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A Philosophical View of the Ocean and Humanity: Second Edition

by Anders Omstedt

This book provides an overview of major threats to our blue planet. But also tools for connecting facts and values to change our often destructive behavior towards nature. The solutions to achieving an ocean in harmony with man are within us, where compassion, curiosity, empathy, courage, and creativity are needed for sustainable change. Therefore, with this book, I want to arouse your curiosity and give the reader, the courage to face the future better by introducing tools for deep diving into our outer and inner world with many hidden resources. The book brings the reader into humans' challenges with the ocean and its future. It addresses some of the main questions in the United Nations Ocean Decade initiative that aims to change how humans deal with the ocean. This unique book will stimulate a broad way of thinking by connecting analytical science thinking and intuition. In the book's first part, art and dreams are used to connect science and art. This knowledge is then applied in part II of the book, written in two modes: a concerned science mode and an intuitive, artistic mode in which the ocean is given a voice. Part III illustrates how science and art can be connected to increase our awareness of the state of the ocean and support behavioral change.

Philosophical Works of Etienne Bonnot, Abbe De Condillac: Volume 1

by F. Philip H. Lane

This highly readable translation of the major works of the 18th- century philosopher Etienne Bonnot, Abbe de Condillac, a disciple of Locke and a contemporary of Rousseau, Voltaire, and Diderot, shows his influence on psychiatric diagnosis as well as on the education of the deaf, the retarded, and the preschool child. Published two hundred years after Condillac's death, this translation contains treatises which were, until now, virtually unavailable in English: A Treatise on Systems, A Treatise of the Sensations, Logic.

Philosophical Works of Etienne Bonnot, Abbe De Condillac: Volume II

by Franklin Philip

This is the first English translation of Condillac's most influential works: the Essay on the Origins of Human Knowledge (1746) and Course for Study of Instruction of the Prince of Parma (1772). The Essays lay the foundation for Condillac's theory of mind. He argues that all mental operations are, in fact, sensory processes and nothing more. An outgrowth of Locke's empirical account of ideas and sensations as a source of knowledge, Condillac's theory goes beyond Locke's foundations, introducing his universal method for understanding any complex entity: the reduction of all matters to their origins and then to their simplest forms. The Course, originally written to teach Prince Ferdinand of Parma to think and to develop good habits of mind following the principle of association of ideas, covers grammar, writing, reasoning, thinking, and ancient and modern history. Philip writes in the introduction: "[the] mind is moldable to reason and to 'nature' which gave it a model and provides the ultimate authority for all it can know or do."

Philosophie der Führung

by Lisa Katharin Schmalzried Dieter Frey

Führungskräfte arbeiten heute in einem unsicheren Umfeld mit wachsenden Anforderungen und immer variableren Rahmenbedingungen. Dennoch müssen sie Sicherheit ausstrahlen und ihren Mitarbeitern eine Orientierung bieten. Viele Führungskräfte empfinden dies als belastend und suchen nach einer Art Kompass, an dem sie ihr Handeln ausrichten können, nach dauerhaften Prinzipien für eine "gute Führung". Dieses Buch bietet einen solchen Kompass und leitet dazu "neue" Erkenntnisse aus uralten Theorien ab: Hätten Sie gedacht, dass die großen Philosophen von Kant über Rousseau bis Popper Anregungen für Ihr tägliches Führungshandeln bereit halten? - Wie Sie nach Ansicht Aristoteles als Chef ein gutes Vorbild werden? Wie Sie laut Hobbes mit egoistischen Mitarbeitern umgehen können? Wie nach Popper ein kritischer Dialog zu besseren Entscheidungen führen kann? Den Autoren dieses Buches gelingt es, in übersichtlichen Kapiteln verständlich und knapp die Grundlagen einer Theorie zu erklären, praktische Hinweise für eine moderne Führungskraft abzuleiten und schließlich ein verständliches Modell einer ethikorientierten Führung zu formulieren. - Kernthese: Gute Führung, die sich moralischen Werten verpflichtet sieht, ist auch eine erfolgreiche Führung! Und ganz nebenbei liest sich das Buch als eine unterhaltsame Einführung in die großen philosophischen Theorien. Für alle, die mit Aufgaben der Menschenführung betraut sind, ob in sozialen und kommerziellen Organisationen, im Bildungsbereich oder der Kindererziehung.

