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Showing 33,301 through 33,325 of 50,790 results

Penis Envy and Other Bad Feelings: The Emotional Costs of Everyday Life

by Mari Ruti

Mari Ruti combines theoretical reflection, cultural critique, feminist politics, and personal experience to analyze the prevalence of bad feelings in contemporary everyday life. Proceeding from a playful engagement with Freud’s idea of penis envy, Ruti’s autotheoretical commentary fans out to a broader consideration of neoliberal pragmatism. She focuses on the emphasis on good performance, high productivity, constant self-improvement, and relentless cheerfulness that characterizes present-day Western society. Revealing the treacherousness of our fantasies of the good life, particularly the idea that our efforts will eventually be rewarded—that things will eventually get better—Ruti demystifies the false hope that often causes us to tolerate an unbearable present.Theoretically rigorous and lucidly written, Penis Envy and Other Bad Feelings is a trenchant critique of contemporary gender relations. Refuting the idea that we live in a postfeminist world where gender inequalities have been transcended, Ruti describes how neoliberal heteropatriarchy has transformed itself in subtle and stealthy, and therefore all the more insidious, ways. Mobilizing Michel Foucault’s concept of biopolitics, Jacques Lacan’s account of desire, and Lauren Berlant’s notion of cruel optimism, she analyzes the rationalization of intimacy, the persistence of gender stereotypes, and the pornification of heterosexual culture. Ruti shines a spotlight on the depression, anxiety, frustration, and disenchantment that frequently lie beneath our society’s sugarcoated mythologies of self-fulfillment, romantic satisfaction, and professional success, speaking to all who are concerned about the emotional costs of the pressure-cooker ethos of our age.

Pennhurst and the Struggle for Disability Rights (Keystone Books)

by Dennis B. Downey James W. Conroy

Conceived in the era of eugenics as a solution to what was termed the "problem of the feeble-minded," state-operated institutions subjected people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to a life of compulsory incarceration. One of nearly 300 such facilities in the United States, Pennhurst State School and Hospital was initially hailed as a "model institution" but was later revealed to be a nightmare, where medical experimentation and physical and psychological abuse were rampant. At its peak, more than 3,500 residents were confined at Pennhurst, supervised by a staff of fewer than 600.Using a blended narrative of essays and first-person accounts, this history of Pennhurst examines the institution from its founding during an age of Progressive reform to its present-day exploitation as a controversial Halloween attraction. In doing so, it traces a decades-long battle to reform the abhorrent school and hospital and reveals its role as a catalyst for the disability rights movement. Beginning in the 1950s, parent-advocates, social workers, and attorneys joined forces to challenge the dehumanizing conditions at Pennhurst. Their groundbreaking advocacy, accelerated in 1968 by the explosive televised exposé Suffer the Little Children, laid the foundation for lawsuits that transformed American jurisprudence and ended mass institutionalization in the United States. As a result, Pennhurst became a symbolic force in the disability civil rights movement in America and around the world.Extensively researched and featuring the stories of survivors, parents, and advocates, this compelling history will appeal both to those with connections to Pennhurst and to anyone interested in the history of institutionalization and the disability rights movement.

Pennhurst and the Struggle for Disability Rights (Keystone Books)

by Dennis B. Downey James W. Conroy

Conceived in the era of eugenics as a solution to what was termed the “problem of the feeble-minded,” state-operated institutions subjected people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to a life of compulsory incarceration. One of nearly 300 such facilities in the United States, Pennhurst State School and Hospital was initially hailed as a “model institution” but was later revealed to be a nightmare, where medical experimentation and physical and psychological abuse were rampant. At its peak, more than 3,500 residents were confined at Pennhurst, supervised by a staff of fewer than 600.Using a blended narrative of essays and first-person accounts, this history of Pennhurst examines the institution from its founding during an age of Progressive reform to its present-day exploitation as a controversial Halloween attraction. In doing so, it traces a decades-long battle to reform the abhorrent school and hospital and reveals its role as a catalyst for the disability rights movement. Beginning in the 1950s, parent-advocates, social workers, and attorneys joined forces to challenge the dehumanizing conditions at Pennhurst. Their groundbreaking advocacy, accelerated in 1968 by the explosive televised exposé Suffer the Little Children, laid the foundation for lawsuits that transformed American jurisprudence and ended mass institutionalization in the United States. As a result, Pennhurst became a symbolic force in the disability civil rights movement in America and around the world.Extensively researched and featuring the stories of survivors, parents, and advocates, this compelling history will appeal both to those with connections to Pennhurst and to anyone interested in the history of institutionalization and the disability rights movement.

