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Siblings in Development: A Psychoanalytic View

by Vivienne Lewin Belinda Sharp

Siblings play an integral and essential part in our psychic development. Traditionally in psychoanalytic thinking, sibling relationships are regarded as secondary in developmental importance to the relationships with the parents. The authors in this book challenge this view and explore the impact of sibling relationships on internal psychic structures, family and social relationships. They suggest that siblings play a primary part in psychic development, even for an only child, and that infants are born with an expectation of siblings, an innate pre-conception similar to those relating to the breast and parental couple. Through infant observations and psychoanalytic treatment, the authors in this book examine sibling relationships from the most profoundly close, as in conjoined twins, through other twin and sibling relationships and deliberate on the wider context of social and tribal brotherhood and sisterhood.

Siblings in the Unconscious and Psychopathology: Womb Fantasies, Claustrophobias, Fear of Pregnancy, Murderous Rage, Animal Symbolism, Christmas and Easter "Neuroses", and Twinnings or Identifications with Sisters and Brothers

by Gabriele Ast Vamik D. Volkan

This book examines adults' identifications and internal relationships with their siblings' mental representations. The authors believe that the best way to illustrate clinical formulations and psychoanalytic theoretical concepts is to provide detailed clinical data. The influence of childhood sibling experiences and associated unconscious fantasies, in their own right, in adults' personality characteristics, behaviour patterns, and symptoms are presented from seventeen case reports. Clinicians who have patients with fear of pregnancy, claustrophobia, incestuous fantasies, extreme dependency on or murderous rage against siblings, guilt due to the death of a sister or brother in childhood, replacement child syndrome, history of adoption, certain types of animal phobias and related issues will find this volume most helpful. The authors have made a rare, but needed, psychoanalytic contribution that examines mental representations of sisters and brothers in our daily lives.

Sich besser präsentieren: Wirkungsvolle Kommunikation für Wissenschaftler*innen

by Regina Maria Jankowitsch

Drittmittelakquisition, Berufungen, Vorträge, Interviews & Co: Die Leser*innen erhalten eine praxisnahe Gebrauchsanleitung, wie sie konkrete kommunikative Herausforderungen ihres beruflichen Alltags effizienter, professioneller und effektiver bewältigen können. Rasch auf den Punkt zu kommen, sich einfach und doch präzise ausdrücken zu können und sich selbst bzw. wissenschaftliche Projekte besser positionieren bzw. verkaufen zu können – damit sind Wissenschaftler*innen aller Fachrichtungen und aller Karrierestufen innerhalb wie außerhalb der Universitäten aktuell ständig konfrontiert. Corona hat deutlich gemacht, was sich schon länger gezeigt hat: Fachwissen allein ist zu wenig.Dieses Buch ist ein praxisnaher Leitfaden für alle, die vor Fördermittelgebern und Kooperationspartnern, bei wissenschaftlichen Hearings, vor Laien-Publikum und in den Medien punkten wollen.

Sicher anlegen statt sparen: Vermögen aufbauen und mehrfach verdoppeln

by Werner Stubenrauch

Der Zinseszinseffekt, das „Grundgesetz der Geldvermehrung“, wird in seiner Wirkung enorm unterschätzt. Vielen Geldanlegern ist nicht bekannt, dass sich damit eine regelmäßige Verdopplung der Ersparnisse erreichen lässt. Auf diese Weise kann man eine solide private Altersvorsorge oder ein Vermögen aufbauen, auch in Zeiten von Inflation und Rezession. Entscheidend ist die Wahl geeigneter Geldanlagen. Längst nicht alles, was Banken und Versicherungen anbieten, ist sicher und ertragreich. Viele Angebote eignen sich nur zum kurzfristigen „Geldparken“, andere sind so hochspekulativ, dass solide denkende Anleger sie meiden sollten. Der Autor weist in diesem Buch den Weg durch den Dschungel der zahlreichen Angebote von Finanzinstituten. Anhand von Beispielen rechnet er nach und vergleicht, welche Produkte empfehlenswert sind; dabei berücksichtigt er auch Steuern und Inflation. Besonders lohnend sind gemanagte Aktienfonds. Holen Sie das Maximum aus Ihrem Geld heraus, indem Sieden Zusammenhang von Zeit, Zinshöhe, Zinzeszins und langfristigem, sicherem Ertrag verstehen und nutzen.

