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Living With the Other: The Ethic of Inner Retreat (Contributions To Phenomenology #99)

by Avi Sagi

The book grapples with one of the most difficult questions confronting the contemporary world: the problem of the other, which includes ethical, political, and metaphysical aspects. A widespread approach in the history of the discourse on the other, systematically formulated by Emmanuel Levinas and his followers, has invested this term with an almost mythical quality—the other is everybody else but never a specific person, an abstraction of historical human existence. This book offers an alternative view, turning the other into a real being, through a carefully described process involving two dimensions referred to as the ethic of loyalty to the visible and the ethic of inner retreat. Tracing the course of this process in life and in literature, the book presents a broad and lucid picture intriguing to philosophers and also accessible to readers concerned with questions touching on the meaning of life, ethics, and politics, and particularly relevant to the burning issues surrounding attitudes to immigrants as others and to the relationship with God, the ultimate other.

Living with the Passive-Aggressive Man

by Scott Wetzler

DO YOU KNOW ONE OF THESE MEN? The catch-me-if-you-can lover... Phil's romantic and passionate one minute, distant and cold the next. The deviously manipulative coworker or boss... Jack denies resenting Nora's rapid rise in the company, but when they're assigned to work together on a project, he undermines her. The obstructionist, procrastinating husband... Bob keeps telling his wife he'll finish the painting job he began years ago, but he never seems to get around to it. These are all classic examples of the passive-aggressive man. This personality syndrome -- in which hostility wears a mask of passivity -- is currently the number one source of men's problems in relationships and on the job. In Living with the Passive-Aggressive Man, Scott Wetzler draws upon numerous case histories from his own practice to explain how and why the passive-aggressive man thinks, feels, and acts the way he does. Dr. Wetzler also offers advice on: How to avoid playing victim, manager, or rescuer to the "P-A" How to get his anger and fear into the open How to help the "P-A" become a better lover, husband, and father How to survive passive-aggressive game playing on the job Living with a man's passive aggression can be an emotional seesaw ride. But armed with this book, you can avoid the bumpy landings.

Living with the Reality of Dissociative Identity Disorder: Campaigning Voices

by Xenia Bowlby

This book brings together the threads that make up the campaign for people with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). It is based on a Campaign Day for survivors organised by the Paracelsus Trust to raise awareness of DID.

Living Your Dreams

by Gayle Delaney

The most important thing you will find in these pages is a new method of dream interpretation which is elegantly simple and extraordinarily accurate. The method, called dream interviewing, minimizes the interpreter's distortions and maximizes the dreamer's ability to discover the highly personal and specific meaning of the dream. With practice, both beginners and professionals will discover that dream interviewing techniques will shorten the time necessary to understand a dream and will heighten the dreamer's appreciation for the practical application of the intuition, objectivity, and creativity so abundant in the sleeping mind. You needn't wait years for the good fortune of helpful and beautiful dreams; you can call them forth tonight, or almost any night you wish, by incubating them.

Living Your Life with Cancer through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Flying over Thunderstorms

by Anne Johnson Claire Delduca Reg Morris

This valuable self-help book for people affected by cancer, their loved ones and friends focuses on self-care when life hurts. It explores the impact of cancer and explains why the usual ways of coping may leave people stuck. The first book of its kind to focus on the scientifically based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) approach, it helps people to find ways to cope with painful thoughts and feelings, and to rebuild a meaningful life despite the cancer. With an emphasis on value-based living the book illustrates skills such as mindfulness and the development of acceptance to help people affected by cancer to participate in a fuller life and gain a greater sense of well-being. It combines evidence-based practice with the experiences of people who are living with cancer in the form of numerous quotations throughout, as well as paper and pencil ‘thought’ exercises. Living Your Life with Cancer through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy helps people affected by cancer to feel more able to sit with the uncertainty of their future, show themselves kindness and compassion and to learn to be true to themselves, no matter what the cancer throws at them. It is also important reading for psychological therapists working in oncology.

