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Young People in Love and in Hate
by Nick LuxmooreThis book is about boyfriends and girlfriends - getting them, keeping them and moving on from them. Young people put enormous energy into these processes: they worry, they hope, they conspire and they cry because, in a sense, having a boyfriend or girlfriend is about much more than just having a boyfriend or girlfriend. Using dozens of recognisable vignettes, Luxmoore movingly describes his work with young people. In particular, he explores the dramatic conflict between young people's loving and hating as they move from the intimacy of relationships with parents to relationships with boyfriends and girlfriends, frantically negotiating sex and sexuality, the meaning of love, faithfulness and unfaithfulness and many other issues vital to the adults these young people will become. The book will be essential reading for professionals and parents struggling with the ferocity of young people's feelings where 'I love you!' and 'I hate you!' are never far apart.
Young People Leaving Care: Supporting Pathways to Adulthood
by Mike SteinThe journey to adulthood is a big step for all young people. However, for young people leaving care it may be far more difficult, coping with major changes in their lives and at a younger age, especially if they lack preparation and support. Young People Leaving Care explores the journey from care to adulthood through the main challenges these young people face: in being in settled accommodation, in fulfilling their potential in education, employment or training, and in achieving and maintaining good health and a positive sense of wellbeing. For each of these pathways, the book provides a comprehensive review of relevant research, how young people might be best supported, and how the services they receive have the potential to increase resilience and boost their chances of enjoying a fulfilled life as a young adult. This is an essential book for all those who work with young people from care, including social workers, personal advisers, counsellors, teachers, policy makers, researchers and students in the field of child welfare.
Young People, Stalking Awareness and Domestic Abuse
by Maria Mellins Rachael Wheatley Caroline FlowersThis book addresses domestic abuse and stalking among young people in the UK and Ireland, with a focus on intersectionality and lifestyle settings. In partnership with the Alice Ruggles Trust, this book draws on a wealth of expert contributions including those with lived experience, frontline services such as Paladin National Stalking Advocacy Service, charities EmilyTest and Hollie Gazzard Trust, researchers of so-called honour-based abuse and online harms, and forensic psychologists who work with people who stalk. It begins with an overview of ways to recognise harmful behaviours, including those carried out online. The discussion then moves on to methods and motivations of stalking and coercive control and the various lifestyle contexts including education environments, young people in the workplace, and the role of the police and frontline support services in tackling these issues. It is a vital resource for undergraduate students across criminology, sociology, law, psychology, education, social justice, policing, and forensic psychology, as well as a combination of academic researchers and professionals working within stalking and domestic abuse support and prevention. This action-orientated book also includes 'Key Points' and ‘Discussion Questions’ in each chapter to direct student learning in the classroom and to create discussion points for wider readers.
Young People, Violence and Strategic Interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa (Clinical Sociology: Research and Practice)
by Kammila Naidoo Oluwafemi Adeagbo Xiaoming LiThis edited volume offers a rich collection of up-to-date research and critical scholarship from various African institutions on incidents of youth violence, intervention and prevention in sub-Saharan Africa. It integrates thinking, evidence, responses, and debates relating to this topic, laying the basis for fresh insights and innovative strategies. The chapters capture a spectrum of pertinent issues such as economic hardship, lockdowns, sexual and reproductive health, pregnancy, online sexual harassment, xenophobic violence, and micro-aggressions in school contexts, and present guidelines on how countries might learn from successful interventions recently implemented. They explore young people’s access to familial and community resources, state-sponsored initiatives, peer counselling, youth-friendly services, and other relevant structures. Thus, among other things, this volume stimulates further debate on what is driving violence in different African contexts—specifically, how intersectional identities create vulnerabilities to violence—and influences ways of dealing with the issue. This interdisciplinary and cross-cutting volume serves as a vital resource for experts at universities, in international organisations, civil society groups and intergovernmental organisations who wish to both analyse and take action to address and prevent the type of violence that currently afflicts young people sub-Saharan Africa today.
