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Such Good Boys: The True Story of a Mother, Two Sons and a Horrifying Murder

by Tina Dirmann

AN ABUSIVE MOTHER: Raised in the suburb of Riverside, California, twenty-year-old college student Jason Bautista endured for years his emotionally disturbed mother's verbal and psychological abuse. She even locked him out of the house, tied him up with electrical cord, and on one occasion, gave him a beating that sent him to the emergency room. His fifteen-year-old half brother Matthew Montejo also was a victim to Jane Bautista's dark mood swings and erratic behavior, but for some reason, Jason received the brunt of the abuse―until he decided he'd had enough… <p><p> A SON'S REVENGE: On the night of January 14, 2003, Jason strangled his mother. To keep authorities from identifying her body, he chopped off her head and hands, an idea he claimed he got from watching an episode of the hit TV series "The Sopranos." Matthew would later testify in court that he sat in another room in the house with the TV volume turned up while Jason murdered their mother. He also testified that he drove around with Jason to find a place to dump Jane's torso. <p><p> A CRIME THAT WOULD BOND TWO BROTHERS: The morning following the murder, Matthew went to school, and Jason returned to his classes at Cal State San Bernardino. When authorities zeroed in on them, Jason lied and said that Jane had run off with a boyfriend she'd met on the Internet. But when police confronted the boys with overwhelming evidence, Jason confessed all. Now the nightmare was only just beginning for him…

Such Stuff as Dreams

by Keith Oatley

Such Stuff as Dreams: The Psychology of Fiction explores how fiction works in the brains and imagination of both readers and writers.Demonstrates how reading fiction can contribute to a greater understanding of, and the ability to change, ourselvesInformed by the latest psychological research which focuses on, for example, how identification with fictional characters occurs, and how literature can improve social abilitiesExplores traditional aspects of fiction, including character, plot, setting, and theme, as well as a number of classic techniques, such as metaphor, metonymy, defamiliarization, and cuesIncludes extensive end-notes, which ground the work in psychological studiesFeatures excerpts from fiction which are discussed throughout the text, including works by William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Kate Chopin, Anton Chekhov, James Baldwin, and others

Sucht im Alter – Maßnahmen und Konzepte für die Pflege

by Tanja Hoff Ulrike Kuhn Silke Kuhn Michael Isfort

Praxiserprobte Maßnahmen für die Pflege älterer Suchtkranker.Schädlicher Substanzmittelkonsum oder eine Abhängigkeit werden bei älteren Menschen häufig nicht oder erst sehr spät bemerkt. Unerkannt können sie zu einem frühzeitigen Verlust der Selbständigkeit führen. Das Praxisbuch vereint die neusten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen für eine qualifizierte Versorgung bei substanzbezogenen Störungen im Alter. Mitarbeiter der ambulanten und stationären Altenpflege werden unterstützt, Suchtprobleme zu erkennen und gezielt Maßnahmen einzuleiten. Die vorgestellten Praxiskonzepte fördern das sichere Handeln im Umgang mit Suchtproblemen im Pflegealltag und haben das Ziel die Lebensqualität der ihnen anvertrauten älteren Menschen zu verbessern.Aus dem InhaltPraxiserprobte Handlungsempfehlungen und -strategien für die Pflege bei Alkohol-, Medikamenten- und Drogenabhängigkeit im AlterPflegekonzepte im Umgang mit Suchterkrankungen im Alter

Suchtbehandlung und Digitalisierung: Suchtprävention und Suchttherapie zwischen menschlicher Begegnung und virtueller Realität

by Wolfgang Beiglböck Gabriele Gottwald-Nathaniel Wolfgang Preinsperger Oliver Scheibenbogen

