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Peculiar Attunements: How Affect Theory Turned Musical

by Roger Mathew Grant

Peculiar Attunements places the recent turn to affect into conversation with a parallel movement in European music theory of the eighteenth century. During that time the affects—or passions, as they were also called—formed a vital component of a mimetic model of the arts. Eighteenth-century critics held that artworks imitated or copied the natural world in order to produce copies of the affects in their beholders. But music caused a problem for such theories, since it wasn’t apparent that musical tones could imitate anything with any dependability, beyond the rare thunderclap or birdcall.Struggling to articulate how it was that music managed to move its auditors without imitation, certain theorists developed a new affect theory crafted especially for music, postulating that music’s physical materiality as sound vibrated the nerves of listeners and attuned them to the affects through sympathetic resonance. This was a theory of affective attunement that bypassed the entire structure of representation, offering a non-discursive, corporeal alternative. It is a pendant to contemporary theories of affect, and one from which they have much to learn. Inflecting our current intellectual moment through eighteenth-century music theory and aesthetics, this book offers a reassessment of affect theory’s common systems and processes. It offers a new way of thinking through affect dialectically, drawing attention to patterns and problems in affect theory that we have been given to repeating. Finally, taking a cue from eighteenth-century theory, it gives renewed attention to the objects that generate affects in subjects.

The Peculiar Institution and the Making of Modern Psychiatry, 1840–1880

by Wendy Gonaver

Though the origins of asylums can be traced to Europe, the systematic segregation of the mentally ill into specialized institutions occurred in the United States only after 1800, just as the struggle to end slavery took hold. In this book, Wendy Gonaver examines the relationship between these two historical developments, showing how slavery and ideas about race shaped early mental health treatment in the United States, especially in the South. She reveals these connections through the histories of two asylums in Virginia: the Eastern Lunatic Asylum in Williamsburg, the first in the nation; and the Central Lunatic Asylum in Petersburg, the first created specifically for African Americans. Eastern Lunatic Asylum was the only institution to accept both slaves and free blacks as patients and to employ slaves as attendants.Drawing from these institutions' untapped archives, Gonaver reveals how slavery influenced ideas about patient liberty, about the proper relationship between caregiver and patient, about what constituted healthy religious belief and unhealthy fanaticism, and about gender. This early form of psychiatric care acted as a precursor to public health policy for generations, and Gonaver's book fills an important gap in the historiography of mental health and race in the nineteenth century.

Pedagogic Criticism

by Ben Knights

This book argues that the history of English Studies is embedded in its classroom practice, and its practice in its history. Some of its foundational struggles are still being lived out today. English is characterized as a 'boundary' subject, active in dialogue across a number of imagined borders, especially those between academic and non-specialized readerships. While the subject discipline maintains strong pedagogic principles, many of its principles and values are obscure or even invisible to students and potential students. The book cross-fertilizes the study of English as a subject with the analysis of selected literary texts read as pedagogic parables. It concludes with a call for a return to the subject's pedagogic roots.

The Pedagogic Principal (International Institute for Qualitative Methodology Series)

by Rodney Evans

Using an innovative research strategy including empirical, interpretive, and narrative strands, Rod Evans reorients studies of educational administration that have been dominated by organizational theory originating in the world of industry and commerce. Building on a foundation of pedagogical and phenomenological inquiry, he examines administrators’ concrete, lived experience, or “lifeworld practice.” In reconstituting educational administration as pedagogical practice, Evans draws conclusions with profound implications for schools and administrators of every stripe.

