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The Psychedelic Journey of Marlene Dobkin de Rios: 45 Years with Shamans, Ayahuasqueros, and Ethnobotanists

by Marlene Dobkin de Rios

A look inside almost half a century of pioneering research in the Amazon and Peru by a noted anthropologist studying hallucinogens, including ayahuasca • Reveals how ayahuasca successfully treats psychological and emotional disorders • Examines adolescent drug use from a cross-cultural perspective • Discusses the deleterious effects of drug tourism in the Amazon Ayahuasca is an alkaloid-rich psychoactive concoction indigenous to South America that has been employed by shamans for millennia as a spirit drug for divinatory and healing purposes. Although the late Harvard ethnobotanist Richard Evans Schultes was credited in the early 1950s as being the first to document the use of ayahuasca, other researchers, such as the distinguished anthropologist Marlene Dobkin de Rios, were responsible for furthering his findings and uncovering the curative capabilities of this amazing compound. The Psychedelic Journey of Marlene Dobkin de Rios presents the accumulated experience of de Rios’s 45 years of pioneering field studies in the area of hallucinogens in Peru and the Amazon. Her investigation into ayahuasca--which she undertook in collaboration with more than a dozen traditional Mestizo folk curanderos, shamans, and fellow ethnobotanists--focuses on the use of this revolutionary plant in the treatment of recalcitrant psychological and emotional disorders. She also shares some of her theories that prove that the ancient Maya used psychedelic plants as part of their religious rituals, thereby demonstrating the impact of plant psychedelics on human prehistory. In addition, Dobkin de Rios examines altered states of consciousness derived from the use of biofeedback and hypnosis and discusses her current work on the deleterious effects of drug tourism in the Amazon.

Psychedelic Marine: A Transformational Journey from Afghanistan to the Amazon

by Alex Seymour

A vivid portrait of both the traumas of war and the shamanic healing ceremonies of ayahuasca• Explains how our culture lacks rites of passage and how shamanic ritual can fill this gap• Reveals how ayahuasca frees your consciousness from inherited beliefs, fears, and traumatic experience, allowing healing from PTSD, alcoholism, and addiction• Details the author’s experiences in Afghanistan, sailing on the Amazon river with a shaman, and the many ayahuasca ceremonies he experienced in the jungleAfter returning from a tour of duty during the war in Afghanistan, Alex Seymour needed a way to cope with the extremes he experienced as a member of the Royal Marine Commandos, losing 7 men in his unit, and having his best friend critically injured by a Taliban bomb. Drawing upon his pre-deployment experiences with DMT and psilocybin mushrooms, Alex knew that entheogens could help him release his fears and traumas. But he also knew that simply taking psychedelics wasn’t enough--he needed ceremony, something sacred to draw meaning from his experiences, to help him reassess not only the war and his role in it, but his entire life. So he set out for the Amazon in search of the hallucinogenic brew known as ayahuasca and a shaman to guide him. The result is a crazy, page-turning adventure where he journeys deep into the jungle and himself.Alex soon finds himself deep within the jungle on an incredible adventure, sailing on the Amazon river with an ayahuasca shaman and his troop of 8 female shamanas, whose ethereal songs help guide participants during the nightly ayahuasca ceremonies. Accompanied by others seeking wisdom and a redemptive experience from their First World professional lives, Alex finds his core beliefs fundamentally challenged, replaced by the power of direct experience of the sacred, which allows him to release his fears from the war and set an inspiring path for the future.Painting a vivid portrait of both the anguish of war and the transcendent world of shamanic ritual, the author shows how young people often enlist in the military to satisfy our human need for a rite of passage into adulthood, a ritual sorely missing in our culture. He explores how ayahuasca can offer a way to help soldiers prepare for war and help combat veterans heal from war and overcome PTSD--as well as alcoholism and addiction. From Afghanistan to the Amazon, the author shows how ayahuasca frees your consciousness from inherited beliefs and fears, offering a truly transformative rite of passage.

