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Was macht ein gelungenes Leben aus?: Weisheiten der Stoiker und moderne Forschung zu Glück und Emotionsregulation

by Sven Barnow

IIn diesem Buch geht es darum, die Annahmen der Stoiker mit der aktuellen Emotions- und Glücksforschung zu verbinden. Das stoische Versprechen, dass mit Übung und Praxis stoischen Denkens der Mensch auch schwere Stürme des Lebens gelassen überstehen und sogar daran wachsen kann, ist ermutigend. Aber ist es auch wahr? Leser und Leserinnen, die sich für den Stoizismus interessieren und sich gleichzeitig einen gut lesbaren Überblick über die aktuelle Glücks- und Emotionsforschung verschaffen wollen, sei dieses Buch ans Herz gelegt. Aus dem Inhalt: Stoische Lebensleitlinien: Prinzip 1: Lebe fokussiert, hüte dich vor Ablenkungen. Prinzip 2: Lebe einfach. Prinzip 3: Lerne die Emotionen zu beherrschen, um glücklich zu sein. Prinzip 4: Minimiere die egozentrischen Bedürfnisse des Egos. Prinzip 5: Hinterfrage dein Verlangen nach Anerkennung. Prinzip 6: Akzeptiere, was nicht deiner Kontrolle obliegt. Prinzip 7: Übe Dich in Dankbarkeit. Über den Autor: Prof. Dr. Sven Barnow leitet den Lehrstuhl für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie am Psychologischen Institut der Universität Heidelberg. Neben seinem wissenschaftlichen Engagement im Bereich der Emotionsforschung interessiert er sich für den Stoizismus, da diese Lebensphilosophie sich unter anderem mit der Frage auseinandersetzt hat: Wie Emotionen regulieren?

Was That Really Me?: How Everyday Stress Brings Out Our Hidden Personality

by Naomi L. Quenk

Psychologist Naomi Quenk discusses the stress patterns that various personality types experience. Using Jungian psychological type theory and the MBTI© personality inventory, Quenk helps readers turn their moments of stress into gems of personal understanding and growth. Work-related stress and the effects of stress over time are both explored in Was That Really Me?, as is a simple explanation of type dynamics, type differentiation, and type development. Including discussions of how each of the sixteen personality types functions at work and what each finds stressful or energizing, plus new stories about people in the grip of their inferior functions, Was That Really Me? helps readers learn from moments of stress.

Was That Really Me?: How Everyday Stress Brings Out Our Hidden Personality

by Naomi L. Quenk

In Was That Really Me?, Naomi Quenk has provided the next giant step in applying Jung’s model of development in healthy personalities. That step is to understand, accept, and learn to handle our hidden personality responsibly. Updating the classic Beside Ourselves, Quenk has given us a way to understand this part of ourselves as well as a practical guide for turning what appears to be negative into a positive awareness that enhances our growth and effectiveness. People typically find this to be a surprisingly freeing experience.

Was wir uns wie sagen und zeigen: Psychologie der menschlichen Kommunikation (Psychologie für Studium und Beruf)

by Ulf Lubienetzki Heidrun Schüler-Lubienetzki

Dieses kompakte Lehrbuch bringt Ihnen – unterhaltsam wie ein Sachbuch – die psychologischen Grundlagen der menschlichen Kommunikation näher. Sie begegnen darin wegweisenden Konzepten, Modellen und Axiomen der Kommunikation (dabei auch bekannten Namen wie Paul Watzlawick und Friedemann Schulz von Thun), unterschiedlichen Sichtweisen auf Kommunikation sowie verschiedenen Kommunikationsstilen und -mustern. Sie erfahren, was es bedeutet, erfolgreich zu kommunizieren und wodurch erfolgreiche Kommunikation erschwert oder sogar verhindert wird. Und quasi im Vorbeigehen lernen Sie, Ihre eigene Kommunikation und damit sich selbst besser zu verstehen.