Dieses Buch gibt einen Überblick über die organisatorischen Veränderungen der Suchtbehandlung durch digitale Anwendungen, die durch die Corona-Pandemie beschleunigt wurden, und stellt praktische Tipps bei der Anwendung v.a. synchroner, direkter digitaler Suchttherapie vor:Es zeigt die Möglichkeiten der E-Mental-Health in Behandlung und Prävention auf, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf appbasierter Behandlung. Des Weiteren werden Vorteile und praktische Vorgehensweisen im Rahmen einer multiprofessionellen „digitalisierten“ Behandlung einer Suchterkrankung dargestellt: In einzelnen Kapiteln werden telemedizinische, telepsychologische/-psychotherapeutische und telesozialtherapeutische Behandlungsansätze präsentiert, wobei besonderer Wert auf die praktische Vorgangsweise gelegt wird.Auch mögliche Gefahren oder Nachteile der Digitalisierung im Hinblick auf die Suchterkrankung werden nicht außer Acht gelassen, wie z. B. ein niedrigschwelligerer Zugang zu Suchtmitteln über das Darknet oder ein möglicher pathologischer PC-Gebrauch.Eine kurze Skizze der juristischen Voraussetzungen der Digitalisierung in der Suchtbehandlung in der D-A-CH-Region und ein Ausblick auf die „Zukunftsaussichten“ der Digitalisierung in diesem Bereich runden den Inhalt ab.Das Buch richtet sich an PraktikerInnen in Psychiatrie, klinischer Psychologie, Psychotherapie, Sozialarbeit und alle weiteren praktisch in der Suchthilfe aktiven Berufsgruppen.

Suchthilfe und Suchtprävention als Aufgabe des Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (BestMasters)

by Sebastian Vongehr

In dem vorliegenden Buch werden die 16 Ländergesetze über den Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienst einer qualitativen Analyse unterzogen, inwieweit und auf welche Art und Weise Suchthilfe und Suchtprävention als Aufgabe für den Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienst formuliert sind. Hintergrund der Untersuchung sind finanziellen Unwägbarkeiten, die sich für die Bereiche der professionellen ambulanten Suchthilfe (insbesondere für die sozialarbeiterisch geprägte Arbeit der Suchtberatungs- und Behandlungsstellen) ergeben. Diese werden von den Kommunen und Ländern in Form von freiwilligen Leistungen im Rahmen der Daseinsvorsorge (Zuwendungen) finanziert. Mithilfe der Qualitativen Inhaltanalyse nach Mayring (2015) werden Rückschlüsse auf die in den Gesetzen enthaltenen Gesundheits- und Suchtverständnisse gezogen, die entlang professionstypischer Deutungsmuster in Bezug auf die Suchtbehandlung diskutiert werden.

Suddenly Senior: The Funny Thing About Getting Older

by Tom Hay

You might be getting a bit thin on top, plump at the middle and creaky around the knees, but that doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten how to enjoy yourself! This collection of witty quotations, light-hearted yarns and cheerful jokes will help you celebrate getting older with a smile on your face and a twinkle in your wrinkle.

Suddenly Senior: The Funny Thing About Getting Older

by Tom Hay

You might be getting a bit thin on top, plump at the middle and creaky around the knees, but that doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten how to enjoy yourself! This collection of witty quotations, light-hearted yarns and cheerful jokes will help you celebrate getting older with a smile on your face and a twinkle in your wrinkle.

Suffering: Psychological and Social Aspects in Loss, Grief, and Care

by Robert DeBellis, Eric Marcus, Austin H. Kutscher, Carole Smith Torres, Virginia Barrett, and Mary-Ellen Siegel

Learn to help others understand, cope with, and even overcome emotional and physical suffering. Suffering: Psychological and Social Aspects in Loss, Grief, and Care is a unique and insightful volume of observations, anecdotes, and case studies about suffering. In this important book, doctors, nurses, teachers, funeral directors, and members of the clergy discuss the crucial physical, emotional, and psychological issues that patients and their families must confront when death is imminent. They address a variety of topics including terminal illness, chronic illness, loss, grief, and pain. Ideal for professionals who work with dying people and their families, Suffering highlights topics that are particularly common when working with AIDS patients, cancer patients, children, the elderly, and the mentally ill.

Suffering And The Heart Of God: How Trauma Destroys And Christ Restores

by Diane Langberg

When someone suffers through trauma, can healing happen? And, if yes, how does it happen? Dr. Diane Langberg tackles these complex and difficult questions with the insights she has gained through more than forty years of counseling those whose lives have been destroyed by trauma and abuse. Her answer carefully explained in Suffering and the Heart of God is Yes, what trauma destroys, Jesus can and does restore.

