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Psychiatric Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! (Incredibly Easy! Series®)
by Cherie R. Rebar Carolyn J. Gersch Nicole HeimgartnerNeed an insightful, real-world guide to mental health care concepts? The newly updated Psychiatric Nursing made Incredibly Easy, 3rd Edition addresses numerous mental health nursing issues, defining disorders and management strategies and offering down-to-earth guidance on a range of care issues — all in the enjoyable Made Incredibly Easy® style. With guidance that applies to any healthcare setting, this colorfully illustrated guide walks you through the vital skills needed for psychiatric mental health nursing care, offering solid support for being exam-ready and for handling a range of mental health and substance use concerns while on the job.
Psychiatric Nursing (Seventh Edition)
by Norman L. Keltner Debbie Steele<P>Learn the therapeutic skills you need to succeed in the nurse’s role in psychiatric care!<P> Psychiatric Nursing, 7th Edition uses a practical approach to psychotherapeutic management that clearly explains how to manage and treat individuals with psychiatric disorders.<P> It emphasizes the nurse’s three primary tools: you and your relationship with patients, medications, and the environment. <P>This edition adds a new chapter on forensics along with coverage of the latest trends and treatments.<P> Written by educators Norman Keltner and Debbie Steele, this text provides a solid, real-world foundation for the practice of safe and effective psychiatric nursing care.
The Psychiatric Persuasion: Knowledge, Gender, and Power in Modern America
by E. LunbeckIn the years between 1900 and 1930, American psychiatrists transformed their profession from a marginal science focused primarily on the care of the mentally ill into a powerful discipline concerned with analyzing the common difficulties of everyday life. How did psychiatrists effect such a dramatic change in their profession's fortunes and aims? Here, Elizabeth Lunbeck examines how psychiatry grew to take the whole world of human endeavor as its object.
Psychiatric Polarities: Methodology and Practice
by Phillip R. Slavney Paul R. McHughA lively exploration of mind and brain, conscious and unconscious, patient and client.In this companion volume to their widely acclaimed Perspectives of Psychiatry, Phillip R. Slavney, M.D., and Paul R. McHugh, M.D., argue that the discontinuity of brain and mind is the source of much of psychiatry’s discord, for it leads psychiatrists to think about their discipline in terms of polar opposites: conscious or unconscious; explanation or understanding; paternalism or autonomy. Psychiatric Polarities brings together the history of ideas and such clinical issues as suicide and bipolar disorder to identify, describe, and debate these and other polar oppositions that arise from psychiatry’s inherent ambiguity.There is no single conceptual perspective that is sufficient for all of psychiatry’s concerns, Slavney and McHugh observe, yet it is both possible and necessary to transcend the denominational conflicts that plague the field. In Psychiatric Polarities, their examination of these conflicts demonstrates how a methodological approach can help to resolve disagreements rooted in partisan commitments.
Psychiatric Presentations in General Practice: A Guide to Holistic Management, Second Edition
by K. S. Jacob Anju KuruvillaMedical schools currently use specialist perspectives on psychiatric disorders to train physicians, nurses and health professionals. This results in a lack confidence among non-psychiatric health professionals, which reduces their ability to manage common mental health conditions in primary care and secondary hospitals. This book is a practical guide to common mental health conditions encountered in general medical practice.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Recovery
by Raman KapurRecovering from severe mental illness is one of the most terrifying human experiences in health care. Often conventional rehabilitation approaches focus on helping the patient with his or her symptoms and maximising the external world through supportive interventions. However, often little attention is paid to the internal world of the patient. This subjective experience of recovery is the focus of this book. It describes a particular psychoanalytic model that best captures this distressful state of mind and suggests particular processes that have to be put in place to ensure the patient gets the best opportunity to have his or her fears and hopes addressed. The book also addresses "real world" issues such as management, leadership and training, as well as highlighting key research findings from relevant studies. Outcome measures are suggested that could be adopted to measure the benefits of this particular approach. The chapters give many clinical, organisational and research descriptions from the real world of psychiatry and social care.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation (2nd edition)
by Carlos W. Pratt Kenneth J. Gill Nora M. Barrett Melissa M. RobertsPsychiatric rehabilitation refers to community treatment of people with mental disorders. Community treatment has recently become far more widespread due to deinstitutionalization at government facilities.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation 3rd Edition
by Carlos W. Pratt Kenneth J. Gill Nora M. Barrett Melissa M. RobertsThe third edition of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, discusses interventions to help individuals with mental illness improve the quality of their life, achieve goals, and increase opportunities for community integration.
