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Videotherapie und Videosupervision: Praxishandbuch für Psychotherapie und Beratung online (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Susanna Hartmann-Strauss

Dieses Manual für Psychotherapeuten und Supervisoren zeigt, wie Sprechstunde und Supervision per Video gelingen – einem Medium, dem in der Beratungsbeziehung oft das Etikett der zweiten Wahl anhaftet. Richtig genutzt bietet die Videotherapie jedoch Möglichkeiten, die über die Face-to-Face-Interaktion hinausgehen. Exposition, Rollenspiel und Entspannung – das alles funktioniert online. Die Videobehandlung erleichtert die Umsetzung von Interventionen, stärkt die professionelle Interaktion und fördert so therapeutische Effekte. Hierfür muss eine hohe Vertrautheit mit dem Medium und der Kommunikation innerhalb des Mediums vorhanden sein sowie eine Sensibilität für die Grenzen des Einsatzes. Neben rechtlichen und technischen Grundlagen vermittelt das Praxishandbuch daher Gesprächsstrategien und Adaptionen der wesentlichen therapeutischen und supervisorischen Vorgehensweisen. Aus dem Inhalt: Technische und rechtliche Grundlagen – Vorbehalte – Sitzungsorganisation – Struktur und Ablauf – Interventionen – Dos and Don'ts. Geschrieben für Psychotherapeuten und Supervisoren und zudem alle Berater, die Video nutzen, um mit ihren Klienten zu kommunizieren. Über die Autorin: Susanna Hartmann-Strauss ist Diplompsychologin, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin und Supervisorin. Sie arbeitet kassenzugelassen in eigener Praxis, ist seit mehr als 15 Jahren in der Weiterbildung tätig und begeisterte Onlinetherapeutin.

Viele Wege führen zum Glück: Experten stellen vor

by Andrea Fischer Christin Prizelius

​Verschiedene Wege führen zum Glück – finden Sie Ihren!Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle Menschen, die sich mit dem Thema Glück für sich und andere beschäftigen, und zeigt, dass das Glück oft näher und greifbarer ist als gedacht. Für jeden bedeutet Glück etwas anderes und jeder Mensch darf dabei selbst herausfinden, was ihn glücklich macht. Wissenschaftlich fundiert und praxisnah bieten die Autoren vielseitige Inspirationen zum Thema. Sowohl aktuelle Forschungsfelder als auch individuelle Projekte werden verständlich und konkret dargestellt. Dabei wird der Leser eingeladen zu reflektieren und eigene Impulse zu setzen. Ziel ist mehr Lebensfreude, eine ganzheitliche positive Ausrichtung und Einstellung, sowohl für den Einzelnen als auch die Gesellschaft und damit eine bessere Gesundheit und mehr Wohlbefinden. Entdecken Sie Ihren Weg zum Glück und gestalten Sie ihn selbst aktiv mit!

Vielfalt Meditation: Ein Überblick Über Meditations- Und Achtsamkeitsübungen (Essentials)

by Peter Malinowski

Dieses essential bietet einen Überblick über Meditationsrichtungen, -programme und -techniken und führt die wichtigsten Begriffe und Definitionen ein. Peter Malinowski entwirrt die Vielfalt unterschiedlicher Meditationsangebote und vermittelt ein grundlegendes Verständnis von Meditation und Achtsamkeit. Der Leser bekommt einen Leitfaden zur Einteilung von Meditationsübungen, verbunden mit dem Handwerkszeug, um unterschiedliche Angebote sinnvoll unterscheiden zu können. Zudem werden die wichtigsten Erklärungsansätze zur Wirkung von Meditation eingeführt.