Sicher in unsicheren Zeiten

by Ruth Enzler

Wege zu einem stabilen Selbst. Ein Ratgeber mit Erkenntnissen aus Neurowissenschaften & Persönlichkeitspsychologie und mit Achtsamkeitsübungen Dieses Buch geht uns alle an, weil es zentrale Punkte des aktuellen Zeitgeschehens der Coronapandemie aufgreift und uns Wege aufzeigt, wie wir mit Umbrüchen, Nichtplanbarem und Unsicherheiten umgehen können. Die Hauptfragen sind: Wie bleiben wir trotz äußeren Unsicherheiten innerlich stabil und psychisch gesund? Wie gehen wir mit den daraus entstehenden Ängsten um? Wie können wir in uns selbst einen soliden Boden schaffen, der einem Sturm standhält? Zahlreiche Fallbeispiele aus dem langjährigen Beratungsfundus von Ruth Enzler, einer promovierten Psychologin und Coach mit eigener Praxis in Zollikon bei Zürich, sind direkt anwendbar für unterschiedliche Persönlichkeitstypen. Darüber hinaus wird für den Leser und die Leserin die Spiritualität als Grundressource zur inneren Stabilisierung aufgrund psychodynamischer Methoden und mit Grundsätzen aus den Neurowissenschaften und der Quantenphysik erfahrbar. Praktische Übungsanleitungen und zusätzliche Achtsamkeitsmethoden dienen all jenen, die sich dem Leben neu öffnen und ihren Weg zum stabilen Selbst gehen wollen. Sie bekommen einen neuen Blick auf die Welt!

Sick Enough: A Guide to the Medical Complications of Eating Disorders

by Jennifer L. Gaudiani

Patients with eating disorders frequently feel that they aren’t "sick enough" to merit treatment, despite medical problems that are both measurable and unmeasurable. They may struggle to accept rest, nutrition, and a team to help them move towards recovery. Sick Enough offers patients, their families, and clinicians a comprehensive, accessible review of the medical issues that arise from eating disorders by bringing relatable case presentations and a scientifically sound, engaging style to the topic. Using metaphor and patient-centered language, Dr. Gaudiani aims to improve medical diagnosis and treatment, motivate recovery, and validate the lived experiences of individuals of all body shapes and sizes, while firmly rejecting dieting culture.

Sickness in Health: Bullying in Nursing and other Health Professions

by Brenda Happell

This book informs students and practitioners of the health professions about workplace bullying and how to recognise it. The health professions have among the highest rates of bullying of any occupational group. This book shines a light on bullying and its very real human consequences for health professionals. Statistics about bullying in health present a disturbing picture. However, they don't convey the human impact on people who only want to do good for others. The author begins by telling how her experiences spurred her to write this book and then introduces the champions, twelve health professionals who contributed their stories. The book starts with the champions' decision to become a health professional, and then describes their bullying experiences, the impact on almost every aspect of their lives and careers, and how they tried to resolve or deal with the bullying. Some were still dealing with bullying, and all felt they had been forever changed by their experiences.The stories show that bullying is much more than the actions of a few, it is deeply embedded in the culture of institutions responsible for providing quality health care. Better preparation for leadership positions and independent processes for reporting unacceptable behaviours and actions are two suggestions for tackling bullying and its consequences. This book shows the necessity to expose these appalling behaviours and their human costs in order to address workplace bullying and create a healthy and safe environment for everyone in healthcare. This volume is aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students, and practitioners of nursing and other health professions, the general public and other stakeholders of health services. It will enhance their understanding of, ability to recognise, and strategies to cope with, workplace bullying.

