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Showing 42,226 through 42,250 of 50,742 results

Sober Curious: The Blissful Sleep, Greater Focus, Limitless Presence, and Deep Connection Awaiting Us All on the Other Side of Alcohol

by Ruby Warrington

Would life be better without alcohol?It’s the nagging question more and more of us are finding harder to ignore, whether we have a “problem” with alcohol or not. After all, we yoga. We green juice. We meditate. We self-care. And yet, come the end of a long work day, the start of a weekend, an awkward social situation, we drink. One glass of wine turns into two turns into a bottle. In the face of how we care for ourselves otherwise, it’s hard to avoid how alcohol really makes us feel… terrible. How different would our lives be if we stopped drinking on autopilot? If we stopped drinking altogether? Really different, it turns out. Really better. Frank, funny, and always judgment free, Sober Curious is a bold guide to choosing to live hangover-free, from Ruby Warrington, one of the leading voices of the new sobriety movement. Drawing on research, expert interviews, and personal narrative, Sober Curious is a radical take down of the myths that keep so many of us drinking. Inspiring, timely, and blame free, Sober Curious is both conversation starter and handbook—essential reading that empowers readers to transform their relationship with alcohol, so we can lead our most fulfilling lives.

The Sober Leap: Practical Wisdom to Create an Amazing Life Beyond Addiction

by Noelle Van Vlierbergen

The Sober Leap helps recovering addicts take their recovery to the next level. Millions of women enter recovery from alcohol addiction with one goal in mind: to stay sober. They&’re left to their own devices to &“figure it out&” from there, leaving them feeling lost, disenchanted, and susceptible to relapse. The Sober Leap invites recovering addicts to step into the light and thrive in recovery. Certified Health and Addiction Recovery Coach Noelle Van Vlierbergen provides practical wisdom to change the habits and behaviors that are holding readers back from showing up fully as a powerful, sober woman. With honesty and humor, Noelle shares her own experiences with recovery and introduces readers to eleven basic principles that will transform the mind, body, and soul. Reintroducing readers to the truths they&’ve always known, but lost along the way, The Sober Leap is a call to action to let go of the past, embrace the present, and finally start living the life you were meant to live.

The Sober Life Journal: Finding Freedom One Day At A Time

by Simon Chapple

The Sober Life Journal is an all-new format that captures the essence of journaling and provides space to grow and develop as you embark on a sober life. With hundreds of writing prompts, pages for reflection, focus, inspiration and guided exercises, this beautiful new journal supports your intention to create something lasting and meaningful to accompany you on your journey to an alcohol-free life.Every day is a new fresh page, and this journal gives you the time, the tools and the safe space you need to take things one step at a time as you journey one day at a time towards a life full of joy and freedom.

The Sober Life Journal: Finding Freedom One Day At A Time

by Simon Chapple

The Sober Life Journal is an all-new format that captures the essence of journaling and provides space to grow and develop as you embark on a sober life. With hundreds of writing prompts, pages for reflection, focus, inspiration and guided exercises, this beautiful new journal supports your intention to create something lasting and meaningful to accompany you on your journey to an alcohol-free life.Every day is a new fresh page, and this journal gives you the time, the tools and the safe space you need to take things one step at a time as you journey one day at a time towards a life full of joy and freedom.

Sober Siblings: How to Help Your Alcoholic Brother or Sister-and Not Lose Yourself

by Patricia Olsen

An empowering, practical guide to help the brothers and sisters of alcoholics-by a journalist and sibling of two alcoholics, and an addiction specialist

