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Visual Processing: Computational Psychophysical and Cognitive Research

by Roger Watt

This highly original and interesting monograph puts forward ideas on visual processing and representation in the early stages of visual perception, and examines the computational requirements of the system and its psychological performance. Initially the author considers the computational theory of how the maximum amount of useful information about the scene can be registered from the variations in light intensity in the retinal image. He then goeson to address the question of just what it means to say that the visual system measures spatial aspects of the retinal image, and the consequences of the inevitable distortions that are introduced. He believes that the calculation of spatial position within a distorted metric is not trivial and requires dynamic processes with memory and control. Finally, Dr. Wan argues that the strength of the link between the low-level approaches of psychophysics and computational theory and high-level approaches of cognitive visual function lies in the logic of the arguments that indicate the computational need for control. This Essay will be of great interest to researchers in computer vision, perception, cognitive science and cognitive psychology.

Visual Revelations: Graphical Tales of Fate and Deception From Napoleon Bonaparte To Ross Perot (Copernicus Ser.)

by Howard Wainer

To function in modern society complex data must be absorbed and understood at a breakneck pace. The most efficient way to do this is through data-based graphics. This book is an exploration and celebration of graphical methods of data presentation. Visual Revelations' principal purpose is to enlighten, inform, and amuse the reader regarding the shortcomings of common graphical practices; particularly how they can misinform while simultaneously providing models of wonderful graphics. There are many examples of the best graphic practice, graphs that go beyond conveying, facts, and structure to be able to carry emotion as well. Aimed at an educated, lay audience, this volume benefits anyone who must either convey or receive quantitative information, including designers, statisticians, and people in the media.

Visual Supports

by Theresa L. Earles-Vollrath

Visual supports are essential components of programs serving students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and can help provide a variety of information that enables these students to better understand and complete tasks with greater independence. Visual Supports, Second Edition provides information to help educators and families utilize visual displays or cues, such as schedules, boundaries, labels, and consequence maps, to help students with ASD achieve improved learning outcomes. Contents 1. Creating Visual Supports for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders 2. Visual Supports That Provide Information 3. Visual Strategies That Support Behavior and Emotional Regulation 4. Visual Supports That Structure the Learning Environment 5. Visual Supports That Enhance Cognition and Language Development 6. Visual Supports That Enhance Comprehension of Classroom Instruction 7. Visual Strategies That Support Conversation and Social Skills

Visual Thinking

by Rudolf Arnheim

For thirty-five years Visual Thinking has been the gold standard for art educators, psychologists, and general readers alike. In this seminal work, Arnheim, author of The Dynamics of Architectural Form, Film as Art, Toward a Psychology of Art, and Art and Visual Perception, asserts that all thinking (not just thinking related to art) is basically perceptual in nature, and that the ancient dichotomy between seeing and thinking, between perceiving and reasoning, is false and misleading. An indispensable tool for students and for those interested in the arts.

Visual Thinking: The Hidden Gifts of People Who Think in Pictures, Patterns, and Abstractions

by Temple Grandin

INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERWINNER OF THE NAUTILUS GOLD AWARD&“A powerful and provocative testament to the diverse coalition of minds we&’ll need to face the mounting challenges of the twenty-first century.&” —Steve Silberman &“An absolute eye-opener.&” —Frans de WaalA landmark book that reveals, celebrates, and advocates for the special minds and contributions of visual thinkersA quarter of a century after her memoir, Thinking in Pictures, forever changed how the world understood autism, Temple Grandin— &“an anthropologist on Mars,&” as Oliver Sacks dubbed her—transforms our awareness of the different ways our brains are wired. Do you have a keen sense of direction, a love of puzzles, the ability to assemble furniture without crying? You are likely a visual thinker. With her genius for demystifying science, Grandin draws on cutting-edge research to take us inside visual thinking. Visual thinkers constitute a far greater proportion of the population than previously believed, she reveals, and a more varied one, from the photo-realistic &“object visualizers&” like Grandin herself, with their intuitive knack for design and problem solving, to the abstract, mathematically inclined &“visual spatial&” thinkers who excel in pattern recognition and systemic thinking. She also makes us understand how a world increasingly geared to the verbal tends to sideline visual thinkers, screening them out at school and passing over them in the workplace. Rather than continuing to waste their singular gifts, driving a collective loss in productivity and innovation, Grandin proposes new approaches to educating, parenting, employing, and collaborating with visual thinkers. In a highly competitive world, this important book helps us see, we need every mind on board.

