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Rorschach Assessment of Psychotic Phenomena: Clinical, Conceptual, and Empirical Developments

by James H. Kleiger

Rorschach Assessment of Psychotic Phenomena takes the reader beyond where James H. Kleiger’s original work, Disordered Thinking and the Rorschach, left off. This new book offers readers a number of conceptual bridges between Rorschach characteristics commonly associated with psychotic phenomena and a range of psychological, neurocognitive, and psychoanalytic constructs that help psychologists move beyond static, test-bound interpretations of scores and indices. Beginning with a broad-based understanding of disordered thinking and reality testing, Kleiger provides an updated review of the contributions of past Rorschach luminaries and contemporary figures who have helped make the Rorschach a robust tool for assessing aspects of psychotic-level experience. The contributions of major figures are highlighted and assessed in terms of their empirical, conceptual, and practical implications. In addition to providing a balanced, respectful review of each of these leading figures and the systems they developed, Kleiger offers a new way of organizing and conceptualizing what is currently understood about Rorschach scoring variables pertaining to psychotic phenomena. Kleiger’s aim is to help Rorschach practitioners not only consolidate their grasp of key scoring variables and what each means about an individual’s thought processes and internal experiences, but also expand their clinical understanding of the psychotic phenomena being assessed. He includes a wide range of psychotic phenomena, like negative symptoms, cognitive impairment, magical thinking, and impairment of insight, all of which are subjects of diagnostic interest when using the Rorschach with psychotically prone individuals. The final section on psychopathology looks at how the Rorschach is useful in differential diagnosis of primary psychoses and those conditions that may include secondary psychotic phenomena. In step with contemporary DSM-5 standards, Kleiger organizes his discussion of severe psychopathology in a manner consistent with how psychotic phenomena are currently understood in the clinical and scientific literature. In addition to reviewing key clinical characteristics of these conditions, along with Rorschach contributions to the diagnosis of these disorders, he also focuses his lens on the Rorschach assessment of malingered psychosis and psychotic phenomena in children and adolescents. Written with the same well-researched attention to detail and integrative style as Kleiger's earlier work, Rorschach Assessment of Psychotic Phenomena will prove invaluable to clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and psychoanalysts interested in understanding and assessing psychosis.

Rorschach Assessment of Senior Adults

by Irving Weiner Liat Appel Shira Tibon-Czopp

This guide is a much-needed reference for clinicians on how to use the Rorschach Inkblot Test with senior adults, an essential tool for assessing personality functioning to better identify psychological interventions. The book integrates historical developments, current research, conceptual considerations, and therapeutic and diagnostic applications. Chapters review basic guidelines for the understanding and interpretation of Rorschach variables, including protocol validity; interpretation of structural variables, thematic imagery, and cross-cultural normative data; sequence analysis; and more. The authors then provide 10 case illustrations of how the Rorschach indices of cognitive functioning, emotional experience, interpersonal relatedness, and self-perception can facilitate differential diagnosis and treatment planning in clinical work with older people. These case illustrations are rooted in previously non-existent Rorschach reference data based on an international sample of more than 250 senior adults and a second sample of more than 200 patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Clinicians will come away with a solid empirical basis for distinguishing between normal-range personality functioning and manifestations of psychological disorder in the elderly and for providing beneficial interventions to senior adult patients.

Rorschach Assessment of the Personality Disorders (Personality and Clinical Psychology)

by Steven K. Huprich

For decades, The Rorschach Inkblot Method (RIM)--the most popular of the projective tests--has been routinely employed for personality assessment and treatment planning. But in recent years, it has not been free from controversy. Criticisms of its validity and empirical support are catalyzing new efforts to strengthen its foundations and document its broad utility. Among the most common--yet also most confusing and challenging--categories of clinical disorders is the personality disorders. However, minimal data have been available on the RIM evaluation of most of those found in DSM-IV. This welcomed book constitutes the first research-grounded, comprehensive guide to the use of the RIM in assessing personality disorders. The first section offers a theoretical overview of personality disorders and constructs a framework and compelling rationale for the legitimate role of the RIM in their assessment. The second, third, and fourth sections present Cluster A disorders--paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal; Cluster B disorders--antisocial and psychopathic, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic; and Cluster C disorders--avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive. The fifth section presents passive aggressive and depressive personality disorders, currently being proposed for DSM inclusion. Each chapter in these four sections includes an extensive description of the disorder, a review of empirical studies of the use of the RIM to assess it, an analysis of the Rorschach variables that may characterize patients diagnosed with it, and a depiction of a real case and discussion of the ways in which the RIM contributed to its formulation. The sixth and final section explores the relationship between psychoanalytic theory and the RIM. Rorschach Assessment of the Personality Disorders brings practical help for clinicians and clinicians-in-training, and suggests new paths for researchers seeking to advance our understanding of the complexities of these disorders.

