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Youth Soccer: From Science to Performance
by Thomas Reilly Dave Richardson Gareth Stratton A. Mark WilliamsAs the adult game has increased in popularity, youth soccer has also seen significant expansion in recent years. The popularity of the youth game is set to continue. Young boy and girl players wish to emulate professional soccer stars and the professional game, often with long-term financial rewards in mind, is increasingly keen to develop young talent. Applied sports science is now a well-established feature of the adult game but the sports science that supports modern football does not translate directly into the youth game. The coaches of young players need specific information about children. Themes explored in this text include: growth of physiological systems development of motor and perceptive skills paediatric environmental physiology prevention of injury diet and nutrition youth fitness and skills training effective teaching and coaching of juniors the role of football academies. Youth Soccer: From Science to Performance blends current child-focused sports science theory with youth-specific coaching practice to help create soccer development strategies for children. It promotes knowledge and understanding in all these areas and will further professional expertise amongst coaches who wish to develop the all year round potential of youth soccer players and train the stars of the future.
Youth Suicide Prevention and Intervention: Best Practices and Policy Implications (SpringerBriefs in Psychology)
by John P. Ackerman Lisa M. HorowitzThis open access book focuses on the public health crisis of youth suicide and provides a review of current research and prevention practices. It addresses important topics, including suicide epidemiology, suicide risk detection in school and medical settings, critical cultural considerations, and approaches to lethal means safety. This book offers cutting-edge research on emerging discoveries in the neurobiology of suicide, psychopharmacology, and machine learning. It focuses on upstream suicide prevention research methods and details how cost-effective approaches can mitigate youth suicide risk when implemented at a universal level. Chapters discuss critical areas for future research, including how to evaluate the effectiveness of suicide prevention and intervention efforts, increase access to mental health care, and overcome systemic barriers that undermine generalizability of prevention strategies. Finally, this book highlights what is currently working well in youth suicide prevention and, just as important, which areas require more attention and support. Key topics include: The neurobiology of suicide in at-risk children and adolescents.The role of machine learning in youth suicide prevention.Suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention in schools.Suicide risk screening and assessment in medical settings.Culturally informed risk assessment and suicide prevention efforts with minority youth.School mental health partnerships and telehealth models of care in rural communities.Suicide and self-harm prevention and interventions for LGBTQ+ youth.Risk factors associated with suicidal behavior in Black youth.Preventing suicide in youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability (ID). Youth Suicide Prevention and Intervention is a must-have resource for policy makers and related professionals, graduate students, and researchers in child and school psychology, family studies, public health, social work, law/criminal justice, sociology, and all related disciplines.
Youth Unemployment in the 1980s: Its Psychological Effects (Routledge Library Editions: Work & Society)
by Philip Ullah Michael H. BanksYouth unemployment is one of the most critical problems generated by any recession. Widespread changes in the structure of the youth labour market, together with the increasing affluence amongst the employed, meant that the experience of unemployment for young people in the 1970s and 1980s was quite different from that of previous decades. Originally published in 1988, this book examines the psychological consequence of prolonged periods of joblessness among a national cohort of 16-19 year olds. It places the problem in a historical context and then examines evidence for the effect of unemployment on the work ethic, motivation to work, the search for jobs, psychological health, political views, lifestyles and early careers. Particular attention is paid to gender and ethnic group differences. Original research was integrated with existing literature with the aim of bringing together a wide variety of studies and theoretical positions previously dispersed throughout the literature.
Youth with Depression and Anxiety: Moods That Overwhelm
by Kenneth Mcintosh Phyllis LivingstonDid you know that as many as 8 percent of teens experience anxiety or depression, and as many as 70 to 90 percent will use substances such as alcohol or illicit drugs at some time? Other young people are living with life-threatening diseases including HIV infection and cancer, as well as chronic psychiatric conditions such as bipolar disease and schizophrenia. Still other teens have the challenge of being "different" from peers because they are intellectually gifted, are from another culture, or have trouble controlling their behavior or socializing with others. All youth with challenges experience additional stresses compared to their typical peers. The good news is that there are many resources and supports available to help these young people, as well as their friends and families. The stories contained in each book of this series also contain factual information that will enhance your own understanding of the particular condition being presented. If you or someone you know is struggling with a similar condition or experience, this series can give you important information about where and how you can get help. After reading these stories, we hope that you will be more open to the differences you encounter in your peers and more willing to get to know others who are "different." --Carolyn Bridgemohan, M.D.