Visual Word Recognition Volume 1: Models and Methods, Orthography and Phonology (Current Issues in the Psychology of Language)

by James S. Adelman

Word recognition is the component of reading which involves the identification of individual words. Together the two volumes of Visual Word Recognition offer a state-of-the-art overview of contemporary research from leading figures in the field. This first volume outlines established theory, new models and key experimental evidence used to investigate visual word recognition: lexical decision and word naming. It also considers methodological concerns: new developments in large databases, and how these have been applied to theoretical questions; and control considerations when dealing with words as stimuli. Finally, the book considers the visual-orthographic input to the word recognition system: from the left and right-hand sides of vision, through the processing of letters and their proximity, to the similarity and confusability of words, and the contribution of the spoken-phonological form of the word. The two volumes serve as a state-of-the-art, comprehensive overview of the field. They are essential reading for researchers of visual word recognition, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students of cognition and cognitive psychology, specifically the psychology of language and reading. They will also be of use to those working in education and speech-language therapy.

Visual Word Recognition Volume 2: Meaning and Context, Individuals and Development (Current Issues in the Psychology of Language)

by James S. Adelman

Word recognition is the component of reading which involves the identification of individual words. Together the two volumes of Visual Word Recognition offer a state-of-the-art overview of contemporary research from leading figures in the field. This second volume examines how research on word recognition has been linked to the study of concepts and meaning, such as how morphemes affect word recognition, how the meaning of words affects their processing and the effect of priming on the processing of words. The book also discusses eye-movement research, the reading of whole sentences and passages, how bilinguals recognize words in different languages, individual differences in visual word recognition, and the development of visual word recognition difficulties in developmental dyslexia. The two volumes serve as a state-of-the-art, comprehensive overview of the field. They are essential reading for researchers of visual word recognition, and students on undergraduate and postgraduate courses in cognition and cognitive psychology, specifically the psychology of language and reading. They will also be of use to those working in education and speech-language therapy.

The Visual World in Memory (Current Issues in Memory)

by James R. Brockmole

The book examines how well we remember what we see. Research in human memory for visual material varies tremendously across the time scales, stimuli, and scenarios of interest. Because of these distinct pursuits, research in the field of 'visual memory' is in practice rather compartmentalized and as such is disseminated across a range of literatures. The Visual World in Memory pulls together this disparate field with a series of chapters, each written by a leading expert, that concisely present the state-of-the-science in all the areas of research. The result is a single source of information that bridges the divides that separate the field as a whole. Each chapter reviews and analyzes current theories and controversies regarding such issues as visual and spatial working memory, memory for visual features, conjunctions, objects, and locations, memory for faces, memory for real-world scenes, memory for visual events, the role of visual memory in motor planning and action, the relationship between visual memory, reference frames, and navigation, and visual imagery. The rigorous discussion and analysis included in each chapter will appeal to established researchers and vision scientists whilst the breadth of the book will make it an ideal companion for students learning about memory.

The Visual World of the Child (Psychology Library Editions: Perception #31)

by Eliane Vurpillot

‘How do children see the world?’ is a question of immense importance which fascinates not only psychologists but also parents and all those concerned with education. In this English translation, first published in 1976, the author, who was Professor of Psychology at the René Descartes University in Paris, provided the most comprehensive review at the time of the development of visual perception in children, a field to which she herself had made a substantial contribution. Her book, which gave the first comprehensive study of the relationship between cognitive development and perceptual activities in small children, explores how they interpret visual information and gradually build up a picture of the world. The author had devoted fifteen years to research on the visual world of the child and possessed an exhaustive knowledge of the experimental literature on the subject in English, French, Russian and other languages. She saw perception as a form of knowledge which the child exploits and adapts in a variety of ways at different stages of development. This is brilliantly demonstrated in her own research on the strategies children use in judging things as ‘different’ or ‘the same’ and the way these relate to the structure of their perceptual organisation. This book is essential reading for anyone with a serious interest in developmental and cognitive psychology; it also provides an object lesson in the application of experimental methods. In addition the organisation of the material made it a valuable textbook for advanced undergraduate and post-graduate teaching and will still be of interest in its historical context today.

