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The Young Child: Development from Prebirth through Age Eight (5th Edition)

by Margaret B. Puckett Janet K. Black Donna S. Wittmer Sandra H. Petersen

A thorough updating of topics including: standards for early childhood programs, the mandates of IDEA, developmental theories, changing demographics, assessments, child care practices and bullying . For child development courses that cover prebirth through age eight, this widely used text discusses major development theories as they relate to physical, social and emotional, and cognitive domains. The book contains extensive applications for those who teach and work with young children, making it particularly appropriate for early childhood education programs.

Young Child Observation: A Development in the Theory and Method of Infant Observation (Tavistock Clinic Series)

by Simonetta M.G. Adamo Margaret Rustin

Observing young children at play is an everyday and often fascinating and pleasurable experience for many of us. It also has a great pedigree in the development of psychoanalysis from Freud's observation of his grandson's game with the cotton-reel onwards. This book describes the practice of observing young children in home and nursery settings in a systematic and non-intrusive way in order to expand our understanding of their emotional, cognitive, and social development. It uses a psychoanalytic lens to enrich the meaning of what is seen. How do minds and personalities take shape? How can we train people to see what is most relevant in helping children to develop? The chapters range from classic papers by famous practitioners of an older generation to observations completed in recent years in the UK, Europe, and the US. Observation of this sort has also spread to Latin America, India, Australia, Africa, and the Far East. The differences and continuities with Infant Observation are the starting point.

Young Children And Their Drawings

by Joseph di Leo

Published in 1996, Young Children and Their Drawings is a valuable contribution to the field of Psychotherapy.

Young Children and their Parents: Perspectives from Psychoanalytic Infant Observation

by Gertraud Diem-Wille

This book focuses on the intertwining between the development of a child's psyche and its parents' behaviour. It shows the importance of the earliest period of childhood for the development of basic emotional patterns of the personality.

Young Children at School in the Inner City (Routledge Library Editions: Sociology of Education #55)

by Barbara Tizard Peter Blatchford Jessica Burke Clare Farquhar Ian Plewis

First published in 1988, this work reports on a major British study of children’s progress and behaviour in 33 infant schools. The research looks at children from nursery through to junior school and asks why some children had higher attainments and made more progress than others. Using observations not only in schools but also interviews with children and parents, the children’s skills on entering school were found to have an important effect on progress. In each school, black and white children, and girls and boys were studied, in order gauge whether gender or ethnicity were related to progress.

Young Children Playing

by Sophie Jane Alcock

The subject of this book is young children's emotional-social learning and development within early childhood care and education settings in Aotearoa-New Zealand. The focus on emotional complexity fills a gap in early childhood care and education research where young children are frequently framed narrowly as 'learners,' ignoring the importance of emotional functioning and the feelings with which children make sense of themselves and the world. This book draws on original data in the form of narrative-like framed events to creatively illustrate the complexities in children's diverse ways of feeling, thinking, playing, being, and becoming. Events illuminate the feelings and meanings of observed experiences in holistic and contextualised gestalts. Awareness of unconscious processes, the feeling of feelings, and cultural dimensions of development and meaning-making are addressed. The book emphasises the emergent and psychodynamic nature of children's development and learning with strong links to the role of play and playfulness in the events, drawing on two ethnographically inspired research projects that present theory, experience and practice in real-life events.

Young Children with Special Needs

by Warren Umansky Stephen Hooper

Understand typical child development from birth to five and how children with special needs develop differently. Explore six core developmental domains including: gross motor, fine motor and oral motor development, self-care, cognitive development, communication development, and social and emotional development. Read contributions from a variety of experts, each one explaining the latest early intervention strategies within their area of specialty. Learn the process of assessment and intervention and develop universal skills that best support children and their families. Study cases and discuss successful intervention and assessment methods.

Young Children's Cognitive Development: Interrelationships Among Executive Functioning, Working Memory, Verbal Ability, and Theory of Mind

by Wolfgang Schneider Ruth Schumann-Hengsteler Beate Sodian

A critical part of early childhood development is the development of "theory of mind" (ToM), which is the ability to take the perspective of another person. The main purpose of this book is to discuss and integrate findings from prominent research areas in developmental psychology that are typically studied in isolation, but are clearly related. Two examples are whether executive functions represent a precursor of ToM or whether ToM understanding predicts the development of executive functions, and to what extent children's level of verbal ability and their working memory are important predictors of performance on both executive functioning and ToM tasks. The chapters in this book give a detailed account of the major outcomes of this research. First, the state of the art concerning current understanding of the relevant constructs (working memory, ToM, executive functioning) and their developmental changes is presented, followed by chapters that deal with interactions among the core concepts. Its main focus is on theoretically important relationships among determinants of young children's cognitive development--considered to be "hot" issues in contemporary developmental psychology.Based on presentations made at an international workshop, this book is divided into two parts. In the first part, five teams of researchers present theoretical analyses and overviews of empirical evidence regarding the core constructs of memory, executive functions, and ToM. The next part deals with the interplay among the core concepts outlined in Part I with developmental trends in the interaction.

