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Lawyers and Other Reptiles

by Jess Brallier

A collection of criminally funny quotations, anecdotes, and jokes about the legal profession, ranging in hostility from gentle teasing to fierce loathing. People love to hate lawyers. You can&’t live with them, but you also can&’t live without them. So you may as well laugh at them, as we have for centuries. In Lawyers and Other Reptiles, Jess Brallier compiles some of history&’s most humorous quips, quotations, anecdotes, and jokes about those in the legal profession. Enjoy the wit of such notables as Clarence Darrow, Jay Leno, Groucho Marx, Richard Nixon, Richard Pryor, Will Rogers, Theodore Roosevelt, Carl Sandburg, William Shakespeare, and Mark Twain. This book is certain to entertain any client, relative, or friend of a lawyer—and perhaps garner a nod of recognition from those employed in the illustrious legal community.

The Lawyer's Essential Guide to Writing: Proven Tools and Techniques

by Marie Buckley

The Lawyer's Essential Guide to Writing is a readable, concrete guide to contemporary legal writing. Based on Marie Buckley's years of experience coaching lawyers, this book provides a systematic approach to all forms of written communication, from memoranda and briefs to e-mail and blogs. The book sets forth three principles for powerful writing and shows how to apply those principles to develop a clean and confident style.

The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft® Outlook 2010

by Ben M. Schorr

The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft® Outlook 2010 is the only guide written specifically for lawyers to help you be more productive, more efficient and more successful. More than just email, Outlook is also a powerful task, contact, and scheduling manager that will improve your practice.

Lawyers Making Meaning....

by Jan M. Broekman Larry Catà Backer

This book present a structure for understanding and exploring the semiotic character of law and law systems. Cultivating a deep understanding for the ways in which lawyers make meaning--the way in which they help make the world and are made, in turn by the world they create --can provide a basis for consciously engaging in the work of the law and in the production of meaning. The book first introduces the reader to the idea of semiotics in general and legal semiotics in particular, as well as to the major actors and shapers of the field, and to the heart of the matter: signs. The second part studies the development of the strains of thinking that together now define semiotics, with attention being paid to the pragmatics, psychology and language of legal semiotics. A third part examines the link between legal theory and semiotics, the practice of law, the critical legal studies movement in the USA, the semiotics of politics and structuralism. The last part of the book ties the different strands of legal semiotics together, and closely looks at semiotics in the lawyer's toolkit--such as: text, name and meaning.

The Lazy Genius Kitchen: Have What You Need, Use What You Have, and Enjoy It Like Never Before

by Kendra Adachi

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Lazy Genius Way comes a fresh perspective for getting the most out of your kitchen! &“An empowering, transformative, and slightly sassy guidebook.&”—Jenna Fischer, actress, author, and producer/cohost of Office Ladies podcast You want your kitchen to be the heartbeat of the home, but you&’re overwhelmed and out of breath trying to make it happen. Meals are on a never-ending loop, and you don&’t have time to prepare dinner, much less enjoy it. Popular Lazy Genius expert and bestselling author Kendra Adachi is here to help! Packed with proven Lazy Genius principles, the book will teach you to: • name what matters to you in the kitchen—whether that&’s flavor, convenience, or something else entirely • feed your people with efficiency and ease • apply a simple, actionable five-step process—prioritize, essentialize, organize, personalize, and systemize—to multiple areas of your kitchen, empowering you to enjoy your kitchen the way you&’ve always wanted You don&’t need magical recipes, fancy gadgets, or daunting lists to follow to the letter; you just need a framework that works whether you&’re cooking for one or for twenty. Straightforward, strategic, soulful, and a little sassy, The Lazy Genius Kitchen will turn your hardest-working room into your favorite one, too.