Pennhurst State School and Hospital (Images of America)

by J. Gregory Pirmann Pennhurst Memorial & Preservation Alliance

For nearly 80 years, Pennhurst State School and Hospital was a reminder of how society viewed and treated people with intellectual disabilities. Over its existence, Pennhurst was home to more than 10,600 people. Many spent decades there, working to keep the institution running by performing various jobs. While some enjoyed the lives they had fashioned for themselves at Pennhurst, for many others, life there was crushing. Pennhurst also played a central role in the lives of its employees and in the rural Pennsylvania community where it was located. Controversy plagued the institution for its entire existence, and it is remembered primarily as a place where bad things happened. However, it was much more than that. This book provides a window into that separate world, reminding those who were part of it of what they saw and did there and giving those who know only what they have heard or seen a different picture of what Pennhurst truly was.

Pensamiento en Exceso: Detén los pensamientos intrusivos y reduce la ansiedad

by Justin Moore

Preocuparse no es algo malo por sí mismo. Demuestra que te importa. Sin embargo cuando llega a ese punto constante y obsesivo, inhibe el éxito. Llegas a estar paralizado por el miedo a cometer un error, haciendo que no te muevas. El pensamiento en exceso es un comportamiento autodestructivo, que cobra un buen peaje tanto en tu salud física y mental. Desarrollarás ansiedad, la que no solo causa sufrimiento emocional, pero con el tiempo afectará tu corazón, sistema digestivo y nervioso, así como otros sistemas en tu cuerpo. El primer paso para resolver un problema es entender exactamente lo que sucede. El pensar en exceso es una cuestión de pensamientos que se pegan en un bucle. Piensa en cuando un retrete se tapa. Si haces correr el agua cuando está tapado, muy pronto tendrás todo un baño inundado. Cuando te obsesionas por un pensamiento aterrador, por ejemplo, “¿Qué tal si todos me odian en secreto?”, esto no solo tomará todo tu tiempo, sino que parecerá volverse real justo enfrente de tus ojos. De pronto, todos están dándote miradas de desprecio y hablándote cortante. Déjame explicar lo que en realidad sucedió. Estabas buscando mirar algo, así que tu mente creó esa realidad. Estás interpretando las miradas palabras de cada uno en una forma que se ajusta a ese miedo. Así es como las personas desarrollan síntomas psicosomáticos de una seria enfermedad. La mente es algo extremadamente poderoso, aprende a usar este acto para tu mejora en vez de tu empeoramiento. Los patrones de pensamiento pueden ser creados y recogidos. Cada vez que has aprendido a trabajar para alguien que hace las cosas diferente a tu previo empleador, tú reentrenaste tu cerebro. Piensa en cuando tuviste que aprender las tablas de multiplicar. Tú pensabas que nunca te las aprenderías todas, y después de suficiente práctica, ya las puedes recitar todas de memoria solo. Tienes que repetir los pensamientos que desafían la ansiedad ci