Was wirklich zählt!: Mit Überzeugung führen

by Gudrun Happich

An der Spitze stehen, erfolgreich sein und sich trotzdem ohnmächtig, überfordert, unzufrieden und einsam zu fühlen – das kommt häufiger vor als manche glauben. Warum? Um Erfolg und Erfüllung verbinden zu können, benötigen wir den richtigen Platz, der unseren Stärken und Talenten entspricht. Ähnlich wie Pflanzen verkümmern wir, wenn die Rahmenbedingungen uns nicht entsprechen. Wenn wir dagegen unser (Berufs-) Leben im Einklang mit unserer inneren Überzeugung gestalten, können wir Leistung mit Leidenschaft und Leichtigkeit verbinden. In diesem Buch lernen Sie vier Top-Führungskräfte kennen. Ihre Karrieren, Ängste, Zweifel und Hoffnungen sind exemplarisch für viele andere. Begleiten Sie sie dabei, wie sie ihren persönlichen Weg zu Erfolg und Erfüllung gehen und machen Sie sich selbst auf den Weg. Sie finden dazu viele Praxis-Tipps und Übungen. Von der vielfach bewährten Vorgehensweise profitieren der Einzelne und das Unternehmen – denn Mensch und System lassen sich nicht trennen. Ein Mensch in der falschen Position kann ein ganzes Unternehmen gefährden. Andersherum: Wer wirklich überzeugt ist, von dem was er tut, hat immer Erfolg – und Spaß daran.Dieses Sachbuch ist eine Weiterentwicklung des erfolgreichen Fachbuchs "Was wirklich zählt!", Springer Gabler 2014.

Washing Dishes is Good for You: Mindfulness in the daily grind

by Dept Ltd

Can washing up really be good for you? Can we discover a moment of insight, a wave of calm, a tickle of delight or a tingle of connection within our simple, readily available, everyday routine? Without needing to alter our entire lifestyle, can we unearth a fresh way in, hidden inside the daily and seemingly mundane? How might we flip our thinking away from resisting and towards maybe even relishing the washing up, the cleaning and the cooking? What might this do for our body, our mind and our relationships? One everyday activity at a time, artists, designers, writers, psychologists and speakers share their stories and experiences of the everyday. You will hear of family bonding over the washing up, wondrous rituals with a cup of tea and the creation of playful households. So, yes, we are suggesting that washing up can be good for you. In fact, even more than good for you! It can be liberating, relaxing, creative and healing. These ideas are deeply embedded in some of the world's most ancient wisdom. Here, we simply explore how this way of thinking can very easily become part of our daily doing.(p) 2017 Octopus Publishing Group

Washing My Life Away: Surviving Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

by Ruth Deane

How many of us double check that we really have locked the door or switched off the iron? For some people, such mundane everyday worries can become life-ruining obsessions. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) affects one in fifty people and one of them was Ruth Deane. In this frank and personal account she shares her own experience as an OCD sufferer, from the first innocuous signs of onset to the devastating effect of the condition on her relationships with her family and friends, her self-esteem and her marriage. Ruth Deane takes the reader on a moving, honest and at times light-hearted journey, from washing her hands until they cracked and bled, to hospital admission and eventual management and recovery from OCD. This book offers hope and support to sufferers and an insight into the disorder for family, friends, professionals and all those who want or need to understand OCD and the recovery process.

Washing up is Good for you: Mindfulness in the daily grind

by Department Store for the Mind

Can washing up really be good for you? Can we discover a moment of insight, a wave of calm, a tickle of delight or a tingle of connection within our simple, readily available, everyday routine? Without needing to alter our entire lifestyle, can we unearth a fresh way in, hidden inside the daily and seemingly mundane? How might we flip our thinking away from resisting and towards maybe even relishing the washing up, the cleaning and the cooking? What might this do for our body, our mind and our relationships?One everyday activity at a time, artists, designers, writers, psychologists and speakers share their stories and experiences of the everyday. You will hear of family bonding over the washing up, wondrous rituals with a cup of tea and the creation of playful households.So, yes, we are suggesting that washing up can be good for you. In fact, even more than good for you! It can be liberating, relaxing, creative and healing. These ideas are deeply embedded in some of the world's most ancient wisdom. Here, we simply explore how this way of thinking can very easily become part of our daily doing.

