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Viver a Vida, Aceitar a Morte: Lições e práticas intemporais para navegar pela incerteza e abraçar novos começos

by Pema Chodron

Um curso intensivo sobre viver a vida plena e compassivamente na sombra da morte e da mudança. Por mais que tentemos resistir, enquanto vivemos, estamos continuamente perante fins: o fim de uma respiração, o fim de um dia, o fim de um relacionamento e, em última instância, o fim da vida, que é um fardo quotidiano para a maioria das pessoas, ainda que tal não tenha de ser assim. Neste livro luminoso, a monja budista Pema Chödrön partilha a sua sabedoria e oferece orientação para enfrentarmos sentimentos desconfortáveis e aceitarmos as constantes mudanças da vida, abraçando novos começos e preparando-nos para a morte com abertura, em vez de medo. Segundo a autora, se aprendermos a aceitar a imprevisibilidade e a lidar com as emoções mais desafi adoras da vida, estaremos no caminho para a iluminação espiritual e seremos mais destemidos ao enfrentar a morte e o que se seguir, pois, é importante que o lembremos, o modo como vivemos é o modo como morremos. «Um tratado sábio que reflete filosoficamente sobre as transições da vida.» Publishers Weekly «Pema Chödrön é uma luz que guia todos os que procuram crescimento pessoal.» Library Journal «Uma forma de transmitir a sabedoria e a luz ao mundo moderno. Num tempo em que as pessoas gostariam mais de viver na ilusão da certeza, Chödrön lembra aos leitores que devem reconhecer a beleza da imprevisibilidade e que abandonar o controlo de uma realidade que está, e sempre estará, em permanente mutação.» Shelf Awareness

Vivir a mil: La ansiedad en los tiempos que corren

by Pablo Resnik

En este libro, el Dr. Pablo Resnik analiza con ejemplos clínicos y desde una sólida base teórica de qué se trata vivir a mil, ese modo de habitar el mundo que, de un tiempo a esta parte, parece haberse vuelto natural, y que tiene consecuencias para nuestro organismo. Hemos naturalizado la velocidad como estilo de vida en las grandes ciudades. Nos encontramos inmersos en un clima de época caracterizado por la hiperinformación, la confusa multiplicidad de opciones y, por otra parte, los altos costos de nuestras necesidades, la novedad constante y la incertidumbre social, económica y familiar. Ya no estamos alertas e insomnes sólo durante las crisis, las mudanzas, los exámenes, los conflictos laborales, las pérdidas de seres queridos o los divorcios. La ansiedad y el agobio nos acompañan sin descanso. Somos parte de la era de la ansiedad, la tecnología y el consumo, un tiempo tan tipificable como la edad de bronce o de piedra. Un tiempo que nos encandila con su oferta, que nos pide todo. En muchos casos, a cambio, se lleva nuestra salud física y emocional. Aquí, como en sus libros anteriores, el doctor Pablo Resnik pone la lupa de su expertise para analizar un modo de vivir que es origen de patologías vinculadas a la ansiedad, desde sus trastornos leves hasta los más severos. Estamos expuestos a riesgos permanentes, la luz de alerta no se apaga jamás. Las preguntas que estructuran estas páginas nos llevan a reflexionar sobre el alto precio que podríamos llegar a pagar si no reconocemos a tiempo las señales. Vivir a mil nos muestra cómo podemos confundir éxito con estrés y recorre los peligros que implica esta confusión.