The Sober Truth

by Zachary Dodes Lance Dodes

An exposé of Alcoholics Anonymous, 12-step programs, and the rehab industry--and how a failed addiction-treatment model came to dominate America. AA has become so infused in our society that it is practically synonymous with addiction recovery. Yet the evidence shows that AA has only a 5-10 percent success rate--hardly better than no treatment at all. Despite this, doctors, employers, and judges regularly refer addicted people to treatment programs and rehab facilities based on the 12-step model. In The Sober Truth, acclaimed addiction specialist Dr. Lance Dodes exposes the deeply flawed science that the 12-step industry has used to support its programs. Dr. Dodes analyzes dozens of studies to reveal a startling pattern of errors, misjudgments, and biases. He also pores over the research to highlight the best peer-reviewed studies available and discovers that they reach a grim consensus on the program's overall success. But The Sober Truth is more than a book about addiction. It is also a book about science and how and why AA and rehab became so popular, despite the discouraging data. Dr. Dodes explores the entire story of AA's rise, from its origins in early fundamentalist religious and mystical beliefs to its present-day place of privilege in politics and media. The Sober Truth includes true stories from Dr. Dodes's thirty-five years of clinical practice, as well as firsthand accounts submitted by addicts through an open invitation on the Psychology Today website. These stories vividly reveal the experience of walking the steps and attending some of the nation's most famous rehabilitation centers. The Sober Truth builds a powerful response to the monopoly of the 12-step program and explodes the myth that these programs offer an acceptable or universal solution to the deeply personal problem of addiction. This book offers new and actionable information for addicts, their families, and medical providers, and lays out better ways to understand addiction for those seeking a more effective and compassionate approach to this treatable problem. From the Hardcover edition.

Sobre el amor: ¿Por qué el amor es amor? Las claves artísticas y psicológicas del sentimiento más universal

by Jonah Lehrer

En Sobre el amor, Jonah Lehrer entreteje estudios científicos de psicología, análisis profundos sobre la salud y la felicidad, relatos históricos y personajes literarios, manuales sobre la crianza de los hijos y el lenguaje de las webs de citas para examinar en profundidad el impulso más misterioso e importante que determina y mueve nuestras vidas. El mito más peligroso sobre el amor es que resulta fácil, que nos dejamos llevar por el sentimiento y que a partir de ahí sigue su curso. Es posible medir la dopamina que generan los primeros síntomas de «enamoramiento», pero los vínculos afectivos y la entrega que duran décadas, o incluso más, continúan siendo un misterio. Este libro versa sobre ese misterio. El amor, sostiene Lehrer, no se cimienta únicamente en una pasión arrolladora, sino, y esto es lo más fascinante, en una serie de cualidades que deben cultivarse a lo largo de toda una vida. El amor nos confunde y determina, puede llegar a destruirnos y definirnos. Ha inspirado la poesía más sublime, ha configurado nuestras sociedades y creencias y gobierna nuestra biología. Desde el apego de los hijos a los padres, pasando por la manera en la que nos enamoramos de otra persona y por el amor que algunos profesan a su dios o a sus mascotas, hasta la manera en la que recordamos y lloramos el fin del amor, este libro se centra en un análisis que trata de abordarlo tanto en el largo plazo como en el día a día. ------- Hay dos leyes psicológicas que conforman gran parte de la experiencia humana y que existen por oposición entre sí. La primera ley es la costumbre. Cuando estamos expuestos repetidamente a un estímulo, poco a poco lo ignoramos. Por ejemplo, la ropa interior. ¿La sientes? ¿Eres consciente de que la llevas? La respuesta es no. La misma triste lógica se aplica a casi todos los placeres, desde el sabor del chocolate hasta el último artilugio de moda. El placer siempre desaparece, reemplazado por la indiferencia habitual. Pero la costumbre no lo arruina todo. Hay una segunda ley sobre la experiencia humana y se basa en lo que perdura. Entre tanto desvanecimiento hay placeres que persisten. Encontramos alegrías que nunca desaparecen. Conocemos gente que nunca se aburre. ¿Y que decimos acerca de estas cosas? Decimos que las amamos. "Amor" es otra forma de llamar a lo que nunca envejece. -------