The Pedagogical Possibilities of Witnessing and Testimonies: Through the Lens of Agamben

by Marie Hållander

This book explores the pedagogical possibilities of testimony and witnessing. Drawing on the work of Giorgio Agamben, this book highlights the ultimate impossibility of witnessing and testimony: testimonies do not stand outside language, history, politics, or capitalist systems. Through analysis of different aspects of representation, subjectivity and emotions, this book illustrates how testimonies can be used as a way to control student emotions, perceptions and understandings. Testimonies used within teaching can work as a way to reproduce stereotypes of suffering, and can thus consolidate and reinforce exisiting power structures and identities. By exploring these difficulties, the author argues for the value of teaching historical testimonies of suffering that recognize both the impossibilities and possibilities of witnessing and testimony.​“Marie Hållander has provided an indispensable guide to re-thinking the pedagogical possibilities of witnessing and testimonies, essential reading for anyone interested in how to approach these topics both critically and pedagogically. Through a lucid theoretical synthesis, this book re-inscribes a dynamic pedagogical dimension into the topics of witnessing and testimony, which have been dominated by historians, psychologists and literary critics. Thinking through the theoretical challenges of witnessing and testimony yet using powerful examples from teaching, Hållander develops a forceful analysis that shows the profound implications of these topics for pedagogical practice.” —Michalinos Zembylas, Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus “Timely and topical, this fascinating book complicates approaches to witnessing, suffering and testimony without diminishing the pedagogical, historical and political significance of sharing, or harkening to, one’s experience. It is a powerful, original and valuable contribution in its field, not only because it weaves its themes in a diligent, reflective and critical manner, but also because it has its own, unique perspective and sensibilities, as these emerge from erudite combination of narrative, pedagogy and philosophy.” —Marianna Papastephanou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Pedagogical Tact: Knowing What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do (Phenomenology of Practice #1)

by Max Van Manen

Pedagogical Tact describes how teacher-student relations possess an improvisational and ethical character. The daily realities of educators, parents, and childcare specialists are pedagogically conditioned by sensitive insights, active thoughtfulness, and the creative ability to act caringly and appropriately in the immediacy of the moment. Internationally known educator Max van Manen shows through recognizable examples and evocative stories how good teaching is driven by the phenomenology of pedagogy. His book-refocuses educators and others away from an emphasis on instrumental skills and technocratic programs toward the need for pedagogical tact;-describes how pedagogical actions have latent effects that will influence children throughout their lives;-shows how our actions with young people have pedagogically ethical and moral significance;-gives educators back their original vocational motivation and inspiration.

Pedagogiek in beeld: Een inleiding in de pedagogische studie van opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening

by L. Rosmalen M. H. IJzendoorn

Pedagogiek in beeld biedt een kijkje in de wetenschappelijke keuken van de pedagogiek en is daarmee een inleiding in de studie van opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening. Het boek geeft een helder beeld van enkele belangrijke uitkomsten van pedagogisch onderzoek in Nederland en laat zien hoe die resultaten tot stand zijn gekomen. Daarbij komen de belangrijkste werkvelden aan bod: algemene pedagogiek, gezinspedagogiek, orthopedagogiek, leerproblemen en onderwijspedagogiek. Concrete voorbeelden van onderzoek maken duidelijk wat de pedagogiek heeft gepresteerd en wat in de toekomst van deze discipline mag worden verwacht.

Pedagogiek in de vingers: Werkboek pedagogische begeleiding in de kinderopvang

by Inge Van Rijn

Dit werkboek geeft praktijkgerichte adviezen om met pedagogisch medewerkers in gesprek te gaan over hun werk. Het laat zien hoe je samen na kunt denken over de pedagogische taken van het kindercentrum.  Sinds 2019 moet iedere pedagogisch medewerker worden gecoacht door een pedagogisch begeleider. Dat stelt de wet Innovatie Kwaliteit Kinderopvang (IKK) verplicht. Kindercentra zitten te springen om goed opgeleide begeleiders. Met dit boek krijgen opleidingen en begeleiders in kindercentra praktische ‘tools’ aangereikt waarmee ze direct in de praktijk aan de slag kunnen. Bij ieder hoofdstuk staan concrete opdrachten en tips.  Het boek is geschreven in een taal die de medewerkers uit de kinderopvang begrijpen en die hen aanspreekt. De alledaagse praktijk van de kinderopvang komt tot leven in sprekende voorbeelden. Dringende pedagogische vragen komen aan bod. Hoofdpersonen in het boek zijn de pedagogisch medewerkers: hun taken op de werkvloer staan centraal.  

