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The Weight of Our Sky

by Hanna Alkaf

A music loving teen with OCD does everything she can to find her way back to her mother during the historic race riots in 1969 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in this heart-pounding literary debut.Melati Ahmad looks like your typical movie-going, Beatles-obsessed sixteen-year-old. Unlike most other sixteen-year-olds though, Mel also believes that she harbors a djinn inside her, one who threatens her with horrific images of her mother&’s death unless she adheres to an elaborate ritual of counting and tapping to keep him satisfied. A trip to the movies after school turns into a nightmare when the city erupts into violent race riots between the Chinese and the Malay. When gangsters come into the theater and hold movie-goers hostage, Mel, a Malay, is saved by a Chinese woman, but has to leave her best friend behind to die. On their journey through town, Mel sees for herself the devastation caused by the riots. In her village, a neighbor tells her that her mother, a nurse, was called in to help with the many bodies piling up at the hospital. Mel must survive on her own, with the help of a few kind strangers, until she finds her mother. But the djinn in her mind threatens her ability to cope.

Weight Wisdom: Affirmations to Free You from Food and Body Concerns

by Kathleen Burns Kingsbury Mary Ellen Williams

In this powerful guide, Kingsbury and Williams equip readers with simple reflections, vignettes, and everyday analogies that they have successfully used with their own clients to counter destructive feelings and shatter distorted ideas of food and weight. Pithy and positive statements replace compulsive, perfectionist rules with new strategies to cope with blame, guilt, vulnerability, and self-criticism. Concrete activities help people with eating problems get off the scales, get in touch with their feelings, and make friends with their bodies. Written by experienced therapists who understand the needs and fears of people with eating problems, the book is a refreshing guide to lasting change and recovery.

The Weighted Blanket Guide: Everything You Need to Know about Weighted Blankets and Deep Pressure for Autism, Chronic Pain, and Other Conditions

by Cara Koscinski Eileen Parker

Providing everything you need to know about the use of weighted blankets to help with sensory integration, improve sleep, ease chronic pain and more, this book includes: · What a weighted blanket is and how it works · An exploration of deep pressure and how weight on the body affects the mind · Guidelines for using weighted blankets at home and in professional environments · Studies into the effectiveness of weighted blankets · Advice on how to select an appropriate weighted blanket or sew your own. Based on the latest research, this book dispels the online myths surrounding weighted blankets. It delivers clear information for occupational therapists and anyone considering using a weighted blanket to help with sensory processing disorder, autism, sleep disorders, fibromyalgia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and more.

Weightless: My Life as a Fat Man and How I Escaped

by Gregg Mcbride Joy Bauer

Morbidly obese and desperately unhappy, Gregg McBride asked himself this question for years, until something different finally "clicked," and enabled him to embark on a weight-loss journey of 250 pounds that has now lasted ten years and still counting.<P><P>Alternately hilarious and heartbreaking in its honesty, Weightless is Gregg's story, but it is much more. It's an exclusive weight-loss plan with menus, recipes, exercises, and motivational techniques. Weightless will move, educate, entertain, and inspire anyone who is ready for change.Gregg McBride is a film and television writer and producer living in Los Angeles, where he works for companies including Disney, Paramount, Sony, ABC Family, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, MTV, and others. His blog,, focuses on the topics of weight loss and food addiction. McBride has made multiple appearances on the Today Show and is also the author of the book Just Stop Eating So Much!, as well as a featured blogger for the Huffington Post.Joy Bauer, MS, RD, CDN, is the longtime nutrition and health expert for the Today Show, a contributing editor to Woman's Day magazine, and the New York Times best-selling author of Food Cures and Joy Fit Club.

Weighty Problems: Embodied Inequality at a Children’s Weight Loss Camp

by Laura Backstrom

Many parents, teachers, and doctors believe that childhood obesity is a social problem that needs to be solved. Yet, missing from debates over what caused the rise in childhood obesity and how to fix it are the children themselves. By investigating how contemporary cultural discourses of childhood obesity are experienced by children, Laura Backstrom illustrates how deeply fat stigma is internalized during the early socialization experiences of children. Weighty Problems details processes of embodied inequality: how the children came to recognize inequalities related to their body size, how they explained the causes of those differences, how they responded to micro-level injustices in their lives, and how their participation in a weight loss program impacted their developing self-image. The book finds that embodied inequality is constructed and negotiated through a number of interactional processes including resocialization, stigma management, social comparisons, and attribution.