Young People with Cognitive Disability in Transition to Adulthood: Stories of Survival and Aspiration in the Face of Adversity
by null Kathy Ellem null Paul Harpur null Fotina Hardy null Michael Ashley Stein null Ann Fudge SchormansThis book presents the lived experiences of young people with cognitive disability and their struggles as they transition to adulthood. Whether you are a young person yourself looking to transition to adulthood, a parent, or a professional supporting a young person, this book will help you understand the systemic failures which have caused abuse, exploitation, neglect and violence. But it will also outline the inner and outer resources which have enabled young people to maintain their self-belief and overcome adversity. Despite the fact society is failing these young people, the young people in this book speak of belief and have hope for the future. Drawing upon the United Nations human rights framework, this book provides a narrative for empowerment and reform. It involves the input of co-researchers with disability and includes Easy English summaries in each chapter to ensure its accessibility to young people with cognitive disability.
Young People’s Career Development and Wellbeing: An Enquiry across National Education Systems Based on Longitudinal Data (International Study of City Youth Education #5)
by Elizabeth Knight Belgin Okay-SomervilleThis book explores how career development experiences during education are relevant for wellbeing in youth career transitions from an interdisciplinary lens, using longitudinal data from different national educational contexts. Seven empirical chapters culminate in a conceptual model and recommendations for careers and wellbeing-oriented prevention and intervention programs to assist young people as they transition into the world of work. Following a foreword by Professor Stephen Lamb (the Springer International Study of City Youth series editor) and introduction by the editors, the book consists of empirical chapters based in six national and educational contexts, focusing specifically on schooling, higher education and transitions between compulsory schooling and young adulthood. Each national context chapter generates insights based on a longitudinal cohort study with at least two data points concerning information on young people’s career development and wellbeing. The empirical chapters are followed by discussion and conclusion chapters by the editors. The editors reflect on the evidence generated in this book and question what we know about the relevance of career development experiences on young people’s wellbeing during education-to-work transitions. Implications of these empirical findings on career interventions and policy making across the educational systems are discussed. The contributions in this book show that career development experiences while in education matters, not only for employment outcomes, but also for our subjective wellbeing in early careers. Key conclusions point towards a need for theoretically integrating: (i) the sensemaking role of time; (ii) resource-based approaches to careers; as well as (iii) the efficacy of career development experiences to overcome structural inequalities. Methodologically, this book shows the value of nationally representative longitudinal datasets that focus on young people’s educational and labour market experiences.
Young People’s Development and the Great Recession: Uncertain Transitions and Precarious Futures
by Ingrid Schoon John BynnerThe 2007–8 financial crisis and subsequent 'Great Recession' particularly affected young people trying to make their way from education into the labour market at a time of economic uncertainty and upheaval. This is the first volume to examine the impact of the Great Recession on the developmental stage of young adulthood, a critical phase of the life course that has great significance in the foundations of adult identity. Using evidence from longitudinal data sets spanning three major OECD countries, these essays examine the recession's effects on education and employment outcomes and consider the wider psycho-social consequences, including living arrangements, family relations, political engagement, and health and well-being. While the recession intensified the impact of pre-existing trends towards a prolonged dependence on parents and, for many, the precaritisation of life chances, the findings also point to manifestations of resilience, where young people countered adversity by forging positive expectations of the future. Recasts the concept of youth transitions within a contemporary life course perspective, taking into account micro and macro influences Provides a more holistic understanding of recession effects, and offers pointers where new policy regarding, for example, education and training is urgently needed; Draws on data collected for a number of large-scale, national representative and longitudinal data sets; Illustrates the role of social policy in buffering the effects of the recession, and how these vary across countries.
