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A Version of Reason: The Search for Richey Edwards

by Rob Jovanovic

The missing Manic - an authoritative look into the life and times of Richey Edwards, the Manic Street Preachers' guitarist who disappeared in 1995.The disappearance of Richey Edwards, troubled guitarist with the Manic Street Preachers, is one of rock and roll's great unresolved mysteries. His Vauxhall Cavalier was found abandoned in a service station car park near the Severn Bridge, a notorious suicide spot, in February 1995, a fortnight after Edwards had last been seen. The location of the car and the tape left in the deck - Nirvana's album In Utero - tended to point to one conclusion. However, it almost seemed too obvious a statement, and in A VERSION OF REASON, Rob Jovanovic unravels the complicated life and final days of Richey Edwards. Piecing together testimony from those close to Edwards Jovanovic seeks to produce an authoritative account of the life and times of Richey Edwards.

„Versteh mich nicht zu schnell“ – Achtsames Arbeiten mit geflüchteten Menschen

by Katharina Witte

Dieses Buch bietet Ehrenamtlichen und beruflich Tätigen im Arbeitsfeld geflüchteter Menschen wertvolles Orientierungs- und Beratungswissen für die Praxis. Der Leser profitiert von der langjährigen Erfahrung der Autorin als Supervisorin und von ihren unterschiedlichen Zugängen zum Kontext Flucht. Das Buch setzt sich mit der Angst vor dem Fremden auseinander, aber auch mit der Entdeckung des Fremden in uns selbst. Es soll Mut machen, Fragen zu stellen, und so Ängste in Neugier und Selbstbewusstsein umwandeln. Zahlreiche Fallbeispiele, Methoden und Wissensbausteine dienen als konkrete Arbeitshilfe und unterstützen bei der Reflexion der eigenen Arbeit.

Verstehen Sie Ihre Seele?

by Klaus-Eckart Rogge

Die eigene Seele zu betrachten, zu entdecken und zu verstehen, eröffnet ganz neue Perspektiven und Begegnungen mit dem Ich. Dieses Buch soll auf verschiedenen Wegen dazu verhelfen. Kurzdarstellungen von Erkenntnissen aus der akademischen Psychologie schaffen das wissenschaftliche Fundament. Skizzen und Interpretationen von Romanen, Gedichten, Balladen, Theaterstücken, Briefen, Berichten und Erzählungen liefern ergänzend dazu anregende Modelle, die es erlauben, die eigenen seelischen Lebensabläufe eingehender zu verstehen und auftretende Emotionen besser nachempfinden und einschätzen zu können. Diese beiden sich ergänzenden Sichtweisen der Wissenschaft und der Literatur bilden eine gute Basis für das Verständnis der eigenen Seele. Das Buch vermittelt zudem Grundkenntnisse darüber, wie psychologische Forschung durchgeführt wird, welchen Nutzen Theorien haben und wie Psychotherapien verlaufen - Informationen, die zur Erklärung psychischer Prozesse sehr hilfreich sind. Seelische Vorgänge sind meistens komplex, wie sich durch Selbstbeobachtungen feststellen lässt. Deshalb erschließen sie sich auch nicht sofort, sondern bedürfen ganz bestimmter Betrachtungs- und Denkweisen, ehe sie ihre Geheimnisse und Maskierungen preisgeben. Daher stellt das Buch auch das systemische Denken vor und erläutert es als einen wichtigen Schlüssel zum Verständnis der eigenen Seele. Beispiele aus der schöngeistigen Literatur sollen dabei helfen, die Verflechtungen der seelischen Vorgänge zu entwirren und zu ergründen. Das Buch wählt dazu abschließend sechs Themenbereiche aus:Identität, Selbstkonzept und Autonomie,Entscheidungen,Konflikte,Angst und Depression,Partnerschaft und Liebe sowieGlück und Wohlbefinden.Diese Beispiele veranschaulichen und stärken die Verbindungen zum Verständnis der eigenen Seele.