Pedagogies for Future-Oriented Adult Learners: Flipping the Lens from Teaching to Learning (Lifelong Learning Book Series #27)

by Helen Bound Jennifer Pei-Ling Tan Rebekah Lim Wei Ying

This book presents a collection of chapters—both empirical and conceptual—that challenge existing paradigms of learning and teaching, provides examples of pedagogical spaces and practices that nurture future-oriented learners, explicates identities and transitions in learning, and offers alternative frames for moving forward.Educational structures have proven remarkably resilient. More often than not, pedagogical designs still privilege the lecture-tutorial format, front-end loading and the positioning of the ‘teacher’ as expert. In a similar vein, pedagogical spaces tend to privilege the formal educational institution and its discourses, rather than productively engage with naturally-occurring learning spaces at work and in communities. To better prepare and support learners for dynamically changing futures, we need to truly flip the lens from teaching to learning, positioning at the core, the learner in contexts where learning and becoming occurs. This means considering what counts as a future-oriented learner and educator, recognising the importance of evolving identities, transitions and pathways that facilitates the processes of being and becoming. Equally important is the design and appropriation of pedagogical spaces and practices that are in themselves dynamic and future-oriented. This book questions the current delineation between the spaces of work, learning and communities.

Pedagogies to Enhance Learning for Indigenous Students

by Peter Sullivan Peter Grootenboer Robyn Jorgensen

This book describes research undertaken by leading Australian researcher in Indigenous communities. While the chapters are Australian in their focus, the issues that are discussed are similar to those in other countries where there are indigenous people. In most cases, in Australia and internationally, Indigenous learners are not succeeding in school, thus making the transition into work and adulthood quite tenuous in terms of mainstream measures. The importance of being literate and numerate are critical in success in school and life in general, thus making this collection an important contribution to the international literature. The collection of works describes a wide range of projects where the focus has been on improving the literacy and numeracy outcomes for Indigenous students. The chapters take various approaches to improving these outcomes, and have very different foci. These foci include aspects of literacy, numeracy, curriculum leadership, ICTs, whole school planning, policy, linguistics and Indigenous perspectives. Most of the chapters report on large scale projects that have used some innovation in their focus. The book draws together these projects so that a more connected sense of the complexities and diversity of approaches can be gleaned.

Pedagogische adviezen voor speciale kinderen: Een Praktisch Handboek Voor Professionele Opvoeders, Begeleiders, Leerkrachten

by Trix Van Lieshout Ron Van Deth

Dit boek is ontstaan vanuit vragen uit het werkveld om concrete, praktische adviezen voor de begeleiding van kinderen en jongeren met extra ondersteuningsbehoeften. Deze adviezen worden hierin uitvoerig besproken. De nadruk ligt op oplossingsgericht werken: mét jongeren zoeken naar wat al wél goed gaat, wat zij nog nodig hebben en wat voor hen goed werkt.Door zijn eenduidige structuur is het boek zowel een naslagwerk als een praktisch handboek. Bij alle probleemgebieden komen het beeld, de oorzaken, behandelingen, prognose en concrete handelingssuggesties aan de orde.Deze geheel herziene derde druk maakt gebruik van het nieuwe DSM-5 classificatiesysteem, waarbij wij ook de nadelen van etiketteren bespreken. Alle hoofdstukken zijn geactualiseerd.Het boek is geschreven voor (aankomend) orthopedagogen, psychologen, leerkrachten, intern begeleiders, (vak)docenten, zorgcoördinatoren, maatschappelijk werkers, kinder- en jeugdartsen en voor opleidingen in Hoger Beroepsonderwijs en Universiteit.Trix van Lieshout was als orthopedagoog en gezondheidszorgpsycholoog ruim 35 jaar werkzaam in het Voortgezet (Speciaal) Onderwijs. Zij schreef eerder Druk, druk, druk. Praktische tips voor de opvoeding van kinderen met ADHD. Momenteel geeft ze lezingen over pedagogisch vakmanschap. Website: www.trixvanlieshout.nlRon van Deth is psycholoog en publicist, verbonden aan het Europees Instituut voor Educatie in Driebergen. Hij was jarenlang docent in verschillende vormen van onderwijs en eindredacteur van PsychoPraktijk. Eerder schreef hij onder andere Psychiatrie: van diagnose tot behandeling en Inleiding in de psychopathologie.