Young People’s Human Rights and the Politics of Voting Age
by Sonja C. GroverYoung People's Human Rights and The Politics of Voting Age explores the broader societal implications of voting age eligibility requirements and the legislative bar against youth voting in North America and in Commonwealth countries (where 'youth' is defined as persons 16 and over but under age 18). The issue is raised as to whether the denial of the youth vote undermines democratic principles and values and ultimately the human dignity of youth. This is the first book to address the topic of the youth vote in-depth as a fundamental human rights concern relating to the entitlement in a democracy to societal participation and inclusion in influencing policy and law which profoundly affects one's life. Also examined are international perspectives on the issue of voting age eligibility. The book would be extremely valuable for instructional purposes as one of the primary texts in undergraduate or graduate courses on children's human rights, political psychology, political science , sociology of law or society and as a supplementary text for courses on human rights or constitutional law and would be of interest also to members of the general public concerned with children's human rights issues.
Young People's Involvement in Sport (Adolescence and Society)
by John Kremer Karen Trew Shaun OgleBased on survey data derived from face-to-face interviews with 2,400 schoolchildren, 600 four-day diaries and focus groups with both elite performers, coaches and parents, the book offers a comprehensive overview of young people's involvement in sport and physical activity in the 1990s. Deliberately set in the context of the literature on sport involvement and participation motivation, and alongside wider policy concerns, individual contributors each have accessed the data in order to address a particular substantive topic.Given the almost complete absence of hard data currently available in this field, the book should appeal not only to a local audience but to a wider international readership including sport scientists, sports' administrators, coaches, teachers and policy makers, indeed anyone with an interest in the who, what, why and how of young people's involvement in sport.
Young People's Play, Wellbeing and Learning: Psycho-Social and Virtual Geographies in Digital Play
by Dimitra HartasThis book explores the shifting geographies and contexts of children's play and learning. The author examines both free and guided play through the lenses of class, gender and disability, drawing links between face-to-face and online interactions. As young people increasingly spend time in virtual environments it is important to adjust understandings of how, and when, they engage with learning. The book examines play as a continuum of activities and peer interactions, interrogating what it takes to bridge the gap between academic and wellbeing goals for children with disabilities and disadvantage, as well as those at the intersection with other markers of difference (e.g. gender and race). It will be of interest and value to scholars of play and education, as well as those working with disabled or disadvantaged children.
Young People's Quality of Life and Construction of Citizenship
by Graciela TononThe study of quality of life refers to the material environment (social welfare) and psychosocial environment (wellbeing). It has been defined as a concept that implies the objective and subjective dimension that Cummins (1997) first studied in seven domains. The use of domains in the quality of life study allows a more precise measurement than the one that could have been reached through simple questions, since psychometric scales are used and if the addition of domains is equivalent to the totality of life satisfaction, then the group of domains is a valid measure of quality of life. In the case of young people, it has been observed that even if they live in negative physical, social and contextual conditions, they can nevertheless experience a relatively positive experience in relation to their quality of life, depending on the strategies and capabilities that they generate in relation to the context. Similarly, young people that live in favorable socioeconomic conditions and with a trouble free psychological situation may experience a relatively poor evaluation of their position in life (Patrick et al). oung people do not form a homogenous group and, in this sense, it is not possible to generalize about youth; they interact with the environment in which they live and they are a product of the history they happen to live, in this way they transit different vital scenarios in daily life that affect their quality of life. The social representations about youth that each population has, in each historical moment, are embedded in the social context in which young people live and develop, conditioning every-day life and /or creating related stereotypes. The concept of youth is a social construction built conjointly by all members of society in the historical moment in which they live. Young people interact with the environment in which they live and they are a product of the history they happen to live. Authors like Urresti (1999) define youth from a point of view that takes into account the living together of different generations in different societies, thus being impossible to compare young people of today with those of two or three decades ago; in addition, he states that it is necessary to situate the understanding of youth within the historical and social moment in which they live. Nowadays the predominant adult model is based in individualism, and even if an intergenerational dialogue is necessary, it is difficult for young people to achieve this kind of communication with adults that, in some cases, are living "stages of youth" or that need to be "forever young". Young people live in uncertainty, with a limited perspective for future action, assigning their own meaning to events and facts, according to their fundamental concerns that are significantly different from those of their parents' generation. In the other side the process of globalization and the protagonist social role of the new informational and communicational technologies, produce that the possibilities to expand individual freedoms increase, but not all young people can manage with it (Lechner, 2002). What young people need in order to construct their citizenship and feel satisfied, varies according to the different societies, especially considering that most of them live a fragile situation. As Cortina (2003:7-9) states, the idea of citizenship always transcends individualism, because the citizen is somebody that exists together with others, and those others are equal to him before the city, is somebody that deliberates with others, that acts with others conjointly, that assumes the protagonist role of his own life, in this way citizen is not only that who the law protects, but that who participates in the public issues. Speaking about young people we propose to recognize them from their equal dignity because "recognition is not only a courtesy that we owe others: it is an essential human need" (Taylor, 1993:46). This recognition is based in human dignity and tends to protect the basic rights of people as individuals and to recognize the particul...