The Sickness Unto Death: A Christian Psychological Exposition for Edification and Awakening by AntiI-Climacus,

by Kierkegaard

Kierkegaard explores the concept of "despair," alerting readers to the diversity of ways in which they may be described as living in this state of bleak abandonment—including some that may seem just the opposite—and offering a much-discussed formula for the eradication of despair.

Siddhartha's Brain: The Science of Meditation, Mindfulness and Enlightenment

by James Kingsland

WINNER OF THE GOLD PRIZE FOR RELIGION / SPIRITUALITY OF EASTERN THOUGHT AT THE 2016 NAUTILUS BOOK AWARDS.Can meditation and mindfulness exercise make us sharper, smarter, healthier, happier? In Siddhartha's Brain, James Kingsland reveals that a complete scientific theory of how these practices work is now within our grasp and may be the key to treating a wide range of afflictions of the human mind. Some twenty-five centuries ago, an Indian sage called Siddhartha Gautama - the man who would become known as the Buddha - developed a programme for improving mental well-being which has been passed down to us by generations of monks and nuns. Today, secular mindfulness courses are proving their worth for tackling many of the problems associated with the demands of our frenetic, technology-driven modern world.Research has shown that mindfulness can be used to treat stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, hypertension and drug addiction, as well as improving concentration, empathy, emotion regulation and the quality of interpersonal relationships. There have even been hints that it could enhance immune function, slow cellular ageing and help keep dementia at bay. Taking us on a journey back to the time of the Buddha to track changes in his brain as he travels the path leading to enlightenment, Siddhartha's Brain explains how meditation and mindfulness transform the human mind.

Siddhartha's Brain: Unlocking the Ancient Science of Enlightenment

by James Kingsland

A groundbreaking exploration of the “science of enlightenment,” told through the lens of the journey of Siddhartha (better known as Buddha), by Guardian science editor James Kingsland.In a lush grove on the banks of the Neranjara in northern India—400 years before the birth of Christ, when the foundations of western science and philosophy were being laid by the great minds of Ancient Greece—a prince turned ascetic wanderer sat beneath a fig tree. His name was Siddhartha Gautama, and he was discovering the astonishing capabilities of the human brain and the secrets of mental wellness and spiritual “enlightenment,” the foundation of Buddhism.Framed by the historical journey and teachings of the Buddha, Siddhartha’s Brain shows how meditative and Buddhist practice anticipated the findings of modern neuroscience. Moving from the evolutionary history of the brain to the disorders and neuroses associated with our technology-driven world, James Kingsland explains why the ancient practice of mindfulness has been so beneficial and so important for human beings across time. Far from a New Age fad, the principles of meditation have deep scientific support and have been proven to be effective in combating many contemporary psychiatric disorders. Siddhartha posited that “Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think.” As we are increasingly driven to distraction by competing demands, our ability to focus and control our thoughts has never been more challenged—or more vital.Siddhartha’s Brain offers a cutting-edge, big-picture assessment of meditation and mindfulness: how it works, what it does to our brains, and why meditative practice has never been more important.

Side by Side: Walking with Others in Wisdom and Love

by Edward T. Welch

Written by a prominent biblical counselor with three decades of experience, this practical book aimed at everyday Christians will equip readers with the tools they need to wisely walk alongside one another in the midst of life's struggles.

Side Effects: How Left-Brain Right-Brain Differences Shape Everyday Behaviour

by Lorin J. Elias

Understanding how right-brain and left-brain differences influence our habits, thoughts, and actions.Human behaviour is lopsided. When cradling a newborn child, most of us cradle the infant to the left. When posing for a portrait, we tend to put our left cheek forward. When kissing a lover, we usually tilt our head to the right. Why is our behaviour so lopsided and what does this teach us about our brains? How have humans instinctively used this information to make our images more attractive and impactful? Can knowing how left-brain right-brain differences shape our opinions, tendencies, and attitudes help us make better choices in art, architecture, advertising, or even athletics? Side Effects delves into how lateral biases in our brains influence everyday behaviour and how being aware of these biases can be to our advantage.