Psychedelic Psychiatry: LSD from Clinic to Campus

by Erika Dyck

LSD's short but colorful history in North America carries with it the distinct cachet of counterculture and government experimentation. The truth about this mind-altering chemical cocktail is far more complex—and less controversial—than generally believed. Psychedelic Psychiatry is the tale of medical researchers working to understand LSD’s therapeutic properties just as escalating anxieties about drug abuse in modern society laid the groundwork for the end of experimentation at the edge of psychopharmacology. Historian Erika Dyck deftly recasts our understanding of LSD to show it as an experimental substance, a medical treatment, and a tool for exploring psychotic perspectives—as well as a recreational drug. She recounts the inside story of the early days of LSD research in small-town, prairie Canada, when Humphry Osmond and Abram Hoffer claimed incredible advances in treating alcoholism, understanding schizophrenia and other psychoses, and achieving empathy with their patients. In relating the drug’s short, strange trip, Dyck explains how concerns about countercultural trends led to the criminalization of LSD and other so-called psychedelic drugs—concordantly opening the way for an explosion in legal prescription pharmaceuticals—and points to the recent re-emergence of sanctioned psychotropic research among psychiatric practitioners. This challenge to the prevailing wisdom behind drug regulation and addiction therapy provides a historical corrective to our perception of LSD’s medical efficacy.

Psychedelic Wisdom: The Astonishing Rewards of Mind-Altering Substances

by Dr. Richard Louis Miller

• Reveals how these scientists, doctors, therapists, and teachers have applied their entheogenic experiences in their professions, leading to therapeutic advancements, scientific discoveries, and healing for thousands • Includes contributions from scientific psychonaut Amanda Feilding, psychedelic swami Dr. Allan Ajaya, &“America&’s Doctor&” Dean Edell, convicted psychiatrist Frederike Meckel Fisher, love doctor Charley Wininger, professor of psychedelics Thomas B. Roberts, ethnobotanical explorer Dennis McKenna, the &“Sunshine Makers&” Tim Scully and Michael Randall, as well as many others Over the past decade, many famous entrepreneurs and celebrities have begun to open up about their life-changing experiences with psychedelics that led to their personal successes. But less well-known are the wisdom-bringing psychedelic experiences of many top psychologists, psychiatrists, researchers, and others who have taken what they learned from their entheogenic experiences and applied it in their professions, leading to therapeutic advancements, scientific discoveries, and healing for thousands. In this profound book, Dr. Richard Louis Miller shares stories of psychedelic transformation, insight, and wisdom from his conversations with 19 scientists, doctors, therapists, and teachers, each of whom has been self-experimenting with psychedelic medicines, sub rosa, for decades. We hear from scientific psychonaut Amanda Feilding, founder of the Beckley Foundation; ethnobotanical explorer Dennis McKenna; research advocate and head of MAPS Rick Doblin; and the &“Sunshine Makers&”: Tim Scully, the scientist taught to make LSD by Owsley Stanley, and Michael Randall, the leader of the Brotherhood of Eternal Love. We learn about recasting &“bad trips&” as unfamiliar challenges from psychedelic swami Dr. Allan Ajaya, therapeutic uses of MDMA from &“the love doctor&” Charley Wininger, decades of insights from psychedelic professor Thomas B. Roberts, as well as several others. Revealing the psychedelic wisdom uncovered in spite of decades of the &“War on Drugs,&” Dr. Miller and his contributors show how LSD and other psychedelics offer a pathway to creativity, healing, innovation, and liberation.

Psychedelics: The Revolutionary Drugs That Could Change Your Life—A Guide from the Expert

by Professor David Nutt

The definitive guide to the science of psychedelics—"the perfect intro for anyone curious about psychedelics and MDMA&” (Ethan Nadelmann, founder and former executive director, Drug Policy Alliance)--and how they can impact our health by world-renowned, leading authority Professor David Nutt. We are on the cusp of a major revolution in psychiatric medicine and neuroscience. After fifty years of prohibition, criminalization and fear, science is finally showing us that psychedelics are not dangerous or harmful. Instead, when used according to tested, safe and ethical guidelines, they are our most powerful newest treatment of mental health conditions, from depression, PTSD, and OCD to disordered eating and even addiction and chronic pain. Professor David Nutt, one of the world's leading Neuropsychopharmacologists, has spent 15 years researching this field and it is his most significant body of work to date. In 2018, he co-founded the first academic psychedelic research center - underpinned by his mission to provide evidence-based information for people everywhere. It revived interest in the understanding and use of this drug in its many forms, including MDMA, ayahuasca, magic mushrooms, LSD and ketamine. The results of this have been nothing short of ground-breaking for the future categorization of drugs, but also for what we now know about brain mechanisms and our consciousness. At a time where there is an enormous amount of noise around the benefits of psychedelics, this book contains the knowledge you need to know about a drug that is about to go mainstream, free from the hot air, direct from the expert. Are you ready to change your mind?