Versterkende groepstraining voor getraumatiseerde pleegkinderen: Tem je draak

by Nathalie Schlattmann Melissa Goris Samantha Regoli-Bakker Ramón Lindauer

Deze handleiding stelt behandelaren in staat om de groepstraining ‘Tem je Draak’ te geven aan chronisch getraumatiseerde kinderen van 7 tot 12 jaar. ‘Tem je Draak’ bereidt deze kinderen voor op vervolgtherapie en traumaverwerking. De handleiding kan worden gebruikt door psychologen, orthopedagogen, gedragswetenschappers, pedagogisch medewerkers, sociotherapeuten en cognitief-gedragstherapeutisch werkers. ‘Tem je Draak’ is bedoeld voor kinderen die in een pleeggezin wonen, trauma- en stressor gerelateerde klachten hebben en nog niet kunnen of willen praten over hun traumatische ervaringen. Bij de training draait het om psycho-educatie over trauma, hechting en loyaliteit, lotgenotencontact en het aanleren van emotieregulatievaardigheden. De training bestaat uit acht groepsbijeenkomsten en geeft behandelaren zicht op de problematiek van de kinderen in de groep en op wat zij aan behandeling nodig hebben. De combinatie van ‘Tem je Draak’ voor kinderen met de training ‘Zorgen voor getraumatiseerde kinderen’ voor (pleeg)ouders wordt sterk aanbevolen. De ontwikkelaars van ‘Tem je Draak’ zijn werkzaam bij Levvel, academisch centrum voor kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie en de academische afdeling kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie van het Amsterdam UMC/locatie AMC.