Side Effects

by Adam Phillips

Psychoanalysis works by attending to the patient's side effects, "what falls out of his pockets once he starts speaking." Undergoing psychoanalytic therapy is always a leap into the dark—like dedicating our hearts and intellect to a powerful work of literature, it's impossible to know beforehand its ultimate effect and consequences. One must remain open to where the "side effects" will lead.Erudite, eloquent, and enthrallingly observant, Adam Phillips is one of the world's most respected psychoanalysts and a boldly original writer and thinker—and the ideal guide to exploring the provocative connections between psychoanalytic treatment and enduring, transformative literature. His fascinating and thoughtful Side Effects offers a valuable intellectual blueprint for the construction of a life beholden to no ideology other than the fulfillment of personal promise.

¡Siga adelante!

by Gabriel Agbo

¡LLegó el momento de que siga adelante! Uno de los mayores regalos que el SEÑOR nos da es la capacidad de reconocer cuándo esperar en una posición o circunstancia en particular, y cuándo avanzar a la siguiente etapa de nuestro destino. Las Escrituras siempre nos hacen saber que hay tiempo para todo. Hay un momento para quedarse y otro para avanzar. El momento para quedarse es cuando Dios le dice específicamente que lo haga, o cuando usted no está muy seguro de lo que Él quiere que usted haga. Pero cuando recibe noticias Suyas o está completamente consciente de Su voluntad en una situación en particular, entonces ese es el mejor momento para moverse y tomar posesión lo que sea que Él le haya prometido. Nuestro éxito en la vida depende en gran medida de este principio divino. En este libro aprenderá mucho sobre esto y más. Es una lectura obligatoria.

Siga em frente!

by Gabriel Agbo

Um dos maiores presentes que o Senhor nos dá é a capacidade de reconhecer quando esperar em uma posição específica ou circunstância, e quando avançar para a próxima fase do nosso destino. As escrituras sempre nos mostrarão que há um tempo certo para tudo. Há um tempo para permanecer e também um tempo para mudar. O tempo para ficar é quando Deus lhe diz especificamente para fazê-lo, ou quando você não tem muita certeza do que Ele quer que você faça. Mas, quando você ouve Dele ou está plenamente consciente de Sua vontade em uma situação específica, esse é o melhor momento para mudar e tomar posse do que Ele prometeu a você. Nosso sucesso na vida depende em grande parte desse princípio divino. Neste livro, você aprenderá muito sobre isso e mais.

Sight Unseen: An Exploration of Conscious and Unconscious Vision (Second Edition)

by Melvyn Goodale David Milner

In this updated and extended edition of their book, Goodale and Milner explore one of the most extraordinary neurological cases of recent years-one that profoundly changed scientific views on the visual brain. Taking us on a journey into the unconscious brain, this book is a fascinating illustration of the power of the 'unconscious' mind.

Sight Unseen: Gender and Race Through Blind Eyes

by Ellyn Kaschak

Sight Unseen reveals the cultural and biological realities of race, gender, and sexual orientation from the perspective of the blind. Through ten case studies and dozens of interviews, Ellyn Kaschak taps directly into the phenomenology of race, gender, and sexual orientation among blind individuals, along with the everyday epistemology of vision. Kaschak's work reveals not only how the blind create systems of meaning out of cultural norms but also how cultural norms inform our conscious and unconscious interactions with others regardless of our physical ability to see.