The Lazy Gourmet: Magnificent Meals Made Easy

by Robin Donovan Juliana Gallin Joanne Weir

The Lazy Gourmet is for anyone who dreams of dazzling guests with fabulous home-cooked fare, but fears that such a feat would require Thomas Keller's talent, Martha Stewart's ingenuity, Gandhi's patience, and Charles Manson's free time. The goal of The Lazy Gourmet is to conquer the misguided belief that preparing an elegant meal requires spending hours-or days-in the kitchen. With the help of an army of volunteer testers-regular people with no culinary training-Robin Donovan and Juliana Gallin developed this collection of recipes that can be prepared using readily available ingredients and common kitchen appliances, and without any previous cooking experience or training. With our recipes, anyone can prepare delicious and sophisticated, yet surprisingly simple dishes that will impress fussy in-laws, placate implacable bosses, and seduce sexy strangers through the proven method of knocking their socks off at the dinner table.As the lazy gourmets themselves like to say, "Cooking a great meal can be just as easy as cooking a crappy meal!" So relax! Stop fretting over elaborate recipes and cumbersome techniques and start cooking the Lazy Gourmet way.

The Lazy Intellectual: Maximum Knowledge, Minimum Effort

by Richard J. Wallace James V. Wallace

It's a small attention span world out there, and not everyone's interested in paging through lengthy tomes to deepen their intellect. They want their information. And they want it now. This book fills that void next to the recliner as the go-to reference whenever work conversations or bar trivia have you feeling stupid. The top ten academic subjects are broken into digestible pieces such as:Fast Facts: One-liners that delivers important informationRepeatable Quotables: Smart words by smart people to make readers look smart by repeatingVisual Aids: Graphs, charts, and tables for when even a few words are way too muchCheat Sheets: Chapter-ending recaps that reinforce the major points to take awayWhether they want an answer to a biology question, or to brush up on their Spanish during a commercial break, this book is perfect for people who couldn't bother paying attention the first time.

Le Canada chez soi: L’Histoire en guise de décor

by Peter E. Baker Jacqueline Dionne Jocelyne Benoit John A. Fleming

Une visite guidée montrant comment l’Histoire peut transformer une maison ordinaire en un chez-soi unique, ainsi qu’un rappel de la force de caractère et de l’ingéniosité qui ont façonné notre pays. Inspiré par le 150e anniversaire de la Confédération canadienne, célébré la même année que le 375e anniversaire de la fondation de Montréal, l’auteur et antiquaire québécois Peter E. Baker donne vie à l’histoire canadienne pour démontrer comment antiquités et art populaire peuvent conférer une identité unique à un intérieur moderne. L’auteur a puisé dans une seule collection pour présenter des objets couvrant trois siècles d’histoire canadienne, depuis l’établissement des premières colonies françaises jusqu’à l’essor créatif des artistes populaires de la fin du XXe siècle. Amplement illustré, rédigé sur le ton de la conversation et facile à lire, le présent ouvrage ne se veut pas une étude technique sur les antiquités d’une région ou d’un type précis. Le Canada chez soi – L’Histoire en guise de décor explique plutôt l’histoire et la valeur artistique de chaque objet choisi.

Le Manuel de L'enseignant du Reiki: Un Guide pour les Étudiants, les Enseignants et les Practiciens

by Tina M. Zion

Le Manuel de L'enseignant Reiki fixe les normes pour l'éducation et l'instruction du Reiki. Ce livre est conçu pour les étudiants, les praticiens et les professeurs. Il enrichira les classes que les professeurs actuels enseignent, et donnera au nouveau professeur la confiance et la fièreté lors de la toute première classe. Les praticiens auront une plus grande compréhension de la mise en pratique du Reiki, et de ce qui se passe vraiment lors d'une session. Vous n'aurez plus jamais de peur ni de soucis pour savoir comment enseigner une classe de Reiki, ou donner une harmonisation. Vous serez satisfait et vos élèves seront reconnaissants du riche contenu de vos classes. Le Manuel de l'Enseignant Reiki est un guide graduel et précis pour l'instruction des trois niveaux ou degrés de Reiki. Ce manuel et son format vous fournit: * Un manuel concis qui est facile à utiliser. * Une référence rapide pour répondre aux questions des étudiants. * Des étapes consécutives avec des estimations de temps, pour être sûr que vous enseigniez toutes les informations et ayez encore plein de temps à disposition pour les sessions pratiques. * Comment donner le plus possible à vos étudiants pendant leurs sessions pratiques. * Comment augmenter la puissance de vos harmonisations. * Comment enseigner l'harmonisation aux autres. * Les buts pour différentes parties de chaque classe. * Les descriptions détaillées et utilisations des symboles. * 15 polycopiés qui sont concis et informatifs, et qui peuvent être copiés de ce livre. * Des explications écrites et complètes pour chaque polycopié. * Une liste de fourniture pour chaque niveau et des suggestions pour l'atmosphère de votre classe. * Les grandes lignes pour ouvrir votre propre centre de pratique de Reiki. * Des informations en ce qui concerne l'obtention d'une licence d'état. * Comment éviter les problèmes avec les médecins et la communauté médicale.