Pensar rápido, pensar despacio

by Daniel Kahneman

Un apasionante recorrido por el funcionamiento de la mente de la mano del padre de la psicología conductista y premio Nobel de Economía en 2002: Daniel Kahneman. Daniel Kahneman, uno de los pensadores más importantes del mundo, recibió el premio Nobel de Economía por su trabajo pionero en psicología sobre el modelo racional de la toma de decisiones. Sus ideas han tenido un profundo impacto en campos tan diversos como la economía, la medicina o la política, pero hasta ahora no había reunido la obra de su vida en un libro. En Pensar rápido, pensar despacio, un éxito internacional, Kahneman nos ofrece una revolucionaria perspectiva del cerebro y explica los dos sistemas que modelan cómo pensamos. El sistema 1 es rápido, intuitivo y emocional, mientras que el sistema 2 es más lento, deliberativo y lógico. Kahneman expone la extraordinaria capacidad (y también los errores y los sesgos) del pensamiento rápido, y revela la duradera influencia de las impresiones intuitivas sobre nuestro pensamiento y nuestra conducta. El impacto de la aversión a la pérdida y el exceso de confianza en las estrategias empresariales, la dificultad de predecir lo que nos hará felices en el futuro, el reto de enmarcar adecuadamente los riesgos en el trabajo y en el hogar, el profundo efecto de los sesgos cognitivos sobre todo lo que hacemos, desde jugar en la Bolsa hasta planificar las vacaciones; todo esto solo puede ser comprendido si entendemos el funcionamiento conjunto de los dos sistemas a la hora de formular nuestros juicios y decisiones. Al implicar al lector en una animada reflexión sobre cómo pensamos, Kahneman consigue revelar cuándo podemos confiar en nuestras intuiciones y cuándo no, y de qué modo podemos aprovechar los beneficios del pensamiento lento. Además, ofrece enseñanzas prácticas e iluminadoras sobre cómo se adoptan decisiones en la vida profesional o personal, y sobre cómo podemos usardistintas técnicas para protegernos de los fallos mentales que nos crean problemas. Pensar rápido, pensar despacio cambiará para siempre nuestra manera de pensar sobre cómo pensamos. Reseñas:«Los más entusiastas lo comparan con Galileo y Darwin.»El Mundo «Considerado uno de los mejores libros de 2011 por The New York Times, The Economist o The Wall Street Journal, Kahneman revela cuándo debemos confiar en nuestras intuiciones para aprovechar los beneficios del pensamiento lento.»El Economista

Pensar rápido, pensar despacio

by Daniel Kahneman

Daniel Kahneman, uno de los pensadores más importantes del mundo, recibió el premio Nobel de Economía por su trabajo pionero en psicología sobre el modelo racional de la toma de decisiones. Sus ideas han tenido un profundo impacto en campos tan diversos como la economía, la medicina o la política, pero hasta ahora no había reunido la obra de su vida en un libro.En Pensar rápido, pensar despacio, un éxito internacional, Kahneman nos ofrece una revolucionaria perspectiva del cerebro y explica los dos sistemas que modelan cómo pensamos. El sistema 1 es rápido, intuitivo y emocional, mientras que el sistema 2 es más lento, deliberativo y lógico. Kahneman expone la extraordinaria capacidad (y también los errores y los sesgos) del pensamiento rápido, y revela la duradera influencia de las impresiones intuitivas sobre nuestro pensamiento y nuestra conducta. El impacto de la aversión a la pérdida y el exceso de confianza en las estrategias empresariales, la dificultad de predecir lo que nos hará felices en el futuro, el reto de enmarcar adecuadamente los riesgos en el trabajo y en el hogar, el profundo efecto de los sesgos cognitivos sobre todo lo que hacemos, desde jugar en la Bolsa hasta planificar las vacaciones; todo esto solo puede ser comprendido si entendemos el funcionamiento conjunto de los dos sistemas a la hora de formular nuestros juicios y decisiones.Al implicar al lector en una animada reflexión sobre cómo pensamos, Kahneman consigue revelar cuándo podemos confiar en nuestras intuiciones y cuándo no, y de qué modo podemos aprovechar los beneficios del pensamiento lento. Además, ofrece enseñanzas prácticas e iluminadoras sobre cómo se adoptan decisiones en la vida profesional o personal, y sobre cómo podemos usar distintas técnicas para protegernos de los fallos mentales que nos crean problemas. Pensar rápido, pensar despacio cambiará para siempre nuestra manera de pensar sobre cómo pensamos.