Living Your Own Life: Existential Analysis in Action

by Silvia Laengle

This multi-author anthology is a short introduction to the world of existential psychotherapy, and specifically Existential Analysis. It gives concrete answers and demonstrates a way to apply this thinking in practice, providing outlines of its theoretical background, including Alfried Langle's four fundamental motivations. The main themes of the book are: working with emotionality and subjective experience and its importance for a fulfilling life; meaning and happiness; and spirituality and temporality. It covers psychological disorders and their treatment in adults and children, and also deals with disability and handicap.

Living Your Strengths: Discover Your God-Given Talents and Inspire Your Community

by Donald O. Clifton Albert L. Winseman Curt Liesveld

American churches are experiencing a power shortage. It's not the kind of power shortage that can be fixed by opening natural gas fields or drilling oil wells or building electrical plants. The shortage is in fulfilled human potential. In churches all across the United States, people aren't harnessing the power of their innate gifts. They are not fulfilling God's purpose in their lives. And most people don't even know it.

Living Your Unlived Life: Coping with Unrealized Dreams and Fulfilling Your Purpose in the Second Half of Life

by Robert A. Johnson Jerry M. Ruhl

We all carry a vast inventory of abandoned, unrealized, or underdeveloped talents. These do not just "go away" through underuse or by tossing them off. Instead they go underground and become troublesome - sometimes tormenting - as we grow older. In Living Your Unlived Life, using warmth, humour, and elegant simplicity, the renowned therapist Robert A. Johnson, writing with long-time collaborator and fellow Jungian psychologist Jerry M. Ruhl, helps us understand our own heritage of unlived life - and how it must be examined and transformed if we are to make peace with ourselves and others in middle age and beyond. The authors show how to: bull; identify those unfulfilled hopes, yearnings, or needs that have gone "underground" bull; discover how we unconsciously burden others - friends, spouses, co-workers - with our unlived hopes bull; create new life options and unlock hidden talents bull; transform fruitless fantasies or "silly" dreams into tools for inner growth bull; start truly living in the present moment

La llamada del coraje: La fortuna favorece a los valientes (Las 4 virtudes estoicas #Volumen 1)

by Ryan Holiday

La llamada del coraje nos llega a cada uno de nosotros una vez en la vida. Si no respondes tú, ¿quién lo hará? Si no es ahora, ¿cuándo? Ryan Holiday, autor superventas y referente del estoicismo moderno, defiende el coraje como la virtud fundamental para vencer el miedo. Nada es posible sin la virtud del coraje. Desde los antiguos espartanos hasta el Movimiento por los derechos civiles; desde científicos pioneros hasta empresarios innovadores; desde Charles de Gaulle hasta Florence Nightingale, los grandes líderes han pasado a la historia por los riesgos que se atrevieron a asumir. Sin embargo, hoy somos muchos los que nos vemos paralizados por el miedo. En este primer libro de una nueva serie sobre las virtudes cardinales del estoicismo, Ryan Holiday nos enseña por qué el coraje es tan importante y cómo cultivarlo en la vida diaria. A partir de las acciones de quienes han respondido a la llamada del destino, Holiday nos muestra cómo podemos dar un paso adelante incluso cuando los demás dan un paso atrás. Porque tener coraje es mucho más que lanzarse al combate. Tener coraje es hacer lo correcto, enfrentarse a las convenciones y defender las propias creencias; es creatividad, generosidad y perseverancia. Y es la única forma de vivir una vida plena, extraordinaria y efectiva. Todo en la vida empieza con el coraje. Y este libro te dotará de la valentía necesaria para dar el primer paso, para responder a la llamada. Reseñas:«La llamada del coraje de Ryan Holiday traza la historia del coraje y sus muchas facetas a lo largo de los años y llega al presente con una llamada urgente a la acción para cada uno de nosotros. Cuando nos enfrentemos a nuestros enemigos, tanto internos como externos, ¿acudiremos a la llamada del coraje o agacharemos la cabeza ante los susurros de la cobardía? La respuesta a esta pregunta va más allá del sentido del deber; es nuestra libertad la que está en juego. Va más allá de ganar o perder; es nuestra supervivencia la que está en juego. Depende de mí, depende de ti, depende de todos nosotros. Aceptemos el reto».Matthew McConaughey, actor ganador de un Oscar y autor bestseller de The New York Times «En un mundo repleto de personas mortificadas por el miedo y temerosas de dar la cara, nuestra salvación depende de cultivar el coraje en todas las áreas de la vida. Este libro de Ryan Holiday es una clara e inspiradora guía sobre cómo desarrollar esta importante virtud humana».Robert Greene, autor del bestseller Las 48 leyes del poder «Ryan Holiday muestra su propio coraje en este libro al no seguir la norma, al enfrentarse al poder con la verdad y al demostrarnos por qué no debemos ceder ante el miedo si queremos avanzar juntos con gracia y humanidad. Recopilando ejemplos de la historia –desde el mundo de la Grecia y la Roma antiguas a Florence Nightingale, hasta su propia crítica del «coraje vacío» de nuestro tiempo– Holiday explica por qué la virtud importa ahora más que nunca».Nancy Sherman, profesora de Filosofía en la Universidad de Georgetown. «En esta llamada a actuar de acuerdo con tus convicciones, Holiday se basa en un notable repertorio de personalidades, desde Sócrates hasta Solzhenitsyn. Un libro sincero y apasionante».Shadi Bartch, profesor de Filología Clásica en la Universidad de Chicago.

