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Katathym Imaginative Psychotherapie: Lehrbuch der Arbeit mit Imaginationen in psychodynamischen Psychotherapien (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Ulrich Bahrke Karin Nohr

Dr. Bahrke und Dr. Nohr stellen in diesem Buch Psychotherapeuten und Psychoanalytikern vor, wie sie mit der Katathym Imaginativen Psychotherapie (KIP) auf dem heutigen Stand psychodynamischer Erkenntnisse arbeiten können. Die Methode ist eine von Hanscarl Leuner unter dem Namen „Katathymes Bilderleben“ 1955 eingeführte und seither weiterentwickelte Methode der psychodynamischen Psychotherapie. Anschaulich in Fallbeispielen und übersichtlich in einer systematischen Darstellung zeigen die Autoren den State of the Art.Über die Methode: Wie arbeitet KIP? Die therapeutische Praxis beruht auf der Einbeziehung von Imaginationen in den Therapieprozess. Unbewusste Wünsche, Konflikte, deren Abwehr sowie die Übertragungsbeziehung werden so symbolhaft veranschaulicht. Die vom Therapeuten angeregten und begleiteten Imaginationen ergänzen auf wertvolle Weise den psychodynamischen Verstehensprozess und eröffnen zusätzlich zum Gespräch einen affektnahen, motivationsfördernden Zugangsweg bei der Bearbeitung vieler Störungsbilder in Kurz- und Langzeittherapien. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Imaginationen nutzenden Psychotherapiemethoden werden die Imaginationen in der KIP unter Beachtung von Übertragung und Widerstand als Bestandteil der Beziehungsarbeit verstanden.Geschrieben für ... psychodynamisch arbeitende Psychotherapeuten, Psychiater und Psychoanalytiker, die mit Imaginationen arbeiten, sowie alle an Bildsprache, Metaphern und Träumen interessierten Kollegen.

Katathym Imaginative Psychotherapy: Textbook of Working with Imaginations in Psychodynamic Psychotherapies

by Ulrich Bahrke Karin Nohr

In this book, Dr. Bahrke and Dr. Nohr introduce psychotherapists and psychoanalysts to how they can work with Katathym Imaginative Psychotherapy (KIP) at the current level of psychodynamic knowledge. The method is a method of psychodynamic psychotherapy introduced by Hanscarl Leuner in 1955 under the name "Katathymes Bilderleben" and further developed since then. The authors clearly show the state of the art in case studies and in a systematic presentation. About the method: How does KIP work? The therapeutic practice is based on the inclusion of imaginations in the therapy process. Unconscious desires, conflicts, their defense as well as the transference relationship are thus symbolically illustrated. The imaginations stimulated and accompanied by the therapist are a valuable supplement to the psychodynamic process of understanding and, in addition to conversation, open up an affect-related, motivation-promoting access route in the treatment of many disturbance patterns in short and long-term therapies. In contrast to other psychotherapy methods that use imaginations, imaginations in KIP are understood as a component of relational work, taking transference and resistance into account. Written for ... Psychodynamically working psychotherapists, psychiatrists and psychoanalysts who work with imaginations, as well as all colleagues interested in figurative language, metaphors and dreams.

Katie's Diary: Unlocking the Mystery of a Suicide (Series in Death, Dying, and Bereavement)

by David Lester

Katie's Diary is a unique analysis of the diary left behind by a young woman who has committed suicide. As compared to suicide notes, which are typically brief, Katie's diary consists of five separate books, an opportunity to look into the mind of a suicide from a source of data that is extraordinarily rare. Commenting on the diary are professionals in the fields of suicidology, linguistics, women's studies, Jungian analysis and voice therapy, among others. Suicidal themes that prevail in her writing are discussed, as well as potential treatment methods in the hopes that the study will contribute to suicide prevention.