Weird: The Power of Being an Outsider in an Insider World

by Olga Khazan

In the tradition of Susan Cain's Quiet and Scott Stossel's My Age of Anxiety, Atlantic staff writer Olga Khazan reclaims the concept of "weird" and turns it into a badge of honor rather than a slur, showing how being different -- culturally, socially, physically, or mentally -- can actually be a person's greatest strength.Most of us have at some point in our lives felt like an outsider, sometimes considering ourselves "too weird" to fit in. Growing up as a Russian immigrant in West Texas, Olga Khazan always felt there was something different about her. This feeling has permeated her life, and as she embarked on a science writing career, she realized there were psychological connections between this feeling of being an outsider and both her struggles and successes later in life. She decided to reach out to other people who were unique in their environments to see if they had experienced similar feelings of alienation, and if so, to learn how they overcame them. Weird is based on in-person interviews with many of these individuals, such as a woman who is professionally surrounded by men, a liberal in a conservative area, and a Muslim in a predominantly Christian town. In addition, it provides actionable insights based on interviews with dozens of experts and a review of hundreds of scientific studies.Weird explores why it is that we crave conformity, how that affects people who are different, and what they can do about it. First, the book dives into the history of social norms and why some people hew to them more strictly than others. Next, Khazan explores the causes behind-and the consequences of-social rejection. She then reveals the hidden upsides to being "weird," as well as the strategies that people who are different might use in order to achieve success in a society that values normalcy. Finally, the book follows the trajectories of unique individuals who either decided to be among others just like them; to stay weird; or to dwell somewhere in between.Combining Khazan's own story with those of others and with fascinating takeaways from cutting-edge psychology research, Weird reveals how successful individuals learned to embrace their weirdness, using it to their advantage.

Weise statt Smart: Intelligentes Wohnen auf der nächsten Stufe

by Gerhard Leitner

Der Smarthome Sektor boomt, dennoch ist eine flächendeckenden Verbreitung nicht absehbar. Die entsprechende technische Basis ist zwar vorhanden, es sind aber sowohl technische als auch sozio- und psychologische Faktoren, die die Mehrheit der potenziellen Nutzer davor zurückschrecken lassen, sich ein Smart Home anzuschaffen. Beispiele dafür sind die fehlende Interoperabilität am Markt verfügbarer Systeme, eine bestehende Technikskepsis mit Befürchtungen die Kontrolle zu verlieren, aber auch im Sinne von Überwachung, dem Schutz von Daten und Privatsphäre oder aber die Kosten/Nutzen-Analyse. Das Buch soll aus der Perspektive einer ganzheitlich betrachteten „User Experience“ Möglichkeiten aufzeigen, zukünftig individuelle und maßgeschneiderte Smarthome Lösungen zu erhalten – im Sinne einer feingranularen Abstufung anstelle eines Alles-oder-Nichts-Prinzips.

Weisheit als Ressource in der Psychotherapie: Ein Überblick (essentials)

by Samuel Pfeifer

Samuel Pfeifer gibt einen Überblick über verschiedene Weisheitsmodelle und entwirft ein didaktisches Basismodell der Weisheit von Empathie, Kontextualismus, Zeitperspektive und Werthaltungen. Einer biologistischen personalisierten Psychiatrie steht eine personzentrierte Haltung gegenüber. Effektive Therapie zeigt erstaunlich viele Parallelen zu grundlegenden Tugenden der Weisheit. Als Therapiekonzept können Weisheitskompetenzen als Psychoedukation bei psychischen Störungen vermittelt werden. Weisheit ist aber auch eine persönliche Grundhaltung der Balance in der eigenen Existenz. Dieses Essential schlägt einen Bogen von alten Weisheitsquellen zu aktueller Praxis in helfenden Berufen. Über die letzten 30 Jahre wurde an verschiedenen Zentren intensiv zur psychologischen Bedeutung von Weisheit geforscht. Weisheit wird dabei auf ihre historischen, spirituellen und philosophischen Wurzeln zurückverfolgt, dann aber auch in aktueller Form für die Psychologie unserer Zeit relevant gemacht.