Sobre el duelo

by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Una conmovedora reflexión acerca del duelo por la muerte de su padre de la mano de la mundialmente aclamada autora de Todos deberíamos ser feministas. En este emotivo y poderoso ensayo, que nace de un artículo publicado en The New Yorker, la autora nigeriana pone palabras al inenarrable grado de dolor causado por la repentina muerte de su padre en Nigeria: la crisis sanitaria por la pandemia de COVID-19 impidió que la autora pudiese salir de Estados Unidos para reunirse con su familia. En un intento por encontrar consuelo ante la sensación de vacío que la sacudió hasta la médula, Sobre el duelo es una breve pero inteligente y conmovedora crónica autobiográfica de las primeras etapas de la gestión de la pérdida, un revelador examen de la naturaleza del dolor, un tributo al padre que la llamaba «nwoke neli» («la que equivale a muchos hombres») y una profunda reflexión sobre la lengua y las tradiciones igbo. Este libro se enmarca en la más rabiosa y dolorosa actualidad: la autora escribe desde la certeza de ser sólo una más de entre los millones de personas en duelo, sobre las dimensiones culturales y familiares del mismo y, también, sobre la soledad y la ira inherentes a él. Sobre el duelo es un libro imprescindible para estos momentos. Y, sin embargo, resultará atemporal, duradero, y una adición indispensable al canon de la autora. En el mismo formato que Todos deberíamos ser feministas, el lector lo atesorará y compartirá más que nunca. La crítica ha dicho...«Adichie escribe para explorar la naturaleza del duelo colectivo durante la pandemia, sobre "ser uno de entre esos millones de personas en duelo, sobre las dimensiones familiares y culturales del duelo y, también, sobre la soledad y la ira que lo acompañan".»The Guardian «Una de las escritoras africanas más prometedoras de su generación.»The Guardian «Chimamanda es extremadamente hábil expresando ideas complejas [...], una mujer valiente, directa, con el don de llegar al corazón de las cosas.»Elvira Lindo «Una escritora universal.»El País «Una escritora que tiene mucho que decir.»The Times

Sobrevivendo a Esquizofrenia

by Viviane Borges Tavares Melo Richard Carlson Jr.

Richard Carlson Jr. foi diagnosticado com esquizofrenia paranoica quando tinha vinte e um anos de idade. Sua doença manifestou-se pela primeira vez quando ele era um adolescente precoce. A psiquiatria moderna fracassou muito em Richard por mais de uma década. Então, após um incidente envolvendo a polícia, ele realmente entendeu que seu diagnóstico era real e finalmente iniciou o longo processo de recuperação. Mais de dez anos depois, sua vida melhorou muito. No curso de seu tratamento, Richard também se recuperou de depressão, transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo e letargia. Não deixe acontecer o que aconteceu com Richard a você, a um ente querido ou a um paciente que esteja lidando com uma doença mental grave. Seja sempre sincero um com o outro e com o seu psiquiatra.

Sobreviviendo a la esquizofrenia

by Juan Luis Cortes Cervantes Richard Carlson Jr.

En el presente libro, su autor presenta un honésto testimonio de su padecimiento. Se trata de una autobiografía donde podemos encontrar desde los primeros años, la vida familiar, así como la aparición y tratamiento de diversas afecciones psiquiáticas. Un texto sumamente recomendable para todo aquel interesado en conocer el lado sensible de aquello que denominamos como enfermedad mental, que no es sino otra de las manifestaciones de la condición humana.

Soccer in Mind: A Thinking Fan's Guide to the Global Game (Critical Issues in Sport and Society)

by Andrew M. Guest

From the FIFA World Cup to pick-up games at your local park, soccer is the closest thing in our world to a universal entertainment. Many writers use this global popularity to describe the game’s winners and losers, but what happens when we use social science to explore how soccer intersects with culture, society, and the self? This book provides a thinking fan’s guide to the world’s most popular game, proposing a way of engaging soccer that sparks intellectual curiosity and employs critical consciousness. Using stories and data, along with ideas from sociology, psychology, and across the social sciences, it provides readers with new ways of understanding fanaticism, peak performance, talent development, and more. Drawing on concepts ranging from cognitive bias to globalization, it illuminates meanings of the game for players and fans while investigating impacts on our lives and communities. While it considers soccer cultures across the globe, the book also analyzes what makes U.S. soccer culture special, including its embrace of the women’s game. As a scholar, former minor league player and coach, and fan, Andrew Guest offers a distinctive perspective on soccer in society. Whatever name you call it, and whatever your interest in it, Soccer in Mind will enrich your own view of the one truly global game.