Washing up is Good for you

by Dept Ltd

Can washing up really be good for you? Can we discover a moment of insight, a wave of calm, a tickle of delight or a tingle of connection within our simple, readily available, everyday routine? Without needing to alter our entire lifestyle, can we unearth a fresh way in, hidden inside the daily and seemingly mundane? How might we flip our thinking away from resisting and towards maybe even relishing the washing up, the cleaning and the cooking? What might this do for our body, our mind and our relationships?One everyday activity at a time, artists, designers, writers, psychologists and speakers share their stories and experiences of the everyday. You will hear of family bonding over the washing up, wondrous rituals with a cup of tea and the creation of playful households.So, yes, we are suggesting that washing up can be good for you. In fact, even more than good for you! It can be liberating, relaxing, creative and healing. These ideas are deeply embedded in some of the world's most ancient wisdom. Here, we simply explore how this way of thinking can very easily become part of our daily doing.

Washing up is Good for you: Mindfulness in the daily grind

by Dept Ltd

Can washing up really be good for you? Can we discover a moment of insight, a wave of calm, a tickle of delight or a tingle of connection within our simple, readily available, everyday routine? Without needing to alter our entire lifestyle, can we unearth a fresh way in, hidden inside the daily and seemingly mundane? How might we flip our thinking away from resisting and towards maybe even relishing the washing up, the cleaning and the cooking? What might this do for our body, our mind and our relationships? One everyday activity at a time, artists, designers, writers, psychologists and speakers share their stories and experiences of the everyday. You will hear of family bonding over the washing up, wondrous rituals with a cup of tea and the creation of playful households. So, yes, we are suggesting that washing up can be good for you. In fact, even more than good for you! It can be liberating, relaxing, creative and healing. These ideas are deeply embedded in some of the world's most ancient wisdom. Here, we simply explore how this way of thinking can very easily become part of our daily doing.(p) 2017 Octopus Publishing Group

Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia

by Marya Hornbacher

Why would a talented young woman enter into a torrid affair with hunger, drugs, sex, and death? Through five lengthy hospital stays, endless therapy, and the loss of family, friends, jobs, and all sense of what it means to be "normal," Marya Hornbacher lovingly embraced her anorexia and bulimia -- until a particularly horrifying bout with the disease in college put the romance of wasting away to rest forever. A vivid, honest, and emotionally wrenching memoir, Wasted is the story of one woman's travels to reality's darker side -- and her decision to find her way back on her own terms.

Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia

by Marya Hornbacher

A classic of psychology and eating disorders, now reissued with an important and perhaps controversial new afterword by the author, Wasted is New York Times bestselling author Marya Hornbacher's highly acclaimed memoir that chronicles her battle with anorexia and bulimia.Vivid, honest, and emotionally wrenching, Wasted is the story of how Marya Hornbacher willingly embraced hunger, drugs, sex, and death—until a particularly horrifying bout with anorexia and bulimia in college forever ended the romance of wasting away.In this updated edition, Hornbacher, an authority in the field of eating disorders, argues that recovery is not only possible, it is necessary. But the journey is not easy or guaranteed. With a new ending to her story that adds a contemporary edge, Wasted continues to be timely and relevant.

Wat elke professional over de oggz moet weten

by Gert Schout

In de Openbare Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg (OGGz) worden mensen geholpen die hulp nodig hebben maar er niet om vragen, of er niet om vragen bij het juiste adres. Vaak gaat het om combinaties van problemen en beperkingen. De belangrijkste reden dat de OGGz bestaat is echter niet de problemen of beperkingen van de doelgroep, maar het onvermogen van instanties om integrale, assertieve en grensoverschrijdende hulp te bieden. Drempels, productieplafonds, wachtlijsten en indicaties bemoeilijken de toegang tot de hulpverlening. Deze uitgave wil antwoord geven op de vraag 'wat iedere professional moet weten over de OGGz'. Het bestaansrecht van de OGGz centraal te stellen: waarom is er een OGGz? Hoe komt dat? En hoe is de OGGz buiten Nederland georganiseerd? Antwoorden op die vragen zijn echter ook van belang voor het beroepsvoorbereidend onderwijs. Dit boekje is daarom ook bedoeld voor de opleidingen die voorbereiden op eerdergenoemde werkterreinen.