Verstorbenen-fokussierte Trauerbewältigung: Ein alternativer Ansatz

by Frank E. Eyetsemitan

Herkömmliche Trauermodelle konzentrieren sich auf die Hinterbliebenen, einschließlich der Maßnahmen, die sie ergreifen müssen, um nach dem Tod eines geliebten Menschen wieder zur Normalität zurückzukehren. Dieses Buch schlägt vor, dass es im Trauerprozess hilfreich sein kann, sich stattdessen auf den Verstorbenen zu konzentrieren. Die Forschung weist auf die Vorteile altruistischer Handlungen und Gedanken hin, einschließlich der Verbesserung der Stimmung. Altruistische Handlungen und Gedanken können auch auf den Verstorbenen ausgedehnt werden, der im Tod ebenfalls einen Verlust erlitten hat. Indem man die Perspektive des Verstorbenen einnimmt und ihm gegenüber empathisch ist, kommt es zu einer "Reaktionsverschiebung", die bei den Hinterbliebenen zu einer Verbesserung der Stimmung und zu Glück führen kann. Das Buch enthält Leitlinien für dieses alternative Trauermodell beim Tod eines Kindes, eines Teenagers, eines Ehepartners/Partners und eines Geschwisters sowie bei mehreren Todesfällen und bei anhaltender Trauererfahrung unter anderem. Auf der Grundlage von Motivationsprinzipien wird auch ein Arbeitsbuch zur Überwachung der Fortschritte bei der Trauerbewältigung bereitgestellt. Zu jedem Kapitel gibt es Verständnisfragen und zusätzliche Lektüre, die dem Leser helfen, das jeweilige Thema zu vertiefen.Dieses Buch eignet sich für Lehrveranstaltungen zum Thema Tod, Sterben und Trauer, für Angehörige der Gesundheitsberufe und Trauerberater sowie für Wissenschaftler, die sich mit Tod, Sterben und Trauer in verschiedenen Bereichen wie Psychologie, Soziologie, Sozialarbeit, öffentliches Gesundheitswesen und Religion beschäftigen.Die meisten Trauermodelle konzentrieren sich auf die Hinterbliebenen, einschließlich der Maßnahmen, die der Überlebende ergreifen muss, um nach einem Verlust wieder zur Normalität zurückzufinden. Im Trauerprozess kann es jedoch hilfreich sein, die Aufmerksamkeit stattdessen auf den Verstorbenen zu lenken. Indem die Hinterbliebenen Dinge tun, die sie als angenehm für den Verstorbenen empfinden, können sie im Gegenzug Heilung und Zufriedenheit erfahren.Lisa Farino (2010) stellt fest, dass es nicht an Forschungsergebnissen mangelt, die auf die positiven Auswirkungen der Konzentration auf andere hinweisen. In einer Studie von Carolyn Schwartz und Rabbi Meir Sendor (1999) wurden Laien, die an einer chronischen Krankheit litten, darin geschult, anderen, die dieselbe Krankheit hatten, mitfühlende, bedingungslose Zuwendung zukommen zu lassen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Geber von Fürsorge und Mitgefühl über eine bessere Lebensqualität berichteten als die Empfänger von Fürsorge und Mitgefühl, obwohl sowohl die Geber als auch die Empfänger dieselbe Krankheit hatten. Die Geber zeigten tiefgreifende Verbesserungen in Bezug auf Selbstvertrauen, Selbstwahrnehmung, Selbstwertgefühl, Depression und Rollenverhalten. Die Forscher betonten die positive Bedeutung der "Reaktionsverschiebung" (die Verschiebung interner Standards, Werte und Konzeptdefinitionen von Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden) im Umgang mit der eigenen Notlage. Farino (2010) merkt an, dass diese Forschung von großer Bedeutung ist, da in der westlichen Kultur die Überzeugung vorherrscht, dass man sich glücklich fühlt, wenn man etwas für sich selbst bekommt. Die Vorstellung, dass "Geben besser ist als Nehmen", hat einen biologischen Ursprung. Mit Hilfe der funktionellen Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRI) konnten Forscher einen Zusammenhang zwischen Gehirnaktivität und Geben nachweisen. Bei Menschen, die freiwillig und für einen guten Zweck gaben, wurde der Teil des Gehirns, der für Freude und Glück zuständig ist, stärker aktiviert (z. B. Harbaugh, Mayr & Burghart, 2007).Studien zeigen, dass etwa 7 % der US-Bevölkerung an einer komplizierten oder lang anhaltenden Trauerstörung leiden (z. B. Kersting et al., 2011). Dabei handelt es sich um anhaltende Trauer, die nicht abklingt, und viele Eltern neigen dazu, dies nach dem Verlust eines Kindes zu erleben. In ihrer Studie fan

Verteiltes Arbeiten kompakt: Virtuelle Projekte und Teams. Homeoffice. Digitales Arbeiten. (IT kompakt)

by Christof Ebert

(Autor) Christof Ebert (Titel) Outsourcing kompakt (Copy) Dieser Titel führt in die aktuellen Techniken und Trends des Outsourcing und Offshoring von IT-Projekten und -Aktivitäten ein. Er zeigt konkret nutzbare Vorgehensweisen in Abhängigkeit von den Projektcharakteristika auf. Praxiserprobte Verfahren werden vorgestellt und in einem gemeinsamen Kontext gebracht, der es ermöglicht, das Gelernte erfolgreich umzusetzen. Sie erfahren wie komplexe Anforderungen von Offshoring oder Outsourcing von allen Projektbeteiligten verstanden und umgesetzt werden können. (Biblio)

Very Brief Cognitive Behavioural Coaching (Coaching Psychology)

by Windy Dryden

In Very Brief Cognitive Behavioural Coaching Windy Dryden presents VBCBC: a unique approach to coaching from a cognitive behavioural perspective which takes place over the course of one to three sessions. The approach is designed to help coachees identify at least one major objective, discuss and select ways to achieve it and, if necessary, deal with obstacles that they experience in pursuing it. The book presents the basic assumptions of the Very Brief Cognitive Behavioural Coaching (VBCBC) approach, how it can be understood from the perspective of working alliance theory and recommendations concerning when it can be used and when not. Dryden begins by defining coaching and explaining the aims of VBCBC, before examining the input factors which can increase its effectiveness and concluding with a seven-stage process view. The book also includes a transcript of a real VBCBC session, with commentary. Written clearly and accessibly, this will be essential reading for coaches of all backgrounds interested in brief approaches, including those in training, coaching psychologists and coach supervisors.