Sigmund Freud

by Robert Bocock

First Published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Sigmund Freud: Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis

by Sigmund Freud James Strachey Peter Gay

Freud approved the overall editorial plan, specific renderings of key words and phrases, and the addition of valuable notes, from bibliographical and explanatory. Many of the translations were done by Strachey himself; the rest were prepared under his supervision. The result was to place the Standard Edition in a position of unquestioned supremacy over all other existing versions. Newly designed in a uniform format, each new paperback in the Standard Edition opens with a biographical essay on Freud's life and work —along with a note on the individual volume—by Peter Gay, Sterling Professor of History at Yale.

Sigmund Freud (Key Figures in Counselling and Psychotherapy)

by Mr Michael Jacobs

Praise for the First Edition: `This is the Second Edition of a book first published in 1992 as part of the Key Figures in Counselling and Psychotherapy series edited by Windy Dryden. It has proved a successful introduction to the life and work of Sigmund Freud: in this present edition Michael Jacobs takes the opportunity of the new translation of Freud now appearing to offer more suggestions about reading, particularly the papers of technique available through Virago's 2001 publication of the Standard Edition' - The Journal of Analytical Psychology In refreshing contrast to most other books on Sigmund Freud, this is a highly accessible account of his life and ideas, which focuses on the relevance of Freud's work for contemporary approaches to counselling and psychotherapy. The book provides an overview which is based firmly on Freud's own writings, but which goes far beyond a recapitulation of the existing literature, to offer fresh insights and some surprises, both about Freud the man and his theories. Written by bestselling author, Michael Jacobs and now fully updated for its Second Edition, Sigmund Freud presents and responds to the criticisms that Freud's work attracted, and charts his continuing influence in the 21st century. This is highly recommended reading for those training in counselling and psychotherapy as well as those studying Freud in other contexts. Michael Jacobs is a retired lecturer in Counselling Studies and bestselling author whose publications include (in the same series), D W Winicott (SAGE, 1995) and Psychodynamic Counselling in Action, Second Edition (SAGE, 1999).

Sigmund Freud: Inventor of the Modern Mind (Eminent Lives)

by Peter D. Kramer

Referred to as "the father of psychoanalysis," Sigmund Freud is credited with championing the "talking cure" and charting the human unconscious. Both revered and reviled, he was a brilliant innovator but also a man of troubling contradictions—sometimes tyrannical, often misrepresenting the course and outcome of his treatments to make the "facts" match his theories. Peter D. Kramer—acclaimed author, practicing psychiatrist, and a leading national authority on mental health—offers a stunning new take on this controversial figure. Kramer is at once critical and sympathetic, presenting Freud the mythmaker, the storyteller, the writer whose books will survive among the classics of our literature, and the genius who transformed the way we see ourselves.

Sigmund Freud: His Life and Mind

by Helen Walker Puner

Freud's development of psychoanalysis is one of the great fault lines of twentieth-century cultural history. The field as such provides one of the great professional dramas of our time: a classic struggle between a new, vital idea and the ignorance, prejudice and refusal that so often attend major breakthroughs and innovations. Helen Puner's biography is far more than a professional appreciation. It is the story of a complex, by no means flawless individual, whose personal characteristics helped sow the seeds of controversy as well as ultimately establish a new field. Upon its initial appearance, the Herald Tribune identified the book as "the first authoritative and profoundly perceptive biography of the man who more than any other has shaped the thinking of the Western World." It was summarized as a "brilliant performance, done without fear."Puner did precisely what irritated Freud most: probe the sources, social no less than personal, religious no less than scientific, that made Freud such a towering figure. Dorothy Canfield caught the spirit of this work when she noted that in this book, we see Freud "as we never saw him before, as most of us never knew he was, a rigidly virtuous, deeply troubled, upright, dutiful Jewish son, husband and father. We see him tracing the significance of clues he hit upon in the practice of medicine, and then fit these clues into the bewildering mastery of human behavior."In his Foreword, Erich Fromm indicates that Puner looks at Freud with genuine admiration, but without idolatry. "She understands his own psychological problems and has a full appreciation of the pseudo-religious nature of the movement which he created." And the late Ernest Becker, in The Denial of Death, seconded this estimate by calling the Helen Walker Puner effort "a brilliant critical biography." This new edition contains a new introduction by Paul Roazen; with this, and the appreciation of the author by her husband, Samuel Puner, we can better locate the author of the book as well as the famous object of her analysis.