Vivir y morir conscientemente

by Iosu Cabodevilla Eraso

En esta sociedad de la que somos parte y de cuyos valores y contravalores participamos; en esta cultura de evasión que nos invita a apartarnos de nosotros mismos, ya no se habla de la muerte, incluso se la oculta a quien la vivencia como cercana, con lo que se dificulta hasta extremos impensables la posibilidad de integrarla como una parte más, y muy importante, de la vida.La muerte es una característica inevitable y consustancial a la persona. El morir es un asunto demasiado humano para ser relegado; es un asunto personal e irrepetible. Reconocer nuestra finitud es respetar el gran ciclo de la vida. Solo mirando la muerte sin velos que puedan distorsionar nuestra percepción, llegaremos a integrarla en el sentido de hacerla propia y personal.La existencia encuadrada entre el nacer y el morir es el espacio natural, el campo de oportunidades para realizarse como persona. La vida y la muerte se sitúan dentro de ese marco.En este libro encontrarás algunas sugerencias tanto para poder integrar la muerte y vivir más plenamente, como para poder acompañar a los moribundos en las distintas reacciones psicológicas que pueden presentar. También se abarca el período de duelo que inevitablemente atravesará toda persona que ha perdido a un ser querido. A lo largo del libro se intercalan ejercicios de sensibilización que bien pudieran ser de utilidad para el crecimiento personal.

Vocabulary, Corpus and Language Teaching: A Machine-Generated Literature Overview

by Muthyala Udaya Chada Ramamuni Reddy

This book is the result of a collaboration between a human editor and an artificial intelligence algorithm to create a machine-generated literature overview of research articles analyzing the importance of ESL/EFL vocabulary and corpus studies. It is a new publication format in which state-of-the-art computer algorithms are applied to select the most relevant articles published in Springer Nature journals and create machine-generated literature reviews by arranging the selected articles in a topical order and creating short summaries of these articles.This comprehensive book explores ESL/EFL vocabulary and corpus studies from five main perspectives: acquisition, strategies, ICT, corpus, and current practices. The sections delve into topics such as the impact of technology on learning, the power of corpora in language education, and innovative vocabulary-development techniques.This book is an essential resource for researchers, educators, and language facilitators seeking a deeper understanding of vocabulary within ESL/EFL teaching and learning contexts.

Vocational Guidance in Europe: Challenges, Needs, Solutions, and Development Perspectives

by Clinton Enoch Christoph Krause Rebeca Garcia-Murias Jane Porath

The situation for career counselors today is particularly complex. Transformational areas such as the Corona pandemic, the climate crisis, the economic situation, and an aging population are bringing rapid changes to the demands of the labor market.This book addresses the challenges in the European labor market from the multinational perspective of career counselors. It includes multiple contributions from different countries that address the country-specific challenges that generate support and development needs for counselors. Measures, solution strategies and future forecasts are included. The contributions are based on the Academia+ project, in which a total of three online training series for career counselors from across Europe on the topics of "Counseling Migrants and Refugees," "Future Jobs," and "Demographic Change" were conducted and evaluated. The book is intended to be a guide for professionals in the vocational training field and to facilitate and support a practice-oriented initial interview from the counselor's point of view.

Vocational Impact of Psychiatric Disorders: A Guide for Rehabilitation Professionals

by Gary L. Fischler

A guide for rehabilitation professionals.

Vocational Interests in the Workplace: Rethinking Behavior at Work (SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series)

by Christopher D. Nye James Rounds

Vocational Interests in the Workplace is an essential new work, tying together past literature with contemporary research to present the most comprehensive coverage on vocational interests to date. With increasing recognition of the importance of vocational interests and their relevance to the workplace, this book emphasizes the strong links between vocational interests and work behavior. It proposes new models and approaches that facilitate thorough exploration of the implications of this relationship between interests and practice. The authors, drawing on knowledge and experience from a range of professional backgrounds, cover essential topics, including: interest measurement; personnel selection; motivation and performance; expertise; meaningful work; effects of a global business environment; diversity; and the ongoing development of interests through adulthood to retirement. Endorsed by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology board, this book is a valuable resource for researchers, professionals, and educators in the fields of human resources, organizational behaviour, and industrial or organizational psychology.

"La vocecita"

by Blair Singer

"The "Little Voice" lives in that short six inch span between your right ear and your left ear. What's awesome is you can master it in 30 seconds or less and have an extraordinary life. " "This book de-bunks much of the popular thought about personal growth and gets you down and dirty with real-world, right-now techniques that will help you make profound changes in your life immediately. " -Blair Singer "Little Voice" mastery will give you the ability to: -Maintain your power in any pressure situation. -Stop the debilitating chatter in your brain so you can attract what you want now. -Uncover and realize your lifelong dreams. -Break through self sabotaging habits. -Build powerful lasting confidence. -Resurrect the hero inside of you. -Embody 21 proven techniques to re-programming the Little Voice in your brain in 30 seconds.