Youth with Gender Issues: Seeking an Identity
by Kenneth Mcintosh Ida WalkerThis book examines the challenges of growing adolescents with gender issues.
Youth with HIV/AIDS: Living with the Diagnosis
by Kenneth Mcintosh Ida WalkerThis book examines the challenges of growing adolescents who have HIV/AIDS.
Youth with Juvenile Schizophrenia: The Search for Reality (Helping Youth with Mental, Physical, and Social Challenges)
by Kenneth Mcintosh Phyllis LivingstonJosh Bruner is used to being the hero, the helper at Shore View High--but all that changes suddenly when a mysterious voice begins to harass him. In the following weeks, Josh becomes convinced he has special powers and a unique destiny; he also fears that the people closest to him are in real danger. He's determined to obey the voices and rescue his family and friends, even if it costs him everything. Eventually, crushed by his own actions, Josh struggles to define reality and reconstruct his shattered life.
Youth Without Family to Lean On: Global Challenges and Local Interventions
by Shula Mozes Moshe IsraelashviliYouth Without Family to Lean On draws together interdisciplinary, global perspectives to provide a comprehensive review of the characteristics, dynamics, and development of youth (aged 15–25) who have no family to lean on, either practically or psychologically.In this timely volume, Mozes and Israelashvili bring together leading international experts to present updated knowledge, information on existing interventions, and unanswered questions in relation to youth without family to lean on, in pursuit of fostering these youth’s positive development. The various chapters in this book include discussions on different topics such as social support, developing a sense of belonging, parental involvement, and internalized vs. externalized problems; on populations, including homeless youth, residential care-leavers, refugees, asylum-seekers, young women coming from vulnerable families, and school dropouts; and interventions to promote these youths' mentoring relationships, labor market attainment, out-of-home living placements, use of IT communication, and participation in community-based programs. Additionally, various problems and challenges are presented and elaborated on, such as: Who needs support? Who is qualified to provide support? How should related interventions be developed? The book takes a preventive approach and aims to emphasize steps that can be taken in order to promote young people’s positive development in spite of the absence of a family to rely on in their life and examines the best practices in this context, as well as the international lessons that deserve further dissemination and exploration. This book is essential reading for those in psychology, sociology, public health, social work, law, criminology, public policy, economics, and education and is highly enriching for scholars and practitioners, as well as higher education students, who wish to understand and help the gradually increasing number of youth who are forced, too early, to manage their life alone.
You've Changed: Sex Reassignment And Personal Identity
by Laurie J. ShrageIs sex identity a feature of one's mind or body, and is it a relational or intrinsic property? Who is in the best position to know a person's sex, do we each have a true sex, and is a person's sex an alterable characteristic? When a person's sex assignment changes, has the old self disappeared and a new one emerged; or, has only the public presentation of one's self changed? <P><P>"You've Changed" examines the philosophical questions raised by the phenomenon of sex reassignment, and brings together the essays of scholars known for their work in gender, sexuality, queer, and disability studies, feminist epistemology and science studies, and philosophical accounts of personal identity. An interdisciplinary contribution to the emerging field of transgender studies, it will be of interest to students and scholars in a number of disciplines.
You've Got Dragons
by Kathryn CaveWorries, fears, and anxieties are all dragons that sneak up on most of us at one time or another. Sometimes you need some help defeating your dragons.Lots of people get dragons. Even really really good people get them. And sometimes they're hard to get rid of. So what can a young boy with a bad case of the dragons do? He can pretend they are not there, or that they are really quite harmless. Hugs from his mom help. Looking his dragon straight in the eye at least once every day helps even more. But most reassuring of all is the reminder that dragons don't stay forever.You've Got Dragons provides real, actionable advice on handling stress and provides good inspiration for conversation and creative coping.