Suffering and Psychology

by Frank C. Richardson

Suffering and Psychology challenges modern psychology's concentration almost exclusively on eradicating pain, suffering, and their causes. Modern psychology and psychotherapy are motivated in part by a humane and compassionate desire to relieve many kinds of human suffering. However, they have concentrated almost exclusively on eradicating pain, suffering, and their causes. In doing so psychology perpetuates modern ideologies of individual human freedom and expanding instrumental control that foster worthy ideals but are distinctly limited and by themselves quite self-defeating and damaging in the long run. This book explores theoretical commitments and cultural ideals that deter the field of psychology from facing and dealing credibly with inescapable human limitations and frailties, and with unavoidable suffering, pain, loss, heartbreak, and despair. Drawing on both secular and spiritual points of view, this book seeks to recover ideals of character and compassion and to illuminate the possibility of what Jonathan Sacks terms "transforming suffering" rather than seeking mainly to eliminate, anesthetize, or defy these dark and difficult aspects of the human condition. Suffering and Psychology will be of interest to academic and professional psychologists and philosophers.

Suffering and the Intelligence of Love in the Teaching Life: In Light and In Darkness

by Sean Steel Amber Homeniuk

This book shares insights drawn from the diverse voices of public school teachers, community outreach education workers, professors, writers, poets, artists, and musicians on suffering in school and the classroom. Teachers speak about their own encounters with and perceptions from suffering using critical-analytic textual works, as well as first-hand personally reflective accounts. By sharing their stories and reflections, the editors and contributors shed light upon the dark areas that often are not addressed in Teacher Training Programs, and that generally remain unaddressed and unacknowledged even as teachers become well-established as professionals in the field of education.

Suffering Insanity: Psychoanalytic Essays on Psychosis

by R. D. Hinshelwood

When madness is intolerable for sufferers, how do professional carers remain sane? Psychiatric institutions have always been places of fear and awe. Madness impacts on family, friends and relatives, but also those who provide a caring environment, whether in large institutions of the past, or community care in the present. This book explores the effects of the psychotic patient's suffering on carers and the culture of psychiatric services. Suffering Insanity is arranged as three essays. The first concerns staff stress in psychiatric services, exploring how the impact of madness demands a personal resilience as well as careful professional support, which may not be forthcoming. The second essay attempts a systematic review of the nature of psychosis and the intolerable psychotic experience, which the patient attempts to evade, and which the carer must confront in the course of daily work. The third essay returns to the impact of psychosis on the psychiatric services, which frequently configure in ways which can have serious and harmful effects on the provision of care. In particular, service may succumb to an unfortunate schismatic process resulting in sterile conflict, and to an assertively scientific culture, which leads to an unwitting depersonalisation of patients. Suffering Insanity makes a powerful argument for considering care in the psychiatric services as a whole system that includes staff as well as patients; all need attention and understanding in order to deliver care in as humane a way as possible. All those working in the psychiatric services, both in large and small agencies and institutions, will appreciate that closer examination of the actual psychology and interrelations of staff, as well as patients, is essential and urgent.

The Suffering Stranger: Hermeneutics for Everyday Clinical Practice

by Donna M. Orange

Winner of the 2012 Gradiva Award! Utilizing the hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer and the ethics of Emmanuel Lévinas, The Suffering Stranger invigorates the conversation between psychoanalysis and philosophy, demonstrating how each is informed by the other and how both are strengthened in unison. Orange turns her critical (and clinical) eye toward five major psychoanalytic thinkers – Sándor Ferenczi, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, D. W. Winnicott, Heinz Kohut, and Bernard Brandchaft – investigating the hermeneutic approach of each and engaging these innovative thinkers precisely as interpreters, as those who have seen the face and heard the voice of the other in an ethical manner. In doing so, she provides the practicing clinician with insight into the methodology of interpretation that underpins the day-to-day activity of analysis, and broadens the scope of possibility for philosophical extensions of psychoanalytic theory.