Las voces del laberinto

by Ricard Ruiz Garzón

Este libro da voz a quienes habitualmente no la tienen. A aquellos que, extraviados en el laberinto de la enfermedad mental, sufren el rechazo de una sociedad presuntamente cuerda. Basados en quince testimonios reales sobre el padecimiento de la esquizofrenia, los relatos recogidos en Las voces del laberinto transmiten el dolor, el desconcierto, la impotencia y también la esperanza de quienes buscan una salida a la encrucijada que ofusca su existencia. Más que un tratado de psiquiatría, un ensayo sociológico o un manual de autoayuda, Las voces del laberinto es una aproximación testimonial, una recreación de casos reales que privilegia el punto de vista de los enfermos para romper tópicos, ahuyentar prejuicios y contribuir a la destrucción del estigma que el mal llamado esquizofrénico padece aún en nuestra sociedad.

Voice and Communication in Transgender and Gender Diverse Individuals: Evaluation and Techniques for Clinical Intervention

by Mark S. Courey Sarah K. Rapoport Leanne Goldberg Sarah K. Brown

This book serves as a guide to any patient, clinician, or person who desires to understand how transgender and gender diverse individuals can be assisted in achieving voice and communication congruity with gender. Voice and communication style serve as intricate links to one’s identity and are central aspects of the gender transition process. Guiding a transgender or gender diverse patient through this transition is complex, requiring an understanding of the patient’s desires, the ability to identify and work with patients to achieve sustainable patterns of behavioral modification that affect voice in a positive manner, and an understanding of the role of newly emerging surgical techniques. This is best addressed by an interdisciplinary team, and this book makes this material available in one source. The first section of the book consists of introductory chapters written by primary care physicians, endocrinologists, and psychiatrists addressing the complex nature of transition from the medical standpoint. A review of hormonal replacement therapies, psychological evaluations, and potential effects of hormone replacement on voice is included. The second section describes the behavioral techniques available in speech and voice therapy for voice change and addresses outcomes that can be expected from behavioral intervention. Each chapter addresses the physiologic principles of therapeutic techniques for effecting change, techniques of instruction, nuances for transgender and gender diverse patients, methods of generalization, and methods of maintenance. Finally, the third section of the book details the surgical techniques available to assist patients in voice transition and their expected outcomes for voice modification. Each chapter includes an introduction, preoperative assessment, role of preoperative therapy, surgical technique, postoperative management, and expected outcome. This section also includes a surgical atlas. This is an ideal guide for otolaryngologists, speech-language pathologists, primary care providers, as well as psychiatrists and endocrinologists caring for transgender and gender nonconforming patients.

Voice, Choice, and Action: The Potential Of Young Citizens To Heal Democracy

by Felton Mary Earls Carlson

Compiling decades of fieldwork, two acclaimed scholars offer strategies for strengthening democracies by nurturing the voices of children and encouraging public awareness of their role as citizens. Voice, Choice, and Action is the fruit of the extraordinary personal and professional partnership of a psychiatrist and a neurobiologist whose research and social activism have informed each other for the last thirty years. Inspired by the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Felton Earls and Mary Carlson embarked on a series of international studies that would recognize the voice of children. In Romania they witnessed the consequences of infant institutionalization under the Ceaușescu regime. In Brazil they encountered street children who had banded together to advocate effectively for themselves. In Chicago Earls explored the origins of prosocial and antisocial behavior with teenagers. Children all over the world demonstrated an unappreciated but powerful interest in the common good.On the basis of these experiences, Earls and Carlson mounted a rigorous field study in Moshi, Tanzania, which demonstrated that young citizens could change attitudes about HIV/AIDS and mobilize their communities to confront the epidemic. The program, outlined in this book, promoted children’s communicative and reasoning capacities, guiding their growth as deliberative citizens. The program’s success in reducing stigma and promoting universal testing for HIV exceeded all expectations.Here in vivid detail are the science, ethics, and everyday practice of fostering young citizens eager to confront diverse health and social challenges. At a moment when adults regularly profess dismay about our capacity for effective action, Voice, Choice, and Action offers inspiration and tools for participatory democracy.