Weiterbildung in Regionen mit Bevölkerungsrückgang: Aufbau eines unterstützenden Lernnetzwerkes durch die Volkshochschule (Lernweltforschung #34)

by Sarah Aldrian Karin Fließer Rudolf Egger

Im vorliegenden Buch werden die Grundbedingungen für ein Lernen vor Ort am Beispiel zweier Regionen in der Steiermark beschrieben und mit demographischen und räumlichen Faktoren in Beziehung gebracht. Darauf aufbauend werden Möglichkeiten für ein erfolgreiches Lernen vor Ort in peripheren Regionen erarbeitet und die Rolle der Volkshochschule in den Regionen Südoststeiermark und Liezen analysiert.Der InhaltAufbau eines unterstützenden Lernnetzwerks für Menschen in peripheren Regionen • Regionsprofile • Bildungsgrundbedingungen in den Regionen Liezen und Südoststeiermark • Profil der Volkshochschule Steiermark • Die Rolle der Volkshochschule in den Regionen Liezen und Südoststeiermark • Lernen vor Ort – Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten aus Sicht regionaler ExpertInnen • Gesellschaftlicher und regionaler Nutzen der Volkshochschulen in den Bezirken Liezen und SüdoststeiermarkDie Autorinnen und der AutorSarah Aldrian und Karin Fließer sind wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen am Institut für Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaft der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz.Dr. Rudolf Egger ist Universitätsprofessor für Empirische Lernweltforschung und Hochschuldidaktik am Institut für Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaft der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz.

Weiterbildungsmanagement in der Praxis: Psychologie des Lernens

by Urs Blum Jürg Gabathuler Sandra Bajus

Wie können wir - auch zukünftig - Wissen vermitteln und Mitarbeitende in ihrer Entwicklung unterstützen? In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Sie bei Ihrem Weiterbildungsmanagement lernpsychologische und neurowissenschaftliche Grundlagen nutzen und Lernprozesse erfolgreich gestalten können. Neben theoretischen Grundlagen erhalten Sie direkt umsetzbare Hilfestellungen in Form von Checklisten, Tipps und Fallbeispielen. Durch die enge Verzahnung von Wissenschaft und Praxis und das didaktisch ausgereifte Konzept mit Lernzielen am jeweiligen Kapitelanfang, wichtigen Kernsätzen sowie einer Schnellleseleiste können Sie die für Sie wichtigen Inhalte rasch extrahieren. So unterstützt Sie das Buch bei Ihren aktuellen Herausforderungen von Lernen und Lehren im betrieblichen Kontext. Die Zielgruppen: Das Buch richtet sich an Praktizierende in Learning & Development, an Trainerinnen und Trainer in der betrieblichen Bildung sowie an Fachpersonen, die mit Engagement Fachwissen weitergeben. Die Herausgebenden/das Autorenteam: Die Herausgeber Urs Blum, Jürg Gabathuler und Herausgeberin Sandra Bajus leiten als Dozierende den Bereich Ausbildungsmanagement am IAP Institut für Angewandte Psychologie an der ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften. Sie engagieren sich in Weiterbildung und Dienstleistungsmandaten für eine wirkungsvolle und praxisorientierte Personalentwicklung. Alle Mitwirkende sind erfahrene Fachpersonen aus der Praxis, mit unterschiedlichen Perspektiven und Anwendungsfeldern. Hinweis: Weitere Bände vom gleichen Herausgeberteam widmen sich im Rahmen der Reihe Weiterbildungsmanagement in der Praxis den Learning Designs sowie der strategischen Ebene der Personalentwicklung und beinhalten somit zentrale Inhalte der angewandten Psychologie für die Personalentwicklung.

Welcome To My Country

by Lauren Slater

A psychologist's perceptions of mental illness which are illustrated with stories her patients have told her--privacy always protected.

