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Vom Trainer zum agilen Lernbegleiter: So funktioniert Lehren und Lernen in digitalen Zeiten

by Jürgen Sammet Jacqueline Wolf

Reine Präsenztrainings werden immer mehr ergänzt oder gar abgelöst durch moderne Lernformen wie Blended Learning, Online-Trainings, E-Learning und informellem Lernen. Was bedeutet dies für Sie als Trainer (Dozent, Referent, Personalentwickler)?Dieses Fachbuch zeigt auf, wie sich das Berufsbild des Trainers durch die Digitalisierung ändert und welche Kompetenzen Sie als Trainer benötigen, um in der „Learning Revolution“ erfolgreich zu sein. Denn: Fachwissen gepaart mit Präsenzdidaktik reichen hier nicht mehr aus.Dieses Werk nimmt Sie an der Hand, um als Trainer selbst wieder Lerner zu werden und sich zum „agilen Lernbegleiter“ weiterzuentwickeln. Es gibt Ihnen eine Orientierung im digitalen „Trainerkompetenz-Dschungel“. Praxistauglich und klar verständlich erhalten Sie sowohl theoretisches Hintergrundwissen als auch praktische Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten für die Modernisierung Ihres Weiterbildungsangebots.

Von Kindern lernen: Wie uns kindliche Perspektiven gelassener, glücklicher und erfolgreicher machen

by Frank Behrendt Bertold Ulsamer

Warum sind wir oft hektisch, gestresst und in vielen Dingen eingefahren? Wo sind Unbeschwertheit, Neugier und die unbefangene Freude unserer Kindheit hin? Die gute Nachricht: All das ist immer noch in uns. Wir müssen es nur neu entfachen.Dieses Buch zeigt auf, wieso wir als Erwachsene so sind, wie wir sind, was Kinder anders machen und was wir von ihnen lernen können. In einer charmanten Kombination aus Geschichten rund um die achtjährige Impulsgeberin Holly, psychologischen Hintergründen und klugen Alltagstipps erklären die Autoren Frank Behrendt und Bertold Ulsamer, welche Denkmuster und Verhaltensweisen wir von Kindern übernehmen sollten, um im Leben wieder gelassener, glücklicher und dadurch auch beruflich erfolgreicher zu werden. Als Extra in der Springer Nature More Media App: Podcasts – Netzwerkexpertin, Autorin und Moderatorin Tijen Onaran im sehr persönlichen Gespräch mit den Autoren. Über ihre besondere Verbindung, Krisen, Wiederaufstehen und das Leben an sich.

Von La Strada bis The Hours - Leidende und souveräne Frauen im Spielfilm

by Vivian Pramataroff-Hamburger Andreas Hamburger

Weiblichkeit im Film hat viele Facetten: Starlets und Diven, eigensinnige, tapfere und souveräne Frauenfiguren. Im Kino ist mehr zu erleben als die einfache Formel vom männlichen Blick erwarten lässt. Das Buch zeichnet in 29 psychoanalytischen Interpretationen nach, wie die Inszenierung der Frau im Film auf Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer wirkt.

Voracious Science & Vulnerable Animals: A Primate Scientist's Ethical Journey (Animal Lives Ser.)

by John P. Gluck

The National Institute of Health recently announced its plan to retire the fifty remaining chimpanzees held in national research facilities and place them in sanctuaries. This significant decision comes after a lengthy process of examination and debate about the ethics of animal research. For decades, proponents of such research have argued that the discoveries and benefits for humans far outweigh the costs of the traumatic effects on the animals; but today, even the researchers themselves have come to question the practice. John P. Gluck has been one of the scientists at the forefront of the movement to end research on primates, and in Voracious Science and Vulnerable Animals he tells a vivid, heart-rending, personal story of how he became a vocal activist for animal protection. Gluck begins by taking us inside the laboratory of Harry F. Harlow at the University of Wisconsin, where Gluck worked as a graduate student in the 1960s. Harlow’s primate lab became famous for his behavioral experiments in maternal deprivation and social isolation of rhesus macaques. Though trained as a behavioral scientist, Gluck finds himself unable to overlook the intense psychological and physical damage these experiments wrought on the macaques. Gluck’s sobering and moving account reveals how in this and other labs, including his own, he came to grapple with the uncomfortable justifications that many researchers were offering for their work. As his sense of conflict grows, we’re right alongside him, developing a deep empathy for the often smart and always vulnerable animals used for these experiments. At a time of unprecedented recognition of the intellectual cognition and emotional intelligence of animals, Voracious Science and Vulnerable Animals is a powerful appeal for our respect and compassion for those creatures who have unwillingly dedicated their lives to science. Through the words of someone who has inflicted pain in the name of science and come to abhor it, it’s important to know what has led this far to progress and where further inroads in animal research ethics are needed.