Le meilleur guide pour apprendre n'importe quelle langue rapidement et facilement: Apprenez une langue en 1 semaine

by Sophia Soarez

Un guide détaillé pour apprendre n'importe quelle langue de manière simple et rapide Ce guide vous aidera à apprendre une nouvelle langue en 1 semaine et vous enseignera des trucs et astuces pour devenir un locuteur natif de la nouvelle langue. Basé sur des faits scientifiques, ce livre vous expliquera comment: -trouver moyen le plus simple d'apprendre une nouvelle langue -passer le temps de manière efficace -devenir locuteur natif -apprendre la prononciation correcte de la nouvelle langue -positionner la bouche pour une prononciation correcte -mémoriser des mots d'une nouvelle langue -rester motivé -améliorer l'accent Si vous voulez apprendre une nouvelle langue en une semaine et devenir un locuteur natif, alors ce livre est pour vous. -> Faites glisser vers le haut de la page et cliquez sur Ajouter dans le panier pour acheter instantanément Avis de non-responsabilité: Cet auteur et/ou le ou les titulaires des droits ne font aucune réclamation, promesse ou garantie quant à l'exactitude, l'exhaustivité ou l'adéquation du contenu de ce livre, et décline expressément toute responsabilité pour les erreurs et omissions dans le contenu. Ce produit est destiné à un usage de référence uniquement.

Le province de Quebec

by Agathe Garon W.F.E. Morley André Beaulieu Benôit Bernier

There is no doubt that local and regional history, considered by many as a kind of minor historical study, has a pressing need for a systematic inventory of its resources. This collection shows the durability, the vividness, and the astonishing productivity of a sector of history which is the stronghold of the history-lover rather than the professional historian.The nature and content of each book determines its selection. For each book included, the compilers have weighed its contribution to local history and regional history rather than the style in which it is written--narrative, memoir, descriptive study, or novel. It is this criterion of selection that has permitted the retention of several general histories of a varied nature--Bouchette, Charlevoix, Nicholas Denys, La Potherie, Lescarbot, Hanotaux, Sulte, etc.-- where local and regional life takes on a major importance for reasons of order in history, method, or quite simply because local life is the principal object of the study itself. The editors have also retained certain works--those of George W. Brown, Arthur Buies, George M. Grant, Blodwen Davies, etc.--because they are primarily descriptive and contain numerous elements in which local history blends with the manners and customs of the inhabitants of certain regions.This bibliography is designed primarily for historiographers who have until now paid little attention to local, regional, or parochial history. It will also be invaluable for librarians who suffer from the numerous difficulties involved in the classification of such works. Since 1950, all works published in Canada are, by virtue of the book deposit law, provided to the National Library of Canada, and recorded in Canadiana.

Lead Like a Shepherd: The Secret to Leading Well (Next Leadership Network)

by Larry Osborne

Pastor, author, and leadership consultant unpacks instruction for church leaders found in 1 Peter 5:1-4 where they are exhorted to shepherd the flock among them.Some instruction is timeless. Regardless of the age in which we live, certain instruction carries no expiration on its relevance. Pastor, author, and leadership consultant, Larry Osborne has discovered this to be the case with instruction on how to be a good leader. The best, most practical advice comes from the Bible, and in particular, 1 Peter 5:1-4. It's in this short passage where leaders are exhorted to shepherd the flock among them.Unfortunately, most modern leaders have precious little experience tending sheep, and many of the implications that were well understood when Peter penned these words are lost on today's reader. Osborne finds the parallels to be numerous, well-worth reviewing and understanding anew.A shepherd leads them to water even when they fear it. A shepherd never allows one sick lamb to destroy the flock. A shepherd lays down his life for his sheep . . .When leaders truly understand Peter's words of exhortation to lead like a shepherd, then they will begin to see the path that leads them to Leading Well.

