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Physically Active University Teaching: Introduction to the Heidelberg Model of Physically Active Teaching (essentials)

by Robert Rupp Chiara Dold Jens Bucksch

In this essential, the authors present an innovative teaching-learning concept that uses the potential of movement-activating approaches to make university teaching more motivating, more efficient for learning and more conducive to health. Based on current findings in health, work and learning research, the Heidelberg Model of Moving Teaching presents a proven approach that combines university teaching-learning processes with light (micro) movement - such as standing up or walking around - in a way that saves learning time and is close to the classroom. This gives students the opportunity to abandon the rigid sitting posture during teaching and to actively engage with the subject matter (through movement). The essential contains practice-stimulating recommendations and concrete examples of implementation for a moving design of university teaching.

Physician-Assisted Death in Perspective

by Stuart J. Youngner Gerrit K. Kimsma

This book is the first comprehensive report and analysis of the Dutch euthanasia experience over the last three decades. In contrast to most books about euthanasia, which are written by authors from countries where the practice is illegal and therefore practised only secretly, this book analyzes empirical data and real-life clinical behavior. Its essays were written by the leading Dutch scholars and clinicians who shaped euthanasia policy and who have studied, evaluated and helped regulate it. Some of them have themselves practised euthanasia. The book will contribute to the world literature on physician-assisted death by providing a comprehensive examination of how euthanasia has been practised and how it has evolved in one specific national and cultural context. It will greatly advance the understanding of euthanasia among both advocates and opponents of the practice.

Physician Mental Health and Well-Being

by Kirk J. Brower Michelle B. Riba

This book explores the important topic of mental health and related problems among physicians, including trainees. The all-too-common human response of "suffering in silence" and refusing to seek help for professional and personal issues has ramifications for physicians who work in safety-sensitive positions, where clear-headed judgment and proper action can save lives. Problems covered include burnout, disruptive and unprofessional behaviors, impaired performance, traumatic stress, addiction, depression and other mood disorders, and suicide. The authors of this work include psychologists, psychiatrists, and other physicians who diagnose and treat a range of patients with stress-related syndromes. Among their patients are physicians who benefit greatly from education, support, coaching, and treatment. The book's content is organized into three parts with interconnecting themes. Part I focuses on symptoms and how physicians' problems manifest at the workplace. Part II discusses the disorders underlying the manifesting symptoms. Part III focuses on interventions at both the individual and organizational levels. The major themes investigated throughout the book are developmental aspects; mental health and wellbeing as a continuum; and the multifactorial contributions of individual, interpersonal, organizational, and cultural elements to physician health. This book is intended for anyone who works with, provides support to, or professionally treats distressed physicians. It is also intended for healthcare leaders and organizations that are motivated to improve the experience of providing care and to change the culture of silence, such that seeking help and counsel become normal activities while minimizing stigma. By writing this book, the authors aim to outline effective pathways to well-being and a healthy work-life balance among physicians, so that they may provide optimal and safe care to their patients.

Physician's Field Guide to Neuropsychology: Collaboration through Case Example

by Karen M. Sanders

This unique volume teaches those in the medical fields about the scientific value of neuropsychology in assessing cognition, the 6th vital sign, as part of well integrated collaborative care. It offers physicians a comprehensive tour of the many dimensions neuropsychology can add to primary and specialized medical care across the lifespan. Noted experts examine cognitive ramifications of a wide range of medical, psychological, and neuropsychological conditions, among them brain tumors, stroke, epilepsy, pediatric and adult TBI, schizophrenia, and adult ADHD. The book’s generous selection of case examples demonstrates the benefits of cognitive assessment in building accurate diagnoses, better understanding of patient needs, and more appropriate treatment and management strategies, as well as other neuropsychologist roles in consulting, referral, and forensic areas. In addition, tables, callout boxes, review questions, and other features are included throughout the text for ease in comprehension and retention. A sampling of the coverage:· The value of neuropsychological evaluation in medical practice. · A model of collaboration between primary care and neuropsychology. · Neuropsychological assessment of extremely preterm children. · Alzheimer’s Disease and overview of dementia. · Deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease. · Neuropsychology in the 21st century: the rise of multicultural assessment. · Neuropsychological interventions for individuals with brain injury. The Physician’s Field Guide to Neuropsychology is both a rigorous and an accessible reference for clinicians in diverse disciplines including general practice, family medicine, neuropsychology, pediatrics, gerontology, and sports medicine.