Vorsicht Heilpraktiker: Eine kritische Analyse

by Edzard Ernst

Seit 1939 gibt es in Deutschland Heilpraktiker. Heute sehen ihn immer mehr Konsumenten als eine echte Alternative zur konventionellen Medizin. Doch was steckt wirklich hinter diesem Beruf? Edzard Ernst geht dieser Frage auf den Grund. Er erläutert die Geschichte, Befugnisse, Methoden und Therapieansätze der Heilpraktiker. Sein Ziel ist es, dem Verbraucher durch klar verständliche, evidenzbasierte Analysen einen Zugang zur Thematik zu ermöglichen, Missverständnisse auszuräumen, und kritisches Denken zu fördern. Die Gefahren, die er dabei aufdeckt, stellen die dringliche Frage nach der Sinnhaftigkeit des Heilpraktiker-Berufs in den Raum. Der Faktencheck zum aktuellen Gesundheitsdisput.

Vorurteile: haben immer nur die anderen

by Juliane Degner

Liegen Stereotype und Vorurteile in der Natur des Menschen?Das Buch vermittelt eine Einsicht in psychologische Prozesse und Mechanismen, die Stereotypen und Vorurteilen zugrunde liegen. Dabei zeigt es auf, welchen Anteil diese an Rassismus, Sexismus und anderer gruppenbasierter Diskriminierung haben.Basierend auf aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen aus der Sozialpsychologie regt das Buch zur Selbsteinsicht an. Es macht erfahrbar, wie leicht Stereotype und Vorurteile unsere Wahrnehmung, unser Denken und unser Handeln beeinflussen – auch dann, wenn wir uns selbst für tolerant halten.Erfahren Sie, warum es nicht nur unrealistisch, sondern sogar schädlich sein kann, das eigene Denken und Handeln für unvoreingenommen, objektiv und fair zu halten. Durch dieses Buch werden Sie herausfinden, warum viele unserer Versuche, tolerant und vorurteilsfrei zu sein, oft zum Scheitern verurteilt sind. Letztendlich erhalten Sie Denkanreize, wie Diskriminierung abgebaut und Chancengleichheit erreicht werden kann. Über die AutorinJuliane Degner ist Professorin für Sozialpsychologie an der Universität Hamburg. Sie forscht vor allem zu automatischen Prozessen der sozialen Wahrnehmung und Eindrucksbildung und welchen Einfluss soziale Kategorisierungsprozesse, Stereotype und Vorurteile darauf haben.

Vorurteile – Medien – Gruppen: Wie Vorurteile durch Medienrezeption in Gruppen beeinflusst werden (essentials)

by Johanna Schindler Anne Bartsch

Im Alltag haben viele Menschen fast ausschließlich über Medieninhalte Kontakt zu Angehörigen verschiedener anderer gesellschaftlicher Gruppen (Outgroups). Gleichzeitig nutzen und verarbeiten sie Medieninhalte häufig gemeinsam in ihrer eigenen Gruppe (Ingroup). Johanna Schindler und Anne Bartsch beleuchten den Einfluss der Medienrezeption in Kleingruppen auf Vorurteile gegenüber Outgroups. Dazu systematisieren sie wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu Vorurteilen und zur Medienrezeption in Gruppen und verbinden diese miteinander. Außerdem stellen die Autorinnen die Ergebnisse einer explorativen Feldstudie vor. Auf diese Weise wird eine integrative Perspektive auf Gruppenphänomene in der modernen Mediengesellschaft ermöglicht.Die AutorinnenJohanna Schindler ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Prof. Dr. Anne Bartsch ist Professorin für Empirische Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft am IfKMW der Universität Leipzig.