Voice Disorders

by Christine Sapienza Bari Hoffman-Ruddy

The Most Comprehensive Educational Print and Online Resource on Voice Disorders for SLPs! <P><P> With Voice Disorders, Third Edition, authors Christine Sapienza, PhD and Bari Hoffman Ruddy, PhD have created a comprehensive package for learning. The textbook has been extensively updated with clinical information and the book now comes with a robust online companion website including the full study workbook, videos, audio files, and case studies. <P><P> The textbook and website offer an ideal balance of voice science with voice treatments, examining traditional interventions as well as recent advances in cellular therapies, muscle strength training, and treatments for special populations such as singers and actors and those with complex medical conditions. The Third Edition expands the approaches to voice therapy and better defines clinical decision making with information about humanistic communication strategies, adherence, and the variables that influence patient outcomes. The authors have categorized therapy approaches in terms of type, such as symptomatic, combined modality, and hygienic. For each approach, they describe specific treatment methods, case examples, and expected outcomes. <P><P> NEW TO THIS EDITION: <P><P> Two new chapters on the topics of the Immune System and the Laryngeal Reflexes Reorganized for a greater flow of information and reader response to content, with revisions to every chapter. Current research and demographic statistics updated for voice uses with updated references, weblinks, and glossary. A thoroughly updated chapter on Voice Therapy techniques, expanded to include description of therapy approaches and instructions to use with the patient, and more detail on humanistic communication, cultural diversity, and adherence. Additional patient case examples throughout the Vocal Pathology and Voice Therapy chapters. The Performers chapter is enhanced with detailed cases and strategies to promote singers health, along with sample exercises to try when treating injured singing voices. Updated information regarding head and neck cancer statistics, clinical pathways and treatment outcomes, with comprehensive case studies included.

Voice for the Mad: The Life of Dorothea Dix

by David Gollaher

This is a comprehensive biography of a nearly forgotten social reformer of the 19th century. After her own experience with depression and recovery, Dorothea Dix became a passionate champion of the "moral treatment" popular in Europe. In her native Massachusetts she documented the horrific treatment that was the lot of most people with mental illness, and petitioned the legislature to establish asylums that would provide loving care. Dix took her crusade across the country, and for a time her work transformed psychiatric care. Gollaher describes Dix's public persona and delves into her often troubled private life as well.

A Voice in the Distance

by Tabitha Suzuma

In his final year at the Royal College of Music, star pianist Flynn Laukonen has the world at his feet. He has moved in with his girlfriend Jennah and is already getting concert bookings for what promises to be a glittering career. Yet he knows he is skating on thin ice - only two small pills a day keep him from plunging back into the whirlpool of manic depression that once threatened to destroy him. Unexpectedly his friends seem to be getting annoyed with him for no apparent reason, he needs less and less sleep, he is filled with unbridled energy. Events begin to spiral out of control and Flynn suddenly finds himself in hospital, heavily sedated, carnage left behind him. The medication isn't working any more, the dose needs to be increased, and depression strikes again, this time with horrific consequences. His freedom is snatched away and the medicine's side-effects threaten to jeopardize his chances in one of the biggest piano competitions of his life. It seems like he has to make a choice between the medication and his career. But in all this he has forgotten the one person he would give his life for, and Flynn suddenly finds himself facing the biggest sacrifice of all.

