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Showing 37,926 through 37,950 of 50,609 results

Quick Steps to Resolving Trauma

by Bill O'Hanlon

A friendly and brief guide to trauma resolution. Here, Bill O'Hanlon uses his characteristic breezy and inviting style to tackle a very difficult issue: trauma resolution. This book details a philosophy and methods of working briefly and effectively with traumatized clients. Simple examples and dialogue, whimsical illustrations, and O'Hanlon's classic reader-oriented approach make this book inviting to therapists and consumers alike.

Quickies (Third Edition): The Handbook Of Brief Sex Therapy

by Douglas Flemons Shelley Green Michael F. Hoyt

Effective, brief techniques for therapists to support their clients in having satisfying sex lives. Quickies demonstrates that the best sex therapy is often the briefest, presenting readers with a refreshing array of time-efficient, client-focused approaches to sexual problems. The third edition includes new chapters on the impact of the Internet in relationships, infidelity, and same-sex and transgender affirming therapy.

¿Quién aprieta tus botones?

by John Townsend

La persona que aprieta sus botones casi siempre es alguien importante para usted: su cónyuge, su padre, su jefe, un miembro de su iglesia. Casi siempre esta persona difícil está relacionada con usted por cuestiones de sangre, amor, fe o dinero y por eso la relación no se puede cortar sin que cause dolor o una gran agitación en su vida.Nuestros amigos y la cultura actual por lo general nos aconsejarán que abandonemos esas relaciones rápidamente para así terminar con ese triste capítulo y poder continuar con nuestras vidas. El psicólogo y autor doctor John Townsend no está de acuerdo: «La persona que aprieta sus botones no es alguien que uno pueda dejar fácilmente. Uno está entrelazado con esa persona en muchos niveles. Vale la pena buscar maneras en que esa relación pueda ser revivida y renovada».

¿Quién decide por ti cuando decides tú?

by Domm Cobb Pedro Jara

¿Quién lleva el timón de tu vida? La ilustradora Domm Cobb y el psicólogo Pedro Jara te lo cuentan en este libro que inaugura un nuevo género literario: la psicología ilustrada. EN ESTE MUNDO RUIDOSO QUE INSISTE EN DECIRTE LO QUE TIENES QUE SER, TOMA LA DECISIÓN DE SER TÚ Pequeñas o grandes, conscientes o inconscientes, los seres humanos nos pasamos la vida tomando decisiones, pero ¿hasta qué punto decidimos con verdadera libertad y autonomía? ¿De dónde sale aquello que tú, de forma casi automática, consideras «verdad»? Aunque no te des ni cuenta, las voces, discursos, imágenes, mensajes, aprendizajes, tradiciones e inercias que nos rodean y que aprendimos e imitamos constantemente, tienen mucho que ver con los caminos que eliges. Así que, ¿cómo decidir por ti mismo cuando tal vez no sepas quién eres en realidad tú mismo? El psicólogo Pedro Jara y la viñetista y creativa Domm Cobb se unen para crear un libro verdaderamente pionero y original que inaugura un género: la psicología ilustrada. Una combinación de texto y viñetas, seriedad y humor, reflexión e ironía, para ayudarte a ti, lector, a tomar, de manera auténtica y real, las riendas de tu vida. «Somos cerebros emocionales con muchos mecanismos evolutivos desfasados respecto a los retos y modos de vida de hoy en día. La propensión al autoengaño y a la ficción no es solo una característica muy humana, sino que es, de hecho, lo que esencialmente diferencia a los humanos de los demás homínidos, la característica que mejor nos define. Pero ser conscientes de todo ello es un primer gran paso. (...) Cultivar la conciencia y el autoconocimiento es la única medicina posible. No obstante, aplicarla es más complicado de lo que parece, porque también podemos tomar muchas decisiones y acceder a mucha información que nos encamina a una verdadera ilusión ingenua de conciencia y autoconocimiento, es decir, a un falso autoconocimiento. Nuestras distorsiones y limitaciones mentales también actúan cuando nos enfocamos en combatir nuestras distorsiones y limitaciones. ¡No desesperemos! Saber lo poco que sabemos es un primer gran paso y un acto de sabiduría».