You've Got This: Seven Steps to a Life You Love
by Michaela DunbarFrom a rising clinical psychologist and founder of Instagram’s @myeasytherapy, an accessible, life-enhancing guide to reframing self-doubt and negative thought patterns to unlock your potential.?We all experience self-doubt and anxiety at certain points throughout our lives, some of us more often and more intensely than others. Anxiety is an emotion, a chemical reaction, and a fundamental part of being human. It can help us to stay alert and focused, spur us to action, and motivate us to solve problems. But left unchecked, it can have the opposite effect, holding us back and preventing us from living the lives we want.In You’ve Got This, Dr. Michaela Dunbar introduces the program she’s developed after years of helping ambitious women master their anxiety and overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome. Through her clinical practice as well as engaging with thousands of women through her online platform, Dr. Michaela has identified the seven key ways high-functioning anxiety can manifest in our lives, from people pleasing to becoming overwhelmed to the obsession with perfectionism, and shows us how to transform negative thoughts and paralyzing emotions into positive action.Dr. Michaela’s goal is to help you struggle less and thrive more. Instead of succumbing to self-doubt, Dr. Michaela teaches you how to set boundaries, avoid burnout, and free yourself from the traps of overthinking. Accessible, inclusive, and deeply informative, You’ve Got This is for anyone who wants to let go of limiting beliefs, overthinking, and anxiety—and learn to step confidently into a life they love.
Zachary's Choice
by Suzy LabonteA Christian homeschooling mom of a large family, Suzy LaBonte never imagined one of her children might die by suicide. She received an agonizing blow the day her sixteen-year-old son, Zachary, without threat or forewarning, chose to end his own life. The following months were bleak and sorrowful as Suzy struggled down a confusing path of shock, anger, guilt, and depression. Slowly putting one foot in front of the other, Suzy focused on the unfailing character of God, her husband's faithful partnership, and the hopeful faces of the children before her. Plodding and stumbling toward understanding and healing, Suzy found that God's faithful companionship and the promises of His Word lightened the darkest hours and sustained her life. Healing came slowly and with it, transforming lessons of pain and courage. With a passion to reach out to encourage other suicide survivors, Suzy shares the healing that is found in Christ Jesus.Includes a Survival Guide for those impacted by suicide and suggested resources for further support.
Zadie Smith and Postcolonial Trauma: Decolonising Trauma, Decolonising Selves (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Literature)
by Beatriz Pérez ZapataThis monograph analyses Zadie Smith’s White Teeth, On Beauty, NW, The Embassy of Cambodia, and Swing Time as trauma fictions that reveal the social, cultural, historical, and political facets of trauma. Starting with Smith’s humorous critique of psychoanalysis and her definition of original trauma, this volume explores Smith’s challenge of Western theories of trauma and coping and how her narratives expose the insidiousness of (post)colonial suffering and unbelonging. This book then explores transgenerational trauma, the tensions between remembering and forgetting, multidirectional memory, and the possibilities of the ambiguities and contradictions of the postcolonial and diasporic characters Smith depicts. This analysis discloses Smith’s effort to ethically redefine trauma theory from a postcolonial and decolonial standpoint, reiterate the need to acknowledge and work through colonial histories and postcolonial forms of oppression, and critically reflect on our roles as witnesses of suffering in global times.
Zainichi Koreans and Mental Health: Psychiatric Problem in Japanese Korean Minorities, Their Social Background and Life Story (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series)
by Taeyoung KimUsing a qualitative, interview-based approach, Kim investigates how conflicting identities and social marginalization affect the mental health of members of the ethnic Korean minority living in Japan. So-called “Zainichi” Koreans living in Japan have a higher suicide rate than native Japanese, or than any other ethnic group within Japan, a country which has one of the highest suicide rates in the world. Considering themselves neither truly Korean nor wholly Japanese, they are mainly descendants of immigrants who came to Japan during the colonial period in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Kim explores the challenges facing these individuals, including the dilemmas of ethnic education, the discrimination against them by mainstream society, and the consequent impacts on their mental health. An insightful read both for scholars of Japanese culture and society and for anthropologists and sociologists with an interest in the effects of marginalization on ethnic minority citizens more broadly.
Zakboek ziektebeelden Psychiatrie
by Karin LindenVan angststoornissen tot en met schizofrenie: met dit Zakboek Ziektebeelden heb je altijd alle essenti#65533;le informatie over de meest voorkomende psychiatrische ziekten binnen handbereik. De ontwikkelingen in de medische wetenschap en de verpleegkunde gaan erg snel. Het is als verpleegkundige of praktijkondersteuner dan ook onmogelijk om volledig op de hoogte blijven van alle ins en outs op jouw vakgebied. Maar het is wel noodzakelijk om bij te blijven binnen je eigen deelspecialisatie. De makers van het bekende Verpleegkundig Vademecum hebben daarom nu een reeks zakboeken ontwikkeld met een medisch #65533;n verpleegkundig deel: Zakboeken Ziektebeelden. Handzame boekjes met praktische informatie over de belangrijkste ziektebeelden in jouw werkveld. De zakboeken hebben een overzichtelijke medicatietabel en zijn goed leesbaar. Alle informatie is bovendien snel en gemakkelijk te vinden, omdat alle ziektebeelden volgens hetzelfde stramien zijn beschreven: ziektedefinitie, oorzaak, verschijnselen, diagnostiek, behandeling, complicaties en prognose.