The Leader Phrase Book: 3,000+ Powerful Phrases That Put You In Command

by Patrick Alain

Easily find the right words to respond like a leader in any situation, communicate effectively, and make your way to success.The Leader Phrase Book contains more than 3,000 dynamic phrases that will enable you to prevail in virtually all of life’s important situations. You will be in command of your words and always stay ahead of the game. With this passport to success, you will begin a new journey on which you are among the charismatic, the untouchable . . . the elite.This easy-to-use reference book will give you a new image you can take pride in helping you to quickly reach your full leadership potential. You will have all the weapons to effectively succeed whenever vibrant, forceful language is required. It works like magic!The Leader Phrase Book will teach you how to:• Speak like a leader• Master all conversations• Attain a charismatic presence• Gain the respect of others• Achieve a lightning-fast rhetoric• Find the right phrases instantly• Argue effectively• Be the envy of all you meetThe Leader Phrase Book is the culmination of ten years of Patrick’s personal research on how leaders communicate. It is the summation of his efforts to share one of the most invaluable skills in life: “how to put yourself in command.”Praise for The Leader Phrase Book“This refreshing and practical tool will help to enlarge, promote, and articulate the world of communication.” —Cristina Roggero, Pepperdine University professor of literature“An indispensable tool to help you become quickly fluent in phrases that put you ahead in the marketplace.” —Tony Azar, Homeland Security Chief Engineer“A must read for anyone who wants to move ahead in business.” —Jami Levesque, technical director of 300 and Transformers 3

The Leader's Mentor: Inspiration from the World's Most Effective Leaders

by Ian Jackman

What Makes a Leader? "Leadership is the thing that wins battles. I have it but I'll be damned if I can define it." -General George S. Patton. Leadership is often daunting. Because every situation is different, there is no foolproof, one-size-fits-all approach to learning the ropes. Instead there are a dizzying number of competing ideas and theories which you may find contradictory. The Leader's Mentor offers a guide through the maze ... and also offers pointers as you undertake the leadership learning process.-FROM THE INTRODUCTION. Leadership skills can be learned and the best teachers are the leaders themselves. Drawing on the experiences of leaders in all fields of human endeavor and also the scholarship of leadership experts, The Leader's Mentor offers inspiration and advice for anyone taking on a leadership role. INSPIRATION FROM MORE THAN 200 LEADERS AND VISIONARIES, INCLUDING: Rosa Parks; Jack Welch; Oprah Winfrey; The men of Omaha Beach; Eleanor Roosevelt; Winston Churchill; Mahatma Gandhi; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Vince Lombardi; Estée Lauder; Rudolph Giuliani; Donald Trump. Ian Jackman ( is a writer, ghostwriter, editor, and former managing director of the Modern Library. He is the author of The Writer's Mentor and The Artist's Mentor.

Leaders of Russia and the Soviet Union: From the Romanov Dynasty to Vladimir Putin

by John Paxton

This reference work surveys the leaders of Russia and the Soviet Union- from Michael, the first Romanov tsar in 1613, through the creation and dissolution of the Soviet Union, to the present day President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin. Chronologically arranged, these biographies paint a thorough yet succinct portrait of 30 leaders including discussion about the family and education of each ruler, important legislation, events, and wars under each leader's rule; and each leader's achievements and impact on Russia or the Soviet Union.

Leaders of the American Civil War: A Biographical and Historiographical Dictionary

by Jon L. Wakelyn Charles F. Ritter

Provides an overview of the careers of the great military leaders and the critical political leaders of the American Civil War. Entries consider the leader's character and pre-war experience, their contributions to the war effort, and the war's impact on the rest of their lives. An assessment of their historical treatment puts their long-term reputations on the line, and results in a thorough revision of some leaders, a call for further study of others, and a reaffirmation of the accomplishments of the greatest leaders.