Psychedelics and Psychotherapy: The Healing Potential of Expanded States

by Tim Read and Maria Papaspyrou

• Examines the therapeutic potential of expanded states, underground psychedelic psychotherapy, harm reduction, new approaches for healing individual and collective trauma, and training considerations • Addresses challenging psychedelic experiences, spiritual emergencies, and the central importance of the therapeutic relationship • Details the use of cannabis as a psychedelic tool, spiritual exploration with LSD, micro-dosing with Iboga, and MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD Exploring the latest developments in the flourishing field of modern psychedelic psycho-therapy, this book shares practical experiences and insights from both elders and newer research voices in the psychedelic research and clinical communities. The contributors examine new findings on safe and skillful work with psychedelic and expanded states for therapeutic, personal, and spiritual growth. They explain the dual process of opening and healing. They explore new approaches for individual inner work as well as for the healing of ancestral and collective trauma. They examine the power of expanded states for reparative attachment work and offer insights on the integration process through the lens of Holotropic Breathwork. The contributors also examine the use of cannabis as a psychedelic tool, spiritual exploration with LSD, microdosing with Iboga, treating depression with psilocybin, and MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD. Revealing diverse ways of working with psychedelics in terms of set, setting, and type of substance, the book concludes with discussions of ethics and professional development for those working in the field as well as explores considerations for training the next generation of psychedelic therapists.

Psychedelics and the Coming Singularity: Conversations with Duncan Trussell, Rupert Sheldrake, Hamilton Morris, Graham Hancock, Grant Morrison, and Others

by David Jay Brown

• Includes conversations with Duncan Trussell, Graham Hancock, Grant Morrison, Hamilton Morris, Erik Davis, Julia Mossbridge, Rupert Sheldrake, and others• Explores the possibility of human extinction, Simulation Theory, Virtual Reality and lucid dreaming, space migration, DMT research, and advanced robotics• Delves deep into the relationship between psychedelics and ecological awarenessBetween war, inequality, biosphere collapse, climate change, and destabilizing advances in technology like AI, humankind is confronted with an almost insurmountable array of challenges. Yet many brilliant experts are working on outside-the-box solutions, looking to psychedelic-inspired visions of the future to lead humanity through these crises.In a series of conversations with leading minds in consciousness studies, psychedelic culture, anthropology, chemistry, and other disciplines, author David Jay Brown elicits answers to some of the most thought-provoking questions about our origins, our present situation, and the future of humanity and the Earth. Brown and these luminaries explore topics as diverse as potential human extinction, the relationship between psychedelics and ecological consciousness, simulation theory, virtual reality and lucid dreaming, the consciousness-altering effects of the pandemic, space migration and contact with alien intelligence, and DMT research and advanced robotics.Whether he&’s speaking to podcaster Duncan Trussell about the Singularity, comic book author Grant Morrison about magick and the occult, or neuroscientist Julia Mossbridge about psychic phenomena, Brown&’s spirited interview approach helps draw profound insights from these cutting-edge thinkers. What, he asks, are the implications of our understanding of consciousness, particularly altered states—and how might entheogens help raise ecological awareness to impact the future of our species? In this curated colletion of interviews, Brown seeks to find out.

Psyche's Lamp: A Revaluation of Pyschological Principles as Foundation of All Thought (Routledge Revivals)

by Robert Briffault

Originally published in 1921, Psyche's Lamp reminds the reader that all thought and discussion, to whatever aspect of confronting problems, social, political, ethical, vital and personal, they may be directed, posit psychological premises. In the darkness and confusion of a human world under reconstrction, where immemorial landmarks lie strewn and buried under the debris of collapsed super-structures, we shall vainly endeavour to thread our way to any purpose unless we can pierce the obscurity by the light of Psyche's lamp.

