrative dialogue as the ‘primordial psyche’ worldwide, and the book includes one chapter supplemented by an online video. This collection will be inspiring reading for academics and students of analytical psychology, Jungian and post-Jungian studies and mythology, as well as analytical psychologists, Jungian analysts and Jungian psychotherapists. To access the online video which accompanies Evangeline Rand's chapter, please request a password at

Jungian Psychoanalysis

by Murray Stein

Written by 40 of the most notable Jungian psychoanalysts - spanning 11 countries, and boasting decades of study and expertise - Jungian Psychoanalysis represents the pinnacle of Jungian thought. This handbook brings up to date the perspectives in the field of clinically applied analytical psychology, centering on five areas of interest: the fundamental goals of Jungian psychoanalysis, the methods of treatment used in pursuit of these goals, reflections on the analytic process, the training of future analysts, and special issues, such as working with trauma victims, handicapped patients, or children and adolescents, and emergent religious and spiritual issues. Discussing not only the history of Jungian analysis but its present and future applications, this book marks a major contribution to the worldwide study of psychoanalysis.

Jungian Psychoanalysis: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Introductions to Contemporary Psychoanalysis)

by Mark Winborn

Jungian Psychoanalysis: A Contemporary Introduction provides a concise overview of analytical psychology as developed by Carl Jung. Mark Winborn offers a succinct introduction to the key elements of Jung’s conceptual model and method, as well as an outline of the major transitions, critiques, and debates that have emerged in the evolution of analytical psychology. Similarities and differences between analytical psychology and other psychoanalytic orientations are also identified. This approach allows those who already have familiarity with the Jungian model to expand their understanding, while also providing an accessible map of the field to those with limited exposure to these concepts. Psychoanalysts, therapists, students, and instructors of all levels of experience will benefit from this unique introduction to the Jungian model of psychoanalysis.

Jungian Psychology and the Human Sciences

by Roger Brooke Camilla Giambonini Brianna Stich

This volume brings together selected papers from the 2021 IAJS conference focusing on Jungian psychology’s place within the broader human science field, with contributions providing an interdisciplinary examination of fields such as psychoanalysis, feminism, critical thought, and eco-psychology.The historical foundations of Jungian thought in phenomenology, hermeneutics, the significance of imagination, and the body’s genetics open the book with outstanding essays from both renowned and aspiring new scholars. Chapters highlighting matters of current social, political, and ecological considerations shed light on the intersections between Jungian psychology and much contemporary thought in these fields. The healing process takes center stage in the last part of the book, which will interest readers involved with the broader psychotherapy field.With rigorous and scholarly contributions from a variety of international figures in analytical psychology, this book will be of great interest to all Jungian and depth psychology scholars, students, and analysts in training, as well as readers in the broader human science psychology field interested in current Jungian psychology and phenomenology.

Jungian Psychology in the East and West: Cross-Cultural Perspectives from Japan

by Konoyu Nakamura; Stefano Carta

It is well known that Jung’s investigation of Eastern religions and cultures supplied him with an abundance of cross-cultural comparative material, useful to support his hypotheses of the existence of archetypes, the collective unconscious and other manifestations of psychic reality. However, the specific literature dealing with this aspect has previously been quite scarce. This unique edited collection brings together contributors writing on a range of topics that represent an introduction to the differences between Eastern and Western approaches to Jungian psychology. Readers will discover that one interesting feature of this book is the realization of how much Western Jungians are implicitly or explicitly inspired by Eastern traditions – including Japanese – and, at the same time, how Jungian psychology – the product of a Western author – has been widely accepted and developed by Japanese scholars and clinicians. Scholars and students of Jungian studies will find many new ideas, theories and practices gravitating around Jungian psychology, generated by the encounter between East and West. Another feature that will be appealing to many readers is that this book may represent an introduction to Japanese philosophy and clinical techniques related to Jungian psychology.