Leaders Who Changed History (DK People Who Changed History)

by DK

Explore the lives of more than 85 of the world's most transformational and influential leaders in politics, business, religion, humanitarianism, and the military with this innovative and boldly graphic book.Comprehensive in its scope and depth, and fully illustrated, Leaders Who Changed History profiles leaders from inspirational to insidious, those who changed the world for the better and those whose corruption left enduring scars. These figures hail from all walks of life - including political, military, religious, and business. Combining accessible text with specially commissioned illustrated portraits in a range of bold styles, photographs, infographics, and timelines, entries explore the lives and legacies of each individual in a fresh, visual way. Covering political masterminds and military geniuses such as Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan, great kings and queens like Elizabeth I and Catherine the Great, icons of religion and rebellion from Mohammad to the Dalai Lama to Mahatma Ghandi, and captains of industry, Leaders Who Changed History explores and explains the world-changing actions of history's heroes and villains.

Leadership and Change in Human Services: Selected Readings from Wolf Wolfensberger

by David G. Race

For over forty years Wolf Wolfensberger has been a significant figure in the world of human services, especially in the field of learning disability. His work on normalization and citizen advocacy in the late 1960s and early 1970s has been acknowledged by supporters and critics alike to have been fundamental to developments in a number of countries, most notably his adopted country, and the USA, Canada, Australasia, and the UK. His further work in developing the theory of social role valorization, the successor to normalisation, and as a commentator on broader trends in society and their effects on vulnerable people and services for them has ensured his place as a major voice for values and the human worth of all people. Never afraid of controversy, his views have brought him into conflict with institutional vested interests and radical groups alike.In Leadership and Change in Human Services David Race introduces the reader to Wolfensberger's key ideas through a series of extracts, with commentary, from his published work. Throughout the edited selection, the emphasis is on placing Wolfensburger's work in contemporary context and examining its continuing relevance today. Including a comprehensive bibliography of Wolfensburger's written output, this text offers an invaluable source of reference to all those concerned with the recent history of the human services.

Leadership and Training for the Fight: Using Special Operations Principles to Succeed in Law Enforcement, Business, and War

by Paul R. Howe

In Leadership and Training for the Fight, MSG Paul R. Howe, U.S. Army Retired, shares ideas on leadership that he has developed through extensive combat experience. Howe tells riveting stories of military operations and analyzes leadership concepts. He also gives advice on how to understand students and how to refine your teaching methods. Written with the unique insight of a Special Operations soldier, this book is the perfect guide for anyone interested in improving leader- ship skills in civilian or military situations.

Leadership, Gender, and Organization

by Mollie Painter-Morland Patricia Werhane

This text provides perspectives on the way in which gender plays a role in leadership dynamics and ethics within organizations. It seeks to offer new theoretical models for thinking about leadership and organizational influence. Most studies of women's leadership draw on an ethics of care as characteristic of the way women lead, but as such, it tends towards essentialist gender stereotypes and does little to explain the complex systemic variables that influence the functioning of women within organizations. This book moves beyond the canon in exploring alternative paradigms for thinking about leadership and gender in organizations. The authors draw on the literature available in systems thinking, systemic leadership, and gender theory to offer alternative perspectives for thinking about the ways women lead. The book offers invaluable theoretical perspectives and insightful narratives to graduate students and researchers who are interested in women's leadership, gender and organization. It will be of interest to all women in leadership positions, but specifically to those interested in understanding the systemic nature of leadership and their role within it.