¿Quién dijo ansiedad?: Todo lo que necesitas saber para hacerle frente

by Marta Foix Judit Izquierdo

¿Por qué no me apetece hacer nada?¿Cómo evito estos pensamientos?Siento mucho miedo, ¿qué hago?¿Qué puedo hacer para qué no me afecte tanto la opinión de los demás?¿Por qué me cuesta tomar decisiones?¿Cómo me alejo de las relaciones tóxicas?Tengo mucho estrés en el trabajo, ¿cómo lo puedo gestionar?¿Quién me puede ayudar? Si te haces estas preguntas, esta guía es para ti. Pondrás nombre al torbellino de emociones que sientes. Comprenderás qué te ocurre. Encontrarás soluciones para cada situación. Harás frente a los síntomas. Aprenderás a anticipar las crisis. Y, ante todo, tendrás la oportunidad de conocer recursos y ejercicios prácticos que hasta ahora nadie te había contado.

¿Quién es quién?: Diccionario de tipos y caracteres

by Javier Urra

Desde luego no somos ni como nos imaginan ni como nos imaginamos. ¿Cómo somos? Un libro para sonreír, para pensar, para sentir. Subráyelo y envíeselo a amigos y enemigos. Búsquese. Complételo. Disfrútelo. ¡Somos unos tipos humanos pintorescos! Este libro no busca plasmar el alma de las personas. Es un paisaje donde ubicarse. Un libro para leer a solas, en voz alta en el coche (si no es el conductor) o en tertulias de sobremesa. Algo más que un juego entretenido y divertido. Javier Urra, retratista de las poses psicológicas, caricaturiza con breves pinceladas las formas de ser y traza biografías personales a vuela pluma. Se partirá de risa reconociendo a sus amigos en esas personas arquetípicas, pero la risa se le congelará cuando se encuentre a usted mismo entre estas páginas.

Quiérete mucho

by Raimon Gaja

A menudo mantenemos actitudes negativas y generamos pensamientos llenos de desespero que nos desmotivan, nos impiden alcanzar nuestros objetivos y nos hacen sentir desgraciados o culpables. Una baja autoestima impide llevar una vida psicológicamente saludable. Partiendo de la premisa que entender la causa de este problema es el punto de partida para empezar a solucionarlo, Quiérete mucho nos muestra caminos alternativos que nos ayudan a cambiar este patrón negativo y desprendernos de los obstáculos que nos impiden desarrollar todo nuestro potencial. Raimon Gaja trata el tema de la autoestima con el rigor y la importancia que se merece, sin reducirla aun simple aspecto secundario. A través de varios cuestionarios, Quiérete mucho nos da claves para evaluar nuestro nivel de autoestima y saber qué tipo de pensamiento distorsionado tenemos. Estos cuestionarios se repiten para ir comprobando nuestras evoluciones.

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking (Platinum Nonfiction Ser.)

by Susan Cain

The book that started the Quiet RevolutionAt least one-third of the people we know are introverts. They are the ones who prefer listening to speaking; who innovate and create but dislike self-promotion; who favor working on their own over working in teams. It is to introverts—Rosa Parks, Chopin, Dr. Seuss, Steve Wozniak—that we owe many of the great contributions to society. In Quiet, Susan Cain argues that we dramatically undervalue introverts and shows how much we lose in doing so. She charts the rise of the Extrovert Ideal throughout the twentieth century and explores how deeply it has come to permeate our culture. She also introduces us to successful introverts—from a witty, high-octane public speaker who recharges in solitude after his talks, to a record-breaking salesman who quietly taps into the power of questions. Passionately argued, superbly researched, and filled with indelible stories of real people, Quiet has the power to permanently change how we see introverts and, equally important, how they see themselves.Now with Extra Libris material, including a reader’s guide and bonus content

