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Understanding School Bullying: Its Nature and Prevention Strategies

by Peter K Smith

'This extraordinarily comprehensive book authored by the leading international authority in the field integrates research, theory and practice on the topic of school bullying. In an already research saturated field Peter Smith's writing captures the humanity of why this topic strikes such a chord in the community. He reminds us in a thoughtful, practical and caring manner why we must continue to advocate on all levels for those impacted by bullying.' -Professor Phillip T. Slee, Flinders University, Australia 'Understanding School Bullying offers a refreshingly clear account of the wealth of insights gained over a quarter of a century of research. As Smith's comprehensive review convincingly shows, much has been learned and much of this has been put to good use in improving children's wellbeing. This is surely essential reading for any researcher concerned with bullying, childhood or life at school.' -Sonia Livingstone, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, author of Children, Risk and Safety Online 'Peter Smith's new book will occupy a prominent place on my bookshelf. It provides a thorough and highly readable discussion of the breadth of research on school bullying. Dr. Smith includes discussions of important challenges related to research on this topic along with an excellent review of important studies and findings. This unique volume has influenced my thinking about the direction of my own research. The book will be an invaluable resource for researchers, consumers of research, and others who seek a research-based understanding of this important topic.' -Sheri Bauman, Ph.D., Professor at University of Arizona Bullying involves the repeated abuse of power in relationships. Bullying in schools can blight the lives of victims and damage the climate of the school. Over the last 25 years a burgeoning research program on school bullying has led to new insights into effective ways of dealing with it, as well as new challenges such as the advent of cyberbullying. This new book, by a leading international expert on the topic, brings together the cumulative knowledge acquired and the latest research findings in the area, with a global perspective especially covering research in Europe, North America, Australasia, and Asia. It will appeal to those taking academic courses in psychology, social work, educational psychology, child clinical psychology and psychiatry, and teacher training, but it will also be of interest to parents and teachers.

Understanding School Refusal: A Handbook for Professionals in Education, Health and Social Care

by Louise De-Hayes Karen J. Grandison M. S. Thambirajah

` Combining educational and clinical perspectives, and with extensive use of case studies, the authors present recent research into the mental health problems associated with school refusal, such as anxiety and panic attacks, as well as the role that parental support plays in their children's school life. They also discuss the role of home tuition services and pupil referral units in extreme cases of school refusal, and provides concrete strategies for planning and organising services to manage the problem effectively. Understanding School Refusal is a valuable guide for professionals across the disciplines of education, health and social care, and will also be useful for training courses within these fields.' Education Today School refusal is a crippling condition in which children experience extreme anxiety or panic attacks when faced with everyday school life and this handbook aims to explore and raise awareness of the problem of school refusal in children and young people, and provide plans and strategies for education, health and social care professionals for identifying and addressing this problem. Combining educational and clinical perspectives, and with extensive use of case studies, the authors present recent research into the mental health problems associated with school refusal, such as anxiety and panic attacks, as well as the role that parental support plays in their children's school life. They also discuss the role of home tuition services and pupil referral units in extreme cases of school refusal, and provides concrete strategies for planning and organising services to manage the problem effectively. Understanding School Refusal is a valuable guide for professionals across the disciplines of education, health and social care, and will also be useful for training courses within these fields.

Understanding School Transition: What happens to children and how to help them

by Jennifer Symonds

School transition is a life changing event for children - they are rarely faced with such a powerful set of personal and social changes. These underpin the immediate and longer term wellbeing of children, peer groups, teachers and schools. Understanding School Transition provides a most comprehensive, international review of this important area, complete with practical advice on what practitioners can do to support children’s wellbeing, motivation and achievement. Offering an accessible introduction to children’s psychology at transition, Understanding School Transition explores transition as a status passage, what we really mean by wellbeing, and the ways in which children adapt to new environments. Key chapters focus on: ? Understanding stress and anxiety Children’s hopes, fears and myths at transition Parents’ and teachers’ influence and role Children’s relationships with peers as they change schools Children’s personal and collective identities Motivation, engagement and achievement Supporting the most vulnerable children ? Crucially, it advises how you can help children through implementing transition interventions and evaluating their success in your own school. Illustrated by case studies of experiences in real schools, Understanding School Transition will be essential reading for all training and practising teachers, as well as transition and subject specialists, who want to better understand and influence what happens to children at this critical stage.