The Rorschach in Multimethod Forensic Assessment: Conceptual Foundations and Practical Applications

by Robert E. Erard F. Barton Evans

This volume demonstrates how multimethod forensic assessment with the Rorschach adds incremental validity, insight, and practical value. Case discussions by leading forensic psychologists illustrate the integration of contemporary Rorschach assessment with the MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF, the PAI, and the HCR-20. This text addresses a wide range of forensic applications including child custody, psychological trauma, personal injury, psychotic offenders, competency evaluations, immigration cases, and impression management. It also shows how the recently developed Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS) effectively enhances the use of the Rorschach in forensic cases, while offering guidance for Comprehensive System users as well.

A Rorschach Workbook for the Comprehensive System (Fifth Edition)

by John E. Exner

A Rorschach Workbook for the Comprehensive System (Fifth Edition) by John E. Exner

Rosa Lee: A Mother And Her Family In Urban America

by Leon Dash

Based on a series of Pulitzer Prize-winning articles, this harrowing account of life in the urban underclass offers compelling testimony in the ongoing national debate about welfare reform. In Rosa Lee, Washington Post reporter Leon Dash vividly chronicles the hardships and pathologies of the daily life of a family in the slums of Washington, D. C. Defying simplistic conservative and liberal arguments about why the black underclass persists, Dash puts a human face on their struggle to survive despite both disastrous personal choices and almost insurmountable circumstances. The book spans a half-century of hardship, from Rosa Lee Cunningham's bleak early life in the Jim Crow South to her death from AIDS at age fifty-nine. Rosa Lee gave birth to her first child at fourteen, was married at sixteen, and ultimately bore eight children whom she had no legitimate means of supporting. When her welfare checks proved insufficient to feed her family, she turned to prostitution and selling stolen clothes and drugs. Yet Rosa Lee maintained a flickering desire to do what was right. Two of her sons did escape the ghetto to enter mainstream life, and after Dash's series of articles ran in The Washington Post, she made public speeches, hoping to encourage other people to avoid her destructive choices. Rosa Lee is the worthy successor to such works as Jonathan Kozol's Death at an Early Age. It offers no easy answers, but is instead challenging, thought-provoking, and utterly unforgettable.

Rose, Gilbert, Richards. Health and Well-being in Early Childhood

by Janet Rose Louise Gilbert Val Richards

The health and well-being of children is integral to learning and development but what does it actually mean in practice? This textbook draws on contemporary research on the brain and mind to provide an up-to-date overview of the central aspects of young children s health and well-being a key component of the revised EYFS curriculum. Critically engaging with a range of current debates, coverage includes early influences, such as relationships, attachment (attachment theory) and nutrition the role of the brain in health and well-being the enabling environment other issues affecting child development To support students with further reading, reflective and critical thinking it employs: case studies pointers for practice mindful moments discussion questions references to extra readings web links This current, critical and comprehensive course text will provide a solid foundation for students and practitioners on a wide range of early childhood courses, and empower them to support and nurture young children s health and well-being. "

Rose Hill: An Intermarriage before Its Time

by Carlos E. Cortés

A Jewish Mexican American author chronicles his family’s tumultuous, decades-long spars over religion, class, and culture in this candid, inspiring memoir.The son of a Mexican Catholic father with aristocratic roots and a mother of Eastern European Jewish descent, Carlos E. Cortés grew up wedged between cultures. He grew up “straddling borders, balancing loves and loyalties, and trying to fit into a world that wasn’t quite ready.” His request for a bar mitzvah sent his father into a cursing rage. He was terrified to bring home the Catholic girl he was dating, for fear of wounding his mother. When he tried to join a fraternity, Christians wouldn’t take him because he was Jewish, and Jews looked sideways at him because his father was Mexican.In Rose Hill, Cortés recounts his family’s experiences from his early years in legally segregated 1940s Kansas City to his return to Berkeley in the 1950s, and to his parents’ separation, reconciliation, deaths, and eventual burials at the Rose Hill Cemetery. Cortés elevates the theme of intermarriage to a new level of complexity in this closely observed and emotionally fraught memoir.