Very Brief Psychotherapy

by James P. Gustafson

As the fields of psychiatry and clinical psychology are increasingly driven by the economics of the HMO or Mental Health Center, practitioners in any setting, whether it be private practice or university clinic, are now forced to develop more concrete procedures and models in order to practice more efficiently. This book presents a set of procedures for brief therapy that are based entirely on the four common dynamics of psychiatry. By following the model set forth in this book, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, psychiatric nurses, and mental health workers will be able to build an entire brief therapy program based upon the initial conditions for each patient. In Very Brief Psychotherapy, Dr. James Gustafson provides the reader with the tools and techniques to make a discernable difference in a patient's life in only a few moments. The majority of people seeking help from mental health professionals are not pathological, but are most often stuck in self-imposed cyclical patterns of behavior from which they cannot escape. It is the first step in any situation that leads to the iteration of the familiar circle, and it is in this single step that the clinician can effect decisive change. Given a window of only five or ten minutes, the practitioner armed with this approach can help a patient break out of the repeating pattern, move around the impasse, and take the first step onto a new trajectory. Very Brief Psychotherapy can help the practitioner make meaningful interventions in real world time, and in less than ideal circumstances, will radically change the reader's concepts of what can be accomplished in a day, in a clinical hour, or even in a single moment.

Very Brief Therapeutic Conversations

by Windy Dryden

In Very Brief Therapeutic Conversations, Windy Dryden demonstrates the therapeutic value of very brief interventions in counselling, psychotherapy and coaching, using a wide range of techniques and skills to bring this novel approach to life. The book provides an informative and innovative guide on 'how to do' very brief therapy in 30 minutes or less. The often fascinating and universal problems the volunteers discuss, as well as the goal and guiding principles of this novel therapy, are explored in the first half of this book. Inspired by Ellis’s therapeutic ‘Friday Night Workshops’, transcripts from Dryden’s own therapeutic conversations at his 'live sessions' with volunteers form the second half of the book. Very Brief Therapeutic Conversations is an accessible and entertaining read for all therapists, whether in training or practice, who want to see very clear examples of theory being put into practice.

A Very Greedy Drug: Cocaine in Context

by Richard Hammersley Jason Ditton

First Published in 1997. This book sketches the recent history of the panic over cocaine in Britain, before reporting in-depth research on more than a hundred users in Scotland. This group contained all types of users, from casual users to heavy users who had cut down without problems, to people with multiple drug problems. The book considers why some people can give up cocaine and others become addicted. It compares British users with those elsewhere in the world, showing that the effects are similar everywhere -- cocaine does not addict most of its users. The picture of drug use obtained from addicts in clinics is a distorted one. Cocaine use in Britain has caused much concern but its extent has been unknown. Users are still quite affluent, but when cocaine hits street level -- as it is predicted to do in the late 1990s -- problems are likely to increase.

The Very Secret Sex Lives of Medieval Women: An Inside Look At Women And Sex In Medieval Times (true Stories, Women In History)

by Rosalie Gilbert

A “wickedly entertaining, informative and thought-provoking” look at romance, courtship, and other intimacies behind closed Medieval doors (Dr. Markus Kerr, PhD, MDR).Were medieval women slaves to their husband’s desires, jealously secured in a chastity belt in his absence? Was sex a duty or could it be a pleasure? Did a woman have a say about her own female sexuality, body, and who did or didn’t get up close and personal with it? No. And yes. It’s complicated.The intimate lives of medieval women were as complex as for modern women. They loved and lost, hoped and schemed, were lifted up and cast down. They were hopeful and lovelorn. Some had it forced upon them, others made aphrodisiacs and dressed for success. Some were chaste and some were lusty. Having sex was complicated. Not having sex, was even more so.Inside The Very Secret Sex Lives of Medieval Women, a fascinating book about life during medieval times, you will discover tantalizing true stories about medieval women and a myriad of historical facts. Learn about:The true experiences of women from all classes, including women who made historyThe dos and don’ts in the bedroomSexy foods and how to have themAll you need to know for your wedding night, and well as insider medical adviceHow to get pregnant (and how not to), and more“Quite compelling and hilariously funny. I have been chuckling out loud and my husband says he thinks he ought to read it if it’s such a tonic. God forbid!” —Susanna Newstead, author of the Savernake Novels

