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Showing 42,776 through 42,800 of 50,731 results

The Solitary Self: Darwin and the Selfish Gene

by Mary Midgley

Renowned philosopher Mary Midgley explores the nature of our moral constitution to challenge the view that reduces human motivation to self-interest. Midgley argues cogently and convincingly that simple, one-sided accounts of human motives, such as the 'selfish gene' tendency in recent neo-Darwinian thought, may be illuminating but are always unrealistic. Such neatness, she shows, cannot be imposed on human psychology. She returns to Darwin's original writings to show how the reductive individualism which is now presented as Darwinism does not derive from Darwin but from a wider, Hobbesian tradition in Enlightenment thinking. She reveals the selfish gene hypothesis as a cultural accretion that is just not seen in nature. Heroic independence is not a realistic aim for Homo sapiens. We are, as Darwin saw, earthly organisms, framed to interact constantly with one another and with the complex ecosystems of which we are a tiny part. For us, bonds are not just restraints but also lifelines.

A Solitary Sorrow: Finding Healing & Wholeness after Abortion

by Teri Reisser Paul Reisser

Despite the growing frequency of abortions, most women feel intensely isolated, guilty, and angry afterward. Co-authored by a family therapist and a physician, this book addresses the questions women have about Post-Abortion Syndrome and how to deal with feelings of loss, guilt, and anger. The Reissers have counseled hundreds of post-abortion women.

Solitude: A Singular Life in a Crowded World

by Michael Harris

Governor General's Award-winner Michael Harris explores the profound emotional and intellectual benefits of solitude, and how we may achieve it in our fast-paced world.The capacity to be alone--properly alone--is one of life's subtlest skills. Real solitude is a contented and productive state that garners tangible rewards: it allows us to reflect and recharge, improving our relationships with ourselves and, paradoxically, with others. Today, the zeitgeist embraces sharing like never before. Fueled by our dependence on online and social media, we have created an ecosystem of obsessive distraction that dangerously undervalues solitude. Many of us now lead lives of strangely crowded loneliness--we are ever-connected, but only shallowly so. Award-winning author Michael Harris examines why our experience of solitude has become so impoverished, and how we may grow to love it again in the frenzy of our digital landscape. Solitude is an optimistic and encouraging story about discovering true quiet inside the city, inside the crowd, inside our busy and urbane lives. Harris guides readers away from a life of ceaseless pings toward a state of measured connectivity, one that balances solitude and companionship. Rich with true stories about the life-changing power of solitude, and interwoven with reporting from the world's foremost brain researchers, psychologists and tech entrepreneurs, Solitude is a beautiful and prescriptive statement on the benefits of being alone.

Solitude: In Pursuit of a Singular Life in a Crowded World

by Michael Harris

With a foreword by Nicholas Carr, author of the Pulitzer Prize–finalist The Shallows.Today, society embraces sharing like never before. Fueled by our dependence on mobile devices and social media, we have created an ecosystem of obsessive connection. Many of us now lead lives of strangely crowded isolation: we are always linked, but only shallowly so.The capacity to be alone, properly alone, is one of life’s subtlest skills. Real solitude is a powerful resource we can call upon—a crucial ingredient for a rich interior life. It inspires reflection, allows creativity to flourish, and improves our relationships with ourselves and, unexpectedly, with others. Idle hands can, in fact, produce the extraordinary. In living bigger and faster, we have forgotten the joys of silence, and undervalued how profoundly it can revolutionize our lives.This book is about discovering stillness inside the city, inside the crowd, inside our busy lives. With wit and energy, award-winning author Michael Harris weaves captivating true stories with reporting from the world’s foremost brain researchers, psychologists, and tech entrepreneurs to guide us toward a state of measured connectivity that balances quiet and companionship.Solitude is a beautiful and convincing statement on the transformative power of being alone.

Sollen Wollen und Lassen Sollen: Die Lücke zwischen Moral und Verhalten

by Lydia Lange

Dieses Buch untersucht auf evolutionspsychologischer Basis Moral und ihre Auswirkungen. Wir teilen die Welt in gut und böse ein. Moral soll sie verbessern. Da sie am Ideal ausgerichtet ist, nicht an Naturgesetzen, führt Moral häufig zu gesellschaftlich unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen. Um unsere sittlichen Ideale an das dem Menschen Mögliche anzupassen, benötigen wir neben der Moral weitere vorläufige Ergebnisse der kulturellen Evolution: gesellschaftliche Institutionen, Recht, Technik, Wissenschaft, Politik. Diese können dem Menschen dienlich sein, wenn sie die Natur des Menschen berücksichtigen.