by Greg DonaldsonEight years in the making, this edgy, in-depth account follows a black felon’s attempt to find a new life for himself with a white woman in a small-town neighborhood where—as the book’s title implies—such relationships are common. A remarkably intense read, Zebratown reveals a rhythm of life spiked with violence, betrayal, sex, and the emotional dangers created by passionate love. Greg Donaldson’s Zebratown follows the life of Kevin Davis, an ex-con from Brownsville, Brooklyn, who, after his release from prison, moves to Elmira, New York, and takes up with Karen, a young woman with a six-year-old daughter. Kevin is seemingly the embodiment of hip-hop gangsterism—a heavily muscled, feared thug who has beaten a murder rap. And yet, as Donaldson’s stunning reportage reveals, Kevin has survived on the streets and in prison with a sharp intelligence and a rigid code of practical morality and physical fitness while yearning to make a better life for himself and be a better man. Month by month and year by year, Donaldson follows Kevin and Karen’s attempt to make a home together, a quest made harder by Kevin’s difficulty finding legal employment. The dangerous lures of the street remain for him, both in New York City and in Zebratown, and he is not always successful at avoiding them. Meanwhile, as Kevin and Karen struggle, the reader comes to care for them, even as they act in ways that society may not condone. Theirs is a complex story with many moments of drama, suffering, desire, and revelation—a story that is frequently astonishing and unforgettable to the end. Like Adrian Nicole LeBlanc in Random Family, Donaldson explores a largely hidden world; such immersion journalism is difficult to achieve but uniquely powerful to read. In addition to spending long periods with Kevin and Karen, Donaldson interviews policemen, judges, family members, and others in Kevin and Karen’s orbit, providing a remarkably panoramic account of their lives. Relationships between white women and black men have long been a hot issue in American culture. Even years after the 2008 presidential election, when society has in some ways seemingly moved on to a "postracial" perspective, people still have a lot to say about interracial relationships. Zebratown takes us into the heart of one and offers the paradoxical truth that while race is rarely not an issue in such relationships, in the end, what transpires between a couple is intensely individual. Meanwhile, the difficulty that ex-cons have successfully reentering society is an ongoing problem—for them, their families, and the communities where they live. Zebratown makes this struggle real, as Kevin Davis confronts not only his criminal record and his poor formal education but the cruelties of the postindustrial economy. Both his and Karen’s stories resonate powerfully with twenty-first-century American reality, and in telling them, Greg Donaldson confirms his position as one of the most intrepid journalists at work today.
Zehn Weisheiten der Psychotherapie: Ein Lesebuch über die Erkenntnis psychotherapeutischen Denkens
by Maria Kurz-AdamDie Weisheiten der Psychotherapie fassen das Wissen und die Erkenntnis zusammen, die das psychotherapeutische Denken in seiner Geschichte gesammelt hat. Sie befassen sich mit der Angst vor dem Leben und dem Tod, mit der Erfahrung des Verlusts, dem Gefühl eines Scheiterns und der persönlichen Wertlosigkeit. Sie kennen aber ebenso die Kraft unseres Denkens, die Sprache unseres Körpers, die Kraft unserer Wünsche, unsere lebenslange Auseinandersetzung mit Verboten und dem Zwang zum Erfolg, sie wissen etwas über die Schönheit und den Preis der Freiheit.Dieses Lesebuch für angehende Psychotherapeut*innen, aber auch alle an Psychotherapie Interessierte, versammelt in einer Reise durch die Denkformen und Traditionen der Psychotherapie eine Reihe dieser Weisheiten, die auch heute überall dort zu finden sind, wo sich Menschen in einer helfenden Beziehung begegnen, und die Menschen in jeder Lebenskrise berühren können und Hilfe bieten.Einige dieser Weisheiten stammen von berühmten Psychotherapeuten (Sigmund Freud, Carl Rogers, Viktor Frankl, Otto Kernberg). Ebenso aber finden sich Weisheiten, die aus der langjährigen Erfahrung der Therapie geformt sind (Marie Cardinal, Thomas Melle), oder die sich ganz einer umgrenzten Lebensphase gewidmet haben (Margaret Mahler). Nicht zuletzt blickt die Auswahl auf die Vorgeschichte der Psychotherapie zurück, in der die heilende Kraft der Natur des Menschen und die Kraft der Gelassenheit entdeckt wurden (Meister Eckhart, Franz Anton Mesmer).