The Psychiatric Report: Principles and Practice of Forensic Writing
by Alec Buchanan Michael A. NorkoThe written report is central to the practice of psychiatry in legal settings. It is required of mental health professionals acting as expert witnesses in criminal cases, civil litigation situations, child custody proceedings and risk assessments. This book provides a theoretical background to psychiatric writing for the law and a practical guide to the preparation of the report. The first section addresses practical and ethical concerns, including the conduct of the forensic psychiatric evaluation, conflicts of interest, record keeping and confidentiality. The second section contains practical and detailed advice on preparing various types of report, including reports for use in criminal and civil litigation, civil commitment hearings and child custody proceedings. A final section covers special issues arising during report preparation including the use of psychological tests and the detection of malingering. This is an essential guide for anyone required to write a psychiatric report.
Psychiatric Studies: Experiments In The Diagnosis Of Psychopathological Conditions Carried Out At The Psychiatric Clinic Of The University Of Zurich (classic Reprint) (Collected Works of C.G. Jung #No. 20)
by C.G. JungAt the turn of the last century C.G. Jung began his career as a psychiatrist. During the next decade, three men whose names are famous in the annals of medical psychology influenced his professional development: Pierre Janet, under whom he studied at the Sappetriere Hospital in Paris; Eugen Bleuler, his chief at the Burgholzli Mental Hospital in Zurick; and Sigmund Frued, whom Jung met in 1907. It is Bleuler, and to a lesser extent Janet, whose influence is to be found in the descriptive experimental psychiatry composing Volume I of the Collected Works. These papers appeared between 1902 and 1905l most of them are now being published in English for the first time. The volume opens with Jung's dissertation for the medical degree: 'On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena', a study that foreshadows much of his later work, and as such is indispensable to all serious students of his work. It is the detailed analysis of the case of an hysterical adolescent girl who professed to be a medium. The volume also includes papers on cryptomnesia, hysterical parapraxes in reading, manic mood disorder, simulated insanity, and other subjects.
Psychiatric Symptoms and Comorbidities in Autism Spectrum Disorder
by Luigi Mazzone Benedetto VitielloThis book explains in detail the diagnosis, management, and treatment of comorbid disorders in patients with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Important insights are provided into the nature of the symptoms of psychiatric comorbidities in these patients, and particularly children and adolescents, with a view to assisting clinicians in reaching a correct diagnosis that will permit the implementation of appropriate treatment strategies, whether psychological or pharmacological. The full range of potential comorbidities is considered, including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders, eating disorders, disruptive behavioral disorders, Tourette's disorder, and substance-related disorders. In each case guidance is provided on how to avoid incorrectly attributing symptoms to ASD and on treatment options. Psychiatric Comorbidities in Autism Spectrum Disorders will be of value to all practitioners who are confronted by patients with these complex co-occurring conditions.