Jungian Psychotherapy: A Study in Analytical Psychology

by Michael Fordham

'This book contains an exposition of therapeutic methods used by analytical psychologists. It is based on Jung's own investigations and includes developments in his ideas and practices that others have initiated. 'Jung held that his work was scientific in that he had discovered an objective field of enquiry. When applying this assertion to analytical psychotherapy one must make it quite clear that, unlike what happens in other sciences, the personality of the therapist enters into the procedures adopted in a way uncharacteristic of experimental method. In the natural sciences study is different in kind and the investigator's personality is significant only in his capacity to be a scientist. By contrast, in analytical therapy the personal influence of the analyst pervades his work and furthermore extends to generations of psychotherapists; the way the author conducts psychotherapy is inevitably influenced having known Jung, having developed a personal loyalty to him and by being treated by three therapists who came under his influence.

Jungian Psychotherapy and Contemporary Infant Research: Basic Patterns of Emotional Exchange

by Mario Jacoby

Infant research observations and hypotheses have raised serious questions about previous mainstream psychoanalytic theories of earliest childhood development. In Jungian Psychotherapy and Contemporary Infant Research, Mario Jacoby looks at how these observations are relevant to psychotherapeutic and Jungian analytical practice. Using recent findings in infant research, along with practical examples from therapeutic practice, he shows how early emotional exchange processes, though becoming superimposed in adult life by rational control and various defenses, remain operative and become reactivated in situations of intimacy. Jungian Psychotherapy and Contemporary Infant Research will be of interest to both professionals and students involved in analytical psychology and psychotherapy.

Jungian Psychotherapy with Medical Professionals: Healing the Healer

by Suzanne Hales

Jungian Psychotherapy with Medical Professionals guides therapists, clinicians, and healthcare workers through the transformative healing process of Jungian psychology, demonstrating how the new spirit of medicine will originate from the relationship between the healer and the healed. Through extensive experience and scientific research gathered over the past four decades working closely with physicians, Suzanne Hales presents the telling of their stories that have been historically hushed or hidden away. Hales offers a lifeline for healthcare workers as she weaves together the stories of physicians and their patients with gripping honesty, presenting an intimate glimpse of what happens in the lives of healers and the healed. The book offers support to the healer in need of healing, provides hope for wholeness and restoration, and advocates for those who spend their lifetime advocating for others. The book is of great interest to Jungian analysts, therapists, and trainees, and it is essential reading for anyone working in healthcare, including physicians and healers of all kinds in the landscape of modern medicine.

Jungian Reflections On Grandiosity: From Destructive Fantasies to Passions and Purpose

by Francesco Belviso

In Jungian Reflections on Grandiosity: From Destructive Fantasies to Passions and Purpose, Francesco Belviso presents a dual view of grandiosity as a destructive obsession that, when approached with curiosity and awareness, has the potential of fueling our lives with a sense of purpose, while being a positive force in the world. Explaining Jungian psychological concepts in an engaging style, the book begins by examining the origins of grandiose fantasies in children, and how grandiosity persists well into adulthood, in our dreams, fantasies, and strivings. Exploring its relation to narcissism and delusions, the book describes how grandiosity can hijack many areas of our lives—as we chase fame, beauty, knowledge, youth, and even morality—often with disastrous consequences. The book’s second half explores how grandiosity can help us identify our passions and callings, ending with a discussion on how to pursue them with integrity and courage. Weaving stories from Greek mythology to Dante’s poetry, from the heroic lives of Rosa Parks to Captain Sully, from fairy tales to our everyday decisions about careers, finances, selfies, and dating, and from the lives and nighttime dreams of his patients and his own, Belviso invites us to explore the larger-than-life aspirations that stir us all. This book offers ideas and tools to better understand our ambitions, challenging us to come to terms with our limitations and find personally meaningful paths forward. Jungian Reflections on Grandiosity will be essential reading for academics and students of Jungian studies, as well as analytical psychologists and analysts in practice and in training. It will also be of interest to those wishing to explore Jungian ideas and the role of grandiosity in public and private life.