Welcome to the Grief Club: Because You Don't Have to Go Through It Alone

by Janine Kwoh

Welcome to the club that no one ever wants to join but so many of us end up needing. We&’re so sorry that you&’re here. Based on her own experience with grief—the author&’s partner died when both were in their late twenties—and those of other Grief Club members, Janine Kwoh uses brief writings, illustrations, and creative diagrams to explore the wide range of emotions and experiences that grief can encompass. For anyone who has lost a loved one or who is close to someone who is grieving, Welcome to the Grief Club is a book of solace, connection, hope, and reassurance. It addresses with empathy and honesty the aspects of grief that so many of us experience but that aren&’t widely discussed: the variety and volatility of emotions—sadness, anger, guilt, joy; the physical symptoms of grief; and how grief isn&’t linear, but it does change and soften over time. It affirms that there is truly no right or wrong way to grieve and assures us that the things we feel that surprise us or seem strange are often common and always valid. Humor helps us to survive, and the book uses a lighthearted approach to cover powerful topics, like supremely unhelpful things that people say to those who are grieving, grief trigger bingo, and everyday acts of resilience. This book is a companion that says, I see you and you are not alone, from one grieving person to another. It is a gentle reminder to give yourself permission to grieve for as long as—and in whichever ways—you need.

Welcome to the Jungle: Facing Bipolar Without Freaking Out

by Hilary Smith

A Bipolar Guide from a Bipolar PersonWelcome to the Jungle has a greater focus on bipolar people, not the diagnosis: the ways in which each person can find his or her own way through the extreme emotional states and intense experiences that we are calling “bipolar”—whether that means medication or meditation, psychiatrists or vision quests, good sleep or good all-night dancing, or a little bit of everything.An honest, relatable book that can help you figure out how to live your life with bipolar disorder. Many bipolar books are too clinical, too alarmist, and too clearly written for family members and caretakers of people diagnosed with this mood disorder. Welcome to the Jungle is different. Author Hilary Smith wrote this guide because it is the book she wishes she'd been given when she was first diagnosed with bipolar disorder. It answers questions, points to resources, and most of all, comes from someone who understands what it’s like to be thrown off course by an overwhelming mental health issue—and what to do afterwards.Know that you are not alone—and that many paths can lead to healing. Just like for everyone else, there are many, many paths that bipolar people can take in life. Learn more about how to live your own life with a mental illness using the help of the insights in Welcome to the Jungle, which covers topics such as:Wrapping your head around triggers, causes of mood swings, medications, and therapistsRecovering from mental breakdowns, manic moments, and major depressive episodesLiving your life beyond the diagnosis—and helping your family to do the sameReaders of bipolar mental health books like The Bipolar Workbook, Rock Steady, or OMG That's Me! will love the devastatingly on-target, honest insights offered in Welcome to the Jungle.*This book is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any illness or act as a substitute for advice from a doctor or psychiatrist.*

Welcome to the Jungle: Everything You Wanted to Know about Bipolar But Were Too Freaked Out to Ask

by Hilary Smith

A Bipolar Guide from a Bipolar PersonWelcome to the Jungle has a greater focus on bipolar people, not the diagnosis: the ways in which each person can find his or her own way through the extreme emotional states and intense experiences that we are calling “bipolar”—whether that means medication or meditation, psychiatrists or vision quests, good sleep or good all-night dancing, or a little bit of everything.An honest, relatable book that can help you figure out how to live your life with bipolar disorder. Many bipolar books are too clinical, too alarmist, and too clearly written for family members and caretakers of people diagnosed with this mood disorder. Welcome to the Jungle is different. Author Hilary Smith wrote this guide because it is the book she wishes she'd been given when she was first diagnosed with bipolar disorder. It answers questions, points to resources, and most of all, comes from someone who understands what it’s like to be thrown off course by an overwhelming mental health issue—and what to do afterwards.Know that you are not alone—and that many paths can lead to healing. Just like for everyone else, there are many, many paths that bipolar people can take in life. Learn more about how to live your own life with a mental illness using the help of the insights in Welcome to the Jungle, which covers topics such as:Wrapping your head around triggers, causes of mood swings, medications, and therapistsRecovering from mental breakdowns, manic moments, and major depressive episodesLiving your life beyond the diagnosis—and helping your family to do the sameReaders of bipolar mental health books like The Bipolar Workbook, Rock Steady, or OMG That's Me! will love the devastatingly on-target, honest insights offered in Welcome to the Jungle.*This book is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any illness or act as a substitute for advice from a doctor or psychiatrist.*