Psychiatrie: Van diagnose tot behandeling
by R. van DethPsychiatrieVan diagnose tot behandelingDit boek geeft een overzicht van de moderne psychiatrie in al haar facetten. Het eerste deel beschrijft de wetenschappelijke principes en methoden van de psychiatrie. Daarbij wordt op evenwichtige wijze aandacht geschonken aan biologische, psychologische en sociale invalshoeken. In het tweede deel staan de voornaamste psychische stoornissen centraal. Aan de hand van praktijkvoorbeelden komen daarvan telkens de essentiële kenmerken, verklaringen en behandelvormen aan bod.Het boek probeert jargon zoveel mogelijk te vermijden en is in heldere taal geschreven. Het is dan ook bedoeld voor iedereen die op een snelle en toegankelijke manier kennis wil maken met het psychiatrisch werkveld. Dat kunnen studenten zijn of geïnteresseerde leken, maar ook mensen met psychische problemen en hun directe omgeving. Verder is het boek heel geschikt voor wie beroepshalve met de wereld van de psychiatrie te maken krijgt: zorgprofessionals, maatschappelijk werkers en personeelsmanagers, maar ook degenen die werken bij politie en justitie of in het onderwijs. Mede op basis van de DSM-5 is deze vijfde herziene editie in veel opzichten geactualiseerd. Daarnaast biedt nu ook een website ondersteunende (internet)bronnen bij ieder hoofdstuk. Drs. Ron van Deth is psycholoog en publicist en verbonden aan het Europees Instituut voor Educatie in Driebergen.
Psychiatrie: Van diagnose tot behandeling
by Ron van DethDit boek biedt een toegankelijk overzicht van alle facetten van de moderne psychiatrie: van diagnose tot behandeling. Daarbij wordt nadrukkelijk ingegaan op innovatieve bewegingen in de Nederlandse GGZ, zoals eigen regie, herstel, gezamenlijke besluitvorming, zelfmanagement en ervaringsdeskundigheid. Het boek is gericht op iedereen die in zijn werk of studie te maken krijgt met psychische problematiek.De zesde druk van Psychiatrie: Van diagnose tot behandeling is inhoudelijk verbeterd, geactualiseerd en uitgebreid, waardoor het completer is geworden. De nieuwe opmaak met tal van illustraties maakt het boek aantrekkelijker en overzichtelijker. In ieder hoofdstuk is een studieblok opgenomen met samenvattingen, kernbegrippen en doelen. Ook biedt deze editie studenten ruime mogelijkheden om hun kennis en inzicht te oefenen en te toetsen met flashcards én 260 multiplechoicevragen. De uitgebreide website bij dit boek heeft behalve links naar video’s, films, websites en boeken, ook videoclips die belangrijke aspecten van de hoofdstukken toelichten. Door deze toevoegingen offline en online is het boek uitermate geschikt als studiemateriaal.Een ander belangrijk nieuw element zijn de psycho-educatieve teksten. Deze maken duidelijk wat zorgprofessionals te bieden hebben, maar vooral wat cliënten en hun directe omgeving zélf kunnen doen. Hiermee richt het boek zich ook op mensen met psychische problematiek.Psychiatrie: Van diagnose tot behandeling is geschreven door drs. Ron van Deth. Hij is psycholoog en publicist en verbonden aan het Europees Instituut voor Educatie in Driebergen. Hij was jarenlang eindredacteur van PsychoPraktijk en schreef onder andere Psychotherapie: Van theorie tot praktijk, Inleiding in de psychopathologie en (als co-auteur) Pedagogische adviezen voor speciale kinderen.
Psychiatrie 2020 plus
by Peter Falkai Frank SchneiderUnter den medizinischen Disziplinen hat die Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie die größte Zukunft: In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat das Fach in Forschung und Versorgung Quantensprünge durchlaufen. Diese Entwicklung setzt sich fort. Herausforderungen sind die weitere Erforschung und der zunehmende Behandlungsbedarf im Bereich psychischer Erkrankungen. In dem Buch "Psychiatrie 2020" skizziert die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN) neben einer Übersicht über die Entwicklung des Faches eine Vision für das Jahr 2020. Psychiatrie 2020 plus, ist nun die erweiterte und aktualisierte Auflage der Bestandsaufnahme und Vision für das Jahr 2020.
Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie des Kindes- und Jugendalters (Springer Reference Medizin)
by Jörg M. Fegert Franz Resch Michael Kaess Manfred Döpfner Kerstin Konrad Tanja Legenbauer Paul PlenerKinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie und Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie haben in den letzten Jahren in der Forschung und Versorgung eine enorme Entwicklung gemacht. Durch die Einführung des Grundständigen Psychotherapiestudiums und der damit verbundenen Einführung einer fachspezifischen Weiterbildung in Kinder- und Jugendpsychotherapie, wird es zukünftig zwei heilberufliche Weiterbildungsgänge im Bereich der psychischen Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen geben. Die Neuauflage der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie mit zahlreichen neuen Themen und fast komplett neuen Texten, spiegelt diese Entwicklung wider. Hierfür wurde das Herausgeberboard und das Autorenteam deutlich erweitert. Ausgewiesene Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten sind gleichberechtigte Mitherausgeber. Insofern steht das Buch in der Tradition des Springer-Referenzlehrbuchs, ist aber dennoch weit mehr als eine dritte Auflage der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, denn hier wird kooperativ und interdisziplinär das Fachgebiet der Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie des Kindes- und Jugendalters präsentiert. Die Fülle an Information und Wissen ist ein unerlässliches Werkzeug für die tägliche Arbeit von Assistenzärzt*innen, Fachärzt*innen, Assistenzpsychotherapeut*innen in Fachweiterbildung Kinder- und Jugendpsychotherapie, Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut*innen in Ausbildung, Psychotherapeut*innen und Psycholog*innen und Sozialarbeiter*innen, auch in angrenzenden Fachgebieten. Das Buch beschreibt Schulen übergreifend die am besten geeigneten Therapieverfahren und bietet einen evidenzbasierten Handlungsleitfaden für alle, die in ihrem beruflichen Leben mit Kindern und Jugendlichen mit psychischen Störungen zu tun haben. Bedingt durch diese inhaltliche Ausweitung und angesichts der Fülle neuen Wissens, wurde zwar die klare Struktur und didaktische Aufbereitung im Lehrbuch beibehalten, gleichzeitig wurde das Buch in zwei Teile aufgeteilt. Ein allgemeiner Teil und ein spezieller störungsspezifischer Teil wird in zwei Bänden präsentiert, die durch die gleiche Struktur und didaktische Merkmale alle Leser*innen bei der Orientierung im Text unterstützen.
The Psychiatrist in the Courtroom: Selected Papers of Bernard L. Diamond, M.D.
by Bernard L. Diamond Jacques M. QuenOver the course of an illustrious career, the late Bernard Diamond established himself as the preeminent forensic psychiatrist of the century. The Psychiatrist in the Courtroom brings together in a single volume Diamond's pivotal contributions to a variety of important issues, including the nature of diminished capacity, the fallacy of the impartial expert, the predictability of dangerousness, and the unacceptability of hypnotically facilitated memory in courtroom proceedings. Ably introduced and edited by Jacques M. Quen, M.D., a close colleague of Diamond's and leading historian of forensic psychiatry, these writings enable experts and neophytes alike to track Diamond's evolving positions while clarifying where current legal and psychiatric opinion converge -- and diverge -- on a host of critical topics.For the forensic specialist, The Psychiatrist in the Courtroom is not only an invaluable reference work but a compassionate reminder of the clinician's obligation to protect patients in legal proceedings. And in an age when clinicians are increasingly called into court, the book will be no less valuable to psychoanalysts and other mental health professionals eager for an introduction to the intricacies of judicial reasoning. Then, too, owing to Diamond's clinical acumen, the book is a compelling human document. With great erudition and deep compassion, Diamond tackles these and other knotty questions, always with an eye to clarifying the legal and clinical implications of the answers. By combining superb clinical gifts with an incisive understanding of legal principle, Diamond produced a seminal corpus whose relevance to discussions of therapeutic ethics and to legal debates will continue well into the next century.