Vorwärts bewegen!

by Gabriel Agbo

Es ist Zeit für euch, vorwärts zu gehen! Eines der größten Geschenke, die der HERR uns macht, ist die Fähigkeit zu erkennen, wann wir an einer bestimmten Stelle oder in einer bestimmten Situation warten und wann wir in die nächste Phase unseres Schicksals eintreten müssen. Es ist Zeit für euch, vorwärts zu gehen! Eines der größten Geschenke, die der HERR uns macht, ist die Fähigkeit zu erkennen, wann wir an einer bestimmten Stelle oder in einer bestimmten Situation warten und wann wir in die nächste Phase unseres Schicksals eintreten müssen. So wie die Schriften uns immer wissen lassen werden, dass für alles Zeit ist. Es gibt eine Zeit zum Bleiben und auch Zeit, um sich zu bewegen. Die Zeit zum Bleiben ist dann, wenn Gott Ihnen ausdrücklich sagt, dass Sie dies tun sollen, oder wenn Sie sich nicht ganz sicher sind, was er von Ihnen will. Aber wenn Sie von ihm gehört haben oder sich seines Willens in einer bestimmten Situation voll bewusst sind, dann ist das einfach die beste Zeit, um einzuziehen und das zu besitzen, was er Ihnen versprochen hat. Unser Erfolg im Leben hängt weitgehend von diesem göttlichen Prinzip ab. In diesem Buch werdet ihr eine Menge darüber und mehr erfahren. Es ist eine Pflichtlektüre.

Voy a ser asertiva: Utiliza tu inteligencia emocional para autoafirmarte

by Olga Castanyer Olga Cañizares Gil

En el terreno personal y profesional, las mujeres nos enfrentamos a diario a situaciones en las que la falta de asertividad nos lleva a recurrir a formas de expresión excesivamente agresivas que anulan nuestro mensaje, o bien acabamos por callar ante el temor de provocar un conflicto. Voy a ser asertiva es un manual práctico que expone las competencias básicas para desarrollar la autoestima y la asertividad femeninas. ¿Qué es necesario para que las mujeres (tú, yo, nosotras) nos sintamos completamente seguras, confiadas, capaces e independientes? Quizás nos han enseñado a comportarnos de manera sumisa o al contrario, hemos tenido que aprender a ser agresivas para abrirnos camino en la vida... Sea como sea, en cualquier momento podemos reaprender actitudes, pensamientos y conductas asertivas que nos lleven a sentirnos plenas. Imagínate desarrollando todo este potencial. ¿De qué teserviría?, ¿serías la misma?, ¿qué cambiaría? Para ello necesitaremos conocernos a fondo, aprender a regular bien nuestras emociones, a querernos, a valorarnos, a ser capaces de motivarnos y de ser asertivas. En definitiva: autoafirmarnos desde el respeto y la igualdad. Porque una no nace más o menos asertiva. Se trata de pensamientos y conductas que se aprenden. Pero ¿cómo? Te proponemos iniciar un camino en el que, con la ayuda de las competencias de la inteligencia emocional, podrás conocerte mejor y gustarte de verdad al mismo tiempo que aceptas todo aquello que no te satisface, aprendes a diferenciarte de los demás y a comunicarte con los que te rodean desde tu independencia y respeto teniendo criterios claros y poder así, finalmente, actuar asertivamente. ¿Quieres acompañarnos en este viaje hacia ti misma?

Voyeurism: A Case Study

by Simon Duff

This book is amongst the first of its kind in presenting a case study of voyeurism from a forensic psychology perspective and within the societal context. Simon Duff provides an in-depth description of the assessment, formulation, and treatment of a voyeur and offers a theoretical basis for the behaviour. The book begins by covering a variety of explanations and previous treatments for voyeurs, including learning theories and the aversive treatments that they give rise to. It then moves on to focus on one specific case study, a young man who has exhibited diversity in his voyeuristic offending, before examining relevant details of his experiences in order to develop a formulation of his thinking and behaviour. The formulation and resultant intervention are clearly and accessibly presented, followed by a discussion of how this case provides direction for further research, developments in our theoretical basis for understanding voyeurism, and directions for assessment and intervention.