Solo quiero que sepas: Lo que hemos aprendido y descubierto acerca de las relaciones amorosas

by Andrés Spyker Kelly Spyker

En este libro íntimo, honesto y lleno de humor, los pastores y comunicadores internacionales Andrés y Kelly Spyker comparten sobre su matrimonio de 20 años y los principios no negociables que les han ayudado a superar constantemente sus diferencias y a profundizar en su determinación de ser un equipo unido, sin dejar de fomentar los sueños y el potencial del otro.Andrés y Kelly Spyker nos entregan una obra en la que aprendemos de las relaciones de pareja, el noviazgo y toda la realidad del matrimonio, pero de una forma que va más allá de un estudio o una mera reflexión. Ellos nos llevan a través de sus propias vivencias personales y nos muestran cómo el Señor los guio en medio de las incertidumbres y complejidades propias de la juventud para poder tener un noviazgo y luego un matrimonio fructífero, sabio, duradero y que da gloria a Dios.En Solo quiero que sepas, los Spyker abordan cuestiones y responden a preguntas sobre:La elección de la parejaLos principios del noviazgoLa presión de los primeros años de matrimonioResolución de conflictos y acuerdosPor qué el mejor sexo se da en el matrimonioEl secreto de estar casado y ser feliz, y mucho másSolo quiero que sepas ayudará a muchos a recorrer con mayor sabiduría el territorio escarpado que Andrés y Kelly ya recorrieron con éxito y que ahora ponen en nuestras manos de manera honesta, coloquial, amena y llena de enseñanzas de principio a fin.I Just Want You to KnowIn this intimate, honest, and humorous book, pastors and international communicators Andres and Kelly Spyker share on their 20-year marriage and the non-negotiable principles that have helped them to consistently overcome their differences and deepen their resolve to be a unified team, while still fostering each other&’s dreams and potential.Andres and Kelly Spyker present us with a book in which we learn about relationships, courtship and the reality of marriage, but in a way that goes beyond a study or a mere reflection. They take us through their own personal experiences and show us how the Lord guided them in the midst of the uncertainties and complexities of youth to be able to have a courtship and then a fruitful, wise, lasting marriage that gives glory to God.In I Just Want You to Know, the Spykers address issues and answer questions about:Choosing a mateThe principles of courtshipThe pressures of the early years of marriageConflict resolution and compromiseWhy the best sex happens in marriageThe secret to being married and being happy, and much moreI just want you to know will help many to walk more wisely through the rugged territory that Andres and Kelly have already successfully traversed and now put in our hands in an honest, colloquial, entertaining and teaching-filled way from beginning to end.

Solteiros, sem filhos: quem é sua família?

by Bella Depaulo Mariana Eunice Alves de Almeida

Enquanto muitos costumam descriminar pessoas solteiras, sem filhos, como aqueles que não têm nenhuma família, a renomada especialista em solteiros, Professora DePaulo vai na contramão. Ao invés de repudiá-los, ela nos fornece um exemplo eficaz do importante papel que pessoas solteiras têm ao manter as famílias unidas, ao criar novas formas de famílias, e ao propor formas inovadoras de se viver. Este breve livro inclui novos escritos e artigos previamente publicados em revistas como a Time. Ele divide-se em quatro capítulos. 1. Bem-vindo a formas mais amplas e gerais de se pensar sobre famílias 2. Como nossas famílias tornaram-se muito mais do que apenas mãe, pai e os filhos 3. Famílias e modos de vida inovadores 4. Por que as pessoas se irritam com mulheres que permanecem solteiras e não têm filhos? 5. Solteiros, sem filhos: quem é sua família?

Soltero y sin hijos: ¿Tienes familia?

by Bella Depaulo Marisoly Álvarez Scarpitta

Este reciente libro de la renombrada experta Bella DePaulo incluye nuevos escritos así como artículos anteriormente publicados en la revista Time, Quartz y una publicación académica: 1. Bienvenidos a maneras más amplias e inclusivas de pensar sobre la familia 2. Cómo nuestras familias llegaron a ser más que Mamá, Papá y los niños 3. Familias innovadoras y Maneras innovadoras de vivir 4. ¿Por qué la gente se enoja con las mujeres que deciden no casarse y tampoco tienen hijos? 5. Soltero y sin hijos: ¿Tienes familia? Mientras que muchos pueden sentirse tentados a desdeñar a las personas solteras y sin hijos pensando que no tienen familia, la Profesora DePaulo ha estado siempre a la defensa de los solteros; y, en lugar de ello, provee poderosa evidencia en favor del papel extraordinario que cumplen las personas solteras en mantener a las familias unidas, creando nuevos tipos de familia y creando formas innovadoras de vivir.