LO MÁS IMPORTANTE: Un libro para aprender sobre el amor verdadero y sentirse bien

by Erick Carballo Gabriella Gumina

Este texto es un manual breve y muy concreto para aprender a mejorar la calidad de las relaciones y sentirse bien consigo mismo y con los demás.

Lo mejor de mí: La guía para descubrirte, entenderte y quererte

by Elena Puig Guitart

Transforma tu modo de pensar y actuar para conseguir ser una persona más serena, agradecida y con una vida plena. Aprender a ser la mejor versión de ti mismo es un camino de vida y de por vida. Un viaje que solo tú puedes realizar, que emprendes el día en que llegas a este mundo y que finalizas cuando te marchas de él, con la certeza de haber vivido con sentido. Esta guía práctica y accesible pone a tu disposición un conjunto de reflexiones y ejercicios que te ayudarán a recorrerlo con éxito y te enseñarán a: - poner el foco en lo que depende de ti y aceptar lo que no depende de ti; - escuchar tu cuerpo desde la consciencia; - poner la mente a tu servicio para planificar y focalizar; - reconocer y gestionar tus emociones; - no dejarte desanimar por tus miedos, detectar las creencias que ya no te sirven y desactivar las limitaciones sociales que te impiden crecer; - escribir tu propia historia con cada pequeña acción; - atender a tu niño interior desde tu adulto maduro; - dejar de lado el modo víctima, para liderar tu vida; - felicitarte y agradecer.

Lo Psicótico: Aspectos de la Personalidad

by David Rosenfeld

LO PSICÓTICO: Aspectos de la personalidad expone los resultados de la gran experiencia del Doctor David Rosenfeld como analista dedicado a pacientes psicóticos o profundamente perturbados y muestra cómo las fórmulas clínicas y teóricas resultantes de su trabajo pueden, del mismo modo, ponerse en práctica en pacientes que muestren un menor grado de perturbación. La primera parte cubre la teoría y el tratamiento clínico de los aspectos psicóticos de la personalidad, incluyendo un análisis de la literatura existente y una selección del material clínico que sirve para ilustrar el enfoque técnico del Dr. Rosefeld. El capítulo dedicado a los supervivientes de los campos de concentración muestra el modo en el que el concepto de núcleos autísticos encapsulados lleva a nuevos diagnósticos y procedimientos técnicos, al tiempo en el que otro artículo muestra las dificultades psicóticas que se presentan ante un trasplante de corazón. Varios ensayos subrayan la importancia de una detección exacta y del uso de la contratransferencia así como destacan el inestimable apoyo del supervisor en casos graves. La segunda parte desarrolla la noción del Dr. Rosenfeld del esquema corporal primitivo psicótico (PPBI), y muestra como dicho modelo ha probado su efectividad en campos como el delirio somático y la droga-adicción.