Visualisierungskompetenz in didaktischen Kontexten: Eine Einführung (essentials)

by Sammy Wafi Markus Antonius Wirtz

Sammy Wafi und Markus Wirtz klären die Bedeutung von Visualisierungskompetenz von Lehrenden und Lernenden für Lernprozesse in (multi-)medialen Lernumwelten sowie multimedial geprägten Lebens- und Arbeitswelten. In diesem Essential ordnen sie Visualisierungskompetenz unter Einbeziehung des internationalen Diskurses zu Visual Literacy theoriebasiert ein. Dies schafft die Basis für die (Weiter-)Entwicklung empirisch validierter Modelle, didaktischer Materialien und Lehr-/Lernstrategien zur gezielten Förderung von Visualisierungskompetenz. Der enge Zusammenhang zur Kompetenzorientierung und Evidenzbasierung des deutschen Bildungssystems sowie Konsequenzen für didaktische Lehr- und Lernumgebungen werden verdeutlicht.

Visualization Psychology

by Danielle Albers Szafir Rita Borgo Min Chen Darren J. Edwards Brian Fisher Lace Padilla

This book designates Visualization Psychology as an interdisciplinary subject. The book contains literature reviews and experimental works that exemplify a range of open questions at this critical intersection. It also includes discourses that envision how the subject may be developed in the coming years and decades. The field of visualization is a rich playground for discovering new knowledge in both visualization and psychology. As visualization techniques augment human cognition, these techniques must be developed and improved by building on theoretical, empirical and methodological knowledge from psychology. At the same time, visualization processes surface numerous phenomena about interactions between the human mind and digital entities, such as data, visual imagery, algorithms, and computer-generated predictions and recommendations. Visualization psychology is a new type of science in the making.

Visualizations and Dashboards for Learning Analytics (Advances in Analytics for Learning and Teaching)

by Dirk Ifenthaler Muhittin Sahin

This edited volume fills the gaps in existing literature on visualization and dashboard design for learning analytics. To do so, it presents critical tips to stakeholders and acts as guide to efficient implementation. The book covers the following topics: visualization and dashboard design for learning analytics, visualization and dashboard preferences of stakeholders, learners’ patterns on the dashboard, usability of visualization techniques and the dashboard, dashboard and intervention design, learning and instructional design for learning analytics, privacy and security issues about the dashboard, and future directions of visualization and dashboard design.This book will be of interest to researchers with interest in learning analytics and data analytics, teachers and students in higher education institutions and instructional designers, as it includes contributions from a wide variety of educational and psychological researchers, engineers, instructional designers, learning scientists, and computer scientists interested in learning analytics.

Visualizing Mathematics: The Role of Spatial Reasoning in Mathematical Thought (Research in Mathematics Education)

by Michael T. Battista Kelly S. Mix

This unique volume surveys recent research on spatial visualization in mathematics in the fields of cognitive psychology and mathematics education. The general topic of spatial skill and mathematics has a long research tradition, but has been gaining attention in recent years, although much of this research happens in disconnected subfields. This volume aims to promote interaction between researchers, not only to provide a more comprehensive view of spatial visualization and mathematics, but also to stimulate innovative new directions in research based on a more coordinated effort. It features ten chapters authored by leading researchers in cognitive psychology and mathematics education, as well as includes dynamic commentaries by mathematics education researchers on cognitive psychology chapters, and by cognitive psychologists on mathematics education chapters. Among the topics included: From intuitive spatial measurement to understanding of units. Spatial reasoning: a critical problem-solving tool in children’s mathematics strategy tool-kit. What processes underlie the relation between spatial skill and mathematics? Learning with and from drawing in early years geometry. Communication of visual information and complexity of reasoning by mathematically talented students. Visualizing Mathematics makes substantial progress in understanding the role of spatial reasoning in mathematical thought and in connecting various subfields of research. It promises to make an impact among psychologists, education scholars, and mathematics educators in the convergence of psychology and education.