Vier Theorien, um die Welt zu beherrschen: Und eine fünfte, nur für Damen!

by Ina Wunn

Wie kommt man gesellschaftlich ganz nach oben? Man kämpft um Macht und Anerkennung und möchte um jeden Preis Aufmerksamkeit erregen. Dabei stellt sich die Frage: Ist das wirklich so einfach und wenn ja, wo fange ich an?Gibt es einen Dresscode, der mich als Mitglied der herrschenden Klasse auszeichnet? Hilft es gar, wenn Frauen Miniröcke und tiefe Ausschnitte tragen? Läuft es etwa darauf hinaus, dass sich meine egoistische Überlebensmaschine mit ebenso egoistischen und möglichst erfolgreichen Genen zusammentut? Geht es in letzter Konsequenz nur um Paarung, um die Alphastellung und damit um einen bevorzugten Platz auf der Mating-Liste?Über all das haben sich Generationen von Biologen, Verhaltensforschern und zuletzt auch Gesellschaftswissenschaftlern Gedanken gemacht. Aber erst, wenn man vier bahnbrechende und eigentlich ganz simple Theorien (egoistisches Gen, Ritual, System und Habitus) in einen inhaltlichen Zusammenhang bringt, lässt sich das Rätsel um das große Spiel von Liebe und Macht, von Schönheit und Herrschaft, von Aufstieg und Fall durchschauen. Und sollten wir die mit Beispielen aus der Welt der Reichen und Schönen angereicherte Lektüre als Lehrstück auffassen, steht unserem gesellschaftlichen Aufstieg in die herrschende Klasse nichts mehr im Wege!

Viewpoint in Language

by Barbara Dancygier Eve Sweetser

What makes us talk about viewpoint and perspective in linguistic analyses and in literary texts, as well as in landscape art? Is this shared vocabulary marking real connections between the disparate phenomena? This volume argues that human cognition is not only rooted in the human body, but also inherently 'viewpointed' as a result; consequently, so are language and communication. Dancygier and Sweetser bring together researchers who do not typically meet on common ground: analysts of narrative and literary style, linguists examining the uses of grammatical forms in signed and spoken languages, and analysts of gesture accompanying speech. Using models developed within cognitive linguistics, the book uncovers surprising functional similarities across various communicative forms, arguing for specific cognitive underpinnings of such correlations. What emerges is a new understanding of the role and structure of viewpoint and a groundbreaking methodology for investigating communicative choices across various modalities and discourse contexts.

Views and Beliefs in Mathematics Education: The Role Of Beliefs In The Classroom

by Benjamin Rott Günter Törner Joyce Peters-Dasdemir Anne Möller Safrudiannur

The book is made up of 21 chapters from 25 presentations at the 23rd MAVI conference in Essen, which featured Alan Schoenfeld as keynote speaker. Of major interest to MAVI participants is the relationship between teachers’ professed beliefs and classroom practice. The first section is dedicated to classroom practices and beliefs regarding those practices, taking a look at prospective or practicing teachers’ views of different practices such as decision-making, the roles of explanations, problem-solving, patterning, and the use of play. The focus of the second section in this book deals with teacher change, which is notoriously difficult, even when the teachers themselves are interested in changing their practice. The third section of this book centers on the undercurrents of teaching and learning mathematics, what rises in various situations, causing tensions and inconsistencies. The last section of this book takes a look at emerging themes in affect-related research. In this section, papers discuss attitudes towards assessment.

Views from the Spectrum: A Window into Life and Faith with Your Neurodivergent Child

by Ron Sandison

A remarkable inside look at the intersection of faith and autism for parents longing to connect their children with God's loveRaising a child with autism is both a challenge and an adventure--and sometimes parents need to know there can also be wonderful potential for blessings. Views from the Spectrum shares the inspiring stories of twenty amazing young adults with autism and how each of their family's unwavering support and faith in God led them to accomplish what was thought impossible. As a thriving adult with autism himself, Ron Sandison is determined to educate the world on the gifts and talents autism can cultivate--even when they differ from our expectations of typical success.While it is primarily a much-needed how-to guide for parents of children with special needs, this book is also a stunning view into the world of autism. Readers will witness the courage of Tyler Gianchetta, who rescued his mother from a burning vehicle. They'll marvel at the artistic talent of nonverbal poet and artist Kimberly Dixon, admire the determination of Armani Williams, competing as a NASCAR driver, and find encouragement in the many other stories within these pages. In addition to these experiences, Sandison has also interviewed top experts in the autism field and shares their insights here.Sandison weaves narrative with Scripture, sharing his own journey with autism throughout the book. Full of anecdotes, scientific research, parenting tips, prayers, devotions, and more, Views from the Spectrum is a celebration of autism, faith, and the possibilities at their intersection.