Pedagogy and Psychology in Digital Education

by Stefanie Yen Leng Chye Bee Leng Chua

This book brings together latest research which explores the intersection between educational psychology and educational technology. It consolidates contemporary research on the psychological dimension of technology-based learning, and how new learning technologies can impact learners. More specifically, it provides a better understanding of the affordances of technology-based learning, and how they impact the cognitive and affective processes of learners, facilitate new pedagogical approaches, and transform learning environments. It discusses how technology can be used to develop twenty-first-century competencies such as creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, digital literacy, reflection, and lifelong learning, and explores the pitfalls, challenges and dangers therein.

Pedagogy, Education, and Praxis in Critical Times

by Kathleen Mahon Christine Edwards-Groves Susanne Francisco Mervi Kaukko Stephen Kemmis Kirsten Petrie

This book critically explores urgent questions that researchers, educators, and policy makers need to consider and address in order to better our understanding and capacity to transform education. Focusing on areas that underpin the empirical, theoretical, and strategic research of the Pedagogy, Education and Praxis (PEP) International Research Network, it discusses the following topics: the nature of educational praxis; research approaches that facilitate praxis and praxis development; changing cultural, social, political and material conditions affecting the educational practices of teachers; and how good professional practice in teaching, leading, and professional learning are understood and experienced. Presenting findings emerging from the Pedagogy, Education and Praxis research, the book raises new questions and offers new ways of thinking about the identified issues and themes in light of current educational concerns and the prevalence of neoliberal conditions being experienced in educational settings around the globe. It provides supporting evidence and illustrative examples to help readers understand important concepts, situations, and concerns, and brings together intellectual and cultural-historical traditions that, when considered in relation to each other, open up critical opportunities and ideas orienting readers towards future educational transformation.

Pedagogy, Empathy and Praxis: Using Theatrical Traditions to Teach

by Alison Grove O'Grady

This book examines the concept of empathy as an essential aspect of the teacher training curriculum, and asks how it can be taught. While there has been a steady flow of teacher education reform books in recent years, there are comparatively few that have considered change from understandings and advances developed in human rights-based practices and theatrical traditions. The author presents unique and compelling approaches to teacher training and learning, developed in conjunction with experts in theatrical and educational fields and combining both research and praxis. This pioneering book will appeal to students and scholars of education and empathy, as well as those interested in incorporating empathy into their teaching practice.

Pedagogy for Technology Education in Secondary Schools: Research Informed Perspectives for Classroom Teachers (Contemporary Issues in Technology Education)

by David Barlex P. John Williams

This book explores pedagogy appropriate for the secondary school technology education classroom. It covers the dimensions of pedagogy for technology with scholarly research, including information strongly related to practice. The book discusses the nature of technology courses in secondary schools across various jurisdictions and considers how they might be viewed with regard to different epistemological frameworks. The writing is informed by, but not limited to, research and strongly related to practice with acknowledged experts in the field of technology education contributing chapters supported by evidence from technology education research or other fields. The authors speculate on pedagogical possibilities in their areas of expertise in order to consider pedagogical possibilities and develop a view of where pedagogy for technology education should move and how teachers might respond in the way they develop their practice.