The Voice of Reason: Fundamentals of Critical Thinking

by Burton F. Porter

Lively, comprehensive, and contemporary, The Voice of Reason: Fundamentals of Critical Thinking covers three principal areas: thought and language, systematic reasoning, and modes of proof. It employs highly accessible explanations and a multitude of examples drawn from social issues and various academic fields, showing students and other readers how to construct and criticize arguments using the techniques of sound reasoning. The Voice of Reason examines the traditional elements of the field and also explores new ground. The first section of the book elucidates the relationship between thought and language, explaining how words function. It discusses meaning, connotation, vagueness, ambiguity, and definition, identifying the linguistic elements that can produce mistakes in thinking. The next section describes the rules of systematic reasoning, examining such topics as truth, relevance, and adequacy; deductive logic (categorical, hypothetical, and disjunctive); and induction (cause and effect, analogy, generalization, and hypothesis). Sixteen fallacies in thinking are also described through extensive illustrations and applications. The final section of the book offers a unique study of what constitutes proof in several different areas--including politics, advertising, law, and social issues--as well as in the academic disciplines of literature, science, history, and ethics. The author describes the various rules of evidence, using essays by major figures in each field as examples. An ideal text for courses in critical thinking, informal logic, and reasoning and writing, The Voice of Reason offers numerous pedagogical features including a host of examples; assignments, exercises, and puzzles at both the halfway point and at the end of each chapter; cartoons and quotations throughout; and practical applications of theoretical concepts.

The Voice of Shame: Silence and Connection in Psychotherapy

by Robert G. Lee Gordon Wheeler

Shame and shame reactions are two of the most delicate and difficult issues of psychotherapy and are among the most likely to defy our usual dynamic, systemic, and behavioral theories. In this groundbreaking new collection, The Voice of Shame, thirteen distinguished authors show how use of the Gestalt model of self and relationship can clarify the dynamics of shame and lead us to fresh approaches and methods in this challenging terrain. This model shows how shame issues become pivotal in therapeutic and other relationships and how healing shame is the key to transformational change. The contributors show how new perspectives on shame gained in no particular area transfer and generalize to other areas and settings. In so doing, they transform our fundamental understanding of psychotherapy itself. Grounded in the most recent research on the dynamics and experience of shame, this book is a practical guide for all psychotherapists, psychologists, clinicians, and others interested in self, psychotherapy, and relationship. This book contains powerful new insights for the therapist on a full-range of topics from intimacy in couples to fathering to politics to child development to gender issues to negative therapeutic reactions. Filled with anecdotes and case examples as well as practical strategies, The Voice of Shame will transform your ideas about the role of shame in relationships - and about the potential of the Gestalt model to clarify and contextualize other approaches.

The Voice of the Analyst: Narratives on Developing a Psychoanalytic Identity (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series)

by Linda Hillman Therese Rosenblatt

The Voice of the Analyst contains personal narratives by twelve psychoanalysts, each taking the reader through his or her unique path toward developing a voice and identity as an analyst. All come from different backgrounds, theoretical orientations and stages of their careers. The narratives are courageous and uncommonly revealing in a profession that demands so much reserve and anonymity from its practitioners. This book demonstrates that the analyst’s work is a product of their characters as well as training and theory. The narrative form in this book offers a refreshing and necessary companion to the theoretical and clinical writing that dominates the field. The editors show the importance of developing a unique voice and identity if one is to function well as an analyst. This endeavor cannot be accomplished solely through technical training, especially with the isolation that characterizes clinical practice. There are pressures that analysts experience alone in their practice, from patients and themselves as well as other professionals, forces that render technical training and theory alone inadequate in facilitating the development of one’s analytic voice and identity. Enter the form of the personal narrative presented in this book. This fascinating compilation of narratives shows how the contributors bear striking similarities and differences to one another. Despite their different backgrounds, they display commonality in their sensitivity towards mental and emotional states and their wish to heal suffering. However, they also exemplify wide differences in motivations, interests and what makes them tick as psychoanalysts. The Voice of the Analyst will be a great companion book for established psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists and those in training, as well as mental health professionals keen to understand what it takes to become a psychoanalyst and to enhance their personal and professional development.

The Voice of the Body

by Alexander Lowen

The Voice of the Body is the first publication in a single volume of Alexander Lowen's public lectures known as The Lowen Monographs.This historical collection of twenty-two lectures by one of the founders of contemporary body psychotherapy embodies the groundbreaking principles of Bioenergetics and Bioenergetic Analysis. Presented between 1962 and 1982, these lectures document the depth and breadth of Lowen's work not otherwise detailed in his published work. Poignant and relevant to the challenges of today's world, the topics include: Stress and Illness: A Bioenergetic View; Breathing, Movement and Feeling; Thinking and Feeling: The Bioenergetic Analysis of Thought; Sex and Personality; Self Expression vs. Survival; Aggression and Violence in the Individual; and Psychopathic Behavior and the Psychopathic Personality.