Jungian Reflections on Systemic Racism: Members of an American Psychoanalytic Community on Training, Practice and Inclusivity

by Christopher Jerome Carter Tiffany Houck

This important collection explores the attitude of white supremacy in analytic psychology starting with its founder, Carl Gustav Jung, utilizing Jungian analytic theory to explore ways in which the erroneous promotion of race ideology in psychoanalysis may be unmasked and corrected to further psychoanalytic theory and practice. The book examines pejorative othering through intrapsychic and inter-relational lenses, identifying under-addressed attitudes and behaviors in which analytic training programs and learning communities may promote an attitude of white supremacy that lurks within Jungian theory. Through personal experiences and clinical vignettes, the authors exemplify a psychoanalytic method of deconstructing systematized and systemic racism within Jungian theory and within the practices of Jungians. In doing so, they utilize the specificity and ingenuity of Jung’s analytic paradigm to offer insight into the work of anti-racism from a depth psychological perspective. The result of a unique collaboration of analysts and analysts-in-training who participate within the same Jungian learning community in New York City, this collection challenges Jungian analysts and organizations to reckon with ethnic and colour biases and to engage the hero’s journey toward forgiveness, reconciling to diversity in promotion of greater individuation and increased organizational/communal inclusivity. Jungian Reflections on Systemic Racism is a must-read for psychoanalytic students, trainees, supervisors, and practitioners, as well as for clinicians, medical professionals, social workers, mental health professionals, sociologists, and anyone interested in the wide impact of the unscientific construct of a 'race'.

Jungian Sandplay: The Wonderful Therapy (Routledge Library Editions: Jung)

by Joel Ryce-Menuhin

What is sandplay? Can it help adults as well as children? Originally published in 1992, the late Joel Ryce-Menuhin, leading exponent of sandplay, gives an engaging account of this increasingly popular Jungian therapy, drawing on his own wide experience of using sandplay with patients of all ages and backgrounds. He shows how it can help patients to express ‘beyond words and before words’ the deepest archetypal images from the unconscious, and how effective sandplay can be in the healing of pathology, neurosis and grief. A former concert pianist, who became a Jungian analyst, he was the first to introduce Jungian sandplay therapy to Britain.

The Jungian Strand in Transatlantic Modernism

by Jay Sherry

In studies of psychology’s role in modernism, Carl Jung is usually relegated to a cameo appearance, if he appears at all. This book rethinks his place in modernist culture during its formative years, mapping Jung’s influence on a surprisingly vast transatlantic network of artists, writers, and thinkers. Jay Sherry sheds light on how this network grew and how Jung applied his unique view of the image-making capacity of the psyche to interpret such modernist icons as James Joyce and Pablo Picasso. His ambition to bridge the divide between the natural and human sciences resulted in a body of work that attracted a cohort of feminists and progressives involved in modern art, early childhood education, dance, and theater.

Jungian Theory for Storytellers: A Toolkit (Routledge Focus on Analytical Psychology)

by Helena Bassil-Morozow

Jungian Theory for Storytellers is a toolkit for anyone using Jungian archetypes to create stories in fiction, TV, film, video games, documentaries, poetry, and many other media. It contains a detailed classification of the archetypes, with relevant examples, and explains how they work in different types of narratives. Importantly, Bassil-Morozow explores archetypes and their significance in characterization, individuation, plot and story-building. Bassil-Morozow also presents an overview of Jung’s thoughts on creativity and other Jungian concepts, including the unconscious, ego, persona and self and the individuation process, and shows how they are linked to conflict. The book provides an explanation of relevant Jungian terms for a non-Jungian audience and introduces the idea of the hero’s journey, with examples included throughout. Accessibly written yet academic, both practical and engaging, and written with a non-Jungian audience in mind, Jungian Theory for Storytellers is an ideal source for writers and screenwriters of all backgrounds, including academics and teachers, who want to use Jungian theory in their work or are seeking to understand relevant Jungian ideas.

