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Friday's Child (A Day to Remember #5)

by Linda Chaikin

Book 5, Day to Remember Series

Frieda And Min

by Pamela Jooste

When Frieda first met Min, with her golden hair and ivory bones, what struck her most was that Min was wearing a pair of African sandals, the sort made out of old car tyres. She was a silent, unhappy girl, dumped on Frieda's exuberant family in Johannesburg for the summer of 1964 so that her mother could go off with her new husband. In a way, Min and Frieda were both outsiders - Min, raised in the bush by her idealistic doctor father, and Frieda, daughter of a poor Jewish saxophone player who lived almost on top of a native neighborhood. The two girls, thrown together - the 'white kaffir' and the poor Jewish girl - formed a strange but loyal friendship, a friendship that was to last even through the terrible years of oppression and betrayal during the time of South Africa under Apartheid.

Friedman's Fables

by Edwin H. Friedman

Dr. Friedman has woven 24 illustrative tales that offer fresh perspectives on familiar human foibles and reflect the author's humor, pathos, and understanding. Friedman takes on resistance and other "demons" to show that neither insight, nor encouragement, nor intimidation can in themselves motivate an unmotivated person to change. These tales playfully demonstrate that new ideas, new questions, and imagination, more than accepted wisdom, provide each of us with the keys to overcoming stubborn emotional barriers and facilitating real change both in ourselves and others. Thought-provoking discussion questions for each fable are included.

Friedman's Fables (with Booklet)

by Edwin H. Friedman

Dr. Friedman has woven 24 illustrative tales that offer fresh perspectives on familiar human foibles and reflect the author's humor, pathos, and understanding. Friedman takes on resistance and other "demons" to show that neither insight, nor encouragement, nor intimidation can in themselves motivate an unmotivated person to change. These provocative tales playfully demonstrate that new ideas, new questions, and imagination, more than accepted wisdom, provide each of us with the keys to overcoming stubborn emotional barriers and facilitating real change both in ourselves and others. Sure to intrigue and inform, this book belongs in the resource library of public speakers, teachers, trainers, and clergy, as well as general readers.


by Hans Peter Richter Edite Kroll

The tragic story of a little Jewish boy growing up in Nazi Germany during the 1930s.

Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi and the Ends of the Enlightenment: Religion, Philosophy, and Reason at the Crux of Modernity

by Hampton, Alexander J. B. Ariberto Acerbi John R. Betz Brady Bowman Benjamin Crowe James J. DiCenso George Di Giovanni Peter Jonkers Jörg Lauster Sean J. McGrath Ernst-Otto Onnasch Anders Moe Rasmussen Birgit Sandkaulen Daniel Whistler David W. Wood

Friedrich Jacobi held a position of unparalleled importance in the golden age of late eighteenth and early nineteenth century intellectual history. Nonetheless, the range and style of his thought and its expression has always posed interpretative challenges that continue to hinder his reception. This volume introduces and evaluates Jacobi's pivotal place in the history of ideas. It explores his role in catalyzing the close of the Enlightenment through his critique of reason, how he shaped the reception of Kant's critical philosophy and the subsequent development of German idealism, his effect on the development of Romanticism and religion through his emphasis on feeling, and his influence in shaping the emergence of existentialism. This volume serves as an authoritative resource for one of the most important yet underappreciated figures in modern European intellectual history. It also recasts our understanding of Fichte, Hegel, Kierkegaard, and others in light of his influence and impact.

Friedrich Schleiermacher: The Evolution of a Nationalist

by Jerry F. Dawson

Nationalism was a driving, moving spirit in the nineteenth-century Germany of Friedrich Schleiermacher. Jerry F. Dawson, through his thoughtful and well-wrought study of Friedrich Schleiermacher, provides an insight into contemporary nationalistic movements and the people who have a part in them. Schleiermacher, a prominent theologian and educator, was also a leading contributor to the tide of nationalism which swept Germany during the Napoleonic era. Dawson does not present Schleiermacher as an archetype for nationalists, but rather as an example of one man who was willing to sacrifice everything for the good of the nation. Examining the influence of Pietism, rationalism, and romanticism on Schleiermacher, the author explains the origins of his subject's nationalistic activities and traces the evolution of his patriotic point of view. Dawson depicts the development of Schleiermacher's patriotism from Prussian particularism to German nationalism-an allegiance to an idealized Germany unified in religion, language, folkways. He describes the diverse approaches utilized by Schleiermacher to achieve a patriotic awakening among his countrymen: ". . . he preached nationalistic sermons; he delivered scholarly lectures; he repeatedly risked his life on dangerous missions which would help free Germany from France; he used his journalistic talents to try to stimulate the national consciousness of the German people; and he even served in the government of Prussia in an attempt to reconstruct the educational system so that nationalism might be advanced. "

A Friend at Midnight

by Caroline B. Cooney

After rescuing her younger brother abandoned at a busy airport by their divorced father, fifteen-year-old Lily finds her faith in God sorely tested as she struggles to rescue herself from the bitterness and anger she feels.