The Sugar Jar: Create Boundaries, Embrace Self-Healing, and Enjoy the Sweet Things in Life

by Yasmine Cheyenne

“With calm and compassionate power, Yasmine is helping us to find our way back home—back to our own selves.” —Layla Saad, New York Times bestselling author of Me & White Supremacy“Yasmine’s work is monumental, and I am in much better holistic alignment because of her dedicated and helpful offerings to the world.”—Alex Elle, author of After the RainA radical approach to setting boundaries and protecting your energy, rich with tools for self-healing.Imagine a glass jar filled with sugar on a kitchen counter. You are the jar, and the sugar is your energy. If the jar has no lid, people can come in and take as much sugar as they want. Sometimes, they spill that sugar all over. You may try to refill your jar—replenish your energy—through self-care, but because there is no a lid—no protective boundary—you cannot control how much of your vital life force is being drained.The Sugar Jar metaphor is a powerful teaching tool that wellness advocate and coach Yasmine Cheyenne has successfully used with her clients. Now, in her debut book, she makes it available to everyone. Combining stories, exercises, and prompts, The Sugar Jar lets you see just how much energy you have and how much is being used by others. It helps you identify what depletes you, what restores you, and how to recognize destructive patterns. It empowers you to free yourself from performing for and serving others, teaching you to set boundaries to help you heal and recharge. The Sugar Jar frees you from the excess stress and exhaustion that wears you down. It allows you to unleash your authentic self, choose joy, and find lasting balance.A compassionate teacher, Cheyenne offers a unique and much needed perspective. A former member of the Air Force working with victims of domestic violence, she has specifically designed her approach and questions about boundaries, self-care, and self-healing for readers of all backgrounds, and especially readers of color, whose stressors and life challenges have too often been excluded and overlooked. Cheyenne herself has felt unwelcome as a Black woman in predominantly white wellness groups and retreats. Her inclusive message speaks to the needs of BIPOC readers, and accepts them where they are.Warm and honest, featuring a beautiful and inviting two-color design, The Sugar Jar shows you how to make small adjustments that can lead to big changes in your life.

Suggestibility in Legal Contexts

by Fiona Gabbert David J. La Rooy Anne M. Ridley

A comprehensive survey of the theory, research and forensic implications related to suggestibility in legal contexts that includes the latest research.Provides a useful digest for academics and a trusted text for students of forensic and applied psychologyA vital resource for legal practitioners who need to familiarize themselves with the subjectIncludes practical suggestions for minimizing witness suggestibility in interviewsFeatures topics that focus on suggestibility at each stage - from witnessing a crime through to trial

Suggestible You: The Curious Science of Your Brain's Ability to Deceive, Transform, and Heal

by Erik Vance

This riveting narrative explores the world of placebos, hypnosis, false memories, and neurology to reveal the groundbreaking science of our suggestible minds. Could the secrets to personal health lie within our own brains? Journalist Erik Vance explores the surprising ways our expectations and beliefs influence our bodily responses to pain, disease, and everyday events. Drawing on centuries of research and interviews with leading experts in the field, Vance takes us on a fascinating adventure from Harvard's research labs to a witch doctor's office in Catemaco, Mexico, to an alternative medicine school near Beijing (often called "China's Hogwarts"). Vance's firsthand dispatches will change the way you think--and feel. Expectations, beliefs, and self-deception can actively change our bodies and minds. Vance builds a case for our "internal pharmacy"--the very real chemical reactions our brains produce when we think we are experiencing pain or healing, actual or perceived. Supporting this idea is centuries of placebo research in a range of forms, from sugar pills to shock waves; studies of alternative medicine techniques heralded and condemned in different parts of the world (think crystals and chakras); and most recently, major advances in brain mapping technology. Thanks to this technology, we're learning how we might leverage our suggestibility (or lack thereof) for personalized medicine, and Vance brings us to the front lines of such study.