The Voyeur's Motel (Books That Changed the World)

by Gay Talese

The controversial chronicle of a motel owner who secretly studied the sex lives of his guests by the renowned journalist and author of Thy Neighbor’s Wife.On January 7, 1980, in the run-up to the publication of his landmark bestseller Thy Neighbor’s Wife, Gay Talese received an anonymous letter from a man in Colorado. “Since learning of your long-awaited study of coast-to-coast sex in America,” the letter began, “I feel I have important information that I could contribute to its contents or to contents of a future book.” The man—Gerald Foos—hen divulged an astonishing secret: he had bought a motel outside Denver for the express purpose of satisfying his voyeuristic desires. Underneath its peaked roof, he had built an “observation platform” through which he could peer down on his unwitting guests.Over the years, Foos sent Talese hundreds of pages of notes on his guests, work that Foos believed made him a pioneering researcher into American society and sexuality. Through his Voyeur’s motel, he witnessed and recorded the harsh effects of the war in Vietnam, the upheaval in gender roles, the decline of segregation, and much more. In The Voyeur’s Motel. “the reader observes Talese observing Foos observing his guests.” An extraordinary work of narrative journalism, it is at once an examination of one unsettling man and a portrait of the secret life of the American heartland over the latter half of the twentieth century (Daily Mail, UK).“This is a weird book about weird people doing weird things, and I wouldn’t have put it down if the house were on fire.” —John Greenya, Washington Times

VRx: How Virtual Therapeutics Will Revolutionize Medicine

by Brennan Spiegel

A leading doctor unveils the groundbreaking potential of virtual medicine.Brennan Spiegel has spent years studying the medical power of the mind, and in VRx he reveals a revolutionary new kind of care: virtual medicine. It offers the possibility of treating illnesses without solely relying on intrusive surgeries or addictive opioids.Virtual medicine works by convincing your body that it's somewhere, or something, it isn't. It's affordable, widely available, and has already proved effective against everything from burn injuries to stroke to PTSD. Spiegel shows how a simple VR headset lets a patient with schizophrenia confront the demon in his head, how dementia patients regain function in a life-size virtual town, and how vivid simulations of patients' experiences are making doctors more empathic.VRx is a revelatory account of the connection between our bodies and ourselves. In an age of overmedication and depersonalized care, it offers no less than a new way to heal.

El vuelo de la inteligencia

by José Antonio Marina

José Antonio Marina nos introduce en el fascinante camino de la inteligencia para poder utilizar mejor todas sus posibilidades y estimular su desarrollo. Un imprescindible libro de cabecera para todos aquellos que quieran sacar partido de su propia inteligencia: para ello hay que entender qué es y en qué consiste la inteligencia, qué es ser inteligente. <P><P>José Antonio Marina nos toma de la mano y con amor y humor, sabiduría e infinita paciencia nos introduce en el fascinante camino que nos lleva a ese deseo que mueve toda vida: aprender a aprender. Por ello estas páginas hablan de pájaros, pero también del sistema monetario; de poesía, pero también de ciencia y política, del lenguaje y de las imágenes, del poder de la mente y de los sentidos. Y al acabar la lectura nos habremos vuelto un poco más inteligentes; por esta razón éste es un libro lleno de optimismo que alegra, también, el corazón.

Vulnerability, Childhood and the Law (SpringerBriefs in Law)

by Jonathan Herring

This book will challenge the orthodox view that children cannot have the same rights as adults because they are particularly vulnerable. It will argue that we should treat adults and children in the same way as the child liberationists claim. However, the basis of that claim is not that children are more competent than we traditionally given them credit for, but rather that adults are far less competent than we give them credit for. It is commonly assumed that children are more vulnerable. That is why we need to have a special legal regime for children. Children cannot have all the same rights as adults and need especial protect from harms. While in the 1970s “child liberationists” mounted a sustained challenge to this image, arguing that childhood was a form of slavery and that the assumption that children lacked capacity was unsustainable. This movement has significantly fallen out of favour, particularly given increasing awareness of child abuse and the multiple ways that children can be harmed at the hands of adults. This book will explore the concept of vulnerability, the way it used to undermine the interests of children and our assumptions that adults are not vulnerable in the same way that children are. It will argue that a law based around mutual vulnerability can provide an approach which avoids the need to distinguish adults and children.