Lo que vio el perro: y otras aventuras

by Malcolm Gladwell

Los mejores reportajes del autor de los best sellers La clave del éxito y Fueras de serie. Sólo poniéndose en la piel de un perro, pensó Gladwell, podría destapar los secretos de César Millán, el «encantador de perros», capaz de calmar al animal más inquieto o enfurecido con un simple gesto. El ensayo que da título a este libro es un divertido y eficaz ejemplo del método gladwelliano, consistente en «mirar el problema con ojos ajenos». Gladwell nos trae historias de todos los rincones del mundo moderno: investiga las agridulces vidas de genios menores, audaces y obsesivos como el señor Heinz, responsable de que sólo exista un tipo de ketchup frente a docenas de variedades de mostaza; nos revela la trascendencia de la evolución del tinte capilar en la historia del siglo XX; compara los métodos de búsqueda de armas de destrucción masiva con los de detección del cáncer. Autor de tres best sellers que han dado un vuelco a nuestra manera de entender el mundo, Gladwell ha elegido los que consideraba sus mejores artículos, diseminados en distintos números de la mítica revista The New Yorker y nueva muestra de su insaciable curiosidad. Reseñas:«Un libro magnífico que reúne el estilo de escritura que ha hecho de Gladwell la extraordinaria figura que es hoy.»The Guardian «Gladwell es probablemente el mejor exponente de la reciente tendencia de libros que intentan revelarnos los secretos de nuestro complejo mundo a través del prisma de las ciencias sociales.»Financial Times «Algunos capítulos de Lo que vio el perro son obras maestras del arte del ensayo.»The New York Times «Malcolm Gladwell, escritor de éxito masivo, se ha convertido en uno de los grandes especialistas de nuestro tiempo en iluminar las zonas de sombra con su mezcla de periodismo, estudios científicos, historia y filosofía. Amante de llevar la contraria [...] Su objetivo es colocar junto a la certeza un signo de interrogación. [...] Gladwell define su trabajo como "no ficción pop". [...] Es un cheerleader de las ciencias sociales. [...] A la vista de los millones de lectores que han devorado sus libros, cabría decir que hay algo tranquilizador en ver ideas confirmadas por los estudios citados. También es curioso y seductor.»El País Semanal «Un mago en los libros de autoayuda. [...] Con más de 10 millones de ejemplares vendidos, Malcolm Gladwell es uno de los principales escritores "motivacionales", gurú del éxito y analista de "estrategias para triunfar". La clave del éxito, Inteligencia intuitiva, Lo que vio el perro y Fueras de serie son libros que ejecutivos y líderes de todo tipo devoran en los aeropuertos.»La Gaceta de los negocios

Loaded: Money, Psychology, and How to Get Ahead without Leaving Your Values Behind

by Sarah Newcomb

Based on decades of research and years of hands-on experience with people from all walks of life, LOADED is a must-read for anyone who finds themselves caught between the desire to thrive financially and the complex emotions and conflicting priorities that money so often brings to our lives. Inside, you will learn to: Check your stories. Pinpoint and change beliefs that hold you back. Choose your strategies. Learn how to align your money with your needs. Cultivate your value. Put your unique resources to use and earn more. Deeply researched, yet written in an approachable, conversational tone, LOADED offers insight into how your personal experiences have shaped your financial attitudes, and how you can build a healthier relationship with money.

Loaded: Women and Addiction

by Jill Talbot

Having an addiction can follow the path of a great relationship that goes sour: there's the first blush of romance, the seduction ("you know you want to"), and the downward spiral into either obsession or breaking free.Jill Talbot is no stranger to addiction. Part autobiography, part exposé, Loaded: Women and Addiction weaves Talbot's own battles with addiction with various addiction stories of other women. The result is a captivating, honest look at the allure of addiction-be it to sex, drugs, alcohol, food, adventure, or infidelity-and ultimately its betrayal.Though addiction can be seductive, if you're waking up with guilt or making choices that harm others, it's probably a clue that things are out of control. Throughout Loaded, Talbot's razor-sharp honesty, heartbreaking self-awareness, and resolve to reveal the difficult truth of her relationship with past and present addictions is humbling and sometimes gut-wrenching. In sharing her struggles and her resolve to attain control over her addictions, Talbot speaks her truth while sending a message of hope to women everywhere.