Young People's Understanding of Society (Adolescence And Society Ser.)
by Adrian FurnhamFirst published in 1991, this book represents the first wide-ranging review of young people’s understanding of the social world and the functioning of society. Taking a social cognitive view of adolescence, it focuses on the processes by which young people learn to understand other people’s thoughts, emotions, intentions and behaviour. Concentrating on the social world of politics, economics, work, gender and religion, the authors cover such issues as: politics and government; work and unemployment; law and legislative matters; religion; marriage and the family; social class; and racial and ethnic differences. This work will be of interest to students of sociology and psychology.
Young People's Visions and Worries for the Future of Europe: Findings from the Europe 2038 Project
by Dagmar Strohmeier Harriet R. TenenbaumIn a period in which the future of the European Union is subject to increased scrutiny, it is more vital than ever that the thoughts and views of younger generations are considered. Young People’s Visions and Worries for the Future of Europe: Findings from the Europe 2038 Project seeks to do exactly that, presenting the findings of a large-scale research project investigating the opinions and worries of young people between the ages of 16 and 25 across seven European countries. In this unique and timely volume, Strohmeier and Tenenbaum, together with the Europe 2038 consortium, examine young people’s endorsement of multiculturalism, diversity, European identity, human rights, and political participation, and unpick the cross-national differences in a range of European countries. Young People’s Visions and Worries for the Future of Europe concludes by formulating effective evidence-based recommendations for policy and practice. This work is essential reading for advanced level undergraduate and masters level courses in Psychology, Social Work, Politics, Sociology, Social Policy, and Education, as well as researchers in those fields.
A Young Person’s Guide to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Eating Disorders
by Riccardo Dalle Grave Simona CalugiA Young Person’s Guide to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Eating Disorders is a state-of-the-art guide for young patients struggling with disordered eating based on enhanced cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT-E). CBT-E is one of the most effective treatments for eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder, which has recently been adapted for adolescents. Written by two experienced clinicians and clinical researchers working daily with teenagers suffering from eating disorders, and their parents, this book offers an effective mix of theory and clinical expertise that will appeal to all readers. The volume starts with a presentation the most current facts on eating disorders. Part 2 then provides young with eating disorders a complete description—accompanied by clinical examples and helpful vignettes on how to implement the main CBT-E procedures. While this book is specifically tailored for young people aged between 15 and 25 years with eating disorders treated with CBT-E, it will also be useful for all young persons affected by eating disorders, and clinicians using CBT-E with young patients.
Young Victims, Young Offenders: Current Issues in Policy and Treatment
by Letitia C PalloneAt a time when the nation is focused on devising new responses to street crime and on reforming the juvenile justice system, this book brings together in a single volume, current and emerging perspectives on the control of crime by and against children and youth. Young Victims, Young Offenders provides you with an overview of established and emerging practices in treating juvenile offenders and adults who prey on children and youth.This book explores the nature and causes of criminal offenses committed by and against juveniles. While children and youth show up statistically as offenders, they also figure disproportionately as victims. The contributing authors consider both of these aspects as they discuss current programs for the treatment of youths who commit or are victimized by criminal offenses.Topics of a wide range are addressed in Young Victims, Young Offenders for people--like you-- who work with our nation’s youth. A sampling of topics includes: How states address child maltreatment through reporting laws and special courtroom procedures Associations between selected psychosocial variables and chronic delinquency Implications of mandatory Child Abuse Reporting Laws on treating offenders The success of diversion during a 20-year period in a youth service bureau Clinical techniques in the treatment of juvenile sex offenders A study on the effectiveness of an intervention program in Iowa for youthful offendersThis book is useful for the pre-service student pursuing course work in juvenile delinquency, correctional counseling, probation, parole, and social work. At the in-service level, correctional counselors, probation officers, parole officers, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, correctional administrators, and child care workers can find much to challenge and enhance their effectiveness in their work with young victims and offenders.