Solution Building in Couples Therapy

by Elliott Connie

At the core of this step-by-step guide to solution focused therapy is a real-life evolving case study, offering readers a highly detailed panorama of couples therapy in action. Beginning with a clear explanation of the assumptions and tenets required for the practice of solution focused therapy, the book presents a step-by-step breakdown of exactly how to conduct solution-focused sessions with couples. Each chapter highlights a different part of the therapeutic process and includes sample dialogues, techniques, vignettes from the evolving case example, and thought-provoking questions. Readers will feel as though they themselves are going through the therapeutic process with the couple and observing the impact of each step of the process.

Solution Focused Anxiety Management: A Treatment And Training Manual

by Ellen K. Quick

Solution Focused Anxiety Management provides the clinician with evidence-based techniques to help clients manage anxiety. Cognitive behavioral and strategic tools, acceptance-based ideas, and mindfulness are introduced from a solution-focused perspective and tailored to client strengths and preferences. The book presents the conceptual foundation, methods, and attitudes of a solution-focused approach. Case examples illustrate how to transform anxiety into the "Four Cs" (courage, coping, appropriate caution and choice). Readers learn how to utilize solution focused anxiety management in single-session, brief, and intermittent therapy as well as in a class setting. The book additionally includes all materials needed for teaching solution focused anxiety management in a four-session psychoeducational class: complete instructor notes, learner readings, and companion online materials. Special Features: Focuses on what works in anxiety management Presents evidenced based techniques from a solution-focused perspective Increases effectiveness by utilizing client strengths and preferences Describes applications in single session, brief, and intermittent therapy Supplies forms and worksheets for the therapist to use in practice Features clinically rich case examples Supplements text with online companion material Suitable for use as a treatment manual, reference, or course text Offers a solution-focused anxiety treatment Focuses on anxiety management, not "elimination" Translates the program to individual therapy Presents patient exercises and case examples Includes a guide for teaching/learning this therapeutic technique

Solution-Focused Applied Psychology: A Design Science Research Based Protocol

by Louis Cauffman Mathieu Weggeman

This book presents a research-based solution-focused applied psychology approach (SoFAP-P) that is efficient and effective in helping clients address challenges and can be applied to a wide range of psychological domains. Lessons learned from preceding psychological models, including psychoanalysis, behavioral therapy, humanistic psychology, family systems therapy and the pioneering contributions of Milton Erickson and the groundbreaking solution-focused therapy of Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg, culminate in this innovative SoFAP-P approach. Based on a thorough analysis of many solution-focused case studies, this tested and validated scientifically based protocol can be used as a learning guide to better understand the SoFAP-P, as well as the innovative qualitative methodology used to validate it. Cauffman and Weggeman show how this design science research (DSR) methodology is used to design, test and validate a generic set of actions that yield interventions to effectively apply to solution-focused client cases. The book demonstrates the importance of SoFAP-P to both psychological science and society and offers a glimpse into its growing potential as an intervention model. Those interested in the field of DSR will benefit from the overview of one of the first applications of DSR methodology in the psychological sciences, as well as students and academics in applied psychology.

The Solution Focused Approach with Children and Young People: Current Thinking and Practice

by Denise Yusuf

The Solution Focused Approach with Children and Young People: Current Thinking and Practice brings together leading figures and innovative practitioners from different professions, contexts and countries to provide a unique overview of Solution Focused work with children and young people. Presenting a range of applications in individual, group and community work, it puts the spotlight on diverse fields, exploring how the Solution Focused approach can work in real-world contexts. This book showcases a powerful, engaging approach which helps children and young people find the resources and strengths to manage difficulties and make the most of their lives. It contains interesting case studies, narrative descriptions of original practice, programmes of work developed using Solution Focused principles, and thought-provoking discussions of key elements of practice. With chapters presenting perspectives from coaching, therapy, consultancy and education, and applications including learning assessments, child protection, bereavement, edge of care, and youth offending, the book provides an overview of the current state of practice and provides pointers to potential new developments. The Solution Focused Approach with Children and Young People will help both experienced practitioners and those new to the approach to develop and update their knowledge and skills, as well as introducing them to creative and cutting-edge tools to inspire fresh ideas and thinking. It will be essential reading for Solution Focused practitioners and students, as well as coaches, social workers, school counsellors and mental health professionals working with children and young people.