A Friend Called Anne

by Jacqueline Van Maarsen

When Jacqueline met Anne on her way home from school in the 1940s, the two girls formed an instant friendship. But with every day came an increasing sense of fear, especially as the Nazis took over Amsterdam. Despite the impending war, the friendship between Anne Frank and Jacqueline van Maarsen would never be broken, even when Anne was forced into hiding.

A Friend for Christmas

by Gloria Stewart

Yorkshire, Christmas, 1953. They'd had a cold and hungry winter but Gloria's mother had scrimped and saved to ensure the fire was lit and her five children each had a plate full of food. There was even a place at the table ready for an unexpected visitor; every year there seemed to be someone in need.Despite the busy household, Gloria often ended up playing by herself. That is, until a knock on the door that brought a scruffy pup into her life and her heart. Over the years, Gloria adopted many more dogs, even the odd cat, who helped her through the good times and the bad; through illness, love and loss. They even helped her to carry on her mother's legacy, bringing warmth, food and happiness to those alone at Christmas.

A Friend in Me

by Pamela Havey Lau

Young women long for relational connection with women further ahead of them on the journey. Yet, without realizing it, many of us tend to distance ourselves from those in younger generations. Can we really have close relationships with women who have different thoughts on church, different experiences with family, and different ways of talking about God? Where do we start? In A Friend in Me, Pam Lau shows you how to be a safe place for the younger women in your life. She offers five patterns women need to internalize and practice for initiating relationships and talking about issues such as faith, forgiveness, sexuality, and vocation. Most significantly, she reminds you that there doesn't need to be a divide between generations of women. Together, we can have a global impact--and experience a deeper faith than we've ever known.

Friend-ish: Reclaiming Real Friendship in a Culture of Confusion

by Kelly Needham

Bible teacher Kelly Needham debunks our world's constricted, small view of friendship and casts a richer, more life-giving, biblical vision for friendship as God meant it to be.As the family unit grows more unstable and the average age of marriage increases, a shift is taking place in our culture: for many people, friends now play the role of family. And just as with family relationships, our friendships often don't turn out quite as we envisioned or hoped, and we wonder, Is there a better way to do this?In Friend-ish, Kelly Needham takes a close look at what Scripture says about friendship. She reveals the distorted view most of us have of it and recasts a glorious vision for a Christian understanding. By teaching us how to recognize symptoms of idolatry and dependency, she equips us to understand and address the problems that arise in friendship--from neediness to discord and even sexual temptation. With hard-fought wisdom, a clear view of Scripture, and been-there perspective, Needham reorients us toward the purposeful, loving relationships we all crave that ultimately bring us closer to God.

Friend Me

by John Faubion

"You're afraid you are becoming unfaithful, aren't you?" Scott and Rachel's marriage is on the brink of disaster. Scott, a businessman with a high-pressure job, just wants Rachel to understand him and accept his flaws. Rachel is a lonely housewife, desperate for attention and friendship. So she decides to create a virtual friend online, unaware that Scott is doing the exact same thing. But neither realizes that there's a much larger problem looming. . . . Behind both of their online creations is Melissa, a woman who is brilliant-- and totally insane. Masquerading as both friend and lover, Melissa programmed a search parameter into the Virtual Friend Me software to find her perfect man, but along the way she forgot to specify his marriage status. And Scott is her ideal match. Now Melissa is determined to have it all--Scott, his family, and Rachel's life. As Melissa grows bolder and her online manipulations transition into the real world, Scott and Rachel figure out they are being played. Now it's a race against time as Scott and Rachel fight to save their marriage, and their lives, before it's too late.

Friend of God: Letting Jesus Say Who You Really Are

by Rusty George

You are not the sum of what other people think of you. You are more than your victories or your mistakes. You, like John, are the one Jesus loves.The apostle John grew up just like us. People handed him a ready list of labels—the brother of James, a Jew, a fisherman, a hothead—but then Jesus gave him a new direction in life. Writing about these events many years later, John referred to himself using a curious label. He always writes as “the one Jesus loved.” Many wonder about this choice. Some even think it’s presumptuous. Why would anyone single themselves out as the one loved by Jesus?Rusty George wisely sees that John called himself “the one Jesus loves” so every reader could see that Jesus values and deeply loves them. Friend of God takes you inside John’s writings—his Gospel, his letters, and the Revelation—so you can discover how Jesus saw John, and thus how he sees you. The only person who gets to say who you are is Jesus.Written as short devotional entries, Friend of God encourages you to take the next 45 days and see how your relationship with Jesus grows.