Wat elke professional over verslaving moet weten: Canon Verslaving

by Jaap van der Stel

Dit boek is onmisbaar voor alle personen die zich, professioneel of in lerende of opleidende rol, in of rond de verslavingszorg bewegen. Het is een unieke publicatie op gebied van kennisoverdracht, bekwaamheidsontwikkeling, onderwijs en opleiding. Dit gedegen overzicht van de belangrijkste onderdelen van verslaving en verslavingszorg kan beschouwd worden als canon en tegelijkertijd als 'body of knowledge' van dit vakgebied. De focus is in dit boek gericht op gebruik, misbruik en afhankelijkheid van psychoactieve stoffen, met name op alcohol, heroïne, cocaïne en cannabis. Hoewel de verslavingszorg in Nederland al meer dan een eeuw bestaat, is er niet eerder een handleiding verschenen dat specifiek voor het hoger onderwijs (m. n. HBO) is geschreven. Aan dit boek liggen geselecteerde teksten - tientallen artikelen, handboeken, richtlijnen en literatuurstudies - ten grondslag die qua actualiteit, leesbaarheid en empirische onderbouwing voldoen aan de hoge normen die de Raad voor Bekwaamheidsontwikkeling stelt. Deze Raad heeft de opdracht om 'moderne verslavingskunde' te bevorderen in opleidingen, trainingen en na- en bijscholing van professionals in de gezondheidszorg. De handleiding kent 4 hoofdstukken: Middelen, gebruik en gebruikerMisbruik en verslavingMaatschappelijke gevolgen en overheidsbeleidBehandeling en begeleiding bij verslavingOm ruimte te besparen wordt in de tekst verwezen naar websites wanneer daar uitmuntende en actuele overzichten en praktische informatie over hulpverlening staan.

Wat elke professional over verslavingspreventie moet weten

by Lex Lemmers Rob Bovens Leontien Hommels

Dit boek gaat over verlavingspreventie. Verslaving is een maatschappelijk verschijnsel dat vaak meer dan andere ziekteproblemen leidt tot gevolgen die verder gaan dan hogere kosten voor de gezondheidszorg. Verslavingen kunnen leiden tot ontwrichting van sociale omgevingen, tot verwaarlozing in de opvoeding, tot overlast op straat, tot economische schade, of tot onveilige situaties in het verkeer of in het uitgaansleven. Het boek wordt op eenzelfde manier opgezeg als Wat elke professional moet weten over verslaving. Het zjin korte hoofdstukken bestaande uit verschillende didactische boxen waarin termen worden uitgelegd, voorbeelden worden gegeven en verwijzingen naar andere literatuur staan opgenomen.

Wat zeg je?

by Inga Mol

Baby's en kleine kinderen worden heel veel aangeraakt. Ze hebben nog geen woorden. Voor het kleine kind is de aanraking letterlijk het meest veelzeggende in zijn bestaan. Het is zijn eerste taal.Hoe je die taal kunt leren verstaan én spreken, is het onderwerp van dit boek. 'Wat zeg je?' is voor iedereen die kinderen verzorgt en voor iedereen die met kinderen werkt.  

Watch Your Language: Why Conversations Go Wrong and How to Fix Them

by Rob Kendall

The most accessible and practical book on the market about improving your personal and professional conversations, by internationally respected conversation expert Rob Kendall.Watch Your Language makes good communication easy, offering a huge range of case studies, easy-to-absorb concepts such as the Bad Place and the Tangle, and a unique "talking heads" page design that dissects examples of problematic conversations. It explains exactly why our daily conversations go wrong, how to respond when they do and provides tips on how to stop them from deteriorating in the first place. Communications expert Rob Kendall draws on over 30 years of experience to reveal:How to avoid conversations escalating into destructive argumentsHow to prepare for and conduct challenging conversationsHow to avoid defensiveness and emotional lockdownHow to read the warning signals that a conversation is going off-trackShort digestible chapters look at a wide variety of conversational scenarios, showing how to have rewarding and effective interactions with everyone in your life – from your partner, parents and children to your colleagues, boss and neighbours.