Quiet Influence: The Introvert's Guide to Making a Difference

by Jennifer Kahnweiler

Introverts may feel powerless in a world where extroverts seem to rule, but there's more than one way to have some sway. As Jennifer Kahnweiler proves in this much-needed book, introverts can be highly effective influencers when, instead of trying to act like extroverts, they use their natural strengths. Kahnweiler shows how you can use those strengths to challenge the status quo, provoke new ways of thinking, effect change, and inspire others to move forward. Kahnweiler identifies six unique strengths introverts have: * Taking Quiet Time: The periods of solitude that introverts crave provide them with a powerful source of creativity and self-awareness. * Preparation: Careful preparation, which makes introverts feel more comfortable, also makes them very knowledgeable and able to anticipate objections. * Writing: Introverts' preference for writing over speaking enables them to influence others through deep, authentic, well-developed arguments. * Engaged Listening: Introverts are great listeners--they'd rather listen than talk--which is a crucial skill for establishing rapport and mutual understanding. * Focused Conversation: Introverts don't like small talk, but they excel at the serious, purpose-driven, one-on-one interactions vital for winning people over. * Thoughtful Use of Social Media: Oversharing doesn't appeal to introverts online any more than it does offline, so they naturally use social media in a thoughtful, and more effective, way. Kahnweiler includes a Quiet Influence Quotient quiz to measure how well you're using these six strengths now. Then, through questions, tools, exercises, and real-world examples, she helps you increase your mastery of these strengths. Quiet Influence is the must-have guide to deeper insight and greater impact that introverts have been waiting for and that extroverts can learn from. "This extraordinary book shows that you don't have to raise your volume to have a voice." --Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

A Quiet Kind of Thunder

by Sara Barnard

Perfect for fans of Morgan Matson and Jandy Nelson.A girl who can&’t speak and a boy who can&’t hear go on a journey of self-discovery and find support with each other in this gripping, emotionally resonant novel for &“readers who enjoyed John Green&’s Turtles All the Way Down&” (Booklist) from bestselling author Sara Barnard. Steffi doesn&’t talk, but she has so much to say.Rhys can&’t hear, but he can listen.Steffi has been a selective mute for most of her life. The condition&’s name has always felt ironic to her, because she certainly does not &“select&” not to speak. In fact, she would give anything to be able to speak as easily and often as everyone around her can. She suffers from crippling anxiety, and uncontrollably, in most situations simply can&’t open her mouth to get out the words.Steffi&’s been silent for so long that she feels completely invisible. But Rhys, the new boy at school, sees her. He&’s deaf, and her knowledge of basic sign language means that she&’s assigned to help him acclimate. To Rhys, it doesn&’t matter that Steffi doesn&’t talk. As they find ways to communicate, Steffi discovers that she does have a voice, and that she&’s falling in love with the one person who makes her feel brave enough to use it. But as she starts to overcome a lifelong challenge, she&’ll soon confront questions about the nature of her own identity and the very essence of what it is to know another person.

Quiet Leadership: Winning Hearts, Minds and Matches

by Carlo Ancelotti

Carlo Ancelotti is one of the greatest managers of all time, with five Champions League titles to his name. Yet his approach could not be further from the aggressive theatricals favoured by many of his rivals. His understated style has earned him the fierce loyalty of players like David Beckham, Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Cristiano Ronaldo.In Quiet Leadership, Ancelotti reveals the full, riveting story of his managerial career - his methods, mentors, mistakes and triumphs - and takes us inside the dressing room to trace the characters, challenges and decisions that have shaped him. The result is both a scintillating memoir and a rare insight into the business of leadership.

Quiet: El poder de los introvertidos / Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