Young Children�s Developing Understanding of the Biological World

by Peter J. Marshall Kimberly Brenneman

This book explores current research on young children’s beliefs and knowledge about the biological world – otherwise known as ‘folkbiology’. Contributors discuss factors that shape the development of folkbiological knowledge, as well as possible interventions designed to counteract cognitive biases that can interfere with the development of scientifically informed reasoning about natural phenomena. Taken together, the papers provide insights into the contributions of cognitive biases to the development of biological misunderstandings and into the life experiences and contexts that can contribute to or impede accurate learning of biological concepts. As part of a wider literature, the insights provided by the authors are relevant to the design of educational experiences that will foster children’s exploration and further their understanding of life science ideas.The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of Early Education and Development.

Young Children’s Existential Encounters (Studies in the Psychosocial)

by Zoi Simopoulou

This book is a psychoanalytic observation of five children’s existential encounters in their ordinary life at the nursery. It is among the first within psychosocial literature to go beyond adult experiences and explore the existential in young children’s lives as it plays out in their everydayness in symbolic and sensory articulations and in relationship with others; including with the author as someone who arrived looking for it. The author offers analysis in the form of a writing inquiry into meaning, by means of an on-going movement between the self and the other, the interior and the exterior, and psychoanalytic and existential-phenomenological ideas. This is illustrated through a kaleidoscopic account of May, Nadia, Edward, Baba and Eilidhs’ encounters with nothingness, strangeness, ontological insecurity, death and selfhood as these emerged in the time they spent with the author embodying different forms – from concrete objects to dreams – exemplifying an attunement to existential ubiquity. With its relational ground, this work suggests the potential for adults – including researchers, therapists, trainees, educators and parents – to attune to their own existential encounters as a path to understanding those of children.

Young Children's Play and Environmental Education in Early Childhood Education

by Amy Cutter-Mackenzie Susan Edwards Deborah Moore Wendy Boyd

In an era in which environmental education has been described as one of the most pressing educational concerns of our time, further insights are needed to understand how best to approach the learning and teaching of environmental education in early childhood education. In this book we address this concern by identifying two principles for using play-based learning early childhood environmental education. The principles we identify are the result of research conducted with teachers and children using different types of play-based learning whilst engaged in environmental education. Such play-types connect with the historical use of play-based learning in early childhood education as a basis for pedagogy In the book 'Beyond Quality in ECE and Care' authors Dahlberg, Moss and Pence implore readers to ask critical questions about commonly held images of how young children come to construct themselves within social institutions. In similar fashion, this little book problematizes the taken-for-grantedness of the childhood development project in service to the certain cultural narratives. Cutter-Mackenzie, Edwards, Moore and Boyd challenge traditional conceptions of play-based learning through the medium of environmental education. This book signals a turning point in social thought grounded in a relational view of (environmental) education as experiential, intergenerational, interspecies, embodied learning in the third space. As Barad says, such work is based in inter-actions that can account for the tangled spaces of agencies. Through the deceptive simplicity of children's play, the book stimulates deliberation of the real purposes of pedagogy and of schooling. Paul Hart, University of Regina, Canada

Young Children's Thinking about Biological World (Essays in Developmental Psychology)

by Giyoo Hatano Kayoko Inagaki

Presents research on the topic of young children's naive biology, examining such theoretical issues as processes, conditions and mechanisms in conceptual development using the development of biological understanding as the target case.