People and Change: An Introduction To Counseling and Stress Management

by Catherine M. Flanagan

How to capitalize on change -- as a key feature of modern living - - is the central theme of this work. Incorporating the major theoretical advances psychology has made during the last thirty years, People and Change describes how clinical levels of psychological difficulty can develop and how problems such as phobias, depression, shyness, marital and sexual disharmony, obsessions, and over-indulgence are treated. Although a psychology text, People and Change offers an unusually broad scope. The text acknowledges the interplay of somatic vulnerabilities, environmental influences, large individual differences, and various other factors that can be involved in the complex stress process that leads to bad habits. The ability of the individual to adapt to change through self-knowledge is stressed throughout this important book.

People and Profits?: The Search for A Link Between A Company's Social and Financial Performance (Organization and Management Series)

by Joshua Daniel Margolis James P. Walsh

What is the relationship between the social performance of companies and their financial performance? More colloquially, can a firm effectively attend to both people and profits as it conducts its business? This question has been investigated in no fewer than 95 empirical studies published since 1972. The authors have assembled a compendium of this research to give researchers and practitioners alike a broad overview of these 95 studies and a systematic database detailing the content of each one. This book provides a comprehensive portrait of this research literature. It begins with a broad orientation to the literature, exploring why the link between social and financial performance has been subject to continual inquiry and often heated debate. The authors then present an integrated overview of the 95 studies. Through the charts and tables, the authors illuminate the nature of the studies conducted; the data samples selected for investigation; the ways in which financial and social performance have been measured; and the overall tally of results.

People and Societies: Rom Harré and Designing the Social Sciences (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Luk Van Langenhove

Rom Harré has pushed the boundaries of our thinking about people and societies and has challenged the orthodox philosophy of science and social psychology. His countless books and articles have inspired generations of scholars in philosophy, psychology, linguistics, cognitive science and social theory. The diversity of his work makes that some see him as a leading figure in the critical realist school of philosophy of science, other as a key player in developing a social constructionist approach to psychology. The present volume brings together a careful selection of his key writings and presents them in a framework that stresses the evolution of his thinking as well as the place of his thinking in ongoing debates in different disciplines. The overall theme is the study of people and their ways of life. This is the first book that gives readers a systematic introduction in the conceptual universe of this towering figure.

The People Code: It's All About Your Innate Motive

by Taylor Hartman

In his life-changing book, Dr. Taylor Hartman introduces you to the People Code and why people do what they do. The concept of Motive is a fresh method for analyzing your own innate personality as well as that of those around you. You then have the ability to utilize that knowledge to improve workplace and personal relationships. As an author, psychologist, and leadership coach, Dr. Hartman offers a remarkably astute system for segmenting everyone into specific Motive-types denoted by a color: Red (power wielders), Blue (do-gooders), White (peacekeepers), and Yellow (fun lovers). He then explains how to ensure that all possible alliances between them function at optimum effectiveness. If you struggle with self-acceptance and have questions about why you and others act the way you do, Dr. Hartman and The People Code can help you maximize your life success by improving your day-to-day relationships.

People in Crisis: Clinical and Diversity Perspectives

by Miracle R. Hoff Lisa Brown Lee Ann Hoff

The first edition of People in Crisis, published in 1978, established success as a comprehensive and user-friendly text for health and social service professionals. The book and its following incarnations included critical life events and life cycle transition challenges, clearly pointing out the interconnections between such events, stressful developmental changes, and their potential for growth but also danger of suicide and/or violence toward others. This revised edition includes new case examples and expanded coverage of cross-cultural content, including 'commonalities and differences' in origins, manifestations, and crisis responses. The authors illustrate the application of crisis concepts, assessment, and intervention strategies across a wide range of health and mental health settings, as well as at home, school, workplace, and in the community. Each chapter contains a closing summary that includes discussion questions, references, and online data sources for maximum application and learning. Updated chapters discuss new, research-based content on: • workplace violence and abuse• youth violence in schools and higher education settings• the use of psychotropic drugs, including for very young children in the absence of comprehensive assessment• the crisis vulnerability of war veterans and the hazards of 'pathologizing' what should be considered a 'normal' response to the repeated and catastrophic trauma of war• the intersection of socio-political factors with individuals’ psychological healing from catastrophic experiences such as war and natural disaster.