Pedagogy in (E)Motion

by Nellie J. Zambrana-Ortiz

This personal, creative, critical work from a leading scholar of psychology is rooted in three novel concepts and aims to share critical pedagogy in the spirit of nascent potential found in the context of a colonial Puerto Rico. First comes the idea of 'pedagogy in (e)motion', or the emotional matrix of the teaching and learning process. Secondly, the author explores the notion of 'street pedagogy' as a genuine and powerful professional tool. And thirdly, the book underscores what Zambrana-Ortiz calls 'the interconnection of the artscience within the political and biographical act of teaching'. The purpose is to inform education teaching practice with the radical framework that, like the neurosciences, believes emotions to be a vital precursor to the planning of action, the process of decision-making and the broadening of our cognitive parameters. The chapters focus on different and yet complementary dimensions of a college teaching initiative boasting a unique interplay between a transgressive narrative, reinvented methodology and authentic samples of students' contributions to the project. Traditionally, emotional and visceral experiences have been downplayed and rejected as fundamental components of knowledge. This book makes the case for their reinstatement, and proposes that the pleasure and commitment of teaching itself can be seen as resistance given the challenging social and political context, the bureaucracy of the Puerto Rican higher education system, and the cynicism of the self-confessed cognoscenti who think that little political progress can come from within the university system. Such resistance has proved for the author a source of inspiration and has contributed to her creation and reconceptualization of approaches to critical and useful pedagogy. D edication To my students who inspire many stories and provoke many emotions and challenge my capacities... To Aura, Ignacio and Jaime for their unconditional love and their everyday lessons... A cknowledgments Many friends, mentors and colleages from the University of Puerto Rico and United States were very important pieces to my creative work. Thanks to Donaldo Macedo who encouraged the initial proposal and to Joe Kincheloe for accepting it and bringing guidance in the right moment. Colleages like Roamé Torres and Angeles Molina, from their directive positions, were extremely supportive while Sandra Macksoud, José Solís, Pedro Subirats, and Ada Prabhavat gave me guidance and constant insights in editing and translation, as well as crucial material for my narrative. Juan Vadi enhanced my graphic elements with his talent; while college mentors, current colleages, teachers, and former graduate and undergraduate students allowed me to write their stories and reflections binging fresh accents and life to the book. Thanks for ever!

The Pedagogy of Creativity

by Anna Herbert

The Pedagogy of Creativity represents a groundbreaking study linking the pedagogy of classroom creativity with psychoanalytical theories. Taking a classroom-based example of poststructuralist methodology as its starting point, Anna Herbert’s investigation explores the relationship between creativity seen in psychological activity, such as dreams, and creativity seen in the classroom, asking the following questions: What might a methodology which taps into different forms of creativity look like? Could such a methodology support current neuropsychological theories of memory and learning? What are the consequences of imaginary and symbolic orders of knowledge for the understanding of both conscious and unconscious creativity in the classroom? Exploring the ideas of a number of psychological analysts including Jacques Lacan’s four discourses, concepts of ‘the other’ and the theories of Postructuralist thinkers including Levinas, Mead and Kristeva, Herbert explains how different theories can be used to develop creativity in the classroom and surmount obstacles preventing creative environments. Clearly presenting both theoretical positions and their bearing on classroom practice, teachers at all levels will benefit from this innovative approach to creativity, as will school psychologists and all professionals interested in the links between psychoanalysis and pedagogy. Herbert clearly communicates both theoretical positions and their bearing on classroom practice. Teacher at all levels will benefit from this innovative approach to creativity, as will school psychologists and other professionals interested in the links between psychoanalysis and pedagogy.

The Pedagogy of Secondary-School Mathematics

by Shizao Zhang

This book elucidates the principal aspects and characteristics of secondary school mathematics teaching and learning in China. It combines the cultivation of students' mathematical abilities with the improvement of teaching skills, and explores from both theory and practice to create mathematical pedagogy which has been widely recognized by experts in this field. This book presents a number of mathematics teaching principles and methods, and has been used as an important resource book for mathematics teachers’ education.