Welcome to the Show: A Mickey Tussler Novel, Book 3 (Mickey Tussler Series #3)

by Frank Nappi

It’s 1950 and Mickey Tussler-the now-famous pitching prodigy with autism and a golden arm-is back for another baseball season in this third installment of Frank Nappi’s critically acclaimed Legend of Mickey Tussler series. Talk of Mickey’s legendary exploits on the field has grown since his improbable debut two years prior, as have the fortunes of Murph and the rest of the lovable ragtag Brew Crew. Now Mickey, Murph, and Lester find themselves heading to Bean Town to play for the Boston Braves.The call up is sweet, for all of them have overcome insurmountable odds to get where they are. But life in the major leagues is filled with fast-paced action both on and off the field. The bright lights of Boston hold a new series of challenges, hardships, and life lessons-especially for Mickey, who finds himself a long way from throwing apples into a barrel back on the farm. The three newest Braves have each other to lean on, as well as a new group of fans who are swept away by pennant fever, but balancing everything this new world has to offer may prove to be the greatest challenge of all.Sky Pony Press, with our Good Books, Racehorse and Arcade imprints, is proud to publish a broad range of books for young readers-picture books for small children, chapter books, books for middle grade readers, and novels for young adults. Our list includes bestsellers for children who love to play Minecraft; stories told with LEGO bricks; books that teach lessons about tolerance, patience, and the environment, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

The Welfare of Animals in Animal-Assisted Interventions: Foundations and Best Practice Methods

by Jose M. Peralta Aubrey H. Fine

This is the first book focusing on the animal’s perspective and best practices to ensure the welfare of both therapy animals and their human counterparts in animal-assisted interventions. Written by leading scientists, it summarizes the scientific evidence available concerning the impacts on animals in these settings, including companion species, horses, marine mammals and other animals used in therapy.There has been a dramatic increase in the range of animal-assisted interventions used in medical and allied health environments in recent years, and the field is now entering an era with a greater interest in defining the underlying mechanisms of the human-animal bond as well as the therapeutic benefits of these interactions. Animal-assisted interventions, as with other uses of animals by humans, impose a unique set of stresses on the animals, which the community has only recently begun to acknowledge. For the field to continue to flourish, more evidence is needed to shed light on the implications for the animals and what guidelines need to be put into practice to ensure welfare.With the ultimate goal of improving the impact that we have on the animals under our care, the book provides a roadmap for researchers and clinicians as they attempt to safely and humanely incorporate various species of animals into therapeutic settings. The authors also offer instructions and suggestions for areas that need to be studied more robustly over the next decade to continue to ensure the safe and proper use of animals in therapy sessions.This is an informative, thought-provoking and instructive resource for practitioners and researchers in the field of medicine and clinical psychology using animal-assisted interventions, as well as for veterinarians and welfare scientists.

The Welfare Trait: How State Benefits Affect Personality

by Adam Perkins

The welfare state has a problem: each generation living under its protection has lower work motivation than the previous one. In order to fix this problem we need to understand its causes, lest the welfare state ends up undermining its own economic and social foundations. In The Welfare Trait, award-winning personality researcher Dr Adam Perkins argues that welfare-induced personality mis-development is a significant part of the problem. In support of his theory, Dr Perkins presents data showing that the welfare state can boost the number of children born into disadvantaged households, and that childhood disadvantage promotes the development of an employment-resistant personality profile, characterised by aggressive, antisocial and rule-breaking tendencies. The book concludes by recommending that policy should be altered so that the welfare state no longer increases the number of children born into disadvantaged households. It suggests that, without this change, the welfare state will erode the nation's work ethic by increasing the proportion of individuals in the population who possess an employment-resistant personality profile, due to exposure to the environmental influence of disadvantage in childhood.

The Welfare Trait: How State Benefits Affect Personality

by Adam Perkins

The welfare state has a problem: each generation living under its protection has lower work motivation than the previous one. In order to fix this problem we need to understand its causes, lest the welfare state ends up undermining its own economic and social foundations. In The Welfare Trait, award-winning personality researcher Dr Adam Perkins argues that welfare-induced personality mis-development is a significant part of the problem. In support of his theory, Dr Perkins presents data showing that the welfare state can boost the number of children born into disadvantaged households, and that childhood disadvantage promotes the development of an employment-resistant personality profile, characterised by aggressive, antisocial and rule-breaking tendencies. The book concludes by recommending that policy should be altered so that the welfare state no longer increases the number of children born into disadvantaged households. It suggests that, without this change, the welfare state will erode the nation's work ethic by increasing the proportion of individuals in the population who possess an employment-resistant personality profile, due to exposure to the environmental influence of disadvantage in childhood.