A Psychiatrist Works with Blindness
by Louis S. CholdenEach patient will react to blindness in a manner characteristic for his personality. He will react to it as an emergency situation which will have most serious consequences for his future life plans. Besides the emergency aspect of the loss of vision, blindness in itself holds a number of special and deep meanings to the patient which must be considered in attempting to understand its effects. These meanings may be discussed from the psychologic, social and vocational points of view. But, because the patient will react to the problem of blindness in a way which is peculiar to him, one might predict within certain limits what the patient's reactions will be, providing we understand his personality structure.
Psychiatrists in Combat
by Elspeth Cameron Ritchie Christopher H. Warner Robert N. MclayThis book tells the professional and personal experiences of American military psychiatrists and their colleagues in the longest conflict in American history. These highly trained men and women treat service members for the psychological consequences from their experiences in battle, including killing enemy combatants; seeing wounded and killed civilian casualties; losing their friends in combat; factoring in personal mental health needs, including psychiatric drug treatment; and potentially dealing with their own physical injuries from being shot or blown up. The volume consists of 20 short first-person case studies from the mental health providers who have been risking their lives while treating patients in the battlefield since 9/11. Written by expert psychiatrists who have experienced these challenges directly, this texts offers both a clinical and personal account that is not found anywhere else. Topics include tips on providing psychotherapy in battle, evaluating and treating detainees in war prisons such as Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, and the unique challenges of prescribing medication to patients who are also comrades in war. Psychiatrists in Combat is uniquely positioned to be a valuable resource for psychiatrists interested in trauma and veterans, psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, military health personnel, and mental health professionals interested in military psychiatry.
Psychiatry: A Very Short Introduction
by Tom BurnsPsychiatry is increasingly a part of everyday life. The growing number of patients being diagnosed with depression, ADD, alcoholism, and other illnesses mean that few people are not touched by it. This book provides a valuable and comprehensible introduction to the subject. It starts with the history of its development as a scientific field, including the identification of major mental illnesses, the rise and fall of the asylum system, and the flourishing of psychoanalysis and other psychotherapies. More than any other branch of medicine, psychiatry has been attacked and criticized. There is a long list of perceived horrors--patient abuse, bizarre medical experiments, mind-control by evil governments, coercion by maniacal hypnotists. Modern psychiatry brings with it new controversies, such as the perceived over-prescription of antidepressants and behavior modifiers for children and teens, or unchecked marketing power of drug companies. This book does not draw conclusions on these issues, but rather provides the reader with a clear understanding of what psychiatry is, and what it does, so that they can draw their own. It is a great reference for anyone with an interest in mental illness and its treatment, students of psychiatry, medicine, psychology, and history of science, and health professionals.
Psychiatry: From Its Historical and Philosophical Roots to the Modern Face
by Konstantinos N. FountoulakisThis book was the end product of life experiences, thoughts and intellectual wanderings of the author, who through his career and for the last twenty years was always serving all the three aspects of a Psychiatrist: He is a clinician, a researcher and an academic teacher. The book includes a comprehensive history of Psychiatry since antiquity and until today, with an emphasis not only on main events but also specifically and with much detail and explanations, on the chain of events that led to a particular development. At the center of this work is the question ‘What is mental illness?’ and ‘Does free will exist?’. These are questions which tantalize Psychiatrists, neuroscientists, psychologists, philosophers, patients and their families and the sensitive and educated lay persons alike. Thus, the book includes a comprehensive review and systematic elaboration on the definition and the concept of mental illness, a detailed discussion on the issue of free will as well as the state of the art of contemporary Psychiatry and the socio-political currents it has provoked.Finally the book includes a description of the academic, social and professional status of Psychiatry and Psychiatrists and a view of future needs and possible developments. A last moment addition was the chapter on conspiracy theories, as a consequence of the experience with the social media and the public response to the COVID-19 outbreak which coincided with the final stage of the preparation of the book. Their study is an excellent opportunity to dig deep into the relation among human psychology, mental health, the society and politics and to swim in intellectually dangerous waters.