Lobotomy Nation: The History of Psychosurgery and Psychiatry in Denmark (Mental Health in Historical Perspective)

by Jesper Vaczy Kragh

This book tells the story of one of medicine’s most (in)famous treatments: the neurosurgical operation commonly known as lobotomy. Invented by Portuguese neurologist Egas Moniz in 1935, lobotomy or psychosurgery became widely used in a number of countries, including Denmark, where the treatment had a major breakthrough. In fact, evidence suggests that more lobotomies were performed in Denmark than any other country. However, the reason behind this unofficial world record has not yet been fully understood. Lobotomy Nation traces the history of psychosurgery and its ties to other psychiatric treatments such as malaria fever therapy, Cardiazol shock and insulin coma therapy, but it also situates lobotomy within a broader context. The book argues that the rise and fall of lobotomy is not just a story about psychiatry, it is also about society, culture and interventions towards vulnerable groups in the 20th century.

Local Agency and Peacebuilding

by Stefanie Kappler

While agency has become the new buzzword for researchers in the area of peace and conflict studies, it remains a concept that is both under-theorised and contested in terms of how it transforms the disciplines of Politics, International Relations and Peace and Conflict. In this book, Kappler develops a relational and spatial concept of agency, enhancing our understanding of the complex and subtle processes through which peacebuilding actors engage and interact with each other. Using the EU's engagement in peacebuilding in Bosnia-Herzegovina as a primary case study, this book investigates outlines competing discourse clusters in the interplay between the EU and local actors engaged in creative cultural activities. An investigation of the contested nature of agency in its ability to give meaning to peacebuilding highlights the potential of local actors to impact upon and resist institutional discourses. Kappler also conveys the challenges of peacebuilding in Cyprus where there is a lack of connection between local and international discursive spaces, whilst the more limited depth of international intervention in South Africa in turn suggests a more flexible set of actors as well as more dynamic interaction in the emergence of peace-related discourses. This book provides an original discussion of agency in relation to EU peacebuilding, exploring the subtle forms of interaction between actors and framing the analysis in ways that allow for practical application.

Local Memories in a Nationalizing and Globalizing World

by Marnix Beyen Brecht Deseure

In historical studies, 'collective memory' is most often viewed as the product of nationalizing strategies carried out by political #65533;lites in the hope to create homogeneous nation-states. In contrast, this book asserts that collective memories develop out of a never-ending, triangular negotiation between local, national and transnational actors.

Local Negotiations of English Nationhood, 1570–1680

by John M. Adrian

Local Negotiations explores the vitality of early modern local consciousness. Even in an age of emerging nationhood, English men and women were still profoundly influenced by and even drew their primary identity from the parish, the town, and the county. This book examines how early modern writers invoke local places, traditions, and ways of thinking to respond to the larger political, religious, and cultural changes of the period. The opening chapter establishes the historical basis of local identity and describes the ways in which it was transformed in the second half of the sixteenth century. Each of the succeeding five chapters then focuses on a particular author and historical moment, and explores how local habits of thought are invoked to respond to a specific national initiative (political centralization, religious uniformity, court culture, civil war, and empire). Together, these chapters illustrate both the pervasiveness of local discourse and the range of possible responses to nationhood that it engendered. "

Localist Connectionist Approaches To Human Cognition (Scientific Psychology Series)

by Jonathan Grainger Arthur M. Jacobs

This volume provides an overview of a relatively neglected branch of connectionism known as localist connectionism. The singling out of localist connectionism is motivated by the fact that some critical modeling strategies have been more readily applied in the development and testing of localist as opposed to distributed connectionist models (models using distributed hidden-unit representations and trained with a particular learning algorithm, typically back-propagation). One major theme emerging from this book is that localist connectionism currently provides an interesting means of evolving from verbal-boxological models of human cognition to computer-implemented algorithmic models. The other central messages conveyed are that the highly delicate issue of model testing, evaluation, and selection must be taken seriously, and that model-builders of the localist connectionist family have already shown exemplary steps in this direction.