Visualizing Psychology, 3rd Edition

by Siri Carpenter Karen Huffman

Visualizing Psychology 3rd Edition helps students examine their own personal studying and learning styles with several new pedagogical aids--encouraging students to apply what they are learning to their everyday lives while offering ongoing study tips and psychological techniques for mastering the material. Most importantly, students are provided with numerous opportunities to immediately access their understanding.

Visuelle Wahrnehmung: Grundlagen, Clinical Reasoning und Intervention im Kindes- und Jugendalter (essentials)

by Andreas Leschnik

In diesem essential werden die Grundlagen des physiologischen/neuronalen Sehens und die Wahrnehmungsverarbeitung erklärt. Außerdem gibt es einen kurzen Überblick über die kindliche Entwicklung des visuellen Systems. Weiterhin zeigt dieses essential auf, welche Formen von visuellen Wahrnehmungsstörungen es gibt. Im weiteren Verlauf wird das hypothetisch-deduktive Clinical Reasoning zum Erstellen einer therapeutischen Diagnose bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit visuellen Wahrnehmungsstörungen eingesetzt. Abschließend bietet dieses essential Interventionsmöglichkeiten für Kinder und Jugendliche mit visuellen Wahrnehmungsstörungen.

Visuo-spatial Working Memory (Essays in Cognitive Psychology)

by Robert H. Logie

Representation of the visual and spatial properties of our environment is a pivotal requirement of everyday cognition. We can mentally represent the visual form of objects. We can extract information from several of the senses as to the location of objects in relation to ourselves and to other objects nearby. For some of those objects we can reach out and manipulate them. We can also imagine ourselves manipulating objects in advance of doing so, or even when it would be impossible to do so physically. The problem posed to science is how these cognitive operations are accomplished, and proffered accounts lie in two essentially parallel research endeavours, working memory and imagery. Working memory is thought to pervade everyday cognition, to provide on-line processing and temporary storage, and to update, moment to moment, our representation of the current state of our environment and our interactions with that environment. There is now a strong case for the claims of working memory in the area of phonological and articulatory functions, all of which appear to contribute to everyday activities such as counting, arithmetic, vocabulary acquisition, and some aspects of reading and language comprehension. The claims for visual and spatial working memory functions are less convincing. Most notable has been the assumption that visual and spatial working memory are intimately involved in the generation, retention and manipulations of visual images. There has until recently been little hard evidence to justify that assumption, and the research on visual and spatial working memory has focused on a relatively restricted range of imagery tasks and phenomena. In a more or less independent development, the literature on visual imagery has now amassed a voluminous corpus of data and theory about a wide range of imagery phenomena. Despite this, few books on imagery refer to the concept of working memory in any detail, or specify the nature of the working memory system that might be involved in mental imagery. This essay follows a line of reconciliation and positive critiquing in exploring the possible overlap between mental imagery and working memory. Theoretical development in the book draws on data from both cognitive psychology and cognitive neuropsychology. The aim is to stimulate debate, to address directly a number of assumptions that hitherto have been implicit, and to assess the contribution of the concept of working memory to our understanding of these intriguing core aspects of human cognition.

Visuo-spatial Working Memory and Individual Differences (Essays in Cognitive Psychology)

by Cesare Cornoldi Tomaso Vecchi

In this timely and comprehensive text, Cesare Cornoldi and Tomaso Vecchi describe their recently developed experimental approach to the investigation of visuo-spatial cognition, based upon the analysis of individual differences. A review of the most influential theoretical advances in the study of visuo-spatial cognition is presented, including both critical analysis and comparisons between the distinct approaches. In addition, the authors describe recent research into memory for spatial configurations, mental manipulation and the active integration of visuo-spatial information. This includes studies on the effects of congenital blindness on mental imagery abilities, developmental and age-related modifications, gender effects, and the role of genetic syndromes in determining visuo-spatial abilities. The authors draw together these distinct areas of research and integrate the findings within an innovative framework of working memory.This text will be a valuable resource for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of psychology, as well as researchers in the fields of cognitive psychology, neuropsychology and neuroscience.