Young, Gifted and Black

by Claude Steele Theresa Perry Asa Hilliard

Young, Gifted, and Black is a unique joint effort by three leading African-American scholars to radically reframe the debates swirling around the achievement of African-American students in school.In three separate but allied essays, Theresa Perry, Claude Steele, and Asa Hilliard place students' social identity as African-Americans at the very center of the discussion. They all argue that the unique social and cultural position Black students occupy, in a society which often devalues and stereotypes African American identity, fundamentally shapes students' experience of school and sets up unique obstacles. And they all argue that a proper understanding of the forces at work can lead to practical, powerful methods for promoting high achievement at all levels.Theresa Perry argues that African-American students face dilemmas, founded in the experience of race and ethnicity in America, that make the task of achievement distinctive and difficult. (For instance: "How do I commit myself to achieve, to work hard over time in school, if I cannot predict when or under what circumstances this hard work will be acknowledged and recognized?") She uncovers a rich and powerful African- American philosophy of education, historically forged against such obstacles and capable of addressing them, by reading African-American narratives from Frederick Douglass to Maya Angelou. She carefully critiques the most popular theoretical explanations for group differences in achievement. And she lays out how educators today-in a postcivil rights era-can draw on theory and on the historical power of the African-American philosophy and tradition of education to reorganize the school experience of African-American students. Claude Steele reports stunningly clear empirical psychological evidence that when Black students believe they are being judged as members of a stereotyped group rather than as individuals, they do worse on tests. He finds the mechanism, which he calls "stereotype threat," to be a quite general one, affecting women's performance in mathematics, for instance, where stereotypes about gender operate. He analyzes the subtle psychology of stereotype threat and reflects on the broad implications of his research for education, suggesting techniques-based again on evidence from controlled psychological experiments-that teachers and mentors and schools can use to counter stereotype threat's powerful effect. Asa Hilliard's ends essay, against a variety of false theories and misguided views of African American achievement, and focuses on actual schools and programs and teachers around the country that allow African-American students achieve at high levels, describing what they are like and what makes them work. Young, Gifted, and Black will change the way we think and talk about African American student achievement and will be necessary reading on this topic for years to come.

Young, Gifted, and Black: A Journey of Lament and Celebration

by Sheila Wise Rowe

Giving voice to the real-life stories of Black millennials and younger adults, Sheila Wise Rowe goes beyond their struggles to point towards hope, joy, and healing. Drawing on years of counseling trauma and abuse survivors, Wise Rowe provides stories, reflections, and tools for Black readers of all ages as they journey toward healing from the barriers affecting them, their children, and their communities.

Young Homicide Offenders and Victims: Risk Factors, Prediction, and Prevention from Childhood (Longitudinal Research in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Series)

by Rolf Loeber David P. Farrington

The first decade of the new century proved to be a deadly one for many children and young people in the United States. Despite increased policing on the streets, higher rates of incarceration, harsher sentencing, stricter control of illegal drugs, and attempts to reduce access to firearms, FBI reports show that more than 7,300 young people between the ages of 15 and 29 were murdered in 2008 alone. It's clear that traditional crime reduction strategies have not stemmed the rising tide of homicides perpetrated by and upon one of society's most vulnerable populations. Innovative, practicable solutions are needed to staunch this lethal trend. Based on the findings of a unique longitudinal study, Young Homicide Offenders and Victims: Risk Factors, Prediction, and Prevention from Childhood now provides experts with unprecedented analysis of prospectively collected data on 1,517 boys and young men who grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Following these males from childhood into early adulthood, examining their lives and the conditions under which they grew up in a representative mid-sized American city, the study forms the basis of this unique volume designed to stimulate debate on key questions of prevention and intervention as well as dispel popular myths about the childhood and adolescent features of homicide offenders and homicide victims. Key areas of coverage include: Early childhood risk factors of young homicide offenders and victims. Insights into homicide offenders' lives as told in their own words.The effectiveness of screening for at-risk youth. Risk factor-based prevention and intervention strategies.The impact of interventions on homicide rates.Policy implications at the local, state, and national levels.Young Homicide Offenders and Victims: Risk Factors, Prediction, and Prevention from Childhood is essential reading for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers across the fields of juvenile justice and criminology, developmental psychology, sociology, psychiatry, public health, and policy making. ------- "This book changes the game in violence research ... The analysis is masterful, the prose is readable, and the achievement is nothing short of stunning." Richard Rosenfeld, Ph.D. / Curators Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Missouri-St. Louis "This book will stand the test of time as a landmark homicide study." James C. Howell, Ph.D. / Senior Research Associate, National Gang Center "This is a fascinating, pioneering book ... The authors' sophisticated analyses demonstrate convincingly the considerable value of prospective longitudinal data for enhancing our understanding of the etiology and control of lethal violence." Steven F. Messner, Ph.D. / Distinguished Teacher Professor, Department of Sociology, University at Albany, SUNY / President, American Society of Criminology

Young Living (Eighth Edition)

by Nanalee Clayton

Build a foundation of life management skills for your middle school students. Solid content and a vibrant visual appeal make this text a favorite comprehensive overview of all family and consumer sciences areas.