Philosophische Psychologie um 1900 (Abhandlungen zur Philosophie)

by Thomas Kessel

Dieser Band stellt die eigentümlichen Mischungsverhältnisse natur- und geisteswissenschaftlicher Perspektiven im Feld der philosophischen Psychologien um 1900 ins Zentrum. Diese Konzeptionen, die den engen Rahmen des Psychologismus-Streites überschreiten und ihn gleichwohl kontextualisieren, werden durch Beiträge zu Franz Brentano, Wilhelm Dilthey, Carl Stumpf, Theodor Lipps, Wilhelm Wundt, Oswald Külpe, Edmund Husserl, Wilhelm Windelband, Paul Natorp und Nicolai Hartmann repräsentiert.

Philosophizing About Sex

by Laurie J. Shrage Robert Scott Stewart

Ancient Greek philosophers, medieval theologians, Enlightenment thinkers, and contemporary humanists alike have debated all aspects of human sexuality, including its purpose, permissibility, normalcy, and risks. Philosophizing About Sex provides a philosophical guide to those longstanding and important debates. Each chapter takes a general issue (freedom, privacy, objectification, etc.) and shows how ongoing public discussions of sexuality can be illuminated by careful philosophical investigation. Debates over topics such as sexual assault, sexual orientation, sex education, prostitution, and “sexting” involve larger questions about morality, law, science, and politics and cannot be intelligently discussed in isolation from broader issues. By asking deceptively simple questions, this book shows how difficult but important it is to arrive at satisfying answers.

Philosophy After Lacan: Politics, Science, and Art (The Lines of the Symbolic in Psychoanalysis Series)

by Alireza Taheri Chris Vanderwees Reza Naderi

Philosophy After Lacan: Politics, Science, and Art brings together reflections on contemporary philosophy inspired by and in dialogue with Lacanian theory.Rather than focus on the thinkers who came before Lacan, the editors maintain attention on innovations in contemporary philosophy that owe their emergence to complimentary, critical, direct, or tangential engagement with Lacan. This collection makes one of the first concerted efforts to expand discussions between psychoanalysis and more recent philosophical thinkers while gathering chapters by some of the leading philosophical voices of the present moment. With contributors from around the world, this book has international appeal and is unique in its emphasis on contemporary philosophies inspired or influenced by Lacan.Philosophy After Lacan will not only appeal to psychotherapists and psychoanalysts, but also to students and professors of philosophy, critical theory, psychology, politics, history, and literature.

Philosophy and Cognitive Science II

by Lorenzo Magnani Ping Li Woosuk Park

The book shows how eastern and western perspectives and conceptions can be used to addresses recent topics laying at the crossroad between philosophy and cognitive science. It reports on new points of view and conceptions discussed during the International Conference on Philosophy and Cognitive Science (PCS2013), held at the Sun Yat-sen University, in Guangzhou, China, and the 2013 Workshop on Abductive Visual Cognition, which took place at KAIST, in Deajeon, South Korea. The book emphasizes an ever-growing cultural exchange between academics and intellectuals coming from different fields. It juxtaposes research works investigating new facets on key issues between philosophy and cognitive science, such as the role of models and causal representations in science; the status of theoretical concepts and quantum principles; abductive cognition, vision, and visualization in science from an eco-cognitive perspective. Further topics are: ignorance immunization in reasoning; moral cognition, violence, and epistemology; and models and biomorphism. The book, which presents a unique and timely account of the current state-of-the art on various aspects in philosophy and cognitive science, is expected to inspire philosophers, cognitive scientists and social scientists, and to generate fruitful exchanges and collaboration among them.

Philosophy and Connectionist Theory (Developments in Connectionist Theory Series)

by William Ramsey Stephen P. Stich David E. Rumelhart

The philosophy of cognitive science has recently become one of the most exciting and fastest growing domains of philosophical inquiry and analysis. Until the early 1980s, nearly all of the models developed treated cognitive processes -- like problem solving, language comprehension, memory, and higher visual processing -- as rule-governed symbol manipulation. However, this situation has changed dramatically over the last half dozen years. In that period there has been an enormous shift of attention toward connectionist models of cognition that are inspired by the network-like architecture of the brain. Because of their unique architecture and style of processing, connectionist systems are generally regarded as radically different from the more traditional symbol manipulation models. This collection was designed to provide philosophers who have been working in the area of cognitive science with a forum for expressing their views on these recent developments. Because the symbol-manipulating paradigm has been so important to the work of contemporary philosophers, many have watched the emergence of connectionism with considerable interest. The contributors take very different stands toward connectionism, but all agree that the potential exists for a radical shift in the way many philosophers think of various aspects of cognition. Exploring this potential and other philosophical dimensions of connectionist research is the aim of this volume.