Well-Being: Positive Development Across the Life Course (Crosscurrents in Contemporary Psychology Series)

by Marc H. Bornstein Lucy Davidson Corey L. M. Keyes Kristin A. Moore

This volume derived from original presentations given at a conference in Atlanta, Georgia, under the auspices of the Center for Child Well-Being. Scholars, practitioners, public health professionals, and principals in the child development community convened to address a science-based framework for elements of well-being and how the elements might be developed across the life course. Integrating physical, cognitive, and social-emotional domains, Well-Being is the first scientific book to consider well-being holistically. Focusing on a set of core strengths grouped within these three domains, the book also includes a fourth section on developmental strengths through adulthood that broadly examines a continuum of health and development, as well as transitions in well-being. This volume takes a developmental perspective across the life course, describing foundational strengths for well-being--the capacities that can be actively developed, supported, or learned. These foundational strengths--problem solving, emotional regulation, and physical safety--are the positive underpinnings of early child health and development, as well as ongoing well-being across the life course. Working together and blending their respective disciplinary perspectives and expertise, 53 experts in psychology, sociology, child development, and medicine have contributed to the book.

Well-Being: Foundations of Hedonic Psychology

by Daniel Kahneman Edward Diener Norbert Schwarz

The nature of well-being is one of the most enduring and elusive subjects of human inquiry. Well-Being draws upon the latest scientific research to transform our understanding of this ancient question. With contributions from leading authorities in psychology, social psychology, and neuroscience, this volume presents the definitive account of current scientific efforts to understand human pleasure and pain, contentment and despair. The distinguished contributors to this volume combine a rigorous analysis of human sensations, emotions, and moods with a broad assessment of the many factors, from heredity to nationality, that bear on our well-being. Using the tools of experimental science, the contributors confront the puzzles of human likes and dislikes. Why do we grow accustomed and desensitized to changes in our lives, both good and bad? Does our happiness reflect the circumstances of our lives or is it determined by our temperament and personality? Why do humans acquire tastes for sensations that are initially painful or unpleasant? By examining the roots of our everyday likes and dislikes, the book also sheds light on some of the more extreme examples of attraction and aversion, such as addiction and depression. Among its wide ranging inquiries, Well-Being examines systematic differences in moods and behaviors between genders, explaining why women suffer higher rates of depression and anxiety than men, but are also more inclined to express positive emotions. The book also makes international comparisons, finding that some countries' populations report higher levels of happiness than others. The contributors deploy an array of methods, from the surveys and questionnaires of social science to psychological and physiological experiments, to develop a comprehensive new approach to the study of well-being. They show how the sensory pleasures of the body can tells us something about the higher pleasures of the mind and even how the effectiveness of our immune system can depend upon the health of our social relationships.

Well-Being and Cultures

by Hans Henrik Knoop Antonella Delle Fave

This anthology focuses on empirical studies comparing cultures in relation to central positive psychological topics. The book starts out with an introductory chapter that brings together the main ideas and findings within an integrative perspective, based on a broad theoretical framework encompassing interdisciplinary and methodological issues. It gives special emphasis to some open issues in the theory and assessment of culture-related dimensions, and to the potential of positive psychology in addressing them. The introductory chapter is followed by two chapters that examine theoretical approaches and instruments developed to assess happiness and well-being across cultures. Following that examination, five chapters are devoted to the relationship between well-being, cultures and values. The second half of the book prominently investigates well-being across cultures in the light of socio-economic factors. This book shows that positive psychology, now officially well into its second decade, is providing still finer-grained perspectives on the diversity of cultures along with insights about our shared human nature, uniting us for better or worse.