Localization and Its Discontents: A Genealogy of Psychoanalysis & the Neuro Disciplines

by Katja Guenther

Psychoanalysis and neurological medicine have promoted contrasting and seemingly irreconcilable notions of the modern self. Since Freud, psychoanalysts have relied on the spoken word in a therapeutic practice that has revolutionized our understanding of the mind. Neurologists and neurosurgeons, meanwhile, have used material apparatus—the scalpel, the electrode—to probe the workings of the nervous system, and in so doing have radically reshaped our understanding of the brain. Both operate in vastly different institutional and cultural contexts. Given these differences, it is remarkable that both fields found resources for their development in the same tradition of late nineteenth-century German medicine: neuropsychiatry. In Localization and Its Discontents, Katja Guenther investigates the significance of this common history, drawing on extensive archival research in seven countries, institutional analysis, and close examination of the practical conditions of scientific and clinical work. Her remarkable accomplishment not only reframes the history of psychoanalysis and the neuro disciplines, but also offers us new ways of thinking about their future.

Locating Transference: Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 13.4

by Gail S. Reed Howard B. Levine

First published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Lock the Doors

by Vincent Ralph

The truth won't stay hidden behind locked doors.A brand new addictive, psychological thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of 14 WAYS TO DIE—for fans of Karen McManus, Holly Jackson, and Lisa Jewell.Tom's family have moved into their dream home. But pretty soon he starts to notice that something is very wrong—there are strange messages written on the wall and locks on the bedroom doors. On the OUTSIDE.The previous owners have moved just across the road and they seem like the perfect family. Their daughter Amy is beautiful and enigmatic but Tom is sure she's got something to hide. And he isn't going to stop until he finds the truth behind those locked doors. . .Will their dream home become a nightmare?

Lockdown on Rikers: Shocking Stories of Abuse and Injustice at New York's Notorious Jail

by Mary E. Buser

Mary Buser began her career at Rikers Island as a social work intern, brimming with ideas and eager to help incarcerated women find a better path. Her reassignment to a men's jail coincided with the dawn of the city's "stop-and-frisk" policy, a flood of unprecedented arrests, and the biggest jailhouse build-up in New York City history.Committed to the possibility of growth for the scarred and tattooed masses who filed into her session booth, Buser was suddenly faced with black eyes, punched-out teeth, and frantic whispers of beatings by officers. Recognizing the greater danger of pointing a finger at one's captors, Buser attempted to help them, while also keeping them as well as herself, safe. Following her promotion to assistant chief, she was transferred to different jails, working in the Mental Health Center, and finally, at Rikers's notorious "jail within jail," the dreaded solitary confinement unit, where she saw horrors she'd never imagined. Finally, it became too much to bear, forcing Buser to flee Rikers and never look back - until now.Lockdown on Rikers shines a light into the deepest and most horrific recesses of the criminal justice system, and shows how far it has really drifted from the ideals we espouse.

Lockdown Therapy: Jungian Perspectives on How the Pandemic Changed Psychoanalysis

by Stefano Carpani Monica Luci

This fascinating volume explores — from the perspective both of analysts and their patients—how the COVID-19 pandemic quickly and unexpectedly created profound and lasting changes in the ways psychoanalysis is conducted, and what those changes mean for analysis moving forward. The first part of the book is made up of interviews conducted by Stefano Carpani with authoritative authors in analytical psychology during the earliest phase of lockdown, centered on themes of the pandemic, lockdown, and how each individual was coping with the challenges those circumstances brought on. The second part features personal essays that further details the subjective experiences of Jungian analysts and therapists worldwide, comprising a collection of reflections on how COVID-19 affected and changed the way analysts work with patients. These reflections focus on the theoretical, clinical, technical, and also practical points of view, including clinical materials on transference and counter-transference considerations. The third part of the book is specular to the second and offers reflections from patients’ perspective on how the pandemic changed their therapies and lockdown affected their experience of therapy. Patients have provided anonymous testimonies through their writing of how they experienced of the change of setting, mindset and related implications. A comprehensive overview of an important and ongoing conversation, Lockdown Therapy is crucial reading for Jungian analysts and scholars, as well as other clinicians training in analysis, psychotherapy and counselling.

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