A Young Man's Guide to Self-Mastery, Workbook

by Stephanie S. Covington Roberto A. Rodriguez

How practitioners can work with young male clients within a gender-responsive treatment program Adverse life events can experience significant impairment in neural development which can lead to weakened critical thinking, diminished emotional intelligence, and increased antisocial behavior. Statistics show that traditional treatment programs are inadequate in helping young men—estimated to account for 68% of all teens struggling with substance use disorder—to achieve sustained abstinence that leads to recovery. A Young Man's Guide to Self-Mastery provides practical guidance on implementing an effective trauma-informed, gender-responsive treatment program that addresses the impact of socialization, adverse life experiences, and substance use. This invaluable guide explains the theoretical foundation and real-life connection between trauma and substance use, and provides clear guidelines and actionable strategies for treating boys and young men challenged by trauma and substance use disorder. Provides guidance on integrating evidence-based interventions, mindfulness techniques, and experiential activities Covers the effects of environmental trauma, gender development awareness, socialization, identity, sexuality, relational violence, and aggression Examines trauma's impact on families, mental health, and comorbid and addictive behavior Discusses the key elements of strength-based approaches and mentoring A Young Man's Guide to Self-Mastery is an invaluable resource for practitioners working with male adolescents in mental health clinics, juvenile justice facilities, and residential and outpatient facilities.

The Young Mind

by Mike Shooter Sue Bailey

Sadly, millions of children today are affected by mental health problems, almost a doubling of the number of sufferers in just one generation. Now, in this timely new book, mental health experts provide invaluable information and guidance for concerned parents, teachers and young adults. With chapters covering subjects such as child and adolescent development, parenting skills, problems at school, emotional health and wellbeing, The Young Mind also looks specifically at some of the most distressing problems facing young people today, including anxiety and stress disorders, drugs, alcohol, self-harm and psycho-sexual development.Illustrated and written in a completely accessible style by some of the most distinguished and respected professionals in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry, The Young Mind offers a guiding hand and insight into this most vital area of mental health.

A Young Mind in a Growing Brain

by Jerome Kagan Norbert Herschkowitz

A Young Mind in a Growing Brain summarizes some initial conclusions that follow simultaneous examination of the psychological milestones of human development during its first decade and what has been learned about brain growth. This volume proposes that development is the process of experience working on a brain that is undergoing significant biological maturation. Experience counts, but only when the brain has developed to the point of being able to process, encode, and interact with these new environmental experiences. This book's aim is to acquaint developmental biologists and neuroscientists with what has been learned about human psychological development and to acquaint developmental psychologists with the biological evidence. The hope is that each group will gain a richer appreciation of both knowledge corpora. The authors hope to appeal to neuroscientists, psychologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, and their students. The idea for this book was born in 1993 when the authors--a leading developmental psychologist and a pediatrician--met for the first time and recognized the complementarity of their backgrounds and the utility of a collaboration. The reception of their first two papers motivated this attempt to synthesize the available information over a longer developmental era. Learning a great deal over the past decade, the authors hope that their enthusiasm provokes an equally intense curiosity in readers.

Young Minds in Social Worlds: Experience, Meaning, and Memory

by Katherine Nelson

Katherine Nelson re-centers developmental psychology with a revived emphasis on development and change, rather than foundations and continuity. She argues that children be seen not as scientists but as members of a community of minds, striving not only to make sense, but also to share meanings with others. A child is always part of a social world, yet the child's experience is private. So, Nelson argues, we must study children in the context of the relationships, interactive language, and culture of their everyday lives. Nelson draws philosophically from pragmatism and phenomenology, and empirically from a range of developmental research. Skeptical of work that focuses on presumed innate abilities and the close fit of child and adult forms of cognition, her dynamic framework takes into account whole systems developing over time, presenting a coherent account of social, cognitive, and linguistic development in the first five years of life. Nelson argues that a child's entrance into the community of minds is a slow, gradual process with enormous consequences for child development, and the adults that they become. Original, deeply scholarly, and trenchant, Young Minds in Social Worlds will inspire a new generation of developmental psychologists.