The People Make the Place: Dynamic Linkages Between Individuals and Organizations (Organization And Management Ser.)

by D. Brent Smith

This volume, in honor of Ben Schneider, highlights his work on the Attraction-Selection-Attrition (ASA) model of organizational behavior which has become one of the most important models in the history of Personnel Psychology. The central tenet of the ASA model is that people matter. Although organizational structure processes, and climate and

People, Not Psychiatry (Routledge Library Editions: Psychiatry #2)

by Michael Barnett

Originally published in 1973, this book is about people and psychiatry. About people who rejected psychiatry as it was generally practised at the time, people who sought for and found alternative ways of caring for and healing one another. The author, who had been active in radical alternatives to psychiatry for some time, offers us a programme based not on drugs, repression and a ‘questionable’ expertise, but on human caring, greater awareness of the body, deeper communication between persons and a willingness to let the emotions flow. It is a challenging alternative which came at a time when the viability of scientific, theoretical and chemical approaches to distress were being questioned at all levels of society. This alternative includes the new direct methods of healing (making whole) such as Encounter, Gestalt, Bioenergetics, Psychofantasy – methods that do not do things to people but allow them to feel their way into change through experiment, flow and choice. The main focus of the book is People, not Psychiatry (PNP), the network set up by the author in 1969. PNP is open to all, and people in it help one another in times of stress and crisis, if they are asked to and when they are needed. One of the main assets of these networks is that they are an alternative and they are there. The book tells the story of PNP’s birth and growth. It is a personal story, a moving story, a story about people. In addition, the book contains some lively theoretical discussion, both simple and clear, in the course of which the author tentatively offers his own theory of neurosis – that many people become victims of the primitive logic patterns laid down in infancy, patterns that become reinforced through fear and habit and have to be dissolved or replaced if we are to enjoy a full, healthy, free-flowing life. The book is directed at doctors, patients, consultants, nurses, psychologists, social workers, therapists, in fact anyone involved in any way in the field of psychiatry. It is also offered to all those whom psychiatry touches, that it to say – everyone.

People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil

by M. Scott Peck

<p>In this absorbing and equally inspiring companion volume to his classic trilogy—The Road Less Traveled, Further Along the Road Less Traveled, and The Road Less Traveled and Beyond—Dr. M. Scott Peck brilliantly probes into the essence of human evil. <p>People who are evil attack others instead of facing their own failures. Peck demonstrates the havoc these people of the lie work in the lives of those around them. He presents, from vivid incidents encountered in his psychiatric practice, examples of evil in everyday life. <p>This book is by turns disturbing, fascinating, and altogether impossible to put down as it offers a strikingly original approach to the age-old problem of human evil.</p>

People-Reading: How We Control Others, How They Control Us

by Ernst G. Beier Evans G. Valens

Of the many books designed to help with the understanding of one's behavior, People-Reading is in a class by itself. It provides specific guidelines on how to "read" people as well as how to "read" oneself. It is an easy to read book that is based on sound scientific principles, illustrated with many well-selected cases from Dr. Beier's own work as a psychotherapist.

People Skills: How To Assert Yourself, Listen To Others And Resolve Conflicts

by Robert Bolton

A wall of silent resentment shuts you off from someone you love....You listen to an argument in which neither party seems to hear the other....Your mind drifts to other matters when people talk to you.... People Skills is a communication-skills handbook that can help you eliminate these and other communication problems. Author Robert Bolton describes the twelve most common communication barriers, showing how these "roadblocks" damage relationships by increasing defensiveness, aggressiveness, or dependency. He explains how to acquire the ability to listen, assert yourself, resolve conflicts, and work out problems with others. These are skills that will help you communicate calmly, even in stressful emotionally charged situations. People Skills will show you * How to get your needs met using simple assertion techniques * How body language often speaks louder than words * How to use silence as a valuable communication tool * How to de-escalate family disputes, lovers' quarrels, and other heated arguments Both thought-provoking and practical, People Skills is filled with workable ideas that you can use to improve your communication in meaningful ways, every day.