The Pedagogy of Self-Authorship: The Neurocognitive Impact of Science and Metacognition

by Philip R. Hulbig

This book is a deep dive into the developmental and neurocognitive impact of metacognition and its role in self-transformation. It connects the latest science on learning, neuroplasticity, and self-development with the rich history of metacognitive educational practices, creating an educational vision capable to address difficult issues faced by modern education.This vision highlights self-regulation, self-authorship, and self-transformation as the key learning goals of a free and equitable education system. This model of education is grounded in science, problem solving and is capable of addressing the needs of a neurologically diverse humanity. Interviews from experts at Program for the Advancement of Learning (PAL) are integrated with the author’ autobiographical account of their transformative learning experience, to provide evidence on the effectiveness of utilizing a metacognitive pedagogy in promoting transformative learning.The book concludes with a general pedagogy of metacognitive instruction that integrates the scientific method with the development of an individual's theory of mind to induce expansive personal development and achievement. This book would be of interest to educators and scholars, as well as practitioners supporting neurodivergent students and employees, neurodiversity advocates, and critical disability studies researchers.

Pedagogy of Solidarity (Qualitative Inquiry and Social Justice #4)

by Paulo Freire Ana Maria Freire Walter de Oliveira

Famous Brazilian educational and social theorist Paulo Freire presents his ideas on the importance of community solidarity in moving toward social justice in schools and society. In a set of talks and interviews shortly before his death, Freire addresses issues not often highlighted in his work, such as globalization, post-modern fatalism, and the qualities of educators for the 21st century. His illuminating comments are supplemented with commentaries by other well-known scholars, such as Ana Maria Araujo Freire, Walter de Oliveira, Norman Denzin, Henry Giroux, and Donaldo Macedo.

The Pedagogy of Special Needs Education: Phenomenology of Sameness and Difference (Phenomenology of Practice)

by Chizuko Fujita

The Pedagogy of Special Needs Education: Phenomenology of Sameness and Difference outlines how to understand the inner and behavioral lives of children with intellectual disability through the psychology and phenomenology of "stories" derived from the experiences of living with these children. The book inquires into the meaning of the experiences of children with intellectual developmental disability using a phenomenological method. It examines how the external behaviors of children with special needs may look different from children without these needs but actually do share many similarities at the phenomenological level of lived experience. Themes of difference and sameness are employed for exploring the significances of phenomena such as "finger play," "eating as selffeeding," "smiling and turn-taking," "self-talk," and "don’t touch me." Throughout the narrating and interpreting of the case studies within the book, the author shows the tensional dialectic between individual and collective difference in order to understand what is required to help children with intellectual disability become themselves and form their personal self-identity. The Pedagogy of Special Needs Education can be used in schools, seminars, and courses related to special education programs and in special needs curricula for children with developmental disabilities. It can also support childcare professionals who carry orthopedagogical responsibilities and who are concerned about the wellbeing of children and their families experiencing special needs. Additionally, this book is valuable to students, researchers, teachers, and others interested in a hermeneutic phenomenological approach to human science, professional practice issues, and qualitative research methods.

Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2012

by Ulrich Weidmann Uwe Kirsch Michael Schreckenberg

The 6th International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics (PED2012) showcased research on human locomotion. This book presents the proceedings of PED2012. Humans have walked for eons; our drive to settle the globe began with a walk out of Africa. However, much remains to discover. As the world moves toward sustainability while racing to assess and accommodate climate change, research must provide insight on the physical requirements of walking, the dynamics of pedestrians on the move and more. We must understand, predict and simulate pedestrian behaviour, to avoid dangerous situations, to plan for emergencies, and not least, to make walking more attractive and enjoyable. PED2012 offered 70 presentations and keynote talks as well as 70 poster presentations covering new and improved mathematical models, describing new insights on pedestrian behaviour in normal and emergency cases and presenting research based on sensors and advanced observation methods. These papers offer a starting point for innovative new research, building a strong foundation for the next conference and for future research.