by Susan Cain

BESTSELLER #1 DEL NEW YORK TIMES • El libro que inició un movimiento y revolucionó la forma en que el mundo ve a los introvertidos, y cómo los introvertidos se ven a sí mismos, al ofrecer validación, inclusión e inspiración. UNO DE LOS MEJORES LIBROS DEL AÑO según People, O: The Oprah Magazine, Christian Science Monitor, Inc., Library Journal, Kirkus Reviews Quiet es un libro que rompe paradigmas y demuestra la manera dramática en la que nuestra cultura ha malentendido y subestimado a los introvertidos. Además provee las herramientas con las cuales aprovechar sus fortalezas. Al menos un tercio de tus conocidos son introvertidos. Aquellos que prefieren escuchar a hablar; leer a salir de fiesta; aquellos que prefieren trabajar solos a formar parte de un equipo. Muchas veces descritos como “callados”, es a los introvertidos (Rosa Parks, Chopin o Dr. Seuss, por ejemplo) a quienes debemos muchas contribuciones a nuestra sociedad, desde los girasoles de Van Gogh, hasta la invención de la computadora personal. Apasionadamente escrito, investigado y repleto de historias de gente real, Quiet cambiará para siempre la manera en la que vemos a los introvertidos, y mejor aún, como ellos se ven a sí mismos. Susan Cain analiza el alza del Ideal Extrovertido durante el siglo XX y explora la manera profunda en que ha llegado a permear nuestra cultura. A través de investigación en la biología y psicología del temperamento, este libro provee diferentes ejercicios que nos benefician a todos, incluyendo ejemplos de cómo socializar si odias hablar de trivialidades, como modular tu personalidad dependiendo de las circunstancias, y como empoderar a los niños introvertidos.

Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverts

by Grant Snider Gregory Mone Susan Cain Erica Moroz

The monumental bestseller Quiet has been recast in a new edition that empowers introverted kids and teens Susan Cain sparked a worldwide conversation when she published Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking. With her inspiring book, she permanently changed the way we see introverts and the way introverts see themselves. The original book focused on the workplace, and Susan realized that a version for and about kids was also badly needed. This book is all about kids' world--school, extracurriculars, family life, and friendship. You'll read about actual kids who have tackled the challenges of not being extroverted and who have made a mark in their own quiet way. You'll hear Susan Cain's own story, and you'll be able to make use of the tips at the end of each chapter. There's even a guide at the end of the book for parents and teachers. This insightful, accessible, and empowering book, illustrated with amusing comic-style art, will be eye-opening to extroverts and introverts alike.

The Quiet Profession: Supervisors of Psychotherapy

by Anne Alonso

The philosophy of teaching and supervising represented in Anne Alonso’s book "The Quiet Profession" focuses on the potential of relationships to heal, and on the ways that feeling creates profound and transformational personal growth. Psychodynamic psychotherapy is learned through a kind of apprenticeship, one in which the supervisor functions as a mentor and model for the supervisee. It is not the acquisition of a specific technique or interventional skill that makes the difference, Anne argues; but rather, it is the development of internal capacities within the psychotherapist, to tolerate painful affect in ourselves and our patients, to be empathically attuned to our patients’ dilemmas, and to hold our patients ambivalence about it all with a steady and reliable presence, that allows people to change. Central to this enterprise is the psychotherapist’s ability to listen to what is being said underneath the words being uttered, and to begin to hear the faint but powerful voice of the ancient ghosts unconsciously coming alive in the patient’s life in the present. It is Anne’s belief, and a tenet of psychodynamic theory that, through this often silent but steady way of listening, the psychotherapist helps patients to begin to tell the only story of their life that really matters.

The Quiet Revolution in American Psychoanalysis: Selected Papers of Arnold M. Cooper (The New Library of Psychoanalysis)

by Arnold M. Cooper

This book brings together for the first time in one volume selected papers by one of the leading contemporary intellectual figures in the field of psychoanalysis, Arnold M. Cooper M.D. Cooper has addressed every aspect of American psychoanalytic life: theory, clinical work, education, research, the interface with neighboring disciplines, and the institutional life of the profession. In these papers, he both documents and critiques what he calls a 'Quiet Revolution' following the death of Freud, in the way psychoanalysis is conceived: as a science, as a theory of mental life, as a treatment, as a profession. Throughout his professional life, the process of change has fascinated Cooper. His own contributions to psychoanalytic clinical theory have changed our understanding of work with patients to include a greater appreciation of narcissistic and pre-oedipal themes in development and of the human encounter embedded in the psychoanalytic situation. His progressive leadership in our educational and professional organizations has done much to promote change toward greater self-examination and tolerance of new ideas, and indeed, to create the conditions that make change possible. Above all, Cooper's unique ability to observe and reflect upon the process of change, recorded here in papers selected from over 150 written in the years between 1947 and 2002, has helped make Cooper the guide to whom psychoanalysts repeatedly turn to understand not only where, but even what, psychoanalysis is.