A Very Short Tour of the Mind: 21 Short Walks Around the Human Brain

by Michael C. Corballis

“Thoroughly enjoyable” essays from a cognitive neuroscientist, filled with surprising facts (Kirkus Reviews, starred review). Modern computers might be faster, and whales might have larger brains, but neither can match the sheer intellect or capacity for creativity that the human mind enjoys. It is arguably the most complex organ in the universe. If you’ve ever wondered why your dog can remember where it buried its bone but you can’t find your keys, or whether it’s true that we use only ten percent of our brainpower, this concise book offers some answers—and introduces us to what science has learned about the intricacies of the human brain over the last fifty years. Leading us through behavioral experiments and neuroscience, cognitive theory and Darwinian evolution, Michael Corballis punctures a few hot-air balloons, and explains just what we know—and don’t know—about our own minds. “Poses questions we wouldn’t have thought to ask and then answers them with clarity and wit.” —American Scientist

Vessel: A Memoir

by Cai Chongda

“Essential reading for anyone interested in contemporary life in China, and highly recommended for memoir enthusiasts in general.” -- Library Journal (starred review)"Chongda paints a tantalizing portrait of a changing China in his dazzling English-language debut. [Vessel] shines with the bright talent of an excellent storyteller." -- Publishers WeeklyAn unprecedented and heartfelt memoir that illuminates the lives of rural Chinese workers, offering a portrait of generational strife, family, love, and loss that crosses cultures and time.Cai Chongda spent his childhood in a rural fishing village in Fujian province. When his father—a former communist gang leader turned gas station owner—has a stroke that partially paralyzes him, his responsibilities fall to Cai, his only son. Assuming his new role as head of the family, Cai toils alongside his mother and older sister to pay the medical bills that have become a part of a rapidly changing Chinese society. As Cai works his way through university and moves to Beijing, eventually becoming the editorial director of GQ China, he finds his life increasingly at odds with the family he supports but has left behind.Like The Glass Castle and Hillbilly Elegy, Vessel neither romanticizes nor condemns the people and circumstances that shaped a young man’s life, but instead offers a way forward, revealing how tradition can enrich modern life. Translated from the Chinese by Dylan Levi King

Vessels: A Love Story

by Daniel Raeburn

An unforgettable portrait of a marriage tested to its limits. When Dan, a writer with a passion for underground comics, and his wife Bekah, a potter dedicated to traditional Japanese ceramics, met through a mutual friend, they swiftly fell in love. “Of all the women I’ve ever met,” Dan told a friend, “she’s the first one who felt like family.” But at Christmas, as they prepared for the birth of their first child, tragedy struck. Based on Daniel Raeburn’s acclaimed New Yorker essay, Vessels: A Love Story is the story of how he and Bekah clashed and clung to each other through a series of unsuccessful pregnancies before finally, joyfully, becoming parents. In prose as handsomely unadorned as his wife’s pottery, Raeburn recounts a marriage cemented by the same events that nearly broke it. Vessels is an unflinching, enormously moving account of intimacy, endurance, and love.