Zeit des Wandels und der Initiative: Änderungen unterstützen - Gewohnheiten stabilisieren
by Klaus KonradDieses Buch betrachtet Veränderung aus verschiedenen Perspektiven und unterstützt in seinen Erläuterungen Menschen, die im beratenden sowie pädagogischen Kontext arbeiten. Im Zentrum stehen Theorien, Anwendungen und Beispiele rund um Veränderungen und Neu-Anfänge. Wir fangen immer wieder neu an. Wandeln, verwandeln, modellieren, modernisieren, ersetzen, variieren, fluktuieren sind Synonyme dafür, die uns im Alltag immer wieder begegnen. Sich wandeln und dynamisch zeigen liegt im Trend. Dazu passt das weithin sichtbare Bestreben nach Selbstoptimierung. Ungeachtet von Lebensalter und Ausbildung versuchen viele Menschen jederzeit ein neues Bild von sich zu entwerfen, und sei es auch nur virtuell.
Zeit- und Selbstmanagement
by Isabell Braumandl Birgit Dirscherl Silke WeisweilerTermin- und Zeitdruck, Informationsüberflutung und Multitasking sind zum Massenphänomen geworden. Die Folge: Auch hoch motivierte Leistungsträger geraten an die Grenzen ihrer psychischen und physischen Belastbarkeit. Dieses Fachbuch für Weiterbildungsanbieter und Personalabteilungen bietet ein komplettes Trainingsprogramm: Hintergrundwissen zu Zeit- und Selbstkompetenz sowie pädagogischen Ansätzen, vollständige Moderationsanleitungen, Foliensätze und Arbeitsmaterialien. Ein Methodenbaukasten, der auch im individuellen Coaching einsetzbar ist.
Zeitlose Elemente der Führung: Psychologisch sicher führen im Wandel (essentials)
by Claudia GerhardtBeim „zeitlosen Führen“ geht es um weit mehr als Führung in flachen Hierarchien, die nur ein Merkmal aktueller Organisationsformen sind. Claudia Gerhardt erörtert in diesem essential aus dem Blickwinkel der Wirtschaftspsychologie die Frage, wie Führung in instabilen, unsicheren und womöglich fragilen Umfeldern – in der VUKA-Welt (Volatilität, Unsicherheit, Komplexität, Ambiguität) – gestaltet werden kann. Hierzu gibt die Autorin in der gebotenen Prägnanz Antwort und möchte zugleich zum Denken und Reflektieren über die führungsbezogenen Aufgaben anregen, die diese schnelllebige Zeit mit sich bringt.
Zeitmanagement für Führungskräfte: Wie arbeite ich als Führungskraft effektiv und effizient? (essentials)
by Alexander Häfner Sophie HofmannMehr als 300 E-Mails im Posteingang, Teammitglieder, die auf dringendes Feedback warten, und wichtige Aufgaben, die seit Wochen liegen bleiben. So kann der Alltag von Führungskräften aussehen. Ohne einen effektiven und effizienten Umgang mit der eigenen Arbeitszeit wird Führung nicht gelingen. Das Buch gibt wissenschaftlich fundiert konkrete Anregungen für die tägliche Praxis.