Sociaal-Emotionele Vragenlijst SEV

by E. M. Scholte J.D. van der Ploeg

Handleiding van de SEV. De SEV is een instrument waarmee aan de hand van gedragsbeoordelingen op eenvoudige wijze kan worden nagegaan in hoeverre kinderen kernsymptomen van sociaal- emotionele problematiek vertonen. De vier clusters van sociaal- emotionele problematiek die daarbij worden onderscheiden zijn: aandachtstekort met hyperactiviteit, sociale gedragsproblematiek, angstig en stemmingsgestoord gedrag en autistisch gedrag. Afname is geïndiceerd bij kinderen die druk, agressief, oppositioneel, angstig, depressief of stereotypisch gedrag vertonen of die ernstige communicatieproblemen hebben. Indien kinderen met een sociaal-emotionele problematiek geen goede begeleiding krijgen, lopen zij de kans later ernstige aanpassingsstoornissen te ontwikkelen. Tijdige onderkenning van de problemen is dan ook van het grootste belang. Afname van de SEV helpt bij het vroegtijdig opsporen van deze kinderen en maakt het mogelijk om op tijd over te gaan tot het inzetten preventieve interventies.ToepassingsmogelijkhedenScreening: voor het vroegtijdig opsporen van sociaal- emotioneel probleemgedrag in het basisonderwijs, voortgezet onderwijs en speciaal onderwijs.Diagnose: voor het bepalen van specifieke aard en ernst van de sociaal-emotionele problemen.Behandeling: voor het evalueren van de voortgang en de effectiviteit van behandelingen.De SEV staat op de lijst van de commissie Indicatiestelling (WAII) als aanbevolen test voor indicatiestelling voor het speciaal onderwijs en leerlinggebonden financiering.Wat meet de SEV?De items van de SEV dekken de belangrijkste kernsymptomen die de genoemde probleemgebieden in gedragsmatig opzicht constitueren volgens de DSM. De specifieke vormen van sociaal-emotionele problematiek die worden onderscheiden zijn:Aandachtstekort met hyperactiviteit (ADHD)aandachtstekorthyperactiviteitimpulsiviteitSociaal probleemgedragoppositioneel-opstandig gedrag (ODD)agressief gedrag (CD)antisociaal gedrag (CD)Angstig en stemmingsgestoord gedragangst in het algemeensociaal-angstig gedragangstig-depressief gedragAutistisch gedragVoor wie?De SEV kan worden ingevuld door beoordelaars die goed op de hoogte zijn van het gedrag van het kind. Vaak zijn dit ouders of leerkrachten. Daarnaast kunnen bijvoorbeeld maatschappelijk werkers, groepsleiders, psychologen, orthopedagogen en andere professionele hulpverleners die het kind goed kennen het instrument invullen. De uitslag mag echter alleen geïnterpreteerd worden door psychodiagnostisch bevoegde professionals.Afname en scoringDe SEV bestaat uit 72 vragen. De afname duurt circa 30 minuten. Het invullen en scoren kan handmatig en online worden gedaan. Online afname en scoring verloopt via Testweb.Heeft u een testwebaccount? Log direct in.Heeft u nog geen testwebaccount? U kunt dat hier online aanvragen.Als u de SEV in het onderwijs wil inzetten dan kunt u gebruik maken van onze speciaal voor het onderwijs ontworpen testomgeving. Meldt u daarvoor aan via www.bsltestweb.nlBelangrijk: u kunt deze test alleen afnemen indien u over de handleiding beschikt.NormgegevensDe SEV heeft sinds februari 2018 een nieuwe, up to date normering. Interpretatie van de scores vindt plaats door het vergelijken van de individuele testscores met normen die het onderscheid tussen wel en geen problematiek weergeven. Hiervoor kunt u zowel theoretisch als empirisch bepaalde afkappunten hanteren. Voor de interpretatie worden in de handleiding de volgende normgegevens verstrekt:Algemene jeugdbevolking, oudersalgemeen (meisjes en jongens 4 t/m 18 jaar)meisjes 4 t/m 11 jaarjongens 4 t/m 11 jaarmeisjes 12 t/m 18 jaarjongens 12 t/m 18 jaarAlgemene jeugdbevolking, leerkrachtenalgemeen (meisjes en jongens 4 t/m 18 jaar)meisjes 4 t/m 11 jaarjongens 4 t/m 11 jaarmeisjes 12 t/m 18 jaarjongens 12 t/m 18 jaarDe uiteindelijke interpretatie van de scores valt uiteen in:de symptomen zijn niet in klinische mate aanwezigde symptomen zijn in aanzienlijke mate aanwezigde symptomen zijn evident aanwezigCotanbeoordelinguitgangspunten bij de testconstructie: voldoendekwaliteit van het testmateriaal: goedkwaliteit van de ha

Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect

by Matthew D. Lieberman

We are profoundly social creatures - more than we know. In Social, renowned psychologist Matthew Lieberman explores groundbreaking research in social neuroscience revealing that our need to connect with other people is even more fundamental, more basic, than our need for food or shelter. Because of this, our brain uses its spare time to learn about the social world - other people and our relation to them. It is believed that we must commit 10,000 hours to master a skill. According to Lieberman, each of us has spent 10,000 hours learning to make sense of people and groups by the time we are ten. Social argues that our need to reach out to and connect with others is a primary driver behind our behavior. We believe that pain and pleasure alone guide our actions. Yet, new research using fMRI - including a great deal of original research conducted by Lieberman and his UCLA lab -- shows that our brains react to social pain and pleasure in much the same way as they do to physical pain and pleasure. Fortunately, the brain has evolved sophisticated mechanisms for securing our place in the social world. We have a unique ability to read other people's minds, to figure out their hopes, fears, and motivations, allowing us to effectively coordinate our lives with one another. And our most private sense of who we are is intimately linked to the important people and groups in our lives. This wiring often leads us to restrain our selfish impulses for the greater good. These mechanisms lead to behavior that might seem irrational, but is really just the result of our deep social wiring and necessary for our success as a species. Based on the latest cutting edge research, the findings in Social have important real-world implications. Our schools and businesses, for example, attempt to minimalize social distractions. But this is exactly the wrong thing to do to encourage engagement and learning, and literally shuts down the social brain, leaving powerful neuro-cognitive resources untapped. The insights revealed in this pioneering book suggest ways to improve learning in schools, make the workplace more productive, and improve our overall well-being. From the Hardcover edition.

Social Action Art Therapy in a Time of Crisis

by Jamie Bird

Social Action Art Therapy in a Time of Crisis outlines theories and models of social action art therapy, identifies its application in times of crisis, and explores the ways in which art therapy can work effectively for individuals and groups experiencing crisis. Drawing upon various ecologies, climate psychology, and eco-art therapy, this book addresses various responses to climate change, including notions of belonging, the physicality of experience, and the role of imagination in creating alternative versions of the future. The author presents a social action approach to art therapy as a way of addressing the political and collective components of climate change as well as the individual and emotional components. To help explore what social action art therapy can offer in this time of crisis, the author illustrates examples that show how the ideas have been used in other moments of crisis, including asylum, refuge, and domestic abuse. This innovative book contributes to the development of contemporary art therapy practice and will be of interest to arts therapists, arts psychotherapists, expressive therapists, ecotherapists, ecopsychologists, arts-based researchers, and many more.

Social Aggression Among Girls

by Marion K. Underwood

While several recent popular books address the topic of girls' "meanness" to one another, this volume offers the first balanced, scholarly analysis of scientific knowledge in this area. Integrating current research on emotion regulation, gender, and peer relations, the book examines how girls are socialized to experience and express anger and aggression from infancy through adolescence. Considered are the developmental functions of such behaviors as gossip, friendship manipulation, and social exclusion; consequences for both victims and perpetrators; and approaches to intervention and prevention. Presenting innovative research models and methods, this is an accessible and much-needed synthesis for researchers, professionals, and students. Key Features: * Hot topic, garnering coverage in general media (e.g., The New York Times Magazine) * Accessibly written, with examples clarifying abstract points * Covers and integrates both physical and social aggression

Social Amnesia: A Critique of Contemporary Psychology

by Russell Jacoby

Russell Jacoby defines social amnesia as society's repression of remembrance - society's own past. In this book, Jacoby excavates the critical and historical concepts that have fallen prey to the dynamic of a society that strips them both of their historical and critical content. Social Amnesia is an effort to remember what is perpetually lost under the pressure of society. It is simultaneously a critique of present practices and theories in psychology. Jacoby's new self-evaluation has the same sharp edge as the book itself, offering special insights into the evolution of psychological theory during the past two decades.In his probing, self-critical new introduction, Jacoby maintains that any serious appraisal of psychology or sociology, or any discipline, must seek to separate the political from the theoretical. He discusses how in the years since Social Amnesia was first published society has oscillated from extreme subjectivism to extreme objectivism, which feed off each other and constitute two forms of social amnesia: a forgetting of the past and a pseudo-historical consciousness. Social Amnesia contains a forceful argument for "thinking against the grain - an endeavor that remains as urgent as ever." It is an important work for sociologists, psychologists, and psychoanalysts.