The Voice of the Earth an Exploration of Ecopsychology (2nd Edition)

by Theodore Roszak

Examining perspectives on the connection between man's inner being and the outer world, this title covers topics such as the Anthropic Principle, Gaia Hypothesis, mysticism, religion, nature, and more.

Voices From Fatherhood: Fathers Sons & Adhd

by Patricia Quinn Patrick Kilcarr

First published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Voices from the Field: Defining Moments in Counselor and Therapist Development

by Michelle Trotter-Mathison Julie M. Koch Sandra Sanger Thomas M. Skovholt

All professional counselors and therapists can identify a number of turning points in their careers – moments, interactions, or processes – that led to key realizations regarding their practice with clients, work with students, or self-understanding. This book is a collection of such turning points, which the editors term defining moments, contributed by professionals in different stages of their counseling careers. You’ll find personal stories, lessons learned, and unique insights in their narratives that will impact your own development as a practitioner, regardless of whether you are a graduate student or a senior professional.

Voices in the Family: A Therapist Talks About Listening, Openness, and Healing

by Daniel Gottlieb

Daniel Gottlieb is a practicing family therapist with a radical approach: he talks readily about his experiences, feelings, and reflections...even his life as a quadriplegic. This extraordinary attitude has generated the kind of trust, openness, and inspiration that has made his call-in radio show an outstanding success. Voices in the Family captures Dr. Gottlieb's profound sense of caring, warmth, and wisdom. By sharing fascinating stories from his private practice, he provides a shining demonstration of how to make peace with ourselves, our families, and our partners. He compassionately discusses ways of dealing with our parents (whether we're 15 or 50), handling the complex problems of love and marriage, and helping our children gain self-confidence and independence. Based on 20 years of experience, Dr. Gottlieb's advice is both fresh and effective. By allowing us a glimpse of his own heart, he helps us heal our own.

Voices in the History of Madness: Personal and Professional Perspectives on Mental Health and Illness (Mental Health in Historical Perspective)

by Robert Ellis Steven J. Taylor Sarah Kendal

This book presents new perspectives on the multiplicity of voices in the histories of mental ill-health. In the thirty years since Roy Porter called on historians to lower their gaze so that they might better understand patient-doctor roles in the past, historians have sought to place the voices of previously silent, marginalised and disenfranchised individuals at the heart of their analyses. Today, the development of service-user groups and patient consultations have become an important feature of the debates and planning related to current approaches to prevention, care and treatment. This edited collection of interdisciplinary chapters offers new and innovative perspectives on mental health and illness in the past and covers a breadth of opinions, views, and interpretations from patients, practitioners, policy makers, family members and wider communities. Its chronology runs from the early modern period to the twenty-first century and includes international and transnational analyses from Europe, North America, Asia and Africa, drawing on a range of sources and methodologies including oral histories, material culture, and the built environment.Chapter 4 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Voices of Bereavement: A Casebook for Grief Counselors (Series in Death, Dying, and Bereavement)

by Joan Beder

Voices of Bereavement presents counselors with specific, sometimes unusual bereavement situations and their subsequent treatment. Joan Beder blends theoretical content with suggestions for intervention, helping the reader appreciate how theory informs practice. In addition, a section on counselor struggles focuses on what feelings were provoked in the counselor during each case and how these feelings were managed.

Voices of Collective Remembering

by James V. Wertsch

This book draws on psychology, history, literary theory, semiotics, sociology, and political science to provide a comprehensive review of collective memory. It outlines a particular way that narratives produced by the modern state are consumed by individuals. These issues are examined with the help of examples from the transformation Russia has undergone as it entered its post-Soviet era. This is a case study of how a modern state can lose control of collective memory and how memory can be regenerated in unique ways.

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