Solution-Focused Brief Practice with Long-Term Clients in Mental Health Services: "I Am More Than My Label"

by Thorana S. Nelson Joel K. Simon

Valuable patient-centered ideas for treating mental illness <P><P> Traditional forms of mental health care can often center more on simply avoiding hospitalization than on promoting wellness by focusing on a patient’s personal feelings and hopes. In fact, these established methods can even have a dehumanizing and devaluing effect on a patient. Solution-Focused Brief Practice with Long-Term Clients in Mental Health Services is a practical introduction and guide that provides practitioners an alternative way of thinking about and working with individuals who have been long-term users of the mental health system. Through interviews, case studies, and actual client testimony, this valuable text demonstrates the most effective ways to establish patient-centered conversations that forge collaborative relationships, realize strengths, and use them to move toward healing. Solution-Focused Brief Practice with Long-Term Clients in Mental Health Services is a strength-based approach that utilizes a client’s personal and social resources to help them find a satisfactory solution to the sources of their need for professional help. This book offers a unique approach that can be applied to those who have been in the mental health system for many years and may remain so. Accessible and useable, this guide explores the meaning of conventional diagnosis and treatment and how both can actually reinforce the client’s disability, chronicity, and sense of helplessness as a person. Topics Solution-Focused Brief Practice with Long-Term Clients in Mental Health Services covers include: the tools of solution-focused brief practice working with borderline personality disorder adaptability and application to different contexts “reading” the client during discussion sessions emphasizing an individual’s healthy parts the role of community support rethinking the medical model implementing solution-focused practices in agencies and hospitals poststructuralism, social constructionism, and language games and many more! Solution-Focused Brief Practice with Long-Term Clients in Mental Health Services is extensively referenced with a detailed bibliography. It is an essential resource for psychiatrists, social workers, psychologists, family therapists, counselors, nurse practitioners, and schools of social work and family therapy training programs. Staff of inpatient psychiatric hospitals, psycho-social clubs, and community mental health clinics will also benefit from this indispensable text.

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: Its Effective Use in Agency Settings

by Yvonne M. Dolan Teri Pichot

Re-energize your practice! Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: Its Effective Use in Agency Settings chronicles the lessons learned when a substance abuse counseling program switches its theoretical orientation from problem-focused to solution-focused. The book details the technical aspects of the changeover (theory, techniques, interventions, politics, and team design) as well as the personal struggles the team endured and the successes they enjoyed. It demonstrates how solution-focused therapy can be applied to both clinical and administrative work while addressing questions and concerns, providing general information and help in understanding the subtleties and idiosyncrasies of the treatment. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy is a practical, step-by-step guide to individual and group solution-focused therapy, presenting a new and effective method of working with clients that re-energizes therapists and benefits administrators and clinical supervisors. The book provides clear descriptions of basic interventions and philosophy, highlights points of contrast with more traditional approaches, examines the principles behind the "Miracle Question," and demonstrates how to integrate relapse prevention, help clients maintain therapeutic gains, and communicate effectively with colleagues who represent different philosophies. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy provides a thorough understanding of solution-focused therapy through the use of: case studies interviews with therapists sample forms tables and much more! Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: Its Effective Use in Agency Settings is ideal for professionals interested in implementing solution-focused therapy into individual, group, or agency settings, including child protection agencies, community mental health clinics, private practices, sexual abuse programs, substance abuse treatment, family based services, and academics working in substance abuse counseling, social work, psychology, and general counseling.

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: A Handbook of Evidence-Based Practice

by Cynthia Franklin Terry S. Trepper Wallace J. Gingerich Eric E. Mccollum

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: A Handbook of Evidence-Based Practice brings together a talented cadre of professionals from the United States, Europe, Canada, and Japan who summarize state-of-the-art solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) practice and research from around the world. This book offers an evidence-informed review of SFBT for both practitioners and researchers and reviews the current state of the research on solution-focused therapy interventions using diverse research methods, including microanalysis and basic research, experimental designs, meta-analysis, process studies, and the best program evaluations and practice-based research from clinics and other settings. The book has 25 chapters divided into five sections.