Views On Ericksonian Brief Therapy (Ericksonian Monograph Ser. #No.8)

by Jeffrey K. Zeig Stephen R. Lankton Stephen G. Gilligan

Eight papers from the Fourth International Congress on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, held December 1988, San Francisco, California. No index. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.


by Morris Panych

A man returns after thirty years to sit with a relative on her deathbed. Kemp's problem is: she's not dying fast enough. Through Kemp's own errors and inattentiveness, the visit that he thinks will take a day or two stretches into a year. A play of mistaken identity, twisted circumstance, and surprising turns, this is one Vigil worth keeping.

Vigor: Neuroeconomics of Movement Control

by Reza Shadmehr Alaa A. Ahmed

An examination of the link between the vigor with which we move and the value that the brain assigns to the goal of the movement.Why do we reflexively run toward people we love, but only walk toward others? In Vigor, Reza Shadmehr and Alaa Ahmed examine the link between how the brain assigns value to things and how it controls our movements. They find that brain regions thought to be principally involved in decision making also affect movement vigor--and that brain regions thought to be principally responsible for movement also bias patterns of decision making.

Viktimisierung junger Menschen im Internet: Leitfaden für Pädagogen und Psychologen (essentials)

by Frank J. Robertz Atte Oksanen Pekka Räsänen

Dieses essential gibt einen Überblick über potenzielle Gefahren der Internetnutzung für junge Menschen. Die Autoren befassen sich dabei insbesondere mit Risiken, die aus hassbasiertem Online-Material und möglicherweise schädigenden Inhalten hervorgehen. Ihre Ausführungen werden durch eine Darstellung aktueller Forschungsergebnisse im Ländervergleich ergänzt. Abschließende Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung des Schutzes von Kindern und Jugendlichen im Cyberspace helfen dabei, unserer Verantwortung für die junge Generation besser gerecht zu werden.

Viktor Frankl: A Life Worth Living

by Anna Redsand

When he was a teenager in Austria, Viktor Frankl began developing logotherapy, a revolutionary form of psychotherapy based on the belief that humanity's primary motivational force is the search for meaning.

Viktor Frankl and the Shoah: Advancing the Debate (SpringerBriefs in Psychology)

by Alexander Batthyány

This books takes a new and critical look at the development of logotherapy and existential analysis, a prominent existential school of psychotherapy. It explores the intellectual and political biography of its founder, the Austrian psychiatrist and holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl, best known for his bestselling “Man’s Search for Meaning”. The book focuses on his life and works and political thinking from the late 1920’s to the years spent in Nazi-occupied Vienna, and finally the time he spent in the concentration camps Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, and Dachau. It presents new archival findings on Frankl’s involvement with the Austrian Zionist Movement, his attempts to sabotage the “euthanasia” program of the National Socialists, and his scathing critiques of the NS-Psychotherapy school around Göring and his students, published during the years before Frankl’s deportation to Theresienstadt. This book addresses recent attempts by the author Timothy Pytell to portray Frankl as a “fellow traveler” of the Nazi regime and corrects the fundamental errors and misrepresentations in Pytell’s work. It thus offers important perspectives on the intellectual history of ideas in psychology and existential psychotherapy, and also serves as key material on the development of psychotherapy before and during the Holocaust.