Suggestion and Autosuggestion: A Psychological and Pedagogical Study Based Upon the Investigations Made by the New Nancy School (Collected Works of Charles Baudouin)

by Charles Baudouin

This title, originally published in 1920, second edition in 1924, has been largely forgotten in the history of hypnosis. Charles Baudouin’s first book, it is an important account of the early theories of the New Nancy School, widely recognised as the founding school of modern day hypnosis. The author provides a detailed discussion of autosuggestion, as well as providing some practical suggestions.

Suggestion and its Role in Social Life

by V. M. Bekhterev

Vladimir Mikhailovitch Bekhterev was a pioneering Russian neurologist, psychiatrist, and psychologist. A highly esteemed rival of Ivan Pavlov, his achievements in the areas of personality, clinical psychology, and political and social psychology were recognized and acclaimed throughout the world. However, when his version of reflexological doctrine ran afoul of official Soviet ideology in the 1920s his work was banned and his influence suppressed through the dispersal of his many colleagues and disciples. Bekhterev himself died in 1927 under mysterious circumstances. This translation of Suggestion and Its Role in Social Life is a significant instance of intellectual and cultural restoration. It marks a starting point of Bekhterev's lifelong endeavor to relate his clinical observations and philosophy of science to problems of the social world.Bekhterev's investigation reviews and explains the many conflicting positions in the social and scientific thought concerning the nature and power of suggestion. He takes pains to differentiate the process from persuasion and hypnosis, and discusses suggestion and autosuggestion in the waking state, examining their effectiveness on feeling, thought, and behavior. He then discusses the destructive consequences of the process—violent crime, suicide, witchcraft, and devil-possession hysteria— in a wide variety of contexts important in the Russia, Europe and North America of the period.Bekhterev presents a structural model of the mind, including both conscious and unconscious realms, and the phenomena of suggestion without awareness; in doing so he anticipated much present-day work on preconscious influence. Suggestion and Its Role in Social Life is a landmark study in collective psychological research that may lead to revisions in histories of social psychology. It will be read by psychologists, sociologists, and social historians.

Suggestopedic Methods/Applicat

by Schiffler

First Published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Suicidal: Why We Kill Ourselves

by Jesse Bering

For much of his thirties, Jesse Bering thought he was probably going to kill himself. He was a successful psychologist and writer, with books to his name and bylines in major magazines. But none of that mattered. The impulse to take his own life remained. At times it felt all but inescapable. Bering survived. And in addition to relief, the fading of his suicidal thoughts brought curiosity. Where had they come from? Would they return? Is the suicidal impulse found in other animals? Or is our vulnerability to suicide a uniquely human evolutionary development? In Suicidal, Bering answers all these questions and more, taking us through the science and psychology of suicide, revealing its cognitive secrets and the subtle tricks our minds play on us when we’re easy emotional prey. Scientific studies, personal stories, and remarkable cross-species comparisons come together to help readers critically analyze their own doomsday thoughts while gaining broad insight into a problem that, tragically, will most likely touch all of us at some point in our lives. But while the subject is certainly a heavy one, Bering’s touch is light. Having been through this himself, he knows that sometimes the most effective response to our darkest moments is a gentle humor, one that, while not denying the seriousness of suffering, at the same time acknowledges our complicated, flawed, and yet precious existence. Authoritative, accessible, personal, profound—there’s never been a book on suicide like this. It will help you understand yourself and your loved ones, and it will change the way you think about this most vexing of human problems.

The Suicidal Adolescent

by Moses Laufer

As our knowledge of the change and turmoil of adolescence grows, so the number of issues on which psychotherapeutic techniques can shed light increases: this monograph focuses on one of the most urgent. It provides not only practical insights into dealing with suicidal or potentially suicidal adolescents - with an emphasis on prevention of the problem as early as possible - but also a model of the way in which adolescents may find themselves becoming suicidal. Suicide attempts are rare in childhood; they are generally triggered after puberty by the adolescent's reaction to changes in his newly sexually mature body. It is the body that is perceived as the enemy, and sometimes the death of the body seems the only recourse. The adolescent who actually attempts to kill himself no longer doubts his actions or his solutions on his mental creations. At the time of his decision to kill himself, he is taken over by his need for peace more than by the fact of his own death.