Young Widower: A Memoir (River Teeth Literary Nonfiction Prize)
by John W. EvansJohn W. Evans was twenty-nine years old and his wife, Katie, was thirty. They had met in the Peace Corps in Bangladesh, taught in Chicago, studied in Miami, and were working for a year in Romania when they set off with friends to hike into the Carpathian Mountains. In an instant their life together was shattered. Katie became separated from the group. When Evans finally found her, he could only watch helplessly as she was mauled to death by a brown bear.In such a love story, such a life story, how could a person ever move forward? That is the question Evans, traumatized and restless, confronts in this book as he learns the language of grief, the rhetoric of survival, and the contrary algorithms of holding fast and letting go. His memories of Katie and their time together, and the strangeness of his life with her family in the year after her death, create an unsentimental but deeply moving picture of loss, the brutality of nature, and the unfairness of needing to narrate a story that nothing can prepare a person to tell.Told with unyielding witness, elegance, and care, Young Widower is a heartbreaking account of a senseless tragedy and the persistence of grief in a young person’s life.
Young William James Thinking
by Paul J. CroceHow did youthful struggle give rise to the William James of philosophical legend and popularity?During a period of vocational indecision and deep depression, young William James embarked on a circuitous journey, trying out natural history field work, completing medical school, and studying ancient cultures before teaching physiological psychology on his way to becoming a philosopher. A century after his death, Young William James Thinking examines the private thoughts James detailed in his personal correspondence, archival notes, and his first publications to create a compelling portrait of his growth as both man and thinker.By going to the sources, Paul J. Croce’s cultural biography challenges the conventional contrast commentators have drawn between James’s youthful troubles and his mature achievements. Inverting James’s reputation for inconsistency, Croce shows how he integrated his interests and his struggles into sophisticated thought. His ambivalence became the motivating core of his philosophizing, the heart of his enduring legacy. Readers can follow James in science classes and in personal "speculations," studying medicine and exploring both mainstream and sectarian practices, in museums reflecting on the fate of humanity since ancient times, in love and with heart broken, and in periodic crises of confidence that sometimes even spurred thoughts of suicide. A case study in coming of age, this book follows the famous American philosopher's vocational work and avocational interests, his education and his frustrations—young James between childhood and fame. Anecdotes placed in the contexts of his choices shed new light on the core commitments within his enormous contributions to psychology, philosophy, and religious studies. James’s hard-won insights, starting with his mediation of science and religion, led to his appreciation of body and mind in relation. Ultimately, Young William James Thinking reveals how James provided a humane vision well suited to our pluralist age.
Younger Brain, Sharper Mind: A 6-Step Plan for Preserving and Improving Memory and Attention at Any Age from America's Brain Doctor
by Eric R. BravermanWhile gray hair and wrinkles may be unwelcome if inevitable signs of the passing years, the memory loss, intellectual impairment, and mood swings that come with an aging brain can be truly devastating.According to bestselling author and anti-aging expert Dr. Eric Braverman, getting older does not have to mean becoming forgetful, clueless, or depressed—quite the opposite, in fact. Distilling his 35 years of research and clinical experience into an easy-to-follow protocol, Dr. Braverman explains how men and women can actually build new brain cells, becoming younger and smarter as they age. Readers will learn what to eat to stay focused, when to exercise to sharpen their memory, and how to organize their lifestyle to improve problem-solving skills—and discover the revolutionary hormone therapies and medications available to treat cognitive decline.Having helped thousands take control of their hormones to maintain the physical and sexual vitality of their twenties and thirties, Dr. Braverman now presents Younger Brain, Sharper Mind, a simple plan to help them protect and enhance youth's most prized possession: a vigorous, capable mind.