The Quiet Room: A Journey Out of the Torment of Madness

by Lori Schiller Amanda Bennett

Schiller's gripping, heart-rending and ultimately triumphant story of her journey into madness and back to reality is told through the voices of Lori and her family, friends and doctor, and captures a rare, astoundingly vivid view into the inner life of a schizophrenic.

Quiet the Mind

by Matthew Johnstone

In a world where finding even ten minutes to 'do nothing' can be difficult, the benefits of meditation can be profound. Meditation is simply a way of giving our brains a well-deserved break and can actually help our brains to function healthily and happily. This beautifully illustrated guide is an inspiring and practical book which shows you how to meditate without the need for uncomfortable lotus positions or prayer beads! With his typical gentle and insightful humour, Matthew's guide to meditation will enable to you to feel more present, more youthful, have more energy and greater concentration, improve your mood and sleep more soundly.

Quiet the Rage: How Learning to Manage Conflict Will Change Your Life (and the World)

by R.W. Burke

In a world with more than 7 billion people, 196 countries, 7,000 spoken languages, and close to 30 religions, the probability of one group or one person intentionally or unintentionally offending another group or another person is absolutely certain. Many people limit themselves in life based on their inability to get along with others, and too often we allow ourselves to be ruled by our emotions. When we&’re emotionally reactive, we&’re not our best selves, nor do we produce the smartest outcomes. Emotional reactions create winners and losers. And winning directly at the expense of another is actually losing in disguise, due to the resentment it inspires in the loser. Often, people get stuck in a pattern of reacting emotionally, long past the time when the combativeness that once served them no longer does; long past the time when the pattern has become destructive without them being aware of it. For everyone who wants to change that part of themselves—everyone who wants more peaceful interactions and more successful outcomes, but doesn&’t know how to achieve that—Quiet the Rage is the answer.

Quiet Your Mind And Get To Sleep: Solutions To Insomnia For Those With Depression, Anxiety Or Chronic Pain

by Colleen E. Carney Rachel Manber Richard Bootzin

A busy and hectic life can profoundly affect your ability to get a good night's rest. And it's even more difficult to feel relaxed when you stay awake worrying that you won't fall asleep. This vicious circle can quickly rob you of your quality of life, which is why it is so important to seek the most effective treatment for your insomnia. This workbook uses cognitive behavior therapy, which has been shown to work as well as sleep medications and produce longer-lasting effects. Research shows that it also works well for those whose insomnia is experienced in the context of anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. The complete program in Quiet Your Mind and Get to Sleep goes to the root of your insomnia and offers the same techniques used by experienced sleep specialists. You'll learn how to optimize your sleep pattern using methods to calm your mind and help you identify sleep-thieving behaviors that contribute to insomnia. Don't go without rest any longer-get started on this program and end your struggles with sleep.

Quietly Subversive: The Selected Works of Dilys Daws (World Library of Mental Health)

by Dilys Daws Matthew Lumley

This book gathers together selected papers and book chapters by Dilys Daws, covering her 50 years of pioneering work as a child psychotherapist. It provides those working with parents, infants, and children with a means of learning from Daws’s decades of experience as a psychotherapist and therapeutic consultant, with plentiful case material illustrating her method of working in action. The first two sections of the book focus on her work as consultant psychotherapist in the baby clinic of a GP practice and her parent-infant work in this context as well as at the Tavistock and Portman Clinic. The third section explores her work with young children, focusing on questions around the therapeutic frame and setting. The fourth section features extended excerpts from her writings for the general public, most particularly aimed at new parents and parents with infants. Finally, the book also contains several short reflective pieces addressing themes to do with parent-infant work, the experience of the therapist, and the social role of psychoanalytic thinking. This book will be of interest to all those working with parents and children, including doctors, health visitors, and social workers, as well as child psychotherapists and child psychoanalysts.