Rosenfeld in Retrospect: Essays on his Clinical Influence

by John Steiner

How has Herbert Rosenfeld contributed to psychoanalysis today? Rosenfeld in Retrospect presents original psychoanalytic papers showing the influence of Herbert Rosenfeld on psychoanalysis today, and reproduces some of Rosenfeld's most important clinical writings. In the first part of this book, The Conference Papers: Contemporary Developments of Rosenfeld's Work, the editor brings together papers and discussions by Rosenfeld's well-known contemporaries, Ronald Britton, Michael Feldman, Edna O'Shaughnessy, Hanna Segal and Riccardo Steiner who explore his contribution to psychoanalysis. John Steiner demonstrates the importance of Rosenfeld's classic papers, and critically surveys the more controversial developments in his later work. Part II contains four papers by Rosenfeld, chosen by his colleagues to be his most significant and original contributions. This collection conveys Rosenfeld's liveliness and influence, and will be of interest to all of those attracted to his work.

The Rosetta Stone of the Human Mind: Three Languages to Integrate Neurobiology and Psychology

by Vincenzo R. Sanguineti

The study of the brain-mind complex has been hampered by the dichotomy between objective biological neuroscience and subjective psychological science. This book presents a new theoretical model for how to "translate" between the two, using a third language: nonlinear physics and mathematics. It illustrates how the simultaneous use of these two approaches enriches the understanding of the neural and mental realms.

El rostro del crimen: El análisis forense del lenguaje gestual

by Óscar Sánchez-Crespo Noemí Baño

El ensayo que nos presenta un método único para descifrar los pequeños gestos que delatan a un criminal. CON LA COLABORACIÓN DE LA POLICÍA NACIONAL Un proyecto del grupo de empresas Comunicación gestual. El sistema de comunicación más usado en el ámbito jurídico es la palabra escrita: transcripciones de acusados, víctimas, testigos, dictámenes periciales, sentencias, etc. Sin embargo, el momento en el que un ser humano aporta más información al mensaje que transmite se produce cuando se ve inmerso en algún tipo de emoción, miedo, sorpresa, ira, repulsión, tristeza, felicidad, desprecio... Cuando escuchamos y observamos a alguien, la percepción de estas reacciones emocionales, unido al mensaje que se transmite de forma verbal, es lo que nos hace darle más o menos credibilidad a la persona que nos habla. Desde hace más de diez años, Óscar Sánchez-Crespo y Noemi Baño se dedican al análisis forense del lenguaje gestual. Ha colaborado con diversos cuerpos policiales del Estado y su trabajo ha sido decisivo en centenares de juicios. En este, su primer libro, nos acerca las claves de su método a través de testimonios, anécdotas y casos reales.

Roto. El desamor como un fenómeno emocional y biológico

by Ginette Paris

Parece existir un solo camino para poner fin a la agonía y limitar el daño que deja un corazón roto: la neurobiología lo llama salto evolutivo y la psicología, aumento de conciencia. Nuevas evidencias en el terreno de la neurociencia demuestran que una experiencia traumática no puede ser borrada de los pliegues del cerebro. De Ginette Paris, miembro honorario de la Jung Society of Montreal. Un corazón roto puede ser un maestro en la vida. El desamor como un fenómeno emocional y biológico. Utilizando los descubrimientos más recientes en neurociencia para confirmar lo que poetas y filósofos han sabido por siglos, Ginette Paris guía a quienes han sufrido una ruptura amorosa para trabajar la pérdida y transformarla en sabiduría. El libro parte del supuesto de que un corazón roto es el punto de partida necesario para alcanzar un nivel de conciencia más profundo, a la vez que nos previene de los enfoques psicológicos tradicionales que nos dicen "olvídalo y sigue adelante" y aconseja enfrentar la pérdida para encontrar "oro en las cenizas". Un corazón roto afecta las funciones cerebrales, pues el dolor psíquico asociado al duelo es equiparable, neurobiológicamente, al estrés que experimenta alguien sometido a tortura. Por ello, Paris se centra en la tesis de que este dolor puede superarse a través de un salto evolutivo, es decir, a partir del deseo o la necesidad de buscar una salida al desierto emocional de la ruptura, provocando que el cerebro establezca nuevas conexiones y el individuo recupere el sentido y la alegría. A la par se debe asumir la pérdida y reconocer que el dolor existe y es inevitable, pues negarlo tendría como consecuencias la eventual pérdida de la capacidad de amar y la disociación de la psique y el cuerpo, lo cual desembocaría inevitablemente en síntomas físicos. Paris escribió Roto desde tres perspectivas: como profesora e investigadora en el campo de la psicología; como terapeuta, y como mujer que ha sufrido más de una vez la experiencia de un corazón roto. Para elaborarlo entrevistó a pacientes, estudiantes, amigos y colegas, cuyas historias aparecen en pequeñas viñetas, contadas por medio de imágenes y metáforas que permiten comunicar la esencia arquetípica de su dolor.