Solution Focused Brief Therapy

by Evan George Harvey Ratner Chris Iveson

Solution Focused Brief Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques provides a concise and jargon-free guide to the thinking and practice of this exciting approach, which enables people to make changes in their lives quickly and effectively. It covers: The history and background to solution focused practice The philosophical underpinnings of the approach Techniques and practices Specific applications to work with children and adolescents, (including school-based work) families, and adults How to deal with difficult situations Organisational applications including supervision, coaching and leadership. Frequently asked questions This book is an invaluable resource for all therapists and counsellors, whether in training or practice. It will also be essential for any professional whose job it is to help people make changes in their lives, and will therefore be of interest to social workers, probation officers, psychiatric staff, doctors, and teachers, as well as those working in organisations as coaches and managers.

Solution Focused Brief Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques (100 Key Points)

by Evan George Harvey Ratner Chris Iveson

Solution Focused Brief Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques provides a concise and jargon-free guide to the thinking and practice of this exciting approach, which enables people to make changes in their lives quickly and effectively. It covers: The history and background to solution focused practice The philosophical underpinnings of the approach Techniques and practices Specific applications to work with children and adolescents, (including school-based work) families, and adults How to deal with difficult situations Organisational applications including supervision, coaching and leadership. Frequently asked questions This book is an invaluable resource for all therapists and counsellors, whether in training or practice. It will also be essential for any professional whose job it is to help people make changes in their lives, and will therefore be of interest to social workers, probation officers, psychiatric staff, doctors, and teachers, as well as those working in organisations as coaches and managers.

The Solution Focused Brief Therapy Diamond: A New Approach to SFBT That Will Empower Both Practitioner and Client to Achieve the Best Outcomes

by Elliott E. Connie Adam S. Froerer

A guide for clinicians (both beginner or seasoned professional) to understand the philosophy and practical steps of Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) to maximize their effectiveness with any client, written by two respected and innovative experts in the field.Solution focused brief therapy (SFBT) is a therapeutic approach that focuses on the client&’s hoped-for future instead of their ongoing problems. Elliott E. Connie and Adam S. Froerer are the founders of The Solution Focused Universe and are two of the most respected and innovative experts in their field. Together, they have developed the Diamond model—a framework of SFBT skills and tools designed to guide a clinician through each session of therapy—which is one of the biggest innovations in the field of solution focused brief therapy.This is a practical guide for any clinician (beginner or seasoned professional) to understand the philosophy and practical steps of conducting an SFBT session. Among the topics discussed:How to presuppose the best in your client How to trust your client&’s capabilityThe stance clinicians should adopt to be effective solution focused practitionersThe art of asking meaningful questionsThe importance of autonomyThis book also includes tools to help practitioners implement this approach, including a complete SFBT session with editorial comments that illustrate the thinking that goes into constructing a session, as well as 101 solution focused questions that practitioners can use.Connie and Froerer see their Diamond model as life-changing for all parties involved. They write, &“This work is transformative not only for clients but also for you. When you view your clients as capable and strong, it changes you—and how you do your job. Your perceptions directly impact your actions.&”

Solution Focused Brief Therapy in Alternative Schools: Ensuring Student Success and Preventing Dropout

by Cynthia Franklin Calvin L. Streeter Linda Webb Samantha Guz

Solution Focused Brief Therapy in Alternative Schools (SFBT) provides a step-by-step guide for how school social workers and counselors can work with other school professionals to create an effective solution focused dropout prevention program. Along with illustrative cases and detailed explanations, the authors detail the curriculum and day-to-day operations of a solution focused dropout prevention program by drawing on the experiences of a school that uses this approach.

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with Families

by Thorana S. Nelson

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with Families describes SFBT from a systemic perspective and provides students, educators, trainers, and practitioners with a clear explanation and rich examples of SFBT and systemic family therapy. Family therapists will learn how SFBT works with families, solution-focused therapists will learn how a systemic understanding of clients and their contexts can enhance their work, and all will learn how to harness the power of each to the service of their clients. The book starts with an exploration of systems, cybernetics, and communication theory basics such as wholeness, recursion, homeostasis, and change. Following this is an introduction to five fundamental family therapy approaches and an overview of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy. Next, the author considers SFBT within a systems paradigm and provides a demonstration of SFBT with families and couples. Each step is explicated with ideas from both SFBTA as well as systems. The final chapter shows how SFBT practices can be applied to a variety of family therapy approaches. This accessible text is enhanced by descriptions, case examples, dialogue, and commentary that are both systemic and solution-focused. Readers will come away with a new appreciation for both the systemic worldview of SFBT and SFBT principles as applied to systemic work.