A Jungian Understanding of Symbolic Function and Forms: The Dream Series

by Dominique Boukhabza

The purpose of this book is to clarify the function of the symbol and its place at the juncture of psychoanalysis and other social sciences, where the singular and the collective intersect and whose laws are identical. The debate between Freud and Jung about the symbol is well known; by examining the points of contradiction between their respective approaches, this book seeks to place them in fruitful tension, rather than categorical opposition and explore their similarities and differences. In later chapters, the author further analyses the function of the symbol in relation to the topics of myth, anthropology and dreams. This thoughtful book will appeal to those interested and involved in analytical psychology and psychoanalysis, as well as psychiatrists and psychologists.

The Jungians: A Comparative and Historical Perspective

by Thomas B. Kirsch

The Jungians: A Comparative and Historical Perspective is the first book to trace the history of the profession of analytical psychology from its origins in 1913 until the present.As someone who has been personally involved in many aspects of Jungian history, Thomas Kirsch is well equipped to take the reader through the history of the 'movement', and to document its growth throughout the world, with chapters covering individual geographical areas - the UK, USA, and Australia, to name but a few - in some depth. He also provides new information on the ever-controversial subject of Jung's relationship to Nazism, Jews and Judaism. A lively and well-researched key work of reference, The Jungians will appeal to not only to those working in the field of analysis, but would also make essential reading for all those interested in Jungian studies.

Jung’s Alchemical Philosophy: Psyche and the Mercurial Play of Image and Idea (Philosophy and Psychoanalysis)

by Stanton Marlan

Traditionally, alchemy has been understood as a precursor to the science of chemistry but from the vantage point of the human spirit, it is also a discipline that illuminates the human soul. This book explores the goal of alchemy from Jungian, psychological, and philosophical perspectives. Jung’s Alchemical Philosophy: Psyche and the Mercurial Play of Image and Idea is a reflection on Jung’s alchemical work and the importance of philosophy as a way of understanding alchemy and its contributions to Jung’s psychology. By engaging these disciplines, Marlan opens new vistas on alchemy and the circular and ouroboric play of images and ideas, shedding light on the alchemical opus and the transformative processes of Jungian psychology. Divides in the history of alchemy and in the alchemical imagination are addressed as Marlan deepens the process by turning to a number of interpretations that illuminate both the enigma of the Philosophers’ Stone and the ferment in the Jungian tradition. This book will be of interest to Jungian analysts and those who wish to explore the intersection of philosophy and psychology as it relates to alchemy.

Jung's Answer to Job: A Commentary

by Paul Bishop

Greeted with controversy on its publication, Answer to Job has long been neglected by many serious commentators on Jung. This book offers an intellectual and cultural context for C.G.Jung's 1952 publication.In Jung's Answer to Job: A Commentary, the author argues that such neglect is due to a failure to understand Jung's objectives in this text and offers a new way of reading the work. The book places Answer to Job in the context of biblical commentary, and then examines the circumstances surrounding its compositions and immediate reception. A detailed commentary on the work discusses the major methodological presuppositions informing it and explains how key Jungian concepts operate in the text. Jung's Answer to Job: A Commentary unravels Jung's narrative by reading it in the chronological order of the biblical events it analyses and the book to which it refers, offering a comprehensive re-reading of Jung's text. An original argument put across in a scholarly and accessible style provides an essential framework for understanding the work. Whilst taking account of the tenets of analytical psychology, this commentary underlines Answer to Job's more general significance in terms of cultural history. It will be invaluable to students and scholars of analytical psychology, the history of ideas, intercultural studies, comparative literature, religion and religious studies.

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