Philosophy and History of Psychology: Selected works of Elizabeth Valentine (World Library of Psychologists)

by Elizabeth R. Valentine

In the World Library of Psychologists series, international experts themselves present career-long collections of what they judge to be their finest pieces – extracts from books, key articles, salient research findings, and their major practical theoretical contributions. Elizabeth Valentine has an international reputation as an eminent scholar and pioneer in the field of philosophy and history of psychology. This selection brings together some of her best work over the last thirty years. A specially written introduction gives an overview of her career and contextualises the selection in relation to changes in the field during this time. The first section on ‘Philosophy’ covers work on different theoretical approaches to psychology, introspection and the study of consciousness, the mind-body problem, and different types of explanation in psychology including reductionism. The second section, ‘From Philosophy to History’, includes work on the philosophical psychologists G. F. Stout and James Sully, among others. The third section on ‘History’ covers Valentine’s more recent historical work on the development of psychology in London – both institutional and biographical – and includes accounts of both Bedford College and University College, and the role of pioneer women psychologists. The book enables the reader to trace developments in the philosophy and history of psychology over the last thirty years. It will appeal to anyone with interests in these areas as well as being an invaluable resource for graduate and advanced undergraduate courses in conceptual and historical issues.

Philosophy and Melancholy: Benjamin's Early Reflections on Theater and Language

by Ilit Ferber

This book traces the concept of melancholy in Walter Benjamin's early writings. Rather than focusing on the overtly melancholic subject matter of Benjamin's work or the unhappy circumstances of his own fate, Ferber considers the concept's implications for his philosophy. Informed by Heidegger's discussion of moods and their importance for philosophical thought, she contends that a melancholic mood is the organizing principle or structure of Benjamin's early metaphysics and ontology. Her novel analysis of Benjamin's arguments about theater and language features a discussion of theTrauerspielbook that is amongst the first in English to scrutinize the baroque plays themselves. Philosophy and Melancholyalso contributes to the history of philosophy by establishing a strong relationship between Benjamin and other philosophers, including Leibniz, Kant, Husserl, and Heidegger.

The Philosophy and Psychology of Ambivalence: Being of Two Minds (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy)

by Berit Brogaard Dimitria Electra Gatzia

This book collects original essays by top scholars that address questions about the nature, origins, and effects of ambivalence. While the nature of agency has received an enormous amount of attention, relatively little has been written about ambivalence or how it relates to topics such as agency, rationality, justification, knowledge, autonomy, self-governance, well-being, social cognition, and various other topics. Ambivalence presents unique questions related to many major philosophical debates. For example, it relates to debates about virtues, rationality, and decision-making, agency or authenticity, emotions, and social or political metacognition. It is also relevant to a variety of larger debates in philosophy and psychology, including nature vs. nature, objectivity vs. subjectivity, or nomothetic vs. idiographic. The essays in this book offer novel and wide-ranging perspectives on this emerging philosophical topic. They will be of interest to researchers and advanced students working in ethics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, philosophy of psychology, and social cognition.

The Philosophy and Psychology of Character and Happiness (Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory)

by Nancy E. Snow Franco V. Trivigno

Since ancient times, character, virtue, and happiness have been central to thinking about how to live well. Yet until recently, philosophers have thought about these topics in an empirical vacuum. Taking up the general challenge of situationism – that philosophers should pay attention to empirical psychology – this interdisciplinary volume presents new essays from empirically informed perspectives by philosophers and psychologists on western as well as eastern conceptions of character, virtue, and happiness, and related issues such as personality, emotion and cognition, attitudes and automaticity. Researchers at the top of their fields offer exciting work that expands the horizons of empirically informed research on topics central to virtue ethics.

Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence 2017 (Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics #44)

by Vincent C. Müller

This book reports on the results of the third edition of the premier conference in the field of philosophy of artificial intelligence, PT-AI 2017, held on November 4 - 5, 2017 at the University of Leeds, UK. It covers: advanced knowledge on key AI concepts, including complexity, computation, creativity, embodiment, representation and superintelligence; cutting-edge ethical issues, such as the AI impact on human dignity and society, responsibilities and rights of machines, as well as AI threats to humanity and AI safety; and cutting-edge developments in techniques to achieve AI, including machine learning, neural networks, dynamical systems. The book also discusses important applications of AI, including big data analytics, expert systems, cognitive architectures, and robotics. It offers a timely, yet very comprehensive snapshot of what is going on in the field of AI, especially at the interfaces between philosophy, cognitive science, ethics and computing.

Philosophy, Cognition and Pragmatics (Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology #34)

by Alessandro Capone Pietro Perconti Roberto Graci

This book contains essential contributions to enrich and broaden the application field of pragmatics. It provides an example of how the fruitful reflections and refined conceptual distinctions born in the philosophical field can find a practical application in addressing social, cognitive, clinical, and psychological problems. Its chapters address, from different points of view, the relationship between pragmatic linguistics and philosophy, and outline the possible application of pragmatic theories to different domains. Developed during the third Pragmasophia international conference, whose name is derived from the Greek terms πρᾶγμα (action, fact) and σοϕία (knowledge, science), the book aligns itself with its aim to study human actions and activities and how they take shape through language. But ‘Pragma’ and ‘Sophia’ also signal another purpose: highlighting the importance of creating links between empirical investigations on language use, and more traditional philosophical approaches. In this reading, ‘Pragma’ represents the experimental goal devoted to analysing and interpreting language facts. In contrast, the term ‘Sophia’ recalls the original vocation of past philosophers to pursue an ideal of ‘pure knowledge’, disconnected from any practical-economic interest. While maintaining the conference's original purpose of encouraging productive comparisons between different approaches, the book consists of two sections: first, on philosophical approaches, recalls more theoretical aspects (closer to the term ‘Sophia’); the second, ‘Inferential and Cognitive Pragmatics,’ addresses more practical issues affecting domains such as Greek literature, pragmatic disorders, dictionary entries, and speech analysis. The reader, whether in linguists, philosophy or psychology, obtains a complete overview of the most advanced current research lines, both theoretical and empirical, and thus contributes to broadening the scope of pragmatics.

Philosophy in Turbulent Times: Canguilhem, Sartre, Foucault, Althusser, Deleuze, Derrida

by Elisabeth Roudinesco

For Elisabeth Roudinesco, a historian of psychoanalysis and one of France's leading intellectuals, Canguilhem, Sartre, Foucault, Althusser, Deleuze, and Derrida represent a "great generation" of French philosophers who accomplished remarkable work and lived incredible lives. These troubled and innovative thinkers endured World War II and the cultural and political revolution of the 1960s, and their cultural horizon was dominated by Marxism and psychoanalysis, though they were by no means strict adherents to the doctrines of Marx and Freud. Roudinesco knew many of these intellectuals personally, and she weaves an account of their thought through lived experience and reminiscences. Canguilhem, for example, was a distinguished philosopher of science who had a great influence on Foucault's exploration of sanity and madness-themes Althusser lived in a notorious personal drama. And in dramatizing the life of Freud for the screen, Sartre fundamentally altered his own philosophical approach to psychoanalysis. Roudinesco launches a passionate defense of Canguilhem, Sartre, Foucault, Althusser, Deleuze, and Derrida against the "new philosophers" of the late 1970s and 1980s, who denounced the work-and sometimes the private lives-of this great generation. Roudinesco refutes attempts to tar them, as well as the Marxist and left-wing tradition in general, with the brush of Soviet-style communism. In Freudian theory and the philosophy of radical commitment, she sees a bulwark against the kind of manipulative, pill-prescribing, and normalizing psychology that aims to turn individuals into mindless consumers. Intense, clever, and persuasive, Philosophy in Turbulent Times captivates with the dynamism of French thought in the twentieth century.