Understanding Second Language Acquisition

by Lourdes Ortega

Whether we grow up with one, two, or several languages during our early years of life, many of us will learn a second, foreign, or heritage language in later years. The field of Second language acquisition (SLA, for short) investigates the human capacity to learn additional languages in late childhood, adolescence, or adulthood, after the first language --in the case of monolinguals-- or languages --in the case of bilinguals-- have already been acquired. Understanding Second Language Acquisition offers a wide-encompassing survey of this burgeoning field, its accumulated findings and proposed theories, its developed research paradigms, and its pending questions for the future. The book zooms in and out of universal, individual, and social forces, in each case evaluating the research findings that have been generated across diverse naturalistic and formal contexts for second language acquisition. It assumes no background in SLA and provides helpful chapter-by-chapter summaries and suggestions for further reading. Ideal as a textbook for students of applied linguistics, foreign language education, TESOL, and education, it is also recommended for students of linguistics, developmental psycholinguistics, psychology, and cognitive science.

Understanding Sensory Dysfunction: Learning, Development and Sensory Dysfunction in Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, Learning Disabilities and Bipolar Disorder

by Polly Emmons Liz Anderson

Understanding Sensory Dysfunction is a clear and comprehensive resource to identifying and addressing sensory dysfunction in children, using a range of practical strategies to help them reach their full potential at home, at school and in the community. The authors explain the causes, contributing factors, symptoms and associated behaviors of sensory dysfunction, particularly when found in conditions such as autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), ADHD and bipolar disorder. Focusing on early intervention, they provide a host of tried and tested integration activities, assessment and curricular modifications, treatment options and useful equipment and resources that ultimately aim to limit or prevent the interference of sensory dysfunction with successful learning, socialization and skills development. This accessible and empowering book offers a unique approach to the condition and will help families, teachers and caregivers meet the particular needs of children with sensory dysfunction.

Understanding Sex and Relationship Education, Youth and Class: A Youth Work-Led Approach

by Sharon Elley

This book sets out an original Youth Work-based SRE programme and explores how a range of socioeconomic, cultural and sexual norms, values and attitudes differently shape decision-making on sex, intimacy and future plans across different contexts.

Understanding Sexual Abuse: A Guide For Ministry Leaders And Survivors

by Debra Hirsch Tim Hein

“It is said that the true test of a society is how it treats its most vulnerable members.” As many as one in four girls and one in six boys experience sexual abuse during childhood, and it’s estimated that as many as half of the incidents are never reported. This means that countless millions in our societies, both children and adults, carry this complex, often hidden pain. What does the path to healing look like for survivors? And how can ministry leaders, pastors, and counselors best help them as they walk this difficult road? Drawing on both his own experience and his wife's experience as survivors of childhood sexual abuse, minister and lecturer Tim Hein offers his expertise, practical guidance, and empathy—both for ministry leaders and for survivors themselves. How can we best respond when a survivor shares their secret with us? Where can survivors turn for encouragement when the road to recovery seems so long and lonely? Hein presents clinical data and resources alongside pastoral wisdom and care, addressing both psychological and spiritual aspects of sexual abuse. Both for those who have suffered sexual abuse and those in a position to help them, this book is a rich resource. Filled with both sober truths and the hope of Christ, it calls survivors to take courage and walk unafraid down the road of healing.

Understanding Sexual Homicide Offenders

by Heng Choon Oliver Chan

Sexual homicide generates widespread public fear and media attention, yet remains an understudied area within criminology. This book provides a thorough survey of sexual homicide offender classifications, and analyses current theoretical explanations and understandings of sexual homicide from a criminological perspective. Importantly, Oliver Chan offers a new integrated theoretical understanding of sexual homicide offenders. Understanding Sexual Homicide Offenders: An Integrated Approach isessential reading for students at all levels of study, researchers, clinicians and law enforcement practitioners seeking a comprehensive understanding of sexual murderers.

Understanding Sexual Serial Killing

by Frederick Toates Olga Coschug-Toates

Why do some people engage in serial killing for sexual pleasure? This book considers the phenomenon of sexual serial killing from the perspective of motivation theory, as advanced in psychology and neuroscience. By examining biological, psychological and social determinants, it develops a model of sexual killing that integrates widely dispersed existing literature. The first part of the book reviews scientific data and theories, while the second part presents biographical sketches of 80 sexual killers and links their early development and later killing to current theoretical understanding. The book examines cases of serial killers from the USA, Western Europe, Iran, Australia and South Africa, and it also includes an account of killers from the USSR, made available to non-Russian speakers for the first time. Deliberately written to avoid jargon, Understanding Sexual Serial Killing is accessible to students, scholars and professionals across psychology, sociology, forensic science and law.

Understanding Sexual Violence: A Study of Convicted Rapists (Perspectives on Gender)

by Diana Scully

Understanding Sexual Violence examines the structural supports for rape in sexually violent cultures and dispels a number of myths about sexual violence--for example, that childhood abuse, alcohol, and drugs are direct causes of rape.