Watching the English: The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour

by Kate Fox

A runaway bestseller in the UK, Watching the English is now available in the U.S. for the first time! Witty and wise, Kate Fox reveals the quirks, habits, and foibles of the English people. Putting the national character under her microscope, Fox explores this strange and fascinating culture, governed by a complex set of unspoken rules and a bizarre code of conduct. Through anthropological analysis and a series of unorthodox experiments (often using herself as a reluctant guinea-pig), Fox discovers what these unwritten codes tell us about Englishness: the rules of weather-speak, the ironic-gnome rule, the reflex apology rule, the paranoid-pantomime rule, class anxiety tests, and the money-talk taboo, among others. Watching the English is a biting, affectionate, insightful, and often hilarious look at English society.

Water Ecosystem Services: A Global Perspective (International Hydrology Series)

by Julia Martin-Ortega Robert C. Ferrier Iain J. Gordon Shahbaz Khan

This comprehensive volume describes how ecosystem services-based approaches can assist in addressing major global and regional water challenges, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and water security in the developing world, by integrating scientific knowledge from different disciplines, such as hydrological modelling, environmental economics, psychology and international law. Empirical assessments at the national, catchment and regional levels are used to critically appraise this systemic approach, and the merits and potential limitations are presented. The practicalities of this approach with regard to water resources management, nature conservation, and sustainable business practices are discussed, and the role of society in underpinning the concept of ecosystem services is explored. Presenting new insights and perspectives on how to shape future strategies, this contributory volume is a valuable reference for researchers, academics, students and policy makers, in environmental studies, hydrology, water resource management, ecology, environmental law, policy and economics, and conservation biology. Provides a practical definition of ecosystem services-based approaches for both researchers and practitioners. Provides a definitive reference for future research and the implementation of ecosystem services-based approaches within the water sector and beyond. Discusses new and unexplored dimensions to the ecosystem services field, such as human rights, thereby enhancing the concept for both research and practice. Brings together knowledge across a range of disciplines and is suitable for a broad audience.

Water With Lemon

by Stephen Moss Zonya Foco

Power of One Good Habit Water with Lemon is the first health novel in the Power of One Good Habit series. Introducing A New Genre: The Health Novel 60 extra pounds. An unhappy marriage. Food for comfort. Karen's life is falling apart. Then she meets an unlikely neighbor who reveals how a series of simple choices have the power to shape the life we have - into the life we want. Karen's story of weight loss and personal transformation will touch your heart and open your eyes! It will reveal how eight powerful, core habits, when mastered one at a time, create an invisible force that will literally - change your life. What do you get when you cross a nutritionist with a novelist? A health novel! Where nutrition, health and weight-loss information are woven into the story. Each challenge the characters face not only teaches you what to do - it inspires you to actually do it. Zonya Foco, America's Nutrition Leader, and Stephen Moss, America's Health Novelist, have joined forces to create this exciting new genre. Stephen's compelling story will keep you turning the pages while Zonya's surprisingly simple approach to mastering weight control is revealed. You'll discover that this is not another fad diet book. In fact, it's not a diet book at all. There is no diet mentality. Nothing to calculate. And never a reason to feel guilty!