Keep My Heart in San Francisco

by Amelia Diane Coombs

Sparks fly when two ex-best-friends team up to save a family business in this swoon-worthy and witty debut perfect for fans of Jenn Bennett and Sarah Dessen.Caroline &“Chuck&” Wilson has big plans for spring break—hit up estate sales to score vintage fashion finds and tour the fashion school she dreams of attending. But her dad wrecks those plans when he asks her to spend vacation working the counter at Bigmouth&’s Bowl, her family&’s failing bowling alley. Making things astronomically worse, Chuck finds out her dad is way behind on back rent—meaning they might be losing Bigmouth&’s, the only thing keeping Chuck&’s family in San Francisco. And the one person other than Chuck who wants to do anything about it? Beckett Porter, her annoyingly attractive ex-best friend. So when Beckett propositions Chuck with a plan to make serious cash infiltrating the Bay Area action bowling scene, she accepts. But she can&’t shake the nagging feeling that she&’s acting irrational—too much like her mother for comfort. Plus, despite her best efforts to keep things strictly business, Beckett&’s charm is winning her back ways that go beyond friendship. If Chuck fails, Bigmouth&’s Bowl and their San Francisco legacy are gone forever. But if she succeeds, she might just get everything she ever wanted.

Keep Pain in the Past: Getting Over Trauma, Grief and the Worst That's Ever Happened to You

by Dr. Christopher Cortman Dr. Joseph Walden

Heal your psychological pain and take back your life with this breakthrough process based on decades of successful treatment.In Keep Pain in the Past, two of America’s top psychologists in the field of emotional trauma and PTSD share their highly effective methodology for recovering from painful psychological wounds. Whether it’s extreme trauma such as sexual abuse, the horrors of war, or the very serious pain of loss, grief, shame and guilt, their method can help you recover without years of intensive therapy.Doctors Christ Cortman and Joseph Walden have been helping patients recover from trauma for decades. Through a combination of practical steps and illuminating stories, they share the tools and techniques that can help you identify and face your pain, find closure, and alleviate related issues such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sleep disruption, and more.Discover how Sheri, a thirty-seven-year-old attorney, recovered from panic attacks that seemed to come out of nowhere. Follow the journey of Mark, a twenty-nine-year-old Army veteran, as he healed from a destructive downward spiral in the grip of PTSD. Explore how Melinda, a forty-two-year-old professor who struggled to sustain a romantic relationship, confronted her torturous childhood and finally found love. These and other stories demonstrate the restorative power of Keep Pain in the Past.

Keep Sharp: How To Build a Better Brain at Any Age - As Seen in The Daily Mail

by Dr Sanjay Gupta

An exciting new science-driven guide to protecting your mind from decline.'Fascinating' Daily MailThroughout our lives, we are always looking for ways to keep our mind sharp and effortlessly productive. In this book, globetrotting neurosurgeon Dr Sanjay Gupta offers insights from top scientists all over the world, whose cutting edge research can help you heighten and protect brain function and maintain cognitive health at any age. Keep Sharp debunks common myths about ageing and cognitive decline, explores whether there's a 'best' diet or exercise regimen for the brain, and explains whether it's healthier to play video games that test memory and processing speed, or to engage in more social interaction. Discover what we can learn from 'super-brained' people who are in their eighties and nineties but showing no signs of slowing down - and whether there are truly any benefits to drugs, supplements and vitamins. Dr Gupta also addresses brain disease, particularly Alzheimer's, answers all your questions about signs and symptoms, and shows you both how to ward against it and how to care for a partner in cognitive decline. The book also provides readers with a personalized twelve-week programme featuring practical strategies to strengthen your brain every day. Keep Sharp is the only owner's manual you'll need to keep your brain young and healthy at any age!

Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at Any Age - As Seen in The Daily Mail

by Dr Sanjay Gupta

An exciting new science-driven guide to protecting your mind from decline. Throughout our lives, we are always looking for ways to keep our mind sharp and effortlessly productive. In this book, globetrotting neurosurgeon Dr Sanjay Gupta offers insights from top scientists all over the world, whose cutting edge research can help you heighten and protect brain function and maintain cognitive health at any age. Keep Sharp debunks common myths about ageing and cognitive decline, explores whether there's a 'best' diet or exercise regimen for the brain, and explains whether it's healthier to play video games that test memory and processing speed, or to engage in more social interaction. Discover what we can learn from 'super-brained' people who are in their eighties and nineties but showing no signs of slowing down - and whether there are truly any benefits to drugs, supplements and vitamins. Dr Gupta also addresses brain disease, particularly Alzheimer's, answers all your questions about signs and symptoms, and shows you both how to ward against it and how to care for a partner in cognitive decline. The book also provides readers with a personalized twelve-week programme featuring practical strategies to strengthen your brain every day. Keep Sharp is the only owner's manual you'll need to keep your brain young and healthy at any age!(P)2021 Simon & Schuster

Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at Any Age

by Sanjay Gupta

Keep your brain young, healthy, and sharp with this science-driven guide to protecting your mind from decline by neurosurgeon and CNN chief medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta. Throughout our life, we look for ways to keep our mind sharp and effortlessly productive. Now, globetrotting neurosurgeon Dr. Sanjay Gupta offers insights from top scientists all over the world, whose cutting-edge research can help you heighten and protect brain function and maintain cognitive health at any age. Keep Sharp debunks common myths about aging and cognitive decline, explores whether there&’s a &“best&” diet or exercise regimen for the brain, and explains whether it&’s healthier to play video games that test memory and processing speed, or to engage in more social interaction. Discover what we can learn from &“super-brained&” people who are in their eighties and nineties with no signs of slowing down—and whether there are truly any benefits to drugs, supplements, and vitamins. Dr. Gupta also addresses brain disease, particularly Alzheimer&’s, answers all your questions about the signs and symptoms, and shows how to ward against it and stay healthy while caring for a partner in cognitive decline. He likewise provides you with a personalized twelve-week program featuring practical strategies to strengthen your brain every day. Keep Sharp is the only owner&’s manual you&’ll need to keep your brain young and healthy regardless of your age!

Keep Your Love On: Connection, Communication And Buondaries

by Danny Silk

Keeping your love on. It’s a hard thing to do. Sometimes it’s the hardest thing to do. But if you want to build healthy relationships with God and others, learning to keep your love on is non–negotiable. Adults and children alike thrive in healthy relationships where it is safe to love and be loved, to know and be known. Yet for many, relationships are anything but safe, loving, or intimate. They are defined by anxiety, manipulation, control, and conflict. The reason is that most people have never been trained to be powerful enough to keep their love on in the face of mistakes, pain, and fear. Keep Your Love On reveals the higher, Jesus–focused standard defined by mature love―love that stays ‘on’ no matter what. Danny Silk’s practical examples and poignant stories will leave you with the power to draw healthy boundaries, communicate in love, and ultimately protect your connections so you can love against all odds. As a result, your relationships will be radically transformed for eternity. When you learn to keep your love on, you become like Jesus.

Keeping a Head in School: A Student's Book About Learning Abilities and Learning Disorders

by Mel Levine

A helpful read for a parent or other adult dealing with the challenges of a student affected by learning disorders.

Keeping The Baby In Mind: Infant Mental Health in Practice

by Jane Barlow P. O. Svanberg

Keeping the Baby in Mind builds on the expanding evidence pointing to the crucial importance of parents in facilitating their baby’s development, and brings together expert contributors to examine a range of innovative psychological and psychotherapeutic interventions that are currently being used to support parents and their infants. It not only provides an overview of the many projects that are now available but also makes recommendations for future practice and the way in which children’s services are organised. The book brings together interventions and ways of working that can be used both universally to support parents during the transition to parenthood, and with high-risk groups of parents where for example there may be child protection concerns or parents experience severe mental health problems. Each chapter describes the evidence supporting the need for such interventions and the approach being developed, and concludes with a description of its evaluation. Keeping the Baby in Mind marks a new and exciting phase in the development of interventions to support infant mental health and will be of interest across a wide range of disciplines from primary and community care to early years and Children’s Centre settings.

Keeping Kids Out of the Middle: Child-Centered Parenting in the Midst of Conflict, Separation, and Divorce

by Dr. Benjamin Garber

Decades of psychological research has taught us that divorce need not harm children. The damage is done when kids are triangulated into adult conflict, with or without the formalities of marriage or divorce. Enlisted as infantrymen in an adult war, these kids are at tremendous risk for serious social, emotional, educational and health concerns. Dr. Benjamin Garber –child psychologist, Guardian ad litem, Parenting Coordinator, national speaker and award winning author- paints the picture of the children triangulated into their caregivers' conflict with bold strokes. This is the first book to present this epidemic of childhood as it exists beyond the legalities of divorce. In doing so, Dr. Garber gives us here-and-now useful strategies with which to improve our co-parenting and to keep our kids out of the middle. Dr. Garber brings his background in child and family development, his expertise as a court-appointed evaluator and his deep compassion for children's wellbeing to the task of helping us to better meet our kids' needs. Keeping Kids Out Of The Middle! gives parents and child-centered professionals alike the tools with which to: Improve child-centered communication even among highly conflicted co-parents Make child-centered decisions about the future of the adult relationship 'Script' adult conflict and family transition so that the kids hear one, consistent message Answer children's painful and provocative questions Create child-centered post-separation and post-divorce parenting plans Recognize and minimize the kids' risk of being adultified, parentified, infantilized and alienated Anticipate and respond to 'visitation' resistance and refusal Keeping Kids Out of the Middle! is both a title and a mandate. Its about the health of the next generation. Keeping Kids Out of the Middle! is required reading in the ancient art of cooperative caregiving.