Vulnerability, Social Capital and Disaster Preparedness: Experiences of the Orang Asli Families in Malaysia

by Sumaiya Sadeka Mohd Suhaimi Mohamad Md Sujahangir Sarkar Abul Quasem Al-Amin

This book addresses increasing concerns regarding the relationship between social capital and disaster, highlighting conceptual definitions related to social capital and disaster, family, community, vulnerability, disaster experience, and preparedness. Focusing on a contemporary case of disaster management in Malaysia, the authors explore and establish linkages between the level of social capital and disaster preparedness among the indigenous Orang Asli people. Taking the case of the Orang Asli families as a point of departure, the book presents solutions for mobilizing social capital for disaster preparedness through multi-stakeholder involvement, promoting participation in awareness programs, ensuring indigenous people’s access to resources, and proposing a prioritization of local values and culture in enabling proper planning and coordination for more disaster-resilient communities in Malaysia, Southeast Asia, and beyond. The book is broadly relevant to cases in similar economic settings where indigenous people are lagging behind in disaster preparedness. An excellent resource for sociologists, this pioneering book collates various concepts and theories relating to social and ecological networks and systems, family resilience, and stress and coping mechanisms. It is relevant to researchers focused on disasters in developing countries, globally, particularly those focused on indigenous communities.

Vulnerability to Depression

by Rick Ingram Ruth Ann Atchley

Providing a cutting-edge examination of the mechanisms underlying depression, this volume integrates important areas of research that have largely remained separate. The authors explore both the cognitive and neurological processes that make some people more vulnerable than others to developing depression and experiencing recurrent episodes. They also probe how these processes interact-how negative life experiences, maladaptive belief systems, and patterns of thinking may actually affect neural circuitry, and vice versa. Explaining sophisticated theory and research in an accessible style, the book highlights the implications for improving clinical practices and patient outcomes.

Vulnerability to Psychopathology: Risk Across the Lifespan

by Joseph M. Price Rick E. Ingram

Presents 20 contributions primarily written by psychology professors addressing vulnerability to psychopathological disorders across the lifespan. The volume introduces, reviews, and contextualizes concepts of vulnerability in psychopathology. The idea of personality from the perspective of childhood development is then discussed, with implications for adult personality disorders. The major Axis I disorders are then examined in terms of adolescents and adults: alcohol/substance abuse, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and eating disorders. Summaries and ideas for future exploration are also covered. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Vulnerability to Psychopathology, Second Edition: Risk across the Lifespan

by Joseph Price Rick Ingram

This state-of-the-art work has been highly praised for bridging the divide between adult and developmental psychopathology. The volume illuminates the interplay of biological, cognitive, affective, and social-environmental factors that place individuals at risk for psychological disturbance throughout development. Childhood-onset and adult forms of major disorders are examined in paired chapters by prominent clinical researchers. An integrative third chapter on each disorder then summarizes what is known about continuity and change in vulnerability across the lifespan. Implications for assessment, treatment, and prevention are also considered.

Vulnerability to Psychosis: A Psychoanalytic Study of the Nature and Therapy of the Psychotic State

by Franco De Masi

This book postulates that the trigger of the psychotic condition is located in the basic processes which structure the first emotional relations. It presents some of the reasons why patients succumb to the attraction of a course doomed to result in the permanent derangement of their minds.

Vulnerability to Psychosis: From Neurosciences to Psychopathology (Maudsley Series)

by Paolo Fusar-Poli Stefan J. Borgwardt Philip McGuire

Early clinical intervention in psychosis is now a major objective of mental health services and the development of specialist intervention services has greatly facilitated research on the early phases of this disorder. In this book, contributors provide a review of the neurobiological research in people at high risk of psychosis, focusing on the transition from being at a high risk state to their first episode. Contributors consider unaffected family members and twin studies as well as the individual’s data before and after the onset of the illness. The environmental factors that contribute to a psychotic episode are also examined. Vulnerability to Psychosis presents neurobiological findings in the context of what is now known about the psychopathology and cognitive impairments that are evident in people at high risk of psychosis. It will be essential reading for clinicians working with this client group, and will interest academics looking for state of the art information in this field.

Vulnerable Children: Three Studies of Children in Conflict: Accident Involved Children, Sexually Assaulted Children and Children with Asthma (Routledge Revivals)

by Lindy Burton

Originally published in 1968, this book was an experimental investigation into some personality characteristics associated with three types of child problem behaviour. The behaviour of the children in school is described, and their underlying personality needs, as evinced by the stories they told to the author, are assessed. The behaviour at home of the asthmatic and road accident children is examined and their early developmental history traced. The part played by prolonged environmental stress, constitutional vulnerability and transitory needs is considered.