Psyche's Lamp;: A Revauation of Psychological Principles as Foundation of All Thought (Routledge Revivals Ser.)

by Robert Briffault

Embark on a profound journey into the depths of human consciousness with Robert Briffault's Psyche's Lamp: A Revaluation of Psychological Principles as Foundation of All Thought. This insightful and thought-provoking work challenges conventional understandings of psychology, proposing a revolutionary perspective on the role of psychological principles in shaping all human thought and culture.Robert Briffault, a distinguished anthropologist, sociologist, and thinker, presents a compelling argument for the centrality of psychological principles in the development of human knowledge and societal structures. In Psyche's Lamp, Briffault re-evaluates traditional psychological theories, offering a fresh and comprehensive examination of how the mind influences every aspect of human existence.The book delves into the intricate relationships between psychology, philosophy, and the social sciences, highlighting the interconnectedness of these disciplines. Briffault explores topics such as the nature of consciousness, the origins of belief systems, the psychological foundations of morality, and the influence of subconscious processes on human behavior.With his characteristic clarity and intellectual rigor, Briffault examines how psychological principles underpin cultural norms, scientific paradigms, and philosophical doctrines. He argues that a true understanding of human thought requires a deep appreciation of the psychological forces at play, which have shaped our collective and individual experiences throughout history.Join Robert Briffault in this enlightening exploration of the psychological foundations of all thought, and discover how Psyche's Lamp can illuminate your understanding of the mind and its influence on human culture. This work remains a crucial text for those seeking to comprehend the complexities of the human psyche and its role in shaping our reality.

Psyche's Prophet: The Selected Writings of Nicholas A. Cummings (World Library of Mental Health)

by Nicholas Cummings

In this collection of articles spanning 65 years as a clinical psychologist, Nick A. Cummings selects articles that heralded often far in advance each phase of clinical psychology’s evolution to the present. A pioneer in effecting change, Cummings established the first free-standing professional school of clinical psychology, demonstrated that medical utilization was reduced with psychotherapy, was an early proponent of universal healthcare, fought for the inclusion of psychotherapy in National Health Insurance, established Biodyne, the first private managed care firm for mental health coverage, and battled to maintain psychological services for children against the trend toward medication. This resource will teach not just the history of psychology, but what lies ahead.

Psyche's Veil: Psychotherapy, Fractals and Complexity

by Terry Marks-Tarlow

Historically, the language and concepts within clinical theory have been steeped in linear assumptions and reductionist thinking. Because the essence of psychotherapy involves change, Psyche’s Veil suggests that clinical practice is inherently a nonlinear affair. In this book Terry Marks-Tarlow provides therapists with new language, models and metaphors to narrow the divide between theory and practice, while bridging the gap between psychology and the sciences. By applying contemporary perspectives of chaos theory, complexity theory and fractal geometry to clinical practice, the author discards traditional conceptions of health based on ideals of regularity, set points and normative statistics in favour of models that emphasize unique moments, variability, and irregularity. Psyche’s Veil further explores philosophical and spiritual implications of contemporary science for psychotherapy. Written at the interface between artistic, scientific and spiritual aspects of therapy, Psyche’s Veil is a case-based book that aspires to a paradigm shift in how practitioners conceptualize critical ingredients for internal healing. Novel treatment of sophisticated psychoanalytical issues and tie-ins to interpersonal neurobiology make this book appeal to both the specialist practitioner, as well as the generalist reader. .

Psychiatric and Behavioral Aspects of Epilepsy: Current Perspectives and Mechanisms (Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences #55)

by Nigel C. Jones Andres M. Kanner

Many people living with epilepsy also suffer from debilitating psychiatric and cognitive disorders. While these comorbidities have been recognized for centuries, their causation, and relationship to the epilepsy remains clouded in mystery. This volume highlights recent knowledge and findings as well as controversies in our current understanding of behavioral and psychiatric comorbidities of epilepsy.

Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: The craft of caring

by Mary Chambers

This new edition of a bestselling, evidence-based textbook provides a comprehensive overview of psychiatric and mental health nursing. Keeping service users and their recovery at the centre of care, the holistic approach will help nurses to gain the tools and understanding required to work in this complex area. Extensively updated for this new edition, the text looks at: Aspects of mental health nursing: covering topics such as ethics, developing therapeutic relationships and supervision. The foundations of mental health nursing: discussing diagnosis, assessment and risk. Caring for those experiencing mental health distress: looking at wide range of troubles including anxiety, bipolar disorder, eating disorders and issues around sexuality and gender. Care planning and approaches to therapeutic practice: exploring ideas, pathways and treatments such as recovery, CBT, psychodynamic therapies and psychopharmacology. Services and support for those with mental health distress: covering topics such as collaborative work, involvement of service users and their families and carers, and a range of different mental healthcare settings. Mental health nursing in the twenty-first century: highlighting emerging and future trends including the political landscape, physical health and health promotion, and technological advances. This accessible and comprehensive textbook integrates service user perspectives throughout and includes student-friendly features such as learning outcomes, key points summaries, reflection points and further reading sections. It is an essential resource for all mental health nursing students, as well as an invaluable reference for practising nurses.

Psychiatric Aspects of Opiate Dependence (Routledge Revivals)

by Albert A. Kurland

First published in 1978: This book discusses the Psychiatric effects of Opiate dependence.

Psychiatric Care in Severe Obesity

by Sanjeev Sockalingam Raed Hawa

This book is designed to present a comprehensive, state-of the-art approach to assessing and managing bariatric surgery and psychosocial care. Unlike any other text, this book focuses on developing a biopsychosocial understanding of patients' obesity journey and psychosocial factors contributing to their obesity and its management from an integrated perspective. Psychiatric Care in Severe Obesity takes a 360 approach by covering the disease's prevalence and relationship to psychiatric illness and social factors, including genetics, neurohormonal pathways and development factors for obesity. This book presents evidence and strategies for assessing psychiatric issues in severe obesity and uses common psychiatric presentations to feature the impact on bariatric surgery and key assessment features for weight loss. Concluding chapters focus on evidence-based psychosocial treatments for supporting patients with weight loss and bariatric surgery and includes educational tools and checklists for assessment, treatment, and care. Experts on non-pharmacological interventions such as mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral therapy and nutrition education describe treatment approaches in each modality, concluding with pharmacological approaches for psychiatric conditions and eating pathology. Additional tools in the appendices support clinicians, making this the ultimate guide for managing psychiatric illness in patients suffering from severe obesity. As obesity continues to grow in prevalence as a medically recognized epidemic, Psychiatric Care in Severe Obesity serves a vital resource to medical students, psychiatrists, psychologists, bariatric surgeons, primary care physicians, dietitians, mental health nurses, social workers, and all medical professionals working with severely obese patients.

Psychiatric Case Studies for Advanced Practice

by Kathleen Prendergast

Get much-needed exposure to real-world clinical scenarios and psychiatric evaluations, with this invaluable guide to positive, effective psychiatric advance practice nursing care. For an expert guide to providing patient-centered, evidence-based psychiatric care, keep Psychiatric Case Studies for Advanced Practice by your side. Practical and easy-to-follow, these more than 50 case scenarios clearly display the complaints, diagnoses, and treatments of the most common psychiatric disorders, supporting the critical decision-making skills of nurses practicing in a broad range of settings. Psychiatric, family, emergency, and general practice nurse practitioners of all experience levels will find this an invaluable aid for creating an informed, holistic practice. Follow the real-life cases and expert analysis of psychiatric patients of a wide variety of ages, backgrounds, and conditions . . . Real-world child, adolescent, adult, and geriatric inpatient and outpatient psychiatric case studies that emphasize problem-based learning and an evidence-based practice Current diagnostic content from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5), that includes DSM-5’s newer diagnoses—gender dysphoria, binge eating disorder, and autism spectrum, plus current treatments for alcohol and opiate addiction Sample routine screening tools that offer convenient checklists and handouts to support patient treatment Content presented in a simple format—organized by age and indexed by diagnostic category for quick reference Each case presented in a standard format: chief complaint, history, mental status, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment plan, and rationale for treatment prescribed—with questions at the end that guide you to create a diagnosis using the DSM-5 Cases addressing a wide range of disorders and supporting all experience levels in a variety of treatment settings—counseling centers, correctional facilities, homeless shelters, inpatient psychiatric units, and hospital consultation and liaison services Treatments and rationales that represent current, evidence-based research—treatment sections divided into psychopharmacology, diagnostic tests, referral, psychotherapy, and psychoeducatio Supplemental teaching tool for graduate psychiatric nurse practitioner/APN programs