The Watercooler Effect

by Nicholas Difonzo

"A fresh look at informal communication, and how information spreads rapidly...An absorbing and compelling book." -Daniel J. Levitin, author of This Is Your Brain on Music and The World in Six Songs "Nicholas DiFonzo is one of the world's experts on why rumors spread. If you've ever wondered where rumors come from or whether some new rumor is true, this book will fascinate you." - Chip Heath, coauthor of Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die During the 2008 presidential election, both campaigns sought to detect, decipher, and defuse a host of derogatory rumors. After Hurricane Katrina, rumors swirled about stranded residents shooting rescue workers. Tipping off the economic crisis, costly rumors crippled financial institutions as they flew through the stock market. Pyschologist Nicholas DiFonzo has studied hearsay for more than fifteen years, and in this book he shows how the process that gave rise to these troubling rumors is fundamentally the same as a tête-à-tête around the company watercooler. With The Watercooler Effect, you'll learn: * how businesses or campaigns can control destructive rumors * how to sort fact from fiction * why a "no comment" response can be more detrimental than helpful * how an organization can increase trust from within * why rumors can actually become more truthful the more they spread DiFonzo argues that rumors stem from our deeply rooted motivation to make sense of the world and are a window into both individual and group psychology. Using fascinating case studies and surprising research findings, The Watercooler Effect gives you the tools to find the truth behind the rumor.

Watermelon Magic: Seeds of Wisdom, Slices of Life

by Wally Amos Jack Canfield Stu Glauberman

Watermelon Magic is talk from the soul using watermelons as a metaphor for life. Watermelons symbolize the slurpy happiness of life for Wally Amos (formerly known as "Famous Amos"). From his life experiences, Wally sees many parallels between humans and watermelons. Just as the vine connects watermelons and the umbilical cord connects mother and child, we are all connected by spirit. Wally shares his personal path to wisdom and tells how he never lost his humor, joy, and positive outlook on life in the process. He shows us how to overcome adversity and make healthy choices-how to reframe and rethink challenging situations in positive, optimistic, and uplifting terms. A master storyteller, Wally believes we all have a choice in our own happiness-no matter who we are, no matter what we've been through-and his stories will touch you at the very depth of your soul. If these ideas and beliefs speak to you, grab them like slices of watermelon, devour them, and have fun! Look out for the seeds, and live life to the fullest!

The Watkins Dictionary of Symbols

by Jack Tresidder

Traditional symbols form a visual shorthand for ideas, yet their functions and meaning extend far beyond that--for thousands of years they have enabled artists and craftsmen to embody and reinforce beliefs about human life in immediate and powerful images. This accessible and comprehensive guide features more than 2,000 major themes from Absinthe to the Zodiac: figures and symbols found in myth, literature and art, as well as those that have entered into the mainstream of everyday life. Covering classical and other mythologies, Biblical themes and traditional symbols from cultures across the world, this wonderful dictionary has thorough yet concise entries on individual animals, plants, objects, supernatural creatures, mythical episodes, miracles, and many other topics.

The Wave

by Tyler Charlton

When a boy is swept up in a wave of sadness, he finds himself tumbling. But when he remembers that this sadness won't last forever, and that the wave will eventually carry him back to shore, he discovers his friends and family waiting to gently pull him out of the water and back home. With hopeful text and gorgeous art, The Wave takes us on a journey through one child's experience with depression that fosters empathy for those on the outside, and solidarity for those still caught in the midst of their own wave. It is an honest look at depression which affects almost 2 million children in the United States. The Wave is a must-read for anyone who finds themselves tumbling, and a beautiful reminder that we can reach out to others to keep our heads - and hearts - above water.

The Wave Theory of Difference and Similarity (Psychology Revivals)

by Stephen W. Link

Two experimental procedures prompted the empirical development of psychophysical models: those that measure response frequency, often referred to as response probability; and those that measure response time, sometimes referred to as reaction time. The history of psychophysics is filled with theories that predict one or the other of these two responses. Yet the persistent reappearance of empirical relationships between these two measures of performance makes clear the need for a theory that both predicts and relates these two measures. Most likely, both response measures are the result of a single process that generates empirical laws relating response time and response probability. It is this process — its theory, description, and application — that is the topic of The Wave Theory of Difference and Similarity. Originally published in 1992, the author of this book has set out to provide a theoretical foundation for formulating new theories that systematize earlier results and to stimulate new concepts and introduce new tools for exploring mental phenomena and improving mental measurement.

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