Philosophy of Behavioral Biology

by Kathryn S. Plaisance Thomas A.C. Reydon

This volume provides a broad overview of issues in the philosophy of behavioral biology, covering four main themes: genetic, developmental, evolutionary, and neurobiological explanations of behavior. It is both interdisciplinary and empirically informed in its approach, addressing philosophical issues that arise from recent scientific findings in biological research on human and non-human animal behavior. Accordingly, it includes papers by professional philosophers and philosophers of science, as well as practicing scientists. Much of the work in this volume builds on presentations given at the international conference, "Biological Explanations of Behavior: Philosophical Perspectives", held in 2008 at the Leibniz Universität Hannover in Germany. The volume is intended to be of interest to a broad range of audiences, which includes philosophers (e.g., philosophers of mind, philosophers of biology, and metaethicists), as well as practicing scientists, such as biologists or psychologists whose interests relate to biological explanations of behavior.

The Philosophy of Childhood

by Gareth Matthews

So many questions, such an imagination, endless speculation: the child seems to be a natural philosopher--until the ripe old age of eight or nine, when the spirit of inquiry mysteriously fades. What happened? Was it something we did--or didn't do? Was the child truly the philosophical being he once seemed? Gareth Matthews takes up these concerns in The Philosophy of Childhood, a searching account of children's philosophical potential and of childhood as an area of philosophical inquiry. Seeking a philosophy that represents the range and depth of children's inquisitive minds, Matthews explores both how children think and how we, as adults, think about them. Adult preconceptions about the mental life of children tend to discourage a child's philosophical bent, Matthews suggests, and he probes the sources of these limiting assumptions: restrictive notions of maturation and conceptual development; possible lapses in episodic memory; the experience of identity and growth as "successive selves," which separate us from our own childhoods. By exposing the underpinnings of our adult views of childhood, Matthews, a philosopher and longtime advocate of children's rights, clears the way for recognizing the philosophy of childhood as a legitimate field of inquiry. He then conducts us through various influential models for understanding what it is to be a child, from the theory that individual development recapitulates the development of the human species to accounts of moral and cognitive development, including Piaget's revolutionary model. The metaphysics of playdough, the authenticity of children's art, the effects of divorce and intimations of mortality on a child--all have a place in Matthews's rich discussion of the philosophical nature of childhood. His book will prompt us to reconsider the distinctions we make about development and the competencies of mind, and what we lose by denying childhood its full philosophical breadth.

The Philosophy of Childhood

by Gareth B. Matthews

So many questions, such an imagination, endless speculation: the child seems to be a natural philosopher--until the ripe old age of eight or nine, when the spirit of inquiry mysteriously fades. What happened? Was it something we did--or didn't do? Was the child truly the philosophical being he once seemed? Gareth Matthews takes up these concerns in The Philosophy of Childhood, a searching account of children's philosophical potential and of childhood as an area of philosophical inquiry. Seeking a philosophy that represents the range and depth of children's inquisitive minds, Matthews explores both how children think and how we, as adults, think about them.

The Philosophy of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT): Stoic Philosophy as Rational and Cognitive Psychotherapy

by Donald Robertson

This exciting new edition of The Philosophy of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) demonstrates how techniques and concepts from Socratic philosophy, especially Stoicism, can be integrated into the practise of CBT and other forms of psychotherapy. What can we learn about psychological therapy from ancient philosophers? Psychotherapy and philosophy were not always separate disciplines. Here, Donald Robertson explores the relationship between ancient Greek philosophy and modern cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy. The founders of CBT described Stoicism as providing the "philosophical origins" of their approach and many parallels can be found between Stoicism and CBT, in terms of both theory and practise. Starting with hypnotism and early twentieth century rational psychotherapy and continuing through early behaviour therapy, rational-emotive behaviour therapy (REBT), and cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), the links between Stoic philosophy and modern psychotherapy are identified and explained. This book is the first detailed account of the influence of Stoic philosophy upon modern psychotherapy. It provides a fascinating insight into the revival of interest in ancient Western philosophy as a guide to modern living. It includes many concepts and techniques, which can be readily applied in modern psychotherapy or self-help. This new edition, covering the growth in third-wave CBT, including mindfulness and acceptance-based therapies, will appeal to any mental health practitioner working in this area, as well as students and scholars of these fields.