Psychiatric Casualties: How and Why the Military Ignores the Full Cost of War

by Professor Mark Russell Professor Charles Figley

The psychological toll of war is vast, and the social costs of war’s psychiatric casualties extend even further. Yet military mental health care suffers from extensive waiting lists, organizational scandals, spikes in veteran suicide, narcotic overprescription, shortages of mental health professionals, and inadequate treatment. The prevalence of conditions such as post–traumatic stress disorder is often underestimated, and there remains entrenched stigma and fear of being diagnosed. Even more alarming is how the military dismisses or conceals the significance and extent of the mental health crisis.The trauma experts Mark C. Russell and Charles Figley offer an impassioned and meticulous critique of the systemic failures in military mental health care in the United States. They examine the persistent disconnect between war culture, which valorizes an appearance of strength and seeks to purge weakness, and the science and treatment of trauma. Instead of reckoning with the mental health crisis, the military has neglected the needs of service members. It has discharged, prosecuted, and incarcerated a large number of people struggling with the psychological realities of war, and it has inflicted humiliation, ridicule, and shame on many more. Through a far-reaching historical account, Russell and Figley detail how the military has perpetuated a self-inflicted crisis. The book concludes with actionable prescriptions for change and a comprehensive approach to significantly improving military mental health.

The Psychiatric Consult: Navigating Challenging Treatment Plans

by Alyson Gorun Anna M. Kim Christian Umfrid Janna Gordon-Elliot

This book guides psychiatry trainees through some of the most common psychiatric consultation requests in the general medical hospital, using accessible, case-based narratives. Clinical case scenarios are used to demonstrate how to consider both medical and psychological factors involved in the consultation, and the approach to challenging interpersonal dynamics that may occur between the hospitalized patient and the primary medical team. Each case illustrates how to begin to think like a consultation-liaison psychiatrist in order to arrive at a diagnosis and formulate a treatment plan in complex clinical situations. Cases unfold in real time to highlight the critical role of the psychiatrist as liaison to the patient and medical team in order to guide psychiatric management and facilitate effective communication and treatment in the hospital. In addition to clinical cases, each chapter features a concise list of strategies to identify and address patient symptoms and behaviors, interpersonal dynamics, and barriers to care that arise in the hospital. The Psychiatric Consult features resident-specific recommendations and a case-based format that make it a unique, realistic, and engaging learning tool.

The Psychiatric Consult: Navigating Challenging Treatment Plans

by Alyson Gorun Anna M. Kim Christian Umfrid Janna Gordon-Elliott

This book guides psychiatry trainees through some of the most common psychiatric consultation requests in the general medical hospital, using accessible, case-based narratives. Clinical case scenarios are used to demonstrate how to consider both medical and psychological factors involved in the consultation, and the approach to challenging interpersonal dynamics that may occur between the hospitalized patient and the primary medical team. Each case illustrates how to begin to think like a consultation-liaison psychiatrist in order to arrive at a diagnosis and formulate a treatment plan in complex clinical situations. Cases unfold in real time to highlight the critical role of the psychiatrist as liaison to the patient and medical team in order to guide psychiatric management and facilitate effective communication and treatment in the hospital. In addition to clinical cases, each chapter features a concise list of strategies to identify and address patient symptoms and behaviors, interpersonal dynamics, and barriers to care that arise in the hospital. The Psychiatric Consult features resident-specific recommendations and a case-based format that make it a unique, realistic, and engaging learning tool.

Psychiatric Consultation in Long-Term Care: A Guide for Health Care Professionals

by Abhilash K. Desai George T. Grossberg

Studies show that residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities are at a substantial risk of having psychiatric disorders. This practical volume provides much-needed clinical guidance for the prevention and appropriate treatment of mental illness in long-term care settings.Abhilash K. Desai and George T. Grossberg offer a basic framework for a humanistic, team-based approach to meeting the needs of elder persons with mental disorders in long-term care facilities. Early chapters cover the demographics of residents, the epidemiology of their psychiatric symptoms, and the assessment process. Subsequent chapters focus on major disorders, including dementia, delirium, depression, psychosis, and anxiety. The authors discuss end-of-life issues and treatments and offer suggestions for improving care. Throughout, they highlight the importance of the relationship between staff and residents.Emphasizing creative engagement and hands-on care and featuring clinical vignettes and practical tips, this optimistic volume reinforces the potential for nursing homes and assisted living facilities to be communities where residents thrive.