The Physician's Guide to Delusional Infestation

by Gale E. Ridge

This unique, ground-breaking book is a comprehensive clinical guide to the psychiatric disorder of Delusional Infestation (DI). DI is a psychiatric illness characterized by patients holding a monothematic fixed belief of infestations on their skin, body, or immediate environment - a belief that is not supported by objective medical evidence. Delusional beliefs may be shared among individuals, and perceived pathogens include living organisms such as parasitic worms, bacteria, fungi, and insects. Organic or non-organic infiltration by fibres, threads, or other inanimate particles or objects, known or unknown to medical science, are also described by patients. DI is severely underreported because of social stigma, limited physician awareness, and patient doctor-hopping.Written for physicians, the book offers a multidisciplinary, compassionate care model for patients burdened by this pernicious disorder. Other health professionals and administrators will find the work highly valuable, as will professionals in fields such as veterinary medicine, pest management, entomology, parasitology, and information services supported by academia.The Physician’s Guide to Delusional Infestation assembles and organizes all current knowledge of DI and presents material in three parts. Part I introduces and reviews DI’s historical background, showing how our understanding of the condition has developed. Its concise sections include useful tables, illustrations, algorithms, and reference lists for clinicians who work with DI patients.Part II covers differential diagnosis, treatment, and ways to work effectively with DI patients. Since these patients are often high-functioning, particular techniques of interviewing, joining with patients, sampling, and laboratory testing are explained. International travel, physician fallibilities, possible alternative diagnoses, the Internet, and veterinary and public health concerns are all addressed.PartIII is a series of chapters written by experts in their fields. This section allows each author to present personal experiences from their respective professions -- observations and opinions that show a variety of perspectives among the book’s authors. Part III includes a chapter on common human parasites with their biology, behaviours, and distributions. The book will serve as a comprehensive, yet concise, reference for physicians whose patients have unusual, baffling, or implausible medical histories and physical examinations. A soon to be gold-standard resource, The Physician’s Guide to Delusional Infestation equips and empowers all physicians -- and many others interested in the topic -- with an expert, comprehensive understanding of this complex disorder.

The Physics of God: How the Deepest Theories of Science Explain Religion and How the Deepest Truths of Religion Explain Science

by Joseph Selbie

“An impressive and thought-provoking work . . . regarding the metaphysical mysteries of life, physical reality, and human consciousness. Highly recommended!” —Spirituality TodayScience and religion are often thought to be in conflict. But the contemporary fields of relativity, quantum physics, neuroscience, and more are in agreement with the transcendent phenomena described by saints, sages, and near-death experiencers. Today’s science actually provides profound insight into miracles, immortality, heaven, God, and transcendent awareness.The Physics of God describes the intersections of science and religion with colorful, easy-to-understand metaphors, making abstruse subjects within both science and religion easily accessible to the layman. This intriguing book:Pulls back the curtain on the light-show illusion we call matter.Connects string theory to religion’s transcendent heavens.Reveals the scientific secret of life and immortality.Demonstrates the miracle-making power of our minds to effect instantaneous physiological changes.Included in this revised edition is a new chapter on the physics of meditation and other updates.

Physics of the Human Temporality: Complex Present (Understanding Complex Systems)

by Ihor Lubashevsky Natalie Plavinska

This book presents a novel account of the human temporal dimension called the “human temporality” and develops a special mathematical formalism for describing such an object as the human mind. One of the characteristic features of the human mind is its temporal extent. For objects of physical reality, only the present exists, which may be conceived as a point-like moment in time. In the human temporality, the past retained in the memory, the imaginary future, and the present coexist and are closely intertwined and impact one another.This book focuses on one of the fragments of the human temporality called the complex present. A detailed analysis of the classical and modern concepts has enabled the authors to put forward the idea of the multi-component structure of the present. For the concept of the complex present, the authors proposed a novel account that involves a qualitative description and a special mathematical formalism. This formalism takes into account human goal-oriented behavior and uncertainty in human perception.The present book can be interesting for theoreticians, physicists dealing with modeling systems where the human factor plays a crucial role, philosophers who are interested in applying philosophical concepts to constructing mathematical models, and psychologists whose research is related to modeling mental processes.