Philosophy of Computational Cultural Neuroscience (Essays in Cultural Neuroscience)

by Joan Y Chiao

This book aims to illuminate theoretical and methodological advances in computational cultural neuroscience and the implications of these advances for philosophy. Philosophical studies in computational cultural neuroscience introduce core considerations such as culture and computation, and the role of scientific and technological progression for the advancement of cultural processes. The study of how cultural and biological factors shape human behaviour has been an important inquiry for centuries, and recent advances in the field of computational cultural neuroscience allow for novel insights into the computational foundations of cultural processes in the structural and functional organization of the nervous system. The author examines the computational foundations of the mind and brain across cultures and investigates the influence of culture on the computational mind and brain. The book explores recent advances in the field, providing novel insights on topics such as artificialism, reconstructionism, and intelligence. Philosophy of Computational Cultural Neuroscience is fascinating reading for students and academics in the field of neuroscience who wish to take a cultural or philosophical approach to their studies and research.

Philosophy of Cultural Neuroscience

by Joan Y. Chiao

The goal of this volume is to highlight theoretical and methodological advances in cultural neuroscience and the implications of theoretical and empirical advances in cultural neuroscience for philosophy. The study of cultural and biological factors that contribute to human behavior has been an important inquiry for centuries, and recent advances in the field of cultural neuroscience allow for novel insights into how cultural and biological factors shape mind, brain and behavior. Theoretical and empirical advances in cultural neuroscience, which investigate the origins of culture, may shed light on philosophical issues of the mind and science.

Philosophy of Dreams

by Christoph Turcke Susan H. Gillespie

Why has humankind developed so differently from other animals? How and why did language, culture, religion, and the arts come into being? In this wide-ranging and ambitious essay, Christoph Türcke offers a new answer to these timeworn questions by scrutinizing the phenomenon of the dream, using it as a psychic fossil connecting us with our Stone Age ancestors. Provocatively, he argues that both civilization and mental processes are the results of a compulsion to repeat early traumas, one to which hallucination, imagination, mind, spirit, and God all developed in response. Until the beginning of the modern era, repetition was synonymous with de-escalation and calming down. Then, automatic machinery gave rise to a new type of repetition, whose effects are permanent alarm and distraction. The new global forces of distraction, Türcke argues, are producing a specific kind of stress that breaks down the barriers between dreams and waking consciousness. Türcke’s essay ends with a sobering indictment of this psychic deregulation and the social and economic deregulations that have accompanied it.

Philosophy of Expressive Arts Therapy: Poiesis and the Therapeutic Imagination

by Stephen K. Levine

Laying the philosophical foundations of expressive arts therapy, this book highlights the role and importance of poiesis, the art of 'making' as a response to the world, in the expressive arts therapies as well as our own lives. The concept of poiesis was originally developed and brought into the field by Stephen K. Levine. It is a perspective that restores the primacy of the arts for the arts therapies instead of reducing art-making and art-objects to psychological data. Bringing together different schools of thought in unexpected ways, this book shows how the principles underlying expressive arts therapy have relevance to ethics, politics and social change. It includes chapters on Taoism, improvisation in the arts, and the importance of creativity for understanding human existence. With personal narratives and poetry to help create natural points for the reader to stop and reflect, Philosophy of Expressive Arts Therapy is the perfect guide for those wanting to understand the role of the arts and art-making in life and in therapeutic change.

The Philosophy of Leopold Blaustein: Descriptive Psychology, Phenomenology, and Aesthetics (Primary Sources in Phenomenology)

by Witold Płotka

This is an open-access book which is devoted to rediscovering the early history of phenomenology in confrontation with the legacy of Franz Brentano by discussing Leopold Blaustein’s philosophy. It offers a unique perspective on the history of the phenomenological movement by presenting the development of Blaustein’s theory. Blaustein was a philosopher educated by Kazimierz Twardowski in Lvov, but he also held research stays in Freiburg im Breisgau (where he studied under Edmund Husserl) and in Berlin (where he met Carl Stumpf). Blaustein’s work is usually classified as phenomenology yet some scholars question this by claiming that Blaustein was radically critical of Husserl’s phenomenology. This text addresses these divergent opinions by claiming that Blaustein was both a descriptive psychologist and a phenomenologist. Moreover, the book shows that these two motives were intertwined in Blaustein’s writings and require a reference to other traditions such as the Gestalt theory of Stumpf, and the humanistic psychology of Dilthey. This volume examines sources, context, and applications of the methods used by Blaustein in his original philosophy. It appeals to philosophers, especially phenomenologists, epistemologies, and historians. The more specialized chapters are also relevant to historians of the phenomenological movement and the Brentanian tradition.

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