Vulnerable Children

by Deborah J. Johnson Robert K. Hitchcock Debrenna Lafa Agbényiga

They are laborers, soldiers, refugees, and orphans. In areas of the world torn by poverty, disease, and war, millions of children are invisible victims, deprived of home, family, and basic human rights. Their chances for a stable adult life are extremely slim. The powerful interdisciplinary volume Vulnerable Children brings a global child-rights perspective to the lives of indigenous, refugee, and minority children in and from crisis-prone regions. Focusing on self-determination, education, security, health, and related issues, an international panel of scholars examines the structural and political sources of children's vulnerabilities and their effects on development. The book analyzes intervention programs currently in place and identifies challenges that must be met at both the community and larger policy levels. These chapters also go a long way to explain the often-blurred line between vulnerability and resilience. Included in the coverage: Dilemmas of rights-based approaches to child well-being in an African cultural context.Poverty and minority children's education in the U.S.: case study of a Sudanese refugee family.The heterogeneity of young children's experiences in Kenya and Brazil.A world tour of interventions for children of a parent with a psychiatric illness.An exploration of fosterage of Owambo orphans in Namibia.UNICEF in Colombia: defending and nurturing childhood in media, public, and policy discourses. Vulnerable Children is a must-have volume for researchers, graduate students, and clinicians/professionals/practitioners across a range of fields, including child and school psychology, social work, maternal and child health, developmental psychology, anthropology, sociology, social policy, and public health.

Vulnerable Minds: The Harm of Childhood Trauma and the Hope of Resilience

by Marc D. Hauser

A new, hopeful pathway to understanding children&’s trauma and providing effective interventions to build healthier communitiesEach year at least a billion children around the world are victims of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) that range from physical abuse to racial discrimination to neglect and food deprivation. The brain plasticity of our most vulnerable makes the adverse effects of trauma only that much more damaging to mental and physical development. Those dealt a hand of ACEs are more likely to drop out of school, have a shorter life, abuse substances, and suffer from myriad mental health and behavioral issues. The crucial question is: How do we intervene to offer these children a more hopeful future? Neurobiologist and educator Dr. Marc Hauser provides a novel, research-based framework to understand a child&’s unique response to ACEs that goes beyond our current understanding and is centered around the five Ts—the timing during development when the trauma began, its type, tenure, toxicity, and how much turbulence it has caused in a child&’s life. Using this lens, adults can start to help children build resilience and recover—and even benefit—from their adversity through targeted community and school interventions, emotional regulation tools, as well as a new frontier of therapies focused on direct brain stimulation, including neurofeedback and psychedelics. While human suffering experienced by children is the most devastating, it also presents the most promise for recovery; the plasticity of young people&’s brains makes them vulnerable, but it also makes them apt to take back the joy, wonder, innocence, and curiosity of childhood when given the right support. Vulnerable Minds is a call to action for parents, policymakers, educators, and doctors to reclaim what&’s been lost and commit ourselves to our collective responsibility to all children.

Vulnerable Minds: The Neuropolitics of Divided Societies

by Liya Yu

Neuroscience research has raised a troubling possibility: Could the tendency to stigmatize others be innate? Some evidence suggests that the brain is prone to in-group and out-group classifications, with consequences from ordinary blind spots to full-scale dehumanization. Many are inclined to reject the argument that racism and discrimination could have a cognitive basis. Yet if we are all vulnerable to thinking in exclusionary ways—if everyone, from the most ardent social-justice advocates to bigots and xenophobes, has mental patterns and structures in common—could this shared flaw open new prospects for political rapprochement?Liya Yu develops a novel political framework that builds on neuroscientific discoveries to rethink the social contract. She argues that our political selves should be understood in terms of our shared social capacities, especially our everyday exclusionary tendencies. Yu contends that cognitive dehumanization is the most crucial disruptor of cooperation and solidarity, and liberal values-based discourse is inadequate against it. She advances a new neuropolitical language of persuasion that refrains from moralizing or shaming and instead appeals to shared neurobiological vulnerabilities. Offering practical strategies to address those we disagree with most strongly, Vulnerable Minds provides timely guidance on meeting the challenge of including and humanizing others.

The Vulnerable Observer: Anthropology That Breaks Your Heart

by Ruth Behar

Eloquently interweaving ethnography and memoir, award-winning anthropologist Ruth Behar offers a new theory and practice for humanistic anthropology. She proposes an anthropology that is lived and written in a personal voice. She does so in the hope that it will lead us toward greater depth of understanding and feeling, not only in contemporary anthropology, but in all acts of witnessing.

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