Physik ganz smart: Die Gesetze der Welt mit dem Smartphone entdecken

by Jochen Kuhn Patrik Vogt

Im vorliegenden Buch werden rund 50 physikalische Experimente vorgestellt, in denen Smartphones oder Tablet-Computer zur Messwerterfassung genutzt werden. Die Autoren decken zahlreiche Themenfelder der Physik ab: Kinematik und Dynamik, Hydrostatik und -Dynamik, Mechanische Schwingungen und Wellen, Akustik, Elektrodynamik und Radioaktivität. Leserinnen und Leser untersuchen beispielsweise mit den Beschleunigungssensoren des Smartphones den freien Fall, messen die Flügelschlagfrequenz von Insekten, bestimmen die Klopfspecht-Art mithilfe ihrer Akustik und untersuchen, wie stark unterschiedliche Materialien radioaktive Strahlung abschirmen. Für jedes Experiment wird der theoretische Hintergrund, die Versuchsdurchführung und -Auswertung besprochen. Eine Aufstellung der genutzten Apps, einschließlich Bezugsquellen und Hinweise zu anfallenden Kosten, ist am Ende des Buches aufgelistet.Alle vorgestellten Experimente sind bewusst als Einzelbeiträge verfasst und können somit unabhängig voneinander gelesen und erprobt werden. Dadurch ist man nicht an die vorgegebene Reihenfolge gebunden und kann sich beim Durcharbeiten des Buches allein von den persönlichen Interessen leiten lassen.Das Buch richtet sich an alle Dozierenden des Fachs Physik, Studierende des Lehramts, Referendarinnen und Referendare, ausgebildete Lehrerinnen und Lehrer und hilft bei der Unterrichtsgestaltung, Ideenfindung und letztendlich Einbindung moderner Medien im Physikunterricht.Die HerausgeberProf. Dr. Jochen Kuhn hat 2002 an der Universität Koblenz-Landau promoviert und dort 2009 habilitiert. Er ist seit 2012 Universitätsprofessor an der Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern und Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe „Didaktik der Physik“. Sein Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkt ist das fachbezogene Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien in Schule und Hochschule.Dr. Patrik Vogt hat sich nach einem Lehramtsstudium in Landau und dem Referendariat in Kaiserslautern im Jahr 2010 am Fachbereich „Natur- und Umweltwissenschaften“ der Universität Koblenz-Landau mit einer Arbeit zur Physikdidaktik promoviert. Nach mehreren Stationen als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Realschullehrer leitet er seit 2019 den Fachbereich „Medienbildung, Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften“ am Institut für Lehrerfort- und -weiterbildung in Mainz. Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte bilden die Einsatzmöglichkeiten mobiler Endgeräte im Physikunterricht, speziell als Messinstrument, die Aufgabenkultur sowie die Physik des Alltags.

The Physiological Bases of Cognitive and Behavioral Disorders

by Lisa Weyandt

Up to twenty percent of the American population suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder, and cross-national studies suggest a high prevalence of such disorders elsewhere. In recent decades, advances in our knowledge of the brain are causing us to question many of the theories underlying traditional approaches to diagnosing and treating these disorders. Researchers in diverse fields--molecular genetics, behavioral, cognitive and clinical neuroscience, neuroimaging, neurophysiology, and neurology--have contributed to the advances.The new knowledge that has been amassed should inform work with clients, but for most practitioners and practitioners-in-training, who lack specialized background, it has been difficult to grasp.In this book, specifically designed to meet the needs of graduate students in clinical, counseling, and school psychology programs, Lisa Weyandt offers a comprehensive, up-to-date, readable overview of our current understanding of the biological bases of psychopathology and its implications for intervention. Early chapters concisely and clearly explain the basics of brain structure and function and current research techniques; they set the stage for chapters examining each major group of disorders. An extensive art program underlines the important points.