Rough: How violence has found its way into the bedroom and what we can do about it

by Rachel Thompson

**AS HEARD ON BBC RADIO 4'S WOMEN'S HOUR**Rough is a revolutionary non-fiction work exploring the narratives of sexual violence that we don't talk about.A bad sexual experience.A grey area. Not rape but... A violation .These are the terms we use to describe the experiences we don't have words for. The way we talk about topics such as sex, consent, assault aren't fit for purpose.Through powerful testimony from 50 women and non-binary people, this book shines a light on the sexual violence that takes place in our bedrooms and beyond, sometimes at the hands of people we know, trust, or even love. Rough investigates violations such as 'stealthing,' non-consensual choking, and non-consensual rough sex acts that our culture is only starting to recognise as sexual violence.The book explores the ways in which systems of oppression manifest in our sexual culture - from racist microaggressions, to fatphobic acts of aggression, and ableist dehumanising behaviour. An intersectional, sex-positive, kink-positive work, the book also examines how white supremacy, transphobia, biphobia, homophobia, and misogyny are driving forces behind sexual violence.Rough is an urgent, timely call for change to the systems that oppress us all.'An incredible investigation into a frighteningly common part of our sexual experience,' Dr Fern Riddell'Rough speaks to how many women often feel after sexual encounters ...This book is excellent and demonstrates just how valid those feelings are,' Adele Walton, founder of Humanitarian Hotgirl

The Rough Beast: Psychoanalysis In Everyday Life

by Denise Cullington

The past continues to operate powerfully, wordlessly, in that less conscious part of our human mind and can trip us up unexpectedly. We can perceive and respond to situations in ways which are more to do with early experiences than the present. We can push from mind what we would rather not know. Feelings such as doubt and sadness can seem too weak; envy and anger, too bad; feeling small and in any way in need, could leave us too vulnerable. Though most will never have their own experience of psychoanalysis (or less intensive psychoanalytic psychotherapy), psychoanalytic ideas can be profoundly helpful in making sense of ourselves. Having some access to those more hidden parts of our human mind, we can feel more alive, more real and less likely to act out in unexpected ways. An accessible, sympathetic and challenging guide, The Rough Beast: Psychoanalysis in Everyday Life is for all those who are curious and sceptical as to what, why and how psychoanalytic understanding is useful in everyday life.

Rough Magic: Living with Borderline Personality Disorder

by Miranda Newman

A harrowing but ultimately uplifting memoir about living with borderline personality disorder—the most stigmatized diagnosis in mental health.&“I didn&’t know whether to take you to a psychologist or an exorcist.&”This is how Miranda Newman&’s mother described the experience of trying to find an explanation for her daughter&’s behaviour. It would be years before Miranda was able to find a diagnosis that explained the complicated way she moved through the world. She would have to advocate for herself in the mental health system while dealing with abuse, being unhoused, survival sex, suicide attempts and hospitalizations.Through it all, Miranda has found strength in her diagnosis. Her recollections are visceral and confessional, but also self-aware, irreverent and funny. She tells readers how she has found strength and joy in what others might see as tragic, while bolstering her personal recollections with deeply researched observations on Canada&’s mental healthcare system, and the history of diagnostics and disorder, using research supported by her work at Yale University.

Routes To Reading Success and Failure: Toward an Integrated Cognitive Psychology of Atypical Reading (Macquarie Monographs in Cognitive Science)

by Nancy E. Jackson Max Coltheart

Fundamental to this book is an attempt to understand the nature of individual differences in word and nonword reading by connecting three literatures that have developed largely in isolation from one another: the literatures on acquired dyslexia, difficulties in learning to read, and precocious reading.