Understanding Sexuality Research

by Michael W. Wiederman

Wiederman (Columbia College) explains how to apply critical thinking skills to human sexuality research in order to become a more critical judge of research conducted by others. His first chapters explore the goals of the research, the participants, how questions are posed, what the results mean, and whether conclusions match the research design. Then he details ten case studies. He does not include an index. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (book news. com)

Understanding Sibling Rivalry: The Brazelton Way

by T. Berry Brazelton Joshua D. Sparrow

The teasing, squabbling, competition, and ferocious fights of brothers and sisters can drive any parent to frantic desperation. At the same time, Drs. Brazelton and Sparrow point out, siblings are learning from one another and deep, close relationships are forming that will last a lifetime. In this absolutely indispensable addition to the Brazelton Way series, the authors show how parents can defuse much of the bickering, while helping to strengthen warm relationships. They help parents understand the universal "Touchpoints” of sibling rivalry at each age, as well as the problems in particular family situations. From the combined delight and resentment that a sibling feels toward a new baby, to birth order, blended families, sex play, scapegoats, meltdowns, and competition in school, parents will find welcome advice in this wise, comforting book.

Understanding Sleep and Dreaming

by William H. Moorcroft

An updated edition of Moorcroft's 2003 volume, this new work reflects recent scientific advances in the area of sleep and disorders. As in the previous book, Understanding Sleep and Dreaming, this new edition serves as a compact overview for now sleep experts, covering physiological sleep mechanisms, brain function, psychological ramifications of sleep, dimensions of dreaming, and clinical disorders associated with sleep. It is accessibly written with specially boxed material that enhances the text. It also offers a good foundation for those who will continue sleep studies, while at the same time offering enough information for those who will apply this knowledge in other ways such as clinicians private practices or researchers. It is an excellent text for courses on sleep at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The section on sleep labs will show how computers have replaced former models of data collection and storage; includes the new area of the genetics of sleep; add a new box on teen sleep; insert a new box on the emerging information about how technology use affects sleep; emphasize the controversy over rampart, wide-spread sleep deprivation; and include a new box covering the connection between sleep loss and weight gain. Additional inclusions might incorporate current "hot topics," such as the effect of shift work on sleep, sleep problems in adolescents, and nightmare treatment for people suffering from PTSD.

Understanding Sleeplessness: Perspectives on Insomnia

by David N. Neubauer

Seemingly the most natural and necessary of pursuits, a good night's sleep eludes a remarkable number of people—up to 50 percent of the general population, according to studies, while 10 to 15 percent suffer from severe or chronic sleep disorders. Because the causes and nature of sleeplessness are so many and varied—and often as elusive as sleep itself—the diagnosis and treatment require a flexible, multifaceted approach—and this is precisely what David N. Neubauer lays out in Understanding Sleeplessness.Building on the "four perspectives" conceptualized by McHugh and Slavney in The Perspectives of Psychiatry, Neubauer offers a much-needed explanation of the diverse ways of understanding what insomnia is and what should be done about it. He begins by surveying what is currently known about the mechanisms of "normal sleep" and, in this light, describing the problems of defining, assessing, and measuring insomnia. Drawing examples from patients studied at the Johns Hopkins Sleep Disorders Center, Neubauer then applies each of the four perspectives—diseases, dimensions, behaviors, life stories—to the varied kinds and degrees of sleeplessness. Finally, calling on the full range of perspectives on insomnia, he outlines an integrated approach to evaluation and treatment. His work will be of great interest and value to those who study and treat sleeplessness and to those who wish to understand this widespread and vexing problem.

Understanding Social Psychology Across Cultures: Engaging with Others in a Changing World (Sage Social Psychology Program Ser.)

by Vivian L. Vignoles Ronald Fischer Peter B. Smith Michael H. Bond

Understanding Social Psychology Across Cultures Second Edition starts by asking why social psychology needs a cross-cultural perspective. It then examines cultural differences and their origins, before addressing traditional social psychological themes cross-culturally, for example group processes, self and identity, intergroup relations. Themes of contemporary relevance including migration, ethnic conflict and climate change are also covered.<P><P> Key features:<P> * Presentation of concepts and theories made accessible to the reader using practical examples and everyday life experiences from diverse parts of the world<P> * Biographical portraits of key researchers in the field<P> * Coverage of the appropriate methods for conducting state-of-the-art cross-cultural research<P> This textbook is appropriate for students of social and cross-cultural psychology. It will also interest practitioners wanting to understand the impact of culture on their fields of work, such as international relations, social policy, health promotion, ethnic relations and international business.

Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties

by Margot Prior

An increase in research into all facets of learning difficulties has resulted in a deeper understanding of the problems. This book includes a description and explanation of reading, spelling and learning difficulties; provides chapters on psychological and neuropsychological assessment; explains the associations between behavioural problems and learning difficulties; and critically reviews remedial approaches, incorporating a summary of what is known about their efficacy. The importance of dealing with attendant behavioural problems and the significance of phonological knowledge in literacy learning are central themes.; Intended to be a succinct and accessible synthesis of current knowledge in this area, this book should be of interest to professionals who encounter children with learning difficulties, tertiary students and parents.

Understanding Sport Psychology

by Aidan Moran Cathy Craig Gavin Breslin John Kremer Stephen Shannon

Sports Psychology is a popular area that has grown dramatically over the past few decades due to an increasing emphasis on the importance of psychology for athletic performance, engagement in exercise and in the business and industry of sport. This text is a concise, focussed overview of all the core concepts in sports psychology at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Using key studies and evidence, this book explains and develops key topics, and acts as a springboard for further reading and debate. This is a stimulating and practical resource for sport and exercise students, sport coaches, and athletes alike, covering new developments within the field including: Social Identity Theory, Mental Health Awareness in Sport, Resilience and Mindfulness. With additional pedagogy including further reading, figures and diagrams to help visualise key theories, and case studies, Understanding Sport Psychology is essential reading for any student of sport psychology.

Understanding Sport Psychology

by Aidan Moran Cathy Craig Gavin Breslin John Kremer Stephen Shannon

Sports Psychology is a popular area that has grown dramatically over the past few decades due to an increasing emphasis on the importance of psychology for athletic performance, engagement in exercise and in the business and industry of sport. This text is a concise, focussed overview of all the core concepts in sports psychology at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Using key studies and evidence, this book explains and develops key topics, and acts as a springboard for further reading and debate. This is a stimulating and practical resource for sport and exercise students, sport coaches, and athletes alike, covering new developments within the field including: Social Identity Theory, Mental Health Awareness in Sport, Resilience and Mindfulness. With additional pedagogy including further reading, figures and diagrams to help visualise key theories, and case studies, Understanding Sport Psychology is essential reading for any student of sport psychology.

Understanding Statistical Concepts Using S-plus

by Randall E. Schumacker Allen Akers

Written as a supplemental text for an introductory or intermediate statistics course, this book is organized along the lines of many popular statistics texts. The chapters provide a good conceptual understanding of basic statistics and include exercises that use S-PLUS simulation programs. Each chapter lists a set of objectives and a summary. The book offers a rich insight into how probability has shaped statistical procedures in the behavioral sciences, as well as a brief history behind the creation of various statistics. Computational skills are kept to a minimum by including S-PLUS programs that run the exercises in the chapters. Students are not required to master the writing of S-PLUS programs, but explanations of how the programs work and program output are included in each chapter. S-PLUS is an advanced statistical package that has an extensive library of functions, which offer flexibility in writing customized routines. The S-PLUS functions provide the capability of programming object and dialog windows, which are commonly used in Windows software applications. The S-PLUS program also contains pull-down menus for the statistical analysis of data. A ZIP file containing programs that work in S-PLUS 6.2 for use with this book is available for download from - please note that these scripts will only run in S-PLUS 6.2 and not later versions due to changes in the programming language syntax.

Understanding Statistics and Experimental Design: How to Not Lie with Statistics (Learning Materials in Biosciences)

by Michael H. Herzog Gregory Francis Aaron Clarke

This open access textbook provides the background needed to correctly use, interpret and understand statistics and statistical data in diverse settings. Part I makes key concepts in statistics readily clear. Parts I and II give an overview of the most common tests (t-test, ANOVA, correlations) and work out their statistical principles. Part III provides insight into meta-statistics (statistics of statistics) and demonstrates why experiments often do not replicate. Finally, the textbook shows how complex statistics can be avoided by using clever experimental design. Both non-scientists and students in Biology, Biomedicine and Engineering will benefit from the book by learning the statistical basis of scientific claims and by discovering ways to evaluate the quality of scientific reports in academic journals and news outlets.