The Physiological Basis of Behaviour: Neural and Hormonal Processes

by Kevin Silber

The Physiological Basis of Behaviour deals with the basic structures of the central nervous system, the techniques used in neuroscience and examnines how drugs affect the brain.

The Physiological Basis of Behaviour: Neural and Hormonal Processes (Routledge Modular Psychology Ser.)

by Kevin Silber

An introduction to the basic structures of the central nervous system, the techniques used in neuroscience and a short discussion of the affect of drugs on the brain.

Physiological Influences of Music in Perception and Action (Elements in Perception)

by Shannon E. Wright Valentin Bégel Caroline Palmer

This Element reviews literature on the physiological influences of music during perception and action. It outlines how acoustic features of music influence physiological responses during passive listening, with an emphasis on comparisons of analytical approaches. It then considers specific behavioural contexts in which physiological responses to music impact perception and performance. First, it describes physiological responses to music that evoke an emotional reaction in listeners. Second, it delineates how music influences physiology during music performance and exercise. Finally, it discusses the role of music perception in pain, focusing on medical procedures and laboratory-induced pain with infants and adults.

Physiological Psychology (Psychology Library Editions: Cognitive Science)

by John Blundell

Physiological psychology deals with the interaction between ‘under the skin’ physiological variables and the personal and social context in which organisms live. Originally published in 1975, much of this book has relevance for the understanding of human action: knowledge of physiological mechanisms underlying psychological functions can throw light on conditions such as obesity, schizophrenia, and the emotional disorders, and on procedures such as psychosurgery and drug therapy.

Physiological Psychology: An Introduction (Psychology Library Editions: Cognitive Science)

by Simon Green

Originally published in 1987 this title was designed as a textbook for first degree students of psychology and provides an introduction to the major topics within the subject of physiological psychology. The aim was to cover these major subject areas and at the same time to provide indications of advances made in the previous two decades. Today the book is still suitable for all levels of study, from beginning students to final year level, who wish to cover historical aspects of physiological psychology.

Physiological Psychology: An Introduction

by Meetu Khosla

Provides easy and accessible understanding of the effects of biological aspects on our behavior Physiological Psychology: An Introduction explains the dynamic interaction between physiology and psychology through key biological concepts. By using an interactive approach, which has been extensively applied in the classroom, the author presents core concepts and topics in a manner that is coherent, lucid, and easy to recall. The book includes detailed coverage of human evolution, central and peripheral nervous systems, hormonal regulation of behavior, and hemispheric specializations of the brain. Each chapter offers a historical development of the topics and up-to-date reviews of literature in the rapidly changing fields of neuroscience and biopsychology. Key Features • Use of simple language and guided imagery to explain complex topics • Rich pedagogical features, including boxes that provide insights into instances from daily life, chapter-wise glossary lists, and extensive review exercises • Wide topical coverage to cater to the course curriculums of major Indian universities • Chapters aided by clearly labeled diagrams to encourage visual understanding as well as self-practice

Physiology Of Behavior

by Neil Carlson Melissa Birkett

Physiology of Behavior provides a scholarly yet accessible portrait of the dynamic interaction between biology and behavior. Lead author Neil Carlson and new co-author Melissa Birkett drew upon their experience teaching and working with students to create the new edition of this comprehensive and accessible guide for students of behavioral neuroscience. In addition to updated research, the Twelfth Edition offers an updated art and visual program and a more robust learning architecture that highlights key concepts, guiding students through the text.

Physiology of Behavior 11th Edition

by Neil R. Carlson

This book presents an introductory text in behavioural neuroscience and an accessible portrait of the dynamic interaction between biology and behaviour.

Physique and Character: an investigation of the nature of constitution and of the Theory

by Kretschmer, Ernst

First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.


by A. Douglas Kinghorn Heinz Falk Simon Gibbons Jun’ichi Kobayashi

The book presents the current state of the art on phytocannnabinoid chemistry and pharmacology and will be of much use to those wishing to understand the current landscape of the exciting and intriguing phytocannabinoid science. The focus is on natural product cannabinoids which have been demonstrated to act at specific receptor targets in the CNS.