Viktor Frankl's Contribution to Spirituality and Aging

by Melvin A. Kimble

Use Frankl's insights and techniques to improve life for your aging clients or parishioners. Viktor Frankl, a holocaust survivor who experienced firsthand the horrors of Auschwitz, saw man as “a being who continuously decides what he is: a being who equally harbors the potential to descend to the level of an animal or to ascend to the life of a saint. Man is that being, who, after all, invented the gas chambers; but at the same time he is that being who entered into those same gas chambers with his head held high and with the 'Our Father’or the Jewish prayer of the dying on his lips.”Dr. Frankl's insights led him to found the therapeutic system of logotherapy, which views man as a spiritual being rather than simply as a biological construct. Logotherapy has come to be called the Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy (after Freud's psychoanalysis and Adler's individual psychology). He left a rich legacy of theory and insights especially relevant to the search for meaning in later life. The tenets of logotherapy provide many clues and approaches to what an ever-increasing body of evidence suggests regarding the crisis of aging as a crisis of meaning. Frankl&’s insightful work increased man&’s understanding of the spiritual dimension of humanity and the dignity and worth of every person in the face of what he called “the tragic trial of human existence: pain, guilt, and death.”Viktor Frankl's Contribution to Spirituality and Aging presents an essential overview of logotherapy and explores: the search for and the will to meaning in later life the connection between logotherapy and pastoral counseling-bringing psychology and theology together to effectively counsel the aging the role of logotherapy in the treatment of adult major depression aspects of meaning and personhood in dementia the search for meaning in long-term care settingsViktor Frankl's Contribution to Spirituality and Aging represents varying professional perspectives on the application of Frankl's logotherapy for ministry with older adults. The chapter authors represent diverse professional backgrounds in medicine, pastoral theology, the behavioral sciences, and pastoral ministry. They address issues such as death and dying, dementia and depression, and the spiritual meaning of aging, as well as Frankl's conception of the nature of humanity. Everyone interested in the connection between theology and psychology in the context of the aging will want to own this book.

Viktor Frankl's Search for Meaning

by Timothy Pytell

First published in 1946, Viktor Frankl's memoir Man's Search for Meaning remains one of the most influential books of the last century, selling over ten million copies worldwide and having been embraced by successive generations of readers captivated by its author's philosophical journey in the wake of the Holocaust. This long-overdue reappraisal examines Frankl's life and intellectual evolution anew, from his early immersion in Freudian and Adlerian theory to his development of the "third Viennese school" amid the National Socialist domination of professional psychotherapy. It teases out the fascinating contradictions and ambiguities surrounding his years in Nazi Europe, including the experimental medical procedures he oversaw in occupied Austria and a stopover at the Auschwitz concentration camp far briefer than has commonly been assumed. Throughout, author Timothy Pytell gives a penetrating but fair-minded account of a man whose paradoxical embodiment of asceticism, celebrity, tradition, and self-reinvention drew together the complex strands of twentieth-century intellectual life.

The Village Effect

by Susan Pinker

In her surprising, entertaining and persuasive new book, award-winning author and psychologist Susan Pinker shows how face-to-face contact is crucial for learning, happiness, resilience and longevity. From birth to death, human beings are hard-wired to connect to other human beings. Face to face contact matters: tight bonds of friendship and love heal us, help children learn, extend our lives and make us happy. Looser in-person bonds matter, too, combining with our close relationships to form a personal "village" around us, one that exerts unique effects. And not just any social networks will do: we need the real, face-to-face, in-the-flesh encounters that tie human families, groups of friends and communities together. Marrying the findings of the new field of social neuroscience together with gripping human stories, Susan Pinker explores the impact of face-to-face contact from cradle to grave, from city to Sardinian mountain village, from classroom to workplace, from love to marriage to divorce. Her results are enlightening and enlivening, and they challenge our assumptions. Most of us have left the literal village behind, and don't want to give up our new technologies to go back there. But, as Pinker writes so compellingly, we need close social bonds and uninterrupted face-time with our friends and families in order to thrive--even to survive. Creating our own "village effect" can make us happier. It can also save our lives.From the Hardcover edition.