Social and Academic Abilities in Children with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders

by Nirit Bauminger-Zviely

A uniquely comprehensive resource for practitioners, this research-based book addresses both the social-emotional and cognitive-academic challenges faced by children and adolescents with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders (HFASD). The author traces these kids' developmental trajectories and explores their distinct combination of strengths and needs. Effective school-based interventions for overcoming the social isolation and learning difficulties often associated with HFASD are reviewed in depth. Appendices include concise descriptions of more than 50 relevant assessment tools, plus a detailed, practical outline of the author's empirically supported social intervention model. E-book purchasers can download and print the tables from the Appendices at the companion Web page.

Social and Applied Aspects of Perceiving Faces

by Thomas R. Alley

This interdisciplinary overview integrates a variety of perspectives on the process and interpretation of faces as a major source of verbal and nonverbal communication. Written by authors from social, experimental, and cognitive psychology as well as from the dental sciences, Social and Applied Aspects of Perceiving Faces covers topics including normal variation in facial appearance and facial anomalies.

Social and Behavioral Research and the Internet: Advances in Applied Methods and Research Strategies (European Association of Methodology Series)

by Marcel Das, Peter Ester and Lars Kaczmirek

Highlighting the progress made by researchers in using Web-based surveys for data collection, this timely volume summarizes the experiences of leading behavioral and social scientists from Europe and the US who collected data using the Internet. Some chapters present theory, methodology, design, and implementation, while others focus on best practice examples and/or issues such as data quality and understanding paradata. A number of contributors applied innovative Web-based research methods to the LISS panel of CentERdata collected from over 5,000 Dutch households. Their findings are presented in the book. Some of the data is available on the book website. The book addresses practical issues such as data quality, how to reach difficult target groups, how to design a survey to maximize response, and ethical issues that need to be considered. Innovative applications such as the use of biomarkers and eye-tracking techniques are also explored. Part 1 provides an overview of Internet survey research including its methodologies, strengths, challenges, and best practices. Innovative ways to minimize sources of error are provided along with a review of mixed-mode designs, how to design a scientifically sound longitudinal panel and avoid sampling problems, and address ethical requirements in Web surveys. Part 2 focuses on advanced applications including the impact of visual design on the interpretability of survey questions, the impact survey usability has on respondents’ answers, design features that increase interaction, and how Internet surveys can be effectively used to study sensitive issues. Part 3 addresses data quality, sample selection, measurement and non-response error, and new applications for collecting online data. The issue of underrepresentation of certain groups in Internet research and the measures most effective at reducing it are also addressed. The book concludes with a discussion of the importance of paradata and the Web data collection process in general, followed by chapters with innovative experiments using eye-tracking techniques and biomarker data. This practical book appeals to practitioners from market survey research institutes and researchers in disciplines such as psychology, education, sociology, political science, health studies, marketing, economics, and business who use the Internet for data collection, but is also an ideal supplement for graduate and/or upper level undergraduate courses on (Internet) research methods and/or data collection taught in these fields.

Social and Behavioral Research for Homeland Security

by John G. Voeller

Social and Behavioral Research for Homeland Security features articles from the Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security covering social and psychological aspects of terrorism and counterterrorism efforts from different perspectives. First, it examines the roots of terrorism; second, it explores the consequences of terrorism; then communication, training, and learning development of responders and the public in situations of terror attacks, are discussed.