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with the LGBT Community: Creating Futures through Hope and Resilience

by Rebekka Ouer

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with the LGBT Community is a practical guide for mental health professionals who wish to increase their therapeutic skills and work more effectively with LGBT clients. This book shows how to help clients reach their goals in tangible, respectful ways by identifying and emphasizing the hope, resources, and strength already present within this population. Readers will increase their knowledge about the practical application of SFBT through case examples and transcripts, modified directly from the author’s work with the LGBT community, and by learning more about the miracle question, exceptions, scaling, compliments, coping, homework, and more.

Solution-focused Business Coaching: A Guide for Individual and Team Coaching (Business Guides on the Go)

by Jörg Middendorf

This book presents the fundamentals and applications of solution-focused coaching both in individual coaching and in coaching entire teams. It provides central tools for consulting as well as an extensive collection of solution-focused coaching questions for practical use. In the second part of the book, methods and procedures for conducting team coaching workshops are presented. The book is aimed primarily at coaches and consultants who want to enrich their work with solution-focused coaching, as well as managers especially in the field of human resource management.

Solution Focused Coaching for Adolescents: Overcoming Emotional and Behavioral Problems

by Caroline Beumer-Peeters

Solution Focused Coaching for Adolescents explains the principles and attitude of the popular 11-step, Mission Possible, Solution Focused Coaching program for working with adolescents. By comparing the Mission Possible principles with the 'normal' way of problem-solving in coaching scenarios, the author makes the theoretical structure and conversational style of the program easy to learn for professionals. Applied both individually and as a group activity, Mission Possible is a learning experience that makes fulfilling dreams and achieving goals easier for teenagers and young adults. It helps to make difficult things accessible for them by using one's own strengths and resources. The book is filled with detailed case studies and useful coaching tools, breaking the program down into five themes, outlining the goals, the process, and any potential pitfalls. This practical book is intended for coaches, youth counselors, trainers, teachers, mentors, and therapists who want to coach young people using the clear step-by-step Mission Possible-program, and all those working in pastoral roles with children and adolescents.

Solution Focused Coaching in Asia: History, Key Concepts, Development, and Applications

by Debbie Hogan Jane Tuomola Sukanya Wignaraja

Through inspiring stories illustrating the diverse application of coaching within Asian contexts, this data-rich volume dives into the theory and practice of Solution Focused coaching offering numerous tools and techniques that can be used immediately. With the rising demand for coaching across Asia, there is a need for coaches to have access to up-to-date practice-based evidence of its effectiveness. The Solution Focused approach, as a social-constructionist approach, privileges the clients’ experience, resources, and preferred future over an 'analytic' or deficit-oriented stance. Contributors analyse real case examples from many countries across Asia including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Cambodia, and Sri Lanka. Practical in its approach, the book offers new insights into established areas of coaching and also highlights innovations in coaching in areas where Solution Focused coaching and other models have not reached until recently. These areas include health and wellness coaching for medical compliance needs, faith-based coaching, and coaching incarcerated fathers.This is an essential and comprehensive resource that is written for both beginner and experienced coaches and addresses the need for effective and culturally sensitive coaching models in Asia. It will also be beneficial for managers and health care professionals looking to enhance their work through coaching skills.

Solution Focused Coaching in Practice (Essential Coaching Skills and Knowledge)

by Stephen Palmer Helen Williams Bill O'Connell

Solution Focused Coaching in Practice is a practical 'how-to' guide that provides an invaluable overview of Solution Focused Coaching skills and techniques. Reflecting upon published research on the solution focused approach, Bill O'Connell, Stephen Palmer and Helen Williams bring their own experiences of Solution Focused Coaching together with others in the field to cover topics such as: the coach-coachee relationship the role of technology in coaching inclusive coaching group and team coaching practical issues and skills. Incorporating coachee case studies, worksheets, practice tips and discussion points, the skills, strategies and techniques in this book are straightforward to apply and can be used in most coaching settings. This practical book is essential reading for experienced personal or executive coaches, managers considering introducing a new and better coaching culture for their staff, and for those just starting out on their coaching journey.

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