Routine Emergency: The Meaning of Life for Israelis Living Along the Gaza Border

by Julia Chaitin Sharon Steinberg Elad Avlagon Shoshana Steinberg

This book explores the meaning of life for Israelis from communities bordering the Gaza Strip, whose lives are bound to the intractable conflict between Israel and the Hamas regime. Based on a psychosocial qualitative study of narrative interviews, photographs, YouTube videos, and Facebook posts created by residents, the book presents the life stories of ordinary people, their perspectives of patriotism and Zionism, and their perceptions of the Gazan Palestinians. Routine Emergency captures these perspectives through analyses of residents’ interviews and photographs, the social media materials and poems fashioned from interviewees’ words. The results challenge simplistic notions of what it means to live in this warzone, offering a multi-layered analysis of life in this region, which alternates between being Heaven and Hell. Written in a reader-friendly format, Routine Emergency, offers new theoretical insights into societal beliefs connected to living in an intractable warzone on the personal, family, community and national levels.

Routine Outcome Monitoring in Couple and Family Therapy

by Terje Tilden Bruce E. Wampold

This research-to-practice manual introduces Routine Outcome Monitoring (ROM), a feedback-based approach to preventing impasses and relapses in couple and family therapy as well as within other psychotherapy approaches. This book discusses how ROM has been developed and experienced within the Norwegian couples and family therapy community in line with international trends of bridging the gap between clinical practice and research. Locating the method in evidence-based systemic practice, contributors describe the core techniques, tools, and process of ROM, including examples of effective uses of feedback over different stages of therapy, with individuals in family context, and implemented in different countries. Giving clients this level of control in treatment reinforces the concept of therapy as a collaborative process, fostering client engagement and involvement, commitment to treatment, and post-treatment progress. ROM is applicable across clinical settings and clinician orientations for maximum utility in work with clients, and in building therapeutic self-awareness. Features of the book: *Theoretical and empirical context for using ROM with families and couples. *Tools and procedures, including the Systemic Therapy Inventory of Change. *Guidelines for treatment planning, implementation, and evaluation. *Common challenges in using ROM with couples and families. *Supervisory, training, and ethical issues. *Examples and vignettes showing ROM in action. With its deep potential for promoting client progress as well as therapist development, Routine Outcome Monitoring in Couple and Family Therapy: The Empirically Informed Therapist will attract practitioners and research professionals particularly interested in clinical practice, client-directed methods, and couple or family therapy.

The Routines of Decision Making

by Tilmann Betsch Susanne Haberstroh

Experience is currently a hot theme in decision making. For a long time, decision research was almost exclusively focused on new decisions and neglected the importance of experience. It took the field until the 1990s for a new direction in research and theorizing to become visible in the literature. There are parallel movements happening in sociology, political science, social psychology, and business.The purpose of this edited book is to provide a balanced and representative overview of what is currently known about the dynamics of experienced-based decision making. The chapters are written by renowned experts in the field and provide the latest theoretical developments, integrative frameworks, and state-of-the-art reviews of research in the laboratory and in the field.

The Routledge Companion to Applied Qualitative Research in the Caribbean (Routledge Companions)

by Corin Bailey Roy McCree Latoya Lazarus Natalie Dietrich Jones

This cutting-edge book provides a comprehensive examination of applied qualitative research in the Caribbean. It highlights the methodological diversity of qualitative research by drawing on various approaches to the study of Caribbean society, addressing the lack of published qualitative research on the region. Featuring 17 chapters, the book covers five key areas, namely Overview and Introduction; Gender, Crime, and Violence; Gender and Intimate Partner Violence; Health, Management, and Public Policy; and Migration and Tourism. Throughout the course of the book, the chapters explore how different kinds of qualitative research can be used to inform public policy and help deal with a myriad of socioeconomic problems that affect Caribbean people. The book further uses distinct approaches to showcase a diverse selection of qualitative research methods, such as autoethnography, life history, narrative enquiry, participants’ observation, grounded theory, case study, and critical discourse. The book will be beneficial for students and scholars both from the Caribbean and internationally who are engaged in the conduct of qualitative empirical enquiry. It will further hold appeal to advanced undergraduate level classes and postgraduate students along with scholars in the fields of social sciences and education.