Social and Behavioral Sciences for National Security: Proceedings of a Summit

by Engineering Medicine National Academies of Sciences

In the coming years, complex domestic and international environments and challenges to national security will continue. Intelligence analysts and the intelligence community will need access to the appropriate tools and developing knowledge about threats to national security in order to provide the best information to policy makers. Research and knowledge from the social and behavioral sciences (SBS) can help inform the work of intelligence analysis; however, in the past, bringing important findings from research to bear on the day-to-day work of intelligence analysis has been difficult. In order to understand how knowledge from science can be directed and applied to help the intelligence community fulfill its critical responsibilities, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will undertake a 2-year survey of the social and behavioral sciences. To launch this discussion, a summit designed to highlight cutting-edge research and identify future directions for research in a few areas of the social and behavioral sciences was held in October 2016. This publication summarizes the presentations and discussions from the summit.

Social and Civic Competencies Against Radicalization in Schools

by Marcin Sklad Mona Irrmischer Eri Park Inge Versteegt Jantine Wignand

This book discusses a range of interventions that can be implemented in schools to prevent radicalization and violent extremism. The book advocates for primary prevention by strengthening social and citizenship competences of youth. It combines perspectives of citizenship education, school psychology, positive psychology, peace psychology and social-emotional learning to highlight the spectrum of approaches that practitioners can consider adopting or advocating for. Mechanisms of radicalization the approaches may relate to are also discussed making it useful not only for practitioners and policy makers developing and implementing preventive interventions at schools, but also for academics studying radicalization and students of education, youth work and educational psychology. The authors discuss relevant concepts such as identity development, perspective taking, political self-efficacy, citizenship competences and youth empowerment, mindfulness and self-regulation.

Social and Cognitive Approaches to Interpersonal Communication

by Susan R. Fussell Roger J. Kreuz

Historically, the social aspects of language use have been considered the domain of social psychology, while the underlying psycholinguistic mechanisms have been the purview of cognitive psychology. Recently, it has become increasingly clear that these two dimensions are highly interrelated: cognitive mechanisms underlying speech production and comprehension interact with social psychological factors, such as beliefs about one's interlocutors and politeness norms, and with the dynamics of the conversation itself, to produce shared meaning. This realization has led to an exciting body of research integrating the social and cognitive dimensions which has greatly increased our understanding of human language use. Each chapter in this volume demonstrates how the theoretical approaches and research methods of social and cognitive psychology can be successfully interwoven to provide insight into one or more fundamental questions about the process of interpersonal communication. The topics under investigation include the nature and role of speaker intentions in the communicative process, the production and comprehension of indirect speech and figurative language, perspective-taking and conversational collaboration, and the relationships between language, cognition, culture, and social interaction. The book will be of interest to all those who study interpersonal language use: social and cognitive psychologists, theoretical and applied linguists, and communication researchers.

Social and Cognitive Development in the Context of Individual, Social, and Cultural Processes (Routledge International Library Of Psychology Ser. #No.2)

by Catherine Raeff Janette B. Benson

Several recent analyses have focused on how social and cultural factors shape development, but less well understood are the individual constructive processes involved in this interplay. This volume showcases varied theoretical and empirical approaches to how individual, social and cultural factors shape development, and suggests new directions for future scholarship.

Social and Communication Disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injury (Brain, Behaviour and Cognition)

by Leanne Togher Chris Code Skye McDonald

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can seriously disrupt the social and communication skills that are basic requirements for everyday life. It is the loss of these interpersonal skills that can be the most devastating for people with TBI and their families. Although there are many books that focus upon TBI, none focus on communication and communication skills specifically. This book fills this important gap in the literature and provides information ranging from a broad overview of the nature of pathology following TBI and its effects on cognition and behaviour, through to the latest evidence about ways to assess and treat social and communication disorders. Much has changed in the field of communication disorders and TBI since the first edition of this book was published in 1999. There have been advances in neuroimaging, providing more accurate understanding of how the brain is damaged in TBI and also insights into its repair. There has been a burgeoning interest in social cognition, and advances in how communication is conceptualized, with a particular focus on the role of how context facilitates or impedes communicative ability. Most importantly, much has changed in the arena of rehabilitation. There is now a growing evidence base of treatments aimed at improving communication problems following TBI, new resources for accessing this information and renewed interest in different kinds of methods for demonstrating treatment effects. Bringing together a range of expert international researchers interested in understanding the nature and treatment of TBI this book covers topics from understanding how the brain damage occurs, how it affects social and communication skills and how these problems might be treated. As such it will be of great interest to clinicians, postgraduate and undergraduate students and researchers in neuropsychology, speech and language pathology.

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