Visuospatial Processing for Education in Health and Natural Sciences

by Juan C. Castro-Alonso

Visuospatial processing is key to learn and perform professionally in the domains of health and natural sciences. As such, there is accumulating research showing the importance of visuospatial processing for education in diverse health sciences (e.g., medicine, anatomy, surgery) and in many natural sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, physics, geology). In general, visuospatial processing is treated separately as (a) spatial ability and (b) working memory with visuospatial stimuli. This book attempts to link these two research perspectives and present visuospatial processing as the cognitive activity of two components of working memory (mostly the visuospatial sketch pad, and also the central executive), which allows to perform in both spatial ability and working memory tasks. Focusing on university education in the fields of health sciences and natural sciences, the chapters in this book describe the abilities of mental rotation, mental folding, spatial working memory, visual working memory, among others, and how different variables affect them. Some of these variables, thoroughly addressed in the book, are sex (gender), visualizations, interactivity, cognitive load, and embodiment. The book concludes with a chapter presenting VAR, a battery of computer-based tests to measure different tasks entailing visuospatial processing. With contributions by top educational psychologists from around the globe, this book will be of interest to a broad array of readers across the disciplines.

Vita Sexualis: Karl Ulrichs and the Origins of Sexual Science

by Ralph M. Leck

Karl Ulrichs's studies of sexual diversity galvanized the burgeoning field of sexual science in the nineteenth century. But in the years since, his groundbreaking activism has overshadowed his scholarly achievements. Ulrichs publicly defied Prussian law to agitate for gay equality and marriage, and founded the world's first organization dedicated to the legal and social emancipation of homosexuals. Ralph M. Leck returns Ulrichs to his place as the inventor of the science of sexual heterogeneity. Leck's analysis situates sexual science in a context that includes politics, aesthetics, the languages of science, and the ethics of gender. Although he was the greatest nineteenth-century scholar of sexual heterogeneity, Ulrichs retained certain traditional conjectures about gender. Leck recognizes these subtleties and employs the analytical concepts of modernist vita sexualis and traditional psychopathia sexualis to articulate philosophical and cultural differences among sexologists. Original and audacious, Vita Sexualis uses a bedrock figure's scientific and political innovations to open new insights into the history of sexual science, legal systems, and Western amatory codes.

Vital Flows Between the Self and Non-Self: The Interpsychic (New Library of Psychoanalysis)

by Stefano Bolognini

Vital Flows explores the concept of the Interpsychic, or that which exists in our unconscious or preconscious inter- and intra-human exchanges and demonstrates its significance for understanding psychoanalytic theory and practice. Drawing on rich clinical material, Bolognini explains how interactions between the self and the ego may be affected by pre-conscious associations, and how these can hinder the development of our self-concept and social interaction. Combining his international theoretical and clinical knowledge, Bolognini provides meaningful ways to understand the unconscious and renders patients’ preconscious channels viable and liveable in a transformative way. With the understanding that the psychic life consists of internal and external interactions equivalent to those that occur by bodily exchange, this text provides an insightful account of how internal life can shape our development from childhood onwards. As an instructive and topical text which draws meaningfully from Italian, British and North-American psychoanalysis, Vital Flows will be critical for psychoanalysts and psychotherapists alike, as they seek to understand and apply the inter-psychic within their own practice.

Vital Friends: The People You Can't Afford to Live Without

by Tom Rath

Do great friendships have anything in common? Are close friendships in the workplace such a bad thing? These are just a few of the questions that #1 New York Times bestselling author Tom Rath asked when he embarked on a massive study about the impact of friendships. Along with several leading researchers, Rath pored through the literature, conducted several experiments, and analyzed more than 8 million interviews from The Gallup Organization's worldwide database. His team's discoveries produced Vital Friends, a book that challenges long-held assumptions people have about their relationships. And the team's landmark discovery - that people who have a "best friend at work" are seven times as likely to be engaged in their job - is sure to rattle the structure of organizations around the world. Drawing on research and case studies from topics as diverse as management, marriage, and architecture, Vital Friends reveals what's common to all truly essential friendships: a regular focus on what each person is contributing to the friendship - rather than the all-too-common approach of expecting one person to be everything. The book includes a unique ID code that provides access to the Vital Friends Assessment and website. This groundbreaking test reveals which friends play each of the eight vital friendship roles in your work and life. Tom Rath's fast-paced and inviting storytelling takes a mountain of important research and makes it remarkably accessible and applicable. By the time you finish reading Vital Friends, you'll see your coworkers, family, friends, and significant other in a whole new light.