The Village Effect

by Susan Pinker

In her surprising, entertaining, and persuasive new book, award-winning author and psychologist Susan Pinker shows how face-to-face contact is crucial for learning, happiness, resilience, and longevity. From birth to death, human beings are hardwired to connect to other human beings. Face-to-face contact matters: tight bonds of friendship and love heal us, help children learn, extend our lives, and make us happy. Looser in-person bonds matter, too, combining with our close relationships to form a personal "village" around us, one that exerts unique effects. Not just any social networks will do: we need the real, in-the-flesh encounters that tie human families, groups of friends, and communities together. Marrying the findings of the new field of social neuroscience with gripping human stories, Susan Pinker explores the impact of face-to-face contact from cradle to grave, from city to Sardinian mountain village, from classroom to workplace, from love to marriage to divorce. Her results are enlightening and enlivening, and they challenge many of our assumptions. Most of us have left the literal village behind and don't want to give up our new technologies to go back there. But, as Pinker writes so compellingly, we need close social bonds and uninterrupted face-time with our friends and families in order to thrive--even to survive. Creating our own "village effect" makes us happier. It can also save our lives.Advance praise for The Village Effect "A terrific book . . . Pinker makes a hardheaded case for a softhearted virtue. Read this book. Then talk about it--in person!--with a friend."--Daniel H. Pink, New York Times bestselling author of Drive and To Sell Is Human "What do Sardinian men, Trader Joe's employees, and nuns have in common? Real social networks--though not the kind you'll find on Facebook or Twitter. Susan Pinker's delightful book shows why face-to-face interaction at home, school, and work makes us healthier, smarter, and more successful."--Charles Duhigg, New York Times bestselling author of The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business "Provocative and engaging . . . Pinker is a great storyteller and a thoughtful scholar. This is an important book, one that will shape how we think about the increasingly virtual world we all live in."--Paul Bloom, author of Just Babies: The Origins of Good and Evil "A fascinating, nuanced study of that most fundamental need: the need for human connection."--Maria Konnikova, New York Times bestselling author of Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes "The Village Effect is a fascinating explanation of why we need regular contact with people, not just screens--and why time spent with your neighbors will enrich and extend your life in ways you never imagined."--John Tierney, New York Times bestselling co-author of Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength "With a raft of surprising data, this compulsively readable, lively and meticulously researched book shows that direct and frequent human contact is at least as important to our survival as clean air or good nutrition."--Christina Hoff Sommers, author of Freedom Feminism: Its Surprising History and Why It Matters TodayFrom the Hardcover edition.

Vilonia Beebe Takes Charge

by Kristin L. Gray

Vilonia is determined to prove she’s responsible enough to care for a dog in this hilarious and utterly lovable debut novel.Being responsible is NOT easy. Fourth grader Vilonia hasn’t lost her rain coat in the three weeks she’s had it and she’s brushed her teeth every night and she’s volunteered to be the Friday Library Helper. But all that hard work is worth it if it means she can get a dog. Besides, this dog isn’t just because Vilonia has wanted one for pretty much ever. It’s also to help Mama, who’s been lost in one, big sadness fog for forty-three days—ever since Nana died. But Vilonia read that pets can help with sadness. Now all she has to do is keep the library goldfish alive over spring break, stop bringing stray animals home, and help Mama not get fired from her job. And she’s got to do all of it before the Catfish Festival. Easy as pie, right? Tremendous voice, humor, and heart make this debut novel utterly lovable.