Friend of Science, Friend of Faith: Listening to God in His Works and Word

by Gregg Davidson

A scientist explores the harmony between Christian faith and scienceThough some Christians and many skeptics see science and Christianity as locked in a never-ending battle, geologist Gregg Davidson contends that there is tremendous harmony between Scripture and modern science. Many apparent conflicts arise when the Bible is interpreted apart from its literary and historical contexts, but when these are taken into account, most alleged clashes resolve.Proceeding from a belief that Scripture is inspired and without error and that God's creation should inform how we interpret the Bible, Davidson shows that Scripture and science need not disagree on issues like the age of the earth, Adam and Eve, Noah's flood, the origin and development of life, and numerous related topics. Rather, Christians can rejoice at how God's glory is revealed in both the Bible and the natural world.

Friend of Sinners: Why Jesus Cares More About Relationship Than Perfection

by Rich Wilkerson Jr.

Pastor and writer Rich Wilkerson Jr. shines a spotlight on every Christian&’s calling to reach the world, seek the lost, and save sinners with Jesus&’ scandalous message of the gospel of grace.In Friend of Sinners, we learn:that by following his example, we can have the same clear conviction and compassion for the lost that he did, that His gospel of scandalous grace cannot be overestimated, andHow to embrace the truth that we all need Jesus equally. The Bible calls Jesus a friend of sinners. What does that mean? In Friend of Sinners, Rich Wilkerson Jr. shows readers the profound implications of the reality that Jesus calls us &“friends, not because of who we are or what we have done, but because of who he is. While he was on earth, Jesus knew that people needed to feel like they belong before they would want to behave. He understood that the power within him was greater than the darkness around him, so he loved fearlessly.

Friend of Sinners Study Guide: Why Jesus Cares More About Relationship Than Perfection

by Rich Wilkerson Jr.

The Bible tells us that Jesus was called a lot of names by people. Many of the religious leaders of the day were jealous of his success and wanted to discredit him in the eyes of the public, so they said all sorts of crazy things about him. They whispered that he was an illegitimate child. They accused him of being demon-possessed. They denounced him to the Roman authorities as a rioter and a threat of public peace.In this five-session video Bible study (DVD/digital videos sold separately), pastor and author Rich Wilkerson, Jr. reveals how one of their nicknames for Jesus was true: “Here is a . . . friend of tax collectors and sinners” (Luke 7:34). In the religious leaders’ minds this was one of the greatest indictments imaginable, but for Jesus it was a sign of success because it was the very definition of his mission. Today, Jesus still calls us “friends,” not because of who we are or what we have done but because of who he is. While he was on earth, he knew that people needed to feel as if they belonged before they would want to behave.Rich shows that by following his example, we can have the same clear conviction and compassion for the lost that Jesus did. When we embrace the truth that we all need Jesus equally, and when we trust him to bring transformation in people’s hearts, we will walk as Jesus walked, experiencing the glory of God in our own lives and in the lives of those around us.The Friend of Sinners Study Guide includes video discussion questions, Bible exploration, and personal study and reflection materials for in-between sessions.Sessions include:Missed MessageWeight ShiftLost and FoundComfortably UncomfortableHow to Be GreatDesigned for use with the Friend of Sinners Video Study (sold separately).

The Friend of the Desert: A Novel

by Pablo D'Ors

Existential and curiously hypnotic, Pablo d'Ors evokes the sharp stylized prose of Bolaño, Bernhard, and DeLillo in this strange tale of one man's repeated forays into the desert, and the ultimate silence it contains."Thanks to the back cover of a book I knew that there lived in Brno a man who had dedicated a good portion of his life to traveling through many of the world's deserts." So begins Pavel's story, as a series of mysterious circumstances lead him to change the course of his life. On his repeated trips to the Sahara, first as part of an enigmatic organization called Friends of the Desert and later on his own, Pavel explores the drifting sands, and, ultimately, something approaching infinity. Nothing is as it seems. As the unknowns increase, each encounter presents a new mirror for Pavel's own expanding consciousness. Innumerable artists, thinkers, and mystics have paid their respects to the void. With refinement and care, Friend of the Desert inserts itself to that tradition. In the wake of Hesse's famous Siddhartha, Bolaño's By Night in Chile, and Don DeLillo's The Names, Pablo d'Ors approaches the depths and casually settles in. Friend of the Desert is a rare gift for seekers of the absolute.