Suicidal Behavior in Children and Adolescents

by Barry M. Wagner

In this remarkably clear and readable evaluation of the research on this topic, Barry Wagner presents the current state of knowledge about suicidal behaviors in children and adolescents, addressing the trends of the past ten years and evaluating available treatment approaches. Wagner provides an in-depth examination of the problem of suicidal behavior within the context of child and adolescent behavior. Among the developmental issues covered are the evolving capacity for emotional self-regulation, change and stresses in family, peer, and romantic relationships, and developing conceptions of time and death. He also provides an up-to-date review of the controversy surrounding the possible influence of antidepressant medications on suicidal behavior. Within the context of an integrative model of the suicide crisis, Wagner discusses issues pertaining to assessment, treatment, and prevention.

Suicidal Behavior in Muslim Majority Countries: Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Prevention

by S. M. Yasir Arafat Murad M. Khan Mohsen Rezaeian

The book is about suicidal behavior in Muslim majority countries. Islam is the second-largest religion in the world. There are also sizable Muslim populations in non-Islamic countries. Suicide is strongly prohibited in Islam and based on this tenet, suicide and self-harm remain criminalized acts in many Islamic countries. When compared to the global estimates for suicide rates and to non-Islamic countries, Muslim majority countries have lower rates, indicating that Islamic faith and practice may be protective against suicidal behaviors. However, several factors such as criminal status, stigma toward suicide, extreme dearth of research, low-quality data, and under-reporting make it difficult to draw any firm conclusions. Hence, this book aims to do a deeper study of suicidal behaviors in Muslim majority countries, covering epidemiology, risk factors, and the challenges of suicide prevention in Muslim majority countries.

Suicidal Behaviour: Underlying dynamics

by Updesh Kumar

Suicidal Behaviour: Underlying dynamics is a wide ranging collection of articles that builds upon an earlier volume by the same editor (Suicidal Behaviour: Assessment of people-at-risk, 2010) and delves deeper into the dynamics of suicide by synthesizing significant psychological and interdisciplinary perspectives. The volume brings together varied conceptualizations by scholars across disciplines from around the globe, thereby adding on to the available theoretical understandings as well as providing research based inputs for practitioners in the field of suicidal behaviour. This book contains sixteen chapters divided into two broad sections. The volume opens with a discussion about the Theoretical Underpinnings of suicidal behaviour spread through the initial eight chapters that conceptualize the phenomenon from different vantage points of genetics, personality theory, cognitive and affective processes, stress and assessment theories. The second section brings in the Varied Research Evidences and Assessment Perspectives from different populations and groups. Building upon the theoretical foundations the chapters in this section discuss the nuances of dealing with suicidal behaviours among sexual minority populations, alcoholics, military personnel, and within in specific socio-cultural groups. The section closes with an intense focus on a significant issue encountered often in clinical practice, that of assessment of suicide risk, and ways of resolving the cultural, ethical and legal dilemmas.

The Suicidal Person: A New Look at a Human Phenomenon

by Konrad Michel

Konrad Michel, a leading psychiatrist and acclaimed expert, draws on decades of experience to offer necessary new ways of understanding—and preventing—suicide. After one of his first patients died by suicide, Michel devoted himself to researching self-harm. Writing vividly and personally, he recounts more than forty years of working with and learning from suicidal patients.Michel shows that suicide is not just a consequence of mental illness but an action related to a person’s life story. Drawing on hundreds of interviews with suicidal patients, he argues that suicide and suicide attempts occur when someone experiences extreme emotional pain that severely impairs the ability to think and act rationally. Based on this understanding, Michel and his colleagues developed a person-centered approach to treatment that overcomes the limitations of the traditional medical model. Through a brief therapy, patients find a personally meaningful narrative understanding of their suicidal thoughts and impulses. People at risk can learn to recognize their vulnerabilities in order to manage potentially life-threatening situations and keep themselves safe. Michel emphasizes the importance of communication: medical professionals need to connect with patients as individuals to identify specific warning signs.Both compassionate and rigorous, this book provides vital insight into suicide prevention and shows how changing attitudes will help save lives. It includes practical advice for people at risk, with special emphasis on young people, as well as for relatives and health professionals.

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