The Quintessential Zerka: Writings by Zerka Toeman Moreno on Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy

by Zerka T Moreno

The Quintessential Zerka documents the origins and development of the theory and practice of psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy through the work and innovation of its co-creator, Zerka Toeman Moreno. This comprehensive handbook brings together history, philosophy, methodology and application. It shows the pioneering role that Zerka, along with her husband J. L. Moreno, played in the development, not only of the methods of psychodrama and sociometry, but of the entire group psychotherapy movement worldwide. It demonstrates the extent to which Zerka's intuitive and intellectual grasp of the work, combined with her superb ability to organize and synthesize, continue to exert an influence on the field. Toni Horvatin and Edward Schreiber have selected articles that span a career of some sixty years, from Zerka’s very first publication to recent, previously unpublished, work. Personal anecdotes and poetry from Zerka herself provide a valuable context for each individual article. The selection includes: psychodrama, it's relation to stage, radio and motion pictures psychodramatic rules, techniques and adjunctive methods beyond aristotle, breuer and freud: Moreno’s contribution to the concept of catharsis psychodrama, role theory and the concept of the social atom. This book provides a rich source of insight and inspiration for all those interested in the history, development and practice of psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy, whatever their level of experience. It will be of interest to anyone involved in the fields of psychology, counselling, sociology, social work, education, theatre, or human relations.

Quirkology: How We Discover the Big Truths in Small Things

by Richard Wiseman

For over twenty years, psychologist Richard Wiseman has examined the quirky science of everyday life. In Quirkology, he navigates the oddities of human behavior, explaining the tell-tale signs that give away a liar, the secret science behind speed-dating and personal ads, and what a person’s sense of humor reveals about the innermost workings of his or her mind--all along paying tribute to others who have carried out similarly weird and wonderful work. Wiseman’s research has involved secretly observing people as they go about their daily business, conducting unusual experiments in art exhibitions and music concerts, and even staging fake séances in allegedly haunted buildings. With thousands of research subjects from all over the world, including enamored couples, unwitting pedestrians, and guileless dinner guests, Wiseman presents a fun, clever, and unexpected picture of the human mind.

Quirky: The Remarkable Story of the Traits, Foibles, and Genius of Breakthrough Innovators Who Changed the World

by Melissa A Schilling

The science behind the traits and quirks that drive creative geniuses to make spectacular breakthroughsWhat really distinguishes the people who literally change the world--those creative geniuses who give us one breakthrough after another? What differentiates Marie Curie or Elon Musk from the merely creative, the many one-hit wonders among us?Melissa Schilling, one of the world's leading experts on innovation, invites us into the lives of eight people--Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Elon Musk, Dean Kamen, Nikola Tesla, Marie Curie, Thomas Edison, and Steve Jobs--to identify the traits and experiences that drove them to make spectacular breakthroughs, over and over again. While all innovators possess incredible intellect, intellect alone, she shows, does not create a breakthrough innovator. It was their personal, social, and emotional quirkiness that enabled true genius to break through--not just once but again and again.Nearly all of the innovators, for example, exhibited high levels of social detachment that enabled them to break with norms, an almost maniacal faith in their ability to overcome obstacles, and a passionate idealism that pushed them to work with intensity even in the face of criticism or failure. While these individual traits would be unlikely to work in isolation--being unconventional without having high levels of confidence, effort, and goal directedness might, for example, result in rebellious behavior that does not lead to meaningful outcomes--together they can fuel both the ability and drive to pursue what others deem impossible. Schilling shares the science behind the convergence of traits that increases the likelihood of success. And, as Schilling also reveals, there is much to learn about nurturing breakthrough innovation in our own lives--in, for example, the way we run organizations, manage people, and even how we raise our children.