Pediatria amb seny per a pares amb seny

by Eduard Estivill Gonzalo Pin

Criar un fill és un repte bonic però difícil, perquè demana certes dosis de reflexos i recursos personals que no saprenen a cap escola.Aquest és un llibre diferent i innovador. Aquestes pàgines són les vostres companyes de viatge. Pediatria amb seny és una obra rigorosa, senzilla, directa i sobretot molt amena.Exposa cada etapa del creixement dels nens, lalimentació, el son, les seves actituds i els possibles problemes de salut. Per mitjà de la consulta de las fitxes que descriuen les malalties més freqüents, aprendreu quan cal visitar el pediatre.Aquest llibre també ajuda en temes fonamentals com els aspectes emocionals de leducació dels fills. Parla de lautoestima, els valors, la socialització adequada, el col·legi, la disciplina, leducació sexual, els jocs, les noves tecnologies, lecologia, els esports, els estudis i les activitats extraescolars.Pediatria amb seny, que reuneix tres libres en un (guia mèdica + guia educativa + fitxes i resums), és el millor suport que us podem oferir. Us ajudarà a ser més bons pares o cuidadors i, sobretot, a tenir un fill sa, físicament i mentalment. Tot això amb una bona dosi de seny.

Pediatric and Adolescent Concussion

by Jennifer Niskala Apps Kevin D. Walter

Between the growing numbers of children and adolescents playing sports and the increased attention to head injuries by the larger sports community and the general public, pediatric concussions are emerging as a major concern. And as practitioners are seeing more young clients with head injuries, questions arise about age-appropriate assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and return to activity. Pediatric and Adolescent Concussion: Diagnosis, Management, and Outcomes offers evidence-based guidelines where few previously existed. This comprehensive volume clearly explains the effects of traumatic injury on the developing brain in sports- and non-sports-related contexts, and establishes a framework for immediate and long-term management, especially the crucial first 24 hours. Chapters provide a basic grounding in its subject with a history of concussion as a medical entity and a review of definitional and classification issues, take the reader through the steps of a neuropsychological evaluation, pinpoint post-injury issues, and offer strategies for the prevention of further or future injury. Pediatric and Adolescent Concussion: Diagnosis, Management, and Outcomes serves as both educational resource and practical framework for a wide array of professionals, including neuropsychologists, sports medicine physicians, child psychologists and psychiatrists, pediatric and family physicians, athletic trainers, social workers, and educators.

Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: A Clinical Guide

by Amy Krain Roy Roma A. Vasa

Over the past decade, significant advances in research methodology have stimulated dramatic progress in the field of child psychiatry in general, and in pediatric anxiety disorders, more specifically. Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: A Clinical Guide is a comprehensive and vital addition to the literature at an exciting time in the field of psychiatry. This state-of-the-art reference aims to bridge the most up-to-date research findings with relevant clinical perspectives, making it a unique and essential resource for established clinicians and researchers, as well as for students and trainees. The book is organized into four sections, each of which includes chapters on a specific area of interest. The first section reviews the current research regarding etiological mechanisms of pediatric anxiety. The second section provides in-depth descriptions of the anxiety disorders that affect children and adolescents. The third section summarizes the literature on empirically supported assessment tools and evidence based cognitive-behavioral and pharmacological interventions. Of special practical note, the authors of these chapters have included comprehensive summary tables that can serve as quick reference tools. The final section of the text is dedicated to understanding how anxiety manifests in two special populations, children with chronic medical illnesses and those with autism spectrum disorders. Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: A Clinical Guide is an authoritative new volume developed by a renowned collection of clinicians and researchers in the field of childhood anxiety disorders.

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