Friend of the Soul: A Benedictine Spirituality of Work

by Norvene Vest

In this second book in her series on Benedictine spirituality, Norvene Vest brings the insights of Benedict’s Rule to the world of work. A gifted interpreter of Benedict’s wisdom, Vest examines with empathy and clarity the plight of men and women who wish for their work to be life-giving, service to others, and the place where they can experience the presence of God. Vest brings Benedict’s perspective to three areas of work discontent today: the stress of performance, overproduction, and acquisitiveness. To these she opposes three Benedictine principles: vocation, or being called to what we do; stewardship, or taking care of what we are given; and obedience, or serving one another. Her emphasis is on the words of Benedict’s primary text and its application for people today. Each chapter concludes with extensive spiritual exercises and food for thought.

A Friend to Trust: An Uplifting Inspirational Romance (K-9 Companions #14)

by Lee Tobin McClain

A special K-9. A troubled child. Can their bond heal the past? Pastor Nate Fisher is confident he can handle a bunch of teenagers and ignore his attraction to camp codirector Hayley Harris for the summer. That is, until he learns a camper with an emotional support dog is the child Hayley placed for adoption thirteen years ago. When a misunderstanding brings Hayley and Nate closer together, keeping the secret becomes impossible. But will the truth reunite a family…or destroy Hayley&’s trust forever?From Love Inspired: Uplifting stories of faith, forgiveness and hope.K-9 Companions Book 1: Their Unbreakable Bond by Deb KastnerBook 2: Finding Her Way Back by Lisa CarterBook 3: The Veteran's Vow by Jill LynnBook 4: Her Easter Prayer by Lee Tobin McClainBook 5: Earning Her Trust by Brenda MintonBook 6: Guarding His Secret by Jill KemererBook 7: An Unlikely Alliance by Toni ShilohBook 8: The Cowboy's Journey Home by Linda GoodnightBook 9: A Reason to Stay by Deb KastnerBook 10: The Veteran's Holiday Home by Lee Tobin McClainBook 11: An Alaskan Christmas Promise by Belle CalhouneBook 12: A Steadfast Companion by Myra JohnsonBook 13: The Rancher's Sanctuary by Linda GoodnightBook 14: A Friend to Trust by Lee Tobin McClainBook 15: Her Alaskan Companion by Heidi McCahanBook 16: A Companion for Christmas by Lee Tobin McClainBook 17: Her Christmas Healing by Mindy Obenhaus

Friending: Real Relationships in a Virtual World

by Lynne M. Baab


Friendly Beasts: an old English Christmas carol

by Rebecca St. James

“Jesus our brother kind and good Was humbly born in a stable rude And the friendly beasts around him stood Jesus our brother, kind and good” Join a cow, a camel, a dove, a donkey, and a sheep as they explain what gifts they brought the son of God on the very first Christmas. The Friendly Beasts offers a new way to look at the birth of Jesus through beautiful, memorable illustrations, traditional holiday lyrics, and a CD with narration and music performed by Rebecca St. James.

A Friendly Dialogue Between an Atheist and a Christian

by Luis Palau Zhao Qizheng

A Friendly Dialogue Between an Atheist and a Christian is an exchange between Luis Palau and Zhao Qizheng presenting a composite of recorded dialogues held in China. Luis Palau is a well known Christian evangelist and Zhao Qizheng is the Vice Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee and former Minister of Information for China. A Friendly Dialogue represents a dialogue on philosophy, history, religion, the Bible, creation, atheism, Confucianism, politics, ethics, Chinese and Western cultures, and the relevance of Jesus Christ to society.

Friendly Fire: A Novel

by A. B. Yehoshua

&“A fine novel of loss and hope&” set in modern Israel and East Africa, from the author of A Woman in Jerusalem (TheBoston Globe). During Hanukkah, Ya&’ari, an engineer, and his wife, Daniela, are spending an unaccustomed week apart after years of marriage. While he&’s kept busy juggling the day-to-day needs of his elderly father, his children, and his grandchildren, Daniela flies from Tel Aviv to East Africa to mourn the death of her older sister. There she confronts her anguished brother-in-law, Yirmi, whose soldier son was killed six years earlier in the West Bank by &“friendly fire.&” Yirmi is now managing a team of African researchers digging for the bones of man&’s primate ancestors—as he desperately strives to detach himself from every shred of his identity, Jewish and Israeli. From an author who has won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, this is &“a haunting book . . . that will resonate for a long time in the minds of its readers&” (The Washington Post Book World). &“As in each of his wisely tragicomic novels, Yehoshua orchestrates nearly absurd predicaments that serve as conduits to Israel&’s confounding conflicts, which so intensely and sorrowfully encapsulate our endless struggle for peace and belonging.&” —Booklist

Friends and Enemies (Fortunes of the Black Hills, Book #4)

by Stephen A. Bly

A career soldier who no longer has a career, Robert Fortune moves his family to Deadwood and finds not only his place as a railroad detective but also a fistful of enemies, all seeking vengeance against him and his family.

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