Keeping Mum: A life-affirming funny and feel-good story about fathers and sons

by James Gould-Bourn

CHOSEN FOR DAILY MAIL'S BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2020'Touching and often hilarious... A truly joyful read'Press & Journal**********Danny Malooley's life is falling apart.He's a single parent with an eleven-year-old son, Will, who hasn't spoken since the death of his mother in a car crash fourteen months ago. He's being pursued by a dodgy landlord for unpaid rent and he's just lost his job. Struggling to find work, and desperate for money, Danny decides to do what anyone in his position would do. He becomes a dancing panda.After seeing street performers in his local park raking it in, he spends his last fiver on a costume... but the humiliation is worth it when Will finally speaks to him for the first time since his mother's death. The problem is Will doesn't know that the panda is in fact his father, and Danny doesn't want to reveal his true identity in case Will stops talking again. But Danny can't keep up the ruse forever...**********'Uplifting'Woman & HomeA surprising, laugh-out-loud and uplifting story of a father and son reconnecting in the most unlikely of circumstances. For fans of Nick Hornby, Mike Gayle and Jojo Moyes.

Keeping the Beat: Healthy Aging Through Amateur Chamber Music Playing

by Ada P. Kahn

Dust off your clarinet! You can express yourself and improve your health through music. Ada Kahn's Keeping the Beat encourages older amateur musicians who play violins, cellos, flutes, and recorders to make joyful sounds with others.

Keeping the Blues Away: The Ten-Step Guide to Reducing the Relapse of Depression

by Cate Howell

Keeping the Blues Away is a clinically tested programme to help prevent depression from returning: it has also shown efficacy in reducing depression severity. It includes information and exercises to teach coping, cognitive-behavioural and interpersonal skills and strategies to prevent relapses, drawing on a wide array of evidence-based techniques. The ten-step programme aims to support the patient as a whole person, and includes free access to supporting relaxation audio material. The programme is designed for use by GPs or mental health professionals in supporting patients, involving family members or carers where possible, and accommodating medication and the management of co-existing medical problems where necessary. Keeping the Blues Away will be a key relapse prevention tool for primary care healthcare professionals.

Keeping the World in Mind

by Anne Jaap Jacobson

There have been two major models of the mind's relation to its environment in Western though, both of which employ the term 'representation', but in quite different ways. The newer one, dominant today in philosophy, takes the mind to have states about its environment. The older concept, originating with Aristotle but still present in every day speech and in the new sciences of the mind, takes the mind to sample its environment. This book clarifies the old notion, solves some serious problems it faces, and explores the implications for philosophy of an awareness of the view of the mind emerging from cognitive neuroscience. Topics covered include concepts, perception, emotions, beliefs and actions.

Keeping Your Child in Mind: Overcoming Defiance, Tantrums, and Other Everyday Behavior Problems by Seeing the World through Your (A Merloyd Lawrence Book)

by Claudia Gold

Being understood by someone you love is one of the most powerful feelings, at all ages. For a young child, it is the most important of all experiences because it allows the child’s mind and sense of self to grow. In the midst of the perennial concerns parents bring to Dr. Claudia Gold, she shows the magical effect of seeing a problem from their child’s point of view. Most parenting books teach parents what to do to solve behavior problems, but Dr. Gold shows parents how to be with a child. Crises are defused when children feel truly heard and validated; this is how they learn to understand, and, eventually, control themselves. Dr. Gold’s insightful guide uses new research in developmental psychology and vivid stories from her practice to show parents how to keep a child in mind and deepen this central relationship in their lives.