Quirky Kids

by Eileen Costello Perri Klass

The toddler whose tantrums scare all the other kids on the playground . . . The three-year-old who ignores all his toys but seems passionately attached to the vacuum cleaner . . . The fourth-grade girl who never gets invited to a birthday party because classmates think she's "weird" . . . The geek who is terrific at math, but is failing every other subject. Quirky children are different from other kids in ways that they-and their parents and teachers-have a hard time understanding or explaining. Straddling the line between eccentric and developmentally impaired, quirky children present challenges that standard parenting books fail to address. Now, in Quirky Kids, nationally known writer/pediatrician Perri Klass and her colleague Eileen Costello, a seasoned pediatrician with a special interest in child development, finally provide the expert guidance and in-depth research that families with quirky children so desperately need.A generation ago, such children were called odd ducks or worse. But nowadays, they are often assigned medical, psychiatric, or neurological diagnoses. The diagnoses often overlap or shift, but the labels can be frightening. Klass and Costello illuminate the confusing list of terms applied to quirky children these days-nonverbal learning disability, sensory integration disorder, obsessive-compulsive behavior, autistic spectrum disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, Asperger's syndrome-and explain how to assess what exactly each diagnosis means and how to use it to help a child most effectively. Quirky Kids takes you through the stages of a child's life, helping to smooth the way at home, at school, even on the playground. How do you make it through mealtime, when emotions often erupt? How do you help the child's siblings understand what's going on? Is it better to "mainstream" the child or seek a special education program? How can you make a school more welcoming and flexible for a quirky child? How do you help your child deal with social exclusion, name-calling, and bullying? Choosing the right therapy for quirky children is especially difficult, because their problems fall outside traditional medical categories. Coping strategies might include martial arts or horseback riding, or speech and occupational therapies. Klass and Costello cover all the options, as well as offer a thorough consideration of the available medications, how they work, and whether medication is the best choice for your child. Drs. Klass and Costello firmly believe that the ideal way to help our quirky kids is to understand and embrace the qualities that make them exceptionally interesting and lovable. Written with upbeat clarity and informed insight, their book is a comprehensive guide to loving, living with, and enjoying these wonderful if challenging children.From the Hardcover edition.

Quirky Kids: Understanding and Helping Your Child Who Doesn't Fit In- When to Worry and When Not to Worry

by Eileen Costello Perri Klass

The toddler whose tantrums scare all the other kids on the playground . . . The three-year-old who ignores all his toys but seems passionately attached to the vacuum cleaner . . . The fourth-grade girl who never gets invited to a birthday party because classmates think she’s “weird” . . . The geek who is terrific at math, but is failing every other subject. Quirky children are different from other kids in ways that they–and their parents and teachers–have a hard time understanding or explaining. Straddling the line between eccentric and developmentally impaired, quirky children present challenges that standard parenting books fail to address. Now, in Quirky Kids, nationally known writer/pediatrician Perri Klass and her colleague Eileen Costello, a seasoned pediatrician with a special interest in child development, finally provide the expert guidance and in-depth research that families with quirky children so desperately need.A generation ago, such children were called odd ducks or worse. But nowadays, they are often assigned medical, psychiatric, or neurological diagnoses. The diagnoses often overlap or shift, but the labels can be frightening. Klass and Costello illuminate the confusing list of terms applied to quirky children these days–nonverbal learning disability, sensory integration disorder, obsessive-compulsive behavior, autistic spectrum disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, Asperger’s syndrome–and explain how to assess what exactly each diagnosis means and how to use it to help a child most effectively. Quirky Kids takes you through the stages of a child’s life, helping to smooth the way at home, at school, even on the playground. How do you make it through mealtime, when emotions often erupt? How do you help the child’s siblings understand what’s going on? Is it better to “mainstream” the child or seek a special education program? How can you make a school more welcoming and flexible for a quirky child? How do you help your child deal with social exclusion, name-calling, and bullying? Choosing the right therapy for quirky children is especially difficult, because their problems fall outside traditional medical categories. Coping strategies might include martial arts or horseback riding, or speech and occupational therapies. Klass and Costello cover all the options, as well as offer a thorough consideration of the available medications, how they work, and whether medication is the best choice for your child. Drs. Klass and Costello firmly believe that the ideal way to help our quirky kids is to understand and embrace the qualities that make them exceptionally interesting and lovable. Written with upbeat clarity and informed insight, their book is a comprehensive guide to loving, living with, and enjoying these wonderful if challenging children.From the Hardcover edition.

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