Leadership in the Performing Arts

by Tobie S. Stein Robert L. Lynch

What does it mean to be a performing arts leader? Leadership in the Performing Arts addresses and analyzes this question by presenting the wisdom and expertise of eleven men and women with experience leading nonprofit performing arts institutions in the United States. These successful leaders provide many real-world examples of business practices that may be generally applied by practitioners in our field, and throughout the nonprofit sector. The book examines: The leader’s career path and professional growthThe leader’s visionLeadership styles and the importance of interpersonal skillsSetting and executing organizational prioritiesLeading decision-making and communication processesCreating change and innovationChallenges faced in leading an institutionInterviewees include: Kathy Brown, executive director of the New York City Ballet; Peter Gelb, general manager of the Metropolitan Opera; Heather Hitchens, president of the American Theatre Wing; Karen Brooks Hopkins, president and chief executive officer of the Brooklyn Academy of Music; Timothy J. McClimon, president of the American Express Foundation; Laura Penn, executive director of the Stage Directors and Choreographers Society; Arlene Shuler, president and chief executive officer of New York City Center; Paul Tetreault, director of Ford's Theatre; Nancy Umanoff, executive director of the Mark Morris Dance Group; Patrick Willingham, executive director of The Public Theater; and Harold Wolpert, managing director of the Roundabout Theatre Company.Allworth Press, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing, publishes a broad range of books on the visual and performing arts, with emphasis on the business of art. Our titles cover subjects such as graphic design, theater, branding, fine art, photography, interior design, writing, acting, film, how to start careers, business and legal forms, business practices, and more. While we don't aspire to publish a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are deeply committed to quality books that help creative professionals succeed and thrive. We often publish in areas overlooked by other publishers and welcome the author whose expertise can help our audience of readers.

Leadership Jazz

by Max De Pree

Leadership in the workplace, says Max DePree, is like playing jazz; it's more an art than a science. Today's successful managers are attuned to the needs and ideas of their followers and even step aside at times to be followers themselves. As a result, they spark vitality and productivity from their work force. They culivate communication and spontaneity, diversity and creativity, and the unique potential of every person in the organization to contribute to the success of the team. InLeadership Jazzyou'll learn -How to hold people accountable but still give them space to make mistakes. - How to balance the needs of your employees with those of the company. - How to inspire change and innovation and maintain a sense of stability. - How to practice the art of delegation. - How to work constructively with creative people. - How to assess candidates for senior positions. - And much more!

Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application

by Carol J. Huston

Combining an equal focus on leadership and management with a proven experiential approach, Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application, 11th Edition, delivers the knowledge, understanding, and realistic leadership experience today’s students need to confidently transition to nursing practice. This best-selling text clarifies theoretical content with a wealth of application-based learning exercises that put students into nursing leadership roles and challenge them to think critically, solve problems, and make sound clinical decisions before embarking on their nursing careers. The updated 11th Edition reflects the latest evidence-based content and incorporates engaging online resources that help students establish a foundation for successful nursing practice in any role or clinical setting.

Leading a Creative School: Learning about Lasting School Change (Creative Teaching/creative Schools Ser.)

by Ethel Sanders

Introducing creativity to the classroom is a concern for teachers, governments and future employers around the world, and there has been a drive to make experiences at school more exciting, relevant, challenging and dynamic for all young people, ensuring they leave education able to contribute to the global creative economy. Leading a Creative School shows that school leaders are central in any change process, and offers suggestions and models of practice for a whole school change towards creative practice. Providing an accessible overview of key issues and debates surrounding different methods of creative change, practical activities, and stimulus material for to help teachers, this book will explain how to: reflect on why change is important for your school motivate your teaching staff; create the conditions for a whole school change; develop practical strategies to make changes long lasting; and assess and monitor changes taking place. Providing case studies and examples of school change from leading practitioners throughout, this book is an invaluable guide for all those involved in school leadership, management and change.

Leading and Motivating Global Teams: Integrating Offshore Centers and the Head Office (Best Practices in Portfolio, Program, and Project Management)

by Vimal Kumar Khanna

This book provides techniques for offshore center managers and head office managers to motivate and manage globally distributed teams, which are spread across the offshore center and the head office, and thereby achieve higher productivity. Readers learn how to integrate the offshore center with the head office to make the offshore team an extension of the head office. While integrating teams with the head office, offshore center managers can still retain independence and authority to meet team aspirations. <P><P>The book provides insight into devising new organizational structures to balance the authority and responsibilities of offshore center and head office managers. Head office managers responsible for managing globally distributed projects learn how to achieve a higher success rate on their projects and be better rewarded for their efforts in offshoring. Head office managers also learn techniques to make more significant contributions in their expatriate assignments to the offshore center. <P><P>This book guides both the offshore center managers and the head office managers to fully realize the potential of the offshore center, which can result in higher revenues and profitability.

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