Psychiatric Criminology: A Roadmap for Rapid Assessment

by John A. Liebert, MD William J. Birnes, JD, PhD

Since the shutdown of our public psychiatry system, the seriously mentally ill are now mostly managed by public safety officers, school officials, emergency first responders and social workers with little experience in recognizing symptoms, triggers and issues. This book addresses the need to recognize the psychiatric component of criminological issues and the methodology of dealing with it on a practical as well as academic basis. It provides a roadmap for training in rapid assessment built on evidence-based emergency psychiatry protocols.

Psychiatric Diagnosis Revisited

by Stijn Vanheule

This book explores the purpose of clinical psychological and psychiatric diagnosis, and provides a persuasive case for moving away from the traditional practice of psychiatric classification. It discusses the validity and reliability of classification-based approaches to clinical diagnosis, and frames them in their broader historical and societal context. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is used across the world in research and a range of mental health settings; here, Stijn Vanheule argues that the diagnostic reliability of the DSM is overrated, built on a limited biomedical approach to mental disorders that neglects context, and ultimately breeds stigma. The book subsequently makes a passionate plea for a more detailed approach to the study of mental suffering by means of case formulation. Starting from literature on qualitative research the author makes clear how to guarantee the quality of clinical case formulations.

Psychiatric Dilemma Of Adolescence

by James F. Masterson, M.D.

This volume was first published in 1967 with an initial reissue in 1984. It is addressed to students of adolescent psychopathology in general and to students of the borderline and narcissistic personality disorders in particular. It was the first systematic research to challenge and place in perspective the then prevalent "adolescent turmoil" theory: the growth process of adolescence was producing symptoms which would subside as the patient grew older. This view had led to a tendency to deny the seriousness of psychopathology and, therefore, to postpone necessary treatment.

Psychiatric Disorders: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2011)

by Firas H. Kobeissy

This second edition volume expands on the previous edition with updates to chapters and new chapters discussing the latest research in neuropsychiatric diseases. The chapters in this book are organized into eleven sections and cover the diversity and utility of animal models of psychiatric disorders, their development, modelling, and pathophysiological and molecular profiles. Part One looks at experimental modeling of neuropsychiatric studies and the usefulness and need of animal models. Parts Two and Three focus on experimental models of neuropsychiatric illnesses, including self-injurious behavior, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and learning and decision-making testing. Parts Four and Five discuss animal models of substance abuse. Part Six describes protocols to examine animal models related to maladaptive eating habits and behaviors. Parts Seven and Eight cover neurodegenerative diseases stemming from natural causes (aging), abnormal genetic backgrounds, or those brought on by trauma. Part Nine talks about inflammatory and metabolic alteration profiles relevant to autism spectrum disorders and depression. Parts Ten and Eleven conclude the book with a discussion on genetics, epigenetics, and system biology in the field of psychiatric disorders. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Cutting-edge and thorough, Psychiatric Disorders: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition is a useful resource for graduates, postdoctoral workers, and established scientists working in the fields of behavioral and molecular neuropsychiatric research.

Psychiatric Disorders

by Firas H. Kobeissy

New high throughput techniques in neuroscience and psychiatry have enhanced the development of experimental, customizable animal models that are predictive of human neuropsychiatric pathology and give vital insights on the mechanisms and pathways involved. In Psychiatric Disorders: Methods and Protocols, key experts have written integrated chapters on neuropsychiatric research sharing their insightful expertise and opinions focusing on both the animal models as well as the cutting edge techniques applied. Beginning with an overview of the animal research in psychiatric illness and substance abuse, this comprehensive volume continues with the modeling of neuropsychiatric illness, drug abuse paradigms and techniques, biomarker identification, autoimmune inflammatory response, and neuroendocrine alteration in the areas of psychiatry, as well as state-of-the-art "Omics approaches" and neurosystems biology/data mining techniques to compute and analyze genomic and proteomics alteration occurring within neuropsychiatric models. As a part of the highly successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Thorough and easily applicable, Psychiatric Disorders: Methods and Protocols offers the detailed and clearly illustrated tools necessary for neuroscientists and psychiatrists to handle many unanswered scientific questions with a more creative and insightful approach.

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