Zeitpsychologie: Der Einfluss der Zeit auf das menschliche Erleben und Handeln
by Antje FladeDie Psychologie der Zeit befasst sich mit einem Phänomen, auf das aus wahrgenommenen Veränderungen geschlossen wird. Zeit gibt es nur, wenn sich etwas verändert. Weil Veränderungen immer irgendwo stattfinden, hängen das Wann und das Wo untrennbar miteinander zusammen, was sich in den Begriffen Zeitraum und Raumzeit widerspiegelt. Ein Buch über Zeitpsychologie soll sensibilisieren, indem die Bedeutung der „vierten Dimension“ im alltäglichen Erleben und Handeln bewusst wird, die sich im Unterschied zum dreidimensionalen Raum der unmittelbaren Wahrnehmung entzieht. So werden manche Verhaltensweisen erst verstehbar, wenn man den Zeitfaktor einbezieht. Es geht um Fragen der Zeitverwendung und Zeiteinsparung, um das Zusammenpassen unterschiedlicher Zeitstrukturen in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen und um die Zeitperspektive, die sich aus dem gegenwärtigen Moment, der erinnerten Vergangenheit und der vorgestellten Zukunft zusammensetzt. Es ist die Vergangenheit, die den Menschen zu dem gemacht hat, was er gegenwärtig ist. Ohne eine Zukunftsperspektive gäbe es keine Motivation und kein Planen. Die Zeitperspektiventherapie ist darauf gerichtet, eine Balance zwischen den drei Abschnitten herzustellen sowie Depressionen und psychische Erkrankungen zu heilen, die auf einer fehlenden Zukunftsperspektive oder auf traumatischen Erfahrungen beruhen. Es gibt keine Zeitlosigkeit, denn Veränderungen finden fortwährend statt. Indem er kulturelle Umwelten und gebaute Umwelten schafft, trägt der Mensch aktiv dazu bei. Nicht nur die Umwelt ändert sich, sei es durch natürliche Vorgänge oder durch menschliches Handeln, sondern auch der Mensch selbst, indem er heranwächst und altert. Ein Ziel des Buches ist in Analogie zum Umweltbewusstsein das Zeitbewusstsein zu stärken.
Zelfbeeldtraining voor kinderen en adolescenten: COMET (Competitive Memory Training) (Kind en adolescent praktijkreeks)
by Marije Kuin Paulien PetersIn deze herziene versie van de therapeutenhandleiding wordt de interventie Zelfbeeldtraining voor kinderen en adolescenten - Competitive Memory Training (COMET) theoretisch en praktisch uitgelegd. Zelfbeeldtraining voor kinderen en adolescenten is gebaseerd op de cognitief-gedragstherapeutische methode Competitive Memory Training (COMET) van Kees Korrelboom. Deze methode is bij het NJI (Nederlands Jeugd Instituut) als theoretisch goed onderbouwd bestempeld. Deelnemers werken aan positief denken, voelen en doen door positieve gevoelens op te roepen. Via contraconditonering wordt dit positieve zelfgevoel geactiveerd op moeilijke momenten. In deze herziene versie wordt geen verschil meer gemaakt tussen een individuele variant en een groepsvariant. Er is één variant, welke zowel individueel als groepsgewijs te gebruiken is. Daarnaast kunnen behandelaar en cliënt elke sessie zelf kiezen welke oefeningen nuttig zijn om positief denken, voelen en doen te stimuleren. Na het lezen van deze handleiding kan de behandelaar aan de slag met de interventie. Deze is toepasbaar bij zelfbeeldproblematiek, welke aanwezig en/of ten grondslag kan liggen aan bijvoorbeeld stemmingsproblemen, gedragsstoornissen en angststoornissen. Hiermee kunnen psychologen, orthopedagogen of andere hulpverleners kinderen en adolescenten meer zelfvertrouwen geven. Het bijbehorende werkboek is geschreven voor kinderen en jongeren vanaf 8 jaar tot in de jong volwassenheid.
Zen And Horseback Riding: Applying The Principles Of Posture, Breath And Awareness To Riding Horses
by Tom Nagel Sally SwiftZen & Horseback Riding explains the location, importance and use of the psoas muscles. The psoas are the deep core muscles that link the upper and lower girdles of the body. They are the basis of all efficient body movement and can be used by everyone in any athletic activity. This book explains how to use your body to achieve tone, find self-carriage and to move correctly both on and off the horse. Zen & Horseback Riding is about using horseback riding as a means of self-development and training. It is about improving both your riding and your life. "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
Zen and Psychotherapy: Partners in Liberation
by Joseph BobrowA new take on the interplay of emotional and spiritual development. Insight, attentiveness, and transformative experience are central in both Buddhism and psychotherapy. An "intimate dialogue" that examines the interplay of emotional and spiritual development through the lens of Zen Buddhism and psychotherapy, this book artfully illuminates the intrinsic connections between the two practices, and demonstrates how these traditions can be complementary in helping to live a truly fulfilled and contented life. As this book deftly explores, integrating the two streams of Zen and psychotherapy can help us to better grasp our conscious and unconscious experiences and more fully develop the fundamental capacities of the self. Bobrow shows how the major themes of trauma, attachment, emotional communication, and emotional regulation play out in the context of Zen and psychotherapeutic practice, and how, in concert, both provide a comprehensive, interactive model of fully functioning human life.