Piaget and Knowing

by Beryl A. Geber

This book was first published in 1977.

Piaget and the Foundations of Knowledge (Jean Piaget Symposia Series)

by Lynn S. Liben

First published in 1983. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Piaget and Vygotsky in XXI century: Discourse in early childhood education (Early Childhood Research and Education: An Inter-theoretical Focus #4)

by Nikolay Veraksa Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson

The book provides a comprehensive analyses of Vygotsky’s and Piaget’s theories implementation in modern preschool education. It analyzes the problem of the relationship between the natural and the cultural in the context of Vygotsky and Jean Piaget theories. Their discourses complemented each other: whereas Vygotsky developed his theory in the direction from society (culture) to the individual child, Piaget’s movement was the opposite: from individual child to society. These two approaches confront modern world with the need to analyze the problem of childhood: is childhood a period of cultural exploration or is it a special form of relationship in which both the egocentrism and consciousness of the child, and the egocentrism and consciousness of culture are represented?Readers will gain insight into the methodology that makes possible to unite up-to-date views based on Vygotsky and Piaget theories on child development and education.

Piaget, Evolution, and Development (Jean Piaget Symposia Series)

by Melanie Killen Jonas Langer

Based on the 25th Anniversary Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society, this book represents cutting-edge work on the mechanisms of cognitive, social, and cultural development. The authors-anthropologists, biologists, historians of science, paleontologists, and psychologists-believe that a rebirth is in progress relating to the study of these mental developments. This volume seeks to illuminate this rebirth. The varied findings and approaches reported reveal that contemporary comparative research on mental development is in a phase of differentiation and integration. Far from being global and fused, this comparative study is a flowering field of diverse disciplinary approaches, empirical phenomena, scholarly topics, and theoretical perspectives. It focuses on the comparative phylogeny, ontogeny, and history of mentation-most notably on the comparative onset and offset ages, velocity, extent, sequencing, organization of thought, symbol, and value development. The world's leading authorities on the subject discuss the implications of the study of evolution for our models of the ontogenetic origins, development, and history of mentation, as well as determine the constraints that evolution imposes on mental development. Bringing the current interest in primate cognition to bear on studies of cognitive development in humans, this book will be of interest cognitive developmentalists, primatologists and comparitive psychologists.

Piaget Or the Advance of Knowledge: An Overview and Glossary

by Jacques Montangero Danielle Maurice-Naville

This unusual volume presents an overview of Jean Piaget's work in psychology--from his earliest writings to posthumous publications. It also contains a glossary of the essential explanatory concepts found in this work. The focus is on Piaget's psychological studies and on the underlying epistemological theses. The book may be consulted in various ways depending on whether one is looking for an introduction to Piaget's theory, details about a particular concept, a survey of his body of work, or a historical perspective. Readers who are relatively unfamiliar with Piaget's ideas and seek access to them through this book will not necessarily proceed in the same way as those who are acquainted with Piaget's work and wish to refresh, synthesize, or complete their knowledge. The volume is divided into two major sections with several subdivisions as follows: * The Chronological Overview presents Piaget's early ideas and the most important sources of his inspiration, and reviews his research work dividing it into four main periods plus a transitional one. * The Glossary covers a number of explanatory concepts which are essential to Piaget's theory.

Piaget Today (Psychology Revivals)

by Bärbel Denys De Caprona Angela Cornu-Wells

Originally published in 1987, the contributors bring their different orientations to the study of child development and genetic epistemology to show the continuing value of Piaget's theory and its fruitfulness in providing insights which permit the advancement of science. This volume contains the proceedings of the VIIth Advanced Course of the "Fondation Archives Jean Piaget", held at the University of Geneva in 1985. The lectures and discussions included in this volume will help the reader to understand Piaget in the context of twentieth-century science and philosophy and to consider the present and future of the theory, as it was seen at the time of original publication.

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