Sigmund Freud: An Introduction

by Jean-Michel Quinodoz

Jean-Michel Quinodoz introduces the essential life and work of Sigmund Freud, from the beginning of his clinical experiences in Vienna in the 1880s to his final years in London in the 1930s. Freud’s discoveries, including universally-influential concepts like the Oedipus complex and the interpretation of dreams, continue to be applied in many disciplines today. Elegantly and clearly written, each chapter leaves the reader with a solid framework for understanding key Freudian concepts, and an appetite for further knowledge. Accessible for readers inside and outside the field of psychoanalysis, there is nothing at all equivalent in English. The book starts with Freud’s life before the discovery of psychoanalysis, spanning from 1856 to 1900, when The Interpretation of Dreams was published. The subsequent chapters are devoted to the presentation of the key notions of psychoanalysis. A chronological perspective shows how Freud's work has been constantly enriched by the successive contributions of Freud himself, as well as his successors. Freud’s contributions are also embedded in the daily, clinical practice of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. The last chapter concerns Freud’s life from 1900 to 1939, the year of his death. This fascinating, concise and accessible introduction to the life and work of Sigmund Freud, one of the most influential and revolutionary figures of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, by internationally-renowned author Jean-Michel Quinodoz, will appeal to both professional readers and anyone with an interest in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and the history of ideas.. The book presents the major contributions of Sigmund Freud in their nascent state, as and when they appeared, and shows that they are as alive today as ever.

Sigmund Freud: The Basics (The Basics)

by Janet Sayers

Sigmund Freud: The Basics is an easy-to-read introduction to the life and ideas of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis and a key figure in the history of psychology. Janet Sayers provides an accessible overview of Freud’s early life and work, beginning with his childhood. Her book includes the stories of his most famous patients: Dora, Little Hans, the Rat Man, Judge Schreber, and the Wolf Man. It also discusses Freud’s key ideas such as psychosexual development, the Oedipus complex, and psychoanalytic treatment. Sayers then covers Freud’s later work, with a description of his observations about depression, trauma and the death instinct, as well as his 1923 theory of the id, ego, and superego. The book includes a glossary of key terms and concludes with examples of how psychoanalysis has been applied to the study of art, literature, film, anthropology, religion, sociology, gender politics, and racism. Sigmund Freud: The Basics offers an essential introduction for students from all backgrounds seeking to understand Freud’s ideas and for general readers with an interest in psychology. For those already familiar with Freudian ideas, it offers a helpful guide to their interdisciplinary applications and context not least today.

Sigmund Freud: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Introductions to Contemporary Psychoanalysis)

by Susan Sugarman

In this clear and concise volume, Susan Sugarman introduces the work of Sigmund Freud and keenly illustrates the impact his pioneering contributions have had on the way we think about ourselves and each other. Part of the Routledge Introductions to Contemporary Psychoanalysis series, this book sees Sugarman offer a comprehensive overview of Freud’s major theories, their clinical application, and their empirical reach. She highlights the ways in which his work is commonly misinterpreted and expertly guides the reader through his key publications on not only his general theory but also neuroses, dreams, ordinary waking mental life, and civilization and society. Considering Freud’s body of work as a whole, she explores the observations and reasoning that led him to the questions he raised and the conclusions he reached, showing the rich and nuanced approach in his writing. Sigmund Freud: A Contemporary Introduction is an essential read for psychoanalysts, both in practice and in training, as well as students and scholars looking to understand the legacy of Freud’s work.

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