Understanding Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences

by Roger Bakeman Byron F. Robinson

Understanding Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences is designed to help readers understand research reports, analyze data, and familiarize themselves with the conceptual underpinnings of statistical analyses used in behavioral science literature. The authors review statistics in a way that is intended to reduce anxiety for students who feel intimidated by statistics. Conceptual underpinnings and practical applications are stressed, whereas algebraic derivations and complex formulas are reduced. New ideas are presented in the context of a few recurring examples, which allows readers to focus more on the new statistical concepts than on the details of different studies.The authors' selection and organization of topics is slightly different from the ordinary introductory textbook. It is motivated by the needs of a behavioral science student, or someone in clinical practice, rather than by formal, mathematical properties. The book begins with hypothesis testing and then considers how hypothesis testing is used in conjunction with statistical designs and tests to answer research questions. In addition, this book treats analysis of variance as another application of multiple regression. With this integrated, unified approach, students simultaneously learn about multiple regression and how to analyze data associated with basic analysis of variance and covariance designs. Students confront fewer topics but those they do encounter possess considerable more power, generality, and practical importance. This integrated approach helps to simplify topics that often cause confusion.Understanding Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences features:*Computer-based exercises, many of which rely on spreadsheets, help the reader perform statistical analyses and compare and verify the results using either SPSS or SAS. These exercises also provide an opportunity to explore definitional formulas by altering raw data or terms within a formula and immediately see the consequences thus providing a deeper understanding of the basic concepts.*Key terms and symbols are boxed when first introduced and repeated in a glossary to make them easier to find at review time.*Numerous tables and graphs, including spreadsheet printouts and figures, help students visualize the most critical concepts.This book is intended as a text for introductory behavioral science statistics. It will appeal to instructors who want a relatively brief text. The book's active approach to learning, works well both in the classroom and for individual self-study.

Understanding Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences (Tenth Edition)

by Robert R. Pagano

<p>Based on over 30 years of successful teaching experience in this course, Robert Pagano's introductory text takes an intuitive, concepts-based approach to descriptive and inferential statistics. He uses the sign test to introduce inferential statistics, empirically derived sampling distributions, many visual aids, and lots of interesting examples to promote reader understanding. <p>One of the hallmarks of this text is the positive feedback from users--even those not mathematically inclined praise the text for its clarity, detailed presentation, and use of humor to help make concepts accessible and memorable. Thorough explanations precede the introduction of every formula, and the exercises that immediately follow include a step-by-step model that lets readers compare their work against fully solved examples. This combination makes the text perfect for anyone building their foundation of knowledge for analyzing statistics in psychology or other social and behavioral sciences.</p>

Understanding Statistics in the Behavioural Sciences (9th edition)

by Robert R. Pagano

Based on over 30 years of successful teaching experience in this course, Robert Pagano's introductory text takes an intuitive, concepts-based approach to descriptive and inferential statistics. He uses the sign test to introduce inferential statistics, empirically derived sampling distributions, many visual aids and lots of interesting examples to promote student understanding. One of the hallmarks of this text is the positive feedback from students-even students who are not mathematically inclined praise the text for its clarity, detailed presentation, and use of humor to help make concepts accessible and memorable. Thorough explanations precede the introduction of every formula-and the exercises that immediately follow include a step-by-step model that lets students compare their work against fully solved examples. This combination makes the text perfect for students taking their first statistics course in psychology or other social and behavioral sciences.

Understanding Stepfamilies: Their Structure and Dynamics

by Craig Everett

Understanding Stepfamilies takes a large step toward achieving integration of the many variables presented in understanding the stepfamily system. The book examines the dynamics and resources within these complex family systems. It helps clinicians and researchers understand the underlying structural patterns and dynamics of stepfamilies, promoting more successful, positive treatment outcomes. Chapters in Understanding Stepfamilies offer clinicians and researchers an international perspective, including contributions from the U.S., Canada, Israel, and The Netherlands. Readers learn of unique theoretical approaches to understanding stepfamily typologies and behaviors and specific clinical models for assessment and intervention, as well as more empirically-based findings regarding parent-child interactions.

Understanding Street Drugs: A Handbook of Substance Misuse for Parents, Teachers and Other Professionals Second Edition

by David Emmett Graeme Nice

This fully updated edition of the essential reference Understanding Drugs provides a complete overview of the key facts and core issues surrounding substance misuse. All commonly-used street drugs are covered, with quick reference guides, helpful diagrams and clear information on each drug's effects, methods of use, legal status, availability, treatment options and associated slang. This edition includes new sections on ketamine, `date-rape' drugs, and over-the-counter opiate-based drugs, and recent findings on the long-term effects of cannabis and its potential medicinal use, and discussion of the legalisation debate. This comprehensive handbook is an essential reference for teachers, social workers, youth workers, residential home managers, policy makers and parents, enabling readers to recognise drug misuse and confidently offer information and guidance. A companion volume, Understanding Drug Issues: A Photocopiable Resource Workbook is also available from Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

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