Well-being and Performance at Work: The role of context

by Marc Van Veldhoven Riccardo Peccei

Psychology has been interested in the well-being and performance of people at work for over a century, but our knowledge about both issues, and how they relate to each other, is still evolving. This important new collection provides new understandings on what it means to work productively while also feeling happy, socially related and healthy. Including contributions from a range of international experts, the book begins with a conceptual framework for understanding both concepts, before showing how a variety of different contexts, both organizational and personal, impact upon well-being and performance. The book includes chapters on specific job roles, from creative work to service positions, as well as the importance of HR policies and how the individual worker can determine their own well-being and performance. Also featuring a chapter on researching this fascinating area, Well-being and Performance at Work will be essential reading for all students and researchers of organizational or occupational psychology, HRM and business and management. It is also hugely relevant for any professionals interested in the productivity and well-being of their organizations.

Well-Being and Success For University Students: Applying PERMA+4

by Jana Koci Stewart I. Donaldson

Well-Being and Success for University Students: Applying PERMA+4 is grounded in the science of well-being and positive psychology and teaches students how to strengthen their health and well-being, as well as to make their study journey more enjoyable and successful. Higher education has changed dramatically during the last few years, and given the massive growth of mental health challenges among students, universities and faculty have recognized the need to help students to strive, not only survive. Universities have a great potential and responsibility to promote the well-being of their students. This book provides students with information, motivation, and skills to build their own unique well-being and helps colleges to produce more well-being in the university culture. Students and faculty will be introduced to PERMA+4, an evidence-based framework for enhancing well-being and positive functioning, including academic performance. This book emphasizes practical applications of findings from the best available research to have students learn several steps they can take to strengthen their well-being and academic performance. Individual chapters talk about popular topics of positive psychology such as positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, achievement, physical health, mindset, environment, and economic security. Each chapter summarizes the knowledge on specific topics, invites students to assess their well-being in the particular life domain, and encourages them to explore and try activities and evidence-based interventions to learn how to care for their own mental and overall health. This book not only serves as a guide for students but also as a useful tool for professors seeking to enhance their courses and programs with well-being promotion and student wellness centers across the world.

Well-Being and Well-Becoming in Schools

by Thomas Falkenberg

By its very nature, school education is concerned with student well-being. Written by Canadian education scholars from a Manitoba-based research group, Well-Being and Well-Becoming in Schools aims to develop the notion that what we wish for our children is their well-being and well-becoming as they live their lives. This collection brings education scholars together to focus on a timely topic that has been of rapidly increasing interest to the research and education communities: student well-being and flourishing schools. Contributors address a broad range of issues that arise from this position to create a rich and integrated understanding of the topic. Chapters focus on foundational issues, conceptual issues, socio-cultural and organizational issues, and pedagogical and curricular issues. Ultimately, Well-Being and Well-Becoming in Schools weaves together substantial ideas to create an integrative framework that will not only serve as a guide for further research, but also for school educational leaders and educators to implement the idea of making school education primarily about student well-being.

Well-being and Wellness: Psychosocial Risk Management

by Tony Boyle Fiona Charlton

Well-being and Wellness: Psychosocial Risk Management is a companion to Health and Safety: Risk Management that describes the techniques and background knowledge for preventing injury and ill health in the workplace. The new book instead describes the techniques and background knowledge for preventing impairment of worker well-being and wellness.These techniques differ from those required for the prevention of injury and ill health because of the need to take into account individual differences in susceptibility to psychosocial risk sources, and the fact that psychosocial risk sources can provide opportunities as well as threats. The book is divided into two parts: Part I describes the required background knowledge, including the nature of psychosocial harms to individuals, what can trigger these harms, and what can be done to mitigate these harms, and also deals with the necessary psychological background and the role of individual differences in reactions to psychosocial risk sources. Part II describes an outline psychosocial management system based on the ISO 45001 specification and the guidance in ISO 45002 and ISO 45003. However, the nature of the psychosocial risk sources being dealt with means that the ISO 45001 requirements must be extended in a number of ways, for example, by having threat and opportunity assessment, rather than risk assessment.Written primarily for OH&S professionals who wish to extend the scope of their management system to include well-being and wellness issues, the book is also directly beneficial to human resources (HR) professionals who have the responsibility for managing psychosocial hazards such as bullying and harassment. Additionally, it can be understood and applied by managers in all sectors who want to improve the well-being and wellness of their team, and it will be a relevant reading for students on OH&S, HR, or management courses.

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