Keeping Your Head After Losing Your Job: How to survive unemployment

by Dr Robert L. Leahy

Although the current economic crisis creates a sense of urgency, we have always had and will always have a large number of people who are unemployed. For many, it is the most difficult time that they have ever faced. Without help, the unemployed face an increased risk of binge drinking, depression, anxiety and suicide. For many, there is a decreased quality of mental health, life satisfaction and objective physical wellbeing. Most feel alone and helpless.Dr Robert Leahy has worked with many unemployed people over the years, examining the psychological consequences of unemployment and exploring ways to help people cope with the emotional fallout of losing their job. This book gives readers psychological tools to handle their period of unemployment and simple, self-help strategies that can be used immediately to help them feel better and act better. The book draws on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) as well as practices such as mindfulness to help readers boost their self-esteem and confidence, decrease anxiety and feelings of helplessness, and develop resiliance and strength going forward.

Keeping Your Head in the Game: Untold Stories of the Highs and Lows of a Life in Sport

by Gary Bloom

Drawing on his work with elite athletes, the world's first sports psychotherapist on what to do when life throws you a curveball'Cracking tales, a great read' Nigel Owens MBE, rugby union referee'Absolutely fascinating . . . a genuine must-read for anyone interested in the human side of sport' Peter Drury, football commentatorElite athletes play out their lives in the most public of arenas. Everything they do is analysed in real time and then picked apart in the pub and in the press afterwards. 'Why did they miss that penalty?', 'What made them fall at the first jump?', 'That press conference was a bit weird.' We can all speculate, but what's really going on? In Keeping Your Head in the Game we peer into this highly confidential world. We follow the journeys of ten athletes in their therapy sessions with sports psychotherapist Gary Bloom, from a rugby player arrested for a drunken brawl, through a homesick cricketer on tour, to a snooker player struggling with his feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.Structured around the emotions we all experience on a daily basis - shame, anger, fear, jealousy and envy, love - chapter by chapter, the book reveals, explains and attempts to resolve the inner traumas that have an impact on the performance of these sports personalities. Seeing how they overcome their demons is a powerful way of tackling our own and, as Gary says, happier players play better - in sport and in life.'For anyone interested in competitive sport, what people have to do to get to the top and what that can do to the human psyche' Catherine Jackson, journalist and former editor of Therapy Today 'It's amazing how clubs invest in repairing the bodies of their players whilst largely ignoring their minds. Elite athletes are just as fragile as the rest of us. Happily change is on the way and this must-read book will only accelerate that' Jon Champion, football commentator

Kein Zug nach Nirgendwo: Unstillbares Verlangen ist überwindbar (Edition Centaurus - Psychologie Ser.)

by Siegfried Fritzsche

Das vorliegende Buch behandelt das gesamte Spektrum der Suchterkrankungen, eingeschlossen auch die sogenannten „modernen Süchte“, die zunehmend ins Blickfeld geraten. Durch ausgewählte Selbsterfahrungsberichte wird dem Leser ein Einblick in die Konfliktsituation und das Leiden der Betroffenen vermittelt. Damit wendet es sich an Betroffene und Angehörige, die sich oft in Rat- und Fassungslosigkeit angesichts des selbstzerstörerischen Verhalten eines ansonsten hoch geschätzten Menschen ansehen. Es beantwortet Fragen nach den Ursachen, Antrieben und Vorboten von Suchtverhalten.

Kenneth Waltz: An Intellectual Biography

by Paul R. Viotti

Kenneth Waltz (1924–2013) is perhaps the most enduringly influential figure in international relations theory of the second half of the twentieth century. He is considered the father of the structural-realist or neorealist school, and his views on core questions, such as the causes of war and the structure of the international system, are foundational to the field today and likely will remain so for decades to come. Waltz’s writings on both theoretical and policy-related topics, from the balance of power to the spread of nuclear weapons, continue to fuel debate.This book is a groundbreaking intellectual biography of Kenneth Waltz, shedding new light on the development and significance of his key contributions. Paul R. Viotti draws on extensive, candid interviews with Waltz as well as Waltz’s personal files and archival research to provide a nuanced account of the great scholar’s life and thought. He traces the intellectual sources and personal experiences that shaped Waltz’s work, including an intense Lutheran upbringing; service in World War II and the Korean War; and the academic environments of Oberlin College, Columbia University, and the University of California, Berkeley. Viotti examines the key influences on Waltz’s major works, Man, the State, and War and Theory of International Politics, and analyzes their distinctive insights. Engaging with the views of Waltz’s critics and featuring reminiscences from his colleagues, this book is a compelling portrait of an intellectual titan.

Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis

by John Shawe-Taylor Nello Cristianini

Kernel methods provide a powerful and unified framework for pattern discovery, motivating algorithms that can act on general types of data (e. g. strings, vectors or text) and look for general types of relations (e. g. rankings, classifications, regressions, clusters). The application areas range from neural networks and pattern recognition to machine learning and data mining. This book, developed from lectures and tutorials, fulfils two major roles: firstly it provides practitioners with a large toolkit of algorithms, kernels and solutions ready to use for standard pattern discovery problems in fields such as bioinformatics, text analysis, image analysis. Secondly it provides an easy introduction for students and researchers to the growing field of kernel-based pattern analysis, demonstrating with examples how to handcraft an algorithm or a kernel for a new specific application, and covering all the necessary conceptual and mathematical tools to do so.

Ketamine: From Abused Drug to Rapid-Acting Antidepressant

by Kenji Hashimoto Soichiro Ide Kazutaka Ikeda

This book presents the latest data from basic research and clinical trials supporting the effectiveness of ketamine as a treatment for depression, bipolar disorder, and suicidal behavior, setting these positive findings within the context of the serious problem of ketamine abuse. The first part of the book focuses on the evidence regarding ketamine abuse, with specific reference to Asian countries, and discusses countermeasures and complication management. It then addresses the mechanisms underlying the antidepressant and side effects of ketamine, which have remained elusive, describing and discussing important new research findings. Further, it explains insights gained from whole brain imaging in rodents and from behavioral pharmacology, and presents evidence regarding the role of gut microbiota, the NMDA receptor GluN2D subunit, and the lateral habenula in the actions of ketamine. These advances form the basis for the safer use of ketamine in patients with treatment-resistant depression and are expected to lead to the development of new antidepressants.

Ketamine (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series)

by Bita Moghaddam

The emergence of ketamine--previously known as a combat anesthetic and club drug--as a treatment for depression.Ketamine, approved in 2019 by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of depression, has been touted by scientists and media reports as something approaching a miracle cure. This volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series chronicles the ascent of a drug that has been around for fifty years--in previous incarnations, a Vietnam-era combat anesthetic and a popular club drug--that has now been reinvented as a treatment for depression. Bita Moghaddam, a leading researcher in neuropharmacology, explains the scientific history and the biology of ketamine, its clinical use, and its recently discovered antidepressant effects, for the nonspecialist reader.

The Ketamine Breakthrough: How to Find Freedom from Depression, Lift Anxiety, and Open Up to a New World of Possibilities

by Dr. Mike Dow Ronan Levy

New York Times best-selling author Dr. Mike Dow and Ronan Levy, founder of Field Trip, the world's largest provider of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapies, offer ways to integrate ketamine into treatment for depression, anxiety, PTSD, and more.It&’s been described as the most important breakthrough in mental health since the introduction of Prozac in 1986. And though once considered taboo, the psychedelic compound, ketamine, is experiencing a spectacular therapeutic comeback.When combined with psychotherapy, ketamine, which has been described as the being possibly the &“most important breakthrough in antidepressant treatment in decades,&” has the potential to treat depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other debilitating mental illnesses—and change lives.Unlike antidepressants, which merely mask the pain, psychedelics that heal the brain are the future. Instead of putting Band-Aids on the brain, with Ketamine Assisted-Psychotherapy, you can actually repair the neurological damage caused by stress, anxiety, neglect, and abuse.In this book, best-selling author Dr. Mike Dow and Field Trip co-founder Ronan Levy provide a broad overview of where KAP came from, how it works, who it works for, and what to expect. More importantly, The Ketamine Breakthrough gives specific protocols for both practitioners and patients to follow in their work with KAP.This book contains hope for those diagnosed with treatment-resistant depression, plagued by trauma and frozen by fears. Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy has also proven effective for people with drug, alcohol, and behavioral addictions, existential depression, grief, and just feeling stuck. People with unresolved resentments, anger, and the everyday anxieties of modern life will also benefit. Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy has been enormously helpful with couples, groups, and veterans, which will be addressed in the book as well.This is the go-to manual for therapists and anyone who wants to learn more about Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy. For those undergoing this revolutionary protocol, it includes a session-by-session Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Workbook to enhance and deepen the treatment.

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