Routledge Companion to Audiences and the Performing Arts (Audience Research)

by Matthew Reason

The Routledge Companion to Audiences and the Performing Arts represents a truly multi-dimensional exploration of the inter-relationships between audiences and performance. This study considers audiences contextually and historically, through both qualitative and quantitative empirical research, and places them within appropriate philosophical and socio-cultural discourses. Ultimately, the collection marks the point where audiences have become central and essential not just to the act of performance itself but also to theatre, dance, opera, music and performance studies as academic disciplines. This Companion will be of great interest to academics, researchers and postgraduates, as well as to theatre, dance, opera and music practitioners and performing arts organisations and stakeholders involved in educational activities.

The Routledge Companion to Behavioural Accounting Research (Routledge Companions in Business and Management)

by Theresa Libby Linda Thorne

Behavioural research is well established in the social sciences, and has flourished in the field of accounting in recent decades. This far-reaching and reliable collection provides a definitive resource on current knowledge in this new approach, as well as providing a guide to the development and implementation of a Behavioural Accounting Research project. The Routledge Companion to Behavioural Accounting Research covers a full range of theoretical, methodological and statistical approaches relied upon by behavioural accounting researchers, giving the reader a good grounding in both theoretical perspectives and practical applications. The perspectives cover a range of countries and contexts, bringing in seminal chapters by an international selection of behavioural accounting scholars, including Robert Libby and William R. Kinney, Jr. This book is a vital introduction for Ph.D. students as well as a valuable resource for established behavioural accounting researchers.

The Routledge Companion to Consumer Behavior Analysis (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting)

by Gordon R. Foxall

The Routledge Companion to Consumer Behavior Analysis provides a unique and eclectic combination of behavioral, cognitive and environmental perspectives to illuminate the real-world complexities of consumer choice in a marketing-oriented economy. Edited by a leading authority in the field, the contributing authors have created a unique anthology for understanding consumer preference by bringing together the very latest research and thinking in consumer behavior analysis. This comprehensive and innovative volume ranges over a broad multi-disciplinary perspective from economic psychology, behavioral psychology and experimental economics, but its chief focus is on the critical evaluation of consumer choice in the natural settings of affluent, marketing-oriented economies. By focussing on human economic and social choices, which involve social exchange, it explores and reveals the enormous potential of consumer behavior analysis to illuminate the role of modern marketing-oriented business organizations in shaping and responding to consumer choice. This will be of particular interest to academics, researchers and advanced students in marketing, consumer behavior, behavior analysis, social psychology, behavioral economics and behavioral psychology.

The Routledge Companion to Happiness at Work (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Marketing)

by Joan Marques

An unprecedented and important reference work, this research companion covers a range of aspects of happiness, an aim everyone aspires to achieve, yet can be easily overlooked in today’s demanding and multi-challenged world, or confused with a plethora of quantifiable or career goals. This book helps readers to internalize happiness, form a healthy opinion about this emotion, and detach it from external factors that can only cause temporary discomfort or delight. A group of expert authors considers happiness within three critical realms: internally, interactively, and work-related. Their thoughtful contributions approach happiness from a multiplicity of angles, and present a full spectrum of backgrounds and perspectives to consider, based on a wide range of circumstances, personal and professional. This companion will be valuable for researchers, students, and coaches, whether they seek input for future theory development, or motivation for performance in personal and professional life.

The Routledge Companion to Leadership (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting)

by John Storey Jean Hartley Jean-Louis Denis Paul 'T Hart David Ulrich

Leadership has never been more important – and divisive – than it is today. The idea and discourse of the leader remains a critical factor in organizational and societal performance, but there is evident tension between the persistent focus on the critical importance of individual leaders and the increasing emphasis on collective leadership. The Routledge Companion to Leadership provides a survey of the contentious and dynamic discipline of leadership. This collection covers key themes in the field, including advances in leadership theory, leadership in a range of contexts and geographies, leadership failure, leadership process, and leadership development. Topics range from micro studies to wider political analyses of leadership, taking in unusual but important aspects such as portrayals of leadership in architecture, media, and science fiction. Contributions from 61 internationally renowned authors from 16 countries make available the full range of perspectives, approaches, and insights on the idea of leadership. Providing both a social sciences and a psychological approach, these go beyond common themes to offer diverse perspectives on such topics as emotion and leadership, portrayals of leadership. This volume situates leadership debates and evidence within contemporary leadership crises, while ensuring that the explorations of the issues are of enduring relevance. With wide and critical coverage of the key topics and potent contextualization of themes in current events, The Routledge Companion to Leadership is the ideal resource for graduate study in leadership.

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