Vintage Sacks

by Oliver Sacks

Vintage Readers are a perfect introduction to some of the great modern writers presented in attractive, accessible paperback editions."It is Dr. Sacks's gift that he has found a way to enlarge our experience and understanding of what the human is." --The Wall Street JournalDubbed "the poet laureate of medicine" by The New York Times, Oliver Sacks is a practicing neurologist and a mesmerizing storyteller. His empathetic accounts of his patients's lives--and wrily observed narratives of his own--convey both the extreme borderlands of human experience and the miracles of ordinary seeing, speaking, hearing, thinking, and feeling. Vintage Sacks includes the introduction and case study "Rose R." from Awakenings (the book that inspired the Oscar-nominated movie), as well as "A Deaf World" from Seeing Voices; "The Visions of Hildegard" from Migraine; excerpts from "Island Hopping" and "Pingelap" from The Island of the Colorblind; "A Surgeon's Life" from An Anthropologist on Mars; and two chapters from Sacks's acclaimed memoir Uncle Tungsten.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Vintage Sacks

by Oliver Sacks

Vintage Readers are a perfect introduction to some of the great modern writers presented in attractive, accessible paperback editions."It is Dr. Sacks's gift that he has found a way to enlarge our experience and understanding of what the human is." --The Wall Street JournalDubbed "the poet laureate of medicine" by The New York Times, Oliver Sacks is a practicing neurologist and a mesmerizing storyteller. His empathetic accounts of his patients's lives--and wrily observed narratives of his own--convey both the extreme borderlands of human experience and the miracles of ordinary seeing, speaking, hearing, thinking, and feeling. Vintage Sacks includes the introduction and case study "Rose R." from Awakenings (the book that inspired the Oscar-nominated movie), as well as "A Deaf World" from Seeing Voices; "The Visions of Hildegard" from Migraine; excerpts from "Island Hopping" and "Pingelap" from The Island of the Colorblind; "A Surgeon's Life" from An Anthropologist on Mars; and two chapters from Sacks's acclaimed memoir Uncle Tungsten.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Vintage Sacks

by Oliver Sacks

Oliver Sacks' empathetic understanding and compelling storytelling ability have turned his accounts of his patients and his own life into literature, as evidenced in "Uncle Tungsten," "Stinks and Bangs," and "Cannery Row" from Uncle Tungsten; the Foreword and "Rose R." from Awakenings; "A Deaf World" from Seeing Voices; and excerpts from "Island Hopping" and "Pingelap" from The Island of the Colorblind.

Violence: Prevention and Treatment in Groups

by George Getzel

This informative and thoughtful book demonstrates the value of social group work concepts applied to domestic and other forms of violence. Written by social work practitioners, each chapter focuses on a different form of violence and the appropriate models of social work with groups. Using detailed accounts of their own practice and research, professionals explain behavioral, interactional, and humanistic approaches toward varying service service populations--including perpetrators, as well as victims or “survivors.” The samples of creative interventions with victims of childhood sexual abuse, rape, and domestic battering will inspire sympathy and reflection among all professionals who too often see the consequences of victimization in their own practices.

Violence: Reflections on a National Epidemic

by James Gilligan

Drawing on firsthand experience as a prison psychiatrist, his own family history, and literature, the author unveils the motives of men who commit horrifying crimes, men who will not only kill others but destroy themselves rather than suffer a loss of self-respect. <p><p>With devastating clarity, Gilligan traces the role that shame plays in the etiology of murder and explains why our present penal system only exacerbates it. Brilliantly argued, harrowing in its portraits of the walking dead, Violence should be read by anyone concerned with this national epidemic and its widespread consequences.

Violence: A Public Health Menace and a Public Health Approach (The Forensic Psychotherapy Monograph Series)

by Sandra L. Bloom

This book provides practical information to design specific intervention strategies aimed at preventing the escalation of violence in any community. It provides both practical advice and theoretical stimulation for introductory students and for senior practitioners of forensic psychotherapy.

Violence – Reason – Fear: Interdisciplinary approaches and theoretical approaches

by Jutta Ecarius Johannes Bilstein

The book explores the question of the significance of fear and reason in the context of cultural violence and subjective different experiences of violence. Perspectives from the social sciences, educational philosophy and cultural studies open up an interdisciplinary approach to violence of culture and media, the experience of fear and vulnerability as well as strangeness and rage.

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