Vital Memory and Affect: Living with a difficult past

by Steven Brown Paula Reavey

Vital Memory and Affect takes as its subject the autobiographical memories of ‘vulnerable’ groups, including survivors of child sexual abuse, adopted children and their families, forensic mental health service users, and elderly persons in care home settings. In particular the focus is on a particular class of memory within this group: recollected episodes that are difficult and painful, sometimes contested, but always with enormous significance for a current and past sense of self. These ‘vital memories’, integral and irreversible, can come to appear as a defining feature of a person’s life. In Vital Memory and Affect, authors Steve Brown and Paula Reavey explore the highly productive way in which individuals make sense of a difficult past, situated as they are within a highly specific cultural and social landscape. Via an exploration of their vital memories, the book combines insights from social and cognitive psychology to open up the possibility of a new approach to memory, one that pays full attention to the contextual conditions of all acts of remembering. This path-breaking study brings together a unique set of empirical material and maps out an agenda for research into memory and affect that will be important reading for students and scholars of social psychology, memory studies, cultural studies, philosophy, and other related fields.

Vital Signs: Psychological Responses to Ecological Crisis

by Mary-Jayne Rust Nick Totton

This anthology illustrates the range and diversity of responses from the psychological world to the multiple ecological crises with which our society is faced. “Vital signs” are the basic physiological measures of functioning which health practitioners use to assess how ill a patient is. This book focuses not on our physical predicament, with so many of the earth’s systems severely stressed and beginning to fail, but on our psychological predicament. As news of this very serious situation slowly penetrates our defences, we struggle as individuals and as a society to find an adequate response.

Vitalization in Psychoanalysis: Perspectives on Being and Becoming (Relational Perspectives Book Series)

by Amy Schwartz Cooney

In Vitalization in Psychoanalysis, Schwartz Cooney and Sopher develop and explore the concept of vitalization, generating new ways of approaching and conceptualizing the psychoanalytic project. Vitalization refers to the process between two people that ignites new experiences and brings withdrawn aspects of the self to life. This book focuses on how psychoanalysis can be a uniquely creative encounter that can aid this enlivening internal process, offering a vibrant new take on the psychotherapeutic project. There is a long tradition in psychoanalysis that addresses the ways that the unique subjectivities of each member of the therapeutic dyad contribute to the repetition of entrenched patterns of relating, and how the processing of enactments can be reparative. But this overlap in subjectivities can also bring to life undeveloped experiences. This focus on generativity and progressive action represents a significant, cutting-edge turn in psychoanalysis. Vitalization in Psychoanalysis represents a deep meditation on this transformational moment in the history of psychoanalytic thought. Pulling together work from major writers on vitalization from all the main psychoanalytic schools of thought, and covering development, theory and clinical practice, this book will be an invaluable guide for clinicians of all backgrounds, as well of students of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis.

Vittorio Benussi in the History of Psychology: New Ideas of a Century Ago (Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind #21)

by Mauro Antonelli

This book covers the basic guidelines of Vittorio Benussi’s research during the period at Graz and at Padua. It does so in the light of a thorough study of his Nachlass. The book re-evaluates Benussi’s work as a historical piece, and shows how his work is still relevant today, especially in the areas of cognitive psychology and cognitive science. The volume deals with this original and ingenious - though largely ignored - scholar and discusses his work as a leading experimental psychologist. Benussi’s contributions as discussed in this book were particularly relevant in the fields of visual and tactile perception, time perception, forensic psychology, hypnosis and suggestion, unconscious, and emotions. His classical papers are impressive in their originality, energy, range of approaches, experimental skill, the wealth of findings, and the quality of theoretical discussions. This book demonstrates that Benussi was ahead of his time and that his themes, experiments and research programmes are highly relevant to contemporary cognitive psychology.

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