by Mario Maj Jeffrey A. Lieberman Allan Tasman Jerald Kay Michael B. FirstExtensively revised and updated this edition reflects the progress and developments in the field. With 127 chapters and over 400 contributors this book is a truly comprehensive exposition of the specialty of psychiatry.Written by well-known and highly regarded experts from around the world, it takes a patient-centered approach making it an indispensable resource for all those involved in the care of patients with psychiatric disorders.For this new edition, the section on the Neuroscientific Foundations of Psychiatry has been completely revised, with a new author team recruited by Section Editors Jonathan Polan and Eric Kandel. The final section, Special Populations and Clinical Settings, features important new chapters on today's most urgent topics, including the homeless, restraint and geriatric psychiatry.Key features include:Coverage of the entire field of psychiatry, from psychoanalysis to pharmacology and brain imaging, including family relations, cultural influence and change, epidemiology, genetics and behavioral medicineClinical vignettes describing current clinical practice in an attractive designNumerous figures and tables that facilitate learning and comprehension appear throughout the textClear comparisons of the DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10 criteria for easy understanding in a global contextDiagnostic and treatment decision trees to help both the novice and experienced readerThe chapter on Cognitive Behavioral Therapies by Edward Friedman, Michael Thase and Jesse Wright is freely available. Please click on Read Excerpt 2 above to read this superb exposition of these important therapies.
by Sarah L. Stringer Anna M. Burnside Juliet HurnPsychiatry: Breaking the ICE contains everything psychiatry trainees need in order feel confident and competent in general adult inpatient and community placements. A practical and reassuring guide to life as a psychiatrist, structured around the tasks expected both in day-to-day practice and in out-of-hours work Key themes running throughout the book include ethical and legal issues, risk assessment and management, patient experience and safe prescribing The authors are closely involved in the training, mentoring and supervision of core trainees, and know the real-world challenges faced by junior psychiatrists
Psychiatry, 2 Volume Set: Self-assessment And Review (National Medical Ser.)
by Michael B. First Jeffrey A. Lieberman Allan Tasman Michelle Riba Jerald KayNow in a new Fourth Edition, Psychiatry remains the leading reference on all aspects of the current practice and latest developments in psychiatry.From an international team of recognised expert editors and contributors, Psychiatry provides a truly comprehensive overview of the entire field of psychiatry in 132 chapters across two volumes. It includes two new sections, on psychosomatic medicine and collaborative care, and on emergency psychiatry, and compares Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) and International Classification of Diseases (ICD10) classifications for every psychiatric disorder.Psychiatry, Fourth Edition is an essential reference for psychiatrists in clinical practice and clinical research, residents in training, and for all those involved in the treatment psychiatric disorders.
Psychiatry and Behavioral Science: An Introduction and Study Guide for Medical Students
by Ellen H. Sholevar David BaronThis easy-to-read, unique format text combines introductory psychiatry content with board-style review questions written for first and second year medical students. The book is intended to be used as the required text for pre-clinical psychiatric education. The user-friendly split page format includes clinical vignettes, "fun facts," and relevant art work. Each chapter contains board review questions that prepare the medical student for USMLE Step 1 and COMLEX 1. By using a clinical approach consistent with the needs of today's medical students, the authors hope to prepare first and second year medical students for their exams and clinical rotations.
Psychiatry and Heart Disease
by Lawson Wulsin Divy Ravindranath Michelle Riba Melvyn RubenfireThis unique book will help psychiatrists to understand better the risks of cardiovascular illness and cardiologists to appreciate possible pathophysiological links with psychiatric conditions. It describes the common psychiatric conditions, their key features and how they may influence cardiovascular disease, outcomes, and quality of life. It also considers the cardiovascular complications that may arise as a result of mental illness. In an exciting, collaborative approach, psychiatrists and cardiologists combine their expertise throughout the book to provide guidance on the best way to manage such patients, considering the patient as a whole, not the individual conditions.