People Skills: Helpful Guidance on Interacting in Any Situation (Idiot's Guides)

by Casey Hawley

People skills — also known as interpersonal skills — are key to succeeding in work and in life. Many people struggle with these specific skills, particularly in an increasingly digital world. Idiot's Guides: People Skills offers expert advice on the foundations of effective communication, tips on understanding and maximizing nonverbal communication, ways to handle conflict and difficult conversations, pointers on being more influential and persuasive, and a primer for public speaking to small or large groups.

People Skills for Behavior Analysts

by Carmen Hall Kimberly Maich Brianna M. Anderson

People Skills for Behavior Analysts provides a much-needed introduction to the people skills needed to succeed as a behavior analyst. Divided into two primary parts – Foundational Skills and Specialized Skills – this book addresses an impressive breadth of people skills, focusing on intrapersonal and interpersonal skills, collaboration, consultation and training, leadership, and resource development. Relying on recent evidence-based practices and relevant literature tailored to meet the new BACB Task List, Professional & Ethical Compliance Code, and Supervised Independent Fieldwork requirements, the text includes contributions from leading figures from a wide variety of applied behavior analysis subfields to provide a truly balanced overview. The book delves into the literature from fields related to behavior analysis, such as counselling, psychology, graphic design, management and education, and applies these perspectives to behavioral theories and principles to provide students, new graduates, and seasoned professionals with research, best practices, reflective questions, and practical techniques. From reflecting on one’s practice, to learning essential therapeutic skills, running a great meeting, becoming a ‘super’ supervisor, and delivering a memorable presentation, all people skills are included in one place for the behavior practitioner. This is a valuable resource for undergraduate and graduate students studying Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), and will also appeal to recent graduates and behavior analysts looking to improve their existing skillset.

People Tools

by Alan C. Fox

Getting along well with others is the real secret to success and happiness. In tens of thousands of classrooms we teach reading, writing, and arithmetic and yet we leave solutions to the universal problems of human relationships to be discovered, if at all, by trial and error. The trial is painful and the error is costly. People Tools: 54 Strategies for Building Relationships, Creating Joy, and Embracing Prosperity, provides time-proven techniques that you can use to build a better, happier, more successful life. It is the perfect resource for busy people looking for fast and effective solutions to the challenges we face every day. "People Tools" are practical and easy to understand. From developing self-confidence, to improving communication skills, to finding constructive ways to resolve conflict, each "People Tool" addresses a specific issue and provides a simple, straightforward strategy that you can adopt to bring about a positive result. Open the book to any page and you will find a useful solution. Each tool is illustrated with insightful stories and amusing anecdotes that are relevant and relatable. The stories will reel you in but the advice will change your life. "This book will do a lot for the world. " - Bill CosbyAlthough you may recognize the more intuitive techniques in People Tools, this sourcebook provides explanations and helpful examples from a vast collection of different tools designed to help you further expand your own existing repertoire of skills. Some of the useful "People Tools" in the book include:1. The Belt Buckle. When words are different than action (The Belt Buckle), trust the Belt Buckle, not the words. 2. Buy a Ticket. To make something good happen in your life you have to participate. 3. Catching a Feather. An alternative to the endless chase, this Tool reveals how to attract people you want to be closer to. 4. Patterns Persist. Prior actions are predictive of future behaviors. 5. Catch Them Being Good. Rewards are more effective than punishments. People Tools is organized into 54 chapters. Each chapter offers a life-changing insight. "Use them to live well, and your life will grow better for it. " -Jack Kornfield, psychologist, author, and founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center

People Tools for Love and Relationships

by Alan C. Fox

Love is the answer and you are the key to unlocking its potential. From the popular New York Times best-selling author of the People Tools series comes People Tools for Love and Relationships. With 49 easy to use tools, Alan Fox's latest installment will teach you how to create and maintain great relationships with immediate results. Finding love isn't always easy. Being in love and sustaining that love can be even harder. Alan Fox is full of practical advice and guidelines for keeping things fresh and celebrating love in all its manifestations. These tools are specifically designed to teach you everything you need to nourish a long and fulfilling relationship. Each tool is fleshed out with colorful anecdotes and Fox's own discerning insights. It's time to take full responsibility for creating and maintaining your ideal relationship. Stop blaming othersâthe key to a great relationship is you. People Tools is packed with the wisdom of a full, long, and varied life. Alan Fox will guide you through the ins and outs of building worthwhile, rewarding relationships. Learn to: · Find the right person, and be the right person · Work out core issues and compromise · Accept the things you can't change · Find the right way to say âI'm sorryâ · Know when to put yourself first · Live without regret