Veteran and Military Mental Health: A Clinical Manual

by Christopher H. Warner Carl A. Castro

This book addresses mental health treatment for veterans and active military personnel. In addition to examining foundational practices in the sub-field, it contains specifically tailored content concerning the recent collapse of the United States (US) installed Afghanistan government. The book is conscious of the myriad of complex emotions that veterans who fought for the past twenty years may be experiencing. Organized into four parts, the book begins with the foundations of veteran and military mental health culture as patients transition from active duty to veteran status, understand the present stigma and barriers to care and reflect on their deployment experience. Part two delves into the specifics of the healthcare system in which military personnel find themselves at various points in their career, including deployment and returning home. Following this, chapters examine the critically unique conditions found in patients, such as sleep disorders, traumatic brain injury, homelessness, substance abuse, and sexual trauma. The book closes with discussions on veterans and their families that focus on the effects of deployment on a military person’s loved ones and their mental state upon returning home. Timely, socially conscious, and comprehensive, the Clinical Manual on Veteran and Military Mental Health is an invaluable resource for mental health professionals receiving new military personnel patients and who have seen a significant shift in their patients due to recent events.

Veteran Psychiatry in the US: Optimizing Clinical Outcomes

by Elspeth Cameron Ritchie Maria D. Llorente

This volume explores the unique psychiatric needs of active and former military personnel and offers clinical pearls for the optimal delivery of care for these individuals. Written by experts in military and veteran psychiatry, this book addresses the most common issues in military and veteran patients, including depression, traumatic brain injury, posttraumatic stress disorder, substance use disorder, homelessness, and suicidality. Chapters highlight the characteristics of veterans suffering from each disorder that requires special treatment, making it a valuable resource for both military and civilian clinicians. Veteran Psychiatry in the US is a valuable resource for all mental health clinicians working with or seeking to work with veterans, including psychiatrists, neurologists, primary care physicians, psychologists, counselors, social workers, nurses, residents, and all others.

Veteran Teacher Resilience: Why do they stay? (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Lee Brantley Shields Carol A. Mullen

This book explores why veteran teachers choose to remain in the classroom, making teaching their life’s career. The authors felt compelled to interview veteran teachers to learn about their experiences, how they make meaning of their classrooms and schools, and in particular what can be known about the adversities they face and their resilience. Factors (individual and contextual) are uncovered that influence veteran teacher’s resiliency and adaptation from veteran teachers’ perspectives and the literature. Induction programs, professional development, and mentoring are also examined for their importance to the interviews and education.Features of this book include:Focuses on veteran teacher resilience and why veteran teachers choose to remain in the classroom and teaching professionUses an interview method involving veteran teachers that illuminates issues of resiliency and retention from their perspectiveHighlights 15 narrative accounts of veteran teachers tailored to their perceptions, experiences, and strategies for navigating barriers and overcoming challengeCombines conceptual frameworks, research results, interventions, and strategiesConnects implications of the study and suggestions for future research to practice and policy This book is for researchers interested in teacher resilience, particularly veteran teacher resilience and the study and development of it, as well as practitioners drawn to the same topic, with applicability to their fields. Anyone interested in resilience, particularly within demanding professional contexts and stressful situations, should find value. "The focus on teacher resilience is original and it is an important aspect of why teachers might choose to stay in the profession. Teacher resilience is understudied and should provide useful knowledge to policymakers and education leaders on how to improve working conditions and increase efficacy. So much ink is spilled extolling why teachers exit the profession--there is a dearth of research on why they stay, which in my opinion is even more important than why they leave. This book makes an important contribution to the literature and will hopefully inform policy making and inspire others to conduct research on the subject." Christopher H. Tienken, Associate Professor, Dept. of Education Leadership Management and Policy, Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ, USA "The topic is original. It seems there is much literature on new teachers and why they leave, but little on veteran teachers and why they stay. The topic and the reporting of the findings with suggestions for practices to be implemented in university programs as well as in K-12 schools is very useful. The format this book follows is actually a strong one for other researchers and students in doctoral programs." Sandra Harris, Professor Emerita, Educational Leadership, Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas, USA