Young People and Sexual Exploitation: 'It's Not Hidden, You Just Aren't Looking'

by Jenny J. Pearce

Work with sexually exploited young people can be rewarding yet difficult. They can be hard to access, often presenting challenging behaviour. Sometimes it is painful to hear their life stories, whether these include abuse through the Internet or exploitation experienced through having been trafficked into and within the country. Jenny J. Pearce draws on young people’s voices to explore the difficulties that arise for researchers and for practitioners when working with sexually exploited young people. While child protection interventions must guide social work, she argues that other agencies such as health, education, housing and training each have a role to play in supporting a sexually exploited young person. Challenging the uncritical acceptance of the child as victim, the book suggests ‘therapeutic outreach’ as an approach to working with sexually exploited young people that can complement child protection procedures, support practitioners in the field and enhance the young person’s sense of autonomy and responsibility during their transition to adulthood. The book advocates the relationship between practitioners and the young people they aim to support to be one of the most important resources in practice. Young People and Sexual Exploitation will be essential reading for anyone interested in preventing the sexual exploitation of children and young people. It will be particularly relevant for academics, students, practitioners and policymakers in the fields of social policy and social work, child and family work, child protection and youth work.

Young People and the Care Experience: Research, Policy and Practice (Adolescence and Society)

by Julie Shaw Nick Frost

The care system looks after the most vulnerable young people in society – those who are, for a variety of reasons, unable to live with their parents. Young People and the Care Experience examines what can be done to support young people to remain at home, and if this is not possible, how they can be supported whilst in care and on leaving care. The book explores the range of options – foster care, children’s homes and adoption – and how these options interact. Using the latest research and framing the issues through both psycho-social and legal perspectives, the book provides an in-depth analysis of young people’s experience of the care system, and how it can be improved. Examining the challenges faced by children on their journey from initially entering care to living independently after care, the book places these issues in a global context. Specifically, it discusses how to support children and young people at home an analysis of the history and demographics of children placed in care the challenges faced by children living in foster care the challenges faced by children living in a children’s home. the challenges faced by children being adopted leaving care The book will be of interest to all those working with children in care, or those who have experience of the care system as a professional, carer or young person. It will also be of interest to researchers and students of developmental and social psychology, social work, and also to policy makers.

Young People, Death and the Unfairness of Everything

by Nick Luxmoore

A taboo subject in today's society, death is something that we do not like to talk about and especially do not like young people talking about. Yet, without opportunities to talk, young people's anxieties about death can manifest themselves in all sorts of self-destructive and socially-destructive ways. In this book, Nick Luxmoore explores the problems that arise when death is not openly discussed with young people and offers invaluable advice about how best to allay concerns without having to pretend that there are easy answers. He covers all of the key issues from the physicality of death to the fear of not existing to the way young people's morality develops and he provides expert insight into the impact these subjects have on young people's behaviour. This book presents a wealth of information for professionals, parents and others working with young people, providing the skills needed to ask young people the difficult question, "Do you think much about death?", and to support them as they begin their answer.

Young People, Employment and Work Psychology: Interventions and Solutions

by Angela J Carter

Youth unemployment and underemployment is a serious issue in most developed countries in the world. Having few young people in the workplace has serious and lasting consequences for generations of young people, their families, businesses and society as a whole. Dr Carter explores these important issues from multiple (and international) perspectives, offering research evidence and guiding frameworks from social and work psychology, to get more young people into good work. Young People, Employment and Work Psychology brings together educators, researchers, occupational psychologists, and government agencies responding to young people struggling to gain and sustain employment. Theoretically based and evidence-driven, this book explores the consequences of unemployment, suggests ways in which businesses can enable young people's first steps into employment and gives practical advice to young people and employers to prepare for and gain entry-level roles and develop more diverse workplaces. From the reasons why organizations are often reluctant to employ young people, to issues of motivation and confidence which often affect young people’s perspective in looking for work, the book covers several interventions within both the public and private sector. This book is an invaluable resource for employers, policy makers and professionals working with young people, as well as students and researchers in work and organizational psychology, HRM, business management and social policy.

Young People in Forensic Mental Health Settings: Psychological Thinking and Practice

by Joel Harvey Andrew Rogers Heather Law

Youth crime and youth violence blights our communities and shapes the lives of many, whether they are victims, perpetrators or family members. This book examines the application of psychological thinking and practice when working with young people who display high risk behaviours across a broad range of forensic mental health settings in the UK. It provides an up-to-date account of current thinking and practice in the field and the challenges of applying effective psychological approaches within forensic settings for young people. The contributors to Young People in Forensic Mental Health Settings are drawn from a range of environments including universities, youth offending services, secure in-patient settings, young offender institutions, Community Forensic Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (F-CAMHS), and secure children's homes. This volume serves as an important platform for debate and as a forum for discussing the future delivery of psychologically informed services, intervention and mental health provision with young people who display high-risk behaviours.

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