People Who Argue Are Sick: Overcoming Anger and Healing an Argumentative Spirit

by Duane Cuthbertson

We live in a world of anger and violence. National and international tensions surround us. It it possible to discern the source of such wrath? Dr. Cuthbertson will share with you that the “human spirit” can be “crushed” and “fractured.” Both temperament and environmental factors are involved. If you have ever had an argument, "People Who Ague Are Sick" is definitely for you. The author will give to you not only hope, but also a technique for healing. Let’s be bold. . ."People Who Ague Are Sick" has the potential to not only change you and your home, but to change the whole world. Through "People Who Ague Are Sick" you will learn that your argumentative spirit can be healed, you potentially have had your last argument, domestic violence can subside, there can be less violence in the world.

People with Disabilities: Empowerment and Community Action

by Peter W. Dowrick Christopher B. Keys

Develop more effective community initiatives and build solid collaborations!Although the fields of disability studies and community psychology developed separately, with little crossover, they have evolved similar values, principles, and tactics. People with Disabilities: Empowerment and Community Action is the first volume to bring together these two fields. Now disability activists and community psychologists can join forces, share ideas, and gain strength from one another.This landmark volume offers empirical research and practical advice from respected scholars in the field. People with Disabilities: Empowerment and Community Action presents tested strategies for empowering a wide variety of people with disabilities, including Latinos, the aged, the developmentally disabled, low-income schoolchildren, and patients with chronic diseases. The diversity of strategies offered here means that every community can find a way to make its own voice heard.People with Disabilities: Empowerment and Community Action offers detailed, step-by-step plans for developing a broad range of programs, including: choosing strategies to suit rural, suburban, and urban environments taking a capacity-building approach to community empowerment developing participatory action plans building effective coalitions enabling collaboration between inner-city universities and the community With its solid research, helpful tables and figures, and well-organized action plans, this book is certain to become a classic in the fields of disability studies and community psychology.

The People You Are

by Rita Carter

In THE PEOPLE YOU ARE, Rita Carter - award-winning science writer and international speaker - offers a new and vital understanding of personality. Rita explains that nearly every one of us is a team of personalities, working together, for the most part, to give the impression of a unified self. We are used to thinking of ourselves as one thing or the other - either introvert or extrovert, say - but things are rarely that simple for most of us. That's why we sometimes feel like a different person depending on mood, company and surroundings, why we sometimes suffer unaccountable memory lapses, why we buy something we then decide we didn't want in the first place, or why 'somebody else' turns off the alarm clock in the morning.Importantly, THE PEOPLE YOU ARE is also a practical guide to building a happy 'household' of personalities, explaining how to identify these different versions of ourselves and how to enable them to co-operate so that we can function successfully in life.THE PEOPLE YOU ARE is both an eye-opening and highly practical account of personality.

The People You Are

by Rita Carter

In THE PEOPLE YOU ARE, Rita Carter - award-winning science writer and international speaker - offers a new and vital understanding of personality. Rita explains that nearly every one of us is a team of personalities, working together, for the most part, to give the impression of a unified self. We are used to thinking of ourselves as one thing or the other - either introvert or extrovert, say - but things are rarely that simple for most of us. That's why we sometimes feel like a different person depending on mood, company and surroundings, why we sometimes suffer unaccountable memory lapses, why we buy something we then decide we didn't want in the first place, or why 'somebody else' turns off the alarm clock in the morning.Importantly, THE PEOPLE YOU ARE is also a practical guide to building a happy 'household' of personalities, explaining how to identify these different versions of ourselves and how to enable them to co-operate so that we can function successfully in life.THE PEOPLE YOU ARE is both an eye-opening and highly practical account of personality.

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