Younger (Sexier) You: Enjoy the Best Sex of Your Life AND Look and Feel Years Younger
by Eric R. Braverman Ellie CapriaJust as he used the latest brain science to help tens of thousands reverse the effects of aging and achieve lasting weight loss, Dr. Eric Braverman now uses the most up-to-date research on hormones and the brain to explain how great sex contributes to great health, and vice versa. He explains that sexuality plays a huge role in keeping us young, fit, and healthy—helping with everything from cognitive function to stress reduction to appetite control. It has even been shown to increase levels of hormones that protect against infections and cancer. Furthermore, preserving a good sex life is an important factor in maintaining a loving relationship and curbing the urge to stray that can lead to unfaithfulness and disappointment. Beginning with a discussion of the brain and an explanation of sex codes, or how individuals personally view and approach sex, and a quiz to help each reader determine her specific sex code, Braverman looks closely at the major hormones involved with sexual activity and explains how to make permanent changes to four main areas affected by the aging process: libido, creativity, stamina, and satisfaction—for an additional 7-10 years of great sex. With information and advice to address the health concerns of men and women alike, Younger (Sexier) You will help every couple achieve greater pleasure and intimacy; showing them that that the most effective way to remain young and sexy just might be the most pleasurable.
Younger (Thinner) You Diet: How Understanding Your Brain Chemistry Can Help You Lose Weight, Reverse Aging, and Fight Disease
by Eric R. BravermanNew research in nutrition and weight loss has revealed an amazing discovery: the brain—virtually neglected in all other diet plans—is the most important organ in dieting. Dieters can actually lose weight by eating foods, nutrients, teas, and spices that change the chemical balance of the brain for permanent weight loss—a major factor contributing to how quickly the body ages. In fact, everyone can take years off their age by changing their brain chemistry. In Younger (Thinner) You Diet, Dr. Eric Braverman expands upon concepts introduced in Younger You to present a totally new approach to lifelong weight management, where the key is not found in counting carbs, fat grams, or calories. Obesity is a brain chemical imbalance, an addictive disorder, treated successfully only through the combined approach of diet, nutrients, and hormones. One of the foremost experts in integrative medicine, known for his work on the brain-body connection, Dr. Braverman teaches readers:- which foods naturally boost the body's production of dopamine, the chemical in the brain that tells the body to start its fat-burning engine- how to choose foods, supplements, teas, and spices—even hormones and medicine—to avoid the effects of other aging organs that can destroy one's metabolism- how to personalize the diet for specific health concerns, such as heart problems, aging skin, weak muscles, and achy jointsEliminating the frustration and deprivation of conventional dieting, Younger (Thinner) You Diet will help anyone turn back the clock to a slimmer, healthier, younger you.
The Youngest Bishop in England: Beneath the Surface of Mormonism
by Robert BridgstockPart memoir, part analytical work, this treatise details Robert Bridgstock's life as an active Mormon, his struggles with his faith, his submerging of such doubts for the sake of keeping peace with his devout family, and his eventual departure from the Church due to the abuse he suffered. After joining the Mormon Church at the age of 18, Bridgstock went on to become the youngest Mormon bishop in England and remained active in the Church for more than four decades, serving it in many capacities and deeply studying Mormon scripture and history. But after having and voicing doubts about Mormonism, and because Church authorities and scripture never delivered satisfactory answers to his questions, he left the Church and renounced the religion. An enthralling read from a leading figure within the Church, this account provides a unique, day-to-day look into Mormon life.