The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Homework Planner

by James R. Finley Bret A. Moore

Features assignments and exercises to meet the changing needsof mental health professionals The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Homework Planner provides you with an array of ready-to-use, between-session assignments designed to fit virtually every therapeutic mode. This easy-to-use sourcebook features: 78 ready-to-copy exercises covering the most common issues encountered by veterans and active duty soldiers in therapy, such as anger management, substance abuse and dependence, bereavement, pre-deployment stress, and chronic pain after injury A quick-reference format-the interactive assignments are grouped by behavioral problems including combat and operational stress reactions, postdeployment reintegration, survivor's guilt, anxiety, parenting problems related to deployment, and posttraumatic stress disorder Expert guidance on how and when to make the most efficient use of the exercises Assignments are cross-referenced to The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Treatment Planner-so you can quickly identify the right exercise for a given situation or problem A CD-ROM that contains all the exercises in a word-processing format-allowing you to customize them to suit you and your clients' unique styles and needs

Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Homework Planner (PracticePlanners)

by Bret A. Moore James R. Finley

The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Homework Planner provides you with an array of ready-to-use, between-session assignments designed to fit virtually every therapeutic mode. This easy-to-use sourcebook features: 78 ready-to-copy exercises covering the most common issues encountered by veterans and active duty soldiers in therapy, such as anger management, substance abuse and dependence, bereavement, pre-deployment stress, and chronic pain after injury A quick-reference format—the interactive assignments are grouped by behavioral problems including combat and operational stress reactions, postdeployment reintegration, survivor's guilt, anxiety, parenting problems related to deployment, and posttraumatic stress disorder Expert guidance on how and when to make the most efficient use of the exercises Assignments are cross-referenced to The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Treatment Planner—so you can quickly identify the right exercise for a given situation or problem Downloadable assignments—allowing you to customize them to suit you and your clients' unique styles and needs

The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner

by Berghuis David J. Jongsma Arthur E.

The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner contains complete prewritten session and patient presentation descriptions for each behavioral problem in The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Treatment Planner. The prewritten progress notes can be easily and quickly adapted to fit a particular client need or treatment situation. Saves you hours of time-consuming paperwork, yet offers the freedom to develop customized progress notes Organized around 39 behaviorally based presenting problems, including nightmares, post- deployment reintegration, combat and operational stress reaction, amputation and/or loss of mobility, adjustment to killing, and depression Features over 1,000 prewritten progress notes (summarizing patient presentation, themes of session, and treatment delivered) Provides an array of treatment approaches that correspond with the behavioral problems and DSM-IV-TR diagnostic categories in The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Treatment Planner Offers sample progress notes that conform to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies, including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA Presents new and updated information on the role of evidence-based practice in progress notes writing and the special status of progress notes under HIPAA

The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Treatment Planner

by Arthur E. Jongsma Jr. Bret A. Moore

The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Treatment Planner provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal agencies. Features empirically supported, evidence-based treatment interventions Organized around 39 main presenting problems in treating veterans and active duty military personnel, including substance abuse, adjustment to killing, anger management and domestic violence, pre-deployment stress, survivors' guilt, and combat and operational stress reaction Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventions-plus space to record your own treatment plan options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem Designed to correspond with The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA

The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, with DSM-5 Updates (PracticePlanners)

by Bret A. Moore Arthur E. Jongsma Jr.

This timesaving resource features: Treatment plan components for 39 behaviorally based presenting problems Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventions—plus space to record your own treatment plan options A step-by-step guide to writing treatment plans that meet the requirements of most insurance companies and third-party payors Includes Evidence-Based Practice Interventions as required by many public funding sources and private insurers PracticePlanners® THE BESTSELLING TREATMENT PLANNING SYSTEM FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Treatment Planner provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal agencies. Features empirically supported, evidence-based treatment interventions Organized around 39 main presenting problems in treating veterans and active duty military personnel, including substance abuse, adjustment to killing, anger management and domestic violence, pre-deployment stress, survivors' guilt, and combat and operational stress reaction Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventions—plus space to record your own treatment plan options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem Designed to correspond with The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA Additional resources in the PracticePlanners® series: Progress Notes Planners contain complete, prewritten progress notes for each presenting problem in the companion Treatment Planners. Homework Planners feature behaviorally based, ready-to-use assignments to speed treatment and keep clients engaged between sessions. For more information on our PracticePlanners®, including our full line of Treatment Planners, visit us on the Web at:

El viaje para sanar la sexualidad: Una guía para sobrevivientes de abuso sexual

by Wendy Maltz

Considered a classic in its field, this comprehensive guide will help survivors of sexual abuse improve their relationships and discover the joys of sexual intimacy. Wendy Maltz takes survivors step by step through the recovery process through exercises and innovative techniques. Based on the author's clinical work, interviews and workshops, we will find in this guide first-person accounts of women and men at each stage of sexual healing.This compassionate resource helps survivors to:• Identify the sexual effects of sexual abuse.• Eliminate negative sexual behavior and solve specific problems.• Gain control over bothersome automatic reactions to touch and sex.• Develop a healthy sexual self-conceptConsiderada un clásico en su campo, esta guía integral ayudará a los sobrevivientes de abuso sexual a mejorar sus relaciones y descubrir las alegrías de la intimidad sexual. Wendy Maltz lleva a los sobrevivientes paso a paso a través del proceso de recuperación mediante ejercicios y técnicas innovadoras. Basada en el trabajo clínico, las entrevistas y los talleres del autor, encontraremos en esta guía relatos en primera persona de mujeres y hombres en cada etapa de la curación sexual. Este recurso compasivo ayuda a los sobrevivientes a: Identificar los efectos sexuales del abuso sexual.Eliminar el comportamiento sexual negativo y resolver problemas específicos.Obtener el control sobre las reacciones automáticas molestas al tacto y al sexo.Desarrollar un autoconcepto sexual sano

The Vibes You Feel: What I’ve Learned about Life and Relationships through the Holy Spirit

by Kierra Sheard-Kelly

This inspiring book for teens and young women explores what it means to listen to God&’s voice, better understand the &“vibes&” and intuition the Spirit uses as guidance, and live a life that proclaims your heavenly truth. Filled with personal lessons from author and Grammy-nominated artist Kierra &“Kiki&” Sheard-Kelly and empowering scriptural promises, you&’ll grow stronger in your faith as well as your God-given purpose.Each day, we are under attack—by people who want to keep us down or who doubt our gifts, as well as by spiritual forces who want to knock us off our God-given path and into the darkness. In The Vibes You Feel, Kierra &“Kiki&” Sheard-Kelly invites you to uncover what it means to have the Holy Spirit in your life, and how listening to the vibes we sense in certain situations can help steer us toward the future God intends. Inside The Vibes You Feel, you&’ll find:encouragement and support for navigating today&’s worldsolid biblical truths and scriptural promises that arm you for the tough decisions and battles in your lifeKierra&’s own personal stories and experiences with difficult situations, and the spiritual nudges that helped her throughAdvice and guidance with actionable steps In addition, The Vibes You Feel:is an ideal gift for birthdays, Christmas, Easter, or graduationshelps you grow closer to God and understand the signals he sendsis perfect for those looking for motivation and biblical guidance Also check out Kierra Sheard-Kelly&’s bestselling and inspirational book, Big, Bold, and Beautiful.

The Vibrant Family: A Handbook for Parents and Professionals (The Systemic Thinking and Practice Series)

by Susanne Soborg Christensen

The Vibrant Family offers completely new and surprising approaches to parenthood. This book is not about child rearing, setting limits, or a specific way of communicating with children. It is about the ways in which well-being in our relationship is crucial to a good family life with confident and balanced children. The clear message of the book is that it is not the children who should change in order to get the family to function it is the parents. The book also offers practical and concrete tools to help you understand how you and your partner can learn to communicate and act in an accepting and close way, creating a climate in the family that encourages joy and growth.

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