Your Baby & Child: The Classic Childcare Guide, Revised and Updated
by Penelope LeachThe classic—beloved, trusted, best-selling—guide to baby and child care completely redesigned and revised for a new generation of parents • From Penelope Leach, "a luminary in the world of child development" (The Boston Globe)Penelope Leach has helped millions of parents raise their children for more than forty years with her thoroughly researched, practical, baby-led advice, her wise, empathic, and sensible perspective, and her comforting voice. This new edition has been completely redesigned for today&’s parents. Leach has revised the text to reflect the latest research on child development and learning as well as societal changes and the realities of our current world. Your Baby & Child is essential—a bible—for every new parent. In easy to follow stages from birth through age five (newborn, settled baby, older baby, toddler, young child), Your Baby & Child addresses parents&’ every concern over the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of their baby. Areas covered: feeding; physical growth and everyday care; sleeping; excreting and toilet mastery; crying and comforting; muscle power; seeing and understanding; hearing and learning to speak; playing and learning and thinking; learning how to behave.
Your Baby Is Speaking to You: A Visual Guide to the Amazing Behaviors of Your Newborn and Growing Baby
by Kevin NugentFrom an international expert on infant-parent communication, a rich and accessible gift book on baby “language,” gorgeously illustrated with forty black-and-white photographs.Through intimate access to babies and their families, Dr. Kevin Nugent and acclaimed photographer Abelardo Morell capture the amazingly precocious communications strategies babies demonstrate from the moment they are born.Your Baby Is Speaking to You illustrates the full range of behaviors—early smiling to startling, feeding to sleeping, listening to your voice and recognizing your face. The newest research—including information on subtle and fleeting behaviors not seen or explained in any other book—illuminates the meaning of the things babies do that concern and delight new parents: – the language of yawning – the rich range of cries, and how to understand their meanings – baby’s earliest “sleep smiles” and sleep states, and what they signify.Your Baby Is Speaking To You delivers the information parents crave in gentle, accessible style while giving parents the confidence they need to respond to their own baby’s way of communicating during the very first astonishing days and the months beyond.
Your Baby's Brain: How to Use Science to Raise a Smart, Successful Child—Tips for Parents to Shape Young Minds
by Gail GrossWinner of the 2019 National Parenting Product Award • Ranked #1 by BookAuthority for 2019 Best New Parenting Books"This will give your child the greatest opportunity to reach her fullest potential, both emotionally and intellectually.&” —Goldie Hawn, Academy Award and Golden Globe–winning actress, and founder of the Hawn foundation"A must-read for all parents.&”—Arianna Huffington, founder & CEO of Thrive Global and founder of The Huffington PostYour child&’s DNA is not destiny; you are at the helm, guiding their course. With this book, you can learn how to:Harness your power as a parent Use science to guide and nurture your child so they can achieve all of their dreamsShape your child's brain in early years and set a healthy foundation that will enrich the rest of their livesAvoid parenting pitfalls that will set your child's intellectual and social development back by years The truth is, nature and nurture are in a delicate dance—if one goes too fast, the other one falls. Science tells us that early childhood experiences have the capacity to structure and alter the brain. That means you didn&’t just supply your child&’s DNA—you&’re still shaping it. And it&’s only by wielding this power that your child will activate their full potential. You are truly a gene therapist; manipulating and guiding your child&’s genetic makeup based on the experiences you create for them. Contrary to what modern parenting trends have told us, parenting is much simpler than we dared to imagine. Great parenting comes down to one mission: to be prepped and present for the windows of your child&’s development so that you can take full advantage of these formative periods and help your child become a smart, successful, self-sufficient adult. It doesn&’t require formal training or a fancy degree—all it takes is getting involved. Once parents learn how to flip the right gene &“switches,&” they can expand the limits of their child&’s potential and lay the emotional and intellectual groundwork that allows them to seize opportunities for success fearlessly, naturally, and enthusiastically. With a PhD. in education and a second in psychology, and forty years of experience as an educator, Dr. Gross combines an understanding of childhood development with practical and realistic tools to teach parents how to best take advantage of their child&’s developmental windows. Your Baby's Brain translates the results from scientific studies about expanding consciousness and performance into day-to-day interaction between parents and children.
Your Best Year Yet: A Proven Method for Making the Next Twelve Months the Most Successful Ever
by Jinny S. DitzlerThis book is